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Analysis of the depth resolution limit of luminescence diffuse optical imaging

Article in Optics Letters · November 2008

DOI: 10.1364/OL.33.002290 · Source: PubMed

18 79

5 authors, including:

Matthieu Boffety Marc Allain

Laboratoire Charles Fabry Institut Fresnel


Marc Massonneau


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Analysis of the depth resolution limit of luminescence
diffuse optical imaging

M. Boffety,1,2,4 M. Allain,3 A. Sentenac,3 M. Massonneau,4 and R. Carminati1,∗

Laboratoire d’Optique Physique, ESPCI, CNRS UPR 5, 10 rue Vauquelin, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
Laboratoire EM2C - Ecole Centrale Paris, CNRS, Grande Voie des Vignes, 92295 Châtenay-Malabry Cedex, France
Institut Fresnel - Université Aix Marseille, CNRS, Faculté de St Jérôme, 13397 Marseille Cedex 20, France
Quidd S.A.S., 50 rue Ettore Bugatti, 76800 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, France

Corresponding author:

Compiled June 24, 2008

We introduce a methodology to determine quantitatively the depth resolution limit in luminescence diffuse
optical imaging. The approach is based on a Cramer-Rao statistical analysis, a noise model and calculations
of photon transport in tissues. We illustrate the method in the case of luminescence imaging in a brain-skull
model, showing its potential applications in molecular imaging on small animals. c 2008 Optical Society of

The ability of diffuse light to probe scattering and ab-

sorption properties of tissues has opened new directions
in functional and structural biomedical imaging [1]. Lu-
minescence diffuse optical tomography has been demon-
strated using targeted or activable fluorophores [2], or
bioluminescence [3], making diffuse light a novel and
valuable tool for in vivo molecular imaging and drug
development [4]. Luminescence diffuse optical imaging
(LDOI) offers a large variety of contrasts, but quantita-
tive imaging requires an inverse reconstruction because
of image blurring caused by scattering and absorption
in tissues [5,6]. Reconstructions of fluorophores distribu-
Fig. 1. One-dimensional model of a mouse brain-skull
tion in small animals have been demonstrated with non-
system. The inset shows a cross-section of a real system.
contact fluorescence diffuse optical tomography [2, 7]. In
The parameters of each layers are given in Table 1.
this context, a key issue is the determination of the per-
formances of a given setup, in terms of spatial resolution
(in particular depth resolution) and signal quantifica- Table 1. Parameters of the brain-skull model.
µs µa Thickness
In this Letter, we propose a rigorous methodology to # Tissue n g (mm−1 ) (mm−1 ) (mm)
determine the depth resolution limit of a given LDOI 1 Skin 1.38 0.9 1.7 0.025 0.2
setup. We illustrate the method on a model of lumines- 2 Skull 1.38 0.9 20 0.025 0.25
cence imaging of the mouse brain-skull system. We con- 3 CRF 1.38 0.9 ≃0 ≃0 0.05
4 GM 1.38 0.9 20 0.030 2
sider the simplified one-dimensional geometry depicted 5 WM 1.38 0.9 60 0.030 4
in Fig. 1. The optical properties and width of each layer CRF: Cephalo Rachidian Fluid, GM: Grey Matter,
were taken from the literature [8–11], and are given in WM: White Matter.
Table 1. For simplicity, we have assumed uniform refrac-
tive index n and anisotropy parameter g. An isotropic
source of luminescence (fluorescence, bioluminescence or
ous framework to determine quantitatively the resolution
chemiluminescence) is located at a depth L below the
limit in the reconstructionf a given parameter is provided
skin-air interface. The diffuse emitted light is collected on
by the Cramer-Rao analysis, that combines the calcula-
the upper skin-air interface using a CCD camera. In the
tion of the signal sensitivities and a noise model [12, 13].
present work, the source intensity is assumed to be inde-
The Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) gives a lower bound for
pendent on its depth. This corresponds either to the ac-
the variance of an unbiased estimator of the parameter
tual situation in bioluminescence or chemiluminescence
to be reconstructed (e.g. the source depth). Thus the
imaging, or to an ideal fluorescence excitation for which
CRB can be used to define the theoretical ultimate res-
the illuminating light would not undergo any attenuation
olution limit, given a noise model and a noise level. We
by scattering or absorption.
briefly summarize the CRB approach and its application
The resolution capabilities of a given setup cannot be
to the present LDOI model(see [12] for the derivation of
determined independently from the noise level. A rigor-
the general expression of the CRB).

For a given position p of the CCD camera, the average of photon detected over the whole CCD camera, for a
photon number hitting pixel number k is given by: single position of the camera: m = Σk,p mk,p . Equation
Z (4) yields:
hmk,p i = T gk,p (r) n(r) d3 r (1) g(L)
CRB = 2 (5)
η T [∂L g(L)]
where T is the observation time, n(r) is the average with g(r) = Σk,p gk,p (r). The depth resolution limit is
photon-number emission density (unit [s−1 m−3 ]) at po- deduced:
sition r = (x, y, z) inside the volume V of interest (i.e. 1
the volume V in which the luminescence sources are lo- ∆L = √ . (6)
η T L g(L)

