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Jhon Eduard C. Ledesma Module 1.


Performance Task:
Considering the current state of our society, do you think science literacy among people has contributed
to the growth of our economy?

Yes, the population's level of understanding of science has contributed significantly to economic
progress. A scientifically informed workforce is essential for innovation and competitiveness in today's
highly technological advances and interconnected society. People who have a strong grasp of scientific
ideas and the ability to think critically are better suited to work in a variety of economic areas, from
technology and healthcare to renewable energy and manufacturing. They are able to create and
embrace new technologies, address challenging issues, and enhance productivity, all of which will
ultimately contribute to economic growth. Additionally, fostering a culture of inquiry and discovery
through science literacy can result in business projects and the development of new industries, which
will further stimulate economic growth.

Additionally, science literacy helps the people make better decisions. Citizens that are well-
informed are better able to comprehend and support evidence-based policies and programs that can
promote economic development, such as investment on research and development, infrastructure, and
education. They may participate in discussions on important topics like healthcare, energy policy, and
climate change, which will result in more sensible decisions.

As it enables people and society to utilize the advantages of scientific knowledge and innovation
for economic development and increased quality of life, science literacy is, in general, a fundamental
driver of economic progress.

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