Calisthenics Training System

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‭Calisthenics Training System‬
‭Training Goals: What We’ll Achieve‬

‭The program aims to achieve 6 Calisthenics Skills:‬

‭●‬ ‭Straddle Bent-Arm Planche‬ ‭●‬ ‭Inverted L-Sit‬

‭●‬ ‭Full ROM Handstand Pushup‬ ‭●‬ ‭L-Sit‬
‭●‬ ‭Slow Muscle-Up‬ ‭●‬ ‭One-Leg Squat‬

‭Each Calisthenics Skil trains a muscle group, and is a foundation for more advanced Skills‬

‭Straddle Bent-Arm Planche‬‭: Trains your chest, shoulders‬‭and triceps. And it’s the‬
‭foundation to achieve the 90o Pushup, Planche and Planche Pushup.‬

‭Full ROM Handstand Pushups‬‭: Trains your shoulders‬‭and triceps (and some chest). And‬
‭it’s the foundation to achieve the Free Handstand, Free Handstand Pushup, and 90o‬
‭Pushup (and indirectly the Planche and Human Flag too).‬

‭Slow Muscle-Up:‬‭Trains your back and biceps. And it’s‬‭an indirect foundation to achieve‬
‭the One-Arm Pullup, and also the Front Lever (false grip, etc).‬

‭Inverted L-Sit:‬‭Trains your core and upper back. And‬‭it’s the foundation to achieve the‬
‭Front Lever and Front Lever Rows.‬

‭L-Sit:‬‭Trains primarily your core. And it’s the foundation‬‭to achieve a Middle Split Hold and‬

‭One-Leg Squat‬‭: Trains your legs.‬


‭★‬ ‭Why Calisthenics Skills?‬

‭They force us to create a training plan that maximizes muscle growth and strength gains.‬

‭★‬ ‭Why those 6 Calisthenics Skills?‬

‭Those 6 Skills are foundational Skills that will most directly transfer into more advanced‬
‭Skills. More specifically, the ones that I pointed out in the “Training Goals” section. And‬
‭they’re also phenomenal exercises for muscle development for each of the muscle groups‬
‭they work.‬

‭★‬ ‭Why only 6 Calisthenics Skills?‬

‭If you try to train more than that, it’ll likely lead to too much interference between Skills,‬
‭which can lead to slower progress overall. It’s better to focus on 6 (or less), get really strong‬
‭at them, and then later transfer that strength into other Skills.‬

‭I found that 6 seems to be the sweet spot for enough exercise variety and‬
‭strength-specificity, while still having enough volume-load (aka enough sets, progressive‬
‭overload and proximity to failure) to build a lot of muscle.‬

‭I’d rather have more volume by doing more sets on those 6 Skills, instead of adding other‬
‭exercises or other Skills. This will lead to the same amount of muscle growth, but it have‬
‭better strength gains.‬


‭Training Plan: How We’ll Achieve‬

‭1- Training Schedule: When to Train‬

‭The Calisthenics Skills are divided into 2 groups:‬

‭●‬ ‭Group A (Push & Pull):‬‭Straddle Bent-Arm Planche,‬‭Handstand Pushup, and‬

‭●‬ ‭Group B (Core & Legs):‬‭Inverted L-Sit, L-Sit, and‬‭One-Leg Squat‬

‭You'll train 4x per week (each group 2x per week). Each workout takes around 30-40min‬
‭(including warm-up).‬

‭Ideally, you’ll train Group A on Monday and Thursday. And Group B on Tuesday and Friday:‬