cated a priori) and gk,p (r) is the probability for a pho-
ton emitted at point r to be detected by pixel k for In terms of the average detected photon number
p hmi =
the position p of the CCD camera. In the presence of ηT g(L), the resolution limit reads ∆L = hmi/∂L hmi.
noise, the detected signal fluctuates. Let us denote by This expression suggests a simple interpretation of the
m = {mk,p } the ensemble of detected photon numbers resolution limit calculated from the CRB: the minimum
mk,p . For photon-noise limited imaging, the number of standard deviation of L is given by the value that induces
detected photons mk,p obeys Poisson statistics. Assum- a change
p in the signal that equals the noise level (given
ing uncorrelated noise on each pixel, the probability law by hmi in photon-noise limited imaging). In practice,
of m is given by it might be convenient to define a resolution limit per
emitted photons, that only depends on the geometry and
Y hmk,p imk,p optical properties of the system:
P (m) = exp [−hmk,p i] (2)
mk,p !
p g(L)
∆Lnorm = η T ∆L = . (7)
where M is the number of pixels on the CCD and N the ∂L g(L)
number of positions of the camera. In the following, we
make two hypothesis. Firstly, we assume a point source To compute the PDP and its derivative in the LDOI
located at a depth of L, with intensity η, so that n(r) = configuration shown in Fig. 1, we use a Monte-Carlo solu-
η δ(x, y, z − L) and hmk,p i = ηT gk,p (L). Secondly, we tion of the Radiative Transfer Equation (RTE) [15] with
assume that the source intensity η is perfectly known, an isotropic point-source term that corresponds to the
and we focus on the determination of the source depth luminescence source. The use of the RTE, rather than
L. The CRB in this case is given by [12, 13]: the diffusion approximation, allows to handle carefully
the interface boundary conditions and the contribution
E−1 of short paths [16]. The RTE is particularly useful to
CRB = [∂L ln P (m)] (3)
deal with multilayer systems, as the brain-skul model,
involving thin or weakly scattering layers [17, 18]. The
where ∂L = ∂/∂L. Note that the term in brackets is
CCD camera images a 1.5 cm square field of view. We as-
the Fisher information. The CRB is the lower bound
sume an ideal detection scheme in which the signal is the
of the variance of the reconstructed source depth L. If
energy flux angle-integrated over 2π steradians and spa-
∆L denotes the standard deviation of the reconstructed
√ tially integrated over the whole CCD camera (this mim-
depth in the presence of noise, one has ∆L ≥ CRB. In
ics the signal that would be recorded by a CCD camera
the case of Poisson statistics, on obtains from Eqs. (2)
in close contact with the upper surface). The method-
and (3):
ology can be easily extended to tomographic detection
( N
)−1 using free-space radiometric propagation [19]. The cal-
X 1 culated PDP is shown in Fig. 2 (blue rectangles). The
CRB = ηT [∂L gk,p (L)]2 . (4)
gk,p (L) depth L is changed from 0.4 to 4.4 mm, corresponding
k=1 p=1
to a source scanning the grey matter (GM) and white
Equation (4) suggests a practical methodology to com- matter (WM). The interface separating GM from WM
pute the CRB of a given LDOI setup for photon-noise is indicated by the vertical line. The PDP exhibits a dif-
limited imaging, from the knowledge of the photon detec- ferent behavior in the GM and WM. In particular, when
tion probabilities (PDPs) gk,p (L) and their derivatives crossing the interface, the slope of the PDP changes. The
(also called parametric sensitivities). These quantities sensitivity ∂L g(L) is larger in the WM, i.e. in the most
can be computed from a photon transport model (RTE scattering medium. This change of sensitivity will affect
or diffusion approximation when the latter is valid). the CRB and the resolution limit. For comparison, we
Note that in simple geometries, the parametric sensitivi- also show in Fig. 2 the same calculation for a homoge-
ties can be directly calculated from a Monte-Carlo
√ algo- neous slab of identical width, but with effective optical
rithm [14]. The resolution limit ∆L ≥ CRB is readily parameters deduced from Table 1 by an average over the
deduced. To illustrate the procedure on the configuration scattering and absorption optical depths of each layer.
shown in Fig. 1, we make a simplification by consider- The behavior of the PDP is different, especially close to
ing that the luminescence signal is simply the number the interface. This result shows that accounting for the

that our approach allows to deduce a quantitative esti-
mate of the resolution limit that could be reached under
grey matter white matter
ideal conditions. In the configuration studied here, as-
suming a perfectly known anatomy and a photon-noise
Photon detection probability

limited detection, one has ∆Lnorm ≃ 5 mm in the GM.
In a typical fluorescence imaging set-up, one detects
0.4 η g(L) ≃ 105 − 106 cps on the CCD camera [20]. With
a PDP g(L) ≃ 0.5, so that η ≃ 106 cps. For a detection
0.3 time T ≃ 100 ms, one obtains ∆L ≃ 15 µm. This theo-
retical resolution limit is far below the depth resolution
0.2 that is obtained with current techniques, even using to-
mographic setups. Let us remind that this limit is calcu-
lated under ideal conditions. Nevertheless, it shows that
there is a lot of room for improving the imaging capabili-
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 ties in terms of depth resolution. Potential improvements
Source depth [mm] can be expected from a better knowledge of the anatomic
model, a reduction of noise (e.g. autofluorescence, source
Fig. 2. Photon detection probability g(L) for the multilayer brain- fluctuations), or the use of an accurate photon transport
skull model in Fig. 1 (blue squares) and for a homogeneous slab
model in the reconstruction [21]. Application of the re-
with effective optical parameters (green circles). The red line lo-
cates the interface between grey and white matters. sults in this Letter to a real tomographic setup is under
This work was supported by the EU Integrated
real multilayer geometry in the particular case of brain Project Molecular Imaging under contract LSHG-CT-
imaging through the skull system cannot be avoided. 2003-503259.
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