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Data analysis and application

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Course outline

- data analysis
- Data processing

-ANALYSE information

-Data value
- value loop

- application of data

-market trend

-Industrial application

- Ecosystem development

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 2/76
data processing

- Most of the stored data that have been pre-processed and digitized still cannot be
directly applied, and the corresponding analysis methods must be processed to
effectively capture and convert the data, so that people or applications can more
easily to interpret and process the information, and then analyze and apply it

- Before processing,You must first identify what the problem is, and analyze the data required

to solve the problem and the available data, and then further sort out and adjust the data,

select the corresponding features or perform corresponding calculations according to the

problem object to obtain the required information

- From the information obtained by processing the data, the corresponding analysis actions are carried out according to the

subject of the question, and then it is confirmed whether the hypothesis set for the question needs to be revised or the

answer to the question can be obtained.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 3/76
data processing

- Data processing can be classified into different processing technologies according to the amount,

diversity (structured or unstructured), processing speed (batch/interactive/real-time), etc.

-batch × large amount of structured data

- Use traditional reporting tools or batch processing jobs

-interactive × large amount of structured data

- Linked database queries for interactive analytics (data warehousing,BItools, online analysis queries)

- Using parallel relational database, memory processing engine/database and other technologies

-Batch ∕ Interactive × unstructured data processing

- Processing of complex unstructured data such as distributed archives, graphic images, and file libraries

- Using technologies such as decentralized file systems, unstructured processing engines and database storage

-immediate × Large amount of unstructured data

- Time-sensitive occasions that require rapid analysis and message delivery or feedback control
(traffic control, boiler control, medical diagnosis, video streaming)

- Use complex event processing, memory data processing, time series database, river computing
(Streams Computing)etc. technology

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data processing

- Data processing before data analysis also includes how to import data into analysis
tools for processing

- Data is usually stored in a common access format, such as based on structured query
language (SQL)database, comma-separated values (CSV)files, plain text files, etc.

- For data such as pictures or audio and video, it is necessary to confirm the analysis actions to be performed, and perform analysis operations and obtain

results through corresponding feature extraction.

-Using a standardized general access format, the stored data can be arranged, organized and expanded more

quickly, which is also conducive to exchange and sharing, and the data can be directly imported into

different platforms for application or data integration

- Through the fields of the data form (index feature), heterogeneous data can be aggregated, and it is also

an important basis (index) when introducing analysis tools

-Structured data will be more conducive to batch processing, which can be more convenient and faster to import

data, or generate data required for analysis through calculations such as overlay

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 5/76
ANALYSE information

- After the data is captured and transformed, further processing and analysis are
required to obtain greater value from it

- Data analysis is the most importantunderstanding of the problem, that is, how to correctly find the entry

point of the analysis and avoid falling into a misunderstanding

-Analysis ideas/thinking, analysis process, interpretation of results, and analysis tools used are also

important processes/implementation means

-For ideas/thinking parts, you can use mind maps (mind maps (Mind Map)) to assist in sorting, classify the

problems to be analyzed according to different directions, and then continue to split and refine them, think

about the problems in an all-round way and analyze them

-In the process of analysis, quantitative analysis can usually be carried out based on different quantitative data, and various

mathematical tools or analysis methods can be used to verify arguments or confirm through indicators

- Interpretation of results usually varies from person to person, and in order to better analyze and
express, as well as interpret, communicate or discuss with others (shared with others), data
visualization is a very important means (tool )

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 6/76
type of problem

- Restoration problem:now The purpose is toUndisturbed

- There is a gap between the current state and the past, that is, the bad state may have been revealed, so it is necessary to

find out the problem from the gap and restore the current state to the previous level (the original state)

- It is an occurrence type problem, and the problem point can be clearly seen after it occurs

-Coping methods: find out causality, difference analysis, benchmarking…

- Pursuing ideal type questions:future The purpose is toideal

- The current situation is not up to expectations, so it is necessary to set clear goals and try to achieve them

- It is an exploratory problem, a potential problem that needs to be discovered through analysis

- Coping method: After selecting an ideal, plan an action plan

- Restoration problem:future The purpose is toUndisturbed Maintain the status pursuit of ideals

-Problems that may show bad state in the future occur
Anticipate ahead and develop preventive strategies

potential crisis
- It is an exploratory problem prevention

-Coping: try to identify triggers and make plans

now future
defense strategy
Time of occurrence

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 7/76
Six Steps to Problem Solving

1. Identify the problem, identify the problem, and define the problem (narrative problem)

2. Collect data, analyze data, and identify reasons

3. Propose and select solutions (hypothetical)

4. Evaluate and implement the best option

5. Verify facts and evaluate results

6. Identify process variations and negative impacts

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 8/76
Six Steps to Problem Solving

1. Identify the problem, identify the problem, and define the problem (narrative problem) 5W1H
who (Who)
- Identify the problem to be solved (the goal to be achieved) what (what)
when (When)
- Analyzing the problem appearance:
where (Where)
What is known? What is unknown? What is required?
how (How)
- by5W1Hto express

2. Collect data, analyze data, and identify reasons

3. Propose and select solutions (hypothetical)

4. Evaluate and implement the best option

5. Verify facts and evaluate results

6. Identify process variations and negative impacts

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 9/76
mind Mapping

- Mind mapping is a method of organizing a series of thinking thoughts using radiating


-Based on a central idea, expand branches and refine them in many different directions (step by step to

establish keywords and their associations), capture ideas from any direction, and assist in

communication and planning

-It is an effective method to improve understanding and memory through the visual representation of information, and it can also

provide analysis and understanding assistance through the colorization of different thinking nodes (thinking direction/

association level).