‭Monday‬ ‭Tuesday‬ ‭Wed‬ ‭Thursday‬ ‭Friday‬ ‭Saturday‬ ‭Sunday‬

‭A‬ ‭B‬ ‭rest‬ ‭A‬ ‭B‬ ‭rest‬ ‭rest‬

‭However, here are different possible configurations:‬

‭Monday‬ ‭Tuesday‬ ‭Wed‬ ‭Thursday‬ ‭Friday‬ ‭Saturday‬ ‭Sunday‬

‭A‬ ‭B‬ ‭rest‬ ‭rest‬ ‭A‬ ‭B‬ ‭rest‬

‭Monday‬ ‭Tuesday‬ ‭Wed‬ ‭Thursday‬ ‭Friday‬ ‭Saturday‬ ‭Sunday‬

‭rest‬ ‭A‬ ‭B‬ ‭rest‬ ‭A‬ ‭B‬ ‭rest‬

‭Monday‬ ‭Tuesday‬ ‭Wed‬ ‭Thursday‬ ‭Friday‬ ‭Saturday‬ ‭Sunday‬

‭rest‬ ‭rest‬ ‭A‬ ‭B‬ ‭rest‬ ‭A‬ ‭B‬

‭Monday‬ ‭Tuesday‬ ‭Wed‬ ‭Thursday‬ ‭Friday‬ ‭Saturday‬ ‭Sunday‬

‭A‬ ‭rest‬ ‭B‬ ‭A‬ ‭rest‬ ‭B‬ ‭rest‬

‭Monday‬ ‭Tuesday‬ ‭Wed‬ ‭Thursday‬ ‭Friday‬ ‭Saturday‬ ‭Sunday‬

‭A‬ ‭rest‬ ‭B‬ ‭rest‬ ‭A‬ ‭rest‬ ‭B‬


‭*Notes: It’s hard to create a one-size fits all program, so here’s the key things to know how to adapt:‬

‭●‬ ‭Train the same workout group 2x per week. Ex: train Group A two times in a week.‬

‭●‬ ‭Have 2-3 rest days between the same workout group. Ex: 2-3 rest days between Group A workouts.‬

‭●‬ ‭And ideally, you’d take 1-3 days completely off (in terms of strength training).‬

‭Still, if you have to adapt, the best option would be to have 1-1 guidance on it.‬

‭Also, if “4x per week” doesn’t fit your schedule, there’s a “3x per week” option at the end of this section.‬
‭ owever, progress can be slightly slower (as it depends on your ability to recover well and faster).‬

‭★‬ ‭Why is there only 1 Skill for Pull but 2 for Push? (Same for Legs and Core)‬

‭And the reason why there are 2 exercises for “push” and only 1 for “pull” in Group A is‬
‭because the Inverted L-Sit on Group B also works “pull” (especially at later progressions, and‬
‭also when we get to training the Front Lever after achieving it).‬

‭So, I like to separate them in different days, because one can interfere with the other and‬
‭lead to less quality reps/sets (especially as you get into more advanced levels).‬


‭2- Training Progressions: What to Train‬

‭Every Calisthenics Skill has a series of Training Progressions for you to gradually build the‬
‭strength for it.‬

‭For example:‬
‭#1 Progression: Knee Pushup‬
‭#2 Progression: Regular Pushup‬
‭#3 Progression: Diamond Pushup‬
‭#4: (and increasingly harder Progressions)‬

‭You'll train at the Training Progression you can do for a Skill. And when you reach the last‬
‭“Level” of that Progression (ex: 4 sets of 8 reps), then you go to the next Progression. And‬
‭so on.‬

‭*How to Determine Your Current Progression for Each Skill:‬‭Pick a Training Progression that you can‬
‭do Level 1 with 75-80% of max effort for each Skill.‬

‭★‬ ‭Why the progressions?‬

‭Each Progression for a Skill builds upon the previous, and makes it harder for our muscles in‬
‭a logical sequence. It’s how we do progressive overload (in terms of load) in bodyweight‬

‭Also, the Progressions for each Skill are based on 2 key principles: Strength-Specific and‬
‭Load Escalation.‬

‭Strength-Specific = the progressions directly builds our strength in the movement pattern of‬
‭the Skill we want to achieve.‬

‭Load Escalation = the jumps in progressions aren’t too hard or too easy. If they’re too hard,‬
‭we get too close to our max, and then plateau. If they’re too easy, we’re wasting time when‬
‭we could be doing a harder version to progress faster.‬


‭3- “Reps & Sets” Levels: How Much to Train‬

‭In the Training Progression for Skill, you’ll gradually increase the number of “Reps & Sets”‬
‭you do at each workout, until you get to the last Level. Then, you move up to the next‬
‭Training Progression. And repeat.‬

