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Functional Plant Biology, 2012, 39, 851–859

Phenotyping for drought tolerance in grain crops:

when is it useful to breeders?

J. B. Passioura

CSIRO Plant Industry, PO Box 1600, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia. Email:

Abstract. Breeding for drought tolerance in grain crops is not a generic issue. Periods of drought vary in length, timing and
intensity and different traits are important with different types of drought. The search for generic drought tolerance using
single-gene transformations has been disappointing. It has typically concentrated on survival of plants suffering from severe
water stress, which is rarely an important trait in crops. More promising approaches that target complex traits tailored to
specific requirements at the different main stages of the life of a crop, during: establishment, vegetative development, floral
development and grain growth are outlined. The challenge is to devise inexpensive and effective ways of identifying
promising phenotypes with the aim of aligning them with genomic information to identify molecular markers useful to
breeders. Controlled environments offer the stability to search for attractive phenotypes or genotypes in a specific type of
drought. The recent availability of robots for measuring large number of plants means that large numbers of genotypes can be
readily phenotyped. However, controlled environments differ greatly from those in the field. Devising pot experiments that
cater for important yield-determining processes in the field is difficult, especially when water is limiting. Thus, breeders are
unlikely to take much notice of research in controlled environments unless the worth of specific traits has been demonstrated
in the field. An essential link in translating laboratory research to the field is the development of novel genotypes that
incorporate gene(s) expressing a promising trait into breeding lines that are adapted to target field environments. Only if the
novel genotypes perform well in the field are they likely to gain the interest of breeders. High throughput phenotyping will
play a pivotal role in this process.

Additional keywords: deficit watering, floral resilience, germplasm, prebreeding, trait, water stress.

Received 13 April 2012, accepted 5 September 2012, published online 25 September 2012

Introduction There are two, often overlapping uses for phenotypic

Last year (2011) was the centenary of the introduction by information. One is to understand more deeply the functional
Johannsen (1911) of the terms ‘genotype’ and ‘phenotype’ significance of particular genes or clusters of genes. The other is
into the English language. He had earlier invented the terms in to use it to develop selection tools in breeding, ideally robust
his native Danish to further a debate with Francis Galton and molecular markers, but also easily measured morphological,
Karl Pearson, who had wrongly assumed that variation in a developmental or physiological characteristics. Given the large
given observed quantitative trait was entirely genetic and was, segregating populations used by plant breeders, there has been
therefore, of hereditary importance. Johannsen overturned their much interest in rapidly phenotyping these large populations
view by demonstrating substantial variation in quantitative traits, (‘high throughput’). The question arises then of what traits would
which he called ‘phenotypical’, in genetically-identical material. be of most interest to plant breeders.
The pheno- words soon became well established, though it Breeders of crop plants are typically too busy to explore novel
was not until about the 1950s that ‘phenotyping’ as a noun, ‘to traits that might or might not turn out to be useful. They are driven
phenotype’ as a verb and ‘phenome’ as the collective noun, were by their principal requirement to produce cultivars that are
introduced. In the last 10–15 years their use has taken off attractive to farmers. Several traits are essential: grain quality,
exponentially. The realisation had dawned that the richness of resistance to the most important diseases and developmental
the genomic information that had been accumulating alignment with the target environments. High yield is also
could not be well mobilised without connecting it to allied important, but it has such low heritability in drought-prone
phenotypic information. Johannsen’s insight into the diversity environments that it can’t be selected for except in multisite
of phenotypes arising from one genotype throws into relief the multiseason field trials of advanced breeding lines (Rebetzke et al.
difficulty of using phenotypic information to identify desirable 2012). Even then, performance on farms may differ from those
genotypes, for phenotypic variation within a genotype can of breeders’ trials, for farmers must deal with many management
obscure phenotypic differences among genotypes. Pertinent constraints that breeders do not (Passioura 2010; Passioura and
statistical analysis is needed. Angus 2010). Nevertheless, Bänziger et al. (2006) have shown
Journal compilation  CSIRO 2012
852 Functional Plant Biology J. B. Passioura