-Digital aids evolved from the traditional concept of intelligence analysis boards consisting of paper strips,

pushpins and association lines

- Focus on recording the different ideas (keywords) that emerge at the beginning, and then analyze the

relevance, importance and priority between keywords and themes, as well as keywords, and provide follow-

up discussions

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 10/76

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 11/76
Six Steps to Problem Solving

1. Identify the problem, identify the problem, and define the problem (narrative problem)

2. Collect data, analyze data, and identify reasons

- Identify controllable factors, uncontrollable factors, and possible constraints to select

- analysis methods

- Analyze the results after data processing

3. Propose and select solutions (hypothetical)

4. Evaluate and implement the best option

5. Verify facts and evaluate results

6. Identify process variations and negative impacts

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Six Steps to Problem Solving

1. Identify the problem, identify the problem, and define the problem (narrative problem)

2. Collect data, analyze data, and identify reasons

3. Propose and select solutions (hypothetical)

- Interpret the results of the analysis and confirm the constraints in the problem (preconditions) Make

- assumptions and confirm whether the constraints are met (feasible)

- Confirm solution scope and make adjustments

4. Evaluate and implement the best option

5. Verify facts and evaluate results

6. Identify process variations and negative impacts

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Six Steps to Problem Solving

1. Identify the problem, identify the problem, and define the problem (narrative problem)

2. Collect data, analyze data, and identify reasons

3. Propose and select solutions (hypothetical)

4. Evaluate and implement the best option

- Confirm and revise assumptions and solutions (schemes) through inquiry and doubt, and establish

- scheme evaluation methods (check items). or Judgment Criteria or Evaluation function) Validate candidate

- solutions (execution based on merit)

5. Verify facts and evaluate results

6. Identify process variations and negative impacts

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Six Steps to Problem Solving

1. Identify the problem, identify the problem, and define the problem (narrative problem)

2. Collect data, analyze data, and identify reasons

3. Propose and select solutions (hypothetical)

virtual reality VR (Virtual Reality)
4. Evaluate and implement the best option
Augmented reality AR (Augmented
Reality) mixed reality MR (Mixed Reality)
5. Verify facts and evaluate results

- Set up a virtual verification environment to verify points in detail

- Actual input verification (number of test results obtained

- Observation, continuous operation and correction

6. Identify process variations and negative impacts

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Six Steps to Problem Solving

1. Identify the problem, identify the problem, and define the problem (narrative problem)

2. Collect data, analyze data, and identify reasons

3. Propose and select solutions (hypothetical)

4. Evaluate and implement the best option

5. Verify facts and evaluate results while confirming problem solving processes and answers

6. Identify process variations and negative impacts

- Confirm system stability and variability and identify possible negative effects

- Determine if the negative impact is causing persistent adverse consequences (sequelae)

- Analyze the causes and propose corrections, and put into system verification feedback

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 16/76
ANALYSE information

- After clarifying the thinking and grasping the goal of the essential analysis of the problem, the next step is

how to narrow the scope of the analysis and the means and tools of the analysis.

- Before analyzing, determine which information is useless to solve the core problem, and filter the content that needs

to be analyzed and processed

-According to the different forms of data presentation and analysis goals, various analysis methods and tools

from pure manual to intelligent automation begin to flourish and apply

- Different types of analytics maturity (stages of development) can be distinguished depending on the type of analysis,

the depth of analysis and the sophistication of the tools used

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 17/76
ANALYSE information

- Different levels (depths) of analysis methods to meet different purposes

- Directly perform report analysis manually (Mastering the past and present)

- Traditional data report presentation, summarizing the status of analysis objects

- Integrate multi-party data to assist in analysis and diagnosis (Discover behavior patterns)

- In order to further analyze why this state occurs, try to find out the reason

- It is usually necessary to use other additional information (data) to assist in analysis and judgment

- Model estimation and forecast tracking after process flow (predict)

- Find out the occurrence factors of a state through the information provided by the data features

- Continuously monitor the status of each occurrence element, predict whether it occurs and establish a model for estimation, or

confirm the status of each element after occurrence to adjust and correct the estimation model

- An automatic analysis and prediction system that realizes real-time adjustment and correction with artificial intelligence (optimization)

- Add the calculation parameters for adjusting the system characteristics (prediction direction) and the logic and rules for parameter

updating into the estimation model, and design the evaluation function to confirm that the updating direction is correct

- Usually has a certain influence ability, which can interfere with the system state to correct and change the direction, and continue

to keep the system operating in the target direction

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Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 19/76
data value

- If the data is not properly processed, extracted and analyzed, its value has not yet been developed

and determined, and needs to be discovered.

- Data is processed, analyzed and developed to become a product, and a product may be an analysis report,

a recommendation for a specific decision. A good machine learning model, or an improved decision-

making process, etc.

- The value that the data can generate depends on whether the people who use it have the ability tocorrect

information by the right way used forright scene

-The more common value discussion directions mainly include

- Enterprise value: how to manage and innovate through data and data analysis to increase revenue

- The Economic Value of Information: How to Market Data, Information and Knowledge as Products and Services

- The value of intelligent decision-making: how to enhance the value of decision-making or action with the aid of data and data analysis

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 20/76
Data Value: Enterprise Value

- Big data analysis techniques or methods can not only help manage data problems, but also

actively create profits and develop new business models

Business Monitoring
-Operation monitoring: monitor the current operation status and analyze whether there is any abnormality

- Monitor equipment operation status

Business Insights
-Operational Intelligence: Improve operations using statistics, data mining, predictive analytics, etc.

- Analysis of equipment parts life and possible failure

Business Optimization

-Operational optimization: use forecasting and optimization analysis to improve the operating model

- Analysis of optimal maintenance time and sequence in combination with production or operation schedule (shifts)

Data Monetization
- Generate revenue: Use data to assist product sales or market analysis to gain new sources of profit

- Combining equipment and data, it provides setting adjustment and optimization for different application fields, and provides services at

the same time; or provides monitoring and analysis systems to users independently as commodities

Business Metamorphosis
-Develop new models: create new business models or services to assist in business transformation

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 21/76
Data Value: The Economic Value of Information

- Different from the principle of economic value of traditional materials, equipment or products, information,

knowledge or services such as "information economy (Infonomic)"The main value principles are:

-Quality: whether the information is complete or accurate

- Pay attention to the quality of data acquisition and the aggregation and linking of various data sources

- Relevance: whether the information is easy to interpret or meaningful

- Pay attention to whether the information meets the decision-making needs

-Timeliness: whether the information has decision-making significance in a certain time and space

- Pay attention to the context of the data and the speed of processing and analysis

- Cost: whether the information is easy to obtain or manage the application

- Pay attention to the cost of data sources and technologies used for processing (open source data, cluster processing, etc.)

