Manual Eng 10-01-01

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

Table of Contents

Part Contents Page

2.1 Safety Regulations 2
2.2 Safety System 5
2.3 Signal Lamps 6
2.4 Fault Indication 8
2.5 Radio Transmitter 10
2.6 Battery 11
2.7 Start up & switch off 12
2.8 AUTO Mode - Load 14
2.9 AUTO Mode - Unload 15
2.10 MANUAL Mode 15
2.13 COMBI - two pallet sizes 18

This manual is valid for standard versions of the RS 92 and RS 96 models of Radio Shuttle /
Maxipacker. Parts valid for certain models are marked with model number.
The difference between ”Mode” and ”Operation” can be described as:
Mode: What the shuttle do, controlled by the operator.
Operation: How the shuttle works, determined by the racking or pallets.
Position numbers from the assembly drawings are shown within square brackets, e.g. [100].
Only AUTO and MANUAL mode is activated on standard design shuttles. Additional modes and
operations are present on specially ordered or optionally equipped shuttles. Please contact the
supplier for information.
(For the US market only: As the Radio Shuttle System is designed to comply with the demands
of ASME B56.5, Safety Standard for Guided Industrial Vehicles, the user must be familiar with,
and follow, part II of this standard.)

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

2.1 Safety Regulations

Personnel Location and Rack

a) Every one of the personnel, who is using the a) The entire rack is a RESTRICTED AREA to
Radio Shuttle System, must be well ac- which access is prohibited. Some exceptions
quainted with the use and function of the sys- exist, see section "Working in the racking" be-
tem. low.
All authorised personnel must have been b) The user is responsible for maintaining all
taken part in the training program. signs, markings and instructions supplied by
b) Unauthorised use of the Radio Shuttle System the manufacturer.
must be avoided by restricting the access to c) The rack must not be modified or rebuilt with-
the radio transmitter. The Radio Shuttle is not out written approval from the manufacturer.
equipped with any lockable switch.
d) The environmental conditions as described in
c) It is prohibited to enter or stay in the rack Appendix A & B, Technical specification, must
while shuttles are in operation. Should it be- not be exceeded.
come necessary to enter the racking, the in-
e) Protective netting must not be removed or
structions "Working in the racking" below
modified in any way. If the rack or location is
must be followed together with local routines
rebuilt in a way that enables someone to
for work in the racking.
reach moving shuttles or pallets, the safety
Radio Shuttle wire netting must be completed.
a) The Radio Shuttle is designed for a maximum If any part of the safety wire netting is dam-
pallet weight as stated on the machine plate aged, it must immediately be repaired or re-
and at the front end. For COMBI operation placed.
(two pallet sizes), a lower pallet weight is f) It is prohibited to climb or step above floor
valid for the smaller pallet. The rack, how- level near a safety wire net if a Radio Shuttle
ever, might be built for lighter pallet weights. operates in an adjacent channel or level.
Please refer to the documentation plate for g) Goods may not be stored in a way that let it
the rack system. protrude into the operation space required by
b) Never lift the Radio Shuttle and the pallet the Radio Shuttle.
c) The Radio Shuttle System may not be modi-
fied in any way without written approval from
the manufacturer.
d) Unless marked EX, the Radio Shuttle may not
be used in explosive locations. Please contact
supplier if uncertainty arises.
e) The Radio Shuttle may not be used in any
other way than in the associated rack system.
f) Riding the Radio Shuttle is prohibited as well
as towing or pulling.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

Pallets & load
a) The user is not allowed to use the Radio Shut-
a) Only use first-class quality pallets of the types
tle System together with self-developed
the installation is designed for. Damaged pal-
equipment without written approval from the
lets could result in great safety risks and must
not be used.
b) Make certain that the goods are stable and b) Only original spare parts may be used in ser-
secured to the pallet so that it cannot fall off. vice and maintenance.
c) No plastic wrapping or any other loose mate- c) The Radio Shuttle is tested and approved
rial may suspend at the sides or under the according to European standards (EN 61000-
pallet. 6-2 and EN 61000-6-4) regarding electromag-
d) Maximum allowed load overhang (outside of netic compatibility. Please contact the supplier
pallet) = 50mm per side in the transport di- if the shuttle interferes with other equipment.
rection. If this measure is violated, parts of d) The shuttle must do all placements of pallets in
the safety design is put out of function and is order to keep the automated functions working
therefore prohibited. as intended. It is not allowed to place pallets
e) It is not allowed to let the Radio Shuttle han- elsewhere than at the Pick/Drop Station*. If,
dle two loaded pallets on top of each other or for instance, a pallet is pushed into the racking
to place empty pallets in the racking. it is possible for the shuttle to lift it without be-
If other pallets than specified are to be used, ing correctly positioned under the pallet. When
please contact the supplier for investigation and unloading, this can lead to the pallet being
possible modification of installation placed so that it can not be reached by the
forks or falls down into the aisle.
For pallet handling with FIFO, REORGANIZA-
TION and DOUBLE PALLET the load has a lower *) Pick/Drop Station=The end of the rack chan-
weight limited of 250kg. This weight is valid only nel where the goods and shuttle is placed.
for wooden pallets. If any other types of pallets Will further on be referred to as P/D station.
are to be used please contact supplier for inves-
tigation and possible modification CAUTION
Under certain circumstances above minimum Violations of Safety Regulations can cau-
weight limits can be lowered. However it requires se serious incidents and lead to both
mechanical rebuilt and function must be acti- material and personnel damages
vated in the control program. Please contact
supplier for further information

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

Working in the racking

The risk of falling or being hit by a moving shuttle exists while
staying in the racking.

