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No. of Printed Pages : 6 REGISTER NUMBER AL ANA ao M - MODEL QUESTION PAPER (2022 [Time Allowed : 3.00 Hours} [Maximum Marks : 1007 Instructions : (1) Check the question paper for fairness of printing. If there is any lack of fairness, inform the Hall Supervisor immediately. (2) Use Blue or Black ink to write or underline. Ds Note: (i) Answer all the questions. [14x1=14] (ii) Choose the most suitable answer and write the code with corresponding answer. Choose the appropriate synonyms for the italicised words. 1. He wanted to go back to bed, | gripped his arm. (@) removed (b) advised (asked (@) grasped 2. He even gnawed at the dried pieces of eggshell. (a) broke (b) looked (©) made (d) chewed 3. He left the place, making the gesture of Namaste with his hands. (a) sign (b) uttered (c) conduct (@) life Choose the appropriate antonym for the italicised words, 4.1 doubt if even the school building will be recognisable any more (@) certainty (b) confusion (CJ ambiguity (d) uncertainty 5. Women in India remained indoors unless permitted to go out with an escort. (a) remind (b) staye (accepted —_(d) left 6. I could see the faint shine of plates on the plate-rail. (a) bright (b) gloomy (c) quick () slow 7. Choose the correct plural form of bacterium from the following: (a) bacteriums —_(b) bacteria (Jbacteriea —(d) bacterium 8. Form a derivative by adding the right suffix to the word - ‘prepare’ (@)-ly 9. Choose the correct expansion of the abbreviation ‘NEET’. (a) -ory (b) - ise (c) -ation (a) National Exam Entrance Test (b) National Education Entrance Test (c) National Evaluation Educational Test _(d) National Eligibility Entrance Test 10. Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate phrasal verb given below: ‘The Board of Directors. (b) fell about (a) fell on. (c) fell in (A) fell apart 11. Choose the suitable option to pair it with the word ‘time’ to form a compound word (a) hall (b) house (man (@) piece 12, Fill in the blank with the most appropriate preposition given below: ‘The owner of the shop looked _____ the fence. (a) up (b) down (around = (din 13, Complete the following sentence using the most appropriate tense form of the verb given below: Rare plants. (find) in the silent valley. (a) is found (b) found (Care found (d) has been found 14, Choose the most appropriate linker from the given four alternatives. Hari is rich he helps others a lot. (a) When (b) Since (c) Even though (d) Yet [0x2=20) Section -1 Answer any THREE of the following questions in a sentence or two: [3x2=6] 15. What was the daily routine of the Sanyal? 16, What prompted the young seagull to fly finally? 17. Why were the policemen prevented from entering grandfather's room? 18. How long did the circumnavigation of the globe take? Where and when did they return? Section - Il Read the following sets of poetic lines and answer any THREE of the following: [3x2=6] 19. There's a family nobody likes to meet They live, itis said, on Complaining Street a) Where does the family live? b) Why do you think the street is named as “Complaining Street? 20. A silly young cricket accustomed to sing ‘Through the warm, sunny months of gay summer and spring a) What are the seasons mentioned here? b) What was the routine of the cricket? 21. In the dim past, nor holding back in fear From what the future veils; but with a whole ‘And happy heart, that pays its toll To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer. a) What does the poet mean by the phrase ‘in the dim past”? bb) Is the poet afraid of future? 22. Awoman is beauty innate, A symbol of power and strength, a) What is meant by ‘innate’? b) Who is a symbol of power? Section - Il Answer any THREE of the following: [3x2=6] 23, Rewrite the following sentence to the other voice. Rekha has forgotten the answer to the first question. 24, Rewrite using indirect speech. Mother said to the son, “I am going to meet your grandma so you have to study yourself” 25, Punctuate the following sentence. my grandfather said ram don't worry everything will be alright. 