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Valorization of whey using a biorefinery

Jessica L. Sebastián-Nicolás , Luis G. González-Olivares, Gabriela A. Vázquez-Rodríguez,
Carlos A. Lucho-Constatino, Araceli Castañeda-Ovando, Centro de Investigaciones Químicas,
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico
Alma E. Cruz-Guerrero, Departamento de Biotecnología, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana,
Mexico City, Mexico

Received August 27 2019; Revised March 14 2020; Accepted March 18 2020;

View online at Wiley Online Library (;
DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100; Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020)

Abstract: In Mexico, whey is discarded into drains without treatment, which represents an environmental
problem. It is known that whey is a mixture of nutrients that increase biochemical demand (BOD)
and chemical oxygen demand (COD), exceeding the limits established by national and international
standards. Some uses of whey have been proposed to reduce the negative impact it produces on
the environment. Some of these uses are the production of high-value raw materials, separation of
macromolecules of industrial interest, and the generation of energy, among others. The integral use of
waste under a biorefinery scheme represents a viable alternative for the use of this waste. In this way,
the chemical composition of the waste can be used to recover compounds with high added value. The
main objective of this review is to propose a dairy whey biorefinery to use components of commercial
interest. This biorefinery process involves three stages: the first is the separation of lactoferrin using a
polyacrylamide matrix (PAM) impregnated with copper; the second is lactic fermentation using the residue
resulting from the separation of lactoferrin, from which lactic acid, hydrolyzed proteins, and probiotics
will be obtained. Finally, in the third stage, the residue from the previous stage can be used to generate
biogas. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Key words: biorefinery; milk whey; pollution; bioactive peptides and lactic acid

Introduction the technology to recover value-added compounds from

MW. In developing countries, such as Mexico, 30% of the

he dairy industry is an important source of income MW generated is used mainly for feeding animals and
worldwide. In 2015, milk production was 650 million obtaining ricotta cheese. The remaining volume is discarded
tons and cheese production was 20 million tons. to phreatic mantles and soils, representing an environmental
This generated 180 million tons of milk whey (MW).1 A problem in these countries.3
total of 40 × 106 tons/year of whey is produced in the EU An alternative treatment of whey for the generation of
and 557 000 tons is exported globally, especially to Asian biogas has therefore been sought, producing methane (CH4)
countries.2 This exported whey represents around of 30% and hydrogen (H2) in an efficient manner. However, this has
of the total and it is used to produce different products, only been carried out at a laboratory level with small volumes
principally dry whey, lactose, and whey protein concentrate of whey, or diluted whey to reduce the retention time of the
(WPC). However, only in industrialized countries is there liquid in the production chambers. This process does not

Correspondence to: Alma E. Cruz-Guerrero, Departamento de Biotecnología, Universdidad Autónoma Metropolitana,

Mexico City, Mexico. E-mail:

© 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 1
J Sebastián-Nicolás et al. Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery

allow the recovery of the high value-added products present that this waste emits into the ambient environment. Proteins
in it, such as proteins, lactose, and salts.4, 5 or lactose have been recovered with this separation technique;
The proteins found in the MW have been studied due however, the cost is very high.18, 19
to their bioactive properties. During the hydrolysis of Biorefinery processes have been used as an alternative to
these proteins, bioactive peptides are released, which, after reduce the negative impact of agro-industrial waste on the
being ingested by humans, are used as adjuvants to reduce environment. A biorefinery aims to recover value-added
chronic degenerative diseases.6 The search for alternatives products through the integration of chemical, physical, and
to separate and purify these compounds using biological biological techniques. Currently, with these processes, the
activity has generated interest in their incorporation into time that the pollutant remains in the environment is shorter
food and food supplements.7 It is known that the peptides and industries generate ‘zero waste’. For this reason, the
released from lactic fermentation have biological activity as proposed process for biorefining MW will take advantage
anticancer, antimicrobial, antihypertensive, antithrombotic, of the value-added components found in it. The whey
and metal carrying. This activity is related to the sequence of biorefinery integrates chemical, physical, and biological
amino acids that are part of the structure of oligopeptides.8 techniques for the recovery of lactoferrin, lactic acid,
These compounds can be produced by chemical and probiotics, hydrolyzed proteins, and bioactive peptides as
biotechnological synthesis. Chemical synthesis is a process well as the characterization of the final residues to generate
with high costs, but biotechnological processes lead to lactic biogas. For this reason, the aim of this review is to propose
fermentation with microorganisms of different genera, a biorefinery taking advantage of the whey’s composition
producing various products of commercial value such as and technological value. This biorefinery could be integrated
bioactive peptides, probiotics, organic acids, hydrolyzed taking the most value components reaching a treated waste
proteins, and amino acids.9–12 Lactoferrin is also present in biotechnologically.
MW, which has a biological function that depends on the
presence of metal ions in its structure.13 Whey composition
The objective of the separation of proteins from MW is
to use them as nutritional supplements and in some cases To illustrate the importance of the components of MW, Fig. 1
as bioactive substances in the preparation of functional shows its chemical composition, its health benefits, and the
foods.14–16 Milk whey is commonly used as livestock industrial importance of each of the nutrients.20
food and sometimes in the production of lactose or Cheese making can be carried out by enzymatic treatment
protein concentrates through an ultrafiltration process.17 or through the addition of organic acids. The first treatment
Ultrafiltration has also been used to reduce the contamination produces sweet whey. It involves adding proteases such

