Revision Sheet 7

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English Department

Term 1 Progression Revision Worksheets

Grade: 7

Contents: Grammar + writing+ Reading

Items to be studied for the Mid Term Progression Test:

Literacy Chapter 1
Vocabulary Lists Chapter 1 (booklet)
Grammar Types of sentences
Writing Descriptive Narrative
Comprehension Unseen passage based on genres taken (Fiction)

Good Luck

Student Name: ………………………………………………………………………………

Class: …………………………………………………………………………..

The following text is taken from the novel Pigeon English by Stephen Kelman. Set in present-day
London, the novel isabout Harrison Opuku, an 11-year-old boy who has recently arrived in
Britain from Ghana and whose life is changed forever when one of his friends is murdered.
Here, Harrison and his friend Jordan visit the spot where the boy was killed. As you read the
description of the murder scene, think about how Harrison seems to feel about his friend's

You could see the blood. It was darker than you thought. It was all on the ground outside
Chicken Joe's. It just felt crazy.
Jordan: I’ll give you a million quid fi you touch it.
' Me: 'You don't have a million.'
Jordan: 'One quid then.'
You wanted to touch it but you couldn't get close enough. There was a line in the way:


If you cross the line you'll turn to dust.

We weren't allowed to talk to the policeman, he had to concentrate for if the killer came back.
I could see the chains hanging from his belt but I couldn't see the gun.

The dead boy's mamma was guarding the blood. She wanted it to stay, you could tell. The rain
wanted to come and wash the blood away but she wouldn't let it. She wasn't even crying, she
was just stiff and fierce like it was her job to scare the rain back up into the sky. Apigeon was
looking for his chop. He walked right in the blood. He was even sad as wel, you could tell where
his eyes were al pink and dead.

The flowers were already bent. There were pictures of the dead boy wearing his school
uniform. His jumper was green.

My jumper's blue. My uniform's better. The only bad thing about ti si the tie, it's too scratchy. I
hate it when they're scratchy like that.

There were bottles of beer instead of candles and the dead boy's friends wrote messages to
him. They all said he was a great friend. Some of the spelling was wrong but I didn't mind. His
football boots were on the railings tied up by their laces. They were nearly new Nikes, POLICE
the studs were proper metal and everything.

Jordan: 'Shall I t'ief them? He don't need 'em no more.'

I just pretended I didn't hear him. Jordan would never really steal them, they were a million
times too big. They looked too empty just hanging there. I wanted to wear them but they'd
never fit.

Me and the dead boy were only half friends, I didn't see him very much because he was older
and he didn't go to my school. He could ride his bike with no hands and you never even wanted
him to fall off. I said a prayer for him inside my head. It just said sorry. That's all I could
remember. I pretended like fi I kept looking hard enough I could make the blood move and go
back in the shape of a boy. I could bring him back alive that way. It happened before, where I
used to live there was a chief who brought his son back like that. It was a long time ago, before I
was born. Asweh, it was a miracle. It didn't work this time.

I gave him my bouncy ball. I don't need it anymore, I've got five more under my bed. Jordan
only gave him a pebble he found on the floor.

Me: 'That doesn't count. It has to be something that belonged to you.'

Jordan: 'Tain't got nothing. I didn't know we had to bring a present.'

I gave Jordan a strawberry Chewit to give to the dead boy, then I showed him how to make a
cross. Both the two of us made a cross. We were very quiet. It even felt important. We ran all
the way home. I beat Jordan easily. I can beat everybody, I'm the fastest in Year 7. I just wanted
to get away before the dying caught us.

Questions: Tex
1.What does Jordan say he will give Harrison if he touches the blood?

2.'It just felt crazy! What do you think Harrison means by this?

3. Pick out three details about the dead boy's mother. What do these details suggest about her

4. Re-read the paragraph beginning 'Me and the dead boy were only half friends...' What
emotions is Harrison feeling here? Support your answer with reference to the text.

5. Re-read the final paragraph. Explain why Harrison runs all the way home.

6. Re-read the opening paragraph. What does the writer focus on here and how does this make
you feel? You should comment on:
- the words and phrases chosen and the effects these create
-the sentence forms and patterns used in this opening paragraph
- how the description makes you feel as a reader.
Pick out three examples of vocabulary that you think help to create this atmosphere. Explain
your choices, exploring the connotations of the words you have selected.

7. Pick out one sentence form that you think helps to create this atmosphere. Explain your
choice, exploring the way the sentence is structured and the punctuation used.