26. Transform the following sentence into a simple sentence. ‘Tell me what the time is, 27. Rearrange the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences: a) headed / Kapil Dev / the winning / cricket / Indian / team / was / by. b) loan / apply / you / if /for / you /a / get / will / immediately /it. Section -1V Answer the following question: [1x2=2] 28. Guide the stranger to the City Bus Stand. Write five instructions by way of helping him. vspe nee Oty Bank “ Neto Rod sctoa em a 4 coy San Pe [10x5=50] Section Answer any TWO of the following in utmost 10 lines. [2x5=50] 29. Describe the struggles underwent by the young seagull to overcome its fear of flying. 30. Highlight the factors responsible for the all-women Indian Navy crew to carry out their expedition. 31. Give a brief character sketch of Sasanka Sanyal, 32. Describe the funny incident that caused the confusion in the house. [2x5=10] 33. Describe the journey of life as depicted in the poem by Henry Van Dyke. 34. Compare and contrast the attitude of the ant and cricket. 35. Read the following stanza and answer the questions given below: She's a lioness; don't mess with her. She'll not spare you if you're a prankster. Don't ever try to saw her pride, her self-respect. She knows how to thaw you, saw you - so beware! i) Pick out the rhyming words. ii) Write down the rhyme scheme. iii) Identify the poetic device employed in the first line. v) Pick out the alliterating words 36. Paraphrase the following stanza. They grow! at that and they growl at this; Whatever comes, there is something amiss; And whether their station be high or humble, They are all known by the name of Grumble. Section - III Answer any ONE of the following: [1x5=5] 37, Rearrange the following sentences in coherent order. 1) Somu’s old cook Visu brought Zigzag to Dr. Krishnan’s house. ii) Somu told Dr. Krishnan that Zigzag could talk and sing in about twenty-one languages. iii) But Zigzag transferred all the walnuts and fruits to the chandelier and on the blades of the ceiling fan. iv) Dr. Krishnan’s cousin Somu asked him to keep his pet bird Zigzag with him as he left for Alaska. v) Arvind, the doctor's son gave Zigzag a plate of juicy fruit slices and some nuts. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. “You're both quite mistaken’, their father hastened to explain, seeing his wife's horrified expression. ‘Zigzag is a most harmless, unusual and lovable bird. ‘Great hit indeed!’ MrsKrishnan didn't bother to hide her sarcasm, and continued, ‘Considering that the boomerang sliced through all the TV aerials in the neighbourhood, caused permanent damage to several cars in the parking lot, and knocked out our watchman cold, with the force you threw it’ ‘But Zigzag is different. Somu says we are sure to love Zigzag,’ soothed Dr. Krishnan, ‘because the bird can talk and sing in about twenty-one different language - mostly African languages, of course. When it sings, it moves the listeners to tears. "This is Zigzag! Announced Visu with a flourish. ‘His full name is Ziggy-Zagga-King-of-the-Tonga. How I'm going to miss him! So beautifully he talks! He can even recite French Poetry! Questions: i) Who is Zigzag? ii) What commotion did the boomerang cause in the neighbourhood? iii) What are the specialities of Zigzag? iv) Who recites French poetry? v) What is the full name of Zigzag? Answer any FOUR of the following. [4x5=20] 39. Prepare an attractive advertisement using the hints given below. ‘Singapore mobiles - smart phones - accessories ~ SIM cards ~ Recharge - Free Power banks on Mobile purchase ~ No. 1, Toll Gate, Vellore. 40. Write a letter to the head of the Vodafone office enquiring regarding the internet broadband scheme launched recently. 41, You are the School Pupil Leader of CSI Vellore Diocese Matric Higher Secondary School, Sipcot, Ranipet. Your school principal has requested you to inform the students abouta trip to Yercaud for 3 days, Prepare a notice giving the details such as date of journey, mode of transportation, amount, dress code ete. 42, Look at the following picture and express your views on it in about five sentences. 