Cheese Whey

Proteins Lactose Minerals Water

Ultrafiltration process Salts

Proteins Permeate
Chemical and
Emulsifier Fermentation

Hydrolyzed Lactic Acid

Proteins and Organic

Food and Polymer and

Pharmaceutical Biotechnological
Industry Industry

Figure 1. Potential useful components available in milk whey (MW). Source: Mollea et al. (2013).21

2 © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100
Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery J Sebastián-Nicolás et al.

as chymosin or from a microbial source. These exhibit Whey proteins

high coagulant activity, producing good-quality cheese at
Proteins are the most studied component of whey. Their
lower cost. Novel specific peptidases for milk coagulation
importance relates to some of their biological processes,
have been obtained from various fungal genera, such as
which lead to the production of proteins or peptides that
Mucor, Rhizomucor, Aspergillus, Endothia, Rhizopus, and
are used in the food and pharmaceutical industries.28 Whey
proteins represent 20% of the proteins present in bovine
The second treatment is carried out in the presence of
milk.21 They are divided according their solubility, molecular
organic acids, so that acid whey is obtained. Although
weight, and biological properties (Table 2).29, 30 Due to the
the manufacturing processes are different, the chemical
nutritional value and characteristics of these proteins, various
composition of whey is similar regarding the content of
purification methods have been used to obtain them. Several
protein, lactose, and minerals, as shown in Table 1.
lines of research have therefore been developed during the
Some products could be manufactured in order to
last decade.
valorize cheese whey (CW). Process such as condensation,
ultrafiltration, and demineralization are used to process the
whey into different commercial products, increasing the
value of this waste. These kinds of processes take advantage of Lactose is the most abundant carbohydrate with respect
whey’s composition (Fig. 2). to the other nutrients present in MW. It is found in

Table 1. Chemical whey composition (concentration expressed as g L−1).

Component Sweet whey Acid whey Component Sweet whey Acid whey
Total solid 63.0–70.0 63.0–70.0 Phosphate (PO43−) 1.0–3.0 2.0–4.5
Lactose 46.0–52.0 44.0–46.0 Lactate 2.0 6.4
Protein 6.0–10.0 6.0–8.0 Chloride (Cl−) 1.1 1.1
Calcium (Ca) 0.4–0-6 1.2–1.6 Sodium (Na ) 3.1 0.21
Source: Yadav et al.,23 Jelen et al.,24 Kosseva et al.,25 and Nishanthi et al.26

Cheese Whey

Condensed or Demineralized Ultrafiltration Unutilized

powdered whey whey process disposed as waste

Human food Water

Infant food
Whey protein
Animal feed Permeate
concentrate (WPC)

Purified lactose Purified proteins

Lactitol Lactose Fermentation

Unicelular protein
Probiotic production
Organic acids
Exopolysacharides (EPS)

Figure 2. Final products obtained from milk whey (MW) by different process. Source: Mollea et al. (2013)21 and Marwaha and
Kennedy (1988).27

© 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100 3
Table 2. Proteins and properties from cheese whey (CW).
Protein General characteristics Concentration Separation or purification Biological functions References
gL−1 techniques
β-lactoglobulin (β-lg) Chain of 162 amino acids and molecular 3.2–3.6 Ultrafiltration and ion exchange Fat-soluble vitamins and
weight of around 18.4 kDa. Different (diethylaminoethyl cellulose) cholesterol transport.
genetic variants and the most abundant Regulator in the mammary
are A and B gland to carry out
J Sebastián-Nicolás et al.

