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[re \ | 10]. Waive Optics Wave front - \ aefont Pe Wavefront is CUfinecl ob Hee cont. hone. | Bepending on the Shape of the source of Aight << F wavefront can be. of three types : »» UG) Spherical Wave front - When the Source of Li 4s a point source A the wovefront ia a sbhue ui centre Ot the Gi) Cylindrical Wove front ~ When the Source of Light ja Li then aU the points equickatant frem de ma incl. . Therefore. Hre wove Gii) Plane Wavefront - d when He polnt soe oy Linea, hi 4s ot >, je etutence , Q sme 2 onl or P cee Such @ wavefront is collid a 2 The given figs (a) ,(b) and © vepruents te | wave. and! rays of Hight Corres poncting tp pon | wavefront (PW), cliveaging “sphrical wavefront (sw) | and Converging Sphrical “wavefront (Cswr) respectively RL Pee _—— a | °o Se Huygen's Principle- The Huygers’ principle tells the way in hich the wovefront ia Propogeted fet. Th @ medium Aceowding 40 Hugger! s z Ci) Every point on the given wavefront ( C Primary wavefront) acts as a fresh Source of olisturbance , Called secondary wavelets, which t in all divections with the velecity of Aight in AB) oot Gi) A suaface touching these. Secoundary wavelets, tially in the. forsard clivecton af ony instont the new wavefront at that instant. This Jo secondary wave front, AZ A Ad ye Reflection on the basiS of Wave Theory ~ 3 Huygen's PAinuple Can be used to explamn ty phenomena of reflechon and refracton of Hight on He bosis of Wave theory. In the given fi A® ib & plane wave font indecent on a arian Ber M\Ma as Lead sore 4,2, 3 at the Corresponding incidunt Tays which are perpendicular Jo as, ‘ Cea P x Ma Accordling 4o Huygens principle every pei Anpieaeeenes of a Teac? + Le the wavelets from @ Strike mim, at A in t se BA = ext neo Tax Secondary Wwavelits fom A will travel Same clistance Cxt in the Same time. There} A o% centre and cxt at radius , draw an pal as! = ext Ce From Al caw tangent pane aa! the Spherical arc ti i ot B. inthe secon} soe pon would advance in the direction of volich ane the Co i wale rresponcling Hence angle of incicine i = Loan! and omple of reflecHon y = Lalala In BARB ond a ade, AA' is Common , Bas Ag = cxt ond 4e= Ze! = 90° AAR on AAR oe congruent. Lond = Leala Dew “LigeiZy wohich ds the first Jaw of reflection. Farther the incident wavefront as, the reflect Sweface MiMa amd tue reflected wavefront AB ane all perpencliculor to the plane of the paper: Tereipre inciolunt normal do the mirror Mite orherteliey yeu Lelia. ae. plane. of the paper. This is feces dao of veflection. Refraction on the basis of Wave Theory - In the given Fi xy 48 @ plane surface thot Seporoter a censor medium of yvefrachve index 44 from © varer meclium . Ih Vy 4d velocity of ib nS Sang IL and Va is velodty of Lig in denger medium then a Mee and M,= a 1& ‘¢ 4 in monmum , Hhe trues ers 5 ere AG IA a plane wavefront incielent en | | Mig Pl a eARy a7 1, Qed 3 ane Hue Correa- | Pencling incictent Tags normal to am. | | Recreane fo Mm AB ia Let the secon A’ im +t seconds - 9 Bal st VUxt —@® TRe Second wavelets from A travel in Hue denser meclium rea a velocity Va and woud! coven a distance (v2 xt) mM + seconds. Therefore With A as Centre ond radius eauel to (Vaxt! Araw an anc pi. From Aly dra a tangent plane touchin Spherical anc tangentially Yat al. Thnedpre a's! the secon Wavefront after t sec. Thin wo advance im +he dlivection of tatand 4 ake the Covvesponeling. refracted roy , pe to A'a- . Let ~ be the angle of refraction. As ongle refrachorn is equol to the a e wohich the refrac aoe wavefront As! dpaknn testi the. vefracti Surjae an, trrtme Cadad= Ly Gers principle, ewery point Source of Seconolony wavelets. wavelits from & strike xy at | | 1 t ! Sint =A -vixt nm Onde, i = ae Im A ada’, stny = Aa! Need . Sint Vi coal a ©« MW s Sint 4 Sini oe Sine Wy, Or Wie Fh We-kaw A of ve a | 6 # For obseavmg. i eamice the Awd Sources o Mayet must ise! cheat i | Young!s double slit