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Author Sarah Phillips is an expert in CLIL (Content and | Language Integrated Learning) and how the brain leoms, “The more children interact with the materials, the teacher | and each other, the more they will learn.” Walk into an INCREDIBLE ENGLISH classroom and there is a buzz ... you could find children acting out a story, using a Venn diagram or finishing a project confidently in English. The trusted methodology is based on things that children love. Stories in every unit pull them into the new language, and songs, games, acting out and craft activities give their brains plenty of practice. The Activity Book really makes them think to help them remember more. Children also love to learn relevant things. A colourful lesson in every unit uses English as a vehicle to teach other subjects where they develop skills needed 5 part of their general education whilst improving their use of English. Allevels have an incredible range of support items to help children interact with English in many fun ways. This second edition gives the class even more ... Anew Starter Level More support for storytelling More reading texts and personalized writing tasks More support for the Cambridge YLE Tests with a NEW testing programme More skills development activities for speaking and writing More grammar practice ond language support eeeees 2nd EDITION “na Ww % Class Book The Incredible Club DD tet, kidst D saturday morning " © camping 19 Me and my world & Revision 1 27 BD Looking at animals 29 GB atthe supermarket 37 BF ourtown 45 Me and my world & Revision 2 53 BD atthe sports centre 55 BD uncle silt 63 D carnival time! n Me and my world & Revision 3 79 Festivals 81 CYL Starters practice 84 CYL Movers practice 88 Syllabus 92 Wordlist 94 Sarah Phillips Kirstie Grainger Michaela Morgan OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Gia 1 Listen and find. @ » amy, INCREDIBLE| Names Archie Taylor Age: 8 Birthday: 29th October Name: Finn Cooper Age: 9 Birthday: 3rd February Phone number: 814452 | Nami Molly Finch Phone number: 783066 Name: Jazmin Patel (is fa Age: 9 Age: 8 Birthday: 13th June Birthday: 31st July Phone number: 759163 Phone number: 820781 Name: aa isan Eve Wilkins @G@\ *s Bi ct : Birthday: 8th Jonuary Birthday: 22nd April Phone number: 820781 2. Make finger puppets. Ask and answer. What's your name? Tm Jazmin Patel. When’ vour birthday? Its on the thirteenth of June. What's your phone number? Phonenumber: 704056 I f ait Hello, kids! 1. Look, listen and repeat. © 2 2. Listen and find. © » 1watch 2cards 3 football 4 magazine Sumbrella 6sweets 7 glasses 8cat Qrollerblades 10 bag Tye got sweets. = Tye got sweets and a magazine. Tye got sweets and a magazine and a cat. 3 Ask and answer. 1 Listen and read. @ 1« ae ag Oh! The cat's in the bag! XC And she's wearing my glasses! Se ie = Ip 4 4 Now the cat is a member of the club! | ee Let's call her Coco! x oI the cat. ‘ iy i Ro) (i led Welcome to the club, Coco! 2 Read again and find the picture. “ 3 Listen again and act.® 1« Use your finger puppets. The cat is wearing the glasses. Eve can't find her bag. Eve says‘hello'to the children, The cat is a member of the club now. Eve can't find her glasses. f Luke can see the bag. g_ Thecat can't come in. anca o = 1 Which sentence is in the story? Make more sentences. LJ onthe table | [ under the bag 2 Listen and say which picture.® 17 3. Play the game. 5 The cat's on the table. The glasses are in the bag, The cat's on the chair. The glasses are under the table. 