phosphorus metabolism
Synthesis of glutathione
33, 34, 36, 37
α-lactoalbúmin (α-la) Chain of 123 amino acids and molecular 1.2–1.6 Ultrafiltration, precipitation, Synthesis of lactose
weight around 14.4 kDa. Structure with and ion exchange
wo domains, one formed by an α helix (sepharoseiminodiacetate-Cu+2)
and the other by a β sheet
Albumin of the bovine Chain of 582 amino acids and molecular 0.4–0.5 Ultrafiltration, precipitation and ion Transport of low molecular
serum (BSA) weight of 69 kDa. The structure is similar exchange (MAG polyethyleneimine anion weight fatty acids
to blood serum albumin exchange)
Immunoglobulins (Igl) Group of proteins synthetized as 0.7–1.0 Ion exchange (sepharose 6B-organic Antimicrobial and antiviral
antybodies. Molecular weight between ligands Cu2+)43 activity. Lower cholesterol
22 and 69 kDa. The Igl have very similar and blood pressure
structures and are linked together by
disulfide bonds
Glycomacropeptide (GMP) Chain with 64 amino acid residues and a 1.2–1.3 Ultrafiltration with some modifications Effect over phenylketonuria
molecular weight of 6.8 kDa. Absence of (membrane 5000 Da) illness
aromatic amino acids Ultrafiltration combined with ion-
exchange chromatography
Lactoferrin (Lf) Chain around 690 amino acid residues 0.1–0.2 Hydrophobic interaction. Affinity Biological effect as anti-
and a molecular weight of 80 kDa. separation (superparamagnetic inflammatory, antifungal,
Fe3+ atoms form four binders with polyglycidyl) antiviral, antibacterial, and
two tyrosines, one aspartate and Methacrylate particles coupled with anticancer
one histidine which are united in the heparin. Ion exchange
presence of carbonate ions (CO32)
Proteose-peptone (Pp) Chain of 311 fractions from β-casein, as 0.6–1.8 Hydrophobic interaction and Action as bifidogenic factor
a result of the activity of plasmin chromatography with a dual salt system

© 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100
Lactoperoxidase (Lap) Natural milk enzyme with a chain of Traces Ion exchange (sepharose 6B-reactive Association with 17
612 amino acid residues. It contains 15 red 4 dye and cryogel embedded with antimicrobial activities
cysteine residues, a heme group and cellulose beads)
carbohydrate residues.
Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery
Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery J Sebastián-Nicolás et al.

concentrations of 5–6% and is commonly recovered for WPC

use as a food additive and as a carbon source in microbial
In the middle of the 20th century, the production of protein
culture media. This nutrient has been recovered from MW
concentrates was made from large volumes of MW. This was
by ultrafiltration, diafiltration, and reverse osmosis. During
possible through the application of ultrafiltration processes
these processes, larger particles such as proteins are retained
with membranes allowing the production of WPC, which
by the use of membranes. The recovery efficiency of pure
varied from 34% to 80% of the protein.64, 65 This type of
lactose with these methods is up to 98%; however, applying
product has a high demand, mainly from athletes, as it
membranes in a purification process has a high cost, so only
increases muscle mass.66 The WPC is produced with different
some industries that have this type of technology give added
concentrations of protein because its chemical composition is
value to MW.58–60
variable (Table 3).8, 67
Proteins are produced commercially by ultrafiltration to this
Whey minerals
day. The process starts with the pretreatment of whey (6% of
Milk whey retains some minerals present in milk. Among protein) using skimming, bactofugation, and pasteurization,
the most abundant minerals are calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), and then reverse osmosis to eliminate ions and salts. After
phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), zinc pretreatment, a concentrate whey, with 20% protein, is
(Zn) in low concentrations, iron (Fe), and copper (Cu). obtained. This is the basis for the production of WPC with
Manganese (Mn) can be found at between 40–130 mg L−1 different concentrations of protein. The general process is
and the other minerals are below 40 mg L−1. The presence of shown in Fig. 3.68
Ca, Mg, and P, is important in milk due to their association However, there is an economic disadvantage due to the
with the retention of casein micelles in the curd during the use of membranes. The lifetime of a membrane used for
manufacture of cheese.61, 62 these purposes is affected by physicochemical factors such
as pH, temperature, and the presence of ions. That is why,
Technological use of whey currently, before starting the concentration process, the CW
is pretreated, involving measures such as the elimination of
Animal feeding fat, increasing the pH, and the elimination of calcium, leading
to an improvement in the yield from the process.69
Industries that make handmade cheese generate volumes of Figure 4 shows a WPC developed by Barba et al.70 The
MW lower than 500 L per day. This whey is regularly used mass balance is developed in each part of the process. It is
as a food source for pigs, sheep, and cattle. This reduces starts with acidification of the whey with H2SO4 (0.1 N) and a
food costs because this product increases the animal’s diafiltration process is carried out to obtain WPC powder.
weight. However, for this to be carried out, farmers must
collect fresh MW and transport it, avoiding any type of
Process to obtain lactoferrin from whey
microbial contamination that could affect the animal’s
health. Although this activity is associated with small Over time, the purification of whey proteins has been a
industries, not all the MW produced is used as livestock subject of research for pharmaceutical and nutritional
feed, especially in times of high temperatures and during purposes due to their biological functions. Proteins can
the rainy season.63 be recovered by chromatographic methods. Affinity

Table 3. General composition of different whey protein concentrates (WPC).