If a shuttle does not return to the P/D station as expected, it has stopped in the racking. The reason
can be that the shuttle has got stuck under a defective pallet, that the loaded pallet has got stuck or
that the control program has been unable to deal with an unexpected situation.
The following work flow is recommended:
1) Locate the shuttle and try to decide what has caused the stop:
a) If the red OFF indicator blinks, see chapter 2.4 Fault Indication.
b) In other cases, please refer to the following instructions.
2) Put the shuttle into MANUAL MODE, see chapter 2.10.
3) For shuttles equipped with remotely controlled power off, the radio transmitter STOP button is
once again pushed for at least 5 seconds until all lamps go out.
4) Inform all concerned personnel and remove shuttles in channels over, under and at the sides of
the channel to be entered.
5) Block the section that will be entered and adjacent sections. The easiest way to block a section is
using obstacles on the floor to prevent truck access.
6) Use a ladder or a fork lift cage to enter the racking. To move safely into the racking, EAB can
supply a work platform. If used, all its instructions shall be followed. When working in the racking,
local work at height regulations must always be followed.
7) If shuttle is missing remotely controlled Power off, it should be switched off with the front or rear
OFF button. Pay attention to the lift movement if the shuttle is turned on again.
8) The shuttle can be towed out of the channel
using a rope placed in the slot as shown to
the right.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

2.2 Safety system

The safety system of the Radio Shuttle System
consists of sensing edges in the directions of
travel, a stop button on the radio transmitter and STOP button on the
power off buttons on the Radio Shuttle. Radio Transmitter
Due to the mode of operation, the edges of a When the STOP-button is pushed, both the driv-
carried pallet and its load are not protected by ing and lifting movements are interrupted and
any mechanical sensing edge. the green signal lamp STANDBY will light, indicat-
ing that the shuttle is ready for a new command.
CAUTION Verify on the radio transmitter that the correct
Maximum allowed load overhang (outside shuttle will be controlled. Use one of two alterna-
of pallet) = 50mm per side in the trans- tives:
port direction. If this measure is violated, 1) Repeat the previous command  (IN) or 
parts of the safety design is put out of (OUT). The shuttle now completes the already
function and is therefore prohibited. begun working cycle.
2) Give the reverse command of the previous
one. Shuttle will acknowledge and perform
Sensing edges the new command and then return to P/D sta-
The Radio Shuttle reacts to the sensing edges tion
only when the driving motor is running. It is not
allowably to obstruct the sensing edges or its
movement in any way. OFF buttons on the
If a sensing edge is activated in AUTO mode, the Radio Shuttle
following will happen.
When any of the red POWER OFF buttons on the
1) The shuttle is halted and reverses approxi- Radio Shuttle panels is pushed, the operating
mately 0,1 m (4”) at low speed. power is switched off. To restart shuttle, the
procedure according to part 2.7 of the Operators
2) Fault code “Sensing edge(s) circuit activated”
Manual must be followed.
is shown (see section 2.4).
To reset and restart the shuttle, proceed as Remotely controlled power off
If the shuttle is equipped with remotely con-
1) Attend to the reason why the sensing edge(s) trolled POWER OFF, the STOP button on trans-
is being activated. mitter can be used by following routine:
2) Verify on the radio transmitter that the correct 1) Locate the shuttle and verify that the yellow
shuttle will be controlled. ON lamp is lit.
2) Activate MANUAL MODE by pushing the STOP
3) Reset the shuttle by pressing STOP
button for at least 5 seconds. Verify that the
4) Restart the shuttle by repeat the previous red and green lamp blinks simultaneously.
given command  (IN) or  (OUT). 3) Shut the shuttle down by once again pushing
The shuttle will now complete the already be- the STOP button for at least 5 seconds. Verify
gun working cycle. It will react only to a repe- that all lamps have gone out.
tition of the previous command. 4) To restart shuttle, the procedure according to
In MANUAL or REORGANISATION mode, the part 2.7 of the Operators Manual must be fol-
shuttle does not reverse but stops immediately lowed.
according to Fault code “Sensing edge(s) circuit
To resume reorganisation, remove the obstacle
and then press .

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

Signal lamps and push buttons RS92

RS92 Front view RS92 Rear view

10 10


BUTTON All shuttle types

ON (yellow) Power on Front side
OFF (red) Power off Front and rear side


ON (yellow) Continuous Operating power on Operating power on
STANDBY (green) Continuous Ready to receive commands —
OFF (red) Continuous Batteries discharged or sensing edge Sensing edge activated
STANDBY (green) BLINK In continuous operation Lifting device in lowest position
OFF (red) BLINK Fault indication, refer to part 2.4 —
STANDBY / OFF BLINK/BLINK Level empty (alternating blink) Manual mode (simultaneous blink)
CHARGE LEVEL Battery capacity indicator, see section 2.6
RAPID FLASH: The Radio Shuttle is starting to move
Position [10] white lamp SLOW FLASH: The Radio Shuttle is moving towards the flashing side
SHORT Continuous: Confirmation of command from the radio transmitter

Optional functions – Not available on all models

LAMP L1 and L2 Indicates See section
L1 (yellow) BLINK SHOW PALLET 2.11
L1 (yellow) CONTINUOUS LIFO racking (last in – first out) 2.8, 2.9, 2.15
L1 CONTINUOUS and L2 BLINK Handling of DOUBLE PALLET in LIFO racking 2.14
L2 (yellow) CONTINUOUS FIFO racking (first in – first out) 2.8, 2.9, 2.15
L1 BLINK and L2 CONTINUOUS Handling of DOUBLE PALLET in FIFO racking 2.14
L1 and L2 simultaneous BLINK FORCED UNLOAD (COMBI shuttle) 2.13
L1 and L2 alternate BLINK The shuttle cannot determine the pallet size (COMBI) 2.13