-Effectiveness: whether the cost-effectiveness of the information meets the needs

- Pay attention to the ratio between the cost of data processing technology and the benefits it brings

- Marketability: whether information can be turned into a service or product to provide revenue benefits

- Emphasis on product service value and business model construction of data and information

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Data Value: The Economic Value of Information

- Data, information or knowledge become part of the product, the market characteristics of this emerging

information economy will include

-Increasing marginal rate of return (Increasing marginal revenue)

- In products that rely on information or knowledge, the restrictions and remanufacturing costs for the production of traditional products

such as space, raw materials, and production capacity are relatively low, and the production and remanufacturing speed is relatively

high. Therefore, as the investment in technology and knowledge increases, more, the marginal rate of return of the producer's input

unit will continue to increase

- network effects (Network effects)∕Network externalities (Network externality)

- For products and services in the knowledge economy, the increase in the number of users will not only affect direct revenue,

but also the value of the product or service to users will also increase

- Social software needs to have enough users (users) to continuously attract other potential users to join
through the joint interaction between users

- Accumulating users can also bring some unquantifiable data income, such as user behavior, query /
shopping / usage records, etc.

- Therefore, the Internet service industry often sacrifices short-term costs in the early stage of development in order to seize market share,

in order to accumulate enough users and data to generate future revenue

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Data Value: The Economic Value of Information

- Two-sided market (Two-sided market)

- Enterprises develop bilateral networks between different users or business partners by establishing economic platforms, so that

both can benefit from the expansion of the network scale

- Take the example of a credit card company building a two-sided network between merchants and consumers

- Consumers can reduce shopping costs through the credit card company's own bonus rewards or the consumer discounts provided by the

credit card company and the merchant's agreement

- Merchants can stimulate consumption and attract customers through promotions and promotions jointly launched with credit card companies.

They can also use the systems provided by credit card companies to help manage their income, and they can analyze how to adjust the products

and services they provide through data such as consumption records.

- Credit card companies themselves can generate revenue by providing services and platforms, and can also use user

behavior, consumption records and other data on the platform as a basis for analysis to optimize operational efficiency

or expand new businesses, build corporate brands and generate revenue

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Data Value: Smart Decision Value

- Through the accumulation and analysis of a large amount of data/data, it can assist people to analyze the law

of a large number of events in the past, thereby making future predictions, and further assisting people in

decision-making, judgment and action.

-There are many elements in the process of people making various decisions and even actions. They mainly obtain

intelligence information through their senses, and analyze and measure based on past experience, understand the

situation, and further measure and judge, so as to generate actions.

-However, human beings lack the ability to grasp a large amount of data, and they are prone to different or hesitant

decisions due to the influence of various environmental factors or psychological factors, and the uncertainty is too high

- Therefore, I hope to use big data analysis to assist in efficient and objective decision-making and judgment, or

automatically make smaller trivial decisions, and assist people in making the final general direction or decision-making

judgment of exceptional events, which can effectively improve people's work. Efficiency, which is equivalent to

increasing the value

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 25/76
Data Value: Smart Decision Value

using big dataAIAided decision-making framework

measure judgment


data input Analysis forecast action result

(Input) (Prediction) (Action) (Outcome)

training to learn give back

(Training) (Feedback)

- With big data and artificial intelligence (AI) Assisted decision-making or even automated decision-making can reduce the

uncertainty of human monitoring and allow people to focus on special or exceptional events, thereby increasing the

value of the decision or action

- Special or exceptional events may also include small amounts of data on important objects, new issues that cannot be referenced from past

experience, and decisions involving social and moral issues, etc.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 26/76
value cycle

- The productivity improvement of an enterprise or organization depends on whether it can obtain appropriate

data and have data processing and analysis capabilities to further convert the data into products or

services with commercial value. Generally, the following steps are carried out.

- Digitization and data collection (Digitization and Data Collection)

- Obtain digitized data of various activities through observation, sensing, monitoring, etc.

- Big Data Data Pool (Big Data Pool)

- Put collected data into physical or logical data storage for processing or analysis

-Data processing and analysis (Data Processing and Analyzing)

- Extract, transform and analyze the data in the big data data pool to generate value using various technologies
and tools (connection, contextual correlation and meaningful analysis from data)

- Knowledge Base (Knowledge Base)

- Accumulate analyzed data or information in human brains, information systems or other entities for subsequent learning,

analysis, and decision-making

-Data-driven decision-making (Data Driven Decision Making)

- Based on the aforementioned knowledge and insights, assist people to make decisions and trigger actions to generate final value

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Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 28/76
The evolution of business analytics (data-driven decision-making) technology

- Using data to make decisions is currently the most common application of big data analysis, and decision-

making itself is closely related to business analysis, which has developed along with business and

gradually became physicochemical.

- Since the beginning of taking business intelligence as a competitive advantage with analytics, to gain

higher operational efficiency and create value by making better decisions at critical moments, data

analytics has gradually developed along with business.

-Business analysis is a knowledge that can go beyond intuition and gain an in-depth understanding of business phenomena from a

more objective perspective, and grasp market trends by recording and analyzing production processes, marketing processes

and customer interaction data.

-Data Warehousing (Data Warehouse)and business acumen (Business Intelligence)Other technologies have also begun to develop, but they

are always limited by computing and analysis technologies, and the work is time-consuming and time-consuming.

-The evolution of computer (computer) technology has not only made up for the limitation of insufficient computing power, but the

digitization of data has also made it easier for analysis and processing operations to be carried out in batches

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The evolution of business analytics (data-driven decision-making) technology

- With the changes of the times, the analysis and decision-making in order to achieve the purpose changes with

the methodology and tools, with the development of technologies such as network, digitization, device

networking and cloud data storage and the focus of analysis technology, the development of For today's

big data analysis technology around IoT technology and artificial intelligence

-Accurate analysis of data within the enterprise has begun to be unable to cope with the ever-changing market. In

order to quickly grasp information from the increasingly large accumulated data, various technologies for direct

analysis of large amounts of data have gradually begun to flourish.

