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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Copyright 1997 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

Human Perception and Performance 0096-1523/97/53.00

1997, Vol. 23, No, 3, S23-&44

Attentional and Ocular Movements

Lew B. Stelmach June M. Campsall and Chris M. Herdman

Communications Research Centre Carleton University

The relationship between eye movements and movements of attention was examined in a
series of 6 experiments. A temporal order judgment technique was used to index attentional
allocation. The results showed that endogenous movements of attention were slower than
movements of the eyes and that the participants were able to hold attention at one location
while executing an eye movement to another location. Under conditions of exogenous cueing,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

attention moved rapidly to the cued location, in advance of the eyes. These findings challenge
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the prevailing view that ocular movements must necessarily be preceded by a movement of

The human visual system has two means by which to of shifts in visual attention and examined the relative timing
sample information from a scene, ocular and attentional. of attentional and ocular movements under conditions of
Ocular sampling involves movements of the eyes and con- endogenous and exogenous cueing.
sists of a series of fixations from one location to another.
Attentional sampling has been described as a movement of
an attentional spotlight (Posner, Snyder, & Davidson, 1980) Background
or beam (Eriksen & Yeh, 1985) or as the repositioning of an
attentional gradient (LaBerge & Brown, 1989). An impor- Previous research has consistently shown that with exog-
tant issue concerns the relationship between the ocular and enous cueing (e.g., transient peripheral stimulation) atten-
the attentional systems and the manner in which the two tion precedes the eyes to the cued location (Posner, 1980;
systems interact. It is accepted that the ocular system does Remington, 1980). For example, Posner required partici-
not constrain the attentional system insofar as attention can pants to (a) execute an eye movement to an exogenously
be moved in the visual field while the eyes remain fixated at cued location, and (b) execute a speeded manual response to
one position. The extent to which attention constrains eye a target stimulus. The target stimulus was presented either at
movements, however, has not been resolved. One possibil- fixation or at the exogenously cued location. Posner found
ity is that the eyes cannot be moved to an unattended that manual reaction times (RTs) were faster to a target
location in the visual field; that is, prior to each saccade, presented at an exogenously cued location as compared with
attention must move ahead of the eyes to select the next a target presented at fixation. These findings are consistent
fixation location. Another possibility is that eye movements with the notion that eye movements are preceded by shifts
can occur independently of attention such that the eyes can of attention to the exogenously cued location.
be moved to a location in the visual field that has not been Under endogenous cueing (e.g., a symbolic cue specify-
targeted by attention. In the present research, we studied ing direction), the empirical evidence concerning the rela-
whether saccadic eye movements can occur independently tive timing of attentional and ocular movements is mixed.
Remington (1980) and Klein (1980) reported that, when eye
movements are cued endogenously, attention need not be
Lew B. Stelmach, Communications Research Centre, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada; June M. Campsall and Chris M. Herdman, Psy-
allocated to the target location of a saccade. Remington
chology Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, instructed participants to execute a saccade in response to a
Canada. centrally presented arrow cue: Detection of targets was not
This research was supported by grants from the Natural Sciences enhanced prior to the saccade. Klein required participants to
and Engineering Research Council of Canada and from the Com- execute saccades in one direction. On some trials, the par-
munications Research Centre, Government of Canada. • ticipants were to withhold making the saccade and, instead,
We thank James Wa Tarn, Thorn Whalen, and especially Jo- make a speeded manual response to the onset of a target.
Anne LeFevre for comments on earlier versions of this article. We The target was presented either on the side to which they
thank Gregory Craig for assistance with data collection.
were expecting to make eye movements or on the opposite
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
side. It was found that manual responses were not affected
Lew B. Stelmach, Communications Research Centre, 3701 Calling
Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K2H 8S2, Canada, or to Chris M. Herd- by the expectation to make a saccade: Manual RTs to targets
man, Psychology Department, Carleton University, Ottawa, On- on the side to which the participants were expecting to make
tario K1S 5B6, Canada. Electronic mail may be sent via Internet to a saccade were the same as those to targets on the opposite
Lew B. Stelmach at or to Chris M. Herdman at side. In sum, the findings of Remington and of Klein are consistent with the view that attention does not precede a


saccade to an endogenously cued location, implying that quired to continue fixating and attending centrally upon
eye movements can occur independently of shifts of hearing the word center.1 Attentional allocation was as-
attention. sessed at various intervals following the presentation of the
The relationship between eye movements and endog- verbal cue.
enously cued attention was also examined by Shepherd, Six experiments are reported. Experiment 1 showed that
Findlay, and Hockey (1986; see also Shepherd & Miiller, endogenously cued movements of attention were signifi-
1989) and by Kowler, Anderson, Dosher, and Blaser (1995; cantly slower than eye movements; attention did not pre-
see also Deubel & Schneider, 1994; Hoffman & Subrama- cede the eyes to an endogenously cued location. In Exper-
niam, 1995). In contrast with the work of Remington (1980) iment 2, an exogenous cueing procedure was used to show
and Klein (1980), Shepherd et al. suggested that when eye that the temporal order judgment (TOJ) task is sensitive to
movements are cued endogenously, attention is allocated to rapid presaccadic shifts of attention. Experiments 3 and 4
the cued location before the eye movement is initiated. showed that attention and eye movements are independent
Participants were required to execute a saccade in response insofar as attention could be maintained endogenously at
to a centrally presented arrow cue and to respond manually one location in the visual field, while a saccade was exe-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

to the onset of a target. The target was presented either on cuted to a different location. Converging methods were
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the same side as the eye movement or on the opposite side. introduced to address ceiling-floor effects and possible de-
Manual RTs were faster to targets presented on the same mand characteristics. Experiment 5 used an attentional op-
side as the eye movement and, importantly, these effects erating analysis (Kowler et al., 1995) to explore possible
were evident prior to the initiation of the eye movement. trade-offs between attentional allocation and saccadic la-
Shepherd et al. concluded that attention precedes the eyes to tency; none were found, suggesting that eye movements can
an endogenously cued location. A similar conclusion was be made independently of endogenously cued attention. In
made by Kowler et al. (1995), who found that participants Experiment 6, Shepherd et al.'s (1986) evidence that en-
could not hold attention at one location while executing a dogenous attention precedes eye movements to a target
saccade to a different location. location was examined. We reinterpret Shepherd et al.'s
In summary, the research with endogenous cues is equiv- evidence in terms of response coupling between saccadic
ocal. Although the research of Remington (1980) and Klein and manual responses.
(1980) supported the notion that saccadic eye movements
can occur independently of attention, Shepherd et al. (1986)
and Kowler et al. (1995) suggested that eye movements are Experiment 1: Timing of Ocular and
constrained by attention. Attentional Movements

Experiment 1 examined the relative timing of attentional

Present Research and ocular movements under conditions of endogenous
cueing. We were interested in determining whether atten-
The primary goal of the present research was to examine tion needs to be allocated to the target location of an eye
the relationship between attention and saccadic eye move- movement before the eye movement is initiated. A TOJ task
ments under conditions of endogenous cueing. Endogenous was used to assess attentional allocation. For the TOJ task,
cueing was implemented with auditory presentation of the two stimuli were presented, one at a left and one at a right
words center, left, or right. Attentional allocation was as- marker, and observers were required to report which stim-
sessed using a temporal order judgment task in which two ulus occurred first (see Figure 1). The TOJ stimuli were
stimuli were presented, one on either side of fixation, and presented simultaneously (TOJ:SOA = 0 ms) or separated
the research participants were required to report which by 65 ms (TOJ:SOA = 65 ms) (SOA = stimulus onset
stimulus occurred first. Attentional effects are manifested in asynchrony). The TOJ:SOA = 65 ms condition was in-
the perceived temporal order of the two stimuli such that the cluded to assess whether the participants were capable of
attended stimulus appears to precede the unattended stimu- making temporal order judgments accurately. At this asyn-
lus. The temporal order judgment technique has been shown
to be a sensitive index of attentional allocation (Stelmach &
Herdman, 1991; see also Maylor, 1985, Experiment 4). In The verbal cueing procedure was developed for two reasons.
addition, it is a useful complementary technique to the First, pilot experiments suggested that the onset of a visual endog-
manual reaction time measure because it assesses atten- enous cue (e.g., a centrally presented arrow) interfered with mak-
tional effects without requiring participants to perform ing ocular and attentional movements because the onset of the cue
speeded responses. functioned much like an exogenous cue by drawing attention and
eye movements to the center of the display. Also, the visual
There were three primary conditions hi the experiments.
endogenous cue interfered with perception of temporal order be-
In the move-eyes condition, the participants were required to
cause the cue occurred in close spatial and temporal proximity to
move their eyes left or right when cued with the words left
the TOJ stimuli. Accordingly, the verbal cue is preferable because
or right, respectively. In the move-attention condition, the it does not draw visual-spatial attention nor eye movements and
participants were required to move their attention but not because it is not confusable with the TOJ stimuli. An auditory
their eyes in the direction specified by the word. In the endogenous cueing procedure was used successfully by Klein,
fixate-attend-center condition, the participants were re- Kingstone, and Pontefract (1992).

Display Sequence

1 0.7° 0.07°

r T
, r .
Participant fixates and attends central cross.
L J ~*~ L J When
^ ready, participant presses start button.

Verbal cue is presented:
left, right or center.
r n . r t Participant executes a saccade (move-eyes condition),
L. J """ L J
moves attention while fixating center (move-attention condition),
or fixates and attends center (fixate-attend-center condition).
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Two stimuli are presented simultaneously
or separated by a SOA.
i + K Participant reports which stimulus occurred first, TOJ.


Figure I. Schematic representation of the display sequence. SOA — stimulus onset asynchrony;
TOJ = temporal order judgment.

chrony, the participants should be able to perceive the right-first judgments, reflecting the fact that the two TOJ
veridical temporal order of the two stimuli regardless of stimuli were presented simultaneously. In this way, the
attentional allocation (Stelmach & Herdman, 1991). CS:SOA = 0 ms condition provided a baseline from which
Of primary concern was the TOJ:SOA = 0 ms condition. to measure attentional effects in the TOJ paradigm.
Stelmach and Herdman (1991; see also Maylor, 1985) When the TOJ stimuli were presented after the cue to
showed that when the two stimuli are presented simulta- move the eyes (CS:SOA = 250 and 300 ms), one of two
neously and attention is allocated centrally (i.e., equally to outcomes was expected. On the supposition that attentional
both the left and right markers), participants responded left shifts precede eye movements, attention should be allocated
first and right first with equal frequency. By contrast, when to the cued location prior to the initiation of the saccade.
attention is allocated differentially to one or the other This attentional shift should be reflected in an uneven split
marker, participants make one response more frequently in left-first and right-first judgments. For example, when
than the other. For example, when attention is allocated participants are cued to make a saccade to the left marker,
toward the left marker, participants make more left-first presentation of the TOJ stimuli just prior to the saccade
than right-first responses because the attended (left) stimu- should result in a greater proportion of left-first than of
lus appears to come on before the unattended (right) right-first judgments, reflecting the differential allocation of
stimulus. attention. An alternative possibility is that attention does not
Three conditions were used in the present experiment: reach the cued location in advance of the saccade. On this
move eyes, move attention, and fixate-attend center. In the supposition, there should be an equal proportion of left-first
move-eyes condition, a directional verbal cue (the word left and right-first judgments in the TOJ task, because attention
or right) instructed the participants to move their eyes to the is not differentially allocated to the left and right markers.
marker on the left or on the right of fixation. The TOJ In the move-attention condition, the participants were
stimuli could be displayed synchronously with the verbal required to maintain fixation on the central cross and move
cue, such that the cue-to-stimulus (CS) SOA was 0 ms their attention to the cued marker. The cues were the words
(CS:SOA = 0 ms), or after the verbal cue and before the left and right presented verbally. The move-attention con-
initiation of a saccade (CS:SOA = 250 or 300 ms).2 dition was included to assess the ability of participants to
At the beginning of each trial, the participants fixated and move their attention independently of moving their eyes.
directed their attention to a centrally presented cross (see
Figure 1). No change in eye position or in attentional
allocation should occur until some time after the presenta- 2
There were two types of asynchronies in the present study. One
tion of the cue. Accordingly, when the TOJ stimuli coin- was the asynchrony between the verbal cue and the TOJ stimuli
cided with the cue (CS:SOA = 0 ms), there should be an (cue-to-stimulus onset asynchrony, abbreviated CS:SOA). The
equal allocation of attention to the left and the right markers. other was the asynchrony between the two TOJ stimuli themselves
This should result in an even 50/50 split in left-first and (abbreviated TOJ:SOA).

