Decision 0

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ID data:

Company #

Student 1 MARTA KI
Student 3 CHRIS NE
Student 4

Investment decisions

Facility 0 Facility 1 Facility 2

Administration building Store

600,000 € 75,000 € 100,000 €

Facility 5 Facility 6
Mechanical machine, type II Mechanical machine, type III

375,000 € 400,000 €

Facility 9 Facility 10
Electronic machine, type I Electronic machine, type II

425,000 € 450,000 €

Capital Expenditures (total):

Should you dismantle any facility in the first quarter (from 4 to

Number of workers to hire: 30

Decisiones de financiación:
Number of shares to issue in the IPO (thousands):
Number of shares to be issued for the venture capital company (thousands):

Long-term loan (in thousands of euros)

The initial leverage ratio is 192%

The long-term loan will be paid-back by principal payments of 9
The interest spread of the long-term loan will be 003%.
EURIBOR rate for the next quarter will be 3%

Cash-inflows 5,840,000 €
Issued shares IPO 1,000,000 €
Issued shares (Venture Capital) 1,000,000 €
Long-term loan 3,840,000 €

You can contract a short-term loan for the first quarter for a m
The interest spread over the EURIBOR for the commercial disco
Company Name


Facility 3 Facility 4
Assembly plant Mechanical machine, type I

200,000 € 350,000 €

Facility 7 Facility 8
Electronic machine, type I Electronic machine, type I

425,000 € 425,000 €

Facility 11 Facility 12
Electronic machine, type II Electronic machine, type III

450,000 € 525,000 €

4,800,000 €
y facility in the first quarter (from 4 to 12), you will receive the 95% of their purchasing price.

Integer. Minimum: 0 Initial monthly wage: 2,100.00 €

Integer, between 0 and 1000

Integer between 0 and 3840

k by principal payments of 96000.000€ at the end of each quarter.

m loan will be 003%.
will be 3%

Cash-outflous -4,830,000.00 € Cash at the beginning o

CAPEX -4,800,000.00 €
Hiring cost -30,000.00 €

for the first quarter for a maximum amount of 103000.000 € at an interest spread over the EU
OR for the commercial discount for the first quarter will be 006%.

Integer. Minimum 2000

at the beginning of quarter 1: 1,010,000 €

spread over the EURIBOR of 005%.

Dif l/p 0.0375

Endeudamiento sin cp

Límite CP 103000

i CP 0.0475

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