The lamps (L1 & L2) are included in an optional kit together with a second radio receiver.
Blue position lights are mounted at the front and rear underneath the shuttle. The lights are in-
tended as an aid in positioning the forks when the shuttle is used in high and poorly lit racks.
The position lights also complement the indications for low battery level and fault indications,
see section 2.4.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

2.3b Signal lamps and push buttons RS96

RS96 Front view RS96 Rear view

BUTTON All shuttle types

ON (yellow) Power on Front side
OFF (red) Power off Front- and rear side
Position [11-13] Circuit breakers See spare part list for information


ON (yellow) Continuous Operating power on Operating power on
STANDBY (green) Continuous Ready to receive commands —
OFF (red) Continuous Batteries discharged or sensing edge Sensing edge activated
STANDBY (green) BLINK In continuous operation Lifting device in lowest position
OFF (red) BLINK Fault indication, see section 2.4 —
STANDBY / OFF BLINK/BLINK Level empty (alternating blink) Manual mode (simultaneous blink)
CHARGE LEVEL Battery capacity indicator, see section 2.6
RAPID FLASH: The Radio Shuttle is starting to move
Position [10] white lamp SLOW FLASH: The Radio Shuttle is moving towards the flashing side
SHORT Continuous: Confirmation of command from the radio transmitter
Position [52] Hour counter – Running time accumulates during shuttle movements

Optional functions – Not available on all models

LAMP L1 and L2 Indicates Se section
L1 (yellow) BLINK SHOW PALLET 2.11
L1 (yellow) CONTINUOUS LIFO racking (last in – first out) 2.8, 2.9, 2.15
L1 CONTINUOUS and L2 BLINK Handling of DOUBLE PALLET in LIFO racking 2.14
L2 (yellow) CONTINUOUS FIFO racking (first in – first out) 2.8, 2.9, 2.15
L1 BLINK and L2 CONTINUOUS Handling of DOUBLE PALLET in FIFO racking 2.14
L1 and L2 BLINK FORCED UNLOAD (COMBI shuttle) 2.13
L1 and L2 alternate BLINK The shuttle cannot determine the pallet size (COMBI) 2.13

The lamps (L1 & L2) are included in an optional kit together with a second radio receiver.
Blue position lights are mounted at the front and rear underneath the shuttle. The lights are in-
tended as an aid in positioning the forks when the shuttle is used in high and poorly lit racks.
The position lights also complement the indications for low battery level and fault indications,
see section 2.4.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

2.4 Fault indication

Red signal lamp To make the Radio Shuttle return to P/D station,
OFF continuous lit proceed as follows:
1) Push the STOP button on the radio transmit-
Indicates that the battery voltage is too low. The
ter. The red lamp POWER OFF will stop
Radio Shuttle will complete the already begun
blinking and the green lamp STANDBY will
working cycle, but then it will stop at P/D station.
light up.
No further commands from the radio transmitter
will be accepted. 2) Give the reverse command of the previous
one,  (IN) or  (OUT). The shuttle now
To restart the shuttle: starts and returns to P/D station.
1) Switch off the shuttle by pushing any of the 3) Lift the shuttle out of the rack and switch it
red buttons. off.
2) Replace the battery cassettes by fully charged 4) Check the lifting devices and repair the fault
ones and restart the shuttle. according to the Service Manual.

Red signal lamp Photocells (rail holes or pallet edge)

OFF blinking
If the red POWER OFF lamp starts to blink when
The safety components are constantly supervised the shuttle has returned to P/D station and
by the safety system. The red signal lamp OFF stopped, any of the rail holes or pallet edge indi-
will blink to show what component is malfunc- cating photocells is faulty.
Clean, adjust or replace the photocell, then re-
The fault indication differs between the models start the shuttle.
RS 92 and RS 96.
Drive motor
Fault indication RS 92
The red lamp POWER OFF starts to blink to pre-
The following components are internally super- vent over load if the shuttle is stuck while it tries
vised by the shuttle: to move. This error code can be shown anywhere
in the channel where the shuttle has been stuck.
• Lifting devices
• Photocells (rail holes and pallet edges) Push the STOP button for 5 seconds to select
• Drive motor manual mode. The shuttle might now be con-
trolled by the manual commands.
Lifting device
If the red lamp POWER OFF starts to blink while
If the red lamp POWER OFF starts to blink during the shuttle is moving this indicates an error in
a lifting or lowering operation, one of the follow- the pulse transducer.
ing faults exists in the lifting device:
1) When a lifting or lowering operation starts, a Complementing indication
15-second time-out period is set. A fault ex-
ists if any of the two lifting devices has not During low battery level or shuttle fault indica-
reached their respective limit switches within tion, the blue position lights under the shuttle are
this period. blinking.
2) The lifting motors are equipped with tem- In this way, indications will be easier to discover
perature sensors. If the temperature gets when the shuttle is used in a high racking where
too high, the movement will be stopped. the front end indicators can be difficult to see.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

