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Sigmund Freud

Born: May 6, 1856, Příbor, Czechia
Died: September 23, 1939, Hampstead,
London, United Kingdom
Influenced: Carl Jung, Erik Erikson, Alfred
Adler, Anna Freud,
Spouse: Martha Bernays (m. 1886–1939)
Children: Anna Freud, Ernst L. Freud,
Sophie Freud, Mathilde Freud, Oliver
Freud, Martin Freud
Parents: Amalia Freud, Jacob Freud
A theory of definition generally refers
to those analytical tools for definitions so
as to make predictions with definitions
about definitions.
A theory of definition generally refers to
those analytical tools for definitions so as to
make predictions with definitions about
Structure of the Mind

Id Ego Superego

Freud believed that evey child goes through a sequence of developmental stage,
experiences during this stages will later determine his her adult personality
characteristic. The adult pesrsonality is formed by the end of the fifth year of life.
Each stage has an erogenous zone, which is the greatest source of stimulation and
pleasure during that stage. In order to make the smooth transition from one of
psychosexual stage to the next, the child must not over-gratified or under -
gratified because this can lead to either fixation or regression.

Freud uses the term fixation to describe what occurs when a person does not
progress normally from stage, and instead remains overly involved with a
particular stage
Sigmund Freud proposed that personality development in childhood takes
place during five psychosexual stages, which are the oral, anal, phallic,
latency, and genital stages.

During each stage, sexual energy (libido) is expressed in different ways and
through different body parts.

These are called psychosexual stages because each stage represents the
fixation of libido (roughly translated as sexual drives or instincts) on a
different area of the body.

As a person grows physically certain areas of their body become important

as sources of potential frustration (erogenous zones), pleasure or both.
Definition Possible behavioural example

Diverting threatening impulses A student who is angry at her

away from the source of the professor for a low grade lashes
anxiety and toward a more out at her roommate, who is a
acceptable source safer target of her anger.

A man with powerful unconscious

Disguising threatening impulses by sexual desires for women claims
Projection attributing them to others that women use him as a sex

A drama student convinces

Generating self-justifying
herself that getting the part in
Rationalization explanations for our negative
the play wasn’t that important
after all.
Jane is sexually attracted to
Making unacceptable
Reaction friend Jake, but she claims in
motivations appear as their
formation public that she intensely dislikes
exact opposite

Retreating to an earlier, more A university student who is worried

Regression childlike, and safer stage of about an important test begins to
development suck on his finger.

A person who witnesses his parents

Repression Pushing anxiety-arousing thoughts
having sex is later unable to
(or denial) into the unconscious
remember anything about the event.

A person participates in sports to

Channeling unacceptable sexual
sublimate aggressive drives. A person
Sublimation or aggressive desires into
creates music or art to sublimate
acceptable activities
sexual drives.

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