43. Make notes or write a summary of the following passage: ‘Trees not only supply us with many of the conveniences of our daily life, they do much more than that. They support the life of living things. They help to replace the oxygen in the air constantly being used up and turned into carbon-dioxide when animals breathe and things burn. The green leaves of trees absorb the carbon-dioxide from the air and with the help of sunlight break it up into carbon and oxygen. The carbon is used to make starch and oxygen is released into the atmosphere. That is how trees help to replace the oxygen in the atmosphere. The green cells of leaves are wonderful little laboratories, where all the starch in the world is produced. Since starch forms an important part of the food of men and animals, their life depends on the work done by the green cells of plants, ‘Thus, trees are great friends of man. 44, Identify and correct the errors in the following sentences. a) Though Prema likes coffee but she prefers tea. ) One of the girl look happy. ©) Children bursted into peals of laughter. 4) My uncle bought many furntiures. €) Children prefer ice cream than coffee. Section - V 45. Quote from memory: [1x55] 46. Write a paragraph of about 150 words by developing the following hints. [2x8=16] ‘The summer of life .~ She has no fear. a] Dr. Krishnan’ family - Vishu and the pet bird - Dr. Somu requested - take care - harmless bird - Zigzag - deposited ~ blades of fan - slept - snored loudly - spoiled Mrs. Krishnan’s painting - took to his clinic - changed ~ wanted to keep for ever. OR b) Miranda - thought - grave ~ beards ~ grey ~ father ~ delighted - appearance - beautiful - lovely - place - strange ~ expecting wonders - thought - goddess - island - timidly - simple - enchanted ~ maid - herself. 47. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given below: Preserving Nature is man’s prime responsibility. The earth does not belong to us for us to use and abuse. It belongs to our children. As man became civilized, he slowly lost his attachment with Nature. In his quest for development, man cleared pristine forests and polluted the environment. The magnitude of destruction increased in proportion to the magnitude of his greed. As man drifted away from Nature, his problems increased and his heart became hard and cold. The many calamities, misfortunes and problems of our times are but the manifestation of this greed. This is why we have injured people, animals and environment. If we want to set things right, we must reconnect with Nature, Questions: a) What is the prime responsibility of man? b) Whom does the earth belong to? c] When does man lose attachment with Nature? 4) Whatis the manifestation of man’s greed? oR Read the folloy 1g poem and answer the questions given below: And now there came both mist and snow, And it grew wondrous cold: And ice, mast-high, came floating by, As green as emerald. The ice was here, the ice was there, The ice was all around: It cracked and growled, and roared and howled, Like noises in a sound! And through the drifts the snowy cliffs Did send a dismal sheen: Nor shapes of men nor beasts we ken ~ The ice was all between. Questions: 1 t t t t 1 { | At length did cross an Albatross, | Thorough the fog it came; I Asifit had been a Christian soul, | We hailed it in God ‘s name. a) According to the poet what came there? ») How did the ice look like? ©) Where could the poet see the ice? 4) Which crossed through the fog? ANSWER KEYS 1) Answers written only in Black or Blue ink should be evaluated. 2). Full marks should be awarded only for the answers without any spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. 3) Answers for more than specified number of questions should be struck and labelled as ‘extra’ 4) Answers without question numbers should not be evaluated. 5) In Part - I (Question No. 1 to 14), marks should not be awarded, if the option codes and the corresponding, answers don’t match. (In case the student has written Both) Grasped Chewed 1 Sign 1 Certainty 1 Left 1 6 (a) | Bright 1 7 (b) | Bacteria 1 8 (Q_| -ation 1 9 (qd) | National Eligibility Entrance Test 1 10 | ca) | Fettapare 1 1 | @ | Piece 1 12 | (© | Around 1 13 | © | Arefouna 1 14 | (a) ] vet 1 PART-II Ques. No Section - I (Any Three) 3x2=6 He would visit Nagen Uncle’s tea shop, have tea and biscuits and would always remember to pay. 15 OR 2 Sanyal went to the tea shop and had tea and biscuits there, He never failed to pay for them. This was the daily routine of Sanyal. | Hunger andit’s attempt to get food prompted the youngbidtofy finally. ——=& oR 16 | The mother seagull showed a piece of fish to the hungry young seagull. But he couldn’t 2 reach the food as it was out of reach. