Poli Rev Compiled 4b Notes Prelims 1

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4B 2020-2021

Notes for Poli Rev

enabling acts from Congress to be operative.

SEPTEMBER 17, 2020 Whilst the Constitution takes effect, they
RORY GILMORE & PEPPER become operative. That’s why self-executing
yang mga yan. The moment the Constitution
takes effect, they become operative.
Exam Coverage:
I. The 1987 Constitution Examples:
II. Basic Concepts Those provisions found in the Bill of
III. National Territory Rights like:
IV. Citizenship − Right to due process
V. Legislative Department − Right to equal protection
VI. Executive Department − Right against unreasonable
VII. Judicial Department searches and seizures
− Freedom of expression

I. THE 1987 CONSTITUTION 2. Non-self-executing provisions

a. Those provisions found in Art. 2 of
Q: Pang-ilang constitution na ito? the Constitution (Declaration of
A: 4th Principles and State Policies)
1. The 1935 Constitution b. Those provisions found in Art. 12 of
2. The 1973 Constitution the Constitution (National Economy
3. The 1975 Constitution and Patrimony)
4. The 1987 Constitution
Many of the provisions there are not self-
Sir: In barely 85 years, we already had 4 executing because they are broad principles
constitutions. We keep on changing our and policies that will require enabling act
constitution. When you compare this in US, from Congress to be operative.
would you believe that the Constitution that
continues to govern the American people
Q: What is the presumption now? Are
today that was still the Freedom Constitution
provisions of the Constitution self-
that was crafted by the founding fathers of the
executing or non-self-executing?
American union. When was that? 1787. From
1787 to date, that’s more than 2 centuries ago.
The Americans never change their MANILA PRINCE HOTEL VS. GSIS
Constitution, they merely amend it to adapt G.R. NO. 122156
to the changing times. In our case, apat na
yung constitution natin, baka mag-lima pa.
Anyway, a little of history ah. Unless it is expressly provided that a
legislative act is necessary to enforce a
Our Constitution has 2 kinds of provisions: constitutional mandate, the presumption
1. Self-executing provisions now is that all provisions are self-
2. Non-self-executing provisions executing. If the constitutional provisions are
treated as requiring legislation instead of self-
1. Self-executing provisions – these are
provisions that will no longer require executing, then legislature would have the

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power to ignore and practically nullify the government. So, will that involve an
mandate of the fundamental law. This can be amendment or a revision?
Applying the quantitative test, how many
provisions will be affected? Ang dami. More
ARTICLE XVII than hundred sections. That’s why applying
AMENDMENTS OR REVISIONS the quantitative test, sabi ng Supreme Court,
changing the form of the government to
parliamentary to presidential obviously,
AMENDMENT REVISION that’s not a mere amendment but a revision.
An isolated or A revamp or
Applying the qualitative test, what kind of
piecemeal change rewriting of the change is ought to be effected? Sabi ng
by adding, deleting, whole instrument, Supreme Court, remember in a presidential
or reducing without altering the form of government, there is the observance
altering the basic substantial entirety of the doctrine of separation of powers. Eh in
principles involved. of the Constitution. parliamentary, you have there the union of
the executive and the legislative departments.
That’s why applying the qualitative test, sabi
LAMBINO VS. COMELEC ng Supreme Court, a proposal to change the
G.R. NO. 174153 form of the government from presidential to
parliamentary obviously, that’s not a mere
amendment but a revision.
In this case, the Supreme Court adopted the
two tests to determine whether a proposed An amendment or revision of the
change is an amendment or a revision. Constitution actually involves a PROCESS.
1. Quantitative test – asks whether the
Q: How many stages are there in the
proposed change is so extensive in its
provisions as to change directly the
A: There are 2 stages.
‘substantial entirety’ of the
Constitution by the deletion or
1. Proposal stage
alteration of numerous existing
2. Ratification stage
Q: How is ratification done?
2. Qualitative test – Asks whether the
A: It is done through a plebiscite.
change will accomplish such far
reaching changes in the nature of our
Any proposed amendment or revision of the
basic governmental plan as to amount
constitution will have to be voted for in a
to a revision.
plebiscite. To be ratified by majority of the
people. Actually, nasa section 4, Art. 17 yan
Remember what was involved in Lambino
case, there was a proposal to change the form
of government from presidential to
Q: As you go over Art. 17, there are how
parliamentary. Remember what we have in
many ways of proposing an amendment or
the Philippines is a presidential form of

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A: There are 3 ways. members were also elected by the people of

1. Constituent Assembly their respective districts at that time. In 1987
2. Constitutional Convention Constitution, was drafted and proposed by
3. People’s Initiative the Constitutional Commission (ConCom)
whose members were appointed by then
1. Constituent Assembly President Cory Aquino.
By the way, when Congress meets in order to
propose an amendment or a revision of the However, you go over the whole of Art. 17 of
constitution, Congress will not be acting as a the 1987 Constitution, you will never find
legislative body, in what capacity will it be there the term “ConCom”. Walang
acting then? Constitutional Commission dyan. So, a
A: When Congress meets in order to propose ConCom is not a way of proposing an
an amendment or a revision, Congress will be amendment or revision simply because it is
acting as Constituent Assembly (ConAss). nowhere to be found in the 1987
Anyway, it [ConAss] is applicable naman di Constitution. Instead, what you find there is
ba? Constitutional Convention (ConCon). You
Q: How many votes is required here? have to know your Constitutional history.
A: 3/4 of all its members
When you go over sec. 3, Art. 17 of the
As you read section 1, par. 1 of Art. 17, ang 1987 Constitution, there are two ways on
problema may gray area yan eh. Since we how ConCon may be conveyed:
have a bicameral congress consisting of a
Senate and House of Representatives, in such 1. Congress itself may directly convey
a case how will the Congress vote? Jointly a Constitutional Convention.
or separately?
A: Unclear yan. That is a whole gray area. Q: In this case, what is the vote
Eventually, who will interpret the requirement?
Constitution? It’s not me. It’s not you. It will A: 2/3 vote
be the Supreme Court. Wag niyong
pangunahan ang Supreme Court. So, do not 2. Congress may indirectly call for a
say separately because that’s a gray area. ConCon by submitting to the
Unclear. Electorate the question of calling a
2. Constitutional Convention
Constitutional Convention is a body separate Q: In which case, what is the vote
and distinct from that of the Congress itself requirement?
whose members are to be elected by the A: Mere majority votes
people of their respective districts.
But then again, let me invite your attention,
Again ha, historically, our 1st constitution, meron ding gray area dyan eh with respect to
the 1935 Constitution was actually proposed the vote requirement. It is not clear whether
by a ConCon whose members were elected the Congress should vote jointly or
by the people of their respective districts at separately.
that time. Likewise, yung 2nd Constitution
natin, yung 1973 Constitution, it was also 3. People’s Initiative – Sec. 2, Art. 17
drafted and proposed by a ConCon whose

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This has been clarified by the Supreme Court revision. In changing our government to a
in the cases of Santiago vs. COMELEC and federal government, that will involve a
Lambino vs. COMELEC. revision. So either of the 2 lang yan, ConAss
or ConCon.
According to the Supreme Court in those
cases, People’s Initiative under sec. 2, Art. Now, assuming that it succeeded whether
17 is only limited to an amendment of the through ConAss or ConCon. Remember,
Constitution, not a revision. Be mindful of section 4 of Art 17 (Ratification), any
that. proposed amendment or revision of the
Constitution will have to be submitted to the
Q: How is people’s initiative done? people in a plebiscite. So eventually, sino ang
A: It is done through a petition, 12% of the magd-desisyon? Sila? Hindi ba tayo? If in the
total number of registered voters, of which plebiscite majority of us vote yes, that is the
every legislative district must be represented only time that we can change the form of our
by 3% of the registered voters. government, if majority will say no, then
there’s no such thing.
People’s Initiative under sec. 2 is not self-
executing because you have that 2nd
paragraph in section 2 which says that II. BASIC CONCEPTS
Congress shall provide for the
implementation to exercise this right. So in
short, people’s initiative under section 2 will
require a legislative act. It is not self- DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND

Q: Has Congress already enacted that

law? SECTION 25. The State shall ensure the
A: Yes. RA 6735 - The Initiative and autonomy of local governments.
Referendum Law
Q: Are LGUs under the control of the
SECTION 4. Any amendment to, or President?
revision of, this Constitution under Section A: No. They are not under the control of the
1 hereof shall be valid when ratified by a President for them to enjoy local autonomy.
majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite
which shall be held not earlier than sixty SECTION 26. The State shall guarantee
days nor later than ninety days after the equal access to opportunities for public
approval of such amendment or revision. service, and prohibit political dynasties as
may be defined by law.
You know very well that it is the plan of
President Duterte and his administration to This is the provision against political
change our form of government. May it be dynasties. Kaya lang hindi yan self-
done through People’s Initiative? executing. Sad to say until now, Congress has
A: No, it cannot be done through People’s not yet enacted a law.
Initiative because unang una, the Supreme
Court already clarified that People’s Principles - first 6 provisions
Initiative is only limited to amendment not a Policies – from section 7 to section 28

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like sa speakership ‘di ba?

However, there seems to be no clear Ano ba yan? ‘Di ba
distinction between what are “principles” and contract yan? Now, what
what are “policies”. is the subject matter of
that contract? ‘Di ba
SECTION 1. The Philippines is a speakership? Speakership
democratic and republican State. is a public office. So,
Sovereignty resides in the people and all remember public is
government authority emanates from outside the commerce of
them. man. Kaya yang “term-
sharing agreement” na
yan unenforceable-
Now you must have noticed that our
enforced yan eh.
Constitution prescribes the kind of
3. It is not a vested right – it is not
government that we shall have—our
protected by the due process clause.
government ought to be DEMOCRATIC
and REPUBLICAN. It cannot be otherwise,
You are holding a
and because of this provision, there is no way
public office and later on the
by which you can justify the establishment in
Congress decided to abolish
the Philippines of a dictatorship or any other
your office, can you
kind of government. Unless, of course, you
complain your right to due
wanted to do away with this Constitution.
process? Of course, no.
That is an important policy.
Remember the nature that the
power to create office
In the 2nd sentence of section 1 it states that,
belongs to the Congress and
in a democratic country, sovereign resides in
the power of the Congress to
the people all government authority emanates
create public office carries
from them. Correlate this with Art. 11
with it the power to abolish
(Accountability of Public Officers) section 1
the same office. The only
of which states that public office is a public
limitation is that the abolition
trust. It is not a privilege, there must always
is done in good faith.
be a sense of public accountability at all
4. It is not inherited
NOTE: You have to distinguish between
Q: What are the characteristics of a public
abolition of an office from the removal of an
officer. These are two distinct modes of
terminating official relationship with the
1. It is a public trust
2. It is not a property and is outside the
commerce of man.
Abolition of an office – it is the office itself.
- It cannot be a subject to a
There is nothing to return to.
valid contract.
Removal of an officer – the office remains,
- Why is it relevant today?
only the occupant is removed. That’s why it
Naririnig niyo naman
is very clear that the occupant of an office
yung tinatawag na “term-
may validly complain that their right to
sharing agreement”
security of tenure was violated because under
among public officers,

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the Constitution and Civil Service Law,

before one may be lawfully removed from an Q: What are the grounds for
office, it must be for causes provided by law. impeachment?
1. Culpable violation of the Constitution
2. Treason
4. Graft and corruption
Remember that impeachment is about 5. Other high crimes
accountability of public officer, that’s why it 6. Betrayal of public trust
is found in Art. 11.
NOTE: You better master the impeachable
officers and the grounds ah.
SECTION 2. The President, the Vice-
President, the Members of the Supreme
Court, the Members of the Constitutional Q: Who shall initiate the impeachment
Commissions, and the Ombudsman may case?
be removed from office, on impeachment A:
for, and conviction of, culpable violation SECTION 3. (1) The House of
of the Constitution, treason, bribery, graft Representatives shall have the exclusive
and corruption, other high crimes, or power to initiate all cases of impeachment.
betrayal of public trust. All other public
officers and employees may be removed Q: Who shall try the impeachment case?
from office as provided by law, but not by A:
impeachment. SECTION 3. (6) The Senate shall have the
sole power to try and decide all cases of
Q: Who are the impeachable officers? impeachment. When sitting for that
A: purpose, the Senators shall be on oath or
1. President affirmation. When the President of the
2. Vice president Philippines is on trial, the Chief Justice of
3. Members of the Supreme Court the Supreme Court shall preside, but shall
4. Members of the Constitutional not vote. No person shall be convicted
Commissions without the concurrence of two-thirds of
5. Ombudsman all the Members of the Senate.