Movements of attention were assessed at the same cue-to- Design and Procedure
stimulus SOAs (CS:SOAs) as in the move-eyes condition.
In the fixate-attend-center condition, the participants The design of the experiment and the distribution of trials is
were required to keep their eyes and their attention on the shown in Table 1. On half of the trials, rhe two TOJ stimuli were
presented at the same time (TOJ:SOA = 0 ms). These trials were
central fixation cross, such that the left and right markers
of primary concern in the experiment because they were used to
received approximately equal attention. This condition was
index attentional allocation. On the other half of the trials, the TOJ
included to provide a baseline against which to compare
stimuli were presented asynchronously: 25% left first {TOJ:
attentional allocation in the move-eyes and move-attention SOA = -65 ms) and 25% right first (TOJ:SOA = +65 ms). The
conditions. The word center was used as the verbal cue. asynchronous trials were included to check that the participants
were capable of making TOJs accurately. Indeed, they were 96.4%
accurate in discriminating the veridical order of the two TOJ
stimuli when the TOJ:SOA was ±65 ms.
Each individual served in the move-eyes, move-attention, and
Observers fixate-attend-center conditions. The individuals participated in 10
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

consecutive sessions of each condition before proceeding to the

Seven observers participated in the experiment: four naive in-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

next condition. Each session had 48 trials for the move-eyes and
dividuals, who were unaware of the hypotheses under investiga-
move-attention conditions (i.e., 24 left and 24 right in each con-
tion, and the three authors. The naive observers were graduate
dition), and 24 trials for the fixate-attend-center condition. Con-
students, of whom two had participated in previous experiments on
ditions were blocked because the participants found it difficult to
directed attention and temporal order judgments. Other than know-
switch from one task condition to another; however, the order of
ing about the task requirements, the naive individuals were un-
presentation of the conditions was varied across individuals. All
aware of the purpose of the experiments and were not informed of
other factors (verbal cue, CS:SOA, and TOJ: SOA) were varied
the values of the experimental parameters or of the distributions of
randomly within a session.
the trials. The participants received three-four sessions of training
Move-eyes condition. Two verbal cues left and right were used.
in performing the relevant tasks (making eye movements and
Each individual completed 480 trials (see Table 1) over the course
making temporal order judgments) before starting the experiment.
of 10 sessions. A session lasted about 20 minutes. One to three
sessions were completed per day. On the first day of testing, each
Visual Display participant completed a practice session before starting the exper-
imental sessions.
Stimuli were presented on a Tektronix 608 oscilloscope At the beginning of each trial, the individual fixated and at-
equipped with PIS phosphor and controlled by an 80386-based tended the central cross and, when ready, pressed a button to
computer in conjunction with an Interactive Electronic Systems initiate the trial. Thirty-five milliseconds later, a verbal cue (left or
display controller (Finley, 198S). There were three panels in the right) was presented and the individual executed a saccade to the
display sequence, as shown in Figure 1. The first panel consisted indicated marker on the left or on the right of fixation. The TOJ
of background elements: a fixation cross, and two markers located stimuli were presented either at the onset of the verbal cue (CS:
at 2 degrees of visual angle on either side of the cross. The second SOA = 0 ms) or after the onset of the verbal cue (CS:SOA = 250
panel was identical to die first panel and coincided with the verbal or 300 ms). At the end of a trial, the individual indicated with a
cue. The third panel consisted of the background elements (the
cross and the two location markers) plus the two TOJ stimuli
within the left and right markers. The TOJ stimuli were presented Table 1
for 10 ms each and occurred simultaneously or separated by 65 ms
Experiment 1: Design Summary Showing Number of
(arbitrarily designated as -65 ms, when the left stimulus preceded
Trials in Each Condition
the right stimulus, and as +65 ms, when the right stimulus pre-
ceded the left). CS-.SOA
The display screen was diffusely and uniformly illuminated
from the left and right sides so that the luminance of the light, TOJ:SOA 0 250 300
reflecting from the surface of the screen, was 35 cd/m2. The Move-eyes or move-attention condition
luminance of the fixation cross and position markers was 75 cd/m2. Move left
The luminance of the TOJ stimuli was 200 cd/m2. The TOJ stimuli -65 20 20 20 60
needed to be displayed at a relatively high level of luminance 0 40 40 40 120
because of their short duration. Brightness is known to covary with +65 20 20 20 60
display duration to about 100 ms (Bloch's law). Subjectively, the Total 80 80 80 240
Move right
TOJ stimuli appeared to be comfortably bright.
-65 20 20 20 60
0 40 40 40 120
+65 20 20 20 60
Verbal Cues Total 80 80 80 240
The verbal cues consisted of the words left, right, and center. Fixate-attend-center condition
The words were digitized from a female voice and played back -65 20 20 20 60
through loudspeakers under computer control using a Sound- 0 40 40 40 120
Blaster-compatible sound card. A verbal cue was presented 35 ms +65 20 20 20 60
after the individual initiated the trial. The visually presented TOJ Total 80 80 80 240
stimuli occurred synchronously with the onset of the verbal cue Note. CS = cue-to-stimulus; SOA = stimulus onset asynchrony
(CS:SOA = 0 ms) or followed the verbal cue by 250 or 300 ms. (in milliseconds); TOJ = temporal order judgment.

button press which of the two TOJ stimuli appeared to occur first. Table 2
The verbal cue, CS:SOA, and TOJ:SOA were varied randomly Percentage of Trials Rejected in Each Experiment
from trial to trial.
The participants were instructed to fixate the central cross hair at Experiment and condition % of trials rejected
the beginning of the trial and, on hearing the verbal cue, to execute 1
a saccade as quickly as possible to the indicated marker. They were Move eyes 20
instructed to note the temporal order of the two stimuli and report Move attention 21
this at the end of the trial. Fixate-attend-center 28
Move-attention condition. In this condition, the participants 2
moved their attention to the marker indicated by the verbal cue, Move attention 8
while holding their eyes on the fixation marker. In other regards, Move eyes 15
the move-attention condition was the same as the move-eyes 3
Move eyes 19
Fixate-attend-center condition. In this condition, the partici- Move eyes 19
pants fixated and attended the central cross throughout each trial. 5 Participant 2 Participant 1
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

The verbal cue was always the word center. Because there was
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

only one verbal cue, there were half as many trials (a total of 240) Single-task
attention/temporal order
in this condition as in the other two conditions. Each session had
judgment 11 8
24 trials and lasted approximately 10 minutes. Three to five
Single-task ocular 15 3
experimental sessions were completed per day. Dual-task slow saccades 11 12
Dual-task normal
saccades 14 5
Eye Movement Monitoring Dual-task fast saccades 9 2
6 A B
The eye movement monitoring system consisted of an ISCAN
Single-task manual 19 ~5
RK-426 pupil tracker, a Cohu 4810 camera equipped with eye
Manual rejections only 2 1
magnification optics, and software running on an 80386 computer. Ocular rejections only 17 4
The system sampled the horizontal eye position at 60 Hz. Raw Single-task ocular 12 4
output from the ISCAN system was filtered using a median filter Dual task 26 10
with bin-width 15, yielding a pupil-position signal with negligible Manual rejections only 12 2
noise. A median filter is ideally suited for filtering raw pupil- Ocular rejections only 14 8
position data because it removes transient noise selectively without
smoothing stepwise changes associated with saccades. We have
demonstrated that because of the low noise, the system provides
robust and accurate estimates of saccadic latency, as compared below 1°, or if it did not occur. Moreover, because the experiment
with systems with much higher sampling rates (Tarn & Stelmach, was designed to study attentional allocation prior to the saccade,
1993). The eye monitoring system was calibrated at the beginning trials were also rejected if the saccade occurred before the TOJ
of each session by requiring the participants to fixate sequentially stimuli were presented; that is, a trial was rejected if the saccadic
five dots arranged horizontally across the screen. Each calibration latency was shorter than the CS:SOA value for the given trial.
dot was separated from its neighbor by one degree of visual angle. Rejecting trials with a saccadic latency below the CSrSOA meant
The eye-movement monitoring system was used to detect sac- that the computed mean saccadic latencies increased with CS:
cades in the move-eyes condition and to ensure that the individuals SOA; latencies were 300, 387, and 417 ms at CS:SOAs of 0, 250,
were fixating the cross hair in the other two conditions. A valid and 300 ms, respectively.
saccade was defined as a horizontal movement of at least one In the move-eyes condition, three criteria resulted in notable
degree toward the cued location. Saccadic latency was defined as numbers of rejections: (a) wrong direction of saccade in the
the time taken to initiate a saccade after the onset of the verbal cue CS:SOA = 0 ms condition; (b) latency above 500 ms in the
had been presented. Initial detection of an eye movement occurred CS.-SOA = 300 ms condition; and (c) latency below CS:SOA in
when the eye moved 0.25 degrees from the fixation cross. the CS:SOA = 300 ms condition. The direction errors at a CS:
SOA of 0 ms, may be attributed to a relatively greater sense of
urgency to execute the saccade when the TOJ stimuli were pre-
Rejection Criteria for Trials sented simultaneously with the verbal cue. Saccades with latencies
exceeding 500 ms, as well as those with latencies below the
The percentage of trials rejected in each condition of the present CS:SOA, were prominent in the CS:SOA = 300 ms condition.
experiment is summarized in Table 2. For example, a value of 25% These rejects may be explained by the relatively narrow temporal
would indicate that 1/4 of trials had to be repeated for one reason window for valid saccadic latencies in this condition. The window
or another. For comparison, Table 2 also lists the percentage of was between 300 and 500 ms, that is, above the CS:SOA and
rejected trials in the other experiments. The distribution of rejected below the upper saccadic cutoff limit.
trials is shown in greater detail in Table 3. All rejected trials were In the move attention condition and in the fixate-attend-center
repeated later in the same session. condition, observers were required to fixate the central cross hair
In the move-eyes condition, a trial was rejected if the observer throughout the trial. Rejections in these conditions may be attrib-
did not see both TOJ stimuli as a result of saccadic suppression or uted to the stringent criteria used to identify a deviation from
if there was a problem with the saccade. The saccade was consid- central fixation (any horizontal movement > 0.25°). The number
ered to be problematic if it was anticipatory (latency below 90 ms), of rejects increased with CS:SOA, as might be expected, because
excessively delayed (latency over 500 ms; Kalesnykas & Halett, observers were required to fixate for longer periods of time.
1987), in the wrong direction, if the amplitude of the saccade was Detailed analysis showed that the eye was as likely to drift away

Table 3 To estimate the sensitivity of the statistical analysis, at-

Experiment 1: Distribution (Percentage) of tentional effects were simulated. The goal of the simulation
Rejected Trials was to estimate how much the frequency of left-first re-
sponses at CS:SOAs = 250 and 300 ms had to differ from
that at CS:SOA = 0 ms to produce a significant two-way
Reason for rejection 250 300 interaction between condition (left/right) and CS:SOA. Pro-
Move-eyes condition gressively larger effects were introduced at CS:SOAs of 250
Saw fewer than 2 stimuli 0.0 1.8 3.8 and 300 ms until a significant two-way interaction was
Low amplitude of saccade 3.9 2.7 3.6 observed. For the move-attention condition, it was found
No saccade 4.0 0.3 0.3 that the left and right conditions needed to differ by only
Wrong direction of saccade 13.3 5.6 7.0
Latency below 90 ms 1.2 1.4 1.8 3.5% at a CS:SOA of 250 ms and by only 6.0% at a
Latency above 500 ms 0.3 4.6 25.2 CS:SOA of 300 ms to produce a significant two-way inter-
Latency below CS:SOA 0.0 3.7 15.5 action between condition (left/right) and CS:SOA. In the
Total 22.7 ' 20.1 57.2 move-eyes condition, the corresponding difference was
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