Fault indication RS96 Sensing edge(s) circuit activated

S5 and/or S6
The red signal lamp OFF will blink a number of Indicated by five blinks:
times followed by a pause and then repeat to
show what component is malfunctioning.   
Shown if one or both sensing edges are acti-
Time out Drive motor vated, defected or not correctly connected.
Result is that shuttles stops according to proce-
Indicated by two blinks:
dure in section 2.2.
   Reconnect the sensing edges correctly or attend
Shown to prevent over load if the shuttle is stuck to the reason why the sending edges are being
while it tries to move. This error code can be activated.
shown any place where the shuttle is stuck. Subsequently reset and restart the shuttle
according to instruction in section 2.2
Push the STOP button for 5 seconds to enter
manual mode (see section 2.10). Using manual
commands, the shuttle might now be possible to Pallet detection photocell S14-17
drive out of the racking. Indicated by six blinks:
If this error code is shown while the shuttle is not
blocked this indicates an error in the pulse trans-
ducer. Shown if any of the photocells for front- or rear
pallet detection is malfunctioning. This error code
is shown at the P/D station after a complete
Rail hole detection photocell S11
working cycle.
Indicated by three blinks:
Clean, adjust or replace the photocell, then re-
   start the shuttle.
Shown if the photocell for rail hole detection is
malfunctioning. This error code is shown at the Time out Lift motor
P/D station after a complete working cycle. Indicated by seven blinks:
Clean, adjust or replace the photocell, then re-
start the shuttle.
Shown if the lift device did not reach its end posi-
tion in a certain amount of time.
Pallet edge detection photocell
S13 (for COMBI also S19) Push the STOP button for 5 seconds to enter
manual mode (see section 2.10). Using manual
Indicated by four blinks:
commands, the shuttle might now be possible to
Shown if any of the photocells for pallet edge If the lift device is moving, in manual mode, this
detection is malfunctioning. This error code is indicates that the sensor for lift positioning needs
shown at the P/D station after a complete work- to be adjusted or replaced.
ing cycle.
Clean, adjust or replace the photocell, then re- Complementing indication
start the shuttle. During low battery level or shuttle fault indica-
tion, the blue position lights under the shuttle are
In this way, indications will be easier to discover
when the shuttle is used in a high racking where
the front end indicators can be difficult to see.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

2.5 Radio transmitter

The Radio Transmitter has no ON/OFF switch and will send a signal as soon as one of the buttons
is being pushed. The transmitter must be kept under surveillance of the operator at all times to
prevent unintended actions.
The transmitter may be handled by authorised operators only.

The Radio Transmitter is powered by a built in 9V battery. Whenever the transmitter is

placed in the forklift cassette, this battery is disconnected and power is supplied from the
cassette. No recharging is done from the cassette.
If the Radio Transmitter battery has ran down, an automated Radio Shuttle operation
might not be possible to interrupt. Therefore, at the first sign of battery discharge, usu-
ally noticed as a shorter range, have the battery replaced according to part 3.2 Mainte-
Control buttons
The buttons  (IN), STOP and  (OUT) control shuttle

Buttons F1 and F2 control mode selection if the shuttle is
equipped with a second radio receiver. Operations are de-
1 2 3 scribed in the respective part 2.11 - 2.15 of this manual.

4 5 6 Whenever F1 and F2 are used to select modes and opera-

tions, the shuttle will not move until  (IN) or  (OUT) is
7 8 9 pushed.
F1 0 F2 The STOP button interrupts all movements, see chapter 2.2.

Numerical section
Each Radio Transmitter can control one of 242 shuttles using a communication number
called "address". On each shuttle, the address is shown on the machine plate and by a label
at the front of the shuttle.
To select Radio Shuttle no. Push
1 0-1
15 0-1-5
134 0-1-3-4
If no command is given between selection of Radio Shuttle, additional pushes on the button
0 may be required. The selected number is shown in the radio transmitter display and will
remain fixed until a new address has been selected.
The address setting of the Radio Shuttle receivers are fixed and may be changed only by the
system manager according to instructions in the service manual.

During the time a control button is being pushed on a radio transmitter a radio wave is
sent, resulting in disturbed or inhibited commands from other transmitters within the oper-
ating range. Especially when a button is being pushed for an extended time, for instance
during manual mode, other users should be informed about control command disturbances.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

2.6 Battery

Only the supplied battery cassettes and batteries should be connected to the charger for one or
of the same type and rating as the original may more days of maintenance charging.
be used, please refer to the spare parts list.
When the shuttle is used in a cold-storage room
Inside the battery cassettes there are two 12 V the charging time is prolonged. The batteries
batteries connected in series using a fuse holder must reach room temperature in order to be fully
with a 30 A fuse. If no voltage is present at the charged. Therefore, two extra sets of batteries
connector, this fuse is probably blown. Check all and one additional charger are required for cold-
leads and connectors and then replace the fuse storage three shifts working hours.
with the same type and size.
Low shuttle utilization in cold-storage rooms de-
Battery voltage teriorates battery capacity.
surveillance Make it a habit to charge the batteries after a
The Radio Shuttle is equipped with two different working shift, even if they are not completely
kinds of battery voltage surveillance. One of them discharged. This will ensure that the batteries will
interrupts operation when the battery voltage be fully charged for the next working shift. Al-
drops below the required level, the other gives ways keeping the batteries fully charged will
information about remaining battery capacity. prolong their service life.

Battery guard The charging location must keep a temperature

of +15 to +25 °C (59 to 77 °F) in order for the
If the battery voltage becomes too low to secure batteries to be fully charged.
operation, this is indicated by a continuous red
light OFF after a completed working cycle. Please observe that gas, explosive in high con-
centrations, may accumulate when charging bat-
To continue the procedure, the batteries of the teries. The ventilation should be at least 0,3 li-
shuttle must be replaced by fully charged ones. tres/second in locations where two battery cas-
Capacity indicator settes are charged. (Referring to Swedish work
environment standard AFS 1988:4)
The indicator is made up of the three-coloured
LED-lamp CHARGE LEVEL. The battery voltage is Charging
measured during the most current demanding
operations and the indicator is controlled with 1) Turn the shuttle off using one of the OFF
this information. buttons.