how to increase heritability for water-limited yield in maize by In the agronomic context, ‘drought’ can refer to unusually low
using carefully manipulated droughts. rainfall during the crop’s growing season (for example, the driest
Yet phenotyping for ability to deal effectively with abiotic 10% of growing seasons), but it also refers to the timing of that
stress such as drought, waterlogging, salinity and temperatures rainfall during the growing season, to episodes of dryness
too high or too low, is an important pursuit in several that reduce yield. Water may be limiting at any stage of a
recently established plant phenotyping facilities http://www. crop’s life: at sowing; during establishment and vegetative (accessed 17 August 2012). growth; during sensitive times for maintaining floral fertility;
Much of this interest revolves around developing rapid and during grain growth. There are no universal traits that cover
phenotyping techniques that aim to explore traits postulated to all of these possibilities. Agronomists deal with them and prepare
improve resistance to a given stress or to discover new ones. for them, individually.
These traits are often explored initially in controlled laboratory The timing of flowering is the most important physiological
environments and may not be well connected to the way plants trait in water-limited environments. There is an optimal flowering
behave season-long in the field (Passioura 2010). If they turn time that depends on the balance between water used during
out to not be well connected, there is little chance that breeders canopy development and water used from around the time of
will incorporate germplasm that expresses such traits into flowering to when the grain is ready to harvest. This optimum is
their breeding programs. The practical rationale for the work is often tempered, in crops that grow during winter and spring, by
thereby broken, though it does deepen genetic, biochemical and the need to flower late enough in the spring to avoid frosts during
physiological understanding, which may enable productive flowering, which can lead to massive failure in producing grain.
avenues for improvement some decades hence. At the same time it is important to (i) develop enough biomass
Phenotyping for ‘drought tolerance’ or ‘drought resistance’ by the time of flowering to set up a good potential yield (the
(these terms are now commonly used interchangeably), has potential number of grains m–2 is proportional to that biomass),
attracted much recent interest, with citation data increasing by yet (ii) ensure that enough water remains available in the soil to
40% per year since 5 years ago when the interest started to maintain the crop’s photosynthetic and translocation activity
blossom. The purpose of this paper is to analyse various during flowering and grain growth (Fischer 1979).
approaches that have been and are being developed to breed Each of these requirements can be dissected further
grain crops for water-limited environments with the help of in contributing to the final yield (Passioura and Angus 2010).
novel phenotyping, which can lead to the development of They can be a source of ideas for selecting what traits to pursue,
novel germplasm expressing potentially useful traits that are what breeding lines to phenotype and what environments to tune
easy to select for and are adequately heritable. The challenge them to. In dealing with a large segregating population, what
is to create a continuous chain within this branch of agricultural traits are the ones that are most likely to be influential, have good
research that will eventually result in cultivars that are better heritability and be easy to select by breeders? Traits that are not
able to turn a limiting supply of water into grain yield. Most easy to select for and whose worth (proof of concept) has not been
rapid progress is likely to come from interactions across this demonstrated in realistic environments, will typically be ignored
chain from the very beginning of a project. The role of breeders by breeders.
involved in developing and field-testing novel germplasm is The following discussion deals with various approaches that
pivotal. are now popular in searching for traits to improve the yields of
droughted crops in drought-prone environments. They can be
broadly classed into: (1) survival of severe water deficits, whether
Searching for drought-tolerant crops of a whole plant or of its floral organs; and (2) productivity
‘Drought’ has many meanings, depending on one’s point of issues that relate to the capture of available water and its most
view. Conversations about it are, in consequence, often at effective use, essentially targeting what to do with water when it is
cross purposes. Geographers, meteorologists, insurers, available, not when it is not. The latter also has two contrasting,
breeders, agronomists, plant physiologists and molecular yet complementary, approaches: (i) an essentially observational
biologists generally have their own operational meanings one, in which genotypic variation in the responses of plants to
(Passioura 2007). Similarly, within the plant sciences, ‘drought modest changes in water supply is studied; and (ii) an engineering
tolerance’ (or ‘resistance’) has several meanings, ranging from one, in which genotypic variation in specific ‘designer’ traits is
the ability to survive severe water deficits (e.g. resurrection explored.
plants, cacti) to the ability of crops to use most effectively a
limited water supply – to capture more of the water that is Survival of severe water deficits
potentially available (essentially, the rain that falls while the
crop is growing plus the available water in the soil at the time of Ability of plants to survive severe water-deficits during
sowing) and to make best use of that water in producing grain. vegetative growth
There are many aspects of the behaviour of crops, morphological, Studying the genetics and performance of plants exposed to
physiological and biochemical, both above- and belowground, severe water deficits has been widely used, especially in
which influence these components. molecular genetics. There are ~1000 journal papers in this
Breeders concerned with drought tolerance usually look for general area, 40% of which involve Arabidopsis. The work
lines that yield relatively well when water is scarce but do not lose typically involves transforming plants with genes whose
the ability to yield well in good seasons (Fleury et al. 2010). expression is postulated to protect plants or cellular functions
Agronomists and crop physiologists tend to be more analytical. from severe water stress, though better survival of transformed
Phenotyping for drought tolerance Functional Plant Biology 853

