Mat0310 (Zincatura)

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mS material specifications mane ZINC PLATING 1. score: 1.4. This specitcaton covers CNH roqurements for zine electroplated and mechanicaly plated {inishos. ‘Sic Types of standard inishes and fo Clases of standard zine plang thickness are detned 800 Tables 2 and 3, Types ZN TCR and ZNM TCR prot the ge of hexavalent chromium passivation is speseation is intended to replace Farmer GNM Company specications ‘sted in Table "and shouldbe used for all ew and updated engineang drawings and standards 412. CNH has bogun the prceoes of olininatng haxavolent chromium passivation and compounds from al zne plated fneshes supp to this specifeaton. CNH f Implementing a traniton to valent Chmium passivation which cas provide the same Iellonal characterises and corrosion protection hexavalent chromium passvaten. This wanstion to tvalen chromium paseivation wil Appi tal indard hardware, pin, hyorasicfiings and tubing, and ether individually platd pars. Duty the teanstion period, bath hexavalent and tivalent ehvomum passivation are permed where fish Types pected allow ihe uso of haxaalent chromium passivation unless otherwise spoctied of retced. However. eal nperentain of tvalet chromium passvaton is recommended wherever possible or ‘Zine pated tishes supped ts CN, 4.2.4 In aon to meeting the requirements ofthis specication, there are defined implementation equiements for he vansiton b valent chromium gasswvaton that must be met fer ane plated pats "Supplied fo the CNH IW fealty see CNH ES.476 Tivaen! Inplmentaton Requirmonts ahd “Timing for Wha, KS Products. Tabet Former GNH Company Material Specifications ‘CHR | Gage] AH Penrevvania Oak eagineseng Ta Taetor Type FNHA Stindard” [Standard Fasteners | —Consal Par —| Enginsering | TAR 0 (HS08305) | EN'SOAola, | ON sont, Fen Xec | Fat 8740, va enon aic,A2c,oravc_| ew rzszaFeznxee_| "Type iret “ Fat Sra ‘cleat “ype Neer | EZOT | sos WaRERDOG, | —ENTEG Ae, —| “UN SRRT Fae eR Fat Sra “Non to, orci _| en 1250, Fezn ee _| "rye ip wss0n006) | ENISo8ba, | DNTEONE, Felen Xe | FI WSPAGE » | enor. ainuazn.oraen_| len esearezaxer | "type Zia ve Ts wasO0ET ~ ‘(tou ZYCR | (Gla = 1) ae Eagraaag SAT TT Wa RTT FIRED 2. APPLICATION 24 Zine plated fishes ar ssed primary 28 protective cating on frou based rate. They ‘20 intended 1o extand the corcsion resistance ofthe substrate material Required coroson pretation ‘nd appearance are facors to consider in spectying the Type and Class of zinc plang for an pplcaton. Paining apart or tea of high corrosion reetanoe costing por CNM MATOO0 should Be onaidoad where sigadtcelyInproved cavonon resistance compared i rn plang is required yioa_| "ion SPEC 2c PLATING twa [0 |"1orw | ero [UNCONTROLLED COPY When Pie ‘MATos10 Table? ‘GR Grade and Material D ‘CNH Type ‘Deseo es EEG Te OT Ha pot. Tat rea TTS ‘anyon | pened see Socior 221 and 223. Type 21 YR exis goo corasenrsancs an Ne 2 Fst amino ud Type fr exer apeatons, heading. and ahr cronets ‘Ze echoing wih dearer pstator Na Reavab Sonu praia zn cr | Type 2N TCReanprtidecatanie essen corpnntioto ype 2N Yo. Use ot evar npestons hyo ings sn taseg an ter corps Zh eecoplng wh clea’ 0 cokted ad sc cer Corts PANT. THREATS zcor | hexavalent comtampascraton partie see Seen 22 and22, Type PH CCR fish [Sie een xeon ressare ads am eho Ue ed Zh owctplng wi ek etre Svante paseo. The! 6 PESTA OTT zupcr | pauthaton permit, se Saton 221 and 223. Type 2 CR tran eb morte caroson {lanes an spray usa or egparace purposes mar apleaton Zc acarel pag wih yew cosa corps aes mai aN Tala fame’ carmen permits, sex Setaon?'2 and 22°. Specie Type HM YER. [sreqe or aplcaon suc