Green High remaining capacity. a) Charging in EAB charger cabinet or

other separate charger location
Yellow On some occasions, the voltage has
RS92: Lift the battery cassettes out of the
dropped below the threshold voltage.
Red The voltage has dropped below the RS 96: Open the hood and lift the battery
threshold voltage many times. The bat- cassettes out of the shuttle.
tery guard will soon interrupt operation.
b) Charging in the shuttle
The indication depends on pallet weights and
Connect the charger to the rear end con-
shuttle workload. Fixed limits for number of re-
nector. On RS96 the hood must be open
maining work cycles can not be given.
during charging.
Battery charging
2) Follow the supplied charging instructions for
Fully charged Radio Shuttle batteries have ap- the appropriate charger.
proximately 8-hour operating capacity. Charging
3) Put the battery cassettes back in place.
to full capacity takes 7 to 8 hours. Two or three
shifts working hours therefore require at least WARNING: Always lift the battery cas-
one extra set of batteries. sette using both handles. A crushing haz-
After a period of short charging times, the capac- ard exists between the shuttle cover and
ity of the respective cells of the battery can vary. the edge of the battery cassette.
To prevent this, once in a while the battery

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

2.7 Radio Shuttle start up & switch off

Preparations to start The shuttle must be placed with all four wheels
on the lower part of the rail with the front end
• Replace the Radio Shuttle batteries by fully facing the aisle of the rack from where com-
charged ones. mands will be sent.
• Make sure that the daily maintenance routine It is preferable, especially when lifting out of the
has been carried out, see chapter 3.2 racking, to use a forklift with pre-selective fork
heights, in order to prevent the shuttle from be-
Start up ing accidentally struck by the forks.

1) Push the yellow ON button on the Radio Shut- Exercise great caution when lifting shuttle out of
tle. The yellow signal lamp in the button will the rack. If any part of the shuttle gets stuck on
light up indicating that the shuttle is turned racking there is a possibility that it could slide off
on. After a short moment, when the PLC car- the forks and fall down.
ries out internal checks, all indicator lamps are
lit for three seconds. Switch off
During this lamp check, the CHARGE LEVEL Push the red OFF button on the front or rear
lamp changes from red to yellow to green. panel to turn the shuttle off. All signal lamps will
Should any indication lamp not light up, a se- go out.
curity risk exists. Correct the fault before tak-
ing the shuttle into operation. When the shuttle is equipped with remotely con-
trolled power off, see chapter 2.2.
RS 92: Automatic switch off
The lifts will be lowered if they are in upper
position when the power is turned on. The Radio Shuttle is equipped with an automatic
switch off device. It shuts down when the shuttle
RS 96: has not received any command from the radio
Every time the power turns on, the driving transmitter for 8 hours (standard setting).
axles will operate a complete lifting cycle.
This ensures the shuttle to start in the right To restart the shuttle, proceed according to the
height position. start up instructions above.

2) The green signal lamp STANDBY will light up,

indicating that the shuttle is ready to receive a
3) The shuttle is now ready to be lifted into the
rack and operated. Make sure no one stays in,
or nearby, the channel where the shuttle will
Lifting in and out of racking
The underside of the shuttle is equipped with
pockets intended for truck forks. Distance be-
tween forks should be adjusted according to
figure 1. Intention is to minimize risk for shuttle
to slide of forks. During positioning, aiming lights
are located on shuttle underside, see chapter
When placing the shuttle into the racking, the
operator must always have a clear view of how Fig1
the shuttle is placed. It is the responsibility of the
user to ensure the necessary view regardless of
lifting height.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

2.8 AUTO mode - LOADING

AUTO mode is used to load and unload pallets Continuous loading

and is the basic mode of the shuttle.
No indication is shown for AUTO mode and it is If a channel is to be filled, continuous loading
always active if no other mode is selected. can be used. This operation assumes that pallets
can be placed on the rails before the shuttle has
returned to the P/D Station.
1) Start continues loading by pushing the  (IN)
1) Place the Radio Shuttle on the P/D Station, in
button twice within 2 seconds. The Radio
which channel loading will take place. The
Shuttle will acknowledge the command with
shuttle must be placed so that the front end,
the green STANDBY lamp blinking.
marked with the address number label, faces
the aisle of the rack from where commands 2) The shuttle will now continuously transport
will be sent. pallets into the channel, unless another com-
mand is given.
If needed, choose the correct shuttle by se-
lecting the appropriate address number on If the P/D Station is empty when the shuttle re-
the radio transmitter. turns, continuous loading is interrupted and the
shuttle stops, ready to receive a new command.
2) Lift the pallet into the rack. The pallet must
not protrude outside the support rails. Continuous loading puts a certain demand on the
pallets used, see chapter "Pallet design…" below.
3) Push the  (IN) button of the radio transmit-
ter. The shuttle acknowledges the received
command by turning the green STANDBY Pallet design for repeated
lamp off. and continuous loading
If the green lamp light up again, as soon as
the  (IN) button of the transmitter is re- In order for the control system to be able to
leased, the pallet has been placed too close to bring the shuttle to the right position below a
the front of the channel. Lift the pallet further pallet that has been placed at the P/D Station,
in and give a new  (IN) command. the underside of the pallet must have three
boards with intervening gaps. Pallets with flat
4) The shuttle now locates the pallet, lifts and bottom or transverse boards cannot be used.
transports it as far as possible into the rack.
Then it returns to the P/D Station and is ready
to receive a new command. Gaps