plants has often resulted from their being smaller and therefore, or irrigation are good, so that there is productive advantage in the
using water more slowly than the wild types (Morran et al. 2011). crop continuing to grow fast (Tardieu 2012); rice is a good
Although survival of severe water stress may be important for example (Parent et al. 2010).
the commercial production of turf grasses or perennial pasture In many circumstances, especially in semiarid environments,
plants in arid or semiarid environments, it is irrelevant for conservative behaviour during the main period of vegetative
commercial grain crops; if a drought is so bad that it threatens growth is often beneficial. Slow growth and thus slow water
the survival of a crop then yields are certain to be disastrously use in response to a developing soil water deficit conserves water
low whether the crop survives or not (Sinclair 2011). Farmers in the subsoil for use later in the season during the critical periods
are likely to harvest a dying crop for forage, which is usually of flowering and grain growth. This too is a different sort of
valuable in such circumstances. Nevertheless, this work has ‘drought tolerance’ – the marshalling of a limiting water supply
produced major insights into the cellular basis of dehydration to achieve the most productive seasonal distribution of water
tolerance, the role of the DREB/CBF family of transcription use. It is notable that dual-purpose wheat crops (used for both
factors being a notable example (Shinozaki and Yamaguchi- grazing and producing grain) that are grazed to ground level
Shinozaki 2000). before stem elongation sometimes yield substantially more grain
That said, one potentially useful trait is the ability of very than ungrazed controls when water-limited, seemingly because of
young seedlings to withstand severe water deficits. With the deferred water use (Harrison et al. 2011).
expected increase in climatic variability, there is likely to be a
widespread trend in semiarid environments towards sowing at the
optimal time even if the soil is dry: Targeting traits for optimising water balance to achieve
Outcomes/Food-and-Agriculture/Dry-sown-crops.aspx (accessed water-limited potential yield
17 August 2012). This has the advantage that sowing is done Different traits assume importance at different stages of
without pressure of time and the seed is in position to respond crop development. Many of these relate to making appropriate
immediately to a moderate fall of rain. However, if the seeds use of water when it is available, often with the aim of
germinate and the rain is not followed within about a fortnight ensuring that adequate water is available during the sensitive
by more rain, the seedlings could fail (Finch-Savage 2004; Finch- times of floral development, flowering and grain growth. They
Savage et al. 2010). include morphological traits, such as root architecture
(Hammer et al. 2009; Lopes and Reynolds 2010; Trachsel
Maintenance of floral fertility despite water stress et al. 2011) and reduction in unproductive tillers in cereals
Floral fertility can be markedly reduced by abiotic stress – (Mitchell et al. 2012) and physiological ones, such as the
especially low water potential during pollen mother cell meiosis retranslocation of pre-anthesis assimilate to the grain (Bidinger
