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Practical no : 8

Performed by: Ashwin Pawar Roll no: 23

Test Plan for Zomato Mobile App

Objective: The objective of this test plan is to ensure the quality and functionality of the Zomato
mobile app on Android and iOS platforms by conducting a series of tests.

Scope: This test plan covers functional, usability, and compatibility testing of the Zomato mobile app.

Test Environment:

 Android and iOS Devices: A range of supported models and OS versions.

 Zomato Mobile App Version: [Specify version number].

Test Types:

1. Functional Testing

2. Usability Testing

3. Compatibility Testing

Test Scenarios:

1. Functional Testing:

a. Search for Restaurants: - Verify that users can search for restaurants by name, cuisine, or location.

b. View Restaurant Details: - Verify that restaurant details, including menu, reviews, and ratings,
are displayed accurately.

c. Place an Order: - Verify that users can place food orders from restaurants.

d. Track Order: - Verify the functionality of tracking food orders in real-time.

e. User Registration/Login: - Test the registration and login processes.

f. User Profile Management: - Verify that users can update their profiles, including addresses
and payment information.

g. Payment Processing: - Test payment processing for orders.

h. Review and Rating: - Verify that users can leave reviews and ratings for restaurants.

i. Contact Customer Support: - Verify that users can contact customer support for assistance.

j. Logout: - Test the logout functionality.

2. Usability Testing:

a. User Interface Check: - Evaluate the app's user interface for ease of use and navigation.

b. Performance: - Assess app responsiveness during searches, order placements, and other actions.

c. Accessibility: - Check if the app is accessible to users with disabilities.

Practical no : 8
Performed by: Ashwin Pawar Roll no: 23
3. Compatibility Testing:

a. Device Compatibility: - Test the app on various Android and iOS device models and screen sizes.

b. OS Compatibility: - Verify that the app functions correctly on a range of supported Android and iOS
OS versions.

Test Deliverables:

 Test cases for each scenario.

 Test execution results.

 Bug reports for any defects found.

Test Schedule:

Test Responsibilities:

 Identify individuals responsible for test case creation, execution, and

reporting. Risks and Contingencies:

 Identify potential risks to the testing process and outline contingency plans.


Conclusion: This test plan outlines the testing approach for the Zomato mobile app, ensuring that it
functions as expected on a variety of devices, meets usability standards, and remains compatible with
different OS versions.

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