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Summary drama :
-Drama is a story told in dialogue by Performers in front of an audience

-Drama is another word for a play

-Drama is more than theatre : drama means to be staged or performed

-original drama name is from via late latin called dran ( do and act)

The main element drama is :


Spectacle includes all aspects of the tragedy that contribute to its sensory effects: costumes,
scenery, the gestures of the actors, the sound of the music and the resonance of the actors'


Character, particularly when enacted by an actor in the theatre or cinema, involves "the illusion
of being a human person".


Plot is the sequence of interconnected events within the story of a play, novel, film, epic, or
other narrative literary work. More than simply an account of what happened, plot reveals the
cause-and-effect relationships between the events that occur.


As a literary device, diction refers to the linguistic choices made by a writer to convey an idea or
point of view, or tell a story, in an effective way.


According to what Aristotle wrote in Poetics, melody is the music that accompanies a dramatic
work. In order for the melody to be used properly, it can only be used when it blends in with
the play.

idea, theme ("the me") of the play. often allegorical or symbolic. sometimes direct, sometimes

There is two type of drama :



comedy is a humorous story with a happy ending while a tragedy is a serious story with a sad

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