Songlio Report

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Tectonostratigraphic units and stratigraphic
Sequences of the nonmarine Songliao basin,
Northeast China.

Feng Zhi-qiang et al., 2010



6th, November, 2023


The Overview
The study focuses on the tectonostratigraphic units and stratigraphic sequences of the Nonmarine
Songliao Basin in Northeast China. It aims to understand this region's geological history, basin
development, and petroleum source rock deposition. The authors analyze the tectonic processes
and sedimentary basin formation to gain insights into the geological evolution of the area. The
study provides valuable information for the exploration and exploitation of petroleum resources in
the Songliao Basin.

Main objective of the Article

The main objective of this article is to study the tectonostratigraphic units and stratigraphic
sequences of the nonmarine Songliao Basin in Northeast China. The authors aim to understand
this region's plate tectonic history, basin development, and petroleum source rock deposition. They
also discuss the formation and evolution of the Songliao Basin, providing insights into plate
interactions and deep-seated geodynamic processes. Additionally, the article explores the
implications of tectonostratigraphic modes for hydrocarbon exploration in the basin.

Introduction to the Songliao Basin

The introduction provides an overview of the Songliao Basin, highlighting its significance as
China's largest and most productive oil-bearing nonmarine basin. It mentions that studying the
formation and evolution of extensional basins in an intracontinental setting can enhance our
understanding of geodynamic processes and regional plate tectonism. The Songliao Basin is
described as being close to the Mesozoic subduction zone of the western Pacific and the Okhotsk
suture, which adds to its geological importance. The introduction also mentions that previous
researchers have discussed the origins and tectonic evolution of the basin. Overall, the introduction
sets the stage for the subsequent discussion on the tectonostratigraphic units and stratigraphic
sequences of the Songliao Basin.

Methods and Data

The document does not provide specific information about the methods and data used in the study
this this happens to be a review paper. It primarily focuses on tectonostratigraphic units and
stratigraphic sequences in the Songliao Basin in Northeast China. The document mentions seismic

sections, major faults, and a graphic column of the basin, but does not elaborate on the methods or
data collection process.

Results and Accompanying Figures

The given article provides information about the tectonostratigraphic units and stratigraphic
sequences of the Songliao Basin in Northeast China. It discusses the geological setting, structural
units, and the formation and filling of the basin in four tectonic stages. The article also mentions
the occurrence of alternating episodes of extension and compression.

However, there are no specific results or accompanying figures mentioned in the given article.
Therefore, it is not possible to review any data or graphs to determine if they support the study's
conclusions. The article mainly focuses on providing a stratigraphic review of the Songliao Basin
and does not provide specific data or results to verify the accuracy and relevance of the study's

Interpretation of Results

The discussion section provides an interpretation of the results obtained from the study of the
Songliao Basin. It discusses the occurrence of structural inversions and the formation of
unconformities at different seismic horizons. The authors also mention the significant erosion that
took place in the basin, resulting in the removal of Upper Cretaceous strata. Overall, the discussion
section provides a clear interpretation of the results obtained from the study by the authors.

Comparison to Existing Literature

The discussion section does not explicitly mention a comparison to existing literature. However,
it does reference previous studies that have observed similar phenomena, such as regional uplift
and erosion. The authors also mention observations from sonic logs and vitrinite reflectance
profiles, which may have been compared to existing literature. While a direct comparison to
existing literature is not directly stated, the discussion section does provide some contextual
information that may be related to previous studies.