1 Look. Where can you do these activities?) “ Read and check. EF play football] EY play on computers] BF play music) EF play games] [EY make cakes] MM vead books TTA Va ge Ae PSST) Goa on Monday, afternoon Play football and table tennis! You can learn a new sport foo. Leite CTs Pie oe cue! Ee MIUSTOL EDIE day afternoon listen to your favourite music. Can you dance? You can learn new dances at the disco! CO ca eee VISIT US AT 27 PARROT STREET, St eM A ey Le AT} FOR KIDS OF Have you got a musical instrument? You con play in our band. We've got drums, triangles, guitars ‘and xylophones. Play on the computers. ‘You con learn about the internet too. What's your favourite game? We've got lots of fantastic games. Come and play on Friday afternoon! o> al r Do you like cakes? Learn to make ‘cakes with us! 2. Read the leaflets again. Write the days. 1 Youcan play games on___. 2. Youcan play on computers on___.. 3 Youcan discover your town on __. 4 Youcan play the guitar on __. You can go to the discoon_. You can learn a new sport on. You can make cakes on___. You can listen to a storyon__. eau . iing ie tine 1 Look, listen and repeat. © 1 Coreen em nmi re malt Le acer We tell the time with clocks. This is a digital clock What's the time? This clock has got three hands. The red hand shows seconds. Itmoves very fast. What's the time? This clockhas gotaface and two hands. The big (. hand shows minutesand ¢% the small hand shows hours. Point to the big hand. Point to the small hand, What's the time? 3 Readand find the clocks. 7 1. This clock says eight o'clock. 3. This clock is a digital clock. 2 This clock has got three hands. 4 This clock has got two hands. am ; 1 Listen and say which clock. © 1» wo What's the time? It's five o'clock. It’s quarter past eight. It’s half past ten. It’s quarter to two. 1 Make a clock. 1. Listen, find and repeat. @ 1+ 2. Listen and say the chant. @ us» He's got a kitten, She's got a dog, He's got a fish, And she's got a frog! She's got a yoghurt, He's got a drink, She's got a chocolate, And he's got a mint! -—— By Saturday morning 1. Look, listen and repeat. © “2 Listen and find. © us 1cap 2shirt 3dress 4belt 5 trainers 6 tracksuit Ttrousers 8shoes Qgloves 10scarf 11 tights 12 coat 3. Ask and answer. What's Molly wearing? She's wearing a pink dress and trainers. a Som mn 1 Listen and read. © 12 The autograph 1 Oh, the Street Boys. 10% At the sh == . 5 AT ike the Glitter Girls Os Look, Jazmin. This is Luke's CD. It's new. Hey, look! It's Rick! From the Street Boys! Hello! Can we have 7 , = later | l ah) 2 an autograph? re aN be A red jacket ... J Look, he's over there! ———— Here you are. You can have a CD too. Yes, I'm their manager. 2. Read again and write True or False. “ 3. Listen again and act.@12 Use your finger puppets. Look, Jazmin. This is the Street Boys. Tike the Glitter Girls 1e man gives them a book. e manager has got blue ousers. y= 1 Which question is in the story? Make more questions. What colour’s his jacket - What colour are her shoes ZI 2. Listen and say which picture.® 12 3 Play thegame. What colour's her dress? Its red.) What colour are his trousers? (Theyre black. Picture I? 1 Look. What do they talk about? © Read and check. Vhs tovouresona] Ey his brothers and sisters / (GY his favourite foods ithe managerjof ithe 4 Hi, Adam! Congratulations on the new Glitter Girls CD! What's your favourite song on the CD? Theyre all briliant. My favourite is Dance all Day. | love dancing. Yes, | like that song too. You need a lot of energy for your job. ‘Do you eat healthy food? Yes! | like fruit and vegetables. | drink lots of water too. Can you cook? No, | can‘t cook, but I can make sandwiches! They’re very good. What's your favourite sandwich? ‘AT Banana and chocolate! FF Wow! Delicious. Do you lke sport? Yes, | love sport. | play tennis and badminton. | like running too. | run to the studio in the morning. Have you got a car? No, I haven't got a car, but I've got a bike. use buses and trains too. That's very green! Thanks for talking to us. 2 Read the interview again and match. ~ 1 Adam's favourite song is a abike. 2 Adam can't b tennis. 3. Adam eats © banana and chocolate. 