Repeated loading
If a new pallet is placed into the channel before
the Radio Shuttle returns, a new  (IN) com-
mand may be entered as soon as the shuttle has
started the return to the P/D Station.
The shuttle will acknowledge the new  (IN)
command with the green STANDBY lamp blink-
Repeated loading puts a certain demand on the
pallets used, see chapter "Pallet design…" below.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual


Unloading Continuous unloading

1) Place the Radio Shuttle on the P/D Station, in If all the pallets in a channel are to be taken out,
which channel unloading will take place. The continuous unloading mode can be used.
shuttle must be placed so that the front end,
1) Start continuous unloading by pushing the 
marked with the address number label, faces
(OUT) button twice within 2 seconds. The Ra-
the aisle of the rack from where commands
dio Shuttle will acknowledge the command
will be sent.
with the green STANDBY lamp blinking.
If needed, choose the correct shuttle by se-
2) The shuttle will now continuously transport all
lecting the appropriate address number on
pallets out of the channel until it is emptied,
the radio transmitter.
unless another command is given.
2) Push the  (OUT) button of the radio trans-
If there is a remaining pallet at the P/D Station
mitter. The shuttle now locates the first pallet
when the shuttle returns, it will stop at a 0,5 m
in the channel, lifts and transports it to the
(20") distance. As soon as this front pallet has
P/D Station and is ready to receive a new
been removed from of the rack, the shuttle will
automatically restart and complete its work with-
3) Lift the pallet out of the rack. out having to receive a new command from the
radio transmitter.
As soon as the green STANDBY lamp lights up,
the shuttle is ready to receive a new OUT com- If pallet at the P/D Station remains for one hour,
mand, even if there is still a pallet placed at the shuttle will relocate its load back into the channel
P/D Station. and then return to the P/D station.
A combi shuttle will place the pallet directly and
Should the shuttle stop at the front position with
then return to the P/D station.
green STANDBY and red OFF lamps alternate
blinking, it means that the channel is empty (ex- Should the shuttle stop at the P/D Station with
cept for the pallet at the P/D station). Reset the green STANDBY and red OFF lamps alternate
shuttle by pushing the STOP button of the radio blinking, it means that the channel is empty (ex-
transmitter. As soon as the green STAND BY cept for the pallet at the P/D station).
lamp shows continuous light, the shuttle is ready
Reset the shuttle by pushing the STOP button of
to receive a new command.
the radio transmitter. As soon as the green
STAND BY lamp shows continuous light, the
COMBI operation shuttle is ready to receive a new command.
If a shuttle in COMBI operation cannot decide the
pallet size, it will return to the P/D Station with
function lamps L1 and L2 alternately blinking.
Forced unloading (see chapter 2.13) can be used
as an attempt to get the pallet out of the racking.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

2.10 MANUAL mode

The Manual Mode may only be used as an emer- Due to safety reasons, lowering of pallets is not
gency operation of the shuttle. The purpose is to possible at the P/D station.
be able to bring the shuttle out of the racking if
 (OUT) button
something unforeseeable has happened.
Choose the correct shuttle by selecting the appro- The shuttle returns, with reduced speed, towards
priate address number on the radio transmitter. P/D Station as long as the button is being
The Manual mode is entered by pushing the pushed.
STOP button of the radio transmitter for at least
5 seconds and is indicated by the green F1 button (RS 92)
STANDBY and red OFF lamps simultaneously Valid for shuttles with two radio receivers. The
blinking. lift devices are raised as long as the button is
Switching the shuttle off will interrupt the Manual pushed.
mode operation.
Please observe that pushing a control button dur- F2 button
ing extended time will disturb other transmitters, Valid for shuttles with two radio receivers. The
see chapter 2.5 Radio Transmitter. shuttle moves, with reduced speed, into the rack-
 (IN) button ing from the P/D Station as long as the button is
being pushed. In this way, an attempt can be
RS92: Lift devices are lowered as long as the done to unload a pallet when forced unloading
button is pushed. (see chapter 2.14) has failed.
RS96: Lift device is lifted or lowered depending
on the position when the button was pushed. STOP button
When fault indication “Time out lift motor” is
A repeated 5 second push turns the shuttle off if
shown, the lift device is moving as long as the
it is equipped with remotely controlled power off.
button is pushed


The SHOW PALLET mode is used to bring a pallet 4) Push the  (OUT) button of the radio trans-
out towards the unloading side of the rack so mitter. The shuttle now locates the first pallet
that the content of the pallet can be viewed. This and transports it as close as possible to the
mode is useful in deep racks where it can be front of the rack. Space is left to make it pos-
difficult to see the content of a channel. sible to lift the shuttle out of the rack.
This mode requires additional equipment and 5) The shuttle returns to the P/D Station and
must be activated in the control program. enters AUTO mode.
1) Place the Radio Shuttle on the P/D Station, in Combination with other
which channel pallet should be brought to modes and operations
show position. In a FIFO rack, the shuttle
should be placed at the unloading side. Pushing the F1 button for more than two seconds
activates another command.
2) If needed, choose the correct shuttle by se-
lecting the appropriate address number on In this case, the L1 lamp will not blink and acti-
the radio transmitter. vation of SHOW PALLET mode has failed.