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. Thus, its natural bird instinct and its urge for survival prompted the young seagull to fly, finally. ‘The grandfather was sleeping in the attic. He was against the deserters. If he saw the cops he would think they were the deserters and he would act in a wild way. 17 OR 2 Grandfather mistook the police as General Meade’s men who were retreating, With that thinking, he harmed them. So, the police were prevented to enter grandfather's room, 18 __| The circumnavigation of the globe took 254-days. They reached Goa port on 21 May 2018. 2 Section - Il (Any Three) Complaining Street 1° Ty [ ecause all the people in the street always complain about everything 1 a)_| Summer and Winter are the seasons mentioned here. 1 2° [ay | He goraccustomed osingingin summer and spring 1 a)_| Unhappy or unpleasant past experiences 1 *) Ty [nome poet is not afraid of the future. 1 a}_| Inborn and natural 1 * Tay) [woman oftoday 1 Ques. No Section - III (Any Three) 3x2=6 23.__| The answer to the first question has been forgotten by Rekha. 2 24 | Mother told the son that she was going to meet his grandma so he had to study himself 2 ‘My grandfather said, “Ram, don’t worry. Everything will be alright’. 2 26 | Tell me the time. 2 ‘The winning Indian cricket team was headed by Kapil Dev. Ifyou apply for a loan you will get it immediately. Ques. No Section - IV 28 | Any five relevant instructions may be given full marks 2 PART-IIL Ques. No Section - I (Any Two) 2x5=10 30 % Content ~ (60%), Language (40%) Exceptionally good paragraph 5 ° 4 Correct answer with all points with no mistakes 4 4 Correct answers with few mistakes 3 #2 4 Answers with a few points with many mistakes 2 Ques. No Section - Il (Any Two} Content - (60%), Language (40%) I 33 ‘Exceptionally good paragraph 5 ” ‘Correct answer with all points with no mistakes 4 Correct answers with few mistakes 3 Answers with a few points with many mistakes 2 her - prankster ~ beware 35 Metaphor she - spare Any relevant five sentences may be given full marks (Ques. No Section — III (Any One) 1x5=5 Dr Krishnan's cousin Somu asked him to keep his pet bird Zigzag with him as he left for ™) Y alaska, 1 ii) | Somu told Dr. Krishnan that Zigzag could talk and sing in about twenty-one languages. 1 37 [ a) | somu's old cook Visu brought Zigzag to Dr. Krishnan’s house. v) | Arvind, the doctor's son gave Zigzag.a plate of juicy fruit slices and some nuts 1 |__| But Zigeag transferred all the walnuts and fruits to the chandelier and on the blades of 9.) che ceting fan 1 |__| a | Zigzagisa most harmless, unusual and lovable bird. 1 All the TV aerials in the neighbourhood, caused permanent damage to several carsin "| the parking lot, and knocked out our watchman cold, with the force you threw it. 1 38 “The bird can tallcand sing in about twenty-one different language ~ mostly African 19 | languages, of course. When it sings, it moves the listeners to tears. 1 iv) | Zigzag 1 v)_| ‘His full name is Zigay-Zagga-King-of-the-Tonga 1 Ques. No Section - IV (Any Four) 4x5=20 ‘Advertisements > Outline 1 > Picture 1 39 Title 1 > Captions 1 > Address 1 From, To, 1 Date, Salutation 1 460 Body of the Letter 2 Subscription and Superscription 1 Name of the institution and programm 1 a1 [pate and Venue 1 Content 2 Name and designation ‘Any Five relevant sentences without mistakes Note Making: Title 1 Words/Phrases with all important points/sub heading with points 4 Summary: Title 1 a a sss Rough copy 2 Fair copy 2 a) | Delete ‘though’ or ‘but’ 1 One of the girls looks happy. 1 4 Children burst into peals of laughter. 1 4) | My uncle bought many furniture 1 ¢) | chitaren preter ice-cream to coffee 1 Ques. No Section - V TAM EVERY WOMAN: ‘The summer oflife she's ready to see in spring She says, “Spring will come again, my dear. 45 | Let me care for the ones who're near.” 5 She's The Woman she has no fear! ~ Rakhi Nariani Shirke Ques. No PART-IV 2x8=16 (a) oF (b) Supplementary Summary of the story Any one Title 1 16 ‘Own Summary without Mistakes 6 Moral 1 a) | Preserving nature b) | 1ebelongs to our children, 2 )_| When man became civilized, he lost attachment with nature. 2 The magnitude of destruction 2 "7 a) | Mist and snow. 2 b) | asgreen as emerald. 2 o) | The ice was all around 2 a) | an Albatross 2 XXXXXXXXXXXX

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