So, if you analyze, who are they? The first You analyze par. 6, when sitting for that
two: they are the highest elective officials of purpose, the Senators shall be on oath or
the land. Whereas, the last 3: they are the affirmation. In other words, they have to take
highest appointive officials. Wag niyo another oath because at this time, they will
isasama dyan yung senate president. not act as senators. They will be acting as
Look at the 2nd sentence of sec. 2, all other
public officers and employees may be That’s why if you observed the impeachment
removed from office as provided by law, but
of the former CJ Corona, the senators were
not by impeachment. Meaning to say, this list
of impeachable officers is EXCLUSIVE. wearing judicial robes, and they are
addressed as, for example, “The Honorable

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Senator Judge Lito Lapid” because they are

sitting for a purpose of an impeachment SECTION 19, ARTICLE 7, 1987
court. The senators will be acting as judges, CONSTITUTION. Except in cases of
not as senators. impeachment, or as otherwise provided in
this Constitution, the President may grant
The one who will initiate the prosecution of reprieves, commutations, and pardons, and
impeachment case will be the House of remit fines and forfeitures, after conviction
Representatives, but the one who tries the by final judgment.
impeachment case shall be the Senate.
He shall also have the power to grant
If the subject matter of the impeachment case amnesty with the concurrence of a majority
is the President, the Chief Justice presides of all the Members of the Congress.
over the impeachment trial, but he will
merely preside. He will have no vote. The This is one important limitation on the
senators will decide. pardoning power of the President. The
pardoning power of the President will not
PENALTIES FOR IMPEACHMENT (Section III, apply in case of impeachment.
Paragraph 7)
1. Removal from office The provisions on impeachment are found in
2. Perpetual disqualification to hold Article 11, which speaks of Accountability of
office Public Officers. After all, what is
impeachment all about? Impeachment is all
SECTION 3, PARAGRAPH 7, ARTICLE XI, about Public Accountability.
Judgment in cases of impeachment shall These are the more important matters to
not extend further than removal from consider [at least for purposes of a review]
office and disqualification to hold any when you talk of Section 1, Article 2. This is
office under the Republic of the correlated with Article 11, Accountability of
Philippines, but the party convicted shall Public Officers, particularly public office is a
nevertheless be liable and subject to public trust.
prosecution, trial, and punishment,

This must be correlated with Section 19, 1. Public office is a public trust
Article 7. • There must always be a sense
of public accountability at all
2. Public office may not be inherited
• It is not a heritable possession

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• The issue on political dynasty Member of the House of

is relevant here Representatives or by any citizen
3. Public office is outside the commerce upon a resolution or endorsement by
of man. any Member thereof, which shall be
• Therefore, it may not be the included in the Order of Business
subject of a contract. within ten session days, and referred
• A term-sharing agreement is to the proper Committee within three
unenforceable in court session days thereafter. The
because the subject matter of Committee, after hearing, and by a
this agreement is public office majority vote of all its Members, shall
and public office is outside the submit its report to the House within
commerce of man. sixty session days from such referral,
4. Public office is not a property together with the corresponding
• Therefore, it is not protected resolution. The resolution shall be
not guaranteed by the due calendared for consideration by the
process clause House within ten session days from
receipt thereof.
WHO ARE THE IMPEACHABLE OFFICERS 3. A vote of at least one-third of all the
(SECTION 2, ARTICLE 11) Members of the House shall be
1. President necessary either to affirm a favorable
2. Vice-President resolution with the Articles of
3. Members of the Supreme Court Impeachment of the Committee, or
4. Members of the Constitutional override its contrary resolution. The
Commissions vote of each Member shall be
5. Ombudsman for, and conviction of: recorded.
a. Culpable violation of the 4. In case the verified complaint or
Constitution resolution of impeachment is filed by
b. Treason at least one-third of all the Members
c. Bribery of the House, the same shall
d. Graft and corruption constitute the Articles of
e. Other high crimes Impeachment, and trial by the Senate
f. Betrayal of public trust. shall forthwith proceed.
5. No impeachment proceedings shall
THE PROCESS OF IMPEACHMENT (SECTION be initiated against the same official
3, ARTICLE 11) more than once within a period of one
1. The House of Representatives shall year.
have the exclusive power to initiate 6. The Senate shall have the sole power
all cases of impeachment. to try and decide all cases of
2. A verified complaint for impeachment. When sitting for that
impeachment may be filed by any purpose, the Senators shall be on oath

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or affirmation. When the President of would mean the entire obliteration of the
the Philippines is on trial, the Chief entire planet earth, especially today with the
Justice of the Supreme Court shall advances in science, technology and modern
preside, but shall not vote. No person weaponry. That is why, among the
shall be convicted without the fundamental principles governing the
concurrence of two-thirds of all the establishment of the United Nations is the
Members of the Senate. renunciation of war as a national policy.
7. Judgment in cases of impeachment
shall not extend further than removal Consistent with the membership in the
from office and disqualification to United Nations, the Constitution also
hold any office under the Republic of renounces war as an instrument of national
the Philippines, but the party policy.
convicted shall nevertheless be liable
and subject to prosecution, trial, and Q: Who has the power to declare war?
punishment, according to law. A: You must notice that, under the
8. The Congress shall promulgate its Constitution, the power to declare war has
rules on impeachment to effectively been withheld. It has not been vested to any
carry out the purpose of this section. branch or department. Why? Because we
already renounced war as an instrument of
SECTION 2, ARTICLE 2 national policy. How else can one declare war
when war has already been renounced in
There are two important phrases that must be advance? That is why the power to declare
focused on in Section 2, Article 11: war has been withheld under the
1. “The Philippines renounces war as an Constitution. In fact the only power that is
instrument of national policy.” vested by the Constitution on the Congress is
2. “The Philippines adopts the generally the sole power to declare the existence of
accepted principles of international state of war, nothing more.
law as part of the law of the land.”
To say that the Congress has the power to
“The Philippines renounces war as an declare war is a common mistake.
instrument of national policy.”
This is consistent with the membership with SECTION 23, PARAGRAPH 1, ARTICLE 6.
the UN. This has been taken up under Public The Congress, by a vote of two-thirds of
International Law. Among the fundamental both Houses in joint session assembled,
principles governing the establishment of the voting separately, shall have the sole
United Nations is the renunciation of war as power to declare the existence of a state of
an instrument of national policy. The world war.
can no longer afford another war of such
magnitude as the First World War or the
This refers to the sole power of the Congress
Second World War. If that happens, that
to declare the existence of a state of war,

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NOT the power to declare war. There is a big

difference! Taking these provisions together, the kind of
war that is renounced by the Constitution is
Q: When we are attacked, are we now an offensive or aggressive war. But when
precluding from engaging the defense of attacked, we are not precluded from engaging
war? in the defense of war.
A: No. That is why we have Section 23,
Paragraph 1, Article 6. The Congress have It is in this context that the first phrase of
the sole power to declare the existence of Section 2, Article 2.
war. Meaning to say we are already being
attacked. So, Congress shall now meet to “The Philippines adopts the generally
declare the existence of the state of war. In accepted principles of international law as
other words, although we have renounced part of the law of the land.”
war as an instrument of national policy, when This is an affirmation of our adherence to the
we are being attacked, we are not precluded doctrine of incorporation.
from engaging in the defense of war. Why?
That is precisely one of the rights of the State In the study of International Law, when we
in international law. talk of the relation between international and
municipal law, there are two doctrines to
Q: In PIL, what are the fundamental consider:
rights of the State in International Law? 1. Doctrine of Incorporation
1. Right to Sovereignty and With respect to states that subscribe
Independence to the doctrine of incorporation, the
2. Right to Property and Jurisdiction generally accepted principles of
3. Right of Existence and Self-Defense international law automatically
4. Right to Equality become part of the laws. They no
5. Right to Diplomatic Intercourse longer require enabling act from
Congress adopting them as part of the
Among them is the Right of Existence and laws. Once it is established that that is
Self-Defense. That is why, although we a generally accepted principle of
renounce war as an instrument of national international law, automatically, it
policy, when we are attacked we are not becomes part of the laws.
precluded from engaging in self-defense of
war. That is one of our rights as a state in 2. Doctrine of Transformation
international law.
With respect to the states that
That is why this sole power to declare the subscribe to this doctrine, generally
existence of state of war is vested on the accepted principles of international
Congress. law do not automatically become part

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of their laws. An enabling act is still Another principle is pacta sunt servanda. In
required from the legislative body the case of Tañada vs Angara, in which the
adopting them as part of their laws, SC said that, among the oldest principles of
thus the term “transformation”, since international law, which, by the doctrine of
there is still a need to transform these incorporation, is incorporated is our laws, is
principles into laws. pacta sunt servanda. “Treaties must be
observed in good faith” [literal meaning].
There are states that subscribe to the doctrine
of incorporation, while there are those which Q: The so-called Yogyakarta Principles,
subscribe to the doctrine of transformation. have they become binding upon the
Philippines? What are these?
The Philippines subscribe to the doctrine of A: This is a set of principles for the
incorporation under Section 2, Article 2. Application of International Human Rights
Law in Relation to Sexual Orientation and
Q: Give an example of a generally Gender Identity adopted in Indonesia.
accepted principle which, by the doctrine
of incorporation, automatically becomes In the case of Ang Ladlad LGBT Party vs
part of our laws. COMELEC, it was argued that these
A: The doctrine of the state immunity from Yogyakarta Principles has become binding
suit. In the cases of USA vs Guinto, Bishop upon the Philippines. However, the Supreme
Arigo vs Admiral Swift, the Supreme Court Court said:
said that even it is not expressly provided in “At this time, we are not prepared to
Section 3, Article 16 that the State may not be declare that these Yogyakarta
sued without its consent, we are still bound Principles contain norms that are
by the doctrine of the state immunity from obligatory on the Philippines. There
suit because that is a generally accepted are declarations and obligations
principle of international law. Therefore, by outlined in said Principles which are
the doctrine of incorporation, automatically, not reflective of the current state of
it becomes part of the laws. international law, and do not find basis
in any of the sources of international
Another example is the doctrine of law enumerated under Article 38(1) of
sovereign equality of all states, expressed in the Statute of the International Court
the Latin maxim par in parem non habet of Justice. X x x”
imperium, which literally means “all states
are sovereign equals; an equal cannot assume “Elaborating, the Supreme Court further said:
jurisdiction over another equal.” This is also Using even the most liberal of lenses,
a generally accepted principle of these Yogyakarta Principles,
international law, and by doctrine of consisting of a declaration formulated
incorporation, becomes part of our laws. by various international law
professors, are – at best – de lege

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refenda – and do not constitute 1. Limitations imposed by the very

binding obligations on the nature of membership in the family of
Philippines. X x x” nations; and
2. Limitations imposed by treaty

Remember, when we joined the family of

Q: What are the elements of the State? nations, the U.N., or when we enter into a
1. People treaty, it is understood that we have to
2. Territory voluntarily surrender some aspects of our
3. Government state power in exchange for greater benefits
4. Sovereignty that we may derive by joining the family of
nations, especially in view of pact sunt
Q: What are the characteristics of servanda. Otherwise, we suffer isolation, just
sovereignty? like what is happening now in North Korea,
A: Sovereignty is: the only state so far that has not joined the
1. Permanent family of nations.
2. Absolute
3. Indivisible Under pacta sunt servanda:
4. Imprescriptible 1. A state that has entered into a treaty
5. Inalienable with other states, that state may not
6. Comprehensive advance the provisions of its own
7. Exclusive Constitution, as well as that of its own
laws, in order not to comply with its
The case of Tañada vs Angara involves our obligations under a treaty
ratification of the GATT (General Agreement 2. A state is supposed to make the
on Tariff and Trade) Treaty. It is this treaty necessary modifications in its laws in
that created the World Trade Organization order to comply with its obligations
(WTO). We are a party to the GATT Treaty, under a treaty.
which we ratified. In this case, a question was
asked: Is sovereignty really absolute? This is now known as the concept of auto-
limitation. Auto means “self” – when we
The Supreme Court said that in the domestic joined the family of nations, when we enter
sphere, sovereignty is really absolute, into treaties with other states, it is understood
permanent, indivisible, imprescriptible, that we have to voluntarily surrender some
comprehensive, all-encompassing, etc. aspects of our sovereign power in exchange
However, this might not be true in the field of for greater benefits that we may derive by
international relations because, actually, joining the family of nations especially in
there may be limitations imposed there. view of pacta sunt servanda.

What are these limitations?

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Correlation by Atty. Sandoval* adherence to the doctrine of incorporation, as

1. In the domestic scheme, no doubt expressed in this provision, we are bound by
about it, sovereignty is really that.
absolute, indivisible. There can be no
two sovereigns in one state, there can Q: What is the ethical basis of this
be only one sovereign. BUT that is doctrine, that the State may not be sued
only in the domestic level. without its consent, as explained by Justice
In the domestic level, the relationship A: That there can be no legal right as against
is vertical. That is why sovereignty is the authority that makes the law on which the
absolute. In one state, there can be no right depends.
two sovereigns.
Because of this formulation by Justice
2. In the field of International relations Holmes, sometimes, this has been derisively
it is different. There may be referred to as the royal prerogative of
limitations of sovereignty imposed. dishonesty [POLIREV-Notes-Sandoval:
because it grants the state the prerogative to
In international law, the relationship defeat any legitimate claim against it by
is horizontal. We say that one state is simply invoking its non-suability. We have
sovereign vis-à-vis, or in relation, had occasion to explain in its defense,
with other states. however, that a continued adherence to the
doctrine of non-suability cannot be deplored,
(Tañada vs Angara) for the loss of governmental efficiency and
the obstacle to the performance of its
multifarious functions would be far greater in
severity than the inconvenience that may be
caused private parties, if such fundamental
SECTION 3, ARTICLE 16. The State may principle is to be abandoned and the
not be sued without its consent. availability of judicial remedy is not to be
accordingly restricted.]
This is known as the doctrine of state Q: Does this doctrine, that the State may
immunity from suit. not be sued without its consent, apply to
foreign states or foreign countries? In
In USA vs Guinto, and Bishop Arigo vs other words, can you sue a foreign country
Admiral Swift, even if it is not expressly before our courts?
provided under Section 3, Article 16 that the A: No, because of the doctrine of sovereign
State may not be sued without its consent, we, equality of all states, as expressed in the
the Philippines, will be bound by that. Why? Latin maxim par in parem non habet
Because that is a generally accepted principle imperium, which literally means “all states
of international law, and because of our are sovereign equals, an equal may not

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assume jurisdiction over another equal,” government and the defendant is that
otherwise, it will unduly vex the peach of private individual. In a civil case as
nations. you already learned in remedial law,
when you are sued, you file an answer
GR: a foreign state cannot be sued before our with a counterclaim. The government
courts. files a motion to dismiss the counter
XPN: As long as the state gives its consent to claim on the ground of state
be sued, it waives that immunity from suit. immunity. Should the motion be
granted or denied?
Q: How is immunity from suit be waived?
How does the state give its consent? Denied. When the State commences
A: The state immunity from suit may be the litigation against a private party, it
waived either:
opens itself to a possible
1. Expressly
counterclaim. Otherwise that will be
Through: the height of unfairness, when the
a. a general law or government sues you and you can’t
b. a special law. even file a counterclaim against it.

In the case of Republic vs Purisima, b. When the state enters into a contract
the SC said a mere lawyer of the
with a private party.
government, like the SolGen, mean
not validly waive the immunity from
suit of the state. This is an implied waiver of state
immunity on the theory that when
Only Congress may waive the the government enters into a contract
immunity from suit of the state. This with a private party it is deemed to
is among the plenary powers of the have gone down to the level of the
Congress: the power to waive
private party therefore it is deemed
immunity from suit. It is not even the
President. to have waived state immunity.