and shortly before and after anthesis, which can affect the viability et al. 1977; Blum 1998). A trade-off between root depth and
of both pollen and ovules (Saini and Westgate 1999; Boyer and amount of stored assimilate may be a concern (Lopes and
McLaughlin 2007; Ji et al. 2010; Parish et al. 2012), as well as Reynolds 2010), although Kirkegaard et al. (2007) showed
leading to the mistiming of anthesis and silking in maize (Campos that the uptake of only an extra 10 mm of water by wheat roots
et al. 2006). The resulting poor seed set leads to low yields despite from the deep subsoil during grain growth led to an extra
vegetative growth being good. This is an important topic. Crops 600 kg ha–1 of grain yield, presumably largely because of more
often behave too conservatively: low yield can result from effective transfer of stored assimilate to the grain.
transient water stress at an inopportune time, stress that would Reynolds and Tuberosa (2008) and Richards et al. (2010) have
be of little concern in the vegetative phase of the crop. In maize, discussed a wide range of traits for improving water-limited yield
Boyer and colleagues (summarised by Boyer and McLaughlin in wheat and Salekdeh et al. (2009) have done so for a wide range
2007) have shown that the processes taking place when maize of crops. In summary, these include: good seedling establishment
ovules abort during water stress are complex: they depend on the (e.g. long coleoptiles); rapid ground cover; leaf architecture; root
duration of the stress and involve carbohydrate metabolism and vigour; transpiration efficiency (carbon-isotope discrimination);
the induction of senescence genes. Lesions in carbohydrate remobilisation to the grain of stem carbohydrates; glaucousness
metabolism are also involved when water stress results in the to deflect heat; leaf rolling; and buffering against reproductive
failure of pollen to develop (Dolferus et al. 2011); genotypes of failure. Maintenance of green leaf area (stay-green) and cool
wheat with good survival of pollen have been found. canopies during grain filling also look promising (Jordan et al.
2012; Lopes and Reynolds 2012). Vigorous growth of seedlings
Physiological and morphological behaviour of plants is strongly beneficial in unploughed soil, a characteristic of
in drought-prone environments conservation agriculture (Watt et al. 2005). Deep roots in rice
are evidently beneficial (Henry et al. 2011) and in maize better
Genotypic variation in responses to changing water supply buffering of floret fertility and early grain filling against water
The recent development of robots that can measure the stress are likely to be the next areas of improvement after
growth and in some cases water consumption of large numbers the earlier success in reducing the stress-induced gap between
of plants at frequent intervals has stimulated interest in diversity anthesis and silking (ASI) (Campos et al. 2006). Further,
in the responses of crop plants to changes in their water supply. promising new traits are sure to emerge as work in this area
In general, genotypes that keep growing fast in the face of a continues to blossom.
decreasing water supply perform well in the field whenever It is notable that some of these traits are constitutive and can be
there is adequate water in the subsoil and the prospects of rain selected for in well-watered plants (Richards et al. 2010):
854 Functional Plant Biology J. B. Passioura