4 Adam's favourite sandwich is d= cook. 5 Adam plays e Dance all Day. 6 Adam has got f good food. EF sicits 1 Look, listen and repeat. © 1 2. Listen, read and answer. © 1= A portrait is a picture of a person. Itcan be a painting, a drawing or a photo. ) ng ofa photo: Ne sd : 7 A portrait can be realistic or abstract. A realistic portrait looks like the person. An abstract portrait looks different from the person. } a bid ! he, This is a portrait This is another Look at these portraits. Which portrait of Sylvette by portrait of Sylvette. | is realistic? Which portrait is abstract? Picasso. It is a Itisanabstract. | realistic portrait, portrait. Which 7 _) portrait of Sylvette do youlike best? | area 3 Look at the portraits of Sylvette. Write True or False. 1 She has got long hair. 3 The abstract portrait is a painting. 2. The realistic portrait isa photo. 4 She is happy in the portraits. | vie ey Se, Adkectveso describe people 1. Listen and say which portrait. @ 1 like this portrait. Its a man. I think its a painting, It’s a woman. man boy girl | Ithinkit’saphoto. painting drawing | Ithink she’s sad. serious rich angry | peor hazed | a Se) ny 1 Makea portrait. ee 4 Draw and colour, 1 Listen, find and repeat. © 2. Writer Put on your skirt, your purple skirt. Put on your shirt, your purple shirt. Purple skirt, purple shirt, Now you'te looking good! Put on your dress, your yellow dress. Put on your belt, your red belt. Yellow dress, red belt, Now you're looking good! wands /s:/ and aw DE 1 Look, listen and repeat. © 2 Listen and find.© 1torch 2comb 3 sleeping bag 7blanket 8mat 9 sunglasses a 4 teddy 5 pillow 10 book 11 towel ‘ea 6 pyjamas 12 toothbrush 3 Ask and answer. Is the comb on the table? @ a) the pyjamas under the bed? = en and read. © 1» It's in the clubhouse. Wait a minute. Archie's scared of an owl! I've got my toothbrush, and my towel Finn is scared of my pink spotty teddy! ) - Ms 4 ' Everyone's a scaredy cat! 4 al 8 © bear! I'm g ! scared! a 5 “7 i Read again and write True or False. “ 3. Listenagainand act. @ 1 Use your finger puppets. a Archie has got a torch. b_ Finn's teddy is missing. ¢ Jazmin likes the dark. Luke is scared of an owl. Luke is scared of the cat. f Finn can see a crocodile. g Finis scared of the teddy. ‘1 Which question is in the story? Make more questions. atorch |{ ? | Have you got || any brothers Have you got any rollerblades 2. Listen and say who. @ 1» 3 Ask and answer. Talk about yourselves. 2 Have you a any sisters? Have you got a bike? 2g “2 1 Look. Match the postcards to the pictures.. “ Read and check. per TS | Tim comping wiih my cous I's fin. J |The campate has got different kh | ‘dubs | like the music cb. There ore | guters, ard crus. con | fm in London with Dad. Its great! London has got lots ‘of museums. Ilike the Natural History Museum. Its got some fantastic dinosaurs. enormous! Mr. Flowers Tye got three dinosaur figures | 9, eae eer from the museum shop. Bristol Love from, BSB any A Biden Uncle Tony, Vin at the beach with my class. 11's very hot. There's a kids! club with surfing classes. | love surfing! | can stand on theboard now. It's } MrT brown brilliant Have you gota | | surfboard? ae | Love from, 26 4SH | cho 2. Read the postcards again. Write S (Suzie), A (Amy) or C (Cho).| * 1. She isin London. 5. Itishot. 2. She can surf. 6 She is with her school friends. 3. She is with her dad. 7 Mrs Evans is her grandma. 4 Her postcard is going to Norwich. 8 She's got three dinosaur figures. ae osama 1 Look, listen and repeat. © 2. Listen, read and answer. ©) 1»» Music can be high or low. Is this high or low? J And this? JJ Music can be fast or slow. Is this fast or slow? {J And this? {J Music can be loud or quiet. Is this loud or quiet? JJ And this? J Some music sounds like animals! Listen to this music. It is low, slow and loud. Does it sound like an animal? Which animal? Listen to this music. Itis high, fast andquiet. Jd Does it sound like a different animal? Which animal? 3 Listen andwriteaorb.@1 7 1 Thismusicis a loud —-b quiet. 