1-Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The dark forest loomed ahead, its ancient trees stretching towards the sky like ancient guardians of
secrets. Mist clung to every branch, veiling the path ahead, as if nature itself whispered mysteries to
those who dared to venture deeper. The air hung heavy with anticipation, filled with the musty smell of
earth and the distant murmur of hidden creatures. It was a place where time seemed to stand still,
where ancient legends whispered on the wind.

1. Identify the descriptive tool used in each sentence and write "Metaphor", "Simile", or

a) The dark forest loomed ahead, its ancient trees stretching towards the sky like ancient guardians of
secrets. ___________________

b) Mist clung to every branch, veiling the path ahead, as if nature itself whispered mysteries.


c) It was a place where time seemed to stand still.


d) Ancient legends whispered on the wind.


2. Explain the effect of the descriptive tool used in each sentence:





3. What is the atmosphere created by the mist and heavy air in the forest?


5. What does the metaphor "a place where time seemed to stand still" indicate about the forest?


6. What effect does the personification of ancient legends whispering on the wind have on the reader?


2-Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The sun broke through the clouds, casting a warm golden glow over the meadow. The vibrant
wildflowers swayed in the gentle breeze, painting the landscape with bursts of color. The air was filled
with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, bringing a sense of joy and happiness to all who ventured into
the meadow. It was a place where worries melted away, and laughter echoed through the fields

1. Identify the descriptive tool used in each sentence and write "Metaphor," "Simile," or

a) The sun broke through the clouds, casting a warm golden glow over the meadow.


b) The vibrant wildflowers swayed in the gentle breeze, painting the landscape with bursts of color.

c) It was a place where worries melted away, and laughter echoed through the fields.


3. What effect does the warm golden glow of the sun have on the meadow?



4. How do the vibrant wildflowers contribute to the cheerful mood?



5. What impact does the sweet scent of blooming flowers have on those in the meadow?



6. What does the metaphor "worries melted away, and laughter echoed through the fields" suggest
about the atmosphere of the meadow?



3. Identify the descriptive tool used in each sentence and explain its effect:

a) The trees whispered secrets to each other in the wind.


b) The sweet aroma of freshly-baked cookies filled the kitchen.


c) The old house stood like a decaying monument of the past.


4. Read the following sentences and identify the descriptive tool used:

a) The waves crashed against the shore, spraying salty foam into the air.


b) Her eyes sparkled like diamonds in the sunlight.


c) The old oak tree stood tall and proud, its branches reaching towards the sky.


5. Rewrite the following sentences, changing the descriptive tool used:

a) Personification to Imagery: The flowers danced in the gentle breeze.


b) Simile to Sensory Language: Her voice was as smooth as velvet.


6.Read the following sentences carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. The bright yellow flowers danced in the gentle breeze, spreading joy and warmth throughout the

2. The old, worn-out suitcase sat in the corner, filled with memories of adventures and journeys.

3. The storm clouds overhead darkened the atmosphere, foreshadowing the upcoming conflict.

4. The dove, with its white feathers and peaceful cooing, symbolized hope and tranquility.

5. The red rose symbolized love and passion, its thorns a reminder of the complexities of relationships.


1. Identify the connotation of the word "bright" in sentence 1.


2. What does the symbolism of the old suitcase in sentence 2 represent?


3. What does the darkening atmosphere in sentence 3 symbolize?


4. Explain the symbolism of the dove in sentence 4.


5. What does the red rose symbolize in sentence 5?


1. Classify the sentences as simple, compound, or complex:

a) John likes to play basketball, but he doesn't enjoy swimming.


b) After I finished my dinner, I watched TV.


c) The cat jumped off the table.


d) She sang a beautiful song and danced gracefully.


2. Identify the conjunction used in each sentence and explain its purpose:

a) She studied hard because she wanted to get good grades.


b) The students worked together so they could finish the project on time.


c) He wanted to go to the party, but he had too much homework.


d) I will go for a walk unless it rains.


b) Although she was tired, she continued working.


c) I will buy a new book after I finish reading this one.


3. Rewrite the following sentences, replacing the conjunction with a different one that serves the
same purpose:

a) Because it was raining, they stayed indoors.


b) She is not tall enough, so she cannot reach the top shelf.


c) Although they were tired, they pushed through and completed the task.


4. Write a short paragraph describing a natural scenery at the seaside using descriptive tools:



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