-Data sources have also been expanded to include Internet data, various sensor information, audio and video records,

user/consumer behavior, and diverse living data, which makes the data to be processed and analyzed even larger

and more complex. Diverse, it is difficult to handle such a huge calculation by manual work alone, and it must rely

on computers and analysis tools to assist in a large number of analysis and processing

- Business analysis is also carried out from mastering internal survey dataPrecise analysisandModel building,

transformed into aIdentify trends quicklybyMake predictions and assist in decision making, has

officially entered the era of big data analysis

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 30/76
The evolution of business analytics (data-driven decision-making) technology

Business analysis (data-driven decision-making) technology in different eras and technological development backgrounds

time technical name Technical Features

Decision support using data analytics

1970s decision support
(Decision Support)

Use data analysis for decision support and expand the application to high-level
1980s Management support

(Executive Support) Auxiliary support for supervisory and administrative decision-making

Based on multi-dimensional analysis and distributed data tables (multi-dimensional data

online analysis
1990s (Online Analytical Process, table), flexible pivot analysis (Pivot)and related operations to present
OLAP) methods and tools for integrated decision-making information

Build support data-driven with reports and related visual data

1980 – 2000 business intelligence
Tools for decision-making, with a recent focus on data dashboards
(Business Intelligence)
Integrated application of technology and model analysis and forecasting

data analysis Focus on statistics and mathematics for decision analysis, hoping to
2000ssecond half
(Data Analytics) Detailed and complex calculation results come to a conclusion

Big data analysis Focusing on the rapid processing of large amounts of unstructured data, it is hoped that
(Big Data Analysis) Finding common patterns from large amounts of data to draw conclusions

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The evolution of business analytics (data-driven decision-making) technology

- With the development of big data analysis technology, more emphasis will be placed on how to strengthen

products through data in the future. It is no longer only information and network-related industries that

can benefit from data analysis, but the digital data from all walks of life brought by data. Transformation

can create goods and services from which to bring value

- The economic value of data brought by the information economy and the final stage of analysis based

on descriptive and predictive analysis: the use of normative analysis will become mainstream

-Analysis of business problems, from the description of "what happened/why happened", to the prediction of

"what will happen", to the guidance specification of "how to make it happen", gradually from understanding

to insight, providing based on prediction suggestion

-In addition to business management, related applications are more in the fields of logistics and transportation and industrial production

management in cooperation with IoT technology, and in cooperation with production equipment for remote production monitoring,

equipment failure analysis and maintenance scheduling, etc.

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Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 33/76
The evolution of business analytics (data-driven decision-making) technology

descriptive (Descriptive) predictive (Predictive) normative (Prescriptive)

what happened? what will happen? what should happen?

what has happened? what could happen? what should happen?

• Improve asset reliability • Predict infrastructure failures • Improve asset utilization

what to do (asset reliability) (Predict infrastructure failures) • Resource utilization scheduling optimization

What to do • Improve labor and inventory costs • Facility space demand forecast
(labor and Inventory Costs) (Forecast facilities space demands)

• Type and number of asset failures • How to Anticipate the Failure of Assets • How to increase the productivity of your assets
what to know • Maintenance costs and details • When to Consolidate Idle Plant Facilities • Technician service path optimization
What to know
• The value of the inventory item • How to Determine Costs by Service Tier • Planning for optimum productivity

• Standard report (Standard Reporting) • prediction model (Predictive Modeling) • optimization (Optimization)
(What happened?) • predict (Forecasting) =>What is the best result?
How to know the answer
• In-depth discussion (Drill down • simulation (Simulation) • Random Variable Optimization
How analytics gets

query) (Where exactly is the problem?) (Random Variable Optimization)
answers warning (Alert)
• interim report (Ad Hoc Reporting) =>Best results for specific field bands
(How many / How often / Where) What kind of variability comes?

• business intelligence(Business Intelligence) • prediction model (Predictive Modeling) • business rules (Business Rules)
how to make it happen • Alerts, Reports, Dashboards • predict (Forecasting) • organizational model (Organization models)
what make this
analytics possible
(Alert, Report, Dashboard) • Statistical Analysis (Statistical Analysis) • compare (Comparison)
• Scoring criteria (Scoring) • optimization (Optimization)

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The evolution of business analytics (data-driven decision-making) technology

- Through data-based business analysis, the optimization of the overall operation will vary with

the change of analysis objects and processing speed requirements

-Specifically, the analysis objects will be divided into precise analysis of individual users, and group analysis of

broad audiences that identify trends through statistical analysis

- And the processing speed varies with the data holding method and update speed, from batch processing that waits

for data input to perform analysis and processing, to real-time processing that updates the data stream at any

time and requires dynamic analysis

-The optimization of the system is also because it is necessary to master the latest data by comparing with the accumulated data in

the past and continuously updating the data, so as to obtain the most real-time information for analysis and decision-making,

so it needs to be used with fast and huge data sources and storage space for application

- Also because the current situation is constantly changing, new variables (controlling factors) that cause the current situation

to change (unsustainable) may continue to appear during the analysis process. Therefore, the correlation analysis and

priority judgment of the factors in the problem analysis are also required. through different ways

- The more common way is to use the characteristic factor analysis diagram (fishbone diagram) to control the factors

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The evolution of business analytics (data-driven decision-making) technology

individual optimization × Batch processing => accurate discrimination individual optimization × Real-time information => dynamic discrimination

• Information about a specific person or thing • Information about a specific person or thing

extensive collectionand analysis extensive collectionand analysis

• againstPrecise recommendation for specific objectsThe most suitable • againstPrecise recommendation for specific objectsThe most suitable

information/takemost appropriatethe way of handling information/dynamictake the most appropriate treatment

• one-to-one marketing • Behaviorally Targeted Advertising

• Customer Churn Analysis • Send coupons in line with its behavioral characteristics
analysis object

• Predict equipment failure

• Instant product recommendation

Overall optimization × Batch processing => accurate prediction Overall optimization × Real-time information => dynamic forecast

• Collect information on most people or things, and carry out • Collect information about most people or things,

Statistical processingand analyse make statisticsProcessing and Analysis

• provided foroverall usefulinformation/takenmost • provided foroverall usefulinformation/dynamictake the

appropriateprocessing method (no time limit) most appropriate treatment

• Improve the accuracy of search engines or translation software • Predicting road conditions using a dash cam
• bytwitterof tweets predict stock price movements • Predict electricity demand with smart meters

• Improve the usability of the website • Predict if a plane might be delayed

Data processing speed

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 36/76
Feature Factor Analysis Chart (Cause & Effect Analysis)

- Also known as cause and effect diagram, fishbone diagram (Fishbone

Diagram) or Ishikawa diagram (Iskiawa Diagram)

- During the analysis, the main causes of the problem are listed, and the secondary causes are listed

one by one and classified (the classification is attached to the main cause), so that the analysis of

the problem can be effectively controlled.