9.0% and 18%. Stelmach and Herdman (1991) found that

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Move-attention condition
Eye moved 17.5 41.5 41.0 attentional effects of 6X1% and more were not uncommon.
Thus, we conclude that the design and statistical procedures
Fixate-attend-center condition
Eye moved 12.9 40.2 46.9
used in the present study were sufficiently sensitive to
detect attentional effects of reasonably small magnitude.
Note. CS = cue-to-stimulus; SOA = stimulus onset asynchrony
(in milliseconds).
Attentional Effects at CS:SOAs Greater
Than 300 ms
from the attended side as toward the attended side (55.3% away
The three values of CS:SOA were included in the design
and 44.7% toward).
of the experiment to analyze the relative timing of atten-
tional and ocular movements. At CS:SOA = 0 ms, the TOJ
Results and Discussion stimuli were presented synchronously with the verbal cue.
This condition was intended to capture the initial attentional
The primary goal of the experiment was to examine the
state, when attention was directed toward the central cross.
relative timing of attentional and ocular movements. If
Accordingly, the near 50/50 split in left-first/right-first TOJ
attention preceded the eyes to the cued location, the effects
responses at CS:SOA = 0 ms indicates that observers did
of attentional allocation should be evident prior to the
not have time to process the verbal direction cue before the
initiation of the saccade. That is, in the move-eyes condition
TOJ stimuli were presented. Importantly, this 50/50 split
there should be a greater proportion of left-first TOJ re-
was found even at longer CS:SOAs (250 and 300 ms)
sponses in the move-left condition and a greater proportion
indicating that attention did not shift to the saccadic target
of right-first TOJ responses in the move-right condition. before initiation of the saccade.
Alternatively, if attention did not precede the eyes to the To estimate the amount of time required to redirect at-
saccadic target, the effects of attentional allocation should tention from the central fixation cross to an eccentric
not be evident prior to the saccade. In other words, the
marker, additional longer CS:SOAs were tested in the
proportion of left-first and right-first TOJ responses at TOJ:
SOA = 0 ms should be 50/50 across all conditions.
Figure 2 shows the percentage of left-first responses when
TOJ:SOA-Oms Endogenous verbal cue
the TOJ stimuli were presented simultaneously (TOJ:
SOA = 0 ms) as a function of the interval between the
left °
verbal cue and the TOJ stimuli (CS:SOA) for die move- right .
eyes, move-attention, and the fixate-attend-center condi-
tions of the experiment. The results formed a pattern of
horizontal lines clustered around 50%. This indicates that right T
there were no effects of attention on the TOJs at all values
of CS:SOA, in all conditions of the experiment. Impor- -center o
tantly, in the move-eyes condition, presenting the TOJ stim-
uli just prior to the initiation of a saccade (CS:SOA = 250
and 300 ms) had no effect on temporal order judgments; the § 0 250 300
"- Asynchrony between verbal cue
percentage of left-first responses remained at or near the and TOJ stimuli (CS:SOA)(ms)
50% level (squares, Figure 2). The same pattern was ob-
served for the move-attention and the fixate-attend-center Figure 2. Experiment 1: Percentage of left-first temporal order
conditions (triangles and circles, Figure 2). A 5 (Condition) judgment (TOJ) responses as a function of the cue-to-stimulus
X 3 (CS-.SOA) repeated-measures ANOVA did not show (CS) stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) for the three conditions.
any significant effects. Error bars show the standard error of the mean.

move-attention condition. These were tested in extra ses- Second, a detailed analysis of trials during which drift
sions at the end of the experiment. The CS:SOAs were 500, was detected at the long CS:SOAs (500, 750, and 1,500 ms)
750, and 1,500 ms (a CS:SOA of 0 ms was included as a indicated that the eyes were as likely to drift away from the
baseline). Methods and procedures were the same as in the attended side as toward the attended side (46.9% away and
move-attention condition described above. The results for 53.1% toward). The retinal sensitivity explanation would
the additional CS:SOAs are shown in Figure 3 along with predict more frequent drift toward the attended side.
the previous data. Figure 3 shows a change in the number of Third, in a supplementary control experiment, it was
left-first responses at the longer values of CS:SOA, indicat- found that direction of attention, and not fixation position
ing that the participants shifted attention toward the cued per se, was the key factor determining perceived temporal
marker. Evidently, movements of attention were more slug-
order. The goal of the control experiment was to determine
gish than movements of the eyes; more than 300 ms was
whether attending or looking was the critical factor in
required to redirect attention from central fixation to one of
producing the effects on temporal order judgments at long
the eccentric markers.
CS:SOAs. Ocular drift was induced by systematically dis-
On the basis of the results of the present experiment, we
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

placing the fixation marker to the right or to the left of

conclude that more than 300 ms is required to redirect
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

center by 0.0°, 0.25°, or 0.35°. Direction of attention was

attention from the central fixation cross to one of the ec-
manipulated by instructing the participants to attend toward
centric markers when attention is cued using an endogenous
the left or the right marker before initiating the trial. The
verbal cue. Clearly, a saccade can be executed more rapidly
retinal sensitivity hypothesis predicts that the pattern of
than an endogenously cued movement of attention.
TOJs should be determined by fixation position such that
the stimulus closer to the center of the fovea would be
Controlling for Eye Drift judged to occur first. By contrast, the attentional hypothesis
predicts that TOJs should be related to the direction of
An alternative explanation for the attentional effects, ob-
attention and not fixation position. The results of this con-
served at long CS:SOAs in the present experiment, is that
trol experiment confirmed the predictions of the attentional
the observers' eyes drifted away from fixation, thereby
hypothesis as there were more left-first responses in the
placing the attended marker within a more sensitive area of
left-attend condition and more right-first responses in the
the visual system. According to this explanation, the in-
creased number of left-first responses in the left-attend right-attend condition. These findings provide a compelling
condition and the increased number of right-first responses argument that eye drift was not an important factor in the
in the right-attend condition could be attributed to differen- present research.
tial retinal sensitivity rather than to differential attention.
We believe that this alternative can be rejected for three
reasons. First, eye movements were monitored and a trial Experiment 2: Exogenous Cueing
was rejected if the eye moved more than 0.25° away from
fixation. The sensitivity of the pupil tracking system and its The results of Experiment 1 showed that attention did not
ability to detect an eye drift of 0.25° was verified using an precede a saccade to the target location under conditions of
artificial eye (see Stelmach & Herdman, 1991, Figure 3). endogenous cueing. In Experiment 2, the relationship be-
The pupil monitoring system was sufficiently sensitive to tween exogenous cueing and eye movements was exam-
detect drifts of the eyes away from fixation. ined. Research has shown that the timecourse of attentional
allocation is faster for exogenous as compared with endog-
enous cueing (Jonides, 1981; Nakayama & Mackeben,
TOJ:SOA=Oms Endogenous verbal cue 1989; Remington, 1980). Evidence that exogenously cued
100 attention precedes a saccade to the target location would
show that the TOJ task is indeed capable of indexing rapid
£ 75 shifts in attentional allocation following a cue.
Exogenous cueing was implemented by increasing the
brightness of one of the location markers. Attentional allo-
cation was assessed at various asynchronies relative to the
exogenous cue (CS:SOA = 0, 50, 150, and 300 ms). An
attentional effect was not expected at CS:SOA of 0 ms
because the exogenous cue and the TOJ stimuli occurred
= 0 500 1000 1500 simultaneously and, thus, the exogenous cue would not have
°- Asynchrony between verbal cue time to draw attention. Thus, at a CS:SOA of 0 ms, there
and TOJ stimuli (CS:SOA) (ms)
should be an equal number of left-first and right-first re-
sponses in the TOJ task because attention would remain
Figure 3. Experiment 1: Percentage of left-first temporal order
judgment (TOJ) responses using the longer cue-to-stimulus (CS) directed centrally. At longer CS:SOAs, the exogenous cue
stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA) for (he move-attention condi- should have time to draw attention, resulting in a differential
tion. Error bars show the standard error of mean. proportion of left-first/right-first responses.

Method Table 4
Experiment 2: Distribution (Percentage) of
Observers Rejected Trials

Six individuals participated in the experiment. All had partici- CS:SOA

pated in a subset of the previous experiment. Two of the partici- Reason for rejection 50 150 300
pants were the authors.
Move-eyes condition
Saw fewer than 2 stimuli 1.5 1.2 5.4 10.5
Design and Procedure Low amplitude of saccade 7.3 6.4 6.1 5.4
No saccade 9.4 2.0 0.5 0.2
Wrong direction of saccade 24.5 9.9 3.3 3.6
Cueing procedure and temporal order judgments. The exoge-
Latency below 90 ms 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4
nous cue consisted of a 20-ms brightening (from 75 cd/m2 to 150
Latency above 500 ms 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5
cd/m2) of the left or the right marker in the display. The endoge- Latency below CS:SOA 0.0 0.0 0.5 N/A
nous verbal cue was not presented. Four CS:SOAs were used: 0, Total 43.3 20.1 16.0 20.6
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

50,150, and 300 ms. TOJ:SOAs of 0 ms and ± 65 ms were used.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

As before, the TOJrSOA = 0 ms condition was used to index Move-attention condition

attentional effects, and the TOJ:SOA = ±65-ms conditions were Eye moved 22.5 16.8 26.3 34.3
used to check that the participants were able to perform the TOJ Note. CS = cue-to-stimulus; SOA = stimulus onset asynchrony
task. In these latter conditions, the participants were 89.9% correct (in milliseconds); N/A = not applicable.
in discriminating the veridical temporal order of the two TOI
stimuli. Errors in discriminating the veridical temporal order were
slightly greater than in Experiment 1 because of the strong cueing
effect of the exogenous cue: On some trials, participants perceived the same as the move-attention condition of Experiment 1 with the
the temporally lagging stimulus as occurring first (see Maylor, exception that exogenous cueing was used in place of endogenous
1985; Stelmach & Herdman, 1991). cueing. Exogenous cues are assumed to draw attention reflexively
The participants completed 384 trials in 6 sessions of each type (Jonides, 1981; Nakayama & Mackeben, 1989; Posner, 1980;
(move eyes and move attention), for a total of 1,024 trials in 12 Yantis & Jonides, 1990). Participants were required to fixate
sessions, over the course of 4-5 days. Trials were distributed in a centrally on each trial The tendency for the eyes to drift away
manner similar to that shown in Table 1. There were 24 trials at from fixation increased with the duration of the trial (i.e., as the
each combination of cue (left or right) and CS:SOA (0, 50, 150, CS:SOA was lengthened, see Table 4).
and 300 ms), at a TOJ:SOA of 0 ms. There were 12 trials at each
combination cue and CS:SOA at TOJrSOAs of ±65 ms.
The participants completed all six sessions of one type before
beginning sessions of the other type. The order of session type Results and Discussion
(move eyes and move attention) was varied among the individuals.
TOJ:SOA, CS:SOA, and cue were varied randomly within a As in Experiment 1, temporal order judgments at TOJ:
session. SOA = 0 ms were used to index attentional allocation. As
Exogenous cue: Move-eyes condition. This condition was the shown in Figure 4, brightening a location marker had a
same as the move-eyes condition of Experiment 1 with the fol- strong effect on perceived temporal order at CStSOAs of 50
lowing exceptions. Observers were instructed to move their eyes to and 150 ms, corroborating the exogenous cueing effects of
the marker that brightened. Ocular latencies are typically snorter Jonides (1981), Nakayama and Mackeben (1989), Posner
under conditions of exogenous cueing as compared with endoge- (1980), Yantis and Jonides (1990), and others. Brightening
nous cueing. In Experiment 2, mean saccadic latencies were 229, the left marker resulted in a preponderance of left-first TOJ
219, 227, and 227 ms at CS:SOAs of 0, 50, 150, and 300 ms,
respectively. Because of the relatively short saccadic latencies, the
rejection criteria (see earlier) were modified: A trial was rejected TOJ:SOA-Oms Exogenous brightening cue
if the saccadic latency was below CS:SOA, that is, if the saccade
occurred before the TOJ stimuli were presented, for only the three
shortest CS:SOAs (0, 50, and 150 ms). Accordingly, TOJs mea-
sured presaccadic effects for the three shortest CS:SOAs and a
mixture of presaccadic effects (64% trials) and postsaccadic ef-
fects (36% trials) for the 300-ms condition.
The percentage of rejected trials is shown in Table 2. The
distribution of rejected trials is shown in Table 4. The patterns in
Table 4 are similar to those for Experiment 1 (Table 3) with the
following exceptions. Saccadic latencies rarely exceeded the upper
cutoff of 500 ms at any CS:SOA. This is explained by the rela-
tively short saccadic latencies to the exogenous cue compared with Asynchrony between exogenous c
the endogenous cues used in the other experiments. The relatively and TOJ stimuli (CS:SOA) (ma)
high number of saccades in the wrong direction at a CS:SOA of 0
ms indicates that observers were initiating their eye movements Figure 4. Experiment 2: Percentage of left-first temporal order
before fully decoding the exogenous cue or that the onset of the judgment (TOJ) responses as a function of the cue-to-stimulus
TOJ stimuli was occasionally mistaken for the cue. (CS) stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) using an exogenous cue.
Exogenous cue: Move-attention condition. This condition was Error bars show the standard error of mean.