oping ol wce cad pings, ep ings tod S0 aH Case, ‘obomand ahesbengh oaerers zw yor he nechaia an wh er etn ORM Pavan Na haan Gna pre. anu ror | Sanmeptain sedests pe YOR ype SI TER yess or IVER Ti Bee Tia olan sepa eure 22 The zine passivation fnithes have ypically contained hexavalent chromium. Per the European ‘Commission. Diecave ©, regarding endo-fe vehicles, hexavalent chromium containing finishes aro net pormited on rew automebies and ight ticks eokd in Europe aor OF July 2007, Although ths digctve dos nol govern ofthighway equipment, avalabity of these passivation pes ‘may bocame problematic n Ewepo and aio in Nor Amatiea, 2.2.4. Type ZN TOR may bo supped forall parts where Type ZN YCR of ZN CCR is epeciied on ‘existing art drawings." Approval ofthis substiuton bythe protring CNH fei fe required pir to "supplier shipment of pats. See also Seton 7 for requred actons ated to changes nthe Zine plating 2.2.2. tis cecommonded that Typo ZN TCR be speci fr al nee appcations where Types 2N YOR ‘1 ZN CR have typicaly been specified. No special pal approval is requed where the Type 2N TCR. Is specied and tho nish macs Table 3 deed corosio resistance and clr requemens, 22.3 When applied propery, fiches vith tvalont chromium passivstion can prove corrosion fesitance (ahi and red) that uly meets the corosion rosstance recuremens spectied fy Table 3 ‘Specal approval for bivalent chromium passivated pala supplied fo this speciation is not requ whore the submited parts meet he delined corrosion resistance end colo equemeont for he pected lang Types. Part approval. por to shipment of he parts, must be obtained om the precartg CNN facily in cases where this subsfuton rosuts in reduced coroson resstanoa or fhe colar ofa tvslen ‘homium fnish applied to parts Is dnt front from the feish color ypeally supplied (2. ight Indescentyetow fo versus a dark yelow or bronze eal). Prior to making any changes oto Ze Platina fish, auch as the tyoe of chromium passivation. the supper hall nly ha proc CNH faciy of te proposed changes See Section 7. ‘SPEC ZING PLATING © | "ror w | a7s0sz77 \DICONTROLLED COPY Wien Peta ‘MATos10 Tables St | pen [we dorset "ita Conson Type ia How oun | sour Sime rence oo ——| aver | acer, —| ae ‘s{boo070) —| 2] Dales Sano o paren aa —| aire = DH n ta ate “toma 1 oe ‘som 2 Samo = zucon | Splat Saat , ee sae els —| — S5m0a—] — zocr |x Siomoan—| a —| ‘pwea i Sapa avon | eanek span » anyon | atom ain ‘oon ren matoe zu on | Seg ae 2 -_s ‘an Barta essstytin hue 13 | 13 050050) 70 (OV Wis ca es shuld ob pees aT Sed rere BOER TNT 2.24 Basie zine plang with hoxavalont or tivalnt etvomium passivation wil typical exhibit Comparable cooficient of ficion values. Howover, tis recognized tal both inks can ext significant variably in cooficiont of ficton and fled torque fasion charactestes. Sealants are Permits for ay ofthe CNH pang Types, but they are nat rege. Reportedly, sealants ae often ‘spplied over valent chromium passivation to actiove required caroson resttanoe. Where a ceslant ‘pptied over any plating Type i should nat be fom with a fichon moder Appi sealant not signiscany affect the coeffien of fiction wen compared to a corespondng ase hexavalent ‘chromium conversion fish. When change fom hexavalent to tivalent passivation i made or were Sealants are applied riches are expocted to comply uth torque tension valves pet GNH ENS7OO! 23. CNH Type ZN YOR has teen the most commonly used plating fish and fs iypicaly spied for Standard hardware doe to fs good cavesin Yowsance and. process avail See, STPADZO (67026717) fr information regarding standard fastener hishes. {necessary spacial color requirements ‘should be spected