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Lessons Learned from My job at Four Seasons Resort

Marrakech during the IMF

Yasmine Bahtaoui

My journey back to the Four Seasons Resort in Marrakech for the IMF event brought about a
host of real-world experiences and unique opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Having previously completed an internship at this well-known establishment, I believed I had a
strong understanding of the hospitality industry. However, the return to the Four Seasons Resort
opened my eyes to the stark contrast between the academic environment and the dynamic
realities of the professional world, between my internship and my part-time job there.

Real-World Professional Exposure:

My internship at the Four Seasons Resort was a significant departure from the classroom setting,
and the “club de tir” experience. While I had acquired theoretical and practical knowledge about
the hospitality industry during my academic studies, the internship provided me with a practical
understanding of how the industry functions. The transition from the theoretical to the
professional world practical was both challenging and enlightening.

The IMF event served as an excellent testing ground for the skills and knowledge I had gained
throughout my academic journey and internship. It highlighted the significance of hands-on
experience in the tourism management field. The event's scale, with an international audience
and high-profile attendees and VIPs, presented various challenges and opportunities that were

Familiarity with the Property:

One of the most significant advantages of returning to the Four Seasons Resort was my prior
familiarity with the property. Having spent a previous internship at the hotel, I was already well-
acquainted with the layout, the service standards, and the operational procedures. This familiarity
allowed me to quickly integrate into the work and understand the resort's specific requirements
during the IMF event. As well as having many friendships there with the employees which made
it greatly easier.

Navigating the property and communicating effectively with my colleagues was made more
straightforward due to my past experience. I could provide directions, offer assistance to guests,
and contribute to the team's overall efficiency. It was a reminder of how valuable prior
experience can be, as it contributes to a seamless operation and a higher level of guest

Multilingual and Social Skills:

The IMF event presented unique challenges due to its international scope. Many of my
colleagues had limited proficiency in English, which is often the base of the global hospitality
industry. My multilingual skills, including fluency in English and proficiency in other languages,
became invaluable. I was able to bridge language gaps, facilitate communication, and enhance
the overall guest experience.
Additionally, my strong social skills played a crucial role during the event. The ability to interact
with guests, understand their needs, and provide a high level of service was essential. Whether it
was engaging in conversation with international delegates, explaining and giving them an in-
depth insight of our Moroccan culture or ensuring that the attendees felt welcome and
comfortable, my social skills contributed to a positive and memorable experience for the guests.

Event Hosting and Organization:

One of the most exciting aspects of my return to the Four Seasons Resort was the opportunity to
actively participate in the organization and hosting of several high-profile events. This
experience was a true eye-opener, as it provided insights into the meticulous planning,
coordination, and execution that go into making such events successful. IT also allowed me to
see how multiple parties get involved in the event planning such as “ Dslight”.

During the IMF event, I was directly involved in hosting and organizing events such as the
Standard Bank and QNB gatherings. These events involved a various set of responsibilities, from
coordinating logistics and ensuring smooth event flow to addressing the needs and requests of
attendees. It was a lesson in precision, attention to detail, and adaptability, as unpredictable
circumstances often required quick thinking and problem-solving skills.

The responsibility of managing and hosting such events reinforced the importance of teamwork.
It was evident that effective collaboration and clear communication among the staff were critical
to delivering a seamless and memorable experience for the guests.

Leadership and Responsibility:

One of the most rewarding aspects of my experience during the IMF event was the recognition of
my reliability and trustworthiness by my colleagues and superiors. As a result, I was entrusted
with significant responsibilities. For instance, during the MUFG event, a Japanese bank, I was
chosen to coordinate and delegate tasks among the hostesses. This was a role that required a
great sense of responsibility and leadership.

Leading a team and ensuring that everyone understood their roles and responsibilities was both
challenging and fulfilling. It was an opportunity to showcase my ability to manage and lead a
team successfully. It also emphasized the significance of being dependable and accountable in a
professional setting.

Adaptability and Humility:

While my primary role was as a host and organizer, the IMF event presented various unforeseen
challenges. One of the most unexpected tasks was polishing glasses, plates, and cutlery. While
my initial reaction may have been reluctance, I quickly recognized the importance of humility
and adaptability in the hospitality industry. The willingness to step outside one's comfort zone
and tackle tasks that may not be part of one's primary job description is a crucial trait in this
industry. It was a lesson in understanding that every aspect of the operation, no matter how
seemingly insignificant, contributes to the overall success of an event. This experience reinforced
the importance of teamwork and a strong work ethic, as everyone needs to pitch in to ensure a
seamless and flawless guest experience.

Team Collaboration:

Working alongside friends from school at the Four Seasons Resort created a positive and
enjoyable work atmosphere. This camaraderie was invaluable, as it made the experience far more
enjoyable and fostered a sense of unity among the team.


Returning to work at the Four Seasons Resort during the IMF event was an enriching and
transformative experience. It provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the intricacies
of the hospitality and event management industry. The practical exposure I gained during this
event has reinforced the importance of hands-on experience in complementing academic
My multilingual and social skills, leadership abilities, adaptability, and humility were all put to
the test, and I emerged from this experience with a deeper understanding of the qualities required
to succeed in the hospitality industry. It emphasized that reputation and trustworthiness are vital
in this field, and one's actions can result in greater responsibilities and leadership roles, which
made me feel great gratitude for my prior discipline during my 5 months internship there.
The experience also underlined the importance of effective teamwork and collaboration. Whether
it was working with colleagues or friends from school.
In summary, my return to the Four Seasons Resort during the IMF event was a crucial chapter in
my education and growth as a future professional in tourism management and hospitality. The
lessons learned during this experience will undoubtedly serve as a strong foundation for my
career in the industry as it is my first working experience, emphasizing the significance of
practical knowledge, adaptability, and effective teamwork.

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