2 Thismusicis a fast. —b slow. 3) This music is a high. b low. Listen and find the animals. © 141 It's and it’s Ithink it sounds like a hen. a lion a snake Tthink it an elephant sounds like an a parrot elephant, a horse 1. Make animal music. Ive got a book, I've got a hook, Ive got a foot in my bag. Who put a book, who put a hook, Who put a foot in my bag? T've got a torch, I’ve got a ball, T've got a horse in my bag. Who put a torch, who put a ball, Who put a horse in my bag? aa Ee ot Eas & 1 Look at the photos and write K (Karim) or H (Haruto). Read and check. 1 Whois from Morocco? 3 Whois wearing white? 2. Whois playing a drum? 4 Whoisina festival? Hello. My name's Karim and I'm from Morocco. I live near Marrakesh, It's a big city. In this photo I'm wearing our traditional costume. It's a long white tunic and a red hat. I'm playing the oud. ‘The oud is the grandfather of the guitar. It is a very old instrument from the north of Africa. It has got a round body and eleven strings. You don't play it with your 4 fi es You play it with a small piece of wood or a feather. Hi, my name's Haruto. Ym from Japan, I play the wadaiko, It is a traditional Japanese drum. It is more than a thousand years old! 1 go to wadaiko lessons on Tuesday and Thursday at Music Club. We start at half past six and we L finish at half past eight. I love playing the drums. e “The music is very fast and very loud too. There is a big festival in my town in July, Lots of bands come to the festival. My friends and I play in the children's competition. It's fun! 2. Read again and write True or False. 1 Karim lives in Marrakesh. 6 Wadaiko drums are very old. 2. Karimis playing the guitar. 7 Haruto has wadaiko lessons at 3. The oud is from India. school. 4 The oud isa very old instrument. 8 Wadaiko music is fast and loud. 5 Haruto plays the flute. me ea gz =~ OE Lg 7 % “a = % % = BB asicond answer Y cry Say a word beginning with 1 Play in pairs. You need Ce Talk about it these letters 3 counters each. @®@@ 000 _ | 2 Putyour counter on a square and follow the | instructions, | You can learn vocabulary like this. Draw pictures and Fold the paper. copy words ona = Write the words. piece of paper. Then unfold and check. EJ How many words does the pupil know? Choose some words you find difficult, Use this to help you learn them. Me Ce Ri ee at | j) | a | = TM 1 Look, listenandrepeat.®z 2 Listen and find. © — a i \ lant 2tortoise 3snake 4 butterfly Scanary 6 parrot 7 lizard 8 stickinsect_ 9snail 10 fish 11 guinea pig = 12 rabbit 3 Askand answer. Do you like guinea pigs? Do you like ish? Has she got a python? £2 iz Ws) ts a she CD a a \ ‘Oh, yes. Shame. | Tike tigen!) She's the owner. Ma ol “oo bad B She a rept i 3 7 ie on. Let's the snakes. Ska What's the matter? tf ila, j : ry or) haa“ JID Com A\ look at aK Hello, Mrs Ripley! Jord ies That's big, - 7 ° 55: SS 2 Read again and find the picture.. “ 3 Listen again and act. = Use your finger puppets. Camilla is on the table. The chameleon is stripy now. Whos Mis Ripley? ¢ Molly can see Camilla ona plant. d= The children arrive at the centre. e Molly wants to hold Camilla. f The children are looking at the animal pictures. Ercan ’ Cel ea pec coaxing at She loves reptiles! va 1 Which question is in the story? Make more questions. Has she got || atiger L] Has he got || acanary [7] 2 Lem tee © 3 Playthegame. Has she got a rabbit? No. Has she got a lizard? Yes. Has he got a tortoise? No, Number 3? Yes! 1 Look. What information isn’t in the fact file?’ “ Read and check. a Reptile Fact File © € Reptile Fact File @) 2 Read the fact files again. Write chameleons, iguanas or both. 1 They can be very small. 5 They like trees. 2. They are lizards. 6 They can change colour. 3. They can swim. 7 They have got long tongues. 4 They eat fruit. 8 They are green and brown. Se Sem ma = 1 Look, listen and repeat. © » 2. Listen and say the insect. © 2» 3. Describe and guess. Its ted and black. Its got big wings. It can fly. It’s green. brown yellow red It's got long legs. short legs four wings | big wings a green head | a yellow body | It can fly. jump It can't sting. Qo = “— Do the quiz. Use