2. Impliedly However, there has been a

Two ways by which the state waives development on this topic.
immunity impliedly:
a. When it commences litigation
The old rule was that
against a private party thereby
opening itself to a possible whenever the state enters into
counterclaim. a contract with a private party
it is deemed to have gone
For example when the state files a down the level of a private
claim for damages against a person party. Therefore it is deemed
for whatever cause of action it may to have waived its immunity
have against him, the plaintiff is the

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from suit. This rule, however, State. Remember, in the principle of agency,
is no longer valid. the acts of the agent are deemed to be the acts
of the principal. When you sue a public
Beginning with the case of official in the performance of his duties, then
USA vs Ruiz, our Supreme you are deemed to have sued the State itself,
Court began to qualify. Here which is why such suit should be dismissed
the Supreme Court said that invoking state immunity from suit.
not every contract entered into
by the state is deemed to be a However, in the same case, the Court said
waiver of its immunity from that this rule will not apply where a public
suit. They have to be official is sued in his official capacity for acts
distinguished that are unlawful and injurious to the rights of
others. Remember public officials are not
1) acta jure impeii - If the exempt, in their personal capacity, from
contract was entered into liability arising from acts committed in bad
by the in its sovereign or faith.
governmental capacity.
Here there is no waiver of Republic vs Sandoval: During the time of
state immunity from suit. President Cory Aquino there is this group
of farmers led by Jaime Tadeo. They
2) acta jure gestionis - If the marched along Mendiola on their way to
contract was entered into Malacañang. Along the way, the rally
by the state in its became unruly. It was dispersed violently
commercial or proprietary by the police officials. Several
capacity, then there is demonstrators were killed. So many others
waiver of immunity from were wounded. That is why this incident is
suit. known as the Mendiola Massacre. What
President Cory Aquino did was create a
One important ramification of this doctrine task force to investigate the causes of the
of immunity from suit is with respect to so-called Mendiola Massacre. After
suits against public officials.
investigation, the task force found that,
SUITS AGAINST PUBLIC OFFICIALS although initially, the police officials
assigned performed their powers and
In Lansang vs Court of Appeals, the Supreme functions in accordance with the law,
Court said that the doctrine of state immunity during the course of the dispersal
from suit applies to complaints filed against operations, they drained their guns directly
public officials in the performance of their to the demonstrators, thereby causing the
duties. Such suit shall be dismissed invoking deaths and injuries. They exceeded their
state immunity from suit. In this case, the authority. They are alone should be held
public official merely acts as the agent of the personally liable. This is not really a suit

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against the state without its consent. This personal capacity, although the act
is really a suit against the individual police complained of was committed while
officials who have exceeded their he occupies his public position.
In Amigable vs Cuenca and in Ministerio vs
Still in Lansang vs Court of Appeals, the CFI of Cebu, the SC said that the doctrine of
Supreme Court said that this rule will not also state immunity from suit cannot serve as an
apply where the public official is being sued instrument for perpetrating an injustice on a
not in his official capacity but in his personal citizen. It is just as important, if not more so,
capacity, although the acts complained of that there be fidelity to legal norms on the
may have been committed while he occupied part of officialdom if the rule of law were to
a public position. be maintained.

Example: Sexual harassment suits filed

against public officials. Here, the public
official is not being sued in his official
capacity, but in his personal capacity because
the act complained of – to sexually harass the
female employees – is not part of his official
function, although such act is committed
while he is occupying his public position.

Summary of the rules with respect to suits

against public officials:

GENERAL RULE: The doctrine of state

immunity from suit applies to complaints
filed against public officials in the
performance of their duties.

However, this rule will not apply where:

1. The public official is sued in his
official capacity for acts that are
unlawful or injurious to the rights of
others. Public official are not exempt,
in their personal capacity, from
liability arising from acts committed
in bad faith.
2. The public official is being sued, not
in his official capacity, but in his

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and regulations in relation to the grounding

SEPTEMBER 24, 2020
of the US military ship USS Guardian over
the Tubbataha Reefs .

1. Whether or not the Court has
General Rule:
jurisdiction over the US respondents
According to the court,the doctrine of state
who did not submit any pleading or
immunity from suit applies to complaints
manifestation in the case.
filed against public officials in the
performance of their duties. There is such a
2. Whether or not there is a waiver of
case where the public official merely acts as
immunity from suit in the Visiting
an agent of the state. Unless there is waiver
Forces Agreement (VFA) that would
from immunity from suit
make the US respondents liable.
This will not apply if the public official is
sued in his official capacity where acts that
1. Immunity of foreign states from the
are unlawful or injurious to the rights of
jurisdiction of local courts
others. The rule will not also apply where the
public official is sued in his personal capacity
The inhibition to implead a foreign state in a
even though he occupies public position.
local jurisdiction is expressed in the maxim
par in parem, non habet imperium. That is, all
ARIGO VS. SWIFT states are sovereign equals and cannot assert
jurisdiction over one another. This is also
FACTS: applicable to complaints filed against
While transiting the Sulu Sea, the USS officials of the state for acts allegedly
Guardian, a US Navy ship, ran aground on performed by them in the discharge of their
the South Shoal of Tubbataha Reefs, a duties. The rule is that if the judgment against
restricted and marine protected area. The US such officials will require the state itself to
Government provided compensation for the perform an affirmative act to satisfy the same,
damaged caused and undertook salvage such as the appropriation of the amount
operations to remove the grounded ship from needed to pay the damages awarded against
the coral reef. Petition: issuance of a Writ of them, the suit must be regarded as against the
Kalikasan with prayer for the issuance of a state itself although it has not been formally
Temporary Environmental Protection Order impleaded.
(TEPO) under Rule 7 of A.M. No. 09-6-8-
SC, otherwise known as the Rules of The alleged act or omission resulting in the
Procedure for Environmental Cases (Rules), unfortunate grounding of the USS Guardian
involving violations of environmental laws on the TRNP was committed while the US

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respondents were performing official thus improper considering that it is the VF A

military duties and working as commanding which governs disputes involving US
officers of the US Navy who had control and military ships and crew navigating Philippine
supervision over the USS Guardian and its waters in pursuance of the objectives of the
crew. The suit is deemed to be one against the agreement.
US itself as the satisfaction of a judgment
against said officials will require remedial Q: If foreign government is involved can
actions and appropriation of funds by the US you invoke express waiver of state
government. Therefore, the principle of State immunity?
immunity bars the exercise of jurisdiction by A: Yes, if the foreign government gave an
this Court over the persons of respondents implied waiver. Two kinds of implied waiver
Swift, Rice and Robling. 1. If the state commences litigation
2. If the contract was entered in his
2. The waiver of state immunity under proprietary capacity
the VFA pertains only to criminal
jurisdiction and not to special civil
actions such as the present petition for POWERS
issuance of a writ of Kalikasan. A
ruling on the application or non-
application of criminal jurisdiction NON DELEGATION OF POWERS
provisions of the VFA to US
personnel who may be found In a presidential form of government, there is
responsible for the grounding of the adherence to the Doctrine of Separation of
USS Guardian, would be premature Power
and beyond the province of a petition
for a writ of Kalikasan. Under that doctrine, the three important
powers of the State are:
The VFA is an agreement which defines the 1. Legislative power/The power
treatment of United States troops and to enact laws
personnel visiting the Philippines to promote 2. Executive Power/Power to
“common security interests” between the US implement law
and the Philippines in the region. It provides 3. Judicial power/ power to
for the guidelines to govern such visits of interpret the law
military personnel, and further defines the
rights of the United States and the Philippine These powers have been distributed to three
government in the matter of criminal Departments. Each of the three is supposed to
jurisdiction, movement of vessel and aircraft, check on the other two
importation and exportation of equipment,
materials and supplies. The invocation of US The Congress is to check on the President and
federal tort laws and even common law is the Courts. The President is supposed to

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check the Congress and the Courts,. The 1. There should be war
Court is supposed to check on the Congress 2. For a limited period
and the President. The idea is that power will 3. Subject to restrictions
4. Pursuant to a declared national policy
not be concentrated in one branch. If there is
concentration, it will be prone to abuse and Q: What if congress would like to revoke
corruption and evetually tyranny. the delegation, is another law required?
A: No, Unless sooner withdrawn by
Another principle to observe is non resolution of the Congress, such powers shall
delegation of powers. The maxim Potestas cease upon the next adjournment thereof.
Delegatas Non Delegari Potes. It means what Mere resolution will do
Q: What powers delegated to
has been delegated can no longer be
administrative bodies?
delegated. However there are instance where A: The power to promulgate rules and
permissible delgation of powers is allowed. regulation to implement a given law or
By way of exception to the general legislative policy. The rule making power or
rule:(PETAL) power of subordinate legislation or quasi
1. Delegation to the People under systems of legislative power. It may not exercise such
initiative and referendum power unless delegated.
Q: When administrative bodies exercise
2. Delegation to the President of Emergency
quasi legislative power, what does it
powers exactly do?
3. Delegation to the President of Tariff A: It promulgate administrative regulation
powers for the implementation of laws or IRR.
4. Delegtion to the Adminitrative Bodies
5. Delegation to the Local governments Example: The secretary of Labor
promulgated rules and regulation of the
Labor law.In what capacity did he act?
Q: May the president exercise emergency Quasi-legislative capacity
power motu poprio
A: No, the president cannot do it motu Q: This local government, how are they
poprio. It should be delegated by the referred by the Constitution?
Congress.(Sec 23,Par 2,Art 6) A: The territorial and political subdivisions
of the Republic of the Philippines are the
In times of war or other national emergency, provinces, cities, municipalities, and
the Congress may, by law, authorize the barangays. There shall be autonomous
President, for a limited period and subject to regions in Muslim Mindanao and the
such restrictions as it may prescribe, to Cordilleras as hereinafter provided.(Sec. 1,
exercise powers necessary and proper to Art 10)
carry out a declared national policy. Unless Q: This Local Governments,do they have
sooner withdrawn by resolution of the inherent powers?
Congress, such powers shall cease upon the A: No, they are mere creation of Congress.
next adjournment thereof. The power they enjoy are delegated by the
Congress.Only the State have inherent
Requisites: power.

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Test of Valid delegation of power: Q: May international vessels enter your

ports and harbors invoking the right to
1. Completeness test - the law delegating the innocent passage?
power must be complete in all essential terms A: No, it may be invoke only when
and conditions so that when it reaches the traversing the territorial sea of the state. Ports
delegate they have nothing to do but and harbors are internal waters and form part
implement it. of the land domain of the state.
2. Sufficient Standard test - the standard
must specify the limits of the delegate‘s MAGALLONA vs. ERMITA
authority, announce the legislative policy,
and identify the conditions under which it is
to be implemented. FACTS:
In 1961, Congress passed R.A. 3046
Q: Why do we need this test? demarcating the maritime baselines of the
A: It is to prevent undue delegation of power Philippines as an Archepelagic State pursuant
and prevent the delegation from running riot. to UNCLOS I of 9158, codifying the
sovereignty of State parties over their
territorial sea. Then in 1968, it was amended
III. NATIONAL TERRITORY by R.A. 5446, correcting some errors in R.A.
3046 reserving the drawing of baselines
There can be no state without territory around Sabah. In 2009, it was again amended
by R.A. 9522, to be compliant with the
State vs. Nation UNCLOS III of 1984. The requirements
complied with are: to shorten one baseline, to
A state need territory to exist while there can
optimize the location of some basepoints and
be a nation with no territory. classify KIG and Scarborough Shoal as
‘regime of islands’. Petitioner now assails the
Q: What comprises the National constitutionality of the law for three main
Territory? reasons: 1. it reduces the Philippine maritime
A: The national territory comprises the territory under Article 1; 2. it opens the
Philippine archipelago, with all the islands country’s waters to innocent and sea lanes
and waters embraced therein, and all other passages hence undermining our sovereignty
territories over which the Philippines has and security; and 3. treating KIG and
sovereignty or jurisdiction. Scarborough as ‘regime of islands’ would
Q: When we talk of Philippine weaken our claim over those territories.
archipelago, historically and legally we
refer to what territories? ISSUE:
A: We refer to those territories that have been Whether R.A. 9522 is constitutional?
ceded from Spain to US by virtue of treaty of
Paris. You also have the Treaty of RULING:
Washington and Treaty of Great Britain. 1. UNCLOS III has nothing to do with
acquisition or loss of territory. it is just a
Those waters around, between and codified norm that regulates conduct of
connecting are internal waters. They States. On the other hand, RA 9522 is a
form part of the land domain of the state. baseline law to mark out basepoints along
coasts, serving as geographic starting points
to measure. it merely notices the international

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community of the scope of our maritime Q: what is the extent of territorial sea
space. under the UNCLOS?
2. If passages is the issue, domestically, the A: 12 nautical miles from the baseline
legislature can enact legislation designating
routes within the archipelagic waters to Q: What about contagious zone?
regulate innocent and sea lanes passages. but A: 24 Nautical miles from the baseline
in the absence of such, international law
norms operate. the fact that for archipelagic Q:What about EEZ?
states, their waters are subject to both A: 200 nautical miles from the baseline
passages does not place them in lesser footing
vis a vis continental coastal states. Moreover, Q: What about continental shelf?
RIOP is a customary international law, no A: Same as EEZ
modern state can invoke its sovereignty to
forbid such passage. Q: Under the UNCLOS, what right does
3. On the kalayaan group of islands issue, RA the state has over its territorial sea?
9522 merely followed the basepoints mapped A: The state has sovereignty over its
by RA 3046 and in fact, it increased the territorial sea
Phils.’ total maritime space. Moreover, the
itself commits the Phils.’ continues claim of Q: What about its contagious zone?
sovereignty and jurisdiction over KIG. If not, A: The State has jurisdiction to enforce its
it would be a breach to 2 provisions of the customs,fiscal,immigration and sanitary

Art. 47 (3): ‘drawing of basepoints shall not Q: What about in EEZ and Continental
depart to any appreciable extent from the shelf?
general configuration of the archipelago’. A: A state has sovereign right to exploit
resources there.
Art 47 (2): the length of baselines shall not
exceed 100 mm. Kalayaan group of islands Q: In international law, what are the
and Scarborough Shoal are far from our modes of acquiring or diminishing
baselines, if we draw to include them, we’ll territory
breach the rules: that it should follow the A:
natural configuration of the archipelago. 1. Discovery and occupation of a territory
that is Terra Nullius
Q: What is the standpoint of RA 9522 in 2. Cession by treaty
international law? 3. Prescription
A: It constitutes as a notice of our baselines 4. Accretion
which the international community must 5. Subjugation
respect. It provides for the measurement of
territorial sea, contagious zone, EEZ and
continental shelf. Baseline is the starting
point of this measurement. If Congress did
not demarcate then we cannot measure
territorial sea, contagious zone, EEZ and
continental shelf.

