Book Review

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Book review of “Who Moved My Cheese?

Spencer Johnson's "Who Moved My Cheese?" is a best-selling classic and inspirational business

story that was first published on September 8, 1998. The story discusses four typical responses to

major changes in one's job and personal life that two mice and two "Littlepeople" encounter

while on the hunt for new "cheese." Four characters appear in "Who Moved My Cheese?" — two

mice, "Sniff" and "Scurry," and two Littlepeople, "Hem" and "Haw," which are human


They search for cheese, a symbol of prosperity and pleasure, while living in a maze, which

represents one's surroundings. The mice and humans in each group split into pairs and explored

the extensive passageways in quest of cheese at first without success. Both teams come into a

cheese-filled hallway at "Cheese Station C" one day. Satisfied with their discovery, the people

create rituals around their regular consumption of cheese, gradually growing arrogant in the

meantime. When Sniff and Scurry visit "Cheese Station C" one day and discover that there is no

cheese left, they are not shocked. They had already prepared themselves for the difficult but

unavoidable chore of seeking new cheese after seeing the supply of cheese was running low.

Together, they start their search for new cheese after leaving "Cheese Station C." Hem and Haw

visit Cheese Station C later that day but discover the same thing: no cheese. Hem screams

indignantly, "Who moved my cheese?". Since they had assumed that there will always be cheese

available, people are unprepared for this situation. They become enraged at the injustice of the

situation after concluding that the cheese is gone. Sniff and Scurry have discovered "Cheese

Station N" and fresh cheese in the meantime. However, Hem and Haw are disturbed by their

shortage of cheese at Cheese Station C and hold each other responsible for their issue. Haw again

suggests looking for new cheese, but Hem again dismisses the notion. After realizing his
crippling worries, Haw eventually starts to laugh at the situation and refuses to take himself so

seriously. Haw enters the maze after realizing he should just keep going after writing "If You Do

Not Change, You Can Become Extinct" into Cheese Station C's wall. After long days Haw finds

the “Cheese Station N” and sees the his mice friends over there.

To conclude, "Who Moved My Cheese?" presents a tale that you can immediately implement to

your own life in order to stop being afraid of the future and start thriving in a changing and

uncertain world.

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