responses, whereas brightening the right marker resulted in directed toward the left marker at the beginning of a trial
a preponderance of right-first TOJ responses. As typically and, then, the participants were cued to execute a saccade to
found with exogenous cues, the cueing effect had a rapid the right marker, attention should shift from the left to the
onset (within 50 ms) that was much shorter than the latency right marker prior to the saccade. Accordingly, this would
of a saccade. As indicated by die near overlap of the solid be reflected in a greater proportion of right-first judgments
and dotted lines in Figure 4, results were similar for both the on the TOJ task.
move-eyes and move-attention conditions. The similarity In summary, Experiment 3 compared TOJs before sac-
between the move-eyes and move-attention conditions sug- cadic programming begins (CS:SOA = 0 ms) with TOJs
gests that moving the eyes did not add to the attentional when the saccade is about to be executed (CS:SOA = 300
effect already generated by the exogenous cue. A 2 (Con- ms). This was done to determine whether attention could be
dition: Move Eyes and Move Attention) X 2 (Cue: Left and maintained at one location while executing a saccade to
Right) X 4 (CS:SOA: 0, 50, 150, 300) repeated-measures another location.
ANOVA yielded a significant main effect of Cue, F(\, 5) =
2,773.5, MSB = 29.4, p < .001, and a significant interaction
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

between Cue and CS:SOA, F(3,15) = 541.7, MSE = 48.6, Method

p < .001. In sum, the results of Experiment 2 showed that
attention preceded the eyes to an exogenously cued location. Observers
Importantly, the results of this experiment demonstrate that
the TOJ task is sensitive to rapid shifts of attention.3 Six individuals (including 2 of the authors) participated in the
The effect of the exogenous cue was greatest at CS:SOAs experiment. All had participated in the previous experiment.
of 50 and 150 ms and diminished at 300 ms. This pattern of
results raised the question of whether attentional effects
might occur with endogenous cues within the 50-150-ms Visual Display, Design, and Procedure
window. In Experiment 1, the 50-150-ms window was not
assessed because pilot research had indicated that atten- The display, design, and procedure were similar to those in the
tional effects were absent at these CS;SOAs. Nevertheless, move-eyes condition of Experiment 1, with the following excep-
we re-examined the effect of endogenous cueing in the tions. The display and procedure had to be modified so that both
the required direction of attention and the direction of the saccade
move-eyes condition at these CS:SOAs. No attentional ef-
could be communicated to the participant on each trial. A visually
fects were observed with endogenous cueing. As in Exper-
presented arrow was used to communicate the required direction of
iment 1, there was approximately a 50/50 split in left-first/ attention. The arrow replaced the fixation cross (see Figure 1) in all
right-first TOJ responses at all CS:SOAs. panels of the display and pointed left or right. At the beginning of
each trial, the participants were given unlimited time to direct their
attention to the marker indicated by the arrow. They were informed
Experiment 3: Dissociating Attention and Eye that they should be confident that their attention was directed in the
Movements (Method of Constant Stimuli) appropriate direction before initiating the trial. The individuals
then pressed the start button to initiate the trial sequence. The
The relationship between attention and eye movements verbal cue was presented 35 ms after the button press. The TOJ
stimuli were presented synchronously with the verbal cue (CS:
was further examined in Experiment 3 by studying whether
SOAs = 0 ms) or following the verbal cue, prior to the saccade
attention can be maintained at one location in the visual
(CS:SOA = 300 ms).
field while executing an eye movement to another location. TOJ:SOAs of 0 ms and ±65 ms were used. As in Experiment 1,
The participants were required first to fixate center and the TOJ:SOA = 0 ms condition was used to assess attentional
direct attention toward one of die markers and, then, to effects. The TOJ:SOA = ±65 ms conditions were used to check
make a saccade either to the attended marker or to the that the individuals were able to perform me TOJ task. A total of
unattended marker. As before, attentional allocation was 384 trials were completed by each participant in six sessions, over
assessed using the TOJ technique. the course of 2-3 days. Proportionately more trials were presented
If attention need not precede an eye movement to a at TOJrSOA = 0 ms than at TOJ:SOA = ±65 ms. There were 24
saccadic target, then the participants should be able to hold trials at each combination of direction of attention (left or right),
saccade direction (left or right), and CS:SOA (0 or 300 ms) at a
attention at one location while executing a saccade to an-
TOJ:SOA of 0 ms. There were 12 trials at each combination of
other location. Accordingly, the requirement to execute an
factors at TOJ:SOAs of ±65 ms. Direction of attention, direction
eye movement should have no effect on TOJs. For example,
if participants maintain attention on the left marker then
there should be a preponderance of left-first responses, even 3
It could be argued that the exogenous cueing effects in the
when an eye movement is executed toward the right marker.
present experiment were not due to attention per se but to temporal
Alternatively, if eye movements must be preceded by a
integration of the cue and the TOJ stimuli. We note, however, that
shift of attention, then it should be impossible for the Nakayama and Mackeben (1989) found similar exogenous cueing
participants to maintain attention at one location while effects in a search task: a rapid rise in search performance followed
executing a saccade to another location; attention would by a decrease. It is unlikely that temporal integration could explain
need to be shifted from the initial location to the saccadic changes in search performance. We conclude that the effects of
target prior to the saccade. For example, if attention was exogenous cueing reflect shifts of attention.

of the saccade, TOJ:SOA, and CS:SOA were varied randomly Attention: Arrow CUB Eye movement: Verbal cue

within a session.
Consistent with Experiment 1, participants were 94.6% correct
in discriminating the veridical temporal order of the two TOJ Attend left initially
stimuli in the TOI:SOA = ±65 ms conditions. The percentage of
rejected trials is shown in Table 2, and their distribution is shown TOJ:SOA-Oms
in Table 5. The pattern of rejected trials was similar to that in
Experiment 1 (Table 3). Saccades were more likely to be in the
wrong direction at CS:SOA = 0 ms than at CS:SOA = 300 ms. j Attend right initially
For saccades that were in the wrong direction (i.e., opposite to that
specified by the verbal cue), they were more likely (65% vs. 35%) — 0
to be toward the attended side; that is, when the individuals 0 300
executed a saccade after incomplete decoding of the verbal cue, Asynchrony between verbal cue
and TOJ stimuli (CS:SOA) (ms)
they were more likely to move toward the attended side. The
narrow temporal window for valid saccades at CS:SOA = 300 ms
Figure 5. Experiment 3: Percentage of left-first temporal order
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

(above the CS:SOA and below the cutoff value, 300 to 500)
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

explains the higher percentage of rejections in this condition. judgment (TOJ) responses as a function of the cue-to-stimulus
Mean saccadic latencies were 301 and 428 ms at a CS:SOA of (CS) stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) when attention was di-
0 and 300 ms, respectively. These differences in mean latency can rected left or right prior to initiation of the eye movement. Error
be attributed in part to the rejection criteria used in the experiment: bars show the standard error of mean.
Rejecting trials with saccadic latency below the CS-.SOA resulted
in larger mean latencies in the CS:SOA = 300 ms condition than
in the CS:SOA = 0 ms condition. Mean saccadic latencies toward left-first responses). Importantly, executing a saccade to a
the attended side were similar to those toward the unattended side marker opposite the attended side did not affect the pattern
(361 vs. 367 ms, respectively). of TOJs. The participants continued to perceive the attended
stimulus as occurring first. We conclude that attention can
be held at one location in the visual field while an eye
Results and Discussion
movement is executed to another location. Attention need
The goal of this experiment was to determine whether not be shifted to a saccadic target before the execution of a
attention could be maintained at one location in the visual saccade.
field while simultaneously executing a saccade to another
location. Of primary importance were the results in the Experiment 4: Dissociating Attention and Eye
TOJ:SOA = 0 ms condition (see Figure 5). The results Movements (PEST Method)
showed that only direction of attention had an appreciable
effect on temporal order judgments. Neither CS:SOA (0 vs. Experiment 4 was designed to address two methodolog-
300 ms) nor direction of eye movements had an appreciable ical issues. First, it could be argued that, in the previous
effect. This was confirmed with a 2 (Initial Direction of experiments, demand characteristics may have played a role
Attention) X 2 (CS:SOA) X 2 (Direction of Eye Move- in the response of the participants. Because no objectively
ment) repeated-measures ANOVA in which only the effect correct response exists at TOJ:SOA = 0 ms, individuals
of Direction of Attention was significant, F(l, 5) = 167.1, may have elected to respond right-first in the right-attend
MSB = 23.48, p < .001. As shown in Figure 5, attending to conditions and left-first in the left-attend conditions. Previ-
the left marker resulted in a preponderance of left-first ous research has ruled out demand characteristics as a viable
responses, whereas attending to the right marker resulted in explanation of attentional effects on TOIs (Stelmach &
a preponderance of right-first responses (i.e., relatively few Herdman, 1991). Nonetheless, it is important to demon-
strate in the present context that demand characteristics are
an unlikely explanation for the observed effects. Second, in
Table 5 Experiment 3, participants' responses approached either
Experiment 3: Distribution (Percentage) of ceiling (92.9% left-first) or floor levels (17.5% left-first) on
Rejected Trials the TOJ task, possibly concealing the effects of saccades on
attentional allocation.
Reason for rejection in In Experiment 4, a sensitive psychophysical procedure,
move-eyes condition 0 300 PEST (Taylor & Creelman, 1967), was implemented that
Saw fewer than 2 stimuli 1.9 6.1 assessed attentional effects at TOJ:SOAs greater than 0 ms
Low amplitude of saccade 7.5 6.2 and that was not susceptible to ceiling/floor effects. With
No saccade 10.4 2.3 PEST, TOJ:SOA is allowed to vary freely. On most trials,
Wrong direction of saccade 18.9 6.1 temporal order judgments are made at TOJ:SOAs greater
Latency below 90 ms 0.8 2.1
than 0 ms, at which an objectively correct response exists in
Latency above 500 ms 0.7
Latency below CS:SOA 0.0 17.0 the two-alternative forced choice regimen. PEST was
Total 40.2 59.8 adapted to estimate the point of greatest temporal uncer-
Note. CS = cue-to-stimulus; SOA = stimulus onset asynchrony tainty, that is, the TOJ:SOA at which left-first and right-first
(in milliseconds). responses were produced with equal frequency (50% each).