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case, to determine whether she is a natural

OCTOBER 1, 2020 born citizen, the SC had to go back to the
CHRISTINA YANG provision of the 1935 constitution on
citizenship. Unfortunately, the 1935
constitution was silent as to the citizenship of
IV. CITIZENSHIP a foundling. In fact even the present
constitution is silent as to the citizenship of a
Q: Who are citizens of the Philippines?
A: (1) Those who are citizens of the
Before the present constitution took effect,
Philippines at the time of the adoption of this
the 1973 constitution governed. The 1973
Constitution; (Sec. 1 (1) Art. 4 of the
constitution took effect on January 17, 1973.
Before that, the 1935 constitution governed.
Q: When was this constitution Adopted
A: February 2, 1987 ARTICLE 4. Sec. 1

(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are

It is important that you know when our citizens of the Philippines;
constitution took effect. A person’s
citizenship is covered by the prevailing It says fathers OR mothers, so for as long as
constitution upon his birth. You might be either of your parents are Filipino Citizens,
invoking a wrong constitution when you regardless of where you are born then you are
answer a question. a Filipino Citizen.

Q: When did the 1987 constitution take Actually, according to the court in one case,
effect? this provision is an affirmation of our
A: January 17, 1973. Before January 17, adherence to the Jus Sanguinis Principle on
1973 obviously the 1935 constitution Citizenship. Citizenship by blood
covered. relationship.

In the case of the late Fernando Poe Jr., when Q: This can lead to some complications,
he ran for president, his citizenship was like for example X was born in California
challenged. The point is, when was Fernando but his parents were Filipinos. Is X a
Poe Jr. born? He was born in August 1939 so Filipino Citizen?
obviously the 1935 constitution covered him. A: Yes. Under Philippine Laws, he is a
Filipino Citizen. But then you have to
Same with his daughter, when she ran for remember that in the US they adhere to the
president, her Citizenship was questioned as Jus Soli Principle. So in this case, He is also
you know very well she is a foundling. She an American Citizenship. In short he possess
was born in 1968, so her birth was covered by dual citizenship.
the 1935 constitution. That’s why in that

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Q: So where is the possible legal ARTICLE 4. Sec. 1

A: In Sec. 5. Dual allegiance of citizens is (4) Those who are naturalized in
inimical to the national interest and shall be accordance with law.
dealt with by law. But im just inviting your
In the case of Bengzon vs HRET, the SC
attention to that. We will go through it later.
clarified that in general there are only two
types on Filipino Citizens which are natural
ARTICLE 4. Sec. 1
born and naturalized, there is no third
category. That if one did not undergo the
cumbersome process of naturalization, that
simply means that he is natural born.

You have that new law. RA 9139, providing

In fact if you read sec. 2 second sentence, it the administrative naturalization of an alien.
says there “Those who elect Philippine In the case of Edison So vs Republic, the SC
citizenship in accordance with paragraph (3), said that under current and existing laws,
Section 1 hereof shall be deemed natural- there are now three ways by which an alien
born citizens.” may become a Filipino Citizen by
They are not only considered Filipino 1. Administrative naturalization pursuant
citizens, they are deemed natural born under to RA 9139;
sec. 2. 2. Judicial naturalization pursuant to C.A.
No. 473, as amended;
Q: Who are they? 3. Legislative naturalization in the form of
A: Those born before January 17, 1973 of a law enacted by Congress bestowing
Filipino mothers, who upon reaching the age Philippine citizenship to an alien.
of majority, elect Philippine citizenship.
They are natural born Filipinos and not just
Filipino Citizens.

Q: What is the significance of that date? Under current and existing laws, there are
A: That was the date of the effectivity of the three ways by which an alien may become a
1973 constitution. citizen by naturalization: (a) administrative
naturalization pursuant to R.A. No. 9139; (b)
Art. 4 Sec. 1(3) has a connection with Sec. 4. judicial naturalization pursuant to C.A. No.
We will establish the connection with the 473, as amended; and (c) legislative
effect of marriage under Sec. 4. naturalization in the form of a law enacted by
Congress bestowing Philippine citizenship to
an alien.

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ARTICLE 4. (2) by repatriation; and

(3) by direct act of Congress.
SECTION 2. Natural-born citizens are
those who are citizens of the Philippines
Q: In case of Bengzon vs HRET. What is
from birth without having to perform
the effect of repatriation? *He said he will
any act to acquire or perfect their
ask this in the exam.*
Philippine citizenship. Those who elect
A: This was the case involving congressman
Philippine citizenship in accordance
Cruz. He was originally a natural born citizen
with paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof
but later on he served in the armed forces of
shall be deemed natural-born citizens.
the US and became an American citizen. So
he is no longer a Filipino Citizen. But later
There are two types of natural born citizens. on, still, he was able to reacquire his
Philippine Citizenship through repatriation
As a general rule: under RA 2630. Under this Act, for one to be
Those who are citizens of the Philippines able to reacquire Philippine citizenship there
from birth without having to perform any act are two requirements:
to acquire or perfect their Philippine. (1) one must take his oath of allegiance to the
Republic of the Philippines;
XPN: (2) He must register that fact in the office of
Those who elect Philippine citizenship in the civil registry in the place where he lives.
accordance with paragraph (3), Section 1
hereof shall be deemed natural-born citizens. Q: Thereafter, he ran for congressman.
That’s when his citizenship was
The second sentence comes off as an questioned. To be a congressman one must
exception because they need to perform a be natural born. So was he qualified to run
certain act to be a Filipino Citizen. for congressman?
A: The court held that he is qualified because
ARTICLE 4. repatriation results in the recovery of the
SECTION 3. Philippine citizenship may original nationality. Since he was a natural
be lost or reacquired in the manner born then he is qualified.
provided by law.
That is because in general there are only two
kinds of Filipino Citizens, natural born and
Let us focus on reacquisition of Philippine
naturalized. If one did not have to undergo
the cumbersome process of naturalization
then he is a natural born citizen. In the case
In the case of Frivaldo vs Comelec, it was
of Congressman Cruz, he did not undergo the
there where the court clarified that there are
cumbersome process of naturalization, then
actually three ways upon which Philippine
that simply means that he is a natural born
citizenship may be reacquired.
(1) by naturalization;

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However, as worded in 1973 Constitution, a

Following that ruling, the effect of Filipina who marries an alien retains her
naturalization is the recovery of the citizenship. As worded now, it says, citizens
original nationality. of the Philippines who marry aliens shall
retain Philippine citizenship.
Q: What it the definition of a natural
born? In the 1935 Constitution, there was no similar
A: Those who are citizens of the Philippines provision which says that a female Filipino
from birth without having to perform any act who marries an alien retains Philippine
to acquire or perfect their Philippine. citizenship. As a result of that, our Filipino
women were actually prejudiced.
Q: In the case of Cong. didn’t he take his
oath of allegiance to the republic of the Q: How were they prejudiced?
Philippines. And then he registered that A: Since there was no provision in the 1935
fact in the civil registrar in the place where Constitution, if you were a Filipino woman
he resides. Are those not “acts”? Did this born under the 1935 Constitution and you
Ruling of the SC amended the definition of marry a foreigner, you have to follow the
who is a natural born citizen? rules of international law. What is the law
A: No. The acts that Cong. Cruz performed under international law? The wife follows the
were not acts to acquire his Philippine citizenship of the husband. Because of that, a
citizenship. Those acts were to reacquire his Filipino woman born under 1935
citizenship. There lies the big difference. Constitution, loses her Philippine citizenship
when she marries a foreigner. Why? Because
ARTICLE 4. she follows the citizenship of her foreign
SECTION 4. Citizens of the Philippines
who marry aliens shall retain their
Q: Now, tell me, what will be the
citizenship, unless by their act or
citizenship of the children?
omission, they are deemed, under the
A: Remember, minor children follow the
law, to have renounced it.
citizenship of the parents. That is why there
was also a provision in the 1935 Constitution
Q: What is the effect if you are a Filipino which says that, “those born of Filipino
citizen and you marry a foreigner? mothers are required to elect Philippine
A: You will retain your Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of
citizenship, unless by your act or omission, majority” before they will be considered
you are deemed, under the law, to have Filipino citizens. If upon reaching the age of
renounced it. majority, they did not elect Philippine
citizenship, they will never become Filipino
History of the provision citizens. They will only become Filipino
Article 4, Section 4 is a carry over or a similar
provision from the 1973 Constitution.

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citizens if upon reaching the age of majority, his mother was a Filipino. He grew up in
they elect Philippine citizenship. the Philippines. He took up accountancy
and passed the CPA board exam. He
practiced his profession in the Philippines.
On the other hand, instead of marrying your
Later on, he ran for public office and he
foreign lover, you just maintain a common was elected as member of the sanggunian.
law relationship with him and you will not Meanwhile, he decided to take up law. He
lose your Philippine citizenship. See the took the bar exams and he passed it but he
absurdity? was not allowed to take his lawyer’s oath
because the Supreme Court found out that
Q: Now tell me, what will be the status of he elected Philippine citizenship only after
14 years upon reaching the age of
your children?
majority. Is Ching a Filipino citizen?
A: Illegitimate because they were born out of
wedlock. A: No. Since Ching was born in 1963, the
1935 Constitution governs him. Under the
Q: Now tell me, whose citizenship will they 1935 Constitution, “those born of Filipino
follow? mothers are required to elect Filipino
A: By jurisprudence, they will have to follow citizenship upon reaching the age of
majority.” To implement that provision under
the citizenship of their mother. Their mother
the 1935 Constitution, Congress enacted
remains to be a Filipino citizen. Hence, they Commonwealth Act No. 625. Under
are not required to elect Philippine Commonwealth Act No. 625, those born of
citizenship upon reaching the age of majority. Filipino mothers are required to elect
How can a Filipino citizen still elect Philippine citizenship within a reasonable
Philippine citizenship? time upon reaching the age of majority. So
what is that reasonable time of electing? As
held by the court in this case, within 3
You get the point? That is another absurdity. years only. In the case of Vicente Ching?
You have an absurd situation where an When did he elect Philippine citizenship?
illegitimate child, in effect, was placed in a After 14 years upon reaching the age of
better situation than a legitimate one. In the majority. So the Supreme Court said that it is
case of the legitimate one, he has to elect not allowed. One who is privileged to elect
Filipino citizenship upon reaching the age of Philippine citizenship has only an inchoate
right to such citizenship—as such, he
majority but in the case of illegitimate child,
should avail of the right with fervor,
he is not required to elect Philippine enthusiasm and promptitude.
Q: Will it make any difference in this case
IN RE: APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO if the parents of Vicente Ching were not
CHING A: Yes. If the parents of Vicente Ching were
not married, then he would become an
Q: In 1963, Vicente Ching was born in the illegitimate child. As such, he would follow
Philippines. His father was a Chinese and the citizenship of his mother. His mother

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retains her Philippine citizenship. Hence, he distinction between legitimate and

will not be required to elect Philippine illegitimate children with respect to those
citizenship upon reaching the age of majority. born of Filipino mothers. In the case at bar,
Fernando Poe Jr. was born of a Filipino
father, so obviously, whether he is legitimate
TECSON VS. COMELEC or illegitimate, he is a Filipino citizen
because the 1935 Constitution clearly
Q: Fernando Poe Jr. was born in August 4, provides that among those citizens of the
1939. His father is a Filipino citizen while Philippines are those whose fathers are
her mother is an American citizen. His Filipino citizens.
parents were legally married in September
1940. When Fernando Poe ran for SIGNIFICANT LESSONS TO
president in the May 2004 elections, his REMEMBER HERE:
citizenship was questioned. Is Fernando
Poe Jr. a Filipino citizen? With respect to those born under the 1935
A: Yes, Fernando Poe Jr. is a Filipino citizen.
Constitution, of a Filipino father, regardless
Q: At the time of his birth, what was his of whether he is legitimate or illegitimate, is
status? a Filipino citizen because the 1935
A: Illegitimate. Constitution clearly provides that among
those citizens of the Philippines are those
Q: Whose citizenship will he follow? whose fathers are Filipino citizens.
A: The citizenship of his father. That is not
exactly correct that an illegitimate child will
The 1935 Constitution only made a
follow the citizenship of his mother. What is
important here is the governing Constitution distinction between legitimate and
at the time of his birth. So when was he born? illegitimate children with respect to those
1939. So obviously, he was covered by the who were born of Filipino mothers. If they
1935 Constitution. So the court when back to are legitimate, before they are considered
the provisions of the 1935 Constitution. Filipino citizens, they are required to elect
There were two relevant provisions that were Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age
taken into consideration by the Supreme
Court. First, “among those who are citizens of majority. On the other hand, if they are
of the Philippines are those whose fathers are illegitimate, they need not elect citizenship
citizens of the Philippines.” The other one because by jurisprudence, they have to follow
provision says, “those born of Filipino the citizenship of their mother. Their mother
mothers, have to elect Philippine citizenship remained to be Filipinos.
upon reaching the age of majority.”
According to Supreme Court, you must have
Q: What happens now to those born under
noticed that under the 1935 Constitution,
the 1935 Constitution of Filipino mothers
with respect to those born of Filipino fathers,
who elect Philippine citizenship upon
they are Filipino citizens. The 1935
reaching the age of majority? What will be
Constitution did not distinguish between
their citizenship now?
legitimate and illegitimate children with
A: They are Filipino citizens. Under Section
respect to those born of Filipino fathers.
1 paragraph 3, “those born before January 17,
The 1935 Constitution only made a

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1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect AZNAR VS. COMELEC

Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age
of majority” are citizens of the Philippines. In
fact under Section 2, they are deemed natural- Section 5 is not self-executing that will
born. require an implementing law. It says “shall be
dealt with by law”. The word employed by
ARTICLE 4. Section 5 is “shall”. The law referred to by
SECTION 5. Dual allegiance of citizens Section 5 is a future law.
is inimical to the national interest and
shall be dealt with by law. SECTION 40 OF R.A. 7160 (THE
What is really prohibited by Section 5 is dual
SECTION 40. Disqualifications. - The
following persons are disqualified from
running for any elective local position:
Q: Is dual allegiance the same as dual
(d) Those with dual citizenship;
A: No.
Dual Citizenship Dual Allegiance
Q: Edu Manzano was born in the US. His
arises when, as a refers to a situation in parents are Filipino. He studied in the
Philippines. He practiced his profession
result of the which a person
here. Since he was born in the US, under
concurrent simultaneously owes, American law which subscribes to the jus
application of the by some positive act, soli principle, he is an American citizen.
different laws of loyalty to two or However, under Philippine laws which
two or more states, more states. subscribes to jus sanguinis principle, he is
a person is a Filipino citizen. In May 1998, he ran for
simultaneously vice-mayor of Makati. His qualification
was challenged alleging that RA 7160, Sec.
considered a
40 (d) disqualifies those with dual
national by the said citizenship from running for local elective
states. office. Is he qualified to run in the May
involuntary voluntary 1988 election?