3) Push the F1 button of the radio transmitter for Reset the shuttle by pushing the STOP button
less then 2 seconds. and then repeat the SHOW PALLET command.
The function lamp L1 starts to blink, indicat-
ing that the shuttle is in SHOW PALLET mode.
The STOP button interrupts and brings the
shuttle back into AUTO mode.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual


REORGANISATION mode means that all pallets Temporary interruption

are automatically moved towards the unloading of reorganisation
side in order to create space for pallets to be
The reorganisation can during operation tempo-
loaded. Reorganization is always started and
rarily be stopped using the STOP button. After a
controlled from the unloading side.
new  (OUT) command, reorganisation contin-
This mode requires additional equipment and ues from its previous position.
must be activated in the control program.
Permanent interruption
Reorganization can be started if there are at least
three free pallet locations at the unloading side. of reorganisation
MANUAL mode interrupts reorganisation perma-
CAUTION nently. Lower the pallet and bring the shuttle out
The minimum pallet weight during reorgani- to the P/D station.
sation is 250 kg. This pallet weight must not The reorganisation is also permanently inter-
under any circumstances be lower as this
rupted if the battery guard indicates low battery
cause major safety hazards.
capacity when only a certain number of pallets
This applies to wooden pallets only. Pallets has been moved.
in other materials have other minimum The shuttle will then return to the P/D Station
weights, see chapter 2.1. with the red POWER OFF lamp lit.
Loading or unloading using another shuttle in a Address the reason for permanent interruption
channel where reorganisation takes place is pro- and restart the Reorganisation using normal pro-
hibited. cedure. The shuttle will locate last reorganised
pallet and continue its cycle.
1) If the remaining battery capacity is unknown,
always change to fully charged batteries be- Combination with other
fore reorganisation. modes and operations
2) Place the Radio Shuttle on the P/D Station, in Pushing the F2 button for more than two seconds
which channel reorganisation will take place. activates another command.
The shuttle must be placed so that the front In this case, the L2 lamp will not blink and acti-
end, marked with the address number label, vation of REORGANIZATION mode has failed.
faces the aisle of the rack from where com-
mands will be sent. Reset the shuttle by pushing the STOP button
and repeat the REORGANIZATION command.
3) If needed, choose the correct shuttle by se-
lecting the appropriate address number on Reorganization using a
the radio transmitter. COMBI shuttle
4) Push the radio transmitter button F2 for less A COMBI shuttle can automatically identify and
than 2 seconds. handle two different pallet sizes. REORGANIZA-
The function lamp L2 starts to blink to indi- TION mode can be used in channels where two
cate that the shuttle is ready for reorganisa- different pallet sizes occur.
tion. If the shuttle cannot identify the size of a pallet
The STOP button interrupts and brings the due for reorganisation, operation will be inter-
shuttle back into AUTO mode. rupted and the shuttle will return to the P/D Sta-
5) Push radio transmitter button  (OUT). The tion with function lamps L1 and L2 alternately
reorganisation starts and continues automati- blinking.
cally until all pallets in the channel have been Already reorganized pallets must be unloaded
replaced. from the unloading side and FORCED UNLOAD
6) The shuttle returns to the P/D Station and mode can be used as an attempt to unload the
enters AUTO mode. pallet.
For some types of pallet damages it is possible
for the shuttle to identify the pallet size when
loading from the loading side but not when un-
loading from the unloading side. In this case, the
channel, including the damaged pallet, must be
unloaded from the loading side.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual

2.13 COMBI

COMBI operation is used if the shuttle needs to Reloading

handle two different pallet sizes.
Reloading implies smaller pallet to be rearranged
The operation requires additional equipment and before placed at P/D station during an unload.
must be activated in the control program. Sequence puts the pallet down, relocate the
shuttle so the front edge correspond with the
COMBI operation cannot be combined with han-
pallet front edge, lifts the pallet and place it at
dling of double pallets (part 2.14).
P/D station.
In COMBI operation, the rear end of the pallet
If reloading is not activated, smaller pallet will be
correspond with the rear end of the shuttle, en-
placed at a distance, from the edge of the rack-
suring that the pallets are closely packed and
ing, which equals the difference between the
that two pallets are not lifted at the same time.
smaller and larger pallet.
Pallet size selection at loading Reloading is preset in shuttle setup and can be
altered by reprogramming only, please contact
The shuttle does selection of pallet size auto- the supplier.
matically. When the shuttle receives an  (IN)
command, it will locate the front pallet edge and, Forced unload
using the upward facing photocells, evaluate if
Forced unload mode is available on COMBI shut-
the larger or smaller pallet is to be loaded.
If the smaller pallet is placed close to the edge of
If shuttle cannot decide the pallet size, it will
the racking, shuttle will rearrange/relocate the
return to the P/D Station with function lamps L1
pallet to ensure that rear end correspond with
and L2 alternately blinking.
the rear pallet edge and then continue the load-
ing. 1) To unload the pallet, whose size cannot be
automatically selected, push the button F2 at
If the smaller pallet is placed at a distance from
the radio transmitter for at least 2 seconds.
the edge of the racking the pallet will be loaded
The function lamps L1 and L2 will start to
without reloading.
blink simultaneously to indicate that the shut-
If the pallet size cannot be decided, the shuttle tle is in forced unload mode.
will return to the P/D Station with function lamps
The STOP button interrupts and brings the
L1 and L2 alternately blinking.
shuttle back to AUTO mode.
Reset by pushing the STOP button at the radio
2) Push the button  (OUT) at the radio trans-
mitter. The shuttle will start and unloads the
Check the condition and position of the pallet and pallet according to its routines for unloading
give a new  (IN) command. the smaller pallet. Shuttle will relocate pallet
ensuring that it is lifted under all blocks re-
Pallet size selection gardless of pallet size. For security reasons, a
at unloading lower speed is used during the forced unload
At unloading, the shuttle identifies the pallet and
the correct size is selected. 3) The pallet is placed at the P/D Station and the
shuttle returns to AUTO mode.
If it returns empty with lamps L1 and L2 alter-
nately blinking after a given  (OUT) command, CAUTION
the automatic pallet size selection has failed.
Due to the fact that a possibly damaged pallet
Reset by pushing the STOP button at the radio is handled, the use of forced unload is poten-
transmitter. tially hazardous.