(a) long coleoptiles to enable better establishment when seeds replicate the relative behaviour of different genotypes
are sown deeply to access water below a dry surface soil experiencing damaging frost in the field (Chen et al. 2009;
(coleoptiles of the semi-dwarf wheats that contain the Frederiks et al. 2011).
dwarfing genes Rht1 and Rht2 are unable to elongate more
than ~50 mm, so seeds sown more deeply than this produce What measurements to make
seedlings that fail to emerge);
There is a wide range of physiological and morphological
(b) fast development of early leaf area to make use of water that
measurements that can be made on plants growing in pots:
might otherwise evaporate from a wet soil surface; and
water potential, stomatal conductance, leaf temperature,
(c) reduced tillering to avoid wasteful investment in
various characteristics of photosynthesis, multispectral
unproductive tillers.
reflectance, thermal imaging, biomass, rate and amount of
Given these diverse approaches for improving drought water use, relative growth rate and leaf area development, root
tolerance or water-limited yield in annual crops, how can we growth and distribution and many others. Some of these can be
make good progress using controlled environments, which offer done effectively and non-destructively with remote sensing
much better control for pursuing promising traits, but which are (Furbank and Tester 2011; Masuka et al. 2012; Nagel et al.
limited in their ability to reproduce the field conditions that most 2012). If the eventual aim is to incorporate promising traits into
influence the final grain yield? commercial breeding lines, choosing measurements that enable
rapid selection of plants in populations segregating for such
Phenotyping in controlled environments aimed traits is likely to make the fastest progress. Often, promising
at crop improvement traits are first identified in the field, for example, the need for long
coleoptiles in wheat, to enable better establishment of seedlings
Many important yield-determining processes in the field take
when there is a dry start to a season (Rebetzke et al. 2007). Others
place slowly; for example, the slow extraction of water from
have arisen from laboratory or theoretical studies, such as the use
subsoil that often takes place over several weeks. It is difficult to
of carbon isotope discrimination to select for intrinsic water-use
mimic these using pot experiments in controlled environments.
efficiency (Condon et al. 2004), that is, the ratio of biomass
Passioura (2006), Poorter et al. (2012a, 2012b) and Salekdeh
produced to the amount of water transpired.
et al. (2009) have discussed a wide range of issues in running pot
The appropriate measurements to make are those that either
directly concern the given trait or that are a good surrogate
Particular difficulties with experiments dealing with water
for it. For example, cool canopies during grain filling, easily
stress are that pots are usually much smaller than the volume of
measurable by thermal imagery, may be a useful surrogate for
soil available to a plant in the field (Poorter et al. 2012a) and the
root depth (Lopes and Reynolds 2010). Similarly, the diurnal
softness of the growing medium enables much faster exploration
pattern of stomatal conductance, also rapidly measurable by
by roots and faster leaf growth than usually happens in the
thermal imagery, may be an indicator of parsimonious and
field (Stirzaker et al. 1996; Passioura 2002). The rate of use of
efficient water use during the vegetative phase (Rebetzke et al.
the available water supply can, therefore, be many times faster
2003). Phenomics, although in its infancy, is developing new
than in the field, leading to exhaustion over days rather than
measurement techniques, sometimes with no specific traits in
weeks or even months. One result is that fast responses by the
mind. Some of these techniques are sure to prove valuable, but
plants, for example, stomatal closure, which can be effective over
they are likely to be most rapidly effective if, during their
minutes to hours, tend to overshadow slow but often ultimately
development, they are related to traits of known or potential
more influential processes such as the development of root growth
into previously untapped wet parts of the soil and the modulation
of leaf area index to adjust to a slowly depleting store of soil water
(Jordan 1983). How best to simulate in controlled environments a drought
Generally, integrative measurements are more useful than experience or modulation of water use that gets close to what
spot measurements in elucidating the main influences on happens in the field?
water-limited yield (Masuka et al. 2012), although persistent There are many aspects of pot experiments that involve the water
patterns of stomatal behaviour, for example, midday stomatal (and oxygen) relations of crop plants and can strongly influence
closure, may be beneficial in modulating water use (Rebetzke behaviour. At best, these experiments are based on hypotheses
et al. 2003). about what traits are likely to be influential in improving yield in a
Nevertheless, there are some one-off fast events in the field that range of circumstances in the field, or on what new procedures can
can strongly influence grain yield. Frost at the time of flowering is speed up the rate of selection of traits that may be important, but
one and sudden hot dry wind at the time of flowering or during are currently too cumbersome to be useful in breeding programs.
grain growth is another. The risk of frost at flowering interacts There are many traits, outlined earlier, that are currently of
with the risk of severe water deficits during grain growth of cereal interest, many of which are amenable to selection in controlled
crops growing during winter and spring ( environments and some of which are best selected for in well
au/uploads/documents/GRDC_FS_TimeOfSowing_North.pdf? watered conditions.
shortcut=1, accessed 17 August 2012) and is, therefore, pertinent Various watering regimes have been tried for reducing the
to improving the water management by such crops. These fast water supply to plants growing in pots with the aim of looking
events may be easier to explore in controlled environments than in for useful genetic variation. Each has its advantages and
the field, although it has proven difficult to use frost chambers to disadvantages in relation to the specific aims of the research.
Phenotyping for drought tolerance Functional Plant Biology 855