on te draning or purchase order by agreement bekwaon the supplier an the Drocuring CNH facil. "Type ZN CCR or ZN BCR may be spect ¥ requited fr appeals reasons. Black Type ZN BCR is suscepti to highly visble white cotosin in exterior app ‘coating, FNHA.23-071, or high cavvonon resistant coating per CNH MATO920 are ava ‘nish with higher corosion resistance for exterior appcation. SPEC ZING PLATING. | sor w | e7s0s277 ‘UNCONTROLLED COPY When Pint may material Specifications maTesi0 24 Certain zine electopatd parts may requre a baking treatment cu othe possibity of hysrogen ‘ombsitloment, sao Section 4.7. Mechanial sine plang shal be spose for applestione that ars highly ‘ceptible to hydrogen embstement rom slecroplating. suchas those sted Tab 2 25 Zinc plated parts shal net be used in appeatens hat have rect contac with aluminum. Oact tontact beeen tho two moll wil osul hy unaccepable galvanic carosion of the zine plated armponents. This esion dons not apply to anodized akin, 3. RELATED SPECIFICATONS ‘ANSI B13 Screw Thvead Gaging Systems for Dimensional Aceptabay ‘ASTM B17 Sal Spray (Fo) Testing [AST 8185 Prato or Preparation of Low Carbon Steel or Eldoplatng ‘ASTM 8201 Pracce fr Testing Chomate Coatings on Zine and Cadmium Suraces ‘ASTM 8242 Pratics for Preparston of High Carbon Stee for Elecroplating ‘ASTM 8320 Practes of Preparaon of len Casings fer Electroplating ‘ASTM B487 Mathed fe Monsurament of Metal & Oxide Coating Thickness by Mirescopical Exarinston ‘fa Cross Secton ASTM B504 Measurement of Ticknoss of Motalic Coating by th Coulometic Mthod ‘ASTM 6499 Measurement of Coating Thickness by the Magnetic Mes, Nonmagnetic Coating on Magnotis Basis Metals ASTI 8571 Test Adhesion of Metalic Coatings ‘ASTI 8839 Mehod ~ Resdsal Embritloment of Metalic Costed Externally Thresded Arties, Fastoners, and Rod-Inined Wedge Method ASTAAGASO Post Coating Treatmont of Stoel for Reducing Risk of Hydrogen Embritlement (CNH ENS7001 (38926520) Tiling of Threaded Fasteners (CNH ES-#176 TrvlontImplemntaton Requirements and Ting fo Witte, KS Products (CNH WAT0320 (87340906) High Coroson Resistance Coatings (CNH MAT1005 (86678048) Metalic Material Designations on Enginearing Drowings (CNH ENP100 (86619032 Significant Characteisiss FNHA2.071 (86618362) Autophoratic Coating '80 896/1 Mechanical Properties of Fastonors = Bots, Screws and Studs 180 800/2 Mach. PropartesofFsteners, Nus- Spectied Proot Loa Vales-CoarseThresd 'S0 4042 Fasteners Eletopited Costing: '80,10587 Metalic & Olver nerganc Cigs~ Tost for Residual Embvitloment Incined Wedge Method ‘SAE 1420 Mechanical & Matera Requirements fr Extomaly Threaded Fasten ‘SAE 4995 Mechanical & Mater Raquiements fr Stee Huts 4 REQUIREMENTS. 44 CN zine plated parts stall meet all requiroments ofthis speciation in adaion to any special ‘quirements spaciied on the dating. These raqutements only apply to signiieant surtaces ‘Signfeant surfaces are those where the plating is necessary tothe funtion of appearance ofthe part ‘afer assembly and may be defned on the drawing or previously sgreed upon Inthe purchase oer, Ganeraby ti hat pn ef the vse surges on te part that can be contacted by 2 14m (00 eh) ‘Samoter sphera Unlaes others epactiad, holes recesses, teats, sharp edged rin, and ange ‘are considered non-sinifcatsrfaces, see Section 441 or minimum plating Tequrements spec ane puatine 0 [eee w [ease mS material Specifica ns MaTost0 Tae Toqued Ze Plating Tcneas Range US Guiomar ne) Fasteners | ___csson tg coos Fis Ghoree 24 6.20 The te Requied | Naima Thewsos | Reed] Mesa Theead ich, | ines | Ti ee eee | mines) pe Suse | gmgnen Ttoantter [3 | 6 000005) Zisdiner [3 | 6 oon wots [8 | 800m ee