Product Protein Lactose Fat Ash Moisture
Whey powder 11–14.5 63–75 1–1.5 8.2–8.8 3.5–5.0
Reduced lactose whey powder 18–24 52–58 1–4 11–22 3–4
Demineralized whey powder 11–15 70–80 0.5–1.8 1–7 3–4
Whey protein concentrate-34 34–36 48–52 3–4.5 6.5–8.0 3–4.5
Whey protein concentrate-50 50–52 33–37 5–6 7.5–8.5 3.5–4.5
Whey protein concentrate-80 80–82 4–8 4–8 3–4 3.5–4.5
Whey protein isolate 90–92 0.5–1.0 0.5–1.0 2–3 4.5

© 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100 5
J Sebastián-Nicolás et al. Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery

Figure 3. Schematization of the two scenarios considered (BS = baseline, AS = alternative) Bacenetti et al.87

5 6 9

1 3
2 UF DF 1° DF 2nd
4 7

Volume Proteins Lactose Ashes Fats Proteins

Stream Fluid
L g L-1 g g L-1 g g L-1 g g L-1 g %
1 Whey 47 8.6 405 42 2000 5.8 270 0.5 23 15
2 H2SO4 0.1 N 0.05 - - - - - - - - -
3 Acid whey 47 8.6 405 42.8 200 5.8 270 0.5 23 15
4 Permeate UF 21 2.4 49 42.8 900 5.8 1120 0 0 -
5 Retentate UF 26 13.6 356 42.8 1100 5.8 150 0.9 23 22
6 Ret.DF first stage 26 11 290 4.7 123 1.0 26 0.9 23 63
7 Per. DF first stage 73 2.7 198 15 1100 2 150 0 0 -
8 Water 73 - - - - - - - - -
9 Ret. DF second stage 26 6 160 0.35 9 0.03 0.82 0.9 23 83
10 Per.. DF second stage 73 1.8 135 1.6 114 0.34 25 0 0 -
11 WPC poder - - 160 - 9 - 0.82 23 83

Figure 4. Diafiltration process and mass balance during production of WPC. Source: Barba et al.70

6 © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100
Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery J Sebastián-Nicolás et al.

chromatography has been used for the separation and conducted to examine the recovery of lactic acid. Methods
purification of proteins according to specific functional such as diffusion dialysis, solvent extraction, distillation,
groups.71 membrane extraction of liquid surfactant, adsorption,
Lf was isolated for the first time in the secretions of the chromatographic methods, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis,
mammary gland by Sörensen et al.72 Later, it was identified drying, conventional electrodialysis, and microfiltration have
that this protein had Fe3+ ions in its structure, providing been used.88–91
various biological functions, with antimicrobial and Although some methods are cheaper and more effective
anticancer activity being studied the most at present.73–76 than electrodialysis or adsorption, it is these last two that offer
Currently, different methods have been used to separate and a better balance between effectiveness and cost.92, 93
purify lactoferrin (Table 4).
Carvalho et al.52 used a functionalized cryogel for the Bioactive peptides production
separation of lactoferrin from whey and Sebastián et al.77
During lactic fermentation, LAB has an important role,
reported a polyacrylamide matrix (PAM) with Cu (II) to
not only in the production of organic acids but also in
carry out the separation and enrichment of lactoferrin from
the generation of peptides. These fractions are released
MW, obtaining 82.5% recovery of this protein. The use of
by the proteolytic system of the same bacteria, as they
chromatographic methods for the purification of lactoferrin
have an efficient proteolytic system to reduce proteins
has increased its efficiency due to modifications that are
to oligopeptides or small chains of amino acids. These
made to the supports. These modifications allow high yields
released fractions are the nitrogen source necessary for cell
regardless of the volume of whey.50, 78–83
growth incorporating amino acids into their metabolism.94
This system consists of three main steps: 1. proteolysis by
Lactic acid production through proteases bound to the cell wall to form a large number of
fermentation peptides; 2. transport of peptides to the interior of cells by
Recent research has focused on the lactic fermentation of a transport system of peptide fractions, specific for each
residues containing simple carbohydrates for the production microorganism; 3. degradation of peptides by a diverse
of lactic acid. Whey is an optimal substrate for the growth of group of peptidases to form free amino acids, which are
different lactic acid bacteria (LAB), yielding 70–90% lactic metabolized or expelled to the medium and used for the
acid.84, 85 The production of lactic acid by fermentation synthesis of new proteins.95–97
has disadvantages, especially the high cost of recovering The biological activity of bioactive peptides depends
it by conventional methods such as distillation or simple largely on the amino acids that constitute them. That is why,
extraction.86 in recent years, there have been many efforts to study the
Conventionally, lactic acid could be recovered by different different beneficial activities that these peptides can have
methods87 (Fig. 5) – for example by final crystallization after on humans, including their antihypertensive, antimicrobial,
a long and difficult process using sulfuric acid and activated opioid, immunostimulatory, mineral transporting, and
carbon. This method is expensive and unfriendly to the antithrombotic activity.98 These molecules are of great
environment. To reduce the cost, many studies have been interest, mainly for the industrial sector (food and drugs)

