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My Lesson Plan Date: 01JAN TO 15 JAN 2022……

i. General Facts:
1. Name of the Teacher & Designation SHIVSHANKAR MATE
2. Subject: CHEMISTRY
3. Class &Section 12 A
4. Number of enrolled Students : 41
5. Name of the Lesson 14. BIOMOLECULES
6. No. of periods required : 10
7. Estimated Time Period: From:..... 01 JAN TO 15 JAN 2022……
ii. Gist of the topic with specific aim: After studying this unit student will able to-
After studying this unit student will able to- 1. Define the biomolecules like carbohydrates, proteins & nucleic acids.
2. Classify carbohydrates, proteins & nucleic acids & vitamins on the basis of their structures.
3. Explain the difference between DNA & RNA.
4. Appreciate the role of biomolecules in biosystem.
5. Explain the structure of carbohydrates, proteins & nucleic acids.
6. Enzymes & harmones & vitamins.
My Statement of Teaching Philosphy: (Brief & Specific to the topic):
Students should able to learn the concepts of topics rather than rote learnings & can implement the
ideas and applications in their daily life as well in society.
i. Targeted Learning Outcomes, pedagogical strategies/process used &Assessment Tools/Techniques
applied for measuring the attainment of targeted learning outcomes: (Specific to the topic and mapped
with learning outcomes suggested by CBSE)
Students will able to Define the Explained by lecture & models & Define the following terms -
biomolecules like carbohydrates, proteins charts of biomolecules. biomolecules like carbohydrates,
& nucleic acids & their characteristics. proteins & nucleic acids.
Able to Classify different biomolecules on Use of NCERT notes, PPTs & other Write the monomers of glucose,
the basis of their structure & chemical support material. sucrose, starch, glycogens etc.
Students will able to explain the basic Models of DNA & RNA, make 3D models of DNA & RNA
difference between DNA & RNA on the videos.
basis of composition & structures.
Students can able to understand the Chalk & duster method. List the importance of
importance of different biomolecules in Smart video classes. carbohydrates, proteins &
living beings. nucleic acids.
Student will able to explain structures of Explain with the help of chart & make diagram of DNA & RNA in
carbohydrates, proteins & nucleic acids. videos using projector. note book.
NCERT book
Can understand about various diseases Chart of deficiency diseases. & PPTs. Write the sources of different
caused by deficiency of vitamins, harmonal vitamins.

ii. Topic to be presented by the students to strengthen the learning of the lesson(One day in a week to be decided by the teacher each and
every students or group should be given opportunity) :
Sl No Topic/Sub-Tpic Mode of acquisition used by the students
1. Classification & properties of carbohydrates , proteins Scientific Method,
2. DNA & RNA Chalk & board, examples from daily life, PPT
Mode of acquisition- life experience/social customs and traditions/ authority (Teachers, Parents, Mentor, elder brother or
sister, senior friend), / reasoning, / scientific method, / social inquiry method.

iii. Resources used or self-developed for reinforcement of learning & making the learning a joyful experience as well as meaningful:
PPT, Models , Charts
iv. 21st Century Skills involved in teaching learning of the chapter: Learning Skills (Learning skills -Critical thinking, creativity,
collaboration, communication ), Literacy skills (information Literacy, media Literacy, technology Literacy), Life skills-
(flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity, social skills)
For the students: . Listening skill, Learning skill, Creativity, communication skill, Problem solving skill,
Motivation skill, Application skills.
v. Inclusion of life skills/values, gender equality, environmental awareness, introduction to Indian heritage and culture, civil rights and
responsibility sense etc. during teaching learning process:
Students are taught to be honest during learning Gender equality
Understand applications & uses different Biomolecules in daily life....
vi. Interdisciplinary relationship of content and application in reinforcement of learning
Related to physics & mathematics
vii. Steps devised for development of Critical & Creative Thinking, Competency Based Educationand enrichment of experiential
Students are advise to relate solid states application in daily life
viii. Planning for remedial & inclusive teaching:

Name of students for remedial Remedial methods to be used Follow up steps

Aarti revision test
Name of students who are to Specific inclusive teaching method to be used Follow up steps
be focused for inclusive
Nandini Preparation of NEET & JEE tests

ix. Details of home assignment:…

Objective type questions, Chemical Reactions, VSA, SA, NCERT Exercises………

Date : Signature of the teacher

Remarks of the Principal/VP/HM:

Signature of the Principal/VP/HM

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