- If we take the modern industrial production line process as an example, we will generally analyze the six major factors, including

personnel, construction methods, materials, machines (equipment), measurement, and environment.

-It can also carry out countermeasure analysis in which the solution is the main branch, and the implementation details of the plan are

branched to converge to the goal.

(Measure (Material personnel) Cause type Countermeasure

question Target

(surroundings (machine (Work) Law

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 37/76
The evolution of business analytics (data-driven decision-making) technology

- After understanding the problem and mastering the reasons for the decision analysis system and the

corresponding changes, the most commonly used content is mainly to analyze and predict the

problem, or to analyze and eliminate exceptions in the production process and optimize the

process. (optimization)

-By tracking the various factors of the production process, through big data analysis, confirm whether there may be

abnormal changes and estimate the magnitude of its impact, and try to find the main factors of the abnormal

changes and adjust them, so as to eliminate the problem as soon as possible , maintain a fixed quality

-Also by tracking the factors of the production process, you can analyze and confirm the impact of each factor on the

production capacity and try to optimize the parameterization settings of the factors, thereby optimizing the production

line process and production schedule (including individual equipment. optimization of production parameters,

processing schedules and maintenance time planning)

-Optimized statistical quality control based on abnormal cause analysis (SQC)is the most common

application in management

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 38/76
Statistical Quality Control (SQC)

- Provide the basis for quality improvement through statistics or analysis charts

-statistics (Statistics): Characterize and quantify qualitative or quantitative items, thereby presenting the overall truth

-Quality (Quality): Analysis of the causal relationship between factors of production and product quality

-control (Control): Optimization of items such as (design + control + improvement + technology)

(Measure (Material ( Original

incidentpeople pregnancymember)because

A There are characteristics to bedue to points Analysis (fishbone diagram))middle not in a fishbone diagram

B nowfield responsibility scope Other departmental responsibilities System negligence

C written in the work standards

Not written in the work standards

D Prevention methodwrite clear write no bright

E The worker understands the job content not fully understood human negligence

F have actually implemented not actually implemented

G The result is normal(surroundings
(Work) Law

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 39/76
market trend

- The demand for big data in the market environment mainly includes technical products such as data services,

infrastructure architecture, application software tools, consulting and integration services

-At present, the industry related to big data is booming, so the infrastructure structure accounts for the majority, while the

consulting and integration services to assist enterprises to introduce related technologies and tools only follow.2020

The overall market size of the year can be roughly estimated at up to400more than $100 million

-Global information technology companies have also invested in related fields. Currently, they mainly focus on structured/unstructured

data processing, storage and hybrid processing, real-time processing and other processing directions, artificial intelligence cognitive

computing services, human-machine dialogue/natural interaction systems and natural language processing (NLP)The combination

of application technology and big data analysis is the main

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 40/76
market trend

- infrastructure
-The related products of the infrastructure architecture of big data mainly provide platform facilities such as data

processing, storage and computing

-Most server providers use a distributed or clustered processing architecture composed of a large number of small and medium-

sized servers for collaborative data processing

-In the current data application, the proportion of unstructured data is getting higher and higher, so the

unstructured processing architecture (such as open sourceHadoop) with a decentralized file system to

speed up data access and processing

-In addition to providing hard disk arrays, data servers or cloud storage for storage, storage equipment suppliers

pay more attention to how to use data more efficiently through application software assistance

- Such as: data management software and interface, data protection and recovery software, data copying, moving and

archiving software, server (storage device) health management software, etc.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 41/76
market trend

- application software tools

-At present, various electronic information related industries have begun to pay attention to software talents again, and the

related industries of big data analysis are no exception. In addition to the basic application of various application software

and analysis tools, the data model established for the analysis results also needs to be programmed by software before it can

be deployed. The program writing structure will even affect the system operation performance

- Big data software products are mainly used to assist enterprises or application providers in data
collection, sorting, storage, and analysis. There are three main types:

- Data organization and management software: used for data collection, organization and storage

- Such as: data warehousing, database, unstructured data processing, content management, data integration and transformation

- Data analysis and visualization software: use data mining models, statistical analysis, and visualization techniques

techniques to spot patterns, predict the future, and graph

- Other big data application software: application processing, analysis and presentation for specific fields or industries

Data and Analysis Results

-Many manufacturers will build software products on cloud services, pay by subscription or pay by usage, and use

analytics as a service to reduce the cost of purchasing software and hardware for customers

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 42/76
market trend

Data organization and management software

Linked Data Management non-connected data management

(RMDBS, data warehousing...) (NoSQL, file management, graph management...)

data integration software

real-time event processing software
(ETL, data quality, data governance...)

Data analysis and visualization software big data application software

Business Intelligence Analysis Software

financial analysis planning customer demand forecast
(OLAP, Reporting...)

Sales forecast planning Sales Price Analysis

Advanced forecasting and analysis software

(Statistics, Data mining...)

Logistics optimization analysis manpower optimization analysis

visualization software Predictive Maintenance Analysis Web click analysis

(Dashboard, Reporting...)

Product word-of-mouth analysis Brand Loyalty Analysis

special analysis software

(Spatial Analysis, Text Analysis...) Advertising headline benefit analysis …

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 43/76
market trend

- System Integration and Consulting Services

-In addition to consulting services and assistance for application and environment construction, big data consulting and integration

services also include business consulting, information security consulting, system planning and integration services, analysis and

evaluation services, and data security services, etc.