Table 4. Separation and purification methods of lactoferrin from cheese whey (CW).
Separation and purification method Characteristics Yield References
52, 77
Ion exchange and solid-phase separation Copper immobilized in polyacrylamide cryogel 82.5%
Dye-affinity chromatography Dye-affinity chromatography with yellow HE-4R
attached to chitosan mini-spheres
Cation exchange Cryogel monoliths for extraction of minor proteins
from milk by cation exchange
Supermacroporous column of polyacrylamide cryogel
with copper ions
Adsorptive membrane chromatography
Cation-exchange Expanded bed adsorption
Mixed-mode (hydroxyapatite) chromatography
method for one-column fractionation

© 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100 7
J Sebastián-Nicolás et al. Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery

Lactic acid
NaOH Fermentation broth

Concentrated salt Microfiltration

solution HCl

Monopolar Permeate
electrodialysis fraction

Lactic acid containing



Lactic acid

Figure 5. Scheme of a co-product free fermentation and downstream process. Dashed lines illustrate further suggestions for
process improvements. Source: Pleissner et al.87

because they can be the basis for the production of food and / causing mosquitoes.103 Lactose, a major whey constituent,
or medicines.99 has been reported as a growth promoter of sewage fungus
in waterways, which are slimy plumes that are aesthetically
Whey as a source of minerals undesirable and affect the normal river biota.104 Another
important impact of whey in aquatic media is due to its
The MW is demineralized because of the negative effects high nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) content and its
on food products obtained from it, like ice cream, drinks, potential to act as eutrophication enhancer. Lastly, colloidal
deserts, or cooked products.100 However, the minerals from and particulate matter in whey alter the color and turbidity of
whey are generally not recovered because of the high cost of the receiving water bodies, affecting the light penetration and
the process. But there are some studies related to the recovery primary productivity of these ecosystems.103
of minerals like Na, Ca, and P, which are relevant to the Land application of whey has been practiced for decades
production of food, fertilizers, and plant supplements.101, 102 in the USA, Canada, and Australia, among other countries,
as a slow-release nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer.105
Environmental impacts of whey This practice can be seen as sustainable because whey
has been reported to provide an adequate substitute for
Whey has a higher polluting potential with high contents of potassic superphosphate, while some soil properties
biological and chemical oxygen demand (COD) (20–60 g L−1 are improved.106–110 However, adverse changes in soil
and 50–102 g L−1, respectively). Organic load is mainly due properties, as well as depressed plant growth, can result
to lactose, proteins, and fats (Table 1). Although this organic at high application rates. It has been estimated that the
matter is 99% biodegradable, it is considered to be highly irrigation of 1 mm3 of whey results in about 400–600 kg of
polluting – 60 to 80 times more than domestic wastewater. total salt added per hectare, leading to high salinity levels
If whey is discharged into water streams without treatment, and minor crop yields.105 To overcome this salinity problem
several serious problems can arise. The organic matter it and to obtain an acceptable irrigation water quality, a 1: 20
contains is easily biodegraded in environmental conditions, dilution of whey with clean water has been suggested.
leading to dissolved oxygen depletion. Along with septic Sodium accumulation following high rate whey application
conditions, strong odors are released, and the aquatic is likely to occur at greater soil depths, ultimately affecting
medium turns into a breeding place for pests such as malaria- future land uses.

8 © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100
Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery J Sebastián-Nicolás et al.