a [2o0endcosset—s [samme] ising | —s —| aos | 42 STRESS RELIEVE Wher zinc plating fs specined, sts reve al stool pats prior to the surtace preparation process that have a surface hardness above 31 HRC (or equvaiont) end conaintensie tesidualsesson, fom ‘aching, arindng, straightening, or coking operations. Hardened and tompered pats wth no subsequent procesing to cause ens restualstsses nthe part are exsinpt om ths requement ‘toss releve pars at 190 15° (375 425" Fora minimum of thee () hours a temperate wot reducing the hardsess bolo the speed minimum 43° SURFACE PREPARATION 43.1. Prior to plating, pats shal be thoroughly cleaned and fren of tool mas, rue sale, ot pits, foreign mater, ana any siface condos detrimental to plating high or aahesion, leaning operations, Peariculary acid cleaning, must be contotod to prevent hydrogen embriiement: paras on pats that ' hardened, cold worked, andor highly stressed in sevice. Acd clearing nel pete To pats ‘wit hardness above 39 HRC (or equvalen) For both electroplated end mechanical fst coulngs Fecommended that appropriate caning pracices be Usod, such as ASTM B83, ASTM E242, or ASTM bso. 43.2. Pior i mechanical ine pain, pars shall be depasied wih a thin coating of copper (8. copper fash) ox simiay mal by immersbn inappropriate chemical soktone wihout tho se of soci ceren ‘Theres no thickness euemen for ts coating, 44 PLATING THICKNESS: 444 Fasteners & Thveadod Ara ‘Tho minimum required plating tickness Ciass and the maximum permissibi plating thickness fe leaded surfaces are shown in Table 4, Zine platng thickness requirements ar indedted for mele fasteners wih Class 6g (extra and Class 66 (intemal) tie fs and US customer (inh) fasteners with Glas 24 (extemal and Class 28 (normal) vead its, The maximum thickness may beared fhe ‘manulaturer ofthe threaded fastener takes nto account the changes in pitch diameter duct hs plating {and can assur thera isan allowance mainaied win standard tveaded manufacturing pratense ‘lating. This shall be nepotised wth the procuring CNH facity and Matta Ensinoorng ety a ‘omit of samples. ‘intemal threaded component pals having a hole depth gtoatr than Sm (0.25 inches) need not mest the hcknessrequaments on the teaded portion unloss otherwise spoifed on the Engineering drawing or standard ‘SPEC ZINC PLATING. 2 | Sor | “e7a03277 [UNCONTROLLED COPY nan Pett MATos10 442 General Parte The plating thickness of sigieant surfaces shall meot th minimum required by the plating thickness (Glass specited on the engineering drawing or standard. Standard plating castes aro shown i Tae 3 ‘Non-signilcant surfaces must be visly plated and shall have @ minimum plating thekness Of the nex lowest cass wih respect tothe designated plang lass. Whore Class 3 heknase fe speciied, ton signiicant surfaces shal havea ninimum plating thekness of 15 mcrometrs (0.00008 inches). 45 DIMENSIONS AND TOLERANCES 48.1 General Pans The dimensions specied on cravings where zie plating is specified shall be afer plang unless converse specie. 45:2. Fastoners & Threaded Aas In gonorl when fasteners are assombled,toth the external and internal headed! component must tun Sealy in ther iiended use. For metic threads, dmonsonalrequements snd gauging shal be por 'SO 4042, For extemal inch theads, aocoptabay of seu teas shal be determined based on Sytem 21 pr ANSIBI.3. The Class 2A maximum dametore apply fo a pat before plating or coating, wirees the basic diameters (Class 2A maximum dlameters pis the plating alowence) appl toa pata plang oF ‘ating. Intemal inch theads shal meet the Clase 2B gauging requremne both before eed ate plating 48 CORROSION RESISTANCE 4841, White Corosion ‘Alter