-At present, the consulting services for system planning, network security and information security are more popular

-The application development of some relatively novel application services in specific fields will also be used by system

integration and consulting service providers as a kanban to promote their own products and attract customers'

attention, such as financial analysis, human resources analysis, natural language, voice Assistant, image recognition,

mobile cloud, cognitive computing combined with artificial intelligence, etc.

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market trend

Information software and services

• Strengthen existing products (BusinessObject BIplatform) ability to handle large amounts of heterogeneous data

• based onHANAmemory computing platformLeondradoThe platform provides analysis services

• Strengthen data analysis capabilities and system integration on existing business software

• Develop IoT and other processing, predictive and analytical services for different applications

• strengthen existingSASStatistical analysis, data mining model capabilities, combined with memory computing,Hadoopprocessing technology

SAS • In-depth development of industry-specific and field-specific applications

• Development of Visual Analytics (Visual Analytics)software

• combineHadoopPlatform and real-time event processing technology, buildAzureCloud service, strengthen big data processing service

• Provide big data analysis tool services and analysis service examples in various industries

Microsoft • strengthen existingMicrosoft SQL ServerThe ability to process massive and heterogeneous data on relational databases, combined with

HadoopUnstructured data processing technology

• Develop cognitive services such as facial recognition, voice assistant, language translation, etc.

• strengthen existingOracle DBThe ability to process massive and heterogeneous data on relational databases, combined withHadoopUnstructured data

processing technology

Oracle • Development of database and server integration applications (Appliance)

• Develop real-time event data analysis and processing engine

• Develop big data application services such as finance, human resources and supply chain

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market trend

cloud computing services

• Provide basic storage and data pipeline queuing services (Data Pipeline)

• supplyAmazon Redshifstructured data warehousing,Kinesisinstant event handling,Hadoop Elastic MapReduce (EMR)

unstructured data processing,DynamoDBInformation management services such as unstructured databases
• supplyAmazon SageMakerMachine Learning Analysis Services
• supplyAmazon Lexnatural language andAmazon Rekognition,DeepLlensImage recognition service
• developingAmazon Echovoice assistant

• supplyCloud Storage, Cloud Datastore, Cloud BigTableEqual structured and unstructured storage services
• Provided for running calculationsGoogle Compute Engine
• Provides a software architecture for parallel computing of large-scale data setsMapReduce (HadoopSchema reference)
• supplyGoogle BigQuery SQLLanguage query service
• supplyCloud Dataflowdata flow,Cloud Pub/SubSubscribe to a messaging service
• developingGoogleVoice Assistant Service

Consultancy service

• Provide big data data analysis, Internet of Things, enterprise digital transformation consulting services
• Develop an analytics-as-a-service cloud service platform to provide analytics tools and application services that enterprises pay for according to usage

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Industrial application

- The application direction of enterprises is mainly based on the analysis of customer needs and market

segmentation in the market, mainly including the following contents

- Market segment analysis -Operational analysis

- Customer churn analysis -Supply chain analysis

-Customer behavior analysis -Customer service support

-Analysis of community needs - New product strategy

- Brand loyalty analysis -…

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Industrial application

- all

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Industrial application

- source
- Structured data (linked data, tables, records)

- Complexity data (hierarchical or exclusive source)

- Semi-structured data (XML, JSON)

- web browsing history orWebclick status

- Unstructured data (sound, language, image, video)

-Event data - IoT data (sensors, devices)

- Social media profiles - Scientific information

-Text information -Monitoring data

- Spatial geographic data (maps, hydrology) -…

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 49/76
Industrial application

- data storage technology

- Massively parallel processing relational databases (decentralized)

-Data Application Server (appliance)

- Hadoopfile system
- Stand-alone processing of relational databases

- Field oriented database

- NoSQLdatabase


Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 50/76
HadoopClustered Environments and Distributed Solutions

- HadoopIt is a cloud platform architecture that can store and manage a large amount
of data.ApacheAn open source project under the Software Foundation

- Hadoopis a cluster system (Cluster system), which can be expanded from a single server to
thousands of machines for integration, just like a supercomputer for application

- The way data is stored in this cluster is a decentralized file system (Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS), by the master node (Master Node)Shred the file into small chunks (usually
starting with64MBunits), and copy all small pieces of data three copies before distributing
them to all child nodes in the cluster (Slave Node)are stored separately asDataNode, and
throughNameNodePerform storage status monitoring

- Mainly used when performing analytical processingMapReduceprogram, by mapping (Map)and

induction (Reduce)The concept of decentralized computing

- Mapping: Process data fragments at each node, decentralize and distribute work

- Reducing: The results of each node's operation are directly sent back to the induction and integration, and the conclusion is obtained.

- Parallel processing of big data on thousands of machines can greatly save processing time

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Industrial application

- data management technology

- HadoopRelated tools -Data virtualization

- CEPcomplex event handling -Database inline analysis

- MapReduceprocessing system - Field oriented database

- Hadoopfile system -Data Application Server (appliance)

- NoSQLdatabase -…
- Streaming Data (& River Computing System)

- In-memoryTemporary memory processing

- In-memorydatabase

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Complex event handling (Complex Event Processing (CEP)

- Complex event processing is an analysis technique based on event streams in dynamic environments

- Events represent meaningful state changes

-By analyzing the relationship between events, using filtering, association, aggregation and other technologies,

formulate rules according to time, space, dependencies, constraints and causality, and continuously filter event

sequences from event streams, and finally analyze more complex compound event

-The main processing process includes

- Formatting: Convert the event information obtained by the event acquisition module into the form of internal processing

- Preprocessing: Process the event according to the field content

- Pattern detection: compound several events to find compound events

- Event dispatch: send composite events to the corresponding processing module

- Execute action: The processing model executes the corresponding action according to the event condition

-Mainly used for crime prevention such as identification of online fraud, prevention in banking and other financial industries, as well as risk

aversion and marketing decision-making, etc.

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Industrial application

- Data Analysis Technology (Predictive Analysis Algorithms/Models)

- Linear regression - Simple Bayesian rule

- decision tree -Support Vector Machines

-Cluster analysis - Survival analysis

- Time series analysis -Integrated learning

- neural network -…
-Correlation Analysis

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 55/76
Industrial application

- data analysis tool

-Visual presentation tools

- Microsoft PowerBI, Spark Zeppelin, Tableau, …

-Data mining tools

- SPSS Modeler, Azure HDInsight, RapidMiner, KNIME, Rlanguage, …

-Big data application software

- SAP Demand Signal Management (market demand analysis),

SightMachine (Factory big data application)

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Industrial application

- planning and implementation

-Business strategy (What is the value of big data? / Where is it used?)

