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Quick Start 1 / 11

Quick Start
This chapter provides a high level overview of AXR2W installation and configuration. For
detailed introduction about this utility you can refer to AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi Reference
Design User Guide.

The AXR2W Configuration Utility consists of necessary tools that you can use to manage
AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi devices. It contains the following tools:

(1) Device Management tool: enables you to remotely manage AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi

(2) Virtual Serial Port tool: enables you to manage virtual serial ports on the host PC.

(3) Device Monitor tool: enables you to monitor the status of AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi

(4) DHCP Server tool: enables an AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi device to get a dynamic IP
address when operating at the DHCP-enabled mode.

(5) TFTP Server tool: enables an AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi device to download new
firmware from the TFTP server.

(6) COM Port Terminal tool: supports two RS-232 port terminals to make it easier for
developing and testing your RS232-to-WiFi applications.

This chapter consists of following 9 steps:

Step 1: Before Using the AXR2W

Most of AXR2W operations are finished through communication with one or more existed
AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi devices on the network. You need to make sure there are one or
more AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi devices runs well on the network and also you get
appropriate VSP driver that will be used by AXR2W Configuration Utility.

Step 2: AXR2W Installation

To install AXR2W:

1. Run Setup.exe program.

The AXR2W Setup wizard starts.

2. Follow the instructions that appear.

Step 3: Starting AXR2W

1 In AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi working directory, run file “AXR2W_x86.exe” on a 32-bit

Windows OS or “AXR2W_x64.exe” on a 64-bit Windows OS)

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2 If this is the first time to start AXR2W, the main window will appear as follows.

) Menu Window: displays supported tools and existed VSP Ports list.

) Function Window: displays supported functions of a selected tool.

) System Log Window: displays system log messages, as the function window of
Port Terminal tool, or as a Web browser.

3 File menu introduction

File menu consists of following items:

) Open Log: opens an existed system log file

) Save Log: saves system log messages into a specified log file
) Exit: closes the AXR2W program.

4 View menu introduction

) Toolbar: hides and unhides the toolbar.

) Status Bar: hides and unhides the status bar.

5 Help menu introduction

) Contents: opens the help file

) About AXR2W: displays copyright information.

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Note: Every time when AXR2W detects multiple network interfaces at startup and no any
virtual serial ports being connected or opened, the following “Select a Network Interface”
dialog will appear to enable you to select a desired network interface.

Step 4: Device Search Operation

1. In Menu Window, select Device Management tool.

2 Click the [Search] button to search available devices on the wireless LAN. Below
figure shows an example that one device is found.

3 Founded devices will be showed in Devices List. On the list you can acquire the
device’s settings including connection type, IP address, and port number, and so on.

Step 5: Virtual Serial Port Operation

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1. In Menu Window, select Virtual Serial Port tool.

2 Click the [Add] button to add a virtual serial port. The COM Port Configuration dialog
will appear.

3 On the COM Port Configuration dialog, select an unused port number to be assigned
to the virtual serial port. Then click the [OK] button to complete the add operation.

4 Click the [Setting] button to configure settings of the connection type, IP address, and
listening port according to configuration of the targeted device. Then click the [OK]
button to complete the setting operation. Below example settings assume the target
device is operating at TCP server mode and its IP address and listening port number
are and 5000, respectively.

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The virtual serial port supports following parameters that you can configure:

Parameter Description
Connection Protocol TCP or UDP connection type
Remote Host IP The target device’s IP address
Remote Host Port The target device’s listening port
Enable Flow Control Packet Enable / disable the virtual serial port sending and
receiving flow control packets. This function is

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dependent with the flow control function of AX220xx

RS­232­to­WiFi firmware. If this function is enabled on
both virtual serial port and firmware, both sides will
add a 3­byte header ahead of each egress Ethernet
packet and will strip off the 3­byte header of each
ingress Ethernet packet.
Connect at Windows Start Enable / disable the automatic connection function at
Windows start. When this function is enabled, the
virtual serial port will automatically connect to the
target device server instantly after Windows
operating system startup.
Mode TCP/UDP client or server mode
Listen Port Listening port at server mode

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5 Click the [Connect] button to make a TCP connection with the target device. You will
see the update of the virtual serial port’s status in both the Function Window and the
Menu Window.

Step 6: Device Monitor Operation

1. The main window of Device Monitor tool is shown below.

The main window provides one function,

(1) Start: starts to monitor or stop monitoring the selected device(s). Before start
the monitor function, you need to select at least one device from the Devices
List in the Function Window of Device Management tool.

The main window supports one parameter that you can configure:

Parameter Description
Monitor Time Interval Set the monitor frequency.

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2 When a device is selected from the Devices List in the Function Window of Device
Management tool, it will be added in the Devices List and the following information
is displayed:

Category Description
NO Device index in the list
Query Status Device query status
Device Name Device name
IP Device IP address
Modem Status The value of the device UART2’s Modem Status register
Firmware Version The AX220xx RS232­to­WiFi firmware version
Serial Port TX Count Device’s TX count in unit of bytes
Serial Port RX Count Device’s RX count in unit of bytes

Step 7: COM Port Terminal Operation

Note: The following example operation assumes the AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi device’s
UART2 port is connected to the COM4 port of PC1. And this device has established a TCP
connection with the Virtual Serial Port COM2 on PC1.

1. In Menu Window, select COM Port Terminal tool. You will see the System Log
Window being switched to the function window of COM Port Terminal tool.

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2 Use COM Terminal 1 to open COM2 and use COM Terminal 2 to open COM4. Here
assumes the AX220xx RS232-to-WiFi device’s serial port settings are 115200 baud
rate, 8 data bits, no parity check, 1 stop bit and no flow control.

3 Input some text data (e.g., “11111”) in the console of COM Terminal 1, and then you
should see the data appear in the console of COM Terminal 2.

Input some text data (e.g., “22222”) in the console of COM Terminal 2, and then you
should see the data appear in the console of COM Terminal 1.

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5 Click the [Close] buttons of COM Terminal 1 and COM Terminal 2 to close COM2
and COM4 ports.

6 In Menu Window, select Virtual Serial Port tool. Select the virtual serial port COM2
from the Virtual Serial Ports List and then click the [Close] button to close the
connection between the virtual serial port driver and the RS232-to-WiFi device.

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7 Click the [Remove] button to remove the virtual serial port driver from PC1.

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