Whey nitrogen is subject to biological transformations types of biorefineries, known as phase I, II, and III, have
such as aerobic nitrification, which produces highly been described by Kamm and Kamm112 and by Van Dyne
leachable nitrites and nitrates that can pollute groundwater. et al.113 A phase I biorefinery produces a single final product.
Denitrification (the microbial reduction of nitrates to N2O A process where more than two different products are
and N2) occurs in anoxic zones and when a suitable carbon obtained is considered to be a phase II biorefinery. Phase III
source is available, and leads to losses (about 5–20%) of the biorefineries combine different technologies to produce their
whey nitrogen applied.107 As N2O is an important greenhouse own energy.
gas, it accounts for additional deleterious environmental Németh and Kaleta114 studied the production of ergoesterol
effects of land whey application. from whey under a biorefinery scheme. The residues
resulting from their design were used for the production
Biorefinery CW: Valorization of propionic acid and vitamin B12. This study revealed that
during this process there is an appropriate relationship
At present, technologies for the treatment of agro-industrial with the ‘zero waste’ theory and the value-added products
waste aim to reduce the pollution that they cause to the obtained. Other studies like this developed by Domingos
environment (Table 5).111 That is why the use of whey in et al.115 show the feasibility of producing high concentrations
biorefinery schemes has been considered a topic of great of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) through the anaerobic
importance due to the contamination that it causes when fermentation of CW. These plastics are biodegradable and are
is discharged to rivers and soils without treatment. Three used in the production of biopolymers.

Table 5. Type of milk whey (MW) biorefineries.

Process description Products Disadvantage Type Reference
Two batch fermentations. First with Ergosterol, propionic acid High cost of process. Not optimized I
S. cerevisiae and the second with and whey powder process. Batch process.
Propionicbacterium acidipropionici
(DSM20273). At the final process the whey
powder was obtain through a spray dry
Anaerobic fermentation of cheese whey (CW). Production of There is no application for the final I
An electrodialysis (ED) step was proposed to polyhydroxyalkanoates waste
obtain a concentrate acidic stream, suitable (PHAs)
for being employed as feeding solution in the
consecutive fed-batch culture system for PHA
Ricotta cheese whey (RCW) as a source Lactobionic acid There is no application for the final I 117
during fermentation in aerobic conditions with waste
Pseudomonas taetrolens
CW including in a multi-feed biorefinery Bioethanol. Combination of different wastes I 118
design as from lignocellulosic residues and increasing the resident time during
tequila vinasses. The process is carried out in fermentation. But there are different
anaerobic conditions. beneficial products at the end of the
Batch fermentations with Kluyveromyces Recovery of bioethanol Only one product is produced and II 116
lactis CBS2359 of CW permeate and biomass rich in β- there is no application for the final
galactosidase activity, at waste
the same time
Two-step bioprocess using Saccharomyces Bioethanol and galactonic There is no application for the final II 119
cerevisiae and Gluconobacter oxydans. First, acid waste
the lactose in CW powder was pretreated
with β-galactosidase to obtain glucose
and galactose. Subsequently, the glucose
is selectively fermented to ethanol by S.
cerevisiae to enable G. oxydans-mediated
bio-oxidation of galactose to galactonic acid.

© 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100 9
J Sebastián-Nicolás et al. Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery

The use of fermentation to obtain products with a high and then using the rest to produce energy. Due to the
commercial value has been proposed in different biorefining composition of whey, many products could be obtained by
process. Sampaio et al.116 evaluated the production potential different continuous integrated processes using chemical and
of bioethanol from whey using Kluyveromyces lactis as an biotechnological techniques. Such proposals integrate the
alternative to provide a treatment for this residue from the production of high-value products with efficient treatment in
dairy industry and to increase its value. De Giorgi et al.117 a ‘zero waste process’.
evaluated the preliminary conditions for the industrial use
of whey as a substrate for the development of Pseudomonas Proposed whey biorefinery
taetrolens as a possible biotechnological treatment of this
residue. Due to the little importance that has been given to whey
Sánchez et al.118 developed a multi-feed biorefinery as a raw material for compounds with high added value,
design as a solution for the production of bioethanol from mainly those with biological activity, this has become an
lignocellulosic waste and at the same time for treating environmental problem in cheese-producing regions. (Fig. 6).
agro-industrial waste (CW and tequila vinasse). This kind Despite several possibilities for CW utilization, which
of process is more complex than the simplest conventional were mentioned in the previous sections, a major fraction
lignocellulosic biofuel biorefineries. However, this design of the world’s whey production is currently discarded.120
improves overall energy productivity and achieves Biorefineries are being proposed as a way to readdress the old
environmental and economic sustainability values similar linear schemes of cheese production into circular and holistic
to those of a single raw material biorefinery that produces approaches. In the whey biorefineries found in the literature,
lignocellulosic ethanol and electricity. Zhou et al.119 biotechnological processes are often included, mostly based
proposed a bioprocess that involved two stages using two on lactic acid bacteria.120 The goal is to generate several high
microorganisms (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Gluconobacter value-added products in a multipurpose plant and, at the
oxydans) for the generation of ethanol and galactonic acid same time, to minimize waste. For instance, whey has been
using whey as a substrate. During this process the whey was proposed as a substrate for the production of d-lactic acid and
pretreated with β-galactosidase. polylactic acid, coupled with the production of biodegradable
Biorefineries that are currently proposed using agro- biopolymers such as PHAs and lactulose by Caulobacter
industrial wastes integrate both, the advantage of the segnis.121
chemical composition and, the economical and the Pinto et al.122 conceived a biorefinery where whey is
environmental sustainability evaluation. In general, the microfiltered and ultrafiltered to separate lactose and
biorefining of whey is focused on obtaining a main product proteins. Lactose undergoes enzymatic hydrolysis while the
using physical, chemical, or biotechnological processes, protein concentrate can be dried or submitted to sequentially