neural sat spray testing ortho numberof how's specified in Table 9, tere shall be no white ‘arosion products visible tthe unaided oye on signtiant sures, 482. Red Conosion ‘Aor newt salt spay testing fs the numberof hours specified in Table 3, there shall be no more than ‘one spot of red conoton visible to tho unaided aye per 50 equa riers (one pol pr square inch) of significant surface. On piecos having tess than 650 aqua milmeters (1 square ich) of Significant surface, a maximum a one spot of red conosin is permissible. No individual ed corrosion spot ager than 15 mm (0.060 fches) in chameter sperms. 417 HYDROGEN ENBRUTTLEMENT/84KING ATA. Susceptible Pane parts subsequently zinc elacvoplated having a measured surface hardness above 34 HRG (ot ‘eauivalnt) and al highly rested cold worked parts can experience hydiogen embifement. This ‘encompasses al standard Class 108 fastonor mecting ISO 898 or Grad masing SAE 1429. Tho baking of such parts immediate ater electopiating has to relleve this condition. thing por Socton 473 equred fr these susceptbl pats. The baking Yeqiement hall be nod onthe drawing wth "Baking ls Required’, soe Sector 8.3.1 exampo. Suscaplaly to hyrogen embrtiements syniianty ‘reduced by spectying mechanical zinc plating ora high coresion resistant coating por CNH MATOS20, SPEC ZN PLATING orem [pear maamearmeren mG Material Specifications MATos10 472 Beompted Pas ‘lass 10 nuts meeting 150 8042 and Grade 8 nuts meeting SAE 3995 and al standard fasteners ‘speciied por ISO 808" Clase 8.6 or SAE 420 Grade § and lower are example frm the baking fequrement givn in Secion 4.73, Mechanical plated parts are aloo exempted. Under ined Ccreumsanoes the suscoptibe pars described in Section 47-1 may bo exempted from the baking ‘equirment, these pars shal ne "Baking Not Required” onthe engineering drawing, soe Section 8.3.1 ‘ample. 47.3. Baking Requirement Unies exempted o otherwise spaced on the drawing, the zine electopated parte described in Section 47-1 must bo baked (rokeved) mediately afer elactplatng and before cher chemical eaten (i. tomate passwvation) by heating to 175°C (350°F) minimum for atleast 4 hours at temperatie, Treatment at higher temperatures and for longer tes may be necessary to ensure teedom om Inyogen embritiement. Hardonod pars that are tempore al less Wan 175°C (350°) sal be heated {o 180°C (300°) fer at least 8 tour a emperatut, Baking trosmont por ISO 4042 Annex tor ASTM [8850 are acoptabeallmatveaactzes to assure freedom tim hydrogen embrillement. 47.4 A constant lad tos, such 98 ASTM 539 or ISO 10547, to determina parts have been affected by hydrogen ombvitfoment may bo required by agreement between the suppier and procuring CNH feciy. Development of unique oad tsi fer cata pats may be necessary and in hase ensas should bo epocifed on he enginearing drawing, 48 ADHESION For al classes, plating shal demonstrate salstactory adhesion tothe subetate by passing the indicated ‘adhesion tests shown Section, 49° PLATING QUALITY & APPEARANCE ‘The platng shall be dense, unitum, and feo of pros, pinholes, bso, faking, cracks, and sain. The platng shall be fee of eter disconuites that afect appearance, prt relay (auch ae are sles), oF corosion sistance. It shall ot exhib gay or burned ates. The color of th fished part shall meet the description given in Tabla 3 forthe designaed CNH Type. Unique colo romuiements ‘may be specied on the drawing as 3 special requirement ot oblained by agrooment between the roearing CNH faci and supgtor. Zin plated fasteners shouldbe received effectively dry wth ony ‘minimal resival ol rom processing expected 5. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. 