In previous research using PEST, Stelmach and Herdman Table 6

(1991) showed that the point of greatest temporal uncer- Experiment 4: Distribution (Percentage) of
tainty is a sensitive index of attentions] allocation. Rejected Trials
The design of Experiment 4 was similar to that of Exper-
iment 3. In advance of each trial, the participants directed Reason for rejection in
attention either to the left or to the right marker and, men, on move-eyes condition 0 300
cue, executed a saccade to either marker. As before, the TOJ Saw fewer than 2 stimuli 0.2 4.2
stimuli were presented either at the same time as the cue Low amplitude of saccade 11.3 11.6
(CS:SOA = 0 ms) or after the cue but prior to the saccade No saccade 11.1 2.2
Wrong direction of saccade 15.4 8.0
(CS:SOA = 300 ms). PEST varied the TOJ:SOA until it had
Latency below 90 ms 1.5 1.3
estimated the point of greatest temporal uncertainty, that is, Latency above 500 ms 0.5 23.1
until observers reported the left and right stimuli as occur- Latency below CS:SOA 0.0 9.6
ring first with equal frequency. Total 40.0 60.0
The critical conditions are those in which attention was Note. CS = cue-to-stimulus; SOA = stimulus onset asynchrony
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

directed to the marker on one side of fixation, whereas the (in milliseconds).
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

saccade was directed to the marker on the opposite side. On

the basis of the results of Experiment 3, we would expect
by the verbal cue), they were nearly as likely to be away from the
that the strength of attentioaal allocation in these conditions
attended side as toward the attended side (45% vs. 55%).
would not be diminished by the requirement to dissociate
In the CS:SOA = 0 ms condition, mean saccadic latency was
the direction of attention and the direction of the saccade.
306 ms compared with 423 ms in the CS:SOA = 300 ms condi-
tion. This compares favorably with the saccadic latencies obtained
in Experiment 3 (301 and 428 ms at CS:SOAs of 0 and 300 ms,
Method respectively). Mean saccadic latencies toward the attended side
were similar to those toward the unattended side (360 compared
Observers with 369 ms, respectively).

Four individuals (including 2 of the authors) participated in the

Results and Discussion
experiment. All had participated in the previous experiments.
The results of Experiment 4 using PEST (see Figure 6)
replicated those of Experiment 3. It was found that the point
Visual Display, Design, and Procedure of greatest temporal uncertainty (i.e., the TOJ:SOA at which
left-first and right-first responses occurred with equal fre-
The display, design, and procedure were the same as those in
quency) depended on the direction of attention and was not
Experiment 3 with the following exceptions. The CS:SOA (either
influenced by the direction of the saccade. As shown in
0 or 300 ms) was held constant during each session to keep the
testing tune to under 25 minutes per session. The other two factors Figure 6, the unattended stimulus had to be displayed about
in the experiment (initial direction of attention, left or right, and 30 ms in advance of the attended stimulus for both stimuli
the direction of the saccade, left or right) were varied randomly to be judged as occurring first with equal frequency. This is
within a session.
Attentional allocation was assessed using PEST, implemented in
software on the computer. During each session, PEST made four
estimates of the point of greatest temporal uncertainty, one for Attention: Arrow cue Eye movement: Verbal cue
each of the four conditions tested in the session (2 Directions of
Attention X 2 Directions of Saccade). The estimates were made in i move-eyes
parallel. At the beginning of every session, the TOJ:SOA was set right .
to a random value within the range +64 to —64 ms. As the session uj 25 I Attend left initially *
progressed, PEST monitored the participants' responses rrial-by-
trial and adjusted the TOJ.'SOA, searching for the point of greatest | 0
temporal uncertainty for each condition. In each session, an aver-
age of 23 trials was required to converge on the critical TOJ:SOA . ± Attendrightinitially z ,
for each of the four conditions tested (for a total of 92 trials per 1 f
session). The critical TOJ.'SOA indicates the point at which ob-
servers could not reliably differentiate the temporal order of the _**n
0 300
two stimuli. Each observer served in 6 sessions at each level of
Asynchrony between verbal cue
CS:SOA (0 ms and 300 ms) for a total of 12 sessions. The and TOJ stimuli (CS:SOA) (ms)
participants completed the sessions over the course of 4-5 days.
The frequency of rejected trials (Table 2) and the distribution of
rejected trials (Table 6) was similar to that in the move-eyes Figure 6. Experiment 4: Point of greatest temporal uncertainty
conditions of the other experiments (Tables 3 and 5). As in the as a function of the cue-to-stimulus (CS) stimulus onset asyn-
previous experiments, there was an increase in the rejection rate at chrony (SOA) when attention was directed left or right prior to
a CS:SOA of 300 ms as compared with 0 ms. For saccades that initiation of the eye movement. TOJ = temporal order judgment
were in the wrong direction (i.e., opposite to the direction specified Error ban show the standard error of mean.

comparable with the estimates obtained in earlier research perform the requisite perceptual task at one location in the
(Stelmach & Herdman, 1991). visual field before moving attention to the saccadic target at
The point of greatest temporal uncertainty in the CS: a different location in the visual field. Had the participants
SOA = 0 ms condition estimated the baseline strength of adopted a similar strategy in the present experiments, that is,
attentional allocation. At this CS:SOA, the TOJ stimuli if they systematically delayed their saccades to maintain
were presented concurrently with the verbal cue to move the attention on the cued location for the TOJ task, then mean
eyes, before the cue could be decoded. By comparison, the saccadic latencies should vary with CS:SOA. To wit, mean
point of greatest temporal uncertainty at a CS:SOA of 300 saccadic latency increased systematically with CS:SOA in
ms estimated the strength of attentional allocation just prior all the experiments reported here. We argue, however, mat
to the execution of the saccade. Because the point of great- these changes in saccadic latency reflect the rejection cri-
est temporal uncertainty estimated by PEST did not vary as teria adopted in the experiments namely that as the duration
a function of CS:SOA nor of the direction of the eye of the CS:SOA increased, more fast saccades were rejected,
movement (toward or away from the attended marker), we thereby artificially inflating the mean latency. However, to
conclude that the participants were able to maintain atten- provide a common point of comparison between the re-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tion at one location in the visual field while directing their search of Kowler et al. and the present research, a direct
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

eyes to another location. evaluation of the relationship between attentional allocation

On issues of methodology, Experiment 4 was not suscep- and saccadic latency was performed.
tible to ceiling or floor effects because the TOJ:SOA at The design of Experiment 5 paralleled the random sac-
points of greatest temporal uncertainty was unconstrained. cade condition of Experiment 4 in Kowler et al. (1995).
Also, the results cannot be attributed to demand character- There were five types of sessions: two single-task and three
istics because the TOJ:SOA was greater than 0 ms in most dual-task. The single-task sessions estimated baseline levels
of the trials. We conclude that TOJ responses in the left- and of performance against which dual-task performance could
right-attend conditions reflect shifts of attention. be compared. Display, design, and procedures were identi-
cal in all sessions, except for the instructions.
The single-task attentional/TOJ sessions were designed to
Experiment 5: Attentional Operating Analysis estimate the optimal attentional effect. In these sessions, the
participants were instructed to allocate attention in response
Experiment 5 investigated possible trade-offs between
to the arrow cue and to perform the TOJ task alone. They
attentional allocation and saccadic latency. This experiment
were told to ignore the verbal cue. In a similar fashion, the
was based on a paradigm reported by Kowler et al. (1995)
single-task ocular sessions were designed to estimate the
in which trade-offs in performance between a saccadic task
optimal saccadic latency. In these sessions, the participants
and a letter identification task were studied (see also Deubel
were instructed to execute a saccade as fast as possible in
& Schneider, 1994). As in the present report, Kowler et al.
response to the verbal cue and to ignore the arrow cue. In
examined whether attention can be maintained at one loca-
tion in the visual field while a saccade is directed to another the dual-task sessions, they were required to perform the
location. attentional/TOJ task concurrently with the saccadic task.
To index attentional allocation, Kowler et al. (1993) used There were three types of dual-task sessions: normal-, fast-,
identification accuracy of an alphabetic character. In the and slow-latency sessions. In the normal-latency sessions,
critical conditions, the participants were required to identify the participants were instructed to execute saccades with
an alphabetic character at the attended location while mak- latencies that seemed natural. In the fast- and slow-latency
ing a saccade to a different location. The results showed that sessions, they were instructed to execute saccades with
the participants could perform the letter identification task latencies that were either as fast as possible or slower than
accurately only by delaying their saccades by approximately normal, respectively.
35-75 ms. They could also make fast saccades, but this The goal of the experiment was to discover any trade-offs
resulted in reduced accuracy on the letter identification task that might exist between attentional allocation, as assessed
(Kowler et al., 1995, Experiment 4, Figure 11). In general, using the TOJ task, and saccadic latency. Of primary con-
saccades and letter identification could not be performed cern was whether the attentionalfTOJ effect diminished as
simultaneously at the same level as each could be performed the individuals executed saccades with ever shorter laten-
individually. Kowler et al. concluded that the saccadic and cies (progressing from slow-, to normal-, to fast-latency
identification tasks shared a common attentional compo- sessions). If the attentional effect diminishes as saccadic
nent; the participants were not able to maintain attention at latency becomes progressively shorter, then this would sug-
one location in the visual field while executing a saccade to gest that the saccadic task draws attention away from the
a different location (i.e., without paying a penalty in sac- attentional/TOJ task and that the two tasks share a common
cadic latency). Because these conclusions are at odds with attentional component. Alternatively, if the attentional ef-
those of the present research, we felt that it would be fect stays at the same level, then this would suggest that the
important to combine Kowler et al.'s attentional operating saccadic task may be executed without drawing attention
analysis with pur TOJ methodology. away from the attentional/TOJ task; that is, attention can be
The implication of Kowler et al.'s (1995) results is that maintained at one location while a saccade is executed to
individuals can elect to delay a saccade long enough to another location.

Method As shown in Table 2, Participant 1 had few rejected trials in the

single-task attentional/TOJ and ocular sessions and few rejected
Observers trials in the dual-task fast- and normal-latency sessions. The per-
centage of rejected trials in the dual-task slow-latency sessions was
Two individuals (one naive individual as Participant 1 and one slightly greater primarily because of saccades with latencies above
of the authors as Participant 2) took part in the experiment. Both the upper cutoff of 500 ms. This participant delayed saccades in
had participated in the previous experiments. Each participant accordance with instructions and, thus, exceeded the upper cutoff
completed 30 sessions over the course of 6-8 days. limit on a certain proportion of trials. Participant 2 had a moderate
and undifferentiated level of rejections in single- and dual-task

Visual Display, Design, and Procedure

The display and procedure were similar to those of Experiment Results and Discussion
4. Single-task ocular sessions were used to estimate the optimal
saccadic latency. In the single-task ocular sessions, the participants The results of Experiment 5, plotted separately for each
participant, are shown in Figures 7A and 7B.3 The effect of
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

