Imię I Nazwisko: - Klasa

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Imię i nazwisko: __________________________________________________________

Klasa: ____
1 Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions.
1 Jerry had been my boyfriend for three years, but then we had an argument and split ______.
2 What a great couple! They have so much ______ common.
3 My best friend and I often fall ______, but later we always make up and are friends again.
4 Young people often look up ______ celebrities as their role models, which is not always a good idea.
5 Soon after we’d moved into our new house, we made friends ______ the kids from the neighbourhood.
6 My sister and I get ______ very well together.
___ /6
2 Read the questions and write the correct words.
What do you call:
1 your brother who was born on the same day as you? ______ ______
2 a little child who is learning how to walk? ______
3 a child whose parents have died? ______
4 a woman who helps the bride during the wedding? ______
5 a man who is married to your mother, but is not your biological father? ______-______
6 a person you have a very special relationship with, because you share the same feelings, opinions and
attitudes? ______
7 a man who is getting married?
___ /7
3 Translate the Polish parts of the sentences into English.
1 Teenagers and their parents often can’t understand each other because (istnieje konflikt pokoleń)
________________ between them.
2 She was a beautiful woman (po trzydziestce) ________________.
3 I like the man my sister (jest zaręczona) ________________ to – he’s fun.
4 What a beautiful hairstyle! How long does it take you to (ułożyć fryzurę) ________________ in the
5 I’m sorry to hear you’re ill. (Szybkiego powrotu do zdrowia) ________________ soon.
4 Complete the text with the correct words. The first letters have been given.
Although my grandma has just (1) t__________ 85, she’s still young at (2) h__________. She doesn’t
look her (3) a__________ at all; you’d never say she was older than 65. She is very independent, too –
she does all the housework herself and even (4) p__________ up most of her groceries from her
favourite corner shop. For a birthday (5) t__________ we organised a big family reunion for her – and
she enjoyed it a lot!
___ /5
5 Complete the second sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the first, using the word
given. Do not change the word given.
1 Oh, no! All my clothes are dirty. I need to do the laundry. PUT
Oh, no! All my clothes are dirty. I need to __________________.
2 It’s always a good idea to discuss things and solve the conflict. THROUGH
It’s always a good idea to __________________ and solve the conflict.
3 I need to go. My mum asked me to do some small jobs for her. RUN
I need to go. My mum asked me to __________________ for her.
4 My sister and I are totally different from each other. COMPLETE
My sister and I are __________________.
5 My uncle Rob wasn’t young at all when he got married – in fact, he was almost fifty. LATE
My uncle Rob wasn’t young at all when he got married – in fact, he was in __________________.
___ /5
6 Once you have some rules in your house, it’s important to (przestrzegać ich) ________________.
7 Do you enjoy (robić zdjęcia) ________________?
___ /7


TOTAL: ___ /20 ___ /30

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