5.4 Spocal suace fishes, condition, methods, oF plating thicknassee may be applied a wirements(SPCL).. Thase requirements shall be Indzated onthe engineering drawing and spp © spectod CNH piating ees ‘SPEC ZINC PLATING | "ror w | a7s03z77 ‘UWEONTROLLED COPY Wien Pai ete Naterial Specifications MATo310 52 SPCL PLATING TYPES & CLASSES ‘The finish Types and thickness Classes glven in Table 9 shouldbe the primary fishes designsted. A Special plating fish, type col, andlor minimum plating thkness nay bo dosignted! for unique appearance or corosion resistance requremens. Spec plating fishes {neodo Pain or ole da roma, Special ine ay pang types, such as zinc eabak and ke rcke, are avalable. In ation {o 8 special ish, type, andor minimum plating thesness, a modiied sal spray corosiontessianee Fequirement may alto be specied onthe engineering drawing, soo Sactons 8.9 and 8.4 for dawn note examples. 53. WAXES AND SPECIAL LUBRICANTS. ‘exes or spocial lubricants are not ported on nuts and bats, except as noted below, unless ther application i agreed toby the procuring CNH felt andthe supple. Indusiy practic n sore tegions i fo apply wax or special kibicant fo Inch Provang Torque Nits (ack nut) fo rece torque tension oeflents fo that of standard nus. If vax or special lbicant ia appted to standard fstenes, eating © ‘establish new loque-onsin values vl be novessary. 54 SEALANTS. Sealants may be applied to zine plated parts to improve utile codon rsstanc but are not requied lunlss spected onthe drawing. ‘The sealant should be apled less than 30 minutes after the chrcmats treatment, Sealant application to threaded components may affect the lrgue-ension vals, see Sect 22.4, Testing shouldbe conduc to vei torque tension vauos with the atl ot ole for these pats. 6. METHODS oF TesT ‘All Nabonal Standards and relaled test method designatons are to be latest issue unless otherwise Specie, 8.41 PLATING THICKNESS: Plating thickness shall be measured on sigaicant suraoes using one ofthe folowing methods Imieroscopc method per ASTM 6487, magnate method per ASTM 400, coulotic method per ASTI ‘504, or oer equivalent method. Pang thickness on threaded fastener ehal be detemnied onthe shank, bot head, hexagon fats, cr other smn surace. 62 CORROSION RESISTANZE 621. The neutal sl spray ts! shal be performed per tho ASTM B17 method, Evelustion of osu Wil bo based only on significant surfaces unless othemise specied onthe Engineering drawing, The ‘lating shal conform to imtations for whe and ed ust ae dined in Section 48 ater he mana est hous specie in Table 522. For testing corosionresisanc, the complete patie the prefered test specimen sie. Parts ma be cut ito male test specimens whion necessary, tut shal ote les than 150 mm (8 inches) length. 623, Test specimens shal be sutably cleaned and free of fingerprints and other stains, Loote Partles shouldbe removed by guile wiping wih a clean, ry, sof lth, Cleaning wih @ mild detergent In warm water f ecommended to remove gern tans ete. Then dry the spacinen witha een, Soft towel Oty of greasy surfaces should not be used for testing, Degreasing wih onan solvent not permite parca for waxed or Sealed eure ___spec zine pLaTING [UNCONTROLLED COPY Wan Pett 87303277 me, Material Specifications matust0 83 ADHESION Plating shall pass the burishing fst andthe gind-sw test detned in ASTI B71, Osterng, Hing, oF peeling ofthe plating is evidence of unsatstaciory adhesion (aire to meet the adhesion requirement). [thor tst or adhesion tat are appropriate fo in plang ae dotaied in ASTM B87". Depending on {he end use of he plated part ors meted of abicaton, passing one or more of hese tests such a 8 band tast, may alto be fequved. In those instanoes, the prociang CNH facy shall specly the ‘onal adhesion tt tha the iting mist pass 64. CHROMATE PASSIVATION Determine the presence of cla chromate passivation acorsng to applicable sation of ASTM 6201 used fo test for cobras (clea coatings. The presence of oer colored chromate cosings may be Aotermined by wsual examination. 