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Universidade Licungo

Faculty of Education

Honours Degree in English Language Teaching

1st Year

English Language I

Portifolio of Leonildo

Florindo Avuzara

Lecturer: Suana N. Evali


Portifolio of Leonildo

Florindo Avuzar
Evaluative work to be submitted at the Faculty of

Education, in the subject of English Language I,

taught by Lecturer: Suzana N. Evali MA


Portifolio of Leonildo

Florindo Avuzara

Hello and welcome to my English portfolio! My name is Leonildo Florindo Avuzara and I am

thrilled to share with you some of the work I have completed thus far in my English course. As a

language learner, I believe that building a strong foundation in English is crucial for effective

communication and understanding in both academic and professional settings. In this portfolio,

you will find a selection of my best writing pieces, reflective notes on my progress and learning

journey, and samples of my active listening and speaking skills.

My goal for this portfolio is to demonstrate things such as, my life history, my school time, my

personal work for instance my book also tells a little bit about my family . It is my hope that you

will enjoy reading through my work as much as I enjoyed creating it, and that it provides insights

into my growth as an English language learner.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to sharing my progress with you.

Leonildo Florindo Avuzara

Statement of Ownership

This Portfolio contains personal, private, and confidential information with Supporting

documents which have been earned, created, written, and designed by me. None of the

documents contained within shall be Photocopied or duplicated without expressed permission.

I certify that all information in this portfolio is true and complete.

Leonildo Florindo Avuzara

Personal profile

My name is Leonildo Florindo Avuzara that is what is much easier to say about me. I am

someone who his entire life spend searching about what is the life sense,who am I? Why I am

here? What is the reason of being? Why am I not other?

Let me go back ten years ago. In these time I was 10 yeas ago. I had already lost my mother, she

was sick and by the time she didn't support. In this year let me say that I had not notion of what

life is,but by the time it began showing up because it didn't take long time till I lose my father in

2013, from there my life lost its sense.

Let me highlight that when you born in a poor family it is something hard.

After i lose my parents (father and mother) I beguin living with my sisters, (i have three sisters).

Let me admit that Job was right when he said "Man born of women is short lived and filed with

trouble. He comes comes up like a blossom and then withers away the flies like a shadow and

desapear" (Job 14:1-2)

However while the time passed on I beguin asking myself what is the sense of the life because by

the time “man lies down and does not get up until there is no more eaven, they will not get up

nor will get up from their sleep “

What am I doing here? Why people pass through it? That's was the reason that took me to


A priest, a pastor or a Skeptical man?

I am from a catholic family so I attended that church and I decided to be a priest and when I

always got into vocation I felt that I was missing something, yes I was missing some Knowledge

about God, i never had hold a Bible so I not knew what was there and some day i met some

people from Jehovah Witness and they offered me a Bible study i not beloved it because they

said to me that I could not pay. Then I began learning with them the Bible, while I was leaning I

wanted to be a Pastor of course I was loving it, but I have something to say, when you are

learning things you don't know about you never question it before having an other vision, in

these time i always baptized myself

By the time I begin loving reading, of course Jehovah Witness help me so much, and when I

beguin reading I was looking for anything that had any view about ethics or God conception, and

by reading I met philosophy the one who began making me doubt about everything, from there I

read other view points about God, where by I descover that all religions have its negative and

positive points reason why I wrote a book where you will find my position about God.

My name is Leonildo Florindo Avuzara, I am 20 years old, I am from Namacurra, I attended my

secondary school at Maganja da Costa. The name of my father is Florindo Avuzara Meiodia and

of my mother is Idalina Jaime both are from Zambézia.These is my first year at Licungo


I am talkative, specifically when the talking point is about something I have an understanding. I

am critic and skeptical reason why sometimes I seem senseless and prudent because when

people are talking about things I do not believe i just disclaim.

I am smart, not intelligent and tall and kind

The reason why I decided to do English course is to learn more about it, so it is important to

highlight that I am not doing English because I know or I am clever or I love (how can I love

something I don't know about

My book
The book is not finished yet, but I believe by myself that it is wonderful, let me admit, I wrote it in Portuguese, but I

translated it.

Creation, creature, and creator

Who created whom?

By Leonildo Florindo Avuzara Meiodia


This book is a result of my reflections on the possibilities of creation, and the existence of a creator entity.

I conduct a complex analysis on what leads humans to believe or refute in a character capable of creating

the world out of nothing. Of course, I will analyze who created whom?
It is very difficult to take a stance on who created whom, and throughout the reading, you will find

arguments and theses. Let me introduce myself so that you do not create prejudices during the

development - my name is Leonildo Florindo Avuzara. I am a Zambezian, and I believe in God. Of

course, I am not a religious person, as for me, a religious person is one who has a complex and organized

structure created by a governing body or a clergy.