were instructed to execute a saccade with the shortest possible

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

latency in the direction indicated by the verbal cue. The directional attention, estimated by the point of greatest temporal uncer-
arrow and the TOJ stimuli were presented, but the participants tainty, is plotted against saccadic latency. Note that saccadic
were told to ignore them. latency decreases-to the right on the a'-axis in the figures.
Single-task TOJ sessions were used to estimate the optimal The filled symbols, plotted directly on the axes, show the
attentional effect, as indexed by the point of greatest temporal mean single-task levels of performance for the ocular task
uncertainty. In the single-task TOJ sessions, the participants were
and the attentional/TOJ task. The open symbols show the
instructed to fixate centrally throughout each trial, attend to the
mean dual-task levels of performance. Dual-task perfor-
side indicated by the arrow cue, and make a TOJ response. They
mance is shown separately for conditions in which attention
were told to ignore the verbal cue.
Dual-task sessions were used to assess whether the individuals and the saccade were directed to the same location (labeled
could perform both tasks (saccade and attentional/TOJ) together as attend, sacc same) and in.which attention was directed to
with the same efficacy as they performed each task alone. In the one location and the saccade was directed to the other
dual-task sessions, they were instructed to attend to the side location (labeled as attend, sacc diff). Dual-task perfor-
indicated by the arrow cue, to execute a saccade in the direction mance is shown for the three saccadic latency sessions
indicated by the verbal cue, and to make a TOJ response. There (slow-, normal-, and fast-latency sessions).
were three types of dual-task sessions: normal latency, fast latency, The single-task levels may be regarded as being optimal
and slow latency. In the normal-latency sessions, the two partici- levels of performance because the participants were able to
pants were instructed to execute saccades with the latencies that
devote all their attention to one task. For both individuals,
seemed most natural. In the fast-latency sessions, they were in-
the optimal attentional effect on the TOJ task, as indexed by
structed to execute saccades as soon as possible after hearing the
verbal cue. In the slow-latency sessions, they were instructed to the point of greatest temporal uncertainty, was about 40 ms
make saccades with latencies more slowly than in the normal- (see ;y-axis, Figures 7A and 7B), that is, the unattended
latency condition. stimulus had to be displayed 40 ms before the attended
The order of testing was single-task ocular sessions, single-task stimulus for the temporal order to be indiscriminable. The
attentional/TOJ sessions, dual-task normal-latency sessions, dual- optimal saccadic latency was about 300 ms for Participant 2
task fast-latency sessions, and dual-task slow-latency sessions.4 and about 345 ms for Participant 1 (see x axis, Figures 7A
The display parameters were identical across session types. The and 7B).
individuals were given three-six practice sessions before complet- The intersection of the two single-task levels of perfor-
ing six experimental sessions of each type. A session lasted about
mance (shown by the dotted lines) may be regarded as being
20 minutes.
the independence point; if the saccadic and attentional/TOJ
Attentional allocation was assessed using PEST. As in Experi-
ment 4, four estimates of the point of greatest temporal uncertainty tasks are independent, the participants should be able to
were made, one for each of the four conditions tested in each execute each task concurrently at the respective single-task
session (2 Directions of Attention X 2 Directions of Saccade). In levels. Indeed, dual-task performance for the fast-latency
each session, PEST required, on average, 16 trials for Participant sessions fell near the intersection point for Participant 2 and
1 and 20 trials for Participant 2 to converge on the critical TOJ: beyond the intersection point for Participant 1, showing that
SOA for each of the four conditions tested (for a total of 80 and 64 the saccadic and attentional/TOJ tasks were independent.
trials per session, respectively). The initial direction of attention Thus, the two participants were able to perform concur-
indicated by the arrow cue (left or right) and the direction of the rently the attentional/TOJ and ocular tasks without a reduc-
saccade indicated by the verbal cue (left or right) were varied
tion in saccadic latency or in the size of the attentional
randomly within a session.
effect. In agreement with the earlier experiments, we con-
The CS:SOA was fixed at 200 ms. This CS.'SOA was selected
because it permitted the TOJ stimuli to be displayed in close clude that the participants were able to maintain attention at
temporal proximity to the onset of the saccade while, at the same
time, minimizing the number of rejected trials for saccadic laten- In the dual-task condition, normal-latency sessions were per-
cies below the CS:SOA. This was particularly relevant in the formed first to establish a standard against which the participants
single-task ocular sessions and in the dual-task fast-latency ses- could gage their latencies in the fast- and slow-latency sessions.
sions when the participants were required to execute saccades as To facilitate comparison, these figures are organized like Fig-
soon as possible after the verbal cue. ure 11 of Kowler et al. (1995).

same level of accuracy in the dual-task fast-latency sessions

Attenttonal Operating Analysis as in the single-task sessions. An explanation for the dis-
Attention: Arrow CUB Eye movement Verbal cue crepancy between the results of the present research and
single-task those of Kowler et al. may lie in differences in the type of
r T <& attention /TOJ • attentional operations tapped by the two perceptual tasks:
= S3 -to ;
• -TTljr ^^ TOJs were used in the present research, whereas letter
1 £30 I dual-task identification was used by Kowler et al. A more complete
slow normal last analysis of this discrepancy and a possible resolution is
B f 20 attend, sacc same A
attend, sacc diff o presented later in the General Discussion.
'5 o> Before moving on, however, we would like to address a
8. -2. 10
IS CS:SOA = 200 ms
possible alternative explanation concerning the results of
3 n
Experiment 5. The attentional operating analysis is an im-
450 400 350 300
Saccadlc Latency (ms) portant tool to show that there were no performance
tradeoffs between the attention/TOJ task and the ocular task
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

in the present research. However, even at the fastest sac-

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

cadic latencies, the interval between the offset of the second

Attentions Operating Analysis TOJ stimulus and the initiation of the saccade averaged
Attention: Arrow cue Eye movement: Verbal cue
about 40 ms and 100 ms for Participants 1 and 2. It could be
8 c* single-task
argued that these intervals may have been long enough for
attention /TOJ •
i S3 4° ocular • attention to be shifted from the marker on one side of
-"•~3ai"¥; fixation to the other. Specifically, in the attend, sacc diff
T^T I dual-task
f*30 condition, attention may have been maintained on the side
slow tot! TOJ & move-eyes
~5 f 20 normal . attend, sacc same A opposite the saccadic target until just after the presentation
attend, sacc dm o of the TOJ stimuli and, then, rapidly shifted to the saccadic
&™ S -rt
•=• 10
target. In this view, the TOJ task would not accurately
CSiSOA. 200ms
S n 1 1A i ,. i reflect the positioning of attention immediately prior to the
450 400 350 300 saccade. This possibility was assessed in a control experi-
Saccadic Latency (ms) ment in which the interval between the TOJ stimuli and the
initiation of the saccade was decreased by blocking the
Figure 7. Experiment 5: Attentional operating analysis for Par- direction of the saccade. On any given session, the partici-
ticipants 1(A) and 2(B) plotting the point of greatest temporal pants executed saccades in only one direction, after predi-
uncertainty against saccadic latency. Single-task levels (temporal recting their attention either in the same direction or in the
order judgment [TOJ] and ocular task, performed separately) are opposite direction to the intended saccade. Blocking the
shown with solid symbols and broken lines. Dual-task levels (TOI saccade direction is known to reduce saccadic latency
and ocular task, performed simultaneously) are shown with open (Kowler et al., 1995).6 As shown in Table 7, both partici-
symbols. "Attend, sacc same" indicates the condition in which the pants had substantially reduced saccadic latencies in the
saccade was executed toward the attended side. "Attend, sacc diff'
blocked saccade sessions, compared with the random sac-
indicates the condition in which the saccade was executed toward
cade sessions shown in Figures 7A and 7B. Of primary
the unattended side. Labels slow, normal, and fast refer to the three
interest is that in the attend, sacc diff condition the TOJ
speed instructions for saccades in the dual task sessions. CS =
cue-tc-stimulus; SOA = stimulus onset asynchrony. Error bars stimuli were now separated from the initiation of the sac-
show the standard error of mean. cade by approximately 3 ms and 25 ms for Participants 1
and 2, respectively. It is extremely unlikely that attention
could be shifted from one side of the display to the other in
this amount of time. Importantly, the attentional effect on
one location in the visual field while moving their eyes to the TOJ task in the attend, sacc diff condition was not
another location. reduced compared with the attend, sacc same condition, in
For the normal- and slow-latency sessions, saccadic la- spite of the shorter saccadic latencies. These findings agree
tency was appropriately delayed compared with the fast- with the main argument of the present report, that attention
latency sessions. Importantly, the size of the attentional can be maintained at one location and a saccade can be
effect for these sessions remained at around 40 ms. This executed to another location without a corresponding shift
reinforces the primary conclusion of independence, by in attention.
showing that there were no trade-offs in performance be-
tween the saccadic and attentional/TOJ tasks across the
entire range of saccadic latencies. 6
The blocked saccade condition and the random saccade con-
Our results differed from those of Kowler et al. (1995) in dition in Kowler et al. (1995) yielded similar patterns of results. In
showing that performance in the dual-task conditions could both cases, the participants showed performance decrements on
reach the independence point. Kowler et al.'s two partici- letter identification from single- to dual-task blocks. For the
pants were unable to reach the independence point, that is, present purposes, Kowler et al.'s findings validate the use of
they were unable to identify an alphabetic character at the blocking to achieve faster saccadic latencies.

Table 7 of Shepherd et al. (i.e., at the critical presaccadic intervals of

Experiment 5: Blocked Saccade Condition 70 and 140 ms cue-target asynchrony), manual responses
(CS:SOA " 200ms) may have been delayed correspondingly.
In Experiment 6A, we contrasted Shepherd et al.'s atten-
Interval (ms) for:
tional allocation hypothesis and our response coupling hy-
Attend, Attend, pothesis by (a) using a larger range of cue-target asynchro-
saccade saccade
nies, including asynchronies in which the target appeared
Participant and measure same different
before the cue; and (b) by comparing single- and dual-task
Participant 1
performance.8 If attentional allocation underlies the findings
TOJ effect 29.3 37.4
Saccadic latency 240.5 250.1
of Shepherd et al., then cueing effects should occur only
Interval between TOI stimuli and when the cue precedes the target. Clearly, there should be
saccade 1.2 2.7 no cueing effects when the target appears before the cue
Participant 2 because perceptual processing of the target would be com-
TOJ effect 39.3 40.7
pleted before the participants knew whether to execute
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Saccadic latency 272.5 275.4

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Interval between TOJ stimuli and eye-movements left or right. Alternatively, if response cou-
saccade 23.2 24.7 pling is involved, then a difference in manual RTs could still
Note. The temporal interval between the offset of the second occur when the target appears before the cue. Furthermore,
temporal order judgment (TOJ) stimulus and the initiation of the by comparing single- and dual-task performance, it should
saccade is calculated separately for each participant and each be possible to infer whether the manual response was being
condition. This interval equals the saccadic latency, minus the systematically delayed in favor of the saccadic response. If
CS:SOA, minus the TOJ effect, minus the duration of the TOJ response coupling is involved, one would,expect manual
stimulus. For example, for the Participant 1 attend, saccade dif-
RTs to be systematically delayed in Hie dual-task sessions as
ferent condition, this interval is 250.1 - 200 - 37.4 - 10 = 2.7
compared with the single-task •sessions. Shepherd et al.'s
ms. CS = cue-to-stimulus; SOA = stimulus onset asynchrony (in
milliseconds). attentional allocation hypothesis would predict no system-
atic delay.

Experiment 6A: Reinterpretation of Shepherd,

Findlay, and Hockey (1986)
Shepherd et al.'s (1986) research represents the best
known demonstration of rapid, presaccadic, endogenous Four undergraduate university students participated in Experi-
allocation of attention to the target location of a saccade. In ment 6A. None had participated in the previous experiments. All
Experiment 6A and in the one that follows (Experiment 6B), individuals had normal or corrected to normal visual acuity and
we replicated and extended Shepherd et al.'s seminal re- were naive about the hypotheses under investigation.
search, offering a reinterpretation of their results in terms of
coupling between saccadic and manual responses.
Shepherd et al. (1986) measured attentional allocation
Visual Display, Design, and Procedure
using simple manual RT to the onset of a single target (flash
of light). The target flash appeared either presaccadically The display consisted of two markers and a fixation stimulus
(before eye movements were initiated) at cue-target asyn- like those shown in Figure 1. The markers were located 3 degrees
chronies of 70 and 140 ms or postsaccadically (after the from fixation. The manual RT target consisted of a single 10-ms
saccade had been executed) at cue-target asynchronies of flash of light displayed at 200 cd/m1 at the center of one of the
300 and 550 ms. The results showed that manual RTs were markers. This target was displayed 700 ms after the onset of each
faster to the target flash if the target appeared on the same trial, thus equalizing expectancy and warning effects across all
side to which a saccade was about to be executed (sacc, CS:SOA conditions of the experiment (Reuter-Lorenz, Hughes, &
Fendrich, 1991). The participants were required to execute a
target same) than if it appeared on the opposite side (sacc,
simple manual response by pressing a button as quickly as possible
target diff).7 Shepherd et al. argued that attention was en-
after detecting the onset of the target flash. Manual RTs were
dogenously shifted to the saccadic target prior to the sac-
recorded by computer and were accurate to less than 1 ms.
cade, thereby facilitating perceptual processing of the target Eye movements were cued using auditory presentation of the
flash in the sacc, target same condition. words left or right, as described in Experiment 1. The asynchrony
We suggest that the results of Shepherd et al. (1986) do
not reflect rapid shifts of endogenous attention to the sac-
cadic target, but they can be explained in terms of coupling 7
Shepherd et al. (1986) referred to this condition as the 80/20
between saccadic and manual responses. Specifically, the
condition because the manual-response target flash coincided with
participants may have delayed their manual responses to the the saccade location on 80% of the trials.
target flash until a critical stage in the saccadic response had 8
It should be noted that, in Shepherd et al. (1986), only positive
been completed. Because saccadic latencies were slower in asynchronies were used (i.e., the target always appeared after the
the sacc, target diff than in the sacc, target same conditions cue) and single-task sessions were not included.