In some studies, good technique requires that the surface of the greater or lesser importance in different types and timing of
medium be covered so that there is little loss of water by direct drought, they are much more likely to take interest in a trait
evaporation from the soil. Doing so enables the amount of water that has passed these additional tests:
transpired by the plants to be measured, which in turn, can be
(i) climatic analysis has shown that it is likely to be important in
related to the performance of the plant in relation to its water use. If
a substantial proportion of growing seasons over a large
this is not done, a slowly growing genotype will lose a larger
target area (e.g. Chenu et al. 2011);
proportion of its water supply to direct evaporation, yet might
(ii) the relevant genes have been incorporated into cultivars or
have a larger ratio of biomass accumulation to water transpired.
advanced breeding lines that are adapted to the target areas
In these circumstances it would be difficult to interpret any
(Rebetzke et al. 2012);
variation of the plants’ behaviour in relation to its water economy.
(iii) lines contrasting in expression of the trait (high and low)
Tables 1 and 2 summarise some features of pot experiments
have been grown in plots in the field and the presence of
and of the water relations of the growth medium that can
the trait has evidently improved the water-limited yield
influence interpretations of how the plants behave. They
of the plants;
compare common techniques for establishing well-watered
(iv) the trait is not deleterious in seasons without drought or
controls and for applying deficit watering.
is not excessively prone to trade-offs in different types of
drought (Tardieu 2012);
Prebreeding for effective use of phenomic information – the (v) the trait is genetically stable, persists across generations and
link to breeding programs is expressed in different genetic backgrounds; and
(vi) the trait is easy to select for in breeding populations, either
Prebreeding, formerly known as genetic enhancement (Duvick
with robust molecular markers, rapid visual appraisal, or
1990), is succinctly described by FAO’s Global Partnership
automated remote sensing.
Initiative for Plant Breeding Capacity Building (GIPB) as:
‘. . . all activities designed to identify desirable characteristics Traits that concern the performance of plants at different
and/or genes from unadapted materials that cannot be used developmental stages are likely to be effective in only a
directly in breeding populations and to transfer these traits to minority of growing seasons, e.g. one in four. For example, if
an intermediate set of materials that breeders can use further in conditions at the time of sowing are good, then traits that
producing new varieties for farmers. It is a necessary first step in help establishment in poor conditions are not relevant.
the use of diversity arising from wild relatives and other Similarly deep roots may not be of much importance during
unimproved materials.’ droughts in which only the top 50 cm of the soil profile gets water
fileadmin/bioversityDocs/Training/Pre-breeding_manual/PB-A4- and similarly in good seasons, with ample well distributed
Presentation_en.pdf (accessed 17 August 2012). rainfall, when water deep in the subsoil, though present, is not
Implicit in this description is that the worth of the modified needed (Lilley and Kirkegaard 2007).
breeding populations needs to be well demonstrated in the field if There is an important corollary to this. In commercial breeding
they are to attract the attention of commercial breeders. Richards programs, selection is strongly driven by the essentials of
et al. (2010) describe how near-isogenic or recombinant inbred disease resistance, grain quality, right flowering time and,
lines (RILs) can be developed in which given traits are either finally, in the generation or two before the release of a new
present or absent in a common background. These lines can then cultivar, yield (although obviously underperforming lines are
be grown in the field, preferably with managed water deficits, so culled in all generations). This means that specific traits that have
that the worth of a given trait can be assessed in different types of been deliberately incorporated into breeding lines are often not
drought (Campos et al. 2004; Rebetzke et al. 2012). explicitly selected for in later generations. Thus, if there is a
Commercial breeders of annual crops are unlikely to take majority of growing seasons in which a given trait is of little
much interest in evidence from controlled environments that a value, it may slowly disappear by attrition during the selection
given trait may be beneficial. Given that different traits assume process. A historical example is that of osmotic adjustment, which