Check the condition and position of the pallet and Therefore, forced unload must always be su-
give a new  (OUT) command. pervised. If the pallet seems to be placed in a
wrong position when the shuttle approaches
the P/D Station, the STOP button should be
pushed. The pallet can then be lowered using
manual mode.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual


DOUBLE PALLET operation is used if pallets are Continuous loading
to be handled two by two in loading and unload-
If the radio transmitter button  (IN) is pushed
ing situations.
twice within 2 seconds, continuous loading of
This operation requires additional equipment and double pallets is started.
must be activated in the control program.
If a single pallet is placed at the P/D station, the
CAUTION continuous loading is terminated. The shuttle will
The minimum pallet weight for double return to its P/D Station and stop, ready to re-
pallet handling is 250 kg. This pallet weight ceive a new command.
must not under any circumstances be
lower as this cause major safety hazards. Unloading
This applies to wooden pallets only. Pallets
1) Place the Radio Shuttle on the P/D Station, in
in other materials have other minimum
which channel loading will take place, see sec-
weights, see chapter 2.1.
tion “Loading” above.
Selecting single or 2) Push the  (OUT) button of the radio trans-
double pallet handling mitter. The shuttle now locates the first pallet
in the channel, lifts and transports it to the
Switching between single and double pallets is
P/D Station.
done by pushing the F2 button for more than two
seconds and indicated as follows: 3) The shuttle now locates the next pallet in the
channel, lifts it and places it directly behind
• LIFO single pallet: L1 continuous
the first pallet.
• LIFO double pallet: L1 continuous / L2 blink
• FIFO single pallet: L2 continuous 4) When two pallets are placed at the P/D sta-
• FIFO double pallet: L2 continuous / L1 blink tion, the shuttle stops under the inner pallet.
Loading 5) When both pallets are lifted out of the rack,
shuttle returns to the P/D Station, the green
1) Place the Radio Shuttle on the P/D Station, in STANDBY lamp is lit and the shuttle is ready
which channel loading will take place. The to receive a new command.
shuttle must be placed so that the front end,
marked with the address number label, faces Continuous unloading
the aisle of the rack from where commands
If the radio transmitter button  (OUT) is
will be sent.
pushed twice within 2 seconds, continuous un-
2) If needed, choose the correct shuttle by se- loading of double pallets is started.
lecting the appropriate address number on
If a single pallet is lifted out from the rack before
the radio transmitter.
the shuttle has brought the second pallet, this
3) Lift two pallets into the rack at the same time. second pallet will be placed at the P/D station
and the shuttle will interrupt continuous unload-
4) Push the  (IN) button of the radio transmit-
ing, ready to receive a new command.
ter. The shuttle now searches for the edge of
the pallet nearest the aisle and then moves Combination with other
one pallet into the channel. modes and operations
5) If the shuttle finds an inner pallet, this will be Pushing the F2 button for less than two seconds
transports it as far as possible into the rack. activates another command.
Next, shuttle continues by loading outer pallet
with same procedure. If function lamp L2 blinks and L1 is turned off,
switching between single- and double pallet op-
6) When two pallets have been loaded into the eration has failed.
channel the shuttle returns to the P/D Station.
Reset the shuttle by pushing the STOP button
If only one pallet has been lifted into the P/D and then repeat the DOUBLE PALLET HANDLING
station, the search for an inner pallet is termi- command.
nated and the shuttle transports the single pallet
into the channel.

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Radioshuttle Series Users Manual


LIFO Fixed operation

Last in – First Out If a shuttle is to be used in one kind of racking
Operation is chosen when the shuttle is used in a only, LIFO or FIFO operation is set in the control
channel where loading and unloading is per- program. No indication is given on the shuttle.
formed from the same aisle.
Changeable operation
FIFO Ability to choose LIFO or FIFO operation requires
First in – First Out additional equipment and must be activated in
Operation is chosen when the shuttle is used in a the control program.
channel where loading and unloading is per- The most frequent mode of operation is set in
formed from opposite aisles. the control program and used as default during
When loading the first pallets into an empty start up.
channel, placements are made with a certain The other mode of LIFO/FIFO operation is se-
distance at the unloading side. This operation is lected by pushing the F1 button on the radio
made to create sufficient space during unloading. transmitter for at least two seconds. Additional
The control program can be set up for fixed op- two second pushes switch operation between
eration or changeable operation controlled from LIFO and FIFO.
the radio transmitter. The function lamp L1 is lit to show that the shut-
tle uses LIFO operation while the function lamp
L2 shows that FIFO operation is used.
The minimum pallet weight for FIFO op-
eration is 250 kg. This pallet weight must Combination with other
not under any circumstances be lower as
this cause major safety hazards.
modes and operations

This applies to wooden pallets only. Pallets Pushing the F1 button for less than two seconds
in other materials have other minimum activates another command.
weights, see chapter 2.1.
If the shuttle shows other indications than de-
scribed above, LIFO/FIFO changeover has failed.
Reset the shuttle by pushing the STOP button
and then repeat the LIFO/FIFO changeover com-

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