between the verbal cue and the target flash was varied at 8 levels saccade was not detected, if the amplitude of the saccade was
(-280, -140, 70, 0, 70, 140, 280, and 560 ms). At negative below 1 degree, if the saccade was in the wrong direction, if
asynchronies, the target flash was presented before the verbal cue. saccadic latency was below 90 ms or above 1,000 ms, or if the
At positive asynchronies, the target flash was presented after the saccadic latency was below the cue-target asynchrony for the trial.
verbal cue. For example, at an asynchrony of -140 ms, the target This latter rejection criterion was applied at all asynchronies
flash was displayed 140 ms before the verbal cue to move the eyes. except 560 ms. The upper cutoff for valid saccades was set at
Baseline saccadic latencies and manual RTs were measured in 1,000 ms to provide a wide temporal range within which response
single-task sessions during which the participants were instructed coupling could be observed. In single-task manual sessions, the
to make only one response: saccades in response to the verbal cue individuals were required to fixate centrally throughout each trial,
(single-task ocular) or manual button presses in response to the and the rejection criteria were adjusted appropriately: A trial was
target flash (single-task manual). Dual-task sessions provided a rejected if the eyes moved more than 0.5° from fixation.
replication of the testing conditions used by Shepherd et al. (1986). The percentage of rejected trials was 19%, 12%, and 26% in the
In the dual-task sessions, the participants were instructed to per- single-task manual, single-task ocular, and dual-task sessions, re-
form each task as quickly as they could, with the shortest possible spectively (see Table 2). The distribution of rejected trials is shown
latency. To be consistent with Shepherd et al., the participants in Table 8. In the single-task manual sessions, most rejections
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

were not given explicit instructions about task priority in the occurred because the eye moved away from fixation. The distri-
dual-task sessions. Each individual completed 2-3 practice ses- bution of rejections across CS:SOA was approximately even. In
sions and 10 experimental sessions of each type. Order of testing the single-task ocular sessions, there was a tendency for rejections
was single-task ocular, single-task manual, and dual-task. There to decrease with CS:SOA. This occurred primarily because sac-
were 64 trials per session, two trials at each combination of cades were more likely to be in the wrong direction (i.e., opposite
cue-target asynchrony (8 levels), verbal cue (left/right), and side of to that specified by the verbal cue) at negative CS:SOAs when the
target flash (left/right). target flash preceded the verbal cue. Presumably, the participants
In each session, catch trials (on which a target flash was not were incorrectly anticipating the direction specified by the verbal
presented) were randomly interspersed among the experimental cue. This explanation is consistent with the relatively larger per-
trials at a frequency of about 15%. The purpose of the catch trials centage of anticipatory saccades at these CS:SOAs. In the dual-
was to discourage anticipatory responding in the manual task. task sessions, there was also a tendency for rejections to decrease
Trials were rejected and repeated later in a session if a manual with CS:SOA. As in single-task ocular sessions, saccades were
response occurred on a catch trial. Trials were also rejected if the more likely to be in the wrong direction and to be anticipatory at
manual RT was anticipatory (<100 ms) or delayed (>800 ms). In negative CS:SOAs. Also, in the dual task sessions, a higher pro-
addition, trials were rejected if there was a problem with the portion of trials was rejected at negative CS:SOAs because the
saccade. The rejection criteria for saccades were as follows: If a manual response was excessively delayed (>800 ms).

Table 8
Experiment 6A: Distribution (Percentage) of Rejected Trials


Replication 1 -280 -140 -70 70 140 280 560

Single-task manual
Eye moved 8.1 11.4 10.1 13.7 11.7 13.2 10.3 12.2
Manual catch trial error 0.8 0.7 0.8 1.0 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.5
Manual RT below 100 ms 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 1.0
Manual RT above 800 ms 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.7
Total 9.1 12.4 10.9 15.0 12.4 13.5 12.5 14.4

Single-task ocular
Low amplitude of saccade 2.9 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.5
No saccade 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0
Wrong direction of saccade 7.6 9.9 9.0 9.0 7.6 7.3 4.1 1.7
Ocular latency below 90 ms 4.7 2.0 2.0 4.1 3.8 2.3 1.5 2.3
Ocular latency above 1,000 ms 0.3 0.6 0.0 0.6 1.5 1.2 0.9 1.7
Ocular latency below CS:SOA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A
Total 15.7 14.5 12.8 15.4 14.0 12.5 7.8 7.3

Dual task
Low amplitude of saccade 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2
No saccade 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wrong direction of saccade 15.0 6.0 5.6 2.6 2.4 2.3 2.3 1.2
Ocular latency below 90 ms 6.4 0.5 1.4 0.7 0.6 1.0 0.2 0.6
Ocular latency above 1,000 ms 0.9 0.8 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.7
Ocular latency below CS'.SOA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A
Manual catch trial error 0.8 1.2 1.1 1.4 0.8 1.1 1.0 1.0
Manual RT below 100 ms 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1
Manual RT above 800 ms 26.4 4.0 1.7 1.5 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.3
Total 50.4 13.1 10.3 6.6 4.5 5.6 4.3 5.2
Note. CS = cue-to-stimulus; SOA = stimulus onset asynchrony (in milliseconds); RT = reaction
time; N/A = not applicable.

Results and Discussion cue could exert any influence via attentional allocation. The
effect on manual RTs, therefore, can be explained by as-
The results are shown in Figure 8. The broken lines in the suming that the manual response was coupled and contin-
figure show single-task levels of performance, and the solid gent on the saccadic response. Because the saccadic re-
lines show dual-task levels. The results of Shepherd et al. sponse was faster in the sacc, target same condition than in
(1986) were replicated successfully; saccadic latencies and
the sacc, target diff condition, this effect was carried for-
manual RTs were shorter in the sacc, target same than in the
ward into the manual response.
race, target diff conditions. A repeated-measures ANOVA
A comparison of latencies in the single- and dual-task
indicated that these differences were statistically reliable for
sessions provides additional evidence for the response cou-
saccadic latency, F(\, 3) = 53.3, MSE - 4,514.64, p <
pling hypothesis. One should recall that the participants in
.005, and for manual reaction time, F(l, 3) = 31.5, MSE =
this experiment were not given explicit instructions about
19,425, p < .02. For manual RTs, pairwise Newman-Keuls
task priority in the dual-task sessions. However, it is appar-
comparisons of the means for the sacc, target same versus
ent that the saccadic task received priority, because saccadic
sacc, target diff conditions indicated significant differences
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

for all but the —280 ms condition. For saccadic latencies, latencies in the dual-task sessions were similar to those in
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

pairwise comparisons were marginally significant, p < .09, the corresponding single-task sessions (as compared in the
at —280, —140, and 70 ms cue-target asynchronies. broken and solid lines in Figure 8A). By contrast, manual
Experiment 6A used a larger range of cue-target asyn- RTs were systematically delayed in the dual-task manual
chronies than in the original research by Shepherd et al. sessions compared with the corresponding single-task ses-
(1986), enabling us to compare the attentional allocation sions (as compared in the broken and solid lines in Figure
and response coupling hypotheses. The differences in man- 8B). For example, at a CS:SOA of -140 ms, when the
ual RTs at negative asynchronies between sacc, target same manual-response target was presented 140 ms before the
and sacc, target diff conditions supports the response cou- verbal cue to move the eyes, the manual response was
pling hypothesis. At these asynchronies, the target occurred delayed by more than 250 ms compared with the single-task
before the verbal cue. Consequently, perceptual processing level. The progressive delay of the manual RTs from posi-
of the target should have been completed before the verbal tive to negative CSrSOAs in the dual-task condition, sug-
gests that manual responses were being withheld until a
verbal cue was presented and a saccade could be planned
Endogenous verbal cue
and/or executed.9

Experiment 6B: Response Coupling Versus

Attentional Allocation

According to the response coupling hypothesis, the ef-

fects on manual RTs observed in the dual-task sessions of
-280 -140 0 70140 280 560 Experiment 6A occurred because the manual responses
B were coupled with and contingent upon the saccadic re-
sponses. In Experiment 6B, the participants were instructed
to give priority to the manual task. Under these conditions,
manual responses should no longer be contingent upon the
saccadic responses. Consequently, according to the re-
sponse coupling hypothesis, manual RTs in the sacc, target
same and sacc, target diff conditions should be equivalent.
(single-task data)
However, according to Shepherd et al.'s (1986) attentional
-280 -140 0 70140 280 560
allocation hypothesis, the advantage of the sacc, target
(target first) (verbal cue first) same over the sacc, target diff condition should persist; the
Asynchrony between verbal cue
manual response should continue to benefit from the allo-
and target stimulus (CS:SOA) (ms)
cation of attention to the location of the target flash prior to
Figure 8. Experiment 6A: Saccadic latency (A) and manual the execution of the saccade.
reaction time (RT) (B) plotted against the cue-to-stimulus (CS)
stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) for dual-task (solid lines) and
single-task (broken lines) conditions. No instructions about task
priority were given. "Sacc, target same" indicates the condition in Saccadic latencies were shorter in the dual- than in the single-
which the saccade was executed toward the location containing the task sessions at negative CS:SOAs. This may reflect an attempt by
target stimulus. "Sacc, target diff' indicates the condition in which participants to minimize the delay resulting from response cou-
the saccade was executed toward the location not containing the pling. That is, knowing that the manual response was on hold, the
target stimulus. Error bars show the standard error of mean. participants expedited their saccadic response.

Method would be expected if the ocular task were coupled to and contin-
gent upon the manual task.
Results and Discussion
Three individuals, two undergraduate university students and a
research colleague, participated in the experiment. None had par- Results are shown in Figure 9. The broken lines in the
ticipated in the previous experiments. All individuals had normal
figure show single-task levels of performance, and the solid
or corrected to normal visual acuity and were naive about the
lines show dual-task levels. The unique aspect of this ex-
hypotheses under investigation.
periment was that, in the dual-task sessions, the participants
Visual Display, Design, and Procedure were instructed to give priority to the manual task over the
saccadic task. They were able to follow these instructions as
The design of this experiment was similar to that of Experiment indicated by the fact that manual RTs fell near the single-
6A, except that in the dual-task sessions, the participants were told
task levels at all cue-target asynchronies (as compared in the
to give priority to the manual task over the ocular task. To facilitate
solid and broken lines in Figure 9B). Saccadic latencies,
this, the asynchronies were adjusted so that, on balance, there were
more trials when the manual target flash appeared before the however, were systematically elevated (as compared in the
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

solid and broken lines in Figure 9A), even when the verbal
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

verbal cue. Asynchronies between verbal cue and target flash were
-560, -280, -140, -70, 0, 70, and 140 ms. cue to move the eyes was presented before the manual-
The percentage of rejected trials was 5%, 4%, and 10% in the response target (i.e., at positive cue-target asynchronies).
single-task manual, single-task ocular, and dual-task sessions, re- For example, at an asynchrony of +140 ms, the verbal cue
spectively (see Table 2). The distribution of rejected trials is shown to move the eyes occurred 140 ms before the manual-
in Table 9. In the single-task manual sessions, most rejections response target. Yet, in this condition, the saccadic response
occurred because the eye moved away from fixation. In the single- was delayed by more than 200 ms over the single-task level.
task ocular sessions and in the dual-task session, the greatest
In accordance with the response-coupling hypothesis, this
proportion of rejections may be attributed to saccades with low
occurred because the participants withheld their saccade
amplitude and to saccades that were in the wrong direction. The
proportion of rejections resulting from delayed manual responses until a target flash was presented and the manual response
was negligible in the dual-task sessions, as would be expected if could be planned and/or executed. Importantly, there was no
the manual task received priority over the saccadic task. At posi- evidence for a differential effect of attention: Manual reac-
tive CSrSOAs, a higher proportion of trials was rejected because tion times in the sacc, target same condition and in the sacc,
the ocular response was excessively delayed (> 1,000 ms), as target diff condition were equivalent.