Who made me?

It's amazing how human beings are influenced by beliefs. During the history of mankind, one of the

most striking points is the inclination of the human heart to a being, a deity, or a primordial cause that

originated all things.

It does not matter the geographical location or in what time such beings inhabited this earth, but as long

as they had reasoning and communication skills with each other, these always presented a certain degree

of beliefs, it is clear that such beings did not believe the same things, but always pointed to a being or a

causative cause and as this being was able to originate them and many other things then they always

consider him supreme or above them

After facing the universe and the things that exist in it, man began to realize that he is a portion of it and

that compared to the universe he is inferior and such a feeling of inferiority is registered in his first

moments of birth when he notices that the breast that feeds him is not his and he cannot take care of

himself, and according to the immense diversity of things that make him small, he started to notice that

behind everything there must be a cause or a causer. .

Creator, creature and creator

Perhaps you find the sequence of the book's title illogical, but it has something to do with it, it is not a

mere writing error or lack of organization. Let me explain better, when I decided to write this book I had

the objective to title it: "GOD: creator or created by man, this reasoning comes from a philosophy text

that inquires about the possibility of man having created God, because with the immense diversity of

beliefs about God it is reasonable to assume that God was in fact created by men, because for such an

argument it is only necessary to check religions such as Buddhism, Taoism, Shintoism, Pathism, Judaism,
Islamism or many others, see that all of these believe in the creator or creators in the past present different

versions about this and this is the basic reason

which leads to the assumption that man himself created god to justify creation, because if he were one,

then their narratives and beliefs would be the same. Another case is that of Christianity, which is very

dominant in our society. See that although Christians use the same manuscripts there are several

denominations of these such as Catholics and Protestants (Jehovah's Witnesses, Apostolics, Assembly of

God, Seventh Day) just to name a few and these all have different doctrines way! And each one of these

considers himself possessor of the truth! In short, who do create? Is it God who created man or man

create God!

The title took on this posture because of this question that seeks to find the creator of who is who, and the

great current probabilities point to the idea that men created God. If we take this point to the top, since

man created God in the end, this means that He does not exist is just an interpretation of man!!? But is it?

Could it be that because there is a huge diversity of stories about God there isn't one that brings us closer

to God? Well, in the midst of so many stories, it's likely to find one that makes sense, but unfortunately

our goal in this book is not to go in depth about this topic!

The origin

In order to ascertain the veracity of the facts concerning a complex cause, an immense search must be

made on how such a thing began. This should be done to simplify the complexity that the cause must


Just as when one wants to know how the universe was created one searches for the origin, in the same

way for the case of creation, creature and creator it is necessary to return to the origins and for such a

return it will be necessary to use two sources considered true by the immense universe of existing beings

and these are: the Bible and the theory of Big-bang (the great explosion or the cosmic explosion)

Both theses that we will use are sources that aroused faith because the office of the Big Bang Theory

was not alive at the time that such an act occurred as well as the offices of the Bible.
causative cause

The Big Bang theorist claims that the cosmic explosion gave rise to the current universe, and such a Big

Bang does not create the universe from nothing, but from some previous state that may even be the

contraction of a previous universe. Fortunately, the Jewish-Christian Bible agrees with this point in some


The book that speaks of creation Genesis in chapter one verse one is two says: In the beginning God

created the heavens and the earth, the earth was void (without form) and desert (unhappy) and there was

darkness over the surface of the deep waters and the God's active force moved over the surface of the

waters (Genesis 1:1,2). In short, the God of the Bible created things from already existing matter.

Let's take a few minutes to try a logic on the possibility of there being a God and for that we must use the

arguments cited beforehand which allege that there was always something used to create the subsequent


A great chemist spoke a universal truth when he said that on earth / universe nothing is lost, everything is

transformed. And this fact has always been present since ancient times because to create a chair, for

example, it is only possible to do it with an existing material, wood.

As you can see with the industrial revolution, an explosive advance was observed from which several

things of great use were created such as bombs, airplanes, automobiles among others and such advances

were only possible thanks to the use of existing matter!

The nothing

If the things that exist came from previous things then if God exists (if he exists at all) maybe he

originated from previous matter?

Let's use hypotheses!

1st hypothesis: if we are based on the idea that everything is a constant transformation, that is to say that

it arises from a previous material, then such a thing formed over time will have to become something else,
ceasing to exist as it was and taking a new form! Which is very common in today's world. In the past, if

that is the case, we will be forced to agree that in the future everything that exists like (the Earth, the sun,

the planets, the beings .... will have to take a new form just as the Big-bang created the current universe of

a former and the same as God who created the Earth from one that had no form.