Figure 6. Environmental impact of milk whey (MW) and industrial opportunities.

10 © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100
Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery J Sebastián-Nicolás et al.

controlled proteolysis to produce peptides for use as In stage two (S2), the residue without Lf is recovered
supplements for parenteral feeding. This biorefinery was for the organic matter, rich in nitrogen and carbon, that
economically evaluated, simulated, and monitored through it contains. It will be used as a suitable substrate for the
web-based remote software.122 By using process simulation growth of LAB homofermentative probiotics. Due to the
(i.e. flowsheeting), a biorefinery was proposed in which whey chemical composition of this substrate, LAB can develop
lactose would be transformed into ergosterol (previtamin in the medium, initiating the fermentation process.
D2), propionic acid, probiotics, and vitamin B12.114 In Through this, products of commercial interest such as
another study, the production of PHA was considered for a lactic acid, hydrolyzed proteins, bioactive peptides, and
biorefinery based on the culture of recombinant Escherichia probiotics can be obtained. During this process, low
coli (a strain modified to express the genes of Cupriavidus molecular-weight peptides between 15 and 5 kDa will be
necator encoding to metabolize lactose) on whey.123 released, which have an impact on the pharmaceutical
The biorefinery proposed in this review involves different industry. On the other hand, the probiotics could be
physical, chemical, and biological techniques for the recovery used as precursors for new food products, while lactic
of value-added products from whey obtained from the acid would serve for the production of biodegradable
manufacture of cheese. This process is designed taking into polymers.124 The importance of hydrolyzed proteins is
account the chemical composition of whey, and represents an due to their ability to have greater bioavailability and
alternative for the recovery of biologically active compounds absorption in the digestive system, so this product would
of commercial interest to the food, pharmaceutical, and be beneficial to people with deficiencies in the absorption
polymer industries. of protein fractions – mainly those patients who have some
The purpose of the proposed dairy whey biorefinery is essential amino acid deficiency.59
to recover lactoferrin, lactic acid, probiotics, hydrolyzed During the fermentation, the LAB transforming the
proteins, and bioactive peptides, in a continuous process lactose present in the waste produces lactic acid. The lactic
divided into three stages as shown in Fig. 7. Fat and casein acid obtained in this stage is intended to be separated by an
fractions should be removed from the MW before the process electrodialysis process, this method being the most feasible
starts, as a preparative phase. to avoid an increase in contamination with chemical agents
In the first stage (S1) of the process, the separation and for its purification, such as lactic acid esters. Once the
recovery of lactoferrin is carried out through the use of lactic acid has been separated from the fermentation broth
a PAM with Cu (II). During this separation, a residue is it can be used in the food industry as a preservative or to
obtained with imidazole and proteins (residue without Lf) generate biodegradable polymers such as PLA. At present,
that were not retained in the matrix, as well as lactose, water, biodegradable polymers are used to reduce the pollution that
and minerals. has been emitted by conventional polymers for decades.125

Figure 7. Proposal of milk whey biorefinery.