Q: Is Article 4, Section 5 self-executing? A: Yes, Edu Manzano is qualified. It is a

A: No. It says “shall be dealt with by law”. It fundamental principle in statutory
means a future law. construction that in case of apparent conflict
between the provision of the Constitution and
the provision of the law, the first thing to do
is try to harmonize and reconcile the two.
After all, the Congress is presumed to know

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the Constitution when it enacted a law. Now, citizenship to terminate their status as
if you read Section 40 (d) of the LGC and persons with dual citizenship considering
Article 4, Section 5 of the Constitution, that their condition is the unavoidable
apparently there is conflict. What is really consequence of conflicting laws of
prohibited in Section 5 is dual allegiance. different states.
However, the LGC expressly provides “those
with dual citizenship”, so apparently, there is In the case of Edu Manzano, the Supreme
a conflict. So as much as possible, try to Court considered the fact that he voted in the
harmonize the two. It is only if despite effort previous election. Moreover, the SC
of reconciliation that the two cannot be considered the fact that when he filed his
reconciled that you resort to that COC, he tore his American passport.
interpretation that the provision of the According to the SC, those acts are
Constitution must prevail over the provision considered as symbolic acts of electing
of law, under the doctrine of constitutional Philippine citizenship.
RA 9225
That was precisely what the court did here.
So how did the Supreme Court harmonize the "Citizenship Retention and Re-acquisition
two? First of all, the SC said that what is Act of 2003." Which is sometimes referred
really prohibited in Article 4, Section 5 is to as Dual Citizenship Law. This was enacted
dual allegiance. However, that provision is in 2003, after the ruling in Mercado vs
not self-executing. Now, Section 40 (d) of
LGC is supposed to be an implementing law Citizenship Re-acquisition
of Article 4, Section 5. Since what is really
prohibited by Article 4, Section 5 is dual Q: To whom will this law apply?
allegiance, it follows, therefore, that what the
LGC would like to prohibit is dual allegiance. A: This will apply to former natural born
citizens of the Philippines who become a
Hence, the phrase "dual citizenship" in naturalized citizen of a foreign country. Here
Section 40 (d) of Local Government Code they are given the opportunity to re-acquire
must be understood as referring to "dual Philippine citizenship.
allegiance." Consequently, persons with
mere dual citizenship do not fall under this Q: What will they do?
disqualification. Unlike those with dual
allegiance, who must, therefore, be subject A: Take an oath of allegiance to the Republic
to strict process with respect to the of the Philippines before any officer
termination of their status, for candidates authorized to administer an oath. By taking
with dual citizenship, it should suffice if, an oath of allegiance, they are deemed to
upon the filing of their certificates of have re-acquired their Philippine citizenship.
candidacy, they elect Philippine

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With respect to those who were able to re- Q: If that is the case, will you be qualified
acquire their citizenship under this law, it will to run for any public elective office in the
redound to the benefit of their minor Philippines?
children below 18 years of age, unmarried,
whether legitimate, illegitimate or adopted by A: Yes. But there are 2 requirements under
derivative citizenship. Sec 5 par 2 of 9225 for one to validly run for
public office. First, you must possess all the
Citizenship Retention qualifications for holding a particular public
office. Second, you have to renounce foreign
For example, at present we are Filipino citizenship.
citizen, natural born, then later on we decided
to migrate to some foreign country and
applied for naturalization there like the US. Q: When should you renounce it?
Tapos granted. Under this law, we shall retain
our Philippine citizenship. A: at the time of the filing of the certificate of
Q: What shall we do?
Section 5.
A: Take an oath of allegiance to the Republic (3) Those appointed to any public office
of the Philippines before any officer shall subscribe and swear to an oath of
authorized to administer an oath. allegiance to the Republic of the
Philippines and its duly constituted
authorities prior to their assumption of
In either case, whether you re-acquire or office: Provided, That they renounce their
retain your Philippine citizenship you will oath of allegiance to the country where
now possess dual citizenship. they took that oath;

Section 5. Civil and Political Rights and Q: Will you be qualified to be appointed in
Liabilities - Those who retain or re-acquire a public office?
Philippine citizenship under this Act shall A: Yes. There are 2 requirements. First, you
enjoy full civil and political rights and be
have to take an oath of allegiance to the
subject to all attendant liabilities and
responsibilities under existing laws of the Republic of the Philippines and its duly
Philippines and the following conditions: constituted authorities. Second, you have to
(2) Those seeking elective public in the renounce foreign citizenship.
Philippines shall meet the qualification for
holding such public office as required by Q: When should you renounce it?
the Constitution and existing laws and, at A: prior to their assumption of office.
the time of the filing of the certificate of
candidacy, make a personal and sworn
renunciation of any and all foreign Yan yung nangyare kay Perfecto Yasay.
citizenship before any public officer Inappoint as secretary of Foreign affairs pero
authorized to administer an oath; di natuloy kasi di nya pa na re-acquire yung
Philippine citizenship nya. Nag assume na

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sya kaya lang dual citizen pa sya. Kaya di na Local Gov’t Code. Dual citizens are
confirm ng COA. disqualified to run in any elective local
MAQUILING VS. COMELEC Q: Did his travel to the US using his
American passport have any effect in the
Si Arnado, originally natural born citizen sya, re-acquisition of his Philippine
kaya lang matagal na syang nag migrate sa Citizenship?
America. He already became an American A: No effect.
citizen. When Congress enacted RA 9225, he
availed the benefits of this law. By taking his The effect is as if he did not renounce his
oath of allegiance to the Republic of the American citizenship. Kaya bumalik sya sa
Philippines before an officer authorized to prior status as a person having dual
administer an oath. Na re-acquire nya citizenship.
ngayon. He now has dual citizenship. In the
May,2010 election, he run for Mayor of his Q: Bakit yung kay Edu Mazano, di ba dual
place in Lanao del Norte. He renounced his citizen din sya? Pero sabi ng SC qualified
American citizenship in compliance with siya to run? Bakit kay Arnado di sya
the requirements of RA 9225. After qualified under same provision Section 40
renouncing his American citizenship, it was par. d of the Local Government Code?
established that he travelled several times to How do you reconcile these apparently
US using his American passport. Yun ang conflicting rulings? Are they not similarly
problema. situated? Was there no violation of the
equal protection clause here?
Q: What is the effect of that?
A: In this case, we won as mayor. He took his A: In the case of Edu Manzano, his
oath and assumed office but because of that, acquisition of dual citizenship is not a
he was ordered removed as Mayor by the product of his own volition. It so happen
SC. that he was born in America but his parents
are Filipinos. Under American law, he is a
Q: Why was he ordered removed as
citizen, under PH law, he is also a citizen. It
was involuntary.
A: According to the SC, when after
renouncing his American citizenship it was
established that he travelled several times to In the case of Arnado, his acquisition of dual
US using his American passport. By using citizenship is a product of his own volition.
his US passport after renouncing his Originally a natural born Filipino sya e. But
American citizenship, that is an effective on his own volition, he became an American
recantation of his renunciation of his citizen. When Congress enacted RA 9225,
American citizenship. In effect, he reverted again on his own volition, he was able to re-
to his prior status as a person having dual
acquire his Philippine citizenship.
citizenship. Therefore, he falls under the
disqualification under Section 40 par d of the

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No violation of the equal protection clause. choice of the electorate. The crown of victory
Although they appear to be similarly situated, cannot be transferred from the disqualified
in reality they are not. winner to the second placer.

Q: Arnado’s qualification was questioned

before the election but he won. In fact
matatapos na yung term niya. But despite
that, the SC said teka disqualified ka. So
he was ordered removed as Mayor by the
SC. Arnado argued that whatever the
defect might be in his COC was deemed
cured by his election. Invoking Vox Populi,
Vox Dei (the voice of the people is the voice
of God.) How do you address that kind of

A: The SC said that if we accede to that kind

of argument then we might as well abolish all
these laws prescribing qualifications of
public office. Hindi pwede ang ganyan.
Precisely yan yung purpose of these laws, to
ensure that the one holding a public office
possess all the qualifications. It is a
continuing requirement.

Q: The SC ordered that Arnado be

removed as Mayor. Sabi ni Maquiling
(second placer), since Arnado was
disqualified so ako dapat maging Mayor.
Sabi naman ng Vice Mayor, hindi. Talo ka
eh. You have to follow the law on
succession under Section 44 of the LGC.
Sino dapat maging mayor? Si Maquiling o
yung vicemayor?

A: SC ruled that MAQUILING should be the

Mayor of Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte.
The Doctrine of the rejection of the second
placer is supposedly a well-established
doctrine in the election laws. It was applied
to so many cases already. Under this doctrine,
the second placer is just like that, a second
placer. He lost the election. He was not the

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OCTOBER 08,2020 RULING: Yes. Since Arnado is disqualified

ENOLA HOLMES & from running for mayor in the first place,
BLACK SHEEP having dual citizenship, the votes cast in his
favor should not have been counted.
Maquiling here is not actually a second
IV. CITIZENSHIP placer. In fact, he was first among the
remaining qualified candidates. Remember
The Doctrine of the Rejection of Second there were 3 candidates
An ineligible candidate who receives the
Under the said doctrine, the wreath of victory highest number of votes is a wrongful
cannot be transferred from the disqualified winner. By express legal mandate, he could
winner to the second placer because second not even have been a candidate in the first
placer is just like that of a second placer. He place, but by virtue of the lack of material
lost the elections. He is not the choice of the time or any other intervening circumstances,
electorate. his ineligibility might not have been passed
upon prior to election date. Consequently, he
CASAN MACODE MAQUILING v. may have had the opportunity to hold himself
COMELEC out to the electorate as a legitimate and duly
qualified candidate. However,
notwithstanding the outcome of the elections,
FACTS: There are 3 candidates for mayor.
his ineligibility as a candidate remains
Arnado won and Maquiling was a second
unchanged. Ineligibility does not only pertain
placer. Although Arnado won as mayor and
to his qualifications as a candidate but
already served as mayor for more than a year
necessarily affects his right to hold public
already, but he was ordered removed by the
office. The number of ballots cast in his favor
Supreme Court because of him having dual
cannot cure the defect of failure to qualify
citizenship. According to Maquiling, since
with the substantive legal requirements of
Arnado is disqualified from running for
eligibility to run for public office.
mayor in the first place, I should be the one
proclaimed as mayor. Sabi ng Vice-Mayor,
With Arnado‟s disqualification, Maquiling
hindi pwede. Talo ka. In effect, the Doctrine
then became the winner in the election as he
of the Rejection of Second Placer was
obtained the highest number of votes from
invoked. Second placer ka lang, you lost in
among the qualified candidates. We have
the elections
ruled in the recent cases of Aratea v.
COMELEC and Jalosjos v. COMELEC that a
ISSUE: Whether Macquiling should be
void COC cannot produce any legal effect.
proclaimed a mayor.
Thus, the votes cast in favor of the ineligible

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candidate are not considered at all in With Arnado being barred from even
determining the winner of an election. becoming a candidate, his certificate of
Even when the votes for the ineligible candidacy is thus rendered void from the
candidate are disregarded, the will of the beginning. It could not have produced any
electorate is still respected, and even more so. other legal effect
The votes cast in favor of an ineligible
candidate do not constitute the sole and total To hold that such proclamation is valid is to
expression of the sovereign voice. The votes negate the prohibitory character of the
cast in favor of eligible and legitimate disqualification which Arnado possessed
candidates form part of that voice and must even prior to the filing of the certificate of
also be respected. candidacy. The affirmation of Arnado‟s
As in any contest, elections are governed by disqualification, although made long after the
rules that determine the qualifications and elections, reaches back to the filing of the
disqualifications of those who are allowed to certificate of candidacy. Arnado is declared
participate as players. When there are to be not a candidate at all in the May 2010
participants who turn out to be ineligible, elections.
their victory is voided and the laurel is Arnado being not a candidate, the votes cast
awarded to the next in rank who does not in his favor should not have been counted.
possess any of the disqualifications nor lacks This leaves Maquiling as the qualified
any of the qualifications set in the rules to be candidate who obtained the highest number
eligible as candidates. of votes therefore, the rule on succession
under the Local Government Code will not
The disqualifying circumstance surrounding apply.
Arnado‟s candidacy involves his citizenship.
It does not involve the commission of ❖ Q: What happens now to the
election offenses as provided for in the first Doctrine of Rejection of Second
sentence of Section 68 of the Omnibus Placer? Why did the Court not
Election Code, the effect of which is to apply it in this case?
disqualify the individual from continuing as
a candidate, or if has already been elected, A: The Doctrine of Rejection of
from holding the office. Second Placer is supposed to be a
well established doctrine In fact this
The disqualifying circumstance affecting has been applied by the Supreme
Arnado is his citizenship. X x x Arnado was Court in so many earlier cases.
both a Filipino and an American citizen when
he filed his certificate of candidacy. He was a The Doctrine began in the 1912 case
dual citizen disqualified to run for public of Topacio v. Paredes. When the
office based on Section 40(d) of the Local Court analyzed the facts of Topacio v.
Government Code. Paredes, the Court found out that it
was a mere Obiter Dictum only.