2nd hypothesis: and if we bet on such a constant transformation then this means that in the universe there

is nothing that dates back to the first times (of course there are no first times of the whole because nothing

does not exist)

3rd hypothesis: if there is no something outside the whole, then God is part of the whole and if he is part

of the whole, the whole transforms and he, being part of the whole, is subject to transformation.

The possibility that there is no God who was not created

Human beings who are called atheists are often not so because of disagreeing with the age of having had

a beginning, but because of the explanation that is given because of the cause of this beginning and the

beginning of life when said that this it was made through an uncreated creator being who created

everything (and I am not a creator but I create from nothing). However, not finding a logic in an

uncreated creator who creates things out of nothing, most of them prefer to believe in theories like the Big

Bang or others.

However, it is important to verify that one does not deny the possibility of a being with great intelligence

and with the capacity to create other beings or things, this is quite possible because, as we see today, man

is already capable of creating beings such as the most all this is only possible thanks to the use of an

existing material

The nothingness bestowing God

Nothing exists because nothing is a non-place, there may be a space lacking something, that is, a space

that can be filled and in any and all space there is the presence of the magnetic field, the air, and
everything else related the nature. A space is either occupied by a tactile substance (object) or by one that

is not tactile but can be felt: air, water, fire, etc. thing. Of all the creationist theories, they have always

proposed the origin of a universe from an already existing matter, that is, from a matter from which the

universe emerged. The term "nothing" cannot be used with verbs such as: exist, be, have, possess, have,

(except in figurative terms) as these give "nothing" an existence, which is not true.

Since nothing does not exist, that is, it is the opposite of everything, this gives the consensus that there

was no beginning, and yes, there is always a new beginning.

In general the concern has been:

Nothing does not exist, never existed and never will exist, but always something (in short, this thought is

very supportive of the thesis of the existence of a God)

There has always been something that was the matter to form other things.

The things that exist arose from other things before them, because nothing is lost, but everything


Does everything really change?

If "nothing" does not exist, then the zero principle does not exist! (the zero principle is what arises from

a creation without the use of a previous matter, that is, existing beforehand!) So this implies saying that

there has always been something, therefore the Judeo-Christian God, which issaid to have always existed

is incorporated, but just as He always existed, it is coherent to say that there were other things that always

existed too!

Therefore, God is not prior to all other things, that is: God can be prior to many things but never prior to

all things. In short, there is a lot of possibility that there were so many other things, perhaps like him or

superior to him or even all inferior to him (this last quote, as the bible says)

Assuming the existence of God

The biggest problem that leads a person to not believe in a god are the explanations! When talking about

the qualities and capabilities of these gods, much has been exaggerated!
Unlike many mythographies in which some gods who, in addition to having a beginning, were mortal or

immortal, these had limitations, but the Judeo-Christian God has been given a description that confuses

the minds of those who analyze information very delicately, which is why many who believe in this are

those who have faith!

The biggest problem is not the immortality of God, because just as nothing exists and cannot exist, in the

same way the whole cannot cease to exist, and since God is part of the whole, it is rational to say that by

existing forever ( although many things can only transform.

If the whole has an infinite existence, since it cannot cease and be, then within the whole it is likely that

there are beings of infinite existence, that is, eternal, of which we find God.

In other words, in nature, everything is not lost: it either transforms or assumes its posture forever!

The only problem with God is his ability to make new things appear that do not come from the whole,

that is, whose matter does not come from the whole, but from "nothing". This is contrary to all logic,

because if nothing does not exist , therefore it cannot exist nor can things be made to exist from it,

therefore it is impossible for God to make things appear out of nothing, because by doing this he

abolishes all logic.

In short, there is a god but he is not outside the whole, he is part of the whole, for example: a student

inside a classroom can be the boss and send everyone inside but he will never stop being a student in that

class. with God; he can do a lot but he will not fail to be part of the whole!

What kind of being God is ?

A person can be bad and have the ability to do very fascinating things, the same can happen with a good

person! The same happened with Hadolf Hitler, the great leader of the war that killed millions of people!

Hitler had a very good skill in art and he made a very beautiful drawing of a beautiful landscape. do you

think there is the person who did it?.....It is very likely that the person describes a very happy and cool

Such an example makes us raise doubts about the creator of the universe, can God be a Hadolf?
My school time

Primary school
I'm someone who loved at Maganja da Costa for long time but I was born at Namacurra however

I never lived there.