experiment ~ A In this exprrrmint S is a now slit (of wiolth about 1mm) illuminated by a mono chromahic Sowue of Light. At a Suitable. cliutance (about tom) Fm SS, thine are two fine slits A amd 1% ocbout os mm apart. When a screan 44 placeol at a Large distance Cobout 2m) from the slits A and &, alternate bright and dark fringes noing ee fo the Lage Ff + These ane the rference slits appear on the sc fringes om 2&Ag 7 Lex the Solud oncs reprisent the crests and the olotter| arcs reprauents the 3. These wavefart reach the ALL A ond B&B, which in tw becomes the Sourtis of Seconclar4 woveluts. Thur the two waves of same amplitude omd same bape with cero phore Aifferrnca are given out by A B. These waves ™ Superposition produc ter ference : Tae cots (+) repartent the positions of Conshuchve - indergerunce , whiae Crest eh as wave falls on crest Of the other and trough $f om troughy. The resultant amphituce ord hence intensity of Aight is maximum ot thue positions. j Similarly the crosses (x) repauent the positio of destructive intehperrnce , Whire Crest of one Wa is on tro of the otwr ond vice -veua. reauttont amplitude and hence intensity of Light minimum ot thse positions. Thus we hawe bright fringes at CE and G and dark fringes aot D ond F. There bright dark dinges One placed alternately and tn equally Spacecl. Show tat +he superposition of the woes cE fom te two cohrent sources S, ond S displacement Y= aCoslt and Ya 29 et! a point produce @ resuttent intemity I= 40% cod Or Hence, waite the Conclitions for the dork and bright fringes Sek Given that, the displacemend of Sommmrs id- ¥, = aCosAwt ee Se ee 8 By Principle of superposition - fF yr y¥, +72 = Acosct +2 Cos(wt +4) | | Y = atorswt + aCoswt Cord - a Sin wt Simp | y 2 alt+Cusg)- Coat + (-asing) Sinvt | Lit alL+Coap) = A sO —A@ | Sade tind, = Asne — ag Y = Aces® Coswot — A SinO Sint | y = Aces (wt +8) | Squoring and adding ©) @ ond @,we gt- (Acosod + (asineS = FU 1+ cosas” + (ase) at (siv?b + Coi29) = Fit Cos’ +2004 +sivto] At = a +a%+20Cosd @® ar = 20%( 1 + Cord) as 2a (2 Coss = 4a°cost >, z= Ip Tis the resultant intensity , then mane whun Cos(#) = 21 Hence grim or QO Alse path clifferamce = Phase ciffounce a an x - Ax an or an ann Poth cliffeaune x = nA 1V* 04,2, ~-- Hence the bright fringe Js obteuned when Potn ou fference of inter fering waves in NA and phase clifferene 4 ann. Conclition for ask fringe or clestvuctive Indexference When €e4.9 =o = Hence 2 = (2n-1) 2 J Whe A aa Patn cliffererce x = A_x¢ 2 SR tren T=O0 Expression jer Fringe wielth in LInderference- Suppose A ond B ane two fine slits ond Separotest by a autann d. The slits are illumi noted by a monochromoHic Li waveluns Xe KN a screen at a altstance D from the slits. The two waves Stating from 4 ond & Superimpose om eachothur, Aususting m tecterferente. potterr) on the Screen. | O is the centre of cisterce a betwean | tne slits A and B. Draw AE, BF and Of | perpendicular do KN- 7 Consicer a point Pom the screen, at @ distane ~~ frmc. Tre poth diffesne behwen interfering: waves is: gen by 2 BP - AP : Potn hi fence = Hee am Lor = and Zeam = LPoc Ih 8 i small, then 11 For Constructive x Path iffine = nd , where he olaee Flevcavmci ae, e r= 20S aes ne Fringe Width of dank Fringe Bt Xn - Xn P= DA(n4+) _ Ba = my For destructive Trteajounce - Poth chfferrmce = (2n-1)A » (ms 1,4 Hence (an- =3) A" 2) ax + Fringe Wieth of ae Fringe B= Yon RB = (24) -1) DA — _(2n-1) DA 2d 2d a. * At the sites of cerstructive meafrence - x (A402) = Constant Hence ath br inteafusnce bands have the | Same intensity: * AL tHe Sites of destructive esa ce - | Hence all the clark fringes have Same (eer) intensity. | LT=h+h+2JUJECos> a = af + ah + 2a,a,Cosd Lmox _ ~ ha +22)" Imin (4-22) PHASE DIFF (6) Contain waveleng Conclition, Satisfied ‘oF alent , shall be visible Hence the 3 F cColowred- TRe Centre will be cohite. As Ar > av te. red violet and pf = AD will rae:

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