Main Findings by the authors

 The Sangliao basin in China consists of three deep fault-block basins: Changling fault
block, Xujiaweizi fault block, and Shuangcheng fault block. These basins contain clastic
strata and volcanics, with the thickest deposits found in the Xujiaweizi and Changling fault
 The basin experienced prerift and synrift tectonic activity, resulting in the formation of rift
belts. The eastern rift belt is folded and raised relative to the other blocks, while the
intensity of deformation decreases towards the west.
 The late thermal subsidence stage of the basin is characterized by sequences of strata that
fine and deepen upward, capped by a subaerial unconformity. Late post-rift strata are
generally fine-grained and include the Nenjiang Formation, which corresponds to a period
of maximum lake extent in the basin.
 The basin underwent a transition from rifting-induced fault-block basins to cooling-
induced subsidence. This transition is marked by the presence of the Denglouku Formation
(Kd) overlapped by the Quantou Formation (Kq). Denglouku strata are dominant in the
eastern and western rift belts, while Quantou strata cover the entire basin.
 The basin experienced long subaerial exposure and weathering, as evidenced by the
presence of mud cracks, caliche, red palacosol, calcareous nodules, and planar truncations
in seismic profiles.
 The central uplift zone of the basin is characterized by a NNE trend in the south and NNW
trend in the north. The basement of the basin includes Paleozoic metamorphic and granitic
rocks, with a burial depth of 2800-4000m in the central uplift zone.
 Late-stage tectonic compression modified the structure of the rift belts, with the intensity
of deformation decreasing towards the west.
These findings provide insights into the geological history and structural characteristics of the
Sangliao basin in China.

Tectonic and Stratigraphic Evolution of the Songliao Basin
The tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the Songliao basin in northeast China can be divided
into four episodes: mantle upwelling, rift, post-rift thermal subsidence, and structural inversion.
These episodes are related to regional geodynamics and plate motions. Each episode is associated
with specific stratigraphic signatures. During the Middle and Late Jurassic, mantle upwelling
caused doming, extension, widespread volcanism, and erosion. This deformation is characterized
by alluvial fan and alluvial plain facies systems tracts.

The rift episode began in the latest Jurassic and continued into the Early Cretaceous. It resulted
in the formation of isolated fault blocks of the "basin-and-range" style. Coal-bearing fluvial,
floodplain, lacustrine, and fan-delta strata, as well as widespread volcanic rocks, filled the fault-
block basins.

In the post-rift phase, which lasted from the Early to Late Cretaceous, strata in the Western Slope
zone onlap the basin margins to the west, and depocenters migrated from the east to the west. In
the Southeastern Uplift zone, strata are folded and truncated. The dominant sediment supply during
this period was from the east.

The structural inversion phase, characterized by compressional folding, began at the end of the
Cretaceous. It was driven by compressional stress arising from the reorganization of Pacific Plate
motion. The migration of depocenters from east to west indicates that subsidence was controlled
by regional lithospheric cooling and flexural subsidence.

The tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the Songliao basin provides insights into plate
interactions and deep-seated geodynamic processes. The closure and collision of the Okhotsk Sea
and the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Asian continent are inferred to be the causes

Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration

The Songliao Basin in China is known for its significant hydrocarbon resources, particularly
nonmarine oil fields. The basin contains both gas-bearing and oil-bearing strata, with different
reservoirs at various stratigraphic levels. The lower gas-bearing strata consist of coal-bearing
source rocks, as well as sandstone, conglomerate, and volcanic reservoirs in the syn-rift deposits.

On the other hand, the upper oil-bearing strata comprise large, thick, organic matter-rich source
rocks, as well as fluvial and deltaic sandstone reservoirs in post-rift deposits.

The formation and evolution of the Songliao Basin were influenced by a combination of thermal
subsidence and compression from the southeast, resulting from the collision of the Eurasian/Pacific
Plates. This led to the development of regional unconformities and weak structural inversion. Over
time, depocenters shifted from the east to the west.

For hydrocarbon exploration in the Songliao Basin, it is important to target the different
stratigraphic levels that contain potential reservoirs. The Heidimiao oil reservoirs in the third and
fourth members of the Nenjiang Formation are relatively shallow and can be explored for oil
extraction. The Saertu, Putaohua, and Gaotaizi oil reservoirs are found in the first member of the
Nenjiang Formation, as well as in the Yaojia and Qingshankou Formations.