- Where are the sources of information to assist in operation management, market innovation, and valuable information? How to collect? What are the

business processes that can be combined?

-Application situation

- Identify data collection strategies, analytical strategies, analytical models and possible technical architectures from the perspective of

people, customers and contexts

-Technical planning (can be confirmed together when discussing the situation)

- Technology group, technology architecture, technology risk,ITTeam development, data sources, data integration, data

processing, analytical applications

- Implement import

- Small projects can start to expand and develop the technical capabilities of big data processing and analysis

- Problem understanding, data understanding, data preparation, model building, model evaluation, application deployment

-Data management

- Governance structure, data ownership, data privacy, data quality, data security

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Industrial application

business strategy

Application Scenario #1 Application Scenario #2 ... Application Scenario #N

technical planning

Implement import Implement import Implement import

Project #1 Project #2 Subproject #2-2

Big Data data processing

Analysis implementation technology implementation

Implement import

Deploy and run Subproject #2-2

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 58/76
Case Brief: Equipment ROI Analysis

- application situation

A wind turbine equipment manufacturer, the customer requires the need to provide data analysis of historical

information such as weather and wind power at the location of wind power generation, in order to evaluate the estimated

power generation output and ROI analysis of equipment investment in this location

- Implementation process

The equipment manufacturer collects15The annual global weather records are converted and

stored in the distributed file system, and the field-oriented data storage system is used to store

product data and set regional weather indexes to retrieve the corresponding weather records. The

industry develops business and R&D data query system, which can correlate the product model, price,

suitable situation and local weather stored in the data warehouse to provide reports for business sales

and R&D evaluation

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 59/76
Case Brief: Equipment ROI Analysis

- Implementation benefits

The equipment manufacturer can provide customers with ROI analysis reports
based on real data analysis, so that it is easier to gain the trust of customers.

R&D engineers can analyze the functional requirements of products based on real weather data, so as

to develop products that customers need and make adjustments according to local conditions.

The analysis query results of the established system can also be quickly responded within a few seconds,

which is convenient for data analysis and invocation.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 60/76
Case Brief: Retail Pricing Analysis

- application situation

A chain retail store uses traditional data warehousing andETL (Extract Transform Load)Data conversion

programs help analyze retail sales strategies, pricing strategies, and product strategies. However, with the expansion of

branches and the accumulation of data, the cost of hardware and software for building data warehousing is getting

higher and higher, and more and moreETLThe program also experienced maintenance difficulties, and the analysis

speed gradually decreased, and the analysis took two to three weeks. The retail store hopes to conduct instant price

promotions according to consumers' consumption behavior in each store during the approaching festivals.

- Implementation process

Imported by the retail storeHadoopA structured data storage and processing platform that

integrates all POSSales data, product information, website click information, supply chain events, etc.

are stored on average toHadoopcluster computer and useMapReduceAfter processing by the data

processing engine, useDatameterVisual analysis software analysis.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 61/76
Case Brief: Retail Pricing Analysis

- Implementation benefits

The retail store usesHadoopThe cluster computer system can process hundreds of billions of data at the

same time due to the characteristics of parallel and distributed computing.2~3The pricing analysis work was

completed within hours, and at the same time, the original host system was more than 6,000COBOLlanguage

writing ETLdata, rewritten as approx.400OKMapReduceProgram batch processing, effectively reducing the

mainframe software and hardware procurement, writing and maintenance costs.

After the retail store updates the system, it can further collect and analyze the

consumption behavior of consumers in each store. After mastering more accurate data, it can

more efficiently launch key products.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 62/76
Case Brief: Analysis of Fraud in the Financial Industry

- application situation

A financial company provides a payment platform for online transactions and settlements for consumers

to consume through e-commerce websites and limit payments. Platform operators found that the platform receives

e-commerce orders from a wide range of sources and complex. If there are e-commerce shopping promotions, the

system will be overloaded and cannot quickly process the verification that should be completed within seconds,

including the consumer’s name, address, credit card or Information such as financial card numbers, ID numbers,

and past payment records can be used to determine whether there is fraud or fraud.

- Implementation process

The financier has imported a complex event processing engine to quickly receive payment

orders from various parties and utilizesIn-memorymemory computing software andHadoop

Cluster computer technology conducts credit review, and stores customer payment information,

purchase records, etc. into field-oriented data storage for subsequent analysis

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 63/76
Case Brief: Analysis of Fraud in the Financial Industry

- Implementation benefits

The financier utilizes distributed memory computing software with relatively low cost

requirements andHadoopCluster computer technology reduces the cost of replacing large data

warehouses. Using the original data warehouse architecture can avoid the cost and complexity of

replacing and updating thousands of applications in the data warehouse. In addition, the introduction

of a complex event processing engine helps to further write applications that can quickly detect

various possible fraudulent behaviors and issue alerts or notifications when they are hit.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 64/76
Case Brief: E-commerce Browsing Behavior Analysis

- application situation

With the surge in business of an e-commerce operator's e-commerce platform, the total

amount of data collected on consumers' order information, browsing behavior and click patterns

has reached100PB. Inquiries for analysts who provide products, channels, sales, etc., the industry

uses traditionalTeradataData warehousing for storage and analysis. With the storage and

application needs of unstructured data such as consumer browsing behavior, the industry has

introducedHadoopData processing and analysis tools for analysis and application.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 65/76
Case Brief: E-commerce Browsing Behavior Analysis

- Implementation process

The big data processing technologies used by the e-commerce operators are mainly divided into

three categories: the first category is data integration tools, which are responsible for data capture,

processing and cleaning, including batch and real-time processing; the second category is data storage

tools, including traditional data warehousing,HadoopClustering and other tools for processing various

structured and unstructured data; finally, there are data analysis tools, including various types of analysis

aids, which can be quickly analyzed by analysts.