© 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100 11
J Sebastián-Nicolás et al. Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery

After the separation of the products generated in the lactic valuable products. However, the use of whey which, is not
fermentation process, the final residue (R4) can be used used to obtain sub-products with high value, increase the
for different purposes as it will contain minerals, galactose, expectation to design a cheap process taking advantages of its
glucose, amino acids, and lactose, which are not transformed composition. Therefore, biorefineries process could be built
by the LAB.126–130 in order to produce new resources to obtain energy in self-
The R4 residue can be used to purify the remaining sustainable technologies at low cost.
compounds, or can be discarded to the sewer as it meets
Mexican standards for this purpose. Finally, R 1, 2, and 3 Challenges and opportunities in
could be mixed to generate biogas or biofertilizer (S3).131–136
These proposals would benefit the regions where this
whey valorization
biorefinery process is used as it would be taking advantage The use of whey has changed. In the 17th to 19th centuries it
of a waste with excellent potential for recovering different was a medicinal liquid. Today it is a source of a wide range of
value-added products. The biotransformation of MW and useful and valuable components. From the mid-20th century
the recovery of compounds of industrial interest are an it has been considered to be a source of environmental
alternative for the treatment of this dairy industry residue. pollution, but scientific knowledge about whey’s components,
Additional to the biorefinery proposed, 1 ton of pretreated their characteristics, and their useful properties has increased.
whey was taken as the basis of material balance during the Whey biorefineries could be parallel process to the dairy
process. industry transforming a waste in high value products.
In stage 1 (S1) the lactoferrin content of the whey is up to Advances in processing technology allow cost-effective
0.02%.48–53 With the method proposed at this stage, 82.5% of process implementation and efficient manufacture of
this protein could be recovered.52, 77 So, 165 g of lactoferrin products with whey components as ingredients.
would be obtained from this stage. Approximately 96% of the Whey and its associated components (proteins, peptides,
serum is recovered as a residue without lactoferrin. That is, lactose, and lipids) have been used for commercial
from each ton of serum, 960 kg of residue is obtained, which applications in foods, specialized formulations, bio-medical
will then be used for the fermentation stage. products, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics in a marketplace
In stage 2 (S2), the probiotic inoculated into the fermenter that craves the nutritional, functional, and biological traits of
uses only the glucose in the lactose molecule for the generation whey ingredients. Notably, proteins are used in a vast array of
of lactic acid with a yield of 47.5%.96 From 44 to 50 kg of applications.
lactose, contained in 1 ton of residue without lactoferrin, The whey industry currently faces new challenges and
it is obtained 20.90 to 23.75 kg of lactic acid. The efficiency opportunities. An example is the expansion of the dairy
of protein hydrolysis during fermentation is 80%. The industry, of which whey production is part. Other examples
ultrafiltration process will recover 95% of hydrolyzed proteins. include the production of acid whey, decreasing costs of
The microorganism hydrolyzes approximately 80% of the manufacturing whey ingredients, market competition from
proteins but 10% of the hydrolyzed protein is lost due to the other ingredients, and possibilities in the area of functional
metabolism and development of the probiotic.98 Thus, between whey peptides. The integration of different procedures
60 kg and 100 kg of protein is obtained per ton of residue to obtain new constituents is the main challenge to the
without lactoferrin. About 51 to 85 kg of a protein mixture treatment of this kind of waste. Biorefining could be the
with hydrolized protein is obtained . The biomass recovered solution to a worldwide problem. The valorization of the
at this stage depends on the probiotic’s metabolism and is waste would end in the complete use of the waste and the
considered as a product of high extra value to the process. generation of energy through a sustainable process. These
In stage 3 (S3) the remaining compounds such as glucose, looming challenges will be addressed and the opportunities
lactose, minerals, amino acids, and water could be used for will be captured using science and technology to make a
the generation of biogas, which might be used to feed the strong dairy industry.

It is difficult to estimate the cost of the proposed biorefinery
due to the absence of detailed costs for each part of Where whey is an environmental problem, the biorefinery
the process, equipment designed for the process, and process can enable the problem to be solved by recovering
information about the process for obtaining the different value-added products. This review has discussed some types

12 © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100
Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery J Sebastián-Nicolás et al.

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© 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100 17
J Sebastián-Nicolás et al. Review: Valorization of whey milk through plan biorefinery

Araceli Castañeda-Ovando Alma E. Cruz-Guerrero

Araceli Castañeda Ovando is Alma Elizabeth Cruz-Guerrero is a
Chemist and professor of Food and food engineer and researcher-pro-
Analytical Chemistry at the Chem- fessor in the Biotechnology Depart-
istry Department of Universidad ment of the Universidad Autónoma
Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Metropolitana. Her research includes
Her research includes studies about food enzymes, probiotics, prebiot-
food properties and use of by-prod- ics, the metabolism of lactic acid
ucts of the food industry. She has a PhD in Chem- bacteria, and alternative uses of milk, whey, and their
istry from the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de derivatives. She has a master’s degree and a PhD
Hidalgo, Mexico. in biotechnology from the Universidad Autónoma

18 © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (2020); DOI: 10.1002/bbb.2100

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