Table 9
Experiment 6B: Distribution (Percentage) of Rejected Trials


Replication 2 -560 -280 - 140 -70 0 70 140

Single-task manual
Eye moved 15.7 8.3 8.3 8.3 14.8 13.0 9.3
Manual catch trial error 1.9 0.9 3.7 1.9 4.6 0.9 3.7
Manual RT below 100 ms 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
Manual RT above 800 ms 0.9 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0
Total 18.5 9.3 13.9 11.1 19.4 14.8 13.0

Single-task ocular
Low amplitude of saccade 11.3 3.8 6.2 8.8 6.2 13.7 7.5
No saccade 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Wrong direction of saccade 5.0 10.0 5.0 2.5 5.0 5.0 3.8
Ocular latency below 90 ms 2.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.5
Ocular latency above 1,000 ms 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0
Ocular latency below CS:SOA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Total 18.7 13.7 11.3 11.3 12.5 18.7 13.7

Dual task
Low amplitude of saccade 6.1 4.1 2.0 4.6 2.6 3.1 3.6
No saccade 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.5 3.1 1.0 1.5
Wrong direction of saccade 5.6 6.1 5.1 7.1 2.0 1.0 5.6
Ocular latency below 90 ms 3.6 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ocular latency above 1,000 ms 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.1 6.1
Ocular latency below CS:SOA 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Manual catch trial error 0.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 3.6
Manual RT below 100 ms 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
Manual RT above 800 ms 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.5 1.5 0.5 2.6
Total 16.8 13.8 8.7 16.8 10.7 9.7 23.5
Note. CS = cue-to-stimulus; SOA = stimulus onset asynchrony (in milliseconds) ;RT = reaction

Endogenous vwbal CUB exogenously cued attention can be moved rapidly to a target
location, prior to the initiation of a saccade. This shows that
the TOJ task used in the present research is sensitive to
rapid shifts in attention. In Experiments 3 and 4, converging
psychophysical methods showed that the participants were
able to maintain attention at a designated location while
executing a saccade to a different location. In Experiment 5,
an attentional operating analysis (Kowler et al., 1995) was
used to investigate possible trade-offs between attentional
allocation and saccadic latency. No trade-offs were found,
suggesting that eye movements can occur independently of
shifts in attention. In Experiments 6A and 6B, Shepherd et
al.'s (1986) evidence that attentional allocation occurs prior
to a saccade was reinterpreted in terms of response
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

In summary, the results of the present research showed

that when an eye movement was cued endogenously, atten-
tion did not precede the eyes to the saccadic target. Further-
more, individuals were able to hold attention at one location
-56D -280 -140 0 70140
(target first) (verbal cue first) in the visual field while executing a saccade to a different
Asynchrony between verbal cue location, and they were able to do this without incurring a
and target stimulus (CS:SOA) (ms) penalty in saccadic latency. The results paint a picture of
two largely independent systems, one involved in maintain-
Figure 9. Experiment 6B: Saccadic latency (A) and manual
ing and shifting attention and another involved in preparing
reaction time (RT) (B) are plotted against the cue-to-stimulus (CS)
and executing saccadic eye movements. The notion that
stimulus onset asynehrony (SOA) for dual-task (solid lines) and
single-task (broken lines) conditions. Participants were instructed
attention and eye movements are controlled by independent
to give priority to the manual task. "Sacc, target same" indicates systems has been raised previously in the literature. For
the condition in which the saccade was executed toward the example, Reuter-Lorenz and Fendrich (1992) suggested that
location containing the target stimulus. "Sacc, target diff' indicates programming a saccade and programming an attentional
the condition in which the saccade was executed toward the movement occurred independently and in parallel. In related
location not containing the target stimulus. Error bars show the research, Abrams and Dobkin (1994), using an object-
standard error of mean. centered paradigm (Tipper, Driver, & Weaver, 1991), con-
cluded that eye movements and attention are controlled by
different systems and that the two systems are guided by
In summary, the results of Experiments 6A and 6B sup- different representations of space.
port the response-coupling hypothesis. In particular, it was It would be simple and convenient if the relationship
shown that the advantage of manual RTs in the sacc, target between attention and eye movements could be summarized
same condition compared with the sacc, target diff condi- succinctly as two independent systems. However, recent
tion (see Figure 8) could be attributed to response coupling research by Kowler et al. (1995; see also Deubel & Schnei-
between manual and ocular responses. The advantage was der, 1994; Hoffman & Subramaniam, 1995) argues for a
observed only when the participants gave priority to the stronger relationship between attention and eye movements
ocular task over the manual task (Experiment 6A) and than suggested here. In contrast with the present research,
disappeared when task priorities were reversed (Experiment Kowler et al. found that attention can move rapidly to a
6B). We conclude that response coupling and not attentional saccadic target before the saccade is initiated and that at-
allocation underlies the findings of Shepherd et al. (1986). tention cannot be held at one location while the eyes are
moved to another location. Relatively rapid movements of
General Discussion attention have also been reported by Saarinen and Julesz
(1991), Sagi and Julesz (1985), and Sperling and Reeves
The present research examined the relationship between (1980), among others.
saccadic eye movements and attention. Attentional alloca- In Kowler et al. (1995, Experiment 4), eight alphabetic
tion was indexed using a TOJ technique (Maylor, 1985; characters arranged in a circle around fixation were pre-
Stelmach & Herdman, 1991). Eye movements were moni- sented for 130 ms. In the fixed saccade condition, the
tored using a video-based pupil monitoring system. Exper- participants were required to execute a saccade to a fixed
iment 1 showed that the eyes could be moved to a target position in the array (i.e., the 9 o'clock position). At the
location before an endogenous shift of attention took place; same time, the participants were required to report the
endogenous shifts of attention occurred slowly and postsac- identity of one letter at a predetermined position in the
cadically. In Experiment 2, attention was cued exogenously. circular array (i.e., the 12 o'clock position). This condition
Consistent with previous research (Nakayama & Mackeben, was designed to be optimal for observing a dissociation
1989; Posner, 1980; Remington, 1980), it was found that between attention and eye movements; both the saccadic

target and the location of the target letter were known in tween eye movements and attention would depend on the
advance and held constant for the session. Yet, even under type of task used to assess attentional allocation.
these optimal conditions, Kowler et al. found that the re-
quirement to execute a saccade reduced performance on the
letter identification task, implying that the participants were Implications for Models of Ocular-Attentional
not able to maintain attention at one location while execut- Integration
ing a saccade to another location. Experiment 5 of the
present research was modelled after the random saccade Extant models of ocular-attentional integration are based
condition of Kowler et al. This experiment was similar to on the assumption that eye movements are tightly coupled
Kowler et al.'s fixed saccade condition, except that the with movements of attention. For example, in the oculomo-
saccadic target was selected randomly on each trial. In spite tor readiness model (Rizzolatti, Riggio, Dascolo, & Umilta,
of the added demands of the random saccade condition, we 1987; Umilta, Riggio, Dascola, & Rizzolatti, 1991), shifts
found that subjects were able to maintain attention at one of attention and movements of the eyes are governed by the
location and execute a saccade to another location. same neural mechanisms involved in saccadic program-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ming. A covert shift of attention occurs when an eye move-

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

To resolve die discrepancies between the results of the

present research and those of Kowler et al. (1995), we ment is prepared, but the eye movement is not executed.
propose that TOJ and letter identification tasks tap different Thus, preparing an eye movement is equivalent to executing
varieties of attention. As suggested by LaBerge (1995; a shift of attention. The oculomotor readiness model is
LaBerge & Brown, 1989), these varieties of attention may consistent with a body of neurophysiological evidence, in-
differ in speed of allocation—reallocation and in the degree dicating that some neurons respond when animals are re-
to which they are integrated with the saccadic eye move- quired to move their eyes to a target in the visual field or
when they are required to move attention (Colby, 1991).
ment system. In LaBerge's preparatory/selection (or gradi-
ent/filter) model, a distinction is made between attentional The strong assumption of equivalence has been questioned,
however, in that eye movements and attentional movements
preparation and attentional selection. During attentional
have substantially different properties (Abrams & Dobkin,
preparation, a gradient is created in the visual field. This
1994; Crawford & Muller, 1992; Klein, Kingstone, & Pon-
happens, for example, when a cue instructs an individual to
tefract, 1992; Reuter-Lorenz & Fendrich, 1992). The results
direct attention endogenously to a given location. Atten-
of the present research also present a challenge for the
tional selection involves the opening of a processing chan-
oculomotor readiness model. Observers were able to main-
nel and is used to filter out a target item from an array of
tain attention on one side of fixation while moving then-
distractor items. For the present purpose, the critical as-
eyes to a target on the opposite side. This should not be
sumption is that the two attentional operations, preparation
possible if control of eye movements and control of atten-
and selection, have different time courses. Preparation may
tion are tightly coupled.
take many hundreds of milliseconds to occur. By contrast,
A tight coupling between movements of the eyes and
selection can operate more quickly, in tens of milliseconds.
movements of attention is also assumed in Henderson's
The present findings match die assumed attributes of
(1992; see also O'Regan, 1990) sequential attention model.
preparatory attention. It can take upwards of 300 ms to
According to Henderson, attention precedes the eyes to the
establish an attentional effect (Figures 2 and 3), and atten-
next fixation location once a critical level of processing has
tional effects do not dissipate quickly, having a longevity
been completed at the currently fixated location. Further-
greater than the time required to plan and execute a saccade
more, eye movements are directed toward attended loca-
(Figures 5, 6, 7A, and 7B). By contrast, the results of
tions and cannot be directed toward unattended locations.
Kowler et al. (1995) match the assumed attributes of selec- The sequential attention model can account for the asym-
tive attention: Selective attention can acquire a stimulus at metric attention span observed in reading and in the sequen-
one location and then open a channel at another location tial viewing of pictures (Henderson, 1992; O'Regan, 1990;
(e.g., from a letter target to a saccadic target) in well under Pollatsek, Rayner, & Balota, 1986; Rayner & Pollatsek,
300 ms. It is noteworthy that in the cases in which endog- 1987). For example, research suggests that when individuals
enous attention was inferred to move rapidly (Deubel & view pictures or words in a predetermined sequential order,
Schneider, 1994; Kowler et al., 1995; Saarinen & Julesz, information is extracted from the image currently fixated
1991; Sagi & Julesz, 1985; Sperling & Reeves, 1980), the and from the image about to be fixated (Henderson, Pollat-
participants were required to identify or discriminate letters sek, & Rayner, 1989). The results of the present research
or numbers. In LaBerge's framework, this would reflect suggest, however, that attention and eye movements are less
selective attention. By contrast, in the cases in which en- tightly coupled than described in the sequential attention
dogenous attention was inferred to move slowly, the partic- model.
ipants were required to perform detection tasks (Remington, We note that the sequential attention model was intended
1980) to make judgments about the perceived direction of to describe ocular-attentional integration in situations re-
motion (Shimojo, Miyauchi, & Hikosaka, 1993) or to report quiring a sequence of fixations. In situations such as these,
the perceived temporal order of visual stimuli (present re- the planning and execution of saccades must be sensitive to
search). In LaBerge's framework, this would reflect prepa- the global (sequential) demands of the task as well as to the
ratory attention. In general, the observed relationship be- characteristics of the image. For example, in reading, the

length of the next word to be fixated needs to be determined paratory/selection model of attention provides a useful
so that an accurate saceade to the approximate center of the framework for understanding the complex relationship be-
word can be achieved. In agreement with LaBerge's (1995) tween attention and saccadic eye movements. Future re-
preparatory/selection framework, one possibility is that pre- search examining the integration of eye movements and
paratory attention is involved in setting up and maintaining attention will need to consider fully the nature of prepara-
the schema for these global patterns of eye movements. tory and selective attention, the unique characteristics of
Atteritional selection, however, may not be needed to plan different perceptual tasks, and the role of preattentive visual
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

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