along withHadoopThe development of the community and the internal development of the

company's engineers, allowHadoopThe tool can further provide interactive analysis of transaction-type and

graph-type data, and can also interact with various data stored in the data warehouse.HadoopThe various

data in the data are compiled, and then various tools are used to conduct interactive inquiries.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 66/76
Case Brief: E-commerce Browsing Behavior Analysis

- Implementation benefits

The e-commerce operator can not onlyHadoopcluster processing,In-memoryMemory

processing to speed up the processing and analysis of various transaction data and graphic
data, self-developedHadoopInteractive query technology allows analysts to simply useSQL
Grammar can quickly perform mixed analysis of structured and unstructured data to
discover and profit from new trends.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 67/76
Case Brief: Digital Advertising Bidding Platform

- application situation

A large-scale digital advertising bidding platform provides advertising matching and bidding

services. On the one hand, it assists customers to place on suitable pages, and on the other hand, it

also assists page owners to find publishers with appropriate bids. The platform needs to quickly

organize the free time and price of the layout to facilitate bidding, and analyze the needs of advertisers

to match the appropriate layout time and click efficiency. The platform aims totwenty four Provides

various analysis reports to advertisers continuously and quickly.

- Implementation process

the digital advertiser throughAmazon Hadoop MapReduceThe cloud platform performs data

processing of a large amount of information on the Internet, and uses complex event processing

technology to receive real-time click records from variousAmazon An open-source parallel database

and self-service analysis reports are established on the platform for advertisers to interactively

analyze real-time advertising benefits.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 68/76
Case Brief: Digital Advertising Bidding Platform

- Implementation benefits

The digital advertiser usesPBThe cloud platform with integrated data processing capabilities

reduces the cost of building and maintaining related software and hardware, and enables advertisers to

quickly query the benefits of various advertisements independently, improving user satisfaction and

adherence. In addition, through automated complex event processing tools to maintaintwenty four

Uninterrupted, detailed and efficient collection of click information and information on each

advertisement page allows users to track and analyze more conveniently.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 69/76
Ecosystem Development

- Enterprises or individuals rely on various types of software and hardware tools and the assistance of data

suppliers to mine and process potentially valuable data and convert them into valuable data,

information and even knowledge

-The data analysis team in most enterprises that have not undergone a complete digital transformation successfully plays the

role of ITEngineer and Information Management System (Management Information System, MIS) operation management

tasks, responsible for the output of reports or data mining, focusing on business thinking and not familiar with the

company's own business

-However, even professional analysts need various information platforms and analytical processing tools. The data

team needs to quickly combine and schedule various digital services in response to the rapid increase in data

sources, and then implement them into business applications

-In a modern society emphasizing specialization and division of labor, data storage, processing, analysis, and presentation

can be handed over to the services and tools provided by professional external teams, and the company's internal

personnel only need to use this to explore the value of their professional fields. Just work, so that a big data analysis

ecosystem with coordinated development and operation will gradually be formed.

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 70/76
Ecosystem Development

- In the development of the entire big data ecosystem, the following roles may be included

-Consumer or business: end users who use big data, do not necessarily need access to the data

- Such as: product recommendations on shopping websites, maintenance warnings for factory equipment or vehicle engines, etc.

-Value-added supplier: organize and transform the original data and give it to application service providers or end users

- Such as: government open data,weather.comProvides global weather information, etc.

- Application Service Providers: Provide data analysis, models or applications as commodities to customers

- In the information economy, application services may be obtained through subscriptions, and application service providers

may also benefit from advertisements implicit in the services or brand effects that gain market share.

-Software suppliers: provide data processing software, analysis software or data analysis tools, etc.

- In line with the development of cloud computing, many software providers have also set up systems to provide related cloud services

- Well-known suppliers areSASS,SAP,Microsoft,Oracle,IBMWait

-System Integration and Consulting Service Providers: Assisting users and suppliers to make good use of analytical tools and equipment

- Well-known service providers areAccenture,PwC,Orange Business ServicesWait

-Infrastructure suppliers: provide software and hardware products such as storage devices, servers, circuits, etc.

- The above cloud services are also part of the infrastructure supply

- Well-known suppliers areGoogle,Microsoft,Oracle,IBM,Amazon, SAP,

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Ecosystem Development

Big data application users

(personal user)

Data application Integrate with

value conversion Consultancy service

system integration and

Big data application service provider Consultant service provider

Data Processing/Analysis Services Data value-added services

big data software provider Big data value-added provider

Data storage, computing IT architecture services

Big data infrastructure provider

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 72/76

- 5W1H

- Mind Map / Mind Map

Mind Map

- Characteristic factor analysis diagram/fishbone diagram

Cause and Effect Diagram/Fishbone Diagram

- Statistical Quality Control

Statistics, Quality, Control (SQC)

- HadoopCluster environment
Hadoop cluster environment

- complex event handling

Complex Event Processing (CEP)

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 73/76
problem discussion

- What is data processing

What is data processing?

- Try to list the types of questions

Please list different types of “problem”

- Six Steps to Problem Solving

Six steps of solving problem

- Analysis methods at different levels (depths)

Different levels of analysis

- Common data value exploration directions

Common investigate direction of “data value”

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 74/76
problem discussion

- The main content of enterprise value

The main content of data value in corporation (corporation value)

- The main content of information economic value

The main content of data value in Infonomic (Infonomic value)

- The Market Characteristics of Information Economic Value

Market Characteristics of Infonomic Value

- Steps in the Value Cycle

Steps/process of data value cycling

- Business analysis technology in different eras and technological development backgrounds

Business analysis technology with different age and technology

Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology 75/76
problem discussion

- Try to list the technical product demand items for big data analysis in the market

Please list the technical product that the markets request for big
data analysis

- Main software product types for big data analysis

Please list the major software product types of big data analysis

- Try to describe the overall technical architecture of industrial applications

Please describe the technical architecture of industrial application

- Try to describe the planning and implementation process of industrial application

Please describe the planning and implementation process of

industrial applications

- Try to describe the various roles and their associations in the development of the big data ecosystem

Please describe the roles and their relationship in the big data

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Ddepartment of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and Energy Eengineering, National Chin Yi University of Ttechnology

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