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Requests for proposal to conduct a baseline study for One Health project


Kulika Uganda (KU) is a national NGO that works to improve the livelihoods of communities
through agriculture and education interventions. Kulika Uganda has been actively
implementing education and agriculture projects throughout the country since 1981,
particularly in the areas of organic farming, environmental protection, vocational skills
training, waste management, creative capacity building, school gardens,
infrastructureand community development.

Kulika Uganda is registered at the national level and has extensive experience working with
local communities across Uganda. Kulika's activities are aligned with national plans,
ensuring the continuity of activities beyond the project scope through strengthening the
capacities of the local structures. Over the years, Kulika has gained experience in organic
farming, which promotes food security, hygiene, and quality of life for the communities
Kulika Uganda’s Vision:
Improved quality of life for all communities reached and their environment.
Kulika Uganda’s Mission:
To inspire communities, households, and individuals with self-confidence and provide skills
and knowledge to harness their resources for lasting change that is economically and
environmentally sustainable in their lives.
Purpose of the ToR

Kulika Uganda seeks a competent firm/ consultant to conduct a baseline study for One
Health project in Terego and Madi – Okollo districts (West Nile Region)

Eligibility: National Candidates

Project Location: Terego and Madi-Okollo districts (West Nile Region).
Reports Directly to: Project Manager and Program Officer M&E
Submission Deadline: 27/11/2023
Deployment Date: 20/01/2024

Project Background

Kulika Uganda secured funding from the German government (BMZ) and Malteser
International (MI) to implement two year and 5 -months pilot project Entitled “Strengthening
the One Health approach in Uganda's Terego and Madi-Okollo Districts for the refugee and
host populations.” The interventions will be implemented in Rhino camp and Imvepi refugee
settlements and the host community in Terego and Madi–Okollo districts.

ToR: Baseline Study for One Health Project– Kulika Uganda 2023 1
Project goal

Contributing to the improvement of the health situation of the population of the Terego
and Madi-Okollo communities in the West Nile region through a holistic One Health


At the end of the project, the health and hygiene situation of the population in Terego and
Madi-Okollo has improved, and the One Health approach has been adopted and
implemented at the macro and micro levels.


• Percentage reduction of reported diseases related to poor hygiene such as

• The approved One Health action plan is in place and being implemented by the
• The One Health Teams work independently and co-ordinate nationally through the
One Health network.
• Percentage of the actors involved reported that the improved coordination
established through the project had a positive impact on the quality of their work.

Sub goal 1: Establishment of District One Health Teams in Terego and Madi-Okollo districts
as part of the national One Health strategy.


• The district's One Health Teams will have received their objectives, structure, and
activities and formally register the team. Three months after establishment, the task
teams will hold at least monthly meetings.
• Percentage of the task team members will have improved their One Health
knowledge so that they are sufficiently qualified to coordinate OH activities in Terego
and Madi-Okollo.

Sub goal 2: The population and key stakeholders have improved their knowledge of One
Health, zoonoses, hygiene and food safety.


• Percentage of stakeholders with sufficient knowledge on correct hygiene behaviour

and One Health.
• Percentage of the target population with the required knowledge on correct
hygiene behaviour and One Health.
• Percentage of beneficiary households that currently have access to safe sanitation
facilities and have been trained and sensitised on hygiene issues have taken the
initiative to build safe sanitation facilities themselves and to use these new facilities
(e.g., hand-washing facilities, drying racks, latrines, waste pits).

Sub goal 3: The hygiene situation at the markets in Terego and Madi-Okollo is improved.

2 ToR: Baseline Study for One Health Project– Kulika Uganda 2023
• Number of abattoirs built and renovated with proper drainage, fencing, doors and
a water system.
• Percentage of the market customers and sellers satisfied with the cleanliness of the
two markets in Terego and Madi-Okollo.
• Percentage of the trained meat traders applying the correct food safety and
hygiene procedures learned from the training.