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Obiter Dictum is an opinion of the be removed. There’s now permanent

Court to an issue in the case other than vacancy in the office of the governor,
the main issue. The Doctrine was not in which case, we have to apply the
the ratio decidendi of the case. law on succession. Under the Local
Nagulat ang Supreme Court bakit Government Code, the vice governor
ginamit ng ginamit ang doctrine na becomes the governor.
yan, eh obiter dictum lang naman. In
fact illogical pa nga. This was also Nagkatalo yan sa appreciation ng
used in Labo v. Comelec. According votes in favor of disqualified
to the Court, even Labo was illogical. candidates.
That is why the Court did not apply it
in the case of Maquiling. This
doctrine is no longer being applied Q: What is a foundling?
because of the ruling in Maquiling.
A: A foundling is a person with no known
❖ Q: Remember in the May 2013 parents. Usually an abandoned children
election in Laguna , Ejercito won
and was proclaimed as Governor. MARY GRACE NATIVIDAD S. POE-
Later on, he was ordered to be LLAMANZARES V. COMELEC
removed as Governor for
overspending, which is an election
FACTS: Sen. Grace Poe ran first as a senator
offense. If you apply the maquiling
in the 2013 Elections and then she ran in the
ruling, dapat yung kalaban ni
2016 elections for President. Allegedly she
Ejercito and papalit. But in this
was a foundling. She was born in 1968. The
case, the Vice-Governor assumed
1935 Constitution governs her birth.
the position following the law on
Unfortunately, 1935 Constitution is silent as
succession. So how do you explain
to the citizenship of a foundling. In fact, even
that now? Bakit hindi ginamit and
the present Constitution is silent.
ruling kay Macquiling?
ISSUE: Is a foundling a natural born citizen
A: Since Arnado was disqualified to
and therefore she is qualified to run first as a
run for mayor in the first place, him
senator then as President.
having dual citizenship, the votes cast
for him should not have been counted.
RULING: Yes. The Court relied heavily on
In the case of Governor Ejercito, no
the deliberations of the framers of the
question about it. He was qualified to
Constitution. Although it was silent, there
run for Governor. In fact he won.
was actually an intent on the part of the
That’s why the votes cast for him are
framers of the 1935 Constitution to really
valid votes. But since he committed
confer citizenship on a foundling. Kaya lang
an election offense, he was ordered to
the measure was not carried out. One of the

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delegates there was Rafols. It was Rafols A: First, where was she found?
who filed a motion to confer citizenship to a Iloilo. At that time, the possibility
foundling but the only reason why it was not that her parents might have been
carried out was that the view of the framers aliens is less than 1% because ang
was that the possibility that there may be population ng Iloilo at that time
foundling are too few and too far in between more than 99% are Filipinos. The
that it need not to be expressly provided possibility that the parents of the
there. There was also no restrictive language foundling are aliens is almost
prohibiting foundling from being a natural negligible.
born citizen.
Second, physical features. She
Principles of International law were also really looks like a Filipina.
applied. Remember that International Law
frowns upon statelessness. The rule in NOTE: This is a very controversial ruling
international law is that a foundling must be because less than a majority voted in her
a citizen of a country where he/she was favor. Ang botohan kasi 7 against 5 and 3
found. Foundling ka na magiging stateless ka abstained. Questionable yan. Why? There are
pa. Discriminatory na yan. In the first place 15 members of the Supreme Court. What is
being a foundling is misfortune not to their the majority? Di ba 8. Dito 7 lang voted in her
own making tapos you make her suffer favor because there were 3 abstentions. Ang
because of her misfortune. Masyadong sabi 7 majority pa rin because of there were 3
discriminatory yan sabi ng Supreme Court. abstentions. Pero very controversial yun.
The Supreme Court also used circumstantial
One of the most important arguments is equal
protection. Remember being a foundling is Naturalization signifies the act of formally
not of her own make. It’s a misfortune. adopting a foreigner into the political body of
a nation by clothing him or her with the
Domestic Laws on adoption in support of privileges of a citizen.
confering citizenship to the foundling was
also cited. Aside from International Law, our Remember if you read Sec.1 Par.4 of Article
domestic law favored that kind of 4, among those who are citizens of the
interpretation that a foundling is a citizen of Philippines are those who are naturalized in
the country where she/he was found. accordance with law. There is a development
here in the case of Edison So v. Republic
❖ Q: What are the circumstantial
evidence used by the Supreme Under current and existing laws there are 3
Court? ways by which an alien may become a
citizen by naturalization:

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Filipino Citizen. Ang problema dito

1. Administrative naturalization nagkamali. He filed for naturalization
pursuant to R.A. No. 9139; pursuant to, CA No. 473, which is ang
2. Judicial naturalization pursuant to process judicial but he was invoking the
C.A. No. 473, as amended; and provisions of RA 9139.
3. Legislative naturalization in the form
of a law enacted by Congress
RULING: SC said you filed an application
bestowing Philippine citizenship to
an alien under CA No. 473, as amended. You have to
undergo the process provided therein. You
Before 2 lang yan, yung Judicial at cannot invoke RA 9139.
Legislative Naturalization. But under current
and existing laws there are 3 ways. R.A. No. 9139 was enacted as a remedial
CA No. 473, as amended, is the measure intended to make the process of
naturalization law that we know of. This acquiring Philippine citizenship less tedious,
judicial process is very cumbersome, very less technical and more encouraging. It
costly, very long, and very tedious. Because likewise addresses the concerns of degree
of that, Congress enacted RA 9139 providing holders who, by reason of lack of citizenship
for administrative naturalization of an alien. requirement, cannot practice their profession,
As the term suggest, ang process dito,
thus promoting “brain gain” for the
administrative lang hindi judicial. This is a
significant development. Philippines.

Take note that RA 9139 is not available to all NOTE: Practice of profession here in the
aliens. Philippines is reserved only for Filipinos.
Q: Who can avail benefits of RA 9139?
A: R.A. No. 9139 may be availed of only by
native-born aliens who lived here in the
Philippines all their lives, who never saw
any other country and all along thought Q: What form of government we have?
that they were Filipinos; who have A: Presidential. Under the presidential form
demonstrated love and loyalty to the of government, there is adherence to the
Philippines and affinity to the customs and
doctrine of separation of powers. That is why
traditions of the Filipino people.
under the doctrine of three most important
EDISON SO V. REPUBLIC OF THE power the government: the legislative power,
PHILIPPINES the executive power and the judicial power.
These three have been distributed among
three great branches of the government. As
FACTS: Edison So was a UST medical
you read Section 1 of Article VI, 1987
student. Dito pinanganak, dito lumaki, dito
Constitution, you will read: The legislative
nagaral. Kaya lang ang parents niya aliens, so
power shall be vested in the Congress of the
natural siya alien din. He wanted to become a

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Philippines; Section, Article VII: The

executive power shall be vested in the
President of the Philippines; and Section 1,
Paragraph 1, Article VIII: The judicial power ON CURRENT EVENTS:
shall be vested in one Supreme Court and in
such lower courts. That is the doctrine of the Q: What is the subject of the term-sharing
separation of powers. agreement between Speaker Cayetano and
Congressman Velasco?
The main distinction between a A: Speakership. This is a public office. One
presidential form of government and a of the characteristics of a public office is
parliamentary form of government outside the commerce of men, hence it may
In a presidential form of government, there is not be subject of a valid contract. The term-
the observance of the doctrine of separation sharing agreement between the two
of powers; in a parliamentary government, Congressmen is not enforceable in court.
instead of separation of powers, there is the
union of the executive and legislative GRECO ANTONIOUS BEDA BELGICA V.
branches. In a presidential form of HONORABLE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY
government, the President is elected by the PAQUITO N. OCHOA JR.
people at large; in a parliamentary
government, the Prime Minister is elected not FACTS: Considering petitioners’
by the people at large but by members of submission and in reference to its local
Parliament. concept and legal history, the Court defines
the Pork Barrel System as the collective body
Tests of a Valid Delegation of Power of rules and practices that govern the manner
In order to determine whether there is undue by which lump-sum, discretionary funds,
delegation of legislative power, the Court has primarily intended for local projects, are
adopted two tests: the completeness test and utilized through the respective participations
the sufficient standard test. Under the first of the Legislative and Executive branches of
test, the law must be complete in all its terms government, including its members.
and conditions when it leaves the legislature
such that when it reaches the delegate, the Pork Barrel refers to lumpsum discretionary
only thing he will have to do is to enforce it. fund. The Pork Barrel System involves two
The second test mandates adequate (2) kinds of lump-sum, discretionary funds:
guidelines or limitations in the law to First, there is the Congressional Pork Barrel
determine the boundaries of the delegate’s which is herein defined as a kind of lump-
authority and prevent the delegation from sum, discretionary fund wherein legislators,
running riot. (Jose Jesus M. Disini, Jr., et al. either individually or collectively organized
v. The Secretary of Justice, et al., G.R. No,. into committees, are able to effectively
203335, Feb. 11, 2014, En Banc [Abad]) control certain aspects of the fund’s
utilization through various post-enactment

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measures and/or practices. This is known as executive department - this is the oversight
the Priority Development Assistance Fund function.
(PDAF), which was integrated in the General
Appropriations Act; and Under the PDAF, the individual senators and
congressmen identifies the projects where the
Second, there is the Presidential Pork Barrel money is spent, the implementing agencies,
which is herein defined as a kind of lump- and the beneficiaries. In effect, the individual
sum, discretionary fund which allows the senators and congressmen are the ones
President to determine the manner of its implementing the budget. The SC, therefore,
utilization. This is sourced from: concluded that this violates the doctrine of
(a) Malampaya Funds - from the Malampaya separation of powers.
Gas Project, this has been around since 1976
(b) Presidential social Fund - derived from (2) The system has violated the principle of
the earnings of PAGCOR, this has been non-delegability of legislative power
around since 1983. - it has conferred unto legislators the power
HELD: “Pork Barrel” System declared of appropriation by giving them personal,
unconstitutional. discretionary funds from which they are able
The Court renders this Decision to rectify an to fund specific projects which they
error which has persisted in the chronicles of themselves determine
our history. In the final analysis, the Court - insofar as it has conferred to the President
must strike down the Pork Barrel System as the power to appropriate funds intended by
unconstitutional in view of the inherent law for energy-related purposes only to other
defects in the rules within which it operates. purposes he may deem fit as well as other
public funds under the broad classification of
A. PDAF is unconstitutional because: “priority infrastructure development
(1) The system has violated the principle of projects,” it has once more transgressed the
separation of powers principle of non-delegability.
- insofar as it has allowed legislators to wield,
in varying gradations, non-oversight, post- Potestas delegata non delegari potest. What
enactment authority in vital areas of budget has been delegated can no longer be
execution delegated. The power of appropriation was
delegated by the Constitution to the
The work of congress ends upon the Congressional body, that power may no
enactment of the budget because when it longer be delegated to individual members of
comes to the implementation of the budget, the Congress. Now, under the PDAF, there is
the function properly belongs to the a further delegation of the power of
executive branch. The function, now, of the appropriation to individual members of the
Congress is limited only to monitoring or Congress because the amount was lumpsum,
overseeing whether the budget is properly not itemized.
being implemented by the officials in the

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(3) The system has violated the President's thereof; otherwise, it shall become a law as
power to veto items if he had signed it.
- insofar as it has created a system of
budgeting wherein items are not textualized (2) The President shall have the power to
into the appropriations bill, it has flouted the veto any particular item or items in an
prescribed procedure of presentment and, in appropriation, revenue, or tariff bill, but
the process, denied the President the power to the veto shall not affect the item or items
veto items. to which he does not object.

The item veto power of the President is found According to the ruling of the Supreme Court
in Section 27, Article VI of the Constitution. in Bengzon v. Drilon, the Executive must
Under said provision, there are two kinds of veto the bill in its entirety or not at all. He/she
Presidential Veto: cannot act like an editor, crossing out specific
1. Paragraph 1: general veto of the lines, provisions or paragraphs in a bill that
President he/she dislikes. In the exercise of the veto
2. Paragraph 2: item or line veto of the power, it is generally all or nothing. Once a
President bill is presented to the President, either he
signs it in toto and it becomes a law, or vetoes
it in toto and it does not become a law.
Selective veto is not allow. (This is a very
important rule. Remember this!)
(1) Every bill passed by the Congress shall,
before it becomes a law, be presented to
In Paragraph 2, Section 27, selective veto is
the President. If he approves the same, he
shall sign it; otherwise, he shall veto it and allowed. This is an exception to the general
return the same with his objections to the rule. The President is expressly allowed to
House where it originated, which shall veto an item/s in appropriation, tariff,
enter the objections at large in its Journal revenue bill but the veto will not affect the
and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such item/s to which he does not object. However,
reconsideration, two-thirds of all the the item or line veto applies only to three
Members of such House shall agree to pass
kinds of bills: (ART)
the bill, it shall be sent, together with the
objections, to the other House by which it 1. Appropriation
shall likewise be reconsidered, and if 2. Revenue
approved by two-thirds of all the Members 3. Tariff
of that House, it shall become a law. In all
such cases, the votes of each House shall The PDAF was integrated in the GAA, which
be determined by yeas or nays, and the is an appropriation bill. So, how can the
names of the Members voting for or
against shall be entered in its Journal. The President exercise his veto power if the pork
President shall communicate his veto of barrel is in lumpsum, Php 200M per senator
any bill to the House where it originated and Php70M per representative? This is why
within thirty days after the date of receipt the PDAF violates the President's item veto.

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7160, at every level of LG, a local

(4) The system has equally impaired public development council is created -- Barangay
accountability Development Council, Municipal/City
- insofar as it has diluted the effectiveness of Development Council, Provincial
congressional oversight by giving legislators Development Council and Autonomous
a stake in the affairs of budget execution, an Region Development Council. These local
aspect of governance which they may be development councils identify and prioritize
called to monitor and scrutinize. the projects that have to be implemented in
their respective localities. The local
Once the budget has been enacted, the development councils are composed of: local
function of the Congress is limited to elective officials, representatives of private
monitoring or overseeing. Under the PDAF, sectors, civil society groups, and other non-
the individual senators and congressmen government organizations.
identifies the projects where the money is
spent, the implementing agencies, and the Under the PDAF, the individual senators and
beneficiaries. How do you expect the congressmen identify what projects to be
Congress, as a body, to monitor or to oversee implemented. They are not local officials,
whether its individual members are properly they are national officials. Hence, instead of
implementing the PDAF? Of course, you promoting and strengthening local autonomy,
cannot expect the Congress to do that. Hence, the PDAF system promotes patronage
the Supreme Court, in its decision, stated that politics. Kapag ikaw ay local official at may
the PDAF impaired public accountability. gusto kang project para sa locality mo, ano
gagawin mo? Syempre magpapalakas o
(5) The system has subverted genuine local didikit ka kay congressman o kay senator. E
autonomy, instead of promoting it kung kalaban mo si congressman o si
- insofar as it has authorized legislators, who senator, makakakuha ka ba ng project?
are national officers, to intervene in affairs of Syempre hindi.
purely local nature, despite the existence of
capable local institutions B. Presidential Pork Barrel is
unconstitutional because there was undue
In Section 25, Article II of the Constitution, delegation of the power to the president,
you have there the basic policy on local applying the sufficient standard test of a valid
autonomy. delegation.

