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July 11, 2016

Nellie Kelloggs Van Schaick Educational Trust Fund

Arizona, USA

Dear Benefactor,

Greetings of peace!

I would like to express my gratitude for the educational grant that you have given me all
throughout the three years that I have been studying in med school. I am now in my 4th year, by God’s
grace and I only have one year until I can hopefully march and be awarded with my Doctor of Medicine
degree. I could not be any closer to my dream if it were not for your support for my education. I ought
to share my experiences for the past year with you at the very least.
The first semester was the last semester that we would be having our PBL sessions at the
modular room at school. We took four modules – Renal, Musculoskeletal-Derma, Hematology-
Immunology, Sex and Gender Sensitivity modules. I have been engaging in PBL sessions for 3 years now,
and so I really did not feel the anxiety during PBL sessions unlike when I was in my first year. Actually,
these last modules felt very enjoyable and relaxed for me. I especially liked the renal module because I
learned so much about the underrated functions of the kidneys. And renal physiology is very systemic
and integrated. It involved a lot of physics, chemistry and microbiology. It never fails to amaze me how
the body works and how the Almighty, the masterful engineer, has designed everything to work so
beautifully. I passed all my written exams and clinical exams. Thank God. And so I passed this semester
smoothly. I really will miss the PBL sessions though.
The next semester was clerkship. Whoa! This was an absolutely indescribable experience. It had
been a grand rollercoaster ride for me. Life changing decisions were made during clerkship. The level of
maturity that was needed was really beyond what I had to offer initially. I was very idealistic coming
from all those PBL sessions. Although we had bedside sessions ever since first year, those were nothing
to compared to clerkship. No level of preparations can make anyone ready for clerskship, in my opinion.
It was a not only a challenge mentally, putting all those learning into test, but it was an even bigger
challenge physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Having enrolled in a tertiary government hospital, our
patients were mostly marginalized people who had nothing on them, except their will for themselves
and their loved ones to be treated. The lengths that these patients and watchers had to go through just
to be able to come into the hospital were very humbling. It makes me wonder what I have been doing
with my life. It makes want to give so much to these people, to help them, to treat them and cure them
if possible. And their struggles and life stories have made my fear of my residents, of underachieving
academically, futile compared to their problems. The clerkship experience has been inspiring. There are
no words to describe it. I learned so much in 6 months and I have reached this level of maturity that
makes me want to just become the best doctor fast and be able to help as many people as I could.
And that is why I am very grateful to you my benefactor. I will never have experienced all of this
have I not gone to med school. And your continuing financial support have practically made all these
possible. For which, again I am truly grateful.

Respectfully yours,

Laila Mae B. Tahir

Level 4 Medical Student

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