Table 1. Comparison of experimental techniques for maintaining well-watered controls in pots

Technique Requirements Comment

Maintain ‘pot capacity’ (i.e. water frequently to
Highly porous artificial potting mix with many The suction immediately after draining ranges
temporary excess and allow to drain) pores >3 mm diameter to ensure adequate from 0 (i.e. saturated) at the base of the pot, to
aeration throughout the pot after watering 1 kPa per 100 mm of pot height (e.g. 2 kPa at the
top of a 200 mm tall pot)
Maintain ‘field capacity’A (which is the almost- Pots must be watered to the appropriate weight Typically corresponds to a soil water suction of
stable water content that develops in a recently- consistent with the water content at ‘field ~20 kPa (equivalent to that at the top of a freshly
watered freely-draining soil) capacity’ drained 2 m tall pot).Can use field soil with little
risk of hypoxia
These terms are discussed more fully in Passioura (2006) and in PrometheusWiki:
+Waterandhighlight=soil%20water (accessed 17 August 2012). An important feature of field capacity is that a clear wetting front develops as water
redistributes into a dry layer.
856 Functional Plant Biology J. B. Passioura

Table 2. Comparison of various techniques for deficit watering of plants in pots

Technique Purpose Comments

Stop watering until most plants look dead, then Search for plants that can survive severe water May be useful for selecting more robust perennial pasture
rewater deficits plants, but failure to survive is as yet of little interest
to breeders of annual crops. Survival of very young
seedlings sown dry may become more important (see
Terminal drought (i.e. no further water added) Search for plants that can make the most of Ability to simulate environment in which crops experience
the existing water in the pots a terminal drought, e.g. throughout their lives, as with
winter/spring crops sown into a wet soil in a summer
rainfall environment, or during grain filling in some
Mediterranean environments
Brief period without watering, during which Search for plants that either (a) grow as fast as Plants that maintain fast growth are desirable where there is
the plants clearly respond to the lack of the well watered controls or (b) slow growth little chance of soil water running out. Conservative
water, but without experiencing severe substantially (i.e. respond conservatively) plants may be useful where the water supply is limited;
water deficits (vegetative plants) conserving water for later in the plant’s life, during
flowering and grain-filling, is often beneficial. In the
field, drying of the topsoil may be accompanied by
reduced availability of nutrients; exploring that
interaction in pots set up with nutrient supply decreasing
with depth may be of interest
As above, but targeting floral development Search for plants that can maintain floral An important trait with great potential for improving yields
fertility despite water stress at sensitive under drought
Rewatering by weight to a lower soil water Explore response of plants to water deficits Hard to relate to season-long performance of field-grown
content than that of the control of various degrees plants. A complication is that fast-growing plants that
use more water between waterings will receive more
water (i.e. conservative plants may be inadvertently
disadvantaged). Uneven distribution of water in pot
may lead to chemical signalling associated with partial
root zone drying (Davies et al. 2002) because watering
to substantially less than field capacity creates wetting
fronts (see Table 1)
Constant low rate of watering (below that Explore response of plants to water deficits Avoids the possible problem that conservative plants may
of the control) of various degrees be disadvantaged, but uneven distribution of water
could still be influential. However, if the water is
provided at the bottom of a long pot, this technique can
simulate the slow uptake of water from the subsoil that is
common during grain-filling in many drought-prone

can be of substantial value in water-limited wheat (Morgan and transformation and the ‘black-box’ statistical technique of
Condon 1986), yet there is no evidence that its frequency in genomic selection (Goddard 2009; Cabrera-Bosquet et al. 2012).
breeding populations has increased. Hammer et al. (2005) and The technique of single-gene transformation has been very
Messina et al. (2011) have provided frameworks for guiding successful with simple constitutive traits like resistance to pests
breeding goals where there are known interactions of this sort or herbicides that deal with alien molecules uninvolved in the
between genotype and target environment. processes within the plant that contribute to yield (Sinclair 2011).
Resistance to pests or diseases is doubly valuable in that it can
enable more effective selection for higher yield by removing
Prospects for good progress sources of error that can obscure otherwise useful variation. With
High-throughput phenotyping for improving performance under abiotic stresses genetic transformation is at its best in unraveling
drought is in its infancy. A growing array of new tools are membrane and cellular functions and has led, for example, to
available for both understanding more deeply the functional substantial progress in improving tolerance to aluminium (Pereira
significance of particular identified genes and for selecting et al. 2010), after astute molecular and physiological research
desirable quantitative traits in prebreeding and breeding had identified and cloned important genes. Prospects are also
programs (Furbank and Tester 2011; Masuka et al. 2012; good for substantially improving durable resistance to fungal
Nagel et al. 2012; White et al. 2012) both in the laboratory pathogens with the recent cloning of rust-resistance genes in
and in the field. How does it stand in relation to other techniques wheat (Risk et al. 2012).
for facilitating breeding aimed at generating improved cultivars However, with complex multi-faceted traits such as drought
for water-limited environments? Such techniques include genetic tolerance, contributions from genetic transformation have been
Phenotyping for drought tolerance Functional Plant Biology 857

