Cloud Computing - Unit-3

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20ITT63 - Cloud Computing

Unit - III
Dr. R. Thangarajan
Professor, Information Technology
Kongu Engineering College
Perundurai – 638 060, Erode
Cloud Computing Service Models
❑In this section, we will study the cloud platform architecture, service
models, and programming environments.
❑Users can access and deploy cloud applications from anywhere in the
world at very competitive costs.
❑Virtualized cloud platforms are often built on top of large data centers.
❑With that in mind, we examine first the server cluster in a data center and
its interconnection issues.
❑In other words, clouds aim to power the next generation of data centers by
architecting them as virtual resources over automated hardware,
databases, user interfaces, and application environments.
❑In this sense, clouds grow out of the desire to build better data centers
through automated resource provisioning.
Public, Private, and Hybrid Clouds
Centralized or Distributed Computing?
❑Some people argue that cloud computing is centralized computing at
data centers. Others claim that cloud computing is the practice of
distributed parallel computing over data-center resources.
❑These represent two opposite views of cloud computing.
❑All computations in cloud applications are distributed to servers in a
data center.
❑These are mainly virtual machines (VMs) in virtual clusters created
out of data-center resources. In this sense, cloud platforms are
systems distributed through virtualization.
Public Cloud
❑A public cloud is built over the Internet and can be accessed by any user
who has paid for the service.
❑Public clouds are owned by service providers and are accessible through a
❑Many public clouds are available, including Google App Engine (GAE),
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, IBM Blue Cloud, and’s
❑The providers of the aforementioned clouds are commercial providers that
offer a publicly accessible remote interface for creating and managing VM
instances within their proprietary infrastructure.
❑A public cloud delivers a selected set of business processes. The
application and infrastructure services are offered on a flexible price-per-
use basis.
Private Cloud
❑A private cloud is built within the domain of an intranet owned by a single
❑Therefore, it is client owned and managed, and its access is limited to the
owning clients and their partners.
❑Its deployment was not meant to sell capacity over the Internet through
publicly accessible interfaces.
❑Private clouds give local users a flexible and agile private infrastructure to
run service workloads within their administrative domains.
❑A private cloud is supposed to deliver more efficient and convenient cloud
❑It may impact cloud standardization while retaining greater customization
and organizational control.
Hybrid Cloud
A hybrid cloud is built with both public and private clouds.
❑Private clouds can also support a hybrid cloud model by supplementing
local infrastructure with computing capacity from an external public cloud.
❑For example, the Research Compute Cloud (RC2) is a private cloud, built by
IBM, that interconnects the computing and IT resources at eight IBM
Research Centers scattered throughout the United States, Europe, and
❑A hybrid cloud provides access to clients, the partner network, and third
❑To summarize,
• public clouds promote standardization, preserve capital investment, and offer
application flexibility.
• Private clouds attempt to achieve customization and offer higher efficiency,
resiliency, security, and privacy.
• Hybrid clouds operate in the middle, with many compromises in terms of resource
Networking Structure of a Typical Datacenter
❑Data-center networks are mostly IP-based commodity
networks, such as the 10 Gbps Ethernet network, which is
optimized for Internet access.
❑The figure above shows a multilayer structure for accessing
the Internet.
❑The server racks are at the bottom of Layer 2, and they are
connected through fast switches (S) as the hardware core.
❑The data center is connected to the Internet at Layer 3 with
many access routers (ARs) and border routers (BRs).
The Cloud Ecosystem
❑In general, private clouds leverage existing IT infrastructure and personnel
within an enterprise or government organization.
❑Both public and private clouds handle workloads dynamically.
❑However, public clouds should be designed to handle workloads without
communication dependency.
❑Both types of clouds distribute data and VM resources. However, private
clouds can balance workloads to exploit IT resources more efficiently
within the same intranet.
❑Private clouds can also provide pre-production testing and enforce data
privacy and security policies more effectively.
❑In a public cloud, the surge workload is often offloaded.
❑The major advantage of public clouds lies in the avoidance of capital
expenses by users in IT investments in hardware, software, and personnel.
The Cloud Ecosystem (Public, Private and Hybrid)
Service Models
Service level Models (IaaS, PaaS and SaaS)
Cloud computing delivers infrastructure, platform, and software (application)
as services, which are made available as subscription-based services in a pay-
as-you-go model to consumers.
❑The services provided over the cloud can be generally categorized into
three different service models: namely IaaS, Platform as a Service (PaaS),
and Software as a Service (SaaS).
❑These form the three pillars on top of which cloud computing solutions are
delivered to end users.
❑SaaS is applied at the application end using special interfaces by users or
❑At the PaaS layer, the cloud platform must perform billing services and
handle job queuing, launching, and monitoring services.
❑At the bottom layer of the IaaS services, databases, compute instances,
the file system, and storage must be provisioned to satisfy user demands.
Virtual Private Cloud and Multi Tenancy
Data Center Design and Interconnection Networks
❑Warehouse Scale Datacenter Design:
▪ Construction Requirement
▪ Cooling Systems

❑Interconnection Networks:
▪ Application Traffic Support
▪ Network Expandability
▪ Fault Tolerance and Graceful Degradation
Interconnection Network
❑A fat-tree switch network design for data-center construction.
❑The fat-tree topology is applied to interconnect the server nodes.
❑The topology is organized into two layers. Server nodes are in the bottom layer,
and edge switches are used to connect the nodes in the bottom layer.
❑The upper layer aggregates the lower-layer edge switches. A group of
aggregation switches, edge switches, and their leaf nodes form a pod.
❑Core switches provide paths among different pods. The fat-tree structure
provides multiple paths between any two server nodes. This provides fault-
tolerant capability with an alternate path in case of some isolated link failures.
❑The failure of an aggregation switch and core switch will not affect the
connectivity of the whole network.
❑The failure of any edge switch can only affect a small number of end server
Architectural Design of Compute and Storage
A Generic Cloud Architecture:
The Internet cloud is envisioned as a massive cluster of servers. These
servers are provisioned on demand to perform collective web services
or distributed applications using data-center resources.
The cloud platform is formed dynamically by provisioning or de-
provisioning servers, software, and database resources. Servers in the
cloud can be physical machines or VMs.
User interfaces are applied to request services.
We need to build a framework to process large-scale data stored in the
storage system. This demands a distributed file system over the
database system. Other cloud resources are added to a cloud platform,
including storage area networks (SANs),
Layered Cloud Architecture
Market Oriented Cloud Architecture
❑Cloud providers consider and meet the different QoS parameters of each individual
consumer as negotiated in specific SLAs.
❑To achieve this, the providers cannot deploy traditional system-centric resource
management architecture. Instead, market-oriented resource management is necessary
to regulate the supply and demand of cloud resources to achieve market equilibrium
between supply and demand.
❑The designer needs to provide feedback on economic incentives for both consumers and
❑The figure below shows the high-level architecture for supporting market-oriented
resource allocation in a cloud computing environment.
❑This cloud is built with the following entities: Users or brokers acting on the user’s behalf
submit service requests from anywhere in the world to the data center and cloud to be
❑The SLA resource allocator acts as the interface between the data center/cloud service
provider and external users/brokers. It requires the interaction of the following
mechanisms to support SLA-oriented resource management.
❑When a service request is first submitted the service request examiner interprets the
submitted request for QoS requirements before determining whether to accept or reject
the request.

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