I beguin my primary school at Maganja da Costa the school name is Namurrumo in reality I don't

remember many things about these time but I remember me going to school when I was 1st to

6th i way someone limited I knew noht reading and I remember one day I asked someone to

write to me and my colleges laugh of me.

How I learned reading

When I was 5th my teacher was Fernanda and she got used to beat students who knew not read

and I was one of the people who got used to be bitten,, from there I memorized the text while she

was reading so and when it was my time i just recited, but it didn't work every time. In reality I

do not remember someone teaching how to read in particular and I don't have any explanation

about it. But suddenly I beguin babbling I don't have many explanations about it.


When I was 6th my father died everything was going bad, by the way when I finished the 6th in

my holiday my aunt (sister of my mother) took me to my grandparents home - at Namacurra

after I stay there for ones two weeks my autn which I live with bow took me, to Quelimane,

where I did 7th class at Coalane Primary school and then I beguin 8th at Coalane General

Secondary school but unhappily I didn't finished there so them I was transfered to Maganja da

Costa General Secondary School where I felt the 8th and beguin again,

My Secondary school

Well likewise I said I begun my Secondary school at Coalane General Secondary School but I

didn't finished there I beguin again at Maganja da Costa General Secondary School Reason why

I consider there as the place where I attended my secondary school, and of course I will set here

the copy of my certification.

From secondary school I was bright and smart and always noticed at classroom. I was chief at

9th, 11th and 12th as resalt of my smartness. I beguin studying english as language in 9th I

always had good marks. I finished my secondary school in 2021.

Faculty time

I want to admit that I have found things that are surprising me so much at faculty, I thought that

we could concentrate our time in English Language issues but just in beginning we got subjects

that I have no saying, let me detail here which and what I gathered from each subject, in reality it

is a fundamental journey besides it surprises me so much, enjoy what I get.

General Linguistics

In the first day I went to university, the first lecture I got was of general Linguistics and he came

with is talking point about the origin of language and so on.

In linguistics I have learned that we have not direct knowledge of the origin of language because

there is no physical evidence that can prove its origin only we have theories that try to explain

such as divine source, natural source and physical source. I learned also that animal and plants

communicate but they use non-voca communication and communicate between themselves

while human use vocal communication which is language. And finally we talked about the

history of writing

General Psychology

In psychology I learned that psychology is the science that studies human brain and its behavior,

it tries to explain why human beings act in some specific ways.

By further reading I understood that the society influence us so much as being, and it makes me

remember what my wonderful and beloved mate and yet friend of mine says always, that "the

society forces us to be what they want or need, where if you try to dare you wil be badly seen
and given names" of course our society always outlines a series of goals that we are obligated to

follow yet if you don't want to follow, and those who resisted such as Socrates, Jesus and so on

get under problems.

Pedagogy Foundations

I learned that pedagogy comes from Greek and means conduct child to the knowledge its focus is

education it helps me so much to understand the different types of education.

Finally now I am learning

Research Methods

That focus our attention in how can we research information, how to solve problems and how to

do scientific research work ls.

Study Skills

In study skills we focus our attention in how we can set goals, locate books in the library and

have a good reading.

Eaglish I

There is a lot to say about english I, not forgetting the "tchipepeta" song that opened my attention

in the first day I met the Lecturer that lecture it, Mr. Suzana she is a lecture with a lot of issues

where by one of them is the present Portifolio. That lecture is much interested in us as students I

have seen that according her our best progress is in gathering abilities to express ourselves as

future teachers, and what I have gained from her can not be expressed in school materials but in

social life as a person, she made me recognize that I am nothing yet, and to be a English teacher

there is much to be done. According to my view points she teaches me that "what is much

important is not what do you believe that you know, but how do you bring to the world what you

know ". That makes me remember what lecturer Josias said - (the one who teaches MEIC) he
said that "if you do not choose reading, you will finish your course and still be like you are today

- knowing almost nothing!!" and he is right, if our attention and target is just finish the course,

we will do, but without knowing the most important things — how to teach and what to teach.

Education — Diplome
Resume of Works and

My tests.
Simple Present


It is used to describe an action which is regular, real or normal.

Regular actions in the present time period, facts,habits, things which are always or generally true.


These phrases and words generally appear in the Present Simple Tense sentences...

Every day, Every month, Every year, Every weekend, Days of the week (on Monday, etc), Always,
Sometimes, Usually, Never, Frequently.


Affirmative from


Subject + Verb + the rest of the sentence...

If the subject of the sentence is "He - She - It", you add "S" at the end of the verb. E.g. Speak > Speaks.