slight. The general reasons why are outlined by Araus et al. It is in the exploration of novel traits that phenotyping in
(2008), Passioura (2010) and Sinclair (2011). Of the ~1000 controlled environments offers fastest initial progress in
papers that have been published that mention ‘drought identifying genotypes from which proof of concept in water-
tolerance (or resistance) and transformation and gene’ in their limited field conditions can eventually by explored. Successful
abstracts very few report evaluation in field plots. Two recent and examples, mentioned earlier, include transpiration efficiency,
notable examples are Castiglioni et al. (2008) and Saint Pierre coleoptile length and resilience (or not, depending on the
et al. (2012). The first of these claimed some improvement of target environment) of leaf growth to water deficits.
yield when maize transformed with a bacterial RNA chaperone Where will new ideas for traits effective in water-limited
experienced drought at flowering; however, little agronomic environments come from? Observations of field scientists –
information was supplied with which to gauge the nature of breeders, agronomist, crop physiologists – have been a fertile
the improvement and its likelihood of being usefully robust source and will surely remain so. These can be thought of as
across a range of environments – for example, was flowering top down (in relation to the rest of the biological spectrum) and
time precisely the same across the transformants and wild type? come with the advantage that they are demonstrably relevant
The second showed that wheat plants transformed with DREB in the field; long coleoptiles and the association between yield
did not yield more when grown with limiting water in the field, and cool canopies during grain filling come into this class. Such
although their ratio of shoot biomass to water used was greater in observations stimulate more detailed work in laboratory and
pot experiments. controlled environments, which in turn often results in greater
The main reasons for this general failure of genetic insights into limiting processes in the field. At the same time,
transformation in relation to drought tolerance in the field is tuning suites of traits to target environments will be needed
that, first, most of the initial selection and identification of (Chenu et al. 2011).
candidate genes has relied on survival of extreme water Meanwhile, phenomics is going through a phase of rapid
deficits and, as noted earlier in this paper, survival of severe development in which new techniques are being developed
water deficits is not agronomically important, except possibly to explore morphological and physiological traits in a range of
for very young seedlings; and, second, it is rare for single genes genotypes, by direct robotic measurement, remote sensing or
to contribute much to improvements in quantitative traits: the both. In the context of breeding better cultivars of grain crops for
recent success of genomic selection highlights that, for its power drought-prone environments, the challenge ahead is to make best
has been in selecting for many quantitative trait loci (QTL) of use of these techniques to explore, perhaps uncover, novel traits
small but additive effect (Goddard 2009). and associated genotypes that can contribute to faster genetic
Genomic selection is proving to have great ability in predicting improvement. Cross fertilisation between laboratory and field is
breeding value within existing breeding populations. It requires needed (Salekdeh et al. 2009).
densely-mapped genotypes accompanied by rich phenotypic Given that the rates of genetic improvement required in the
information of a reference population. If the markers are dense coming decades are greater than those currently being achieved
enough to be closely associated with useful QTL, they can be used (Fischer and Edmeades 2010) and that the lead times for trait-
to select for favourable alleles at each QTL without needing to based breeding have typically been ~20 years (Hall and Richards
identify the QTL or its functional significance (Goddard 2009). 2012), well-focussed high-throughput phenotyping will be
It has the potential, despite the low heritability of yield in crucially important in developing novel effective traits. The
drought-prone environments, of identifying the best genotypes latter will require developing enhanced germplasm in adapted
and perhaps of aligning them with different target environments genetic backgrounds that can be used in the field to obtain proof-
(Burgueño et al. 2012). Its efficacy may be further improved of-concept for such traits. Further development will then depend
by using overt knowledge of the roles of known QTL in on commercial breeders being sufficiently impressed with the
dealing with genotype-environment interactions (Messina novel germplasm to use it in their breeding programs.
et al. 2011). Nevertheless, making progress in strongly
drought-prone environments in which yields can vary several-
fold across years will be difficult (Richards et al. 2010), especially Acknowledgements
given the agronomic flexibility – particularly in sowing time and I thank Rana Munns, Hendrik Poorter, Greg Rebetzke and Richard Richards
fertiliser application – that farmers show in dealing with drought for their valuable comments on this manuscript.
(Passioura and Angus 2010). High-throughput phenotyping in the
field using remote sensing of traits that are associated with water-
limited yield (White et al. 2012) may help structure a reference
population for genomic selection. Araus JL, Slafer GA, Royo C, Dolores Serret M (2008) Breeding for yield
Genomic selection is limited in its power to the reference potential and stress adaptation in cereals. Critical Reviews in Plant
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