SECTION 25, ARTICLE II, 1987 The sources of the Presidential Pork Barrel
CONSTITUTION. The State shall ensure the are:
autonomy of local governments. 1. Malampaya Fund
2. Presidential Social Fund
To implement or to bolster/strengthen this
principle of local autonomy, in the LGC, RA On Malampaya Fund:

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The income generated from the production of TO SUMMARIZE:

oil in Malampaya Gas Project consists the If we say Pork Barrel, we mean lumpsum,
Malampaya Fund. Under the law creating the discretionary fund. There are 2 kinds of pork
Malampaya Fund, such fund is to be used by barrel: (1) the Congressional Pork Barrel,
the President for "energy-related purposes which is represented by the PDAF, and (2)
only and such other purposes as may be the Presidential Pork Barrel, which is sourced
hereafter directed by the President". The from the Malampaya Fund and the
phrase "for energy-related purposes," there is Presidential Social Fund. At any rate, both
a sufficient standard limiting the President's pork barrels, in this case, was declared
authority with respect to the purpose for unconstitutional but for entirely different
which the Malampaya Fund is used. reasons. As for the Congressional Pork
However, the phrase "and such other Barrels, the reasons were (1) PDAF violated
purposes as may be hereafter directed by the the principle of separation of powers, (2) it
President" provided no standard that may violates the principle of non-delegability of
limit the authority President. legislative power, (3) it denied the President
of his item veto, (4) it impaired public
Under the sufficient standard test of a valid accountability, and finally, (5) it subverted
delegation, it provides that for as long as genuine local autonomy, instead of
there are standards that will limit the promoting it. On the other hand, with respect
authority of the President or that will guide to Presidential Pork Barrel, the reason why it
the President in the exercise of the delegated was declared unconstitutional was there was
power, which standards must be determinate undue delegation of power to the president,
or at least determinable, such delegation applying the sufficient standard test of a valid
becomes valid. delegation.

On Presidential Social Fund: MARIA CAROLINA P. ARAULLO, ET AL.

These are derived from the earnings of V. BENIGNO SIMEON C. AQUINO III
PAGCOR in operating gambling business all
over the country. The law creating PAGCOR FACTS: This is the case involving
states that its earnings from operating Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP),
gambling business all over the country, shall Araullo v. President Aquino. When Pres.
be used by the President, in lumpsum, in Aquino was elected as President in the May
priority infrastructure development projects. 2010 election, first year of his term
The Supreme Courtvheld that the phrase nagwithhold on public spending. That
adversely affected the growth of the economy
"priority infrastructure development
because you know very well that the
projects" is a very broad phrase that government is the number one spender.
practically anything can be justified Nagwithhold on money spending, so the
thereunder, basta sinabi ng Presidente na money circulated in the market is less.
priority infrastructure development projects Naapektuhan ang buong economy. Second
yan. year of his term, to spur the growth of the
economy, nagbuhos na ng pera. Inadopt ng

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Aquino Administration yung tinatawagn na A:

Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP), 1. President
allegedly to spur the growth of the economy. 2. President of the Senate
As you know very well, natulungan niyan 3. Speaker of the House of
ang growth ng economy, no question about Representatives
that. 4. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
5. Heads of the 3 Constitutional
However, the constitutionality of DAP was Commissions
questioned. According to petitioners, DAP
violated the Constitution, particularly, NOTE: Huwag niyo isasali Vice President.
Section 25, ¶5, of Art. VI. Walang Vice President diyan.

Q: What are the 3 requirements for them

SECTION 25, ¶5, ARTICLE VI, 1987 to validly exercise the power of
CONSTITUTION. No law shall be passed
authorizing any transfer of appropriations; A:
however, the President, the President of the 1. There must be a law authorizing
Senate, the Speaker of the House of them;
Representatives, the Chief Justice of the 2. The funds to be used to augment must
Supreme Court, and the heads of come from savings in their respective
Constitutional Commissions may, by law, departments; and
3. There shall be no cross border
be authorized to augment any item in the
transfer of funds following the
general appropriations law for their Doctrine separation of powers.
respective offices from savings in other
items of their respective appropriations. Q: What do you mean by cross border
transfer of funds?
The moment that the budget has been
enacted, no laws shall be passed authorizing A: For example, yung savings ng Executive
the transfer of appropriations. That is the Branch you cannot use that to augment the
general rule. However, there is an exception funds of Congress, whether Senate or House
to the General Rule. of Representatives.

Q: What is the exception to the general ISSUE: Whether DAP is Constitutional.

rule that no law shall be passed
authorizing any transfer of RULING: Unconstitutional. In the case of
appropriations? DAP, the 3 requirements were not complied
A: Power Augmentation. That is the 1. Court found that there was no law
exception to the rule that once the budget has authorizing President Noynoy
been enacted, no law shall be passed Aquino to exercise power of
authorizing any transfer of appropriations. augmentation. Although in this case,
PNOY tried to cite a provision of
Q: However, as you read Sec. 25 (5), who Revised Administrative Code but that
has the power of augmentation? was not the law referred to.

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2. The funds used to augment were not consequences that cannot always be erased,
actually savings. The funds of slow ignored or disregarded.
moving projects were converted into
savings. That’s not allowed. And In short, it nullifies the void law or executive
worst, yung unappropriated amount, act but sustains its effects. It provides an
ginawang savings, which is also not exception to the general rule that a void or
allowed. Kapag unappropriated unconstitutional law produces no effect. But
amount, kailangan ng appropriations its use must be subjected to great scrutiny and
law. circumspection, and it cannot be invoked to
3. There was cross border transfer of validate an unconstitutional law or executive
funds. Savings of the executive act, but is resorted to only as a matter of
department ginamit to augment the equity and fair play. It applies only to cases
funds of the Senate and the where extraordinary circumstances exist, and
Constitutional Commissions. only when the extraordinary circumstances
have met the stringent conditions that will
That’s why although DAP yielded positive permit its application.
results in the growth of the economy, the
Court has to declare it unconstitutional. The Court finds the doctrine of operative fact
applicable to the adoption and
NOTE: Instances when savings may only be implementation of the DAP. Its application to
realized: the DAP proceeds from equity and fair play.
a) Upon completion of the project –pag The consequences resulting from the DAP
may sobrang pera. and its related issuances could not be ignored
b) At the end of the Fiscal year. or could no longer be undone.

Q: Since DAP was declared As already mentioned, the implementation of

unconstitutional, what will happen to the the DAP resulted into the use of savings
projects funded by DAP? Should we pooled by the Executive to finance the PAPs
demolish or destroy them? that were not covered in the GAA, or that did
not have proper appropriation covers, as well
NOTE: As a rule, a legislative or executive as to augment items pertaining to other
act that is declared void for being departments of the Government in clear
unconstitutional cannot give rise to any right violation of the Constitution. To declare the
or obligation. implementation of the DAP unconstitutional
without recognizing that its prior
A: No, do not demolish them. SC used the implementation constituted an operative fact
Doctrine of Operative Fact Doctrine, which that produced consequences in the real as
is an exception to the rule that a legislative or well as juristic worlds of the Government and
executive act that is declared void for being the Nation is to be impractical and unfair.
unconstitutional cannot give rise to any right Unless the doctrine is held to apply, the
or obligation. Executive as the disburser and the offices
under it and elsewhere as the recipients could
The doctrine of operative fact recognizes be required to undo everything that they had
the existence of the law or executive act prior implemented in good faith under the DAP.
to the determination of its unconstitutionality That scenario would be enormously
as an operative fact that produced

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burdensome for the Government. Equity the May 2013 election, he ran for mayor in
alleviates such burden. City of Manila. Atty. Alicia Risos-Vidal
questioned his candidacy. According to Atty.
The other side of the coin is that it has been Risos-Vidal, he’s not qualified to run for
adequately shown as to be beyond debate that mayor because the pardon granted to him was
the implementation of the DAP yielded not an absolute pardon. In fact, it was merely
undeniably positive results that enhanced the a conditional pardon. The condition was for
economic welfare of the country. To count him not to run for any elective public office.
the positive results may be impossible, but That was the basic theory – he is not qualified
the visible ones, like public infrastructure, to run because the pardon granted to him by
could easily include roads, bridges, homes President Arroyo was not an absolute pardon;
for the homeless, hospitals, classrooms and it was merely a conditional pardon.
the like. Not to apply the doctrine of
operative fact to the DAP could literally Included in the numerous whereas clauses in
cause the physical undoing of such worthy PGMA's proclamation granting Erap's
results by destruction, and would result in pardon is "whereas he has signified his
most undesirable wastefulness. intention not to run for any elective office." In
the body of the proclamation, there stated,
"IN VIEW HEREOF and pursuant to the
authority conferred upon me by the
PARDONING POWER OF THE Constitution, I hereby grant executive
ESTRADA, convicted by the Sandiganbayan
SECTION 19, ARTICLE XVII, 1987 of Plunder and imposed a penalty of
Reclusion Perpetua. He is hereby restored to
CONSTITUTION. Except in cases of his civil and political rights." This was signed
impeachment, or as otherwise provided in by GMA, President of the Philippines.
this Constitution, the President may grant Hence, Atty. Risos-Vidal contended that, as
reprieves, commutations and pardons, and can be seen in the Proclamation, the pardon
remit fines and forfeitures, after conviction was merely conditional, conditioned on him
by final judgment. not running to any elective office.

Another argument of Atty. Risos-Vidal was,

He shall also have the power to grant assuming that the pardon was absolute, the
amnesty with the concurrence of a majority pardon was merely for the main penalty of
of all the Members of the Congress. reclusion perpetua. Not included in the
pardon were the accessory penalties of civil
interdiction and perpetual disqualification to
ATTY. ALICIA RISOS-VIDAL V. hold public office, as provided in Articles 36
COMELEC and 41 of the Revised Penal Code. Under the
RPC, the penalty of Reclusion Perpetua
carries with it the accessory penalties of civil
FACTS: This was the case involving former interdiction and perpetual absolute
President Erap Estrada. The Sandiganbayan disqualification to hold public office.
convicted him for Plunder. The penalty for
which is Reclusion Perpetua. However, he
was granted Pardon by President Arroyo. In

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HELD: The Supreme Court held that the through legislation, was strongly adhered to
pardon was absolute. by an overwhelming majority of the framers
Former President Estrada was granted an of the 1987 Constitution when they finally
absolute pardon that fully restored all his civil rejected a proposal to carve out an exception
and political rights, which naturally includes from the pardoning power of the President in
the right to seek public office. The wording the form of “offenses involving graft and
of the pardon extended to former President corruption” that would be enumerated and
Estrada is complete, unambiguous, and defined by Congress through the enactment
unqualified. It is likewise unfettered by of a law.
Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised Penal Code.
The only reasonable, objective, and The foregoing pronouncements solidify the
constitutional interpretation of the language thesis that Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised
of the pardon is that the same in fact Penal Code cannot, in any way, serve to
conforms to Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised abridge or diminish the exclusive power and
Penal Code. prerogative of the President to pardon
persons convicted of violating penal laws.
The 1987 Constitution specifically Section
19 of Article VII and Section 5 of Article IX- Xxx
C, provides that the President of the
Philippines possesses the power to grant A rigid and inflexible reading of the above
pardons, along with other acts of executive provisions of law is unwarranted, especially
clemency. so if it will defeat or unduly restrict the power
of the President to grant executive clemency.
It is apparent that the only instances in which
the President may not extend pardon remain It is well-entrenched in this jurisdiction that
to be: (1) impeachment cases; (2) cases that where the words of a statute are clear, plain,
have not yet resulted in a final conviction; and free from ambiguity, it must be given its
and (3) cases involving violations of election literal meaning and applied without
laws, rules and regulations in which there attempted interpretation. Verba legis non est
was no favorable recommendation coming recedendum. From the words of a statute
from the COMELEC. Therefore, it can be there should be no departure. It is this
argued that any act of Congress by way of Court’s firm view that the phrase in the
statute cannot operate to delimit the presidential pardon at issue which declares
pardoning power of the President. that former President Estrada “is hereby
restored to his civil and political rights”
It is unmistakably the long-standing position substantially complies with the requirement
of this Court that the exercise of the of express restoration. And among the civil
pardoning power is discretionary in the and political rights is the right to run for
President and may not be interfered with by public office.
Congress or the Court, except only when it
exceeds the limits provided for by the Xxx
For this reason, Articles 36 and 41 of the
This doctrine of non-diminution or non- Revised Penal Code should be construed in a
impairment of the President’s power of way that will give full effect to the executive
pardon by acts of Congress, specifically clemency granted by the President, instead of

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indulging in an overly strict interpretation In this jurisdiction, the right to seek public
that may serve to impair or diminish the elective office is recognized by law as falling
import of the pardon which emanated from under the whole gamut of civil and political
the Office of the President and duly signed by rights.
the Chief Executive himself/herself. The said
codal provisions must be construed to Xxx
harmonize the power of Congress to define
crimes and prescribe penalties for such No less than the International Covenant on
crimes and the power of the President to grant Civil and Political Rights, to which the
executive clemency. All that said provisions Philippines is a signatory, acknowledges the
impart is that the pardon of the principal existence of said rights.
penalty does not carry with it the remission of
the accessory penalties unless the President Xxx
expressly includes said accessory penalties in
the pardon. It still recognizes the Presidential Recently, in Sobejana-Condon v.
prerogative to grant executive clemency and, Commission on Elections (G.R. No. 198742,
specifically, to decide to pardon the principal August 10, 2012, 678 SCRA 267, 292), the
penalty while excluding its accessory Court unequivocally referred to the right to
penalties or to pardon both. Thus, Articles 36 seek public elective office as a political right
and 41 only clarify the effect of the pardon so x x x.
decided upon by the President on the Thus, from both law and jurisprudence, the
penalties imposed in accordance with law. right to seek public elective office is
unequivocally considered as a political right.
A close scrutiny of the text of the pardon to Hence, the Court reiterates its earlier
former President Estrada shows that both the statement that the pardon granted to former
principal penalty of reclusion perpetua and its President Estrada admits no other
accessory penalties are included in the interpretation other than to mean that, upon
pardon. The first sentence refers to the acceptance of the pardon granted to him, he
executive clemency extended to former regained his FULL civil and political rights –
President Estrada who was convicted by the including the right to seek elective office.
Sandiganbayan of plunder and imposed a
penalty of reclusion perpetua. The latter is Contrary to Risos-Vidal’s declaration, the
the principal penalty pardoned which third preambular clause of the pardon, i.e.,
relieved him of imprisonment. The sentence “[w]hereas, Joseph Ejercito Estrada has
that followed, which states that “(h)e is publicly committed to no longer seek any
hereby restored to his civil and political elective position or office,” neither makes the
rights,” expressly remitted the accessory pardon conditional, nor militates against the
penalties that attached to the principal conclusion that former President Estrada’s
penalty of reclusion perpetua. Hence, even if rights to suffrage and to seek public elective
we apply Articles 36 and 41 of the Revised office have been restored. This is especially
Penal Code, it is indubitable from the text of true as the pardon itself does not explicitly
the pardon that the accessory penalties of impose a condition or limitation, considering
civil interdiction and perpetual absolute the unqualified use of the term “civil and
disqualification were expressly remitted political rights” as being restored.
together with the principal penalty of
reclusion perpetua.