If the verb ends in "Ch - Sh - Ss - X - Z - Vowel", you add "Es" to the verb. E.g. Go > Goes.

If the verb ends in "Y", you replace it by "I" + "Es", except for "Play - Enjoy - Say", since before the "Y" a
vowel appears. E.g. Study > Studies - Play > Plays.

If the subject of the verb is "I - You - We - They", the verb is written in its infinitive form, that is to say,


She plays volleyball every day.

Tom watches TV at night on Sundays.

My parents like fish and chips always.

Negative form
Subject + Don't - Doesn't + Verb (infinitive) + the rest of the sentence.

If the subject of the sentence is "I - You - We - They", you write "Do Not" or the short form "Don't"
before the verb, which is written in its infinitive form, that is to say, without "S" at the end of it.

He - She - It + Does Not= Doesn't + Infinitive Verb + the rest of the sentence.

If the subject of the sentence is "He - She - It", you write "Does Not" or the short form "Doesn't"
before the verb, which is written in its infinitive form, that is to say, without "S" at the end of it.


I always don't like football.

Tina doesn't study hard frequently.

They sometimes do not write clearly

Interrogative form


Do - Does + Subject + Verb (Infinitive) + the rest of the sentence.

Do + I - You - We - They + Verb (Infinitive) + the rest of the sentence.

In the interrogative form the auxiliary "Do" is written before the subject "I - You - We - They" and the
verb without "S" since it is written in its infinitive form.

Does + He - She - It + Verb (Infinitive) + the rest of the sentence.

In the interrogative form the auxiliary "Does" is written before the subject "He - She - It" and the verb
without "S" since it is written in its infinitive form.


Do your friends live near you every day?

Does Robert eat meat every weekend?

My family story

Let me start in the beginning.

Everything begins with my Father his name is Florido Avuzara Meiodia he is from Maganja da

Costa-Gentivo of course in Zambézia. He took a journey to Namacurra where he met my Mother

Idalina Jaime Vítor and from that relationship they generated my sister named Dedinha Florido

Avuzara and then theirs born twins my sister Ticha and Delfina, I not knew Ticha, because she

died while child. And them born my sister Acácia, from there my father beguin claiming because
he wanted a man but it was being difficult of course, but them God hearing his claims, he sent to

him a combatant as a lion, in short Leonildo (of course Leonildo is Latin compound noun: leo=

lion, and nildo= combatant). This one is me, after me was born my lest brother Xavier, but he

unhappily died.

A total tragedy

When my father married my mother, they first lived in Gentivo a place from Maganja da Costa

where was born my four sisters and them they bought a space in the village, where I was born

and my brother, the one who died. When I was child in 2008 my mother get sick and then died,

from there our family beguin -getting in collapse because after that my father lost control with

my sister who already got pregnant and gave run away from home and he married other women

and I was not supporting, so them I went to live with my sister, who had been forced to leave,

and she was in a miserable situation but I had no choice, after I got off my other sister went to

live with our grandfathers, and then my sister Acacia was took with a lady that is living with her

till today.

My father got used to change wives by the time, and in 2023 he died. From there we get in the

worst misery. Let me highlight that my two sisters got children but was not married.

By the time my two sisters Dedinha who I was living with and Deltina begin living at my father

home, he left, but unhappily by the time it fall down. Reasons why, the combatant as lion had to

act, it was when I was ones 17 years old, I built a home for my sisters using the penthouse from

my father.

How do we study

I lived always as a poor, thing I am, and it never was easy to study, in a society where the major

number of people did not finish school it's difficult to be focused once more when you live

without father and mother and where you live the families are super poor it is easy to let school,
but I and my sister remain studying.In beginning specialy I had to find the money to matricuate

and pay tests but by the time when I was 10th we did a document named 'atestado de pobreza'

and it helped us so much.

Now I am I attending the University while my sister Acacia is almost getting married while

others are home, you may ask me: how do you pay the university? of course still today I don't

know how I will be paying because in the first payment I always desist, but God is good.

In conclusion, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my English portfolio with you. My

passion for philosophy has been the driving force that motivates me to think critically and

articulate my thoughts with clarity and confidence.

I have enjoyed incorporating philosophical concepts into my written work and exploring various

forms of literary expression that highlight the relationship between language and thought. My

talkative nature has allowed me to engage more actively in discussions and actively listen to the

perspectives of others, which has enriched my learning experience in the course.

Overall, this portfolio showcases my growth and development as an English language learner

and a person who is in learning progress. I am excited to continue developing my skills in this

area and look forward to sharing my progress with others. Thank you for taking the time to

engage with my work and for your interest in my journey.

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