‭Here’s what it looks like:‬

‭Level 1:‬ ‭4 sets of 4 reps‬ ‭or‬ ‭4 sets of 12 sec‬

‭Level 2:‬ ‭4 sets of 5 reps‬ ‭—‬ ‭4 sets of 15 sec‬

‭Level 3:‬ ‭5 sets of 5 reps‬ ‭—‬ ‭5 sets of 15 sec‬

‭Level 4:‬ ‭3s of 4 reps‬‭*deload*‬ ‭—‬ ‭3s of 9 sec‬‭*deload*‬

‭Level 5:‬ ‭4 sets of 6 reps‬ ‭—‬ ‭4 sets of 18 sec‬

‭Level 6:‬ ‭4 sets of 7 reps‬ ‭—‬ ‭4 sets of 21 sec‬

‭Level 7:‬ ‭3 sets of 8 reps‬ ‭—‬ ‭3 sets of 24 sec‬

‭Level 8:‬ ‭3s of 4 reps‬‭*deload*‬ ‭—‬ ‭3s of 9 sec‬‭*deload*‬

‭If you’re at the “Knee Pushup” Progression, in your 1st workout you’ll do Level 1. Then, on‬
‭your 2nd workout, you’ll do Level 2. Then, on your 3rd workout, you’ll do Level 3. And so on,‬
‭until you get to Level 8. Then you move up to the next Progression and start at Level 1.‬

‭There’s no programmed schedule. You’ll progress when you can complete a Level, and at‬
‭the pace your body and life permit.‬

‭But… Here’s what a template schedule could look like:‬

‭Monday‬ ‭Tuesday‬ ‭Wednesday‬ ‭Thursday‬ ‭Friday‬

‭Week 1:‬ ‭Level 1 (A’s)‬ ‭Level 1 (B’s)‬ ‭Level 2 (A’s)‬ ‭Level 2 (B’s)‬

‭Week 2:‬ ‭Level 3‬ ‭Level 3‬ ‭Level 4‬ ‭Level 4‬

‭Week 3:‬ ‭Level 5‬ ‭Level 5‬ ‭Level 6‬ ‭Level 6‬

‭Week 4:‬ ‭Level 7‬ ‭Level 7‬ ‭Level 8‬ ‭Level 8‬


‭Notes & FAQs on “Reps & Sets” Levels:‬

‭●‬ ‭Progress Rule:‬‭Only move up a Level when you can complete‬‭all reps and sets‬
‭without failing. If you fail to complete a Level, repeat that Level in your next‬
‭●‬ ‭Keep the Levels Uniform:‬‭Always keep the Levels uniform‬‭across all Calisthenics‬
‭Skills. For example, you shouldn’t be at Level 1 for Planche and Level 3 for One-Arm‬
‭Pullup in your workout. Only progress to the next Level when you can complete that‬
‭Level for all Skills.‬
‭●‬ ‭Don't Skip Levels:‬‭Don’t rush or skip Levels. It’s‬‭counterproductive and will plateau‬
‭your progress.‬
‭●‬ ‭Don’t Skip Deloads:‬‭The “deload” workouts are essential.‬‭They are easy workouts‬
‭that allow your body time to recover and get stronger, so don’t skip it. If you skip it,‬
‭you’ll plateau and won’t progress as fast as you can.‬
‭●‬ ‭Never Max Out:‬‭Don’t attempt “personal records” or hard Skills in the middle of the‬
‭Levels. You can test your strength after you are done with all Levels for a‬
‭Progression. But if you try to test hard exercises that will max you out, it will mess‬
‭up with your progress.‬

‭★‬ ‭Why use the “Reps & Sets” Levels?‬

‭It’s a way to do periodized programming, where progressive overload (in terms of volume) is‬
‭built into the system, together with deloads to allow time to recover and supercompensate.‬

‭Also, It’s helpfulto know how much to do every new workout. To have a plan on how you’ll‬
‭stragtegically improve instead of leaving to guesswork. And it helps to avoid training too‬
‭hard or not hard enough.‬

‭And, as you’ll read in the next bullet, our goal is to get from 4 reps to 8 reps, so we can move‬
‭up to the next Progression. This specific configuration of sets, reps and deloads will help us‬
‭do that, while maximizing our progress, strength gains and muscle growth.‬


‭★‬ ‭Why use the 4-8 rep range?‬

‭One, because getting from 4 reps to 8 reps in a progression will mean we have built enough‬
‭strength to move up to the next progression, and start at 4 reps there.‬

‭Two, because this range is the sweet spot between building strength and muscle at the same‬
‭time. If you can do an progression for more than 8 reps, then it won’t help you build as much‬
‭strength as you could (because the exercise is not heavy enough). Doing more than 8 reps‬
‭can help you build muscle, but it won’t build as much strength to move up progressions‬

‭And 4-8 reps is enough to build muscle if we do enough sets and have enough proximity to‬
‭failure (1-3 reps away from failure). With the “Reps & Sets” levels, that’s built into the system.‬
‭So, we are always pushing the intensity and volume, which leads to a lot of muscle growth.‬
‭So, 4-8 rep range seems to be the sweet for maximizing both strength gains and muscle‬

