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Average Score 2.2 Descriptor Moderate


June July Aug
Learner Identification U04M0921A09236
number Days present 22 21 14 57

Days absent 01 00 01 02

Subject Competency Score Descriptor Generic skills General remarks by Name of

subject teacher subject
English 1.Identifies 2.7 Outstanding Works well with Achieved all the learning Nassuna
different types of friends. outcomes! Mary Gorret.
corruption and talks Well done Clinton.
about them
2.Talks and writes 2.7 Outstanding Listens attentively
about human rights with
and gender,listens comprehension.
to speeches and
Subject Competency Score Descriptor Generic skills General remarks by Name of
subject teacher subject
debate related
Mathematics 1. The learner plots, 1.8 Moderate Suggests and Achieved many of the Rwabwogo
interprets and uses develops new learning outcomes. Wilbroad
graphs to solve solutions.
2. The learner 2.4 Moderate
represents and
solves problems
Geography 1. The learner 2.7 Outstanding Clinton is a team Clinton achieved most of Musinguzi
understands how player and the learning outcomes Ronald
each of the main cooperates well in taught this term as he can
types of landforms class among his explain how each of the
in East Africa was peers main types of landforms
formed, the main in East Africa was
types of rocks and formed, the main types of
the main features of rocks and the main
drainage. features of drainage.
2. The learner 2.7 Outstanding Clinton is a team
understands main player and - He understands climate
types of climate and cooperates well in and how it influences
how climate class among his vegetation, appreciates it
influences peers as a natural resource
vegetation, benefiting the present and
appreciating this as future generation.
a natural resource
that can benefit the
present and future
Physics 1.The learner 1.2 Basic Interacts effectively Achieved few of the Rwabwogo
investigates the with others. learning outcomes. Wilbroad
relation between
the turning effect of
forces and the
stability of bodies.
Subject Competency Score Descriptor Generic skills General remarks by Name of
subject teacher subject
Chemistry 1. The learner 2.7 Moderate He achieved most of the Wamboyo
understands the Clinton is learning outcomes. Rogers
diversity of innovative but
elements in the needs to improve in
periodic table. consultation in
areas he has not
understood well.

History & 1. The learner 2.3 Moderate He works Achieved many of the Nambwayo
Political understands the effectively in learning outcomes. Esther
Education influence and diverse teams
impact of religions
in East Africa.
2.The learner 2.3 Moderate Achieved many of the
understands the learning outcomes.
pre-colonial trade
contacts and
connects them to
the colonial trade
systems in

3.The learner 2.9 Outstanding Achieved all the learning

understands the outcomes.
causes,methods and
impact of the
colonization of
Religious Understands the 2.6 Outstanding Clinton is very Clinton has achieved most Kalago Bob
Education(CRE) importance of considerate of his of the learning outcomes.
marriage and how it peers and teachers. He interacts respectfully
fosters the values of with his peers.
love, honesty,
respect, harmony
and generosity.
ICT 1. The learner uses 2.7 Outstanding Interacts effectively Achieved most of the Byaruhanga
presentation with others. learning outcomes. Allan
software (e.g. MS
PowerPoint) to
Subject Competency Score Descriptor Generic skills General remarks by Name of
subject teacher subject
prepare, deliver and
print presentations.
Biology 1.The learner 2.7 Outstanding He achieved most of the Wamboyo
understands types Moderate learning outcomes Rogers
of soil and their
components that
determines their

2. The learner 2.1 Moderate He achieved most of the Wamboyo

understands the learning outcomes Rogers
causes of soil
infertility and ways
of conserving soil
including the role
of micro organism
in the nitrogen
Art & Design 1. Appreciates the 1.8 Moderate Uses imagination to Clinton has achieved Mukasa Dan
historical art explore many learning outcomes
periods and possibilities. and he is a good team
movements and the player.
development of
aesthetic concepts
from the Ancient
2.Applies the 2.1 Moderate Tries out innovative
elements and alternatives.
principles of art
during drawing and
painting tasks.
3. Applies 1.8 Moderate Works with others
knowledge and to generate ideas.
skills acquired in
basic graphic
design to create
Subject Competency Score Descriptor Generic skills General remarks by Name of
subject teacher subject
graphical images
that communicate
4.Creatively uses 2.1 Moderate Works with others
clay to make to generate ideas.
pottery products.
Literature 1.Understands basic 2.7 Outstanding Speaks well and is Achieved most of the Nassuna
dramatic items and very confident. learning outcomes. Mary Gorret
techniques and
assesses their
application in
Kiswahili 1.Mwanafunzi 1.8 Alama za Clinton anayeweza Hujahitimu Wainaina
anaweza kujua na wastani kufanya vizuri zaidi vizuri,umepata alama za faith
kuwa kiongozi bora ya hivi. wastani.
kupitia mada hii ya
uongozi katika
2.Mwanafunzi 1.4 Alama za
anaweza kuweka wastani
mazingira kuwa
safi na kujikinga
dhidi ya magonjwa
na kuwa na afya
Entrepreneurship 1.Understands 1.9 Moderate He works with Achieved many learning Ouni Fedrick
government others in generating outcomes Erick
revenue and its ideas and interacts
sources and why effectively with
government needs others.
2. Compares the 1.6 Moderate
forms of business
ownership and
selects a suitable
Physical 1.Understands the 2.7 Outstanding Manages goals on Clinton managed to Nassuna
Education (P.E) factors that relate to time. achieve most of learning Mary Gorret
Subject Competency Score Descriptor Generic skills General remarks by Name of
subject teacher subject
performance of outcomes,he only needs to
physical activities. learn how to put his
2.Understands 2.7 Outstanding practical knowledge into
physical fitness and writing.
performs exercise
that can be used to
develop fitness for Works effectively
life long. with others.
3.Performs various 2.4 Moderate
gymnastic skills
individually in a
safe env’t.
4.Understands 2.7 Outstanding
agreeable and Takes responsibility
disagreeable for his learning.
behavior in society
and the field.
5.Performs jumping 2.1 Moderate
skills considering

Games and Sports He enjoys playing basketball and soccer; he takes care of the other members of the team.

Name:Nassuna Mary Gorret Signature……………………………

Values Exhibited
Hardworker, Integrity, Social responsibility.
Class teacher’s comment:Consistently cooperates with the teacher and other students and listens well and shares ideas frequently but
he is not working to full potential,he fears attempting new challenges and this has affected his scores.
Name: Nassuna Mary Gorret Signature: Date: 18th August 2023
Head teacher’s Comment: He Listens well and shares ideas frequently however, he needs to see his physics and kiswahili teachers
for remedial work to cover the missing competencies.
Name: Musinguzi Ronald Signature: Date: 18th August 2023
Next term begins on 11/09/2023
Identifier Score Descriptor
3 2.5-3.0 Outstanding: Most or all Los achieved for overall
2 1.5-2.49 Moderate: Many LOs achieved, enough for overall
1 0.9-1.49 Basic: Few Los achieved, but not sufficient for overall

Keywords used/ Description of terms.

Competency: The overall expected capability of a learner at the end of a topic, term or year, after being exposed to a body of
knowledge, skills and values.
Descriptor: Gives details on the extent to which the learner has achieved the stipulated learning outcomes in a given topic.
Generic skills: These are higher order transferable soft skills that apply to all subjects and are commonly sought after in the 21st
Century and the world of work.
Identifier: Is a label/grade that distinguishes learners according to their learning achievement of the set competencies Score: Refers to
the average of the scores obtained for the different learning outcomes that make up competency.

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