Sub goal 4: The capacity of existing community structures to manage health appropriately
is strengthened.
• Number of market committees trained in the One Health approach and pass on
their knowledge to the market actors.
• The communities organise regular community consultations with the support of the
community structures in Terego and Madi-Okollo, where the communities exchange
and inform each other about OH issues.
• Number of VHTs who have been trained in the One Health approach and are sharing
their knowledge with their communities.

In addition to the above, the consultant should be able to,

• Identify other key stakeholders that are key in complementing the project activities
within the project catchment areas.
• Identify risks that are likely to be faced by the project and suggest mitigation
strategies and measures for the risks identified.

Scope of Work

The consultant/firm will work in Rhino camp and Imvepi refugee settlements and the host
community in Terego and Madi Okollo districts. The firm will work in 20 villages, 10 in Madi
Okollo and 10 in Terego district and in two markets in Terego and Madi Okollo (The exact
details of the villages and markets are yet to be finalized). The baseline survey is expected
to commence on 20th/01/2024. This activity will run for 6 weeks, this will include the inception
meeting, training of data collectors, getting necessary approvals, submission of first and
final draft baseline report.

Target Beneficiaries

The project targets 3,094 women and men from the refugee and host communities. 70%
(PoCs) persons of concern 30% host community members 60% female and 40% males. The
direct target groups include District local government officials, Village Health Teams (VHTs),
Market committees, Meat traders, Meat inspectors, Households and the Market vendors.
The project is expected to reach approximately 150,000 members of the public indirectly
through awareness programmes through use of posters, billboards, and local radio


A mixed study design to be employed that will involve both quantitative and qualitative
methods for the baseline study. The quantitative and qualitative approaches will inform the
design and the data collection tool to be adopted/developed for the study as well as
informing the data analysis and reporting of the baseline results.

ToR: Baseline Study for One Health Project– Kulika Uganda 2023 3
All interested parties should clearly illustrate the methodology to be used for this baseline
study when submitting the technical proposal for the assignment. The methodology to be
employed should be inclusive to ensure sufficient participation of all project stakeholders.
The sampling design should include all the project beneficiaries such as households, local
government officials, meat traders, market vendors, meat inspectors, VHTs other
implementing partners, the private sector, and other related agencies who will be involved
in the project directly or indirectly.
Roles & Responsibilities of Kulika Uganda
• Seek clearance from the relevant authorities in the settlements and districts.
• Provide funds to the consultant as agreed in the service contract.
• Mobilize beneficiaries and other stakeholders for interviews.
• Review and approve the data collection tools and the inception report.
• Support field coordination with the consultant and stakeholders.
• Organize an inception and dissemination meeting with the consultant.

The consultant will be required to meet all the expected deliverables listed below during
the period of the consultancy.

Expected deliverables
• An inception report of not more than 15 Pages produced within 5 working days and
an inception meeting upon signing of the contract.
• Enumerator’s training and tools pre-test report, showing how the training was
conducted, and any corrections made to the tools.
• A dissemination meeting in line with the findings on the ground with the
implementation team before compiling the final report. The key finding from the
baseline will be presented to KULIKA Uganda and MI representatives.
• A final Baseline assessment report with values for indicators of interest. This should
include an Executive summary, Objectives of the study introduction/background,
methodology & techniques, Limitations, Findings, Conclusion, Recommendation,
and accompanying annexes, including data collection tools.
The consultant firm will provide access to audio and video recordings, photos, including
access to all data collection tools to Kulika Uganda. Both cleaned and raw datasets should
be shared upon reporting.
Key aspects that should be included in the Methodology.
• The research methods should be comprehensive enough to include detailed data on
direct target beneficiaries, secondary data, and qualitative data.
• All data, qualitative and quantitative collected through the baseline assessment must
be disaggregated by location, age, gender, disability, and nationality.
• A clear sampling method and comprehensive data collection tools. The consultant will
use SPSS to analyse quantitative data and coding to analysis qualitative data.
• Data will be collected using tablets and the data collection tools will be uploaded onto
Kobo or ODK accounts.
Data collection tools to be shared with Kulika Uganda in both Word and Kobo Collect URL
Link and it’s credentials for review before administering it to the respondents.