‭4- Workout Structure: How to Train in Each Workout‬

‭We’ll cover that in the next page…‬


‭Workout - Group A‬
‭Warm Up (~5min)‬
‭1)‬ ‭Dynamic warm-up:‬
‭○‬ ‭Crab walk‬ ‭○‬ ‭Worm walk‬
‭○‬ ‭Ape walk‬ ‭○‬ ‭Lizard walk‬
‭2)‬ ‭Mobility prep:‬
‭○‬ ‭Shoulder circles: 5-6 reps‬ ‭○‬ ‭Wrist forward stretch: 5-6 reps‬
‭○‬ ‭Scapula shrugs: 5-6 reps‬ ‭○‬ ‭Wrist backward stretch: 5-6r‬
‭○‬ ‭Scapula lifts: 5-6 reps‬ ‭○‬ ‭Wrist pushup: 5 reps‬
‭3)‬ ‭Underload:‬
‭○‬ ‭1-2 sets of “Previous Progression” for 3-4 reps (or 8-12s) for the “A” Skills.‬

‭Training (20-30min)‬

‭A1:‬‭“Current Prog.” of Bent-Arm Planche: 3-5 sets‬‭of 4-8 reps‬‭[insert Level]‬‭, rest 60-75s‬

‭A2:‬‭“Current Progression” of Slow Muscle Up: 3-5 sets‬‭of 4-8 reps, rest 60-75s‬

‭B1:‬‭“Current Prog.” of Handstand Pushup: 3-5 sets‬‭of 4-8 reps, rest 120-150s‬

‭*you can do some stretching and mobility while resting.‬

‭●‬ ‭“A1/A2” means a superset: After you do 1 set of Bent-Arm Planche, you rest 60-75 sec. Then‬
‭do 1 set of Slow Muscle Up, then rest 60-75 sec. Then do 1 set of Planche, and so on until‬
‭you complete all the sets for both.‬
‭●‬ ‭When the reps are for time, use a watch to time it (don't count it your head).‬
‭●‬ ‭Time your rest with a timer (be precise, this is super important).‬

‭●‬ ‭Only reps w/ full range-of-motion and good form counts. Lift controllably (no fast reps or‬
‭using momentum). Perfect technique is more important than how many sets & reps you do.‬
‭●‬ ‭Only move up to the next Level when you can complete all sets & reps (with good form and‬
‭range-of-motion). If you fail to complete the required sets & reps for a Level, stay at that‬
‭Level until you can.‬


‭Workout - Group B‬
‭Warm Up (~5min)‬
‭1)‬ ‭Dynamic warm-up:‬
‭○‬ ‭Crab walk‬ ‭○‬ ‭Worm walk‬
‭○‬ ‭Ape walk‬ ‭○‬ ‭Lizard walk‬
‭2)‬ ‭Mobility prep:‬
‭○‬ ‭Shoulder circles: 5-6 reps‬ ‭○‬ ‭Wrist forward stretch: 5-6 reps‬
‭○‬ ‭Scapula shrugs: 5-6 reps‬ ‭○‬ ‭Wrist backward stretch: 5-6r‬
‭○‬ ‭Scapula lifts: 5-6 reps‬ ‭○‬ ‭Wrist pushup: 5 reps‬
‭3)‬ ‭Underload:‬
‭○‬ ‭1-2 sets of “Previous Progression” for 3-4 reps (or 8-12s) for the “B” Skills.‬

‭Training (20-30min)‬

‭A1:‬‭“Current Prog.” of Inverted L-Sit: 3-5 sets of‬‭4-8 reps‬‭[insert Level]‬‭, rest 60-75s‬

‭A2:‬‭“Current Prog.” of One-Leg Squat: 3-5 sets of‬‭4-8 reps, rest 60-75s‬

‭B1:‬‭“Current Prog.” of L-Sit: 3-5 sets of 4-8 reps,‬‭rest 120-150s‬

‭*you can do some stretching and mobility while resting.‬


‭★‬ ‭Why only 3 exercises per workout group?‬

‭Same as above. I’d rather build more muscle by doing more volume on those 6 Skills (aka 6‬
‭exercises), than to add other exercises. This will lead to better strength gains, and likely a‬
‭similar amount of muscle growth. And since we also change progressions (aka exercises)‬
‭often, we have a solid exercise-variety stimulus too. Also, read the two bullet points below.‬