Understanding the tectonostratigraphic modes of the basin is crucial for successful hydrocarbon
exploration. The reorganization and interaction of regional plates, such as the closure and collision
of the Okhotsk Sea and the subduction of the Pacific Plate beneath the Asian continent, have played
a significant role in the development of major unconformities and large-scale tectonostratigraphic
units in the basin. The implications of these modes provide valuable insights into the history of
plate interactions and deep-seated geodynamic processes in the region.

In summary, the Songliao Basin offers promising opportunities for hydrocarbon exploration, with
significant oil and gas resources present in different stratigraphic levels. By targeting the specific
reservoirs within the basin and understanding the tectonostratigraphic modes, exploration efforts
can be focused and optimized for maximum success.
Soundness of conclusions

The discussion section presents conclusions based on the results and interpretations discussed
earlier in the article. The authors conclude that compression and structural inversions occurred in
the basin, leading to the formation of unconformities. They also conclude that significant erosion
took place, resulting in the removal of Upper Cretaceous strata. These conclusions are supported
by the observations and interpretations presented in the discussion section. However, without
access to the full document, it isn't easy to evaluate the soundness of the conclusions fully.

References in the Given Article.

The given document contains references to the authors and publishing entities, but it does not
provide specific information about the sources that the authors have cited. Therefore, it is not
possible to confirm whether the authors have appropriately cited the relevant sources based on the
given document data.

Overall Writing Quality

The overall writing quality of the article appears to be clear and concise. The information is
presented logically, with a focus on providing a detailed understanding of the tectonostratigraphic
units and stratigraphic sequences of the Songliao Basin in Northeast China.


The overall writing quality of the article appears to be clear and concise. The information is
presented logically, with a focus on providing a detailed understanding of the tectonostratigraphic
units and stratigraphic sequences of the Songliao Basin in Northeast China.


The article is well-organized, with sections dedicated to the geological setting, tectonic and
stratigraphic evolution, and the characteristics of the different tectonostratigraphic units and
stratigraphic sequences. The information is presented in a logical sequence, allowing readers to
easily follow the development of the basin.

In conclusion, the article demonstrates good overall writing quality, clarity, and organization. It
provides a comprehensive understanding of the tectonostratigraphic units and stratigraphic
sequences of the Songliao Basin in Northeast China.

Originality of the Research

The given document provides information about various research studies conducted in the field of
geology, specifically focusing on the Songliao Basin in China. The research studies mentioned in
the article cover a range of topics, including plate tectonic history, basin development, petroleum
source rock deposition, and the evolution of abnormally low pressure in the basin.

These studies contribute to the field of geology by providing insights into the geological processes
and formations in the Songliao Basin. They explore the tectonic framework, crustal growth, and
hydrocarbon formation conditions in the basin. Additionally, the research studies analyze the
sedimentary and structural records of Mesozoic rifting in the region, shedding light on the
geological history and evolution of the basin.

Overall, the research mentioned in the document demonstrates originality in terms of the specific
focus on the Songliao Basin and the exploration of various geological phenomena and processes
in the region.

Constructive and suggested Feedback for the Authors

 Clarity: The authors should strive for greater clarity in their writing, especially when
discussing complex geological concepts. This will help readers better understand the
content and findings of the study.
 Organization: The authors should consider reorganizing the content to improve the flow of
information. This could involve restructuring sections or providing clearer transitions
between topics.
 Citations: The authors should ensure that all references are properly cited and formatted
according to the journal's guidelines. This will enhance the credibility of the study and
allow readers to easily access the cited sources.

Suggestions for Improvement for the Journal Editor

 Peer Review Process: The journal editor should ensure a rigorous peer review process to
maintain the quality of published articles. This could involve selecting knowledgeable
reviewers and providing clear guidelines for their evaluations.
 Formatting Guidelines: The journal editor should provide authors with detailed formatting
guidelines to ensure consistency in the presentation of articles. This will enhance the
overall readability and professionalism of the journal.
 Open Access: Consider making the publication open access to increase the accessibility
and visibility of the research. This will allow a wider audience to benefit from the findings
and potentially attract more submissions to the journal.


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