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Jurisprudence educates that a preamble is He shall also have the power to grant
not an essential part of an act as it is an amnesty with the concurrence of a majority
introduction or preparatory clause that of all the Members of the Congress.
explains the reasons for the enactment,
usually introduced by the word “whereas.” 1. The pardoning power will not apply in
Whereas clauses do not form part of a cases of impeachment.
statute because, strictly speaking, they are
not part of the operative language of the 2. There must first be a conviction by final
statute. In this case, the whereas clause at judgment before one may be granted pardon.
issue is not an integral part of the decree of This is an important requirement.
the pardon, and therefore, does not by itself
alone operate to make the pardon Q: If your case is pending appeal and you
conditional or to make its effectivity want to avail of pardon, what should you do?
contingent upon the fulfillment of the A: Withdraw your appeal. Because the
aforementioned commitment nor to limit the moment you withdraw your appeal, the
scope of the pardon. judgment of conviction by the lower courts
reach finality. That makes pardon available to
TO SUMMARIZE: you. During appeal, there is yet no conviction
The SC held that: by final judgment.
1. The pardon granted by PGMA to Erap was
absolute NOTE: In amnesty, conviction by final
2. What was pardoned was not only the main judgment is not a requirement or requisite.
penalty of reclusion perpetua. Included in the Hence, even if your case is pending appeal,
pardon were the accessory penalties of civil the President may already grant you with
interdiction and the perpetual disqualification amnesty. However, in reprieves,
to hold public office because it is clearly commutations and pardons, conviction by
stated in the proclamation that he is hereby final judgment is a requirement.
restored to his civil and political rights, and
included in the civil and political rights is the 3. Section 5 Article 9(C), 1987 Constitution.
right to run for public office.
Limitations on the Pardoning Power of the CONSTITUTION. No pardon, amnesty,
President parole, or suspension of sentence for
violation of election laws, rules, and
SECTION 19, ARTICLE XVII, 1987 regulations shall be granted by the
CONSTITUTION. Except in cases of President without the favorable
impeachment, or as otherwise provided in recommendation of the Commission.
this Constitution, the President may grant
4. Pardoning power of the President does not
reprieves, commutations and pardons, and apply in cases of legislative contempt, in line
remit fines and forfeitures, after conviction with the doctrine of separation of powers.
by final judgment.

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whether there was violation of PH criminal

OCTOBER 15, 2020

ISSUE: WON the inquiry is an inquiry in aid

SENATE INQUIRY IN AID OF of legislation?
RULING: NO. The purpose was to
determine whether there was violation of
criminal laws. It was an encroachment on
judicial prerogative. The power to determine
whether or not there was a violation of
Inquiry in Aid of Legislation - Sec. 21,
criminal laws belongs to the Court. The Court
Article VI
also said that if you will allow the Senate
Blue Ribbon Committee to proceed with its
In case of Arnold vs. Nazareno, the Court
own inquiry, and then later on it will arrive at
clarified that the inquiry in aid of legislation
a conclusion different from that which will be
is intrinsic in the grant of legislative power
arrived at from the Sandiganbayan, then you
set to Congress granted by the Constitution.
are inviting a constitutional crisis. Hence the
The Court said that you cannot expect
Court granted the petition for certiorari and
Congress to enact good laws if you will deny
ordered the committee not to proceed with its
it the power to investigate. In other words,
even if it is not expressly found in Section 21,
Art. VI, yet you cannot deny Congress that
power because that is intrinsic in grant of ❖ Q: Is this power of Congress to
legislative power. conduct inquiries in aid of
legislation absolute or are there
A: NO. mere reading of Section 21
would show that this power is not absolute.

FACTS: This happened during the time of 3 IMPORTANT LIMITATIONS ON

President Aquino. Senator Enrile delivered a POWER OF CONGRESS TO CONDUCT
privileged speech in the Senate wherein he INQUIRIES IN AID OF LEGISLATION
alleged that there were certain properties of provided under Section 21 of Article VI:
alleged loyalists of Marcos which were 1. The inquiry must always be in aid of
subject of pending cases in the legislation - whether in connection to the
Sandiganbayan but somehow they landed in pending bill in Congress or in connection
the hands of some of the relatives of President to the bill that is expected to file in
Aquino. Enrile urged the Senate Blue Ribbon Congress.
committee to conduct an inquiry to determine 2. It must be conducted in accordance with
the duly published rules of procedure by

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House of Congress conducting that PH. There were local investors who alleged
inquiry. that they were defrauded by some of the
3. The rights of persons appearing in or malpractices of the Standard Chartered Bank.
affected by such inquiries shall be They asked for help of Enrile. Enrile
respected. delivered a privileged speech wherein he
alleged the malpractices of the Standard
Note: The right against self-incrimination Chartered Bank resulting to defraudation of
and the right to privacy may be invoked local investors. Enrile urged the Senate
during the inquiry. Committee on Banks to conduct an inquiry to
determine whether there are loopholes in our
Q: Is this subject to judicial review or is laws on a matter of allowing foreign banks to
this not a political question? do business in the PH so that remedial
A: According to the SC, since it has already legislation may be enacted to address those
been shown that this power is not absolute, in loopholes and to protect local investors from
fact there are three important limitations, it fraudulent bank practices.
follows therefore that this is NOT a political
question. This is subject to judicial review ISSUE: WON the inquiry is in aid of
especially in view of the expanded power of legislation
Court to determine whether or not there has
been a grave abuse of discretion amounting RULING: Yes. The purpose of the inquiry is
to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the part of to determine whether there are loopholes in
any branch or instrument of the government. our laws in allowing foreign banks to do
business in the PH so that remedial
For instance, the Court may validly inquire legislation may be enacted to address the
into whether the inquiry was really in aid of loopholes.
legislation or not. The Court may validly
inquire into whether the inquiry was CASE OF CASE OF
conducted in accordance with the duly BENGZON STANDARD
published rules of the House of Congress CHARTERED
conducting that inquiry. Finally, the Court BANK
may validly inquire into whether the rights of
the purpose of the the purpose of the
persons appearing in or affected by such
inquiry is to inquiry is to
inquiry are respected.
determine whether determine whether
there are violations there are loopholes
of PH criminal in our laws on a
STANDARD CHARTERED BANK VS. laws. It is an matter of allowing
SENATE COMMITTEE ON BANKS encroachment on foreign banks to do
judicial business in the PH
FACTS: Standard Chartered Bank was a prerogatives. so that remedial
foreign bank allowed to do business in the legislation may be

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enacted to address A: 2 instances:

those loopholes and Upon the approval or disapproval of the
to protect local Committee report
investors from Upon the last adjournment of Congress
fraudulent bank
practices. QUESTION HOUR

Question Hour - Section 22, Article VI

Under this provision, the head of a
GR: The nature of the power to contempt is department may, upon their own initiative
judicial with the consent of the President or upon the
XPN: Inquiry in aid of legislation/ request of either House in accordance with
Legislative Contempt the Rules it shall provide, appear before and
be heard by such House on any matter
When a House of Congress conducts inquiry pertaining to their department.
in aid of legislation, and they summon
someone to appear before the body but he/she Question Hour is not a regular feature of a
did not appear, or refused to cooperate, Presidential government. This is merely an
he/she might be cited in contempt. imported concept from a parliamentary
government. It forms part of the workings
In case of Standard Chartered, the Court and dynamics of a parliamentary
said that according to the case of Nazareno, government. In a parliamentary government,
intrinsic in the grant of legislative power of the Prime Minister is not elected by the
Congress is the power to conduct inquiries in people at large; He is elected by members of
aid of legislation with the process to enforce the Parliament. In short, he is directly
it. Contempt is a process. accountable to the Parliament - he must
You might be sent to prison. appear and explain before the Parliament.

Q: Until when? How long? SENATE V. ERMITA

A: In case of Nazareno (Old case), the Court
said that you hold the key to your freedom.
During the time of the Former Pres. GMA,
Until you cooperate. Indefinite. she promulgated E.O. 464.
- Prohibiting members of the cabinet
However, in case of Balag vs. Senate and other Top Level Executive
(latest), the Court said until inquiry is Branch Officers including officers of
PNP from appearing during
Congressional Inquiries without her
Q: When is the inquiry terminated? consent.

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It was challenged in the SC, and the SC made However, according to the Court in this case,
an important Distinctions between Inquiry in for the President OR Executive Secretaries
aid of Legislation under Article 6, Section 21 acting by authority of the President to refuse
and Question Hour under Article 6, Section to appear during inquiries in aid of
22. see the table in page 2 legislation, they have to invoke, assert, claim
what is now known as Executive Privilege.
According to the, if what is involved is
Inquiry in Aid of Legislation, the members Q: What is an Executive Privilege?
of the cabinet and other Top Level Executive A: The right of the President and other Top
Branch Officers including officers of PNP Level Executive Branch Officers to withhold
may not validly refuse to appear invoking information from the Congress, the Courts
E.O. 464. Otherwise, their non-appearance and ultimately the public.
and non-cooperation during such inquiry,
they may be cited in contempt, legislative VARIETIES OF EXECUTIVE
contempt. PRIVILEGES
1. State Secrets Privilege
According to the Court, their non-appearance 2. Informers Privilege
during inquiry in aid of legislation will impair 3. Generic Privilege for Internal
the work of Congress. Moreover, it will Deliberations
violates people right to information on
matters of public concern under Section 7 of However, among these varieties the one often
the Bill of Rights. You have to remember that invoke by the President on the ground that the
the members of Congress, according to the information is of such nature that its
Court, they are the duly elected disclosure was subvert crucial military,
representatives of the people. diplomatic objective, is the State Secrets
How do you expect Congress to enact good
laws, if you will deny information it needs. The Court further clarified that, the
Executive Privilege must be claimed,
Q: Where that information come from: asserted, invoked by the President OR
A: Logically, the information must come Executive Secretaries acting by authority of
from the officials of Executive Branch the President, it cannot be implied.

Q: Sino lang pwede mag refuse to appear Q: Why?

during inquiries in aid of legislation, aside A: According to the Court, we are
from the SC itself? Democratic Republican State and in
A: Only the President OR Executive Democratic Republican State:
Secretaries acting by authority of the
President General rule is disclosure of information not
secrecy. Especially in view of the important

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right under Section 7 of the Bill of Rights (the Inquiry in Aid of Question Hour
right of the people to information on matters Legislation
of public concern) and in view of an The members of the The members of the
important State Policy under Article 2 cabinet and other cabinet and other
Section 28 (Policy on Transparency). Top Level Top Level
Executive Branch Executive Branch
XPN: Executive Privilege, that is why it must Officers including Officers may
be claimed, asserted, invoked. It cannot be officers of PNP may validly refuse to
implied. not validly refuse toappear without the
appear invoking consent of the
Furthermore, according to the SC, there shall E.O. 464. President invoking
be no blanket invocation of an Executive E.O. 464
Privilege. The Executive Privilege attaches Presidential Parliamentary
not to the person in the office. It attaches to a Government Government
kind of information that is being ask by the Appearance is Appearance is not
Congress. mandatory, mandatory
Xpn: Executive
However, if what is involved is the Question Privilege
Hour under Article 6, Section 22, then
members of the cabinet and other Top Level
Executive Branch Officers may validly
refuse to appear without the consent of the
President invoking E.O. 464. Section 1. The legislative power shall be
Reason: vested in the Congress of the Philippines
This Question Hour is merely a borrowed which shall consist of a Senate and a
concept from a Parliamentary Government. It House of Representatives, except to the
does not form part of the working and extent reserved to the people by the
dynamics of the Presidential Government. provision on initiative and referendum.
That is why appearance in the Question Hour
is not really mandatory. The Power to enact laws are no longer
exclusive in the Congress because there is
reservation there (except to the extent
reserved to the people by the provision on
initiative and referendum).Unlike in the 1935
Constitution, legislative power is exclusively
vested in the Congress.

However, this reservation is not self-

executing. You have to consider Article 6
Section 32.

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Section 32. The Congress shall, as early as Section 1. The legislative power shall be
possible, provide for a system of initiative vested in the Congress of the Philippines
and referendum, and the exceptions which shall consist of a Senate and a
therefrom, whereby the people can directly House of Representatives, except to the
propose and enact laws or approve or extent reserved to the people by the
reject any act or law or part thereof passed provision on initiative and referendum.
by the Congress or local legislative body
after the registration of a petition therefor BICAMERAL CONGRESS
signed by at least ten per centum of the 1. Senate
total number of registered voters, of which 2. House of Representatives
every legislative district must be
represented by at least three per centum of Bicameral Conference Committee
the registered voters thereof. - Is a mechanism for compromising
differences between the Senate and
Congress is mandated by the Constitution to House of Representatives.
enact that so called initiative and referendum - The members are come from both the
law. This is the RA No. 6735. Senate and House of Representatives.

KINDS OF INITIATIVES Q: Let us assume that you are the

1. Initiative in the Constitution Congressman, representing your district
2. Initiative on Statutes in the HOR and then you filed a bill in the
3. Initiative on Local Legislation HOR but then it so happened that there is
a similar bill that has been filed in the
The second kind of initiative under R.A. No. Senate. How do you expect Congress to
6735, Initiative on Statutes, those are the reconcile the two versions and come up
implementing provisions of the reservation with a version that is acceptable to both
made by the people under Article 6, Section parties?
1. A: It will be referred to the Bicameral
Conference Committee.
Q: If we, the people, would like to enact,
repeal or amend laws, can we do that? By the nature of its function, a Bicameral
A: YES. You only have to do is to refer to on Conference Committee is capable of
the provisions of R.A. No. 6735 dealing on producing unexpected results. Results may
initiatives on statutes and there you will find sometimes even go beyond its own mandate.
the mechanisms of the law. (Tolentino v. Secretary of Finance)

Q: From the Bicameral Conference

Committee where will the bill now go?

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A: From the Bicameral Conference

Committee the Bill will now be sent back to
both houses and it will be subject to votation.

If during the votation in each Houses and

Yeas prevail over the Nays, then it will be
signed by the Senate President and Speaker
of the House, certified by the Secretaries of
both Houses and then send to the President
for approval/signature.

However, if during the votation in each

Houses and Nays prevail over the Yeas, it is
about time that another Bicameral
Conference Committee conveyed. Until it
will able to craft a version that is acceptable
to both Houses.


Section 24. All appropriation, revenue or

tariff bills, bills authorizing increase of the
public debt, bills of local application, and
private bills, shall originate exclusively in
the House of Representatives, but the
Senate may propose or concur with

There are certain bills that are required to

originate exclusively in the HOR.
A – Appropriation bill
P – Private bill
R – Revenue or tariff bill

- END -

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