7. INSPECTION AND REJECTION [A zinc plated parts supplied ‘0 this specication shall be equvalant in every rogpect to samples approved bythe procuring CNH locaton. Pr to making any changes tothe 2h plating sed or an appication under this speifcaton, whether or nat he change afets the plating meeting tha spectied Fequrements, te supper shal notfy the procing CNH fatty ofthe proposed changes. Tost daa, lee, nev supper codo, orator information may bo feqused far We proposed materi at of the ital Sample Inspection Report (SIF) suppor qualty requirements. Wa the purchasing lection may tost samples fom Incoming shipments fr qlaly assurance, the supplier Fesponsible for ensuring that ipmonts meet tho stated requrements without depending upon the purchaser's napecton. 8. DRAWING SPECIFICATIONS 8.1 _Speciyng resticted (RSTR) or special (SPC!) plating thicknoss, nish, oF procass may require the use ofa signieant charadoristc per CNH Engineering Procedure ENPI100 (08610032), THE ¢eterminaton vil be rade as part othe design oviow process. 82. The engineering drawing shall contin a nate fr the specication of zine plating. The notation stall include the plating generic ame, CNH Material Specifeaton number, the paling fash Type and Plating thickness Class. Where used inthe pling designation, "ZN indicates elacoplated Ze and "2NM indicates mechenical plated zine. 83 The folowing are exames of zine plating designations on drawings. Examples 1 to 3 include {he material designation inthe CNH and Local Material blocks of he ie block, 83.41. Zo octopate Example 1, Eloctoplate TOR 5 Miromotrs ‘al, CNH MATION, Grade A ‘Angle, EN 10028, S236R62 ‘atria Note (on caving ove We oak “fc Pat, CMFMIAFOMD, 24 TOR ‘SPEC ZINC PLATING | scr w | araosz77 mS vaterial Specifications ‘maTosi0 ‘Example 2, Baking Required fa | Ero eum, cnH war 67, Grade 8 Teen AT ETO Round, 144, Faigue Poot tol Nol (on drawing asov Wl OE) ‘he Pats, CNH ATOM, 2 TCR 8 Baking Requed Example 3, Exempt om Baking [eras — | oy QT Round, one MATIO58, Grade & ‘Aly GTCF REN 10277 aacaMes4varesH ates Noi (on rawng atv Be wae “Ze Pate, CNH MATOS, EN YOR To Baking Net Rese 83.2 Mechanical Zine Plate teal Note (on dawing stove ie bac) "Mecha! 2 Pl, CNM MATOSI0, NM TCR § 8.3 Special Plating Thickness (SPCL) Fr a non-standard minimum pling thickness, designate the requed minimum plang thickness (hn Imigrometers) afer the fish Type and before SPCL. Note the minimum plating tckness nd. ay ‘cdionalcarosion resistance Yequrements under specal requirements In tho Tate ete on the rawing, teal Note (on dauing tov ie oc ‘he Pate, CN MATOSID, 2N ¥CR 29, SPL. Special Réqutements A: 28 Mlctomterstn Plating Tikes 278 Hours Mn Sat Spray Red Coroson Resistance 8.94 Special Pating Finish (SPL) Fr non-standard minimum plating fish types, replace the plating fish Type wth “ZN” or ‘ZN and designate SPCL afer the pain thickness Clase. Under special requicoments In te Malai! te spect the plating nish ype andany adetonalcorosion resistance requ, atrial Note on avin tv te ook “Ze Pato, CNN IATO 0, 28, 80 ‘Speci Requrements A ‘Glve-Sra Chroma Fish ‘i HewreniaSat Saray Wie Cvoion Restance 200 Hore Mea Sat Spray Red Goroson Ressance [SPEC ZINC PLATING © | wor w | ‘e7a03277 | \WNCONTROLLED COPY Wen Pid

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