Implicit Biases - Age IAT, Transgender IAT, Disability IAT, and Weapons IAT

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Implicit Biases - Age IAT, Transgender IAT, Disability IAT, and

Weapons IAT

I have taken four implicit bias tests: Age IAT, Transgender IAT, Disability IAT, and
Weapons IAT.
To be honest, I’m a little doubtful about those test results. However, I want to mention
each of the results and my thoughts about them:


Result: My responses suggested no automatic preference between older and young


My thoughts: I fully agree with this result. I think both young people and older people
have their unique places. Whereas older people have significant experience, young
people have energy and easy access to information.

Transgender IAT

Result: My data suggest a moderate automatic preference for Cisgender People over
Transgender People.

My thoughts: I accept that I have automatic preference for cisgender people over
transgenders, but I don’t think that it is in moderate level, I think it is mild automatic

Disability IAT

Result: My responses suggested no automatic preference between Physically Abled

People and Physically Disabled People.

My thoughts: That is right. All disabled people should have the same rights and powers
as the abled people.

Weapons IAT

Result: My responses suggested moderate automatic association for Harmless Objects

with White Americans and Weapons with Black Americans.
My thoughts: I think the reason behind that result is the media. Media in the U.S.
mostly shows the crimes of black Americans and the success of white Americans, and it
generally created an association of weapons with black Americans in the subconscious
level of our mind.

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