Professional Qualification and Experience

4 ToR: Baseline Study for One Health Project– Kulika Uganda 2023
Kulika Uganda invites a consultant /consultancy firm to express their interest in undertaking
this assignment. The consultants/firms should indicate relevant experience in doing similar
work and should have the following qualifications.

• At least a member of the consultancy team should have a bachelor’s degree in public
health, Veterinary medicine, Nursing, Environmental science, or any other related
science or any other related field.
• Demonstrated experience in undertaking multi-sectoral studies and good knowledge
of One Health approach.
• Ability to deliver agreed-on outputs on time and within budget.
• Demonstratable expertise in conducting human health, animal health, and
environmental health assessments, especially in the refugee settlements in Uganda.
• Track record in developing and conducting qualitative and quantitative data
collection and analysis.
• Previous experience working with communities using participatory approaches.
• Strong quantitative data entry and analysis skills and experience using statistical
analysis software.
• Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely, technical and professional
• Ability to write high quality, clear, concise reports,
• Excellent and demonstrated understanding of ethical and protocols issues in research.
• The ability to work with communities in relevant local languages (Kakwa, Arabic and
Lugbara) would be an added advantage.


The consultant will be directly supervised by the Project Manager with support from the PO

Report Structure
The report should be structured as below.
Cover page
Table of contents
An executive summary that includes the major findings of the baseline and summarized
conclusions and recommendations.
Objectives of the baseline
Methodology and justification of the methods, techniques and tools used (including
relevant underlying values and assumptions, theories) with a justification of the selections
made of persons interviewed and villages.
Results/ Findings A presentation of the findings (including unexpected, relevant findings
from targeted and non-targeted communities).
Analysis of Findings
Conclusions, which will analyze the various research questions. Conclusions will have to be
derived from findings and analysis.
Recommendations should be related to conclusions but rather practical and guide on
what needs to be taken care of in the project based on the findings.

ToR: Baseline Study for One Health Project– Kulika Uganda 2023 5
Annexes (including tool, tables, data analyzed, photos, datasets and audios or videos)

Ethical Issues

The baseline study exercise will be organized in a participatory manner, including

consultation with KULIKA staff and the Regional MEAL Coordinator and MEAL Officer of
Malteser International. The design and implementation of the baseline must also ensure that
principles of gender equality, inclusion, and non-discrimination are considered and acted
upon throughout and that the meaningful participation of the most vulnerable groups and
other key stakeholders is promoted in the design and implementation of the baseline.

The enumerators should be taken through ethical consideration training besides the tool,
and visibility jackets accompanied with an introduction be provided or shown to local
authorities before the assessment. Furthermore, the assessment is required to be conducted
in-line with KULIKA/Malteser International Staff Code of Conduct, and copies to be issued.
The consultant is expected to observe due diligence in voluntary interviews and adhere to
zero tolerance of corruption/bribes in any form and sexual abuse.

Consultancy work proposal specifications.

Interested consultants for this assignment must submit a detailed technical and financial
proposal and should include but not limited to the components listed below.

• Description of the assignment.

• Approach and methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment.
• Detailed implementation plan, with timeline.
• Organizational and personnel capacity including profile of key personnel (annex
• References of similar assignments.
• Experience of similar assignments (examples annexed).

The financial proposal should include a summary of the costs to be incurred while
undertaking the study and a detailed breakdown of each cost.

Submission Deadline: 5:00 pm EAT ON Monday 24th November 2023

Proposed start Date: 20th January 2024

Assignment duration: 30 working days from the time of signing the contract.

Proposals should be sent to with the subject line ONE HEALTH

Not later than 27/11/2023

Please address any queries to and

6 ToR: Baseline Study for One Health Project– Kulika Uganda 2023

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