23 - 24 - PH 3 Iep - Joe Patrick Rafael - 11.2

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Jl. Sinar Mas Land Boulevard Kompleks Grand City, Kelurahan Graha
Indah, Balikpapan Utara, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur

Name : Joe Patrick Rafael

Grade : 11 Science 2
Type of Assessment : PH 3 - Expository Essay (60%)
Day/Date : Friday, 27 October 2023 (Day/Date when assignment progress starts)

Unexpected Sweet Saboteur: How Bad Habits Fuel the Fire of Diabetes

Have you all heard about a disease called Diabetes? If not then here is an explanation.
Diabetes is a common disease that happens because of high blood glucose levels inside of a
human body. Usually Diabetes can be passed down genetically or developed at an old age. But
what is the real cause for “The Fire of Diabetes'' to be provoked? The true cause of Diabetes
are bad habits us humans do in our daily lives. We may not realise it but there are some minor
effects in our lives that may cause Diabetes upon ourselves.

Bad habits are the main cause of diabetes, the contents of blood glucose in the human
body is larger than the average human with no diabetes. One of the bad habits that causes
diabetes is consuming foods with high glucose or intake. For example, overconsumption of
carbohydrates like bread, flour, rice, potato, and many other consumables with high
carbohydrates. Carbohydrates contain a little amount of sugar but can impact a life if went over
the limit. An average bread contains 5 grams of sugar, 100 grams of rice contain 0.1 grams of
sugar, an average 100 grams of white potatoes contains 0.53 grams of sugar. There are many
cases where overconsumption, in India there’s more or less around 67 million people developed
Type 2 diabetes which was regularly caused by high glucose intakes of sugar and
carbohydrates (Death by Carbs: Added Sugars and Refined Carbohydrates Cause Diabetes
and Cardiovascular Disease in Asian Indians, n.d.). Estimated in 2030, the numbers will grow
twice as much.

The next fuel to the “Fire of Diabetes” is sleep deprivation. Naturally, the human body
needs rest to properly metabolize everything that a person consumes in a daily routine. The
recommended amount of sleep for people is different based on age. Infants from 4 to 12 months
old have to sleep for the recommended amount of 12-16 hours, toddlers from 3 to 5 years
oldhave to sleep for the recommended amount of 11-14 hours of sleep, children from the age of
6 to 12 need about 9-12 hours of sleep, teenagers around the age of 13 to 18 will need 8-10
hours of sleep (Healthy Sleep for Your Baby and Child, n.d.). Finally, adults need the
recommended amount of 8 hours to sleep. However not many people follow the recommended
sleep schedule. Many cases of sleep deprivation may lead to potential diabetes in the early
middle age phase for a human. Around one in three US adults aren't getting enough of their
recommended sleep time (Sleep for a Good Cause | Diabetes, n.d.). As stated before, this
unhealthy habit could potentially lead to type 2 diabetes due to the lack of metabolization in a
person’s body.
Jl. Sinar Mas Land Boulevard Kompleks Grand City, Kelurahan Graha
Indah, Balikpapan Utara, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur
The last factor that may be a link to cause diabetes is stress and anxiety. It was long
established that stress performs a significant impact on body metabolism but it is unnoticable.
This proves the fact that type 2 diabetes can be caused by psychological and physical stress.
Even though stress does not contribute alone to diabetes, it can be considered as one of the
driving factors to the cause of diabetes in one’s body. Prolonged stress and obesity allows a
dangerous cycle to happen in our body which sooner or later results in metabolic dysfunction
which could lead again to diabetes. One of the activities that causes a large amount of stress is
overtime working. A study case from an article titled “Adverse effect of long work hours on
incident diabetes in 7065 Ontario workers followed for 12 years'' stated that over 10% of the
7065 Ontario workers population had developed diabetes, within the 10% of the population
(Adverse Effect of Long Work Hours on Incident Diabetes in 7065 Ontario Workers Followed for
12 Years, 2018). Among women, the main cause of their diabetes is due to working for more
than 40 hours per week.

To conclude, diabetes is caused by three main bad habits that happen in our daily lives.
Whether it is an improper diet, sleep deprivation, or high amounts of stress. Three of these
factors combined will guarantee you for diabetes in the middle age phase of adulthood.
Diabetes has a significant impact in our lives if not treated or prevented properly. The regular
treatment for diabetes is a daily dose of insuline injections and medicine. For prevention, a
simple nutrional diet, restting time with recommended hours based on age, and proper work
schedule will help prevent diabetes. Living a healthy lifestyle will make our lives better and will
decrease our chances of developing diabetes.
Jl. Sinar Mas Land Boulevard Kompleks Grand City, Kelurahan Graha
Indah, Balikpapan Utara, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur


Adverse effect of long work hours on incident diabetes in 7065 Ontario workers followed for 12

years. (2018, July 2). NCBI. Retrieved October 27, 2023, from


Death by Carbs: Added Sugars and Refined Carbohydrates Cause Diabetes and

Cardiovascular Disease in Asian Indians. (n.d.). NCBI. Retrieved October 27, 2023, from


FoodData Central Search Results. (n.d.). FoodData Central. Retrieved October 27, 2023, from


FoodData Central Search Results. (n.d.). FoodData Central. Retrieved October 27, 2023, from


Healthy sleep for your baby and child. (n.d.). Caring for kids. Retrieved October 27, 2023, from



Sleep for a Good Cause | Diabetes. (n.d.). CDC. Retrieved October 27, 2023, from


Wanjari, M. B. (2022, September 13). Stress-Induced Diabetes: A Review - PMC. NCBI.

Retrieved October 27, 2023, from

Jl. Sinar Mas Land Boulevard Kompleks Grand City, Kelurahan Graha
Indah, Balikpapan Utara, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur
Jl. Sinar Mas Land Boulevard Kompleks Grand City, Kelurahan Graha
Indah, Balikpapan Utara, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur
Jl. Sinar Mas Land Boulevard Kompleks Grand City, Kelurahan Graha
Indah, Balikpapan Utara, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur

From https://www.duplichecker.com/
Jl. Sinar Mas Land Boulevard Kompleks Grand City, Kelurahan Graha
Indah, Balikpapan Utara, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur

From https://gptzero.me/

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