‭★‬ ‭Why can’t I add another exercise for “pull” in the Group A workout?‬

‭Because it’s not necessary (both for building muscle and strength). You’ll build enough “pull”‬
‭muscle with the exercises that are there, and with the amount of load and volume that you’ll‬

‭If you‬‭really‬‭want, you can add a few sets of your‬‭“previous progression” for the Muscle Up‬
‭with the Handstand Pushup sets. But know that your strength progress might get slower‬
‭(aka won’t progress Levels and Progressions as fast in the Muscle Up and likely the Inverted‬
‭L-Sit), even though you’ll build muscle.‬

‭If you want, you can add another exercise for legs on Group B workouts, or just do the‬
‭“previous progression” for the One-Leg Squat with the L-sit sets. But that’s optional.‬

‭★‬ ‭Why supersets with rest intervals?‬

‭They are a great way to make your training time-efficient, without hindering the quality of‬
‭the training.‬

‭Avoid the mistake of doing “circuits” where you jump from one exercise to another exercise‬
‭without resting. While this is great for cardio conditioning, it’s not that good for your strength‬

‭★‬ ‭Why 2-3min rest per Skill? (aka 60-75 sec between supersets)?‬

‭Research has shown that higher rest periods can lead to better strength gains, and also‬
‭muscle growth. This is because you can do more quality reps and sets, since you’re more‬
‭rested. This is especially true for strength output.‬


‭5- Track Your Training‬

‭1.‬ ‭Film:‬‭For every new progression, film yourself doing it the first time to see if you’re‬
‭doing it correctly. Then keep filming and correcting until you have perfect form.‬
‭2.‬ ‭Track your training:‬
‭a.‬ ‭Write down the Training Progression you’re at for each Skill.‬
‭b.‬ ‭Write down when you started the Level 1 for those Training Progressions.‬
‭c.‬ ‭And during your workout, write down the number of reps you were able to‬
‭do for each set. Use notes on your phone with the template below:‬


‭Additional Notes‬


‭If you have a “why?”, question or curiosity that wasn’t answered, feel free to ask in the‬
‭comments of this module, or in the community group.‬

‭I want you to fully understand the reasons and principles behind things, so you can be‬
‭more successful with the training.‬


‭Don’t Add or Change Stuff:‬

‭I know how it is. You might be tempted to add stuff. To think you’re not doing enough. To‬
‭want to add other exercises. To change a few things.‬

‭But, with this system, that won’t help. It will actually be counterproductive. It’ll add too‬
‭many more variables into the mix. This will likely lead to plateaus and lack of progress.‬

‭Trust the system. And unless you‬‭really‬‭know what‬‭you’re doing (or have 1-1 coaching),‬
‭don’t try to change anything.‬

‭I used to think I knew what I was doing. It led me to waste years of effort and mistakes I‬
‭didn’t even know I was making.‬

‭Everything has been well-thought out and tested, and it’s there for a reason. If you want to‬
‭learn the reasons for each little thing, just ask in the comments :)‬

‭If you change things or don’t do how it’s supposed to be done, don’t complain that things‬
‭are not working, or that “the training doesn’t work”. You added variables that I didn’t. So it‬
‭won’t work like I said it would.‬

‭(The only caveat is changing things because of previous injuries or other limitations like‬
‭that. Then you should seek 1-1 guidance).‬


‭Mastery of the Training Progressions:‬

‭Make sure you have‬‭complete mastery of a Training‬‭Progression (ie, perfect ROM and‬
‭technique for all the required sets & reps in Level 8)‬‭before moving up to the next one.‬

‭There are dozens of small supportive muscles and joints involved in a Progression, and you‬
‭need to have the right form and go through the whole ROM to condition them. If you skip‬
‭steps or train half-heartedly, you’ll have a weak foundation for advanced work.‬

‭You’ll be risking dumb injuries and you’ll mess up your results. It can take up to 6-7 months‬
‭for your joints and connective tissues to get fully conditioned (compared to 90 days for‬
‭muscle tissue). And,‬‭it takes 3-10x more time to repair‬‭an injury‬‭than to avoid it in the‬
‭first place.‬

‭So, take the time to build a strong foundation and don’t overlook the details. It’s not the‬
‭sexy thing you want to hear, but‬‭it’s what will get‬‭you EXTRAORDINARY results.‬‭Go slow‬
‭now, so you can go fast later.‬

‭There’s no rush. You’ll get there, and once you build it, you’ll have it for life. Besides,‬‭slow‬
‭doesn’t mean no results‬‭. We’re just taking the time to condition your whole body (muscle,‬
‭joints, connective tissue, etc.), so you can be a Bodyweight Beast for years to come.‬


