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Writing Publishing

Members : 1. Adenia Wulandari 4. Kinanti Dwi Palupi

2. Rafa Dhanendra 5. Nazihah Ramadhani Lesmana
3. Yashfi Arzaq Dimarya 6. Tiara Jesika Armandini

The Importance of Students Obeying School Rules

School rules are a significant part of any educational institution. They are designed to create a
structured and safe learning environment for students. While some students may consider
rules as restrictive and unnecessary, it is important to understand that obeying school rules
holds many benefits.

The first reason why obeying school rules are important because it promoting discipline.
Obedience to school rules fosters discipline among students. Discipline is a fundamental skill
that is important in the classroom and its benefits will carry over into the student's adulthood.

Not just to foster discipline, school rules are made to maintain a safe environment for
students and staff. Regulations regarding bullying, substance abuse, and violence are essential
for the well-being of all individuals in the school community. By obeying these rules,
students contribute to their own safety, creating a conducive atmosphere for learning.

Next reason is because obeying the school rules increase a sense of responsibility among
students. They learn that their actions have consequences, both positive and negative. By
obeying rules, students take ownership of their behaviour, understanding that they are
accountable for their actions.

The last is to enhancing academic focus. School rules help maintain a focused learning
environment. Rules about coming on time, attendance, and how students should behave in a
classroom ensure that students can concentrate on their studies. When rules are obeyed,
disruptions are minimized, allowing teachers to convey knowledge effectively, and students
to absorb it without unnecessary distractions.

In conclusion, students should obey school rules not only because it is a requirement but also
because it has numerous benefits. Obedience to rules formed discipline, responsibility,
ensures safety, and enhances academic focus. By complying with school rules, students are
better equipped to succeed academically and to become responsible, respectful, and obeying
the law as a part of society. Therefore, students should view obeying school rules as an
essential part of their education and personal development.

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