‭Equipment List (Optional)‬

‭●‬ ‭Training Chalk‬‭(to have better grip on bars)‬

‭●‬ ‭Parallel Bar‬‭(in case you don’t have access to a parallel‬‭bar)‬
‭●‬ ‭Tennis Wristbands‬‭(to keep your hands dry in case‬‭you sweat a lot)‬
‭●‬ ‭Exercise Mat‬‭(to use for training and stretching)‬
‭●‬ ‭Wood Stick‬‭(to do the shoulder circles - use wood‬‭instead of plastic so your hands‬
‭don’t slip)‬
‭●‬ ‭Foam Roll‬‭&‬‭Lacrosse Ball‬‭(to use during recovery days)‬


‭Alternative Schedule: 3x per Week‬


‭Monday‬ ‭Tuesday‬ ‭Wed‬ ‭Thursday‬ ‭Friday‬ ‭Saturday‬ ‭Sunday‬

‭Full Body‬ ‭rest‬ ‭Full Body‬ ‭rest‬ ‭Full Body‬ ‭rest‬ ‭rest‬

‭*Have at least 1-2 days of rest between workouts.‬

‭“Reps & Sets” Levels:‬

‭Level 1:‬ ‭3 sets of 4 reps‬ ‭or‬ ‭3 sets of 12 sec‬

‭Level 2:‬ ‭3 sets of 5 reps‬ ‭—‬ ‭3 sets of 15 sec‬

‭Level 3:‬ ‭2s of 3 reps‬‭*deload*‬ ‭—‬ ‭2s of 6 sec‬‭*deload*‬

‭Level 4:‬ ‭4 sets of 5 reps‬ ‭—‬ ‭4 sets of 15 sec‬

‭Level 5:‬ ‭3 sets of 6 reps‬ ‭—‬ ‭3 sets of 18 sec‬

‭Level 6:‬ ‭2s of 3 reps‬‭*deload*‬ ‭—‬ ‭2s of 6 sec‬‭*deload*‬

‭Level 7:‬ ‭3 sets of 7 reps‬ ‭—‬ ‭3 sets of 21 sec‬

‭Level 8:‬ ‭2 sets of 8 reps‬ ‭—‬ ‭2 sets of 24 sec‬

‭Level 9:‬ ‭2s of 3 reps‬‭*deload*‬ ‭—‬ ‭2s of 6 sec‬‭*deload*‬

‭*Ideally, always have a deload at the last workout of the week.‬

‭Workout Structure: next page‬


‭Workout - Full Body‬

‭Warm Up (~5min)‬
‭1)‬ ‭Dynamic warm-up:‬
‭○‬ ‭Crab walk‬ ‭○‬ ‭Worm walk‬
‭○‬ ‭Ape walk‬ ‭○‬ ‭Lizard walk‬
‭2)‬ ‭Mobility prep:‬
‭○‬ ‭Shoulder circles: 5-6 reps‬ ‭○‬ ‭Wrist forward stretch: 5-6 reps‬
‭○‬ ‭Scapula shrugs: 5-6 reps‬ ‭○‬ ‭Wrist backward stretch: 5-6r‬
‭○‬ ‭Scapula lifts: 5-6 reps‬ ‭○‬ ‭Wrist pushup: 5 reps‬
‭3)‬ ‭Underload:‬
‭○‬ ‭1 sets of “Previous Progression” for 3-4 reps (or 8-12s) for the all Skills‬

‭Training (25-45min)‬

‭A1:‬‭“Current Prog.” of Bent-Arm Planche: 2-4 sets‬‭o of 4-8 reps‬‭[insert Level]‬‭, rest 60-75s‬

‭A2:‬‭“Current Prog.” of Slow Muscle Up: 2-4 sets of‬‭4-8 reps, rest 60-75s‬

‭B1:‬‭“Current Prog.” of Handstand Pushup: 2-4 sets‬‭o of 4-8 reps, rest 120-150s‬

‭B2:‬‭“Current Prog.” of Inverted L-Sit: 2-4 sets of‬‭4-8 reps, rest 60-75s‬

‭C1:‬‭“Current Prog.” of One-Leg Squat: 2-4 sets o of‬‭4-8 reps, rest 60-75s‬

‭C2:‬‭“Current Prog.” of L-Sit: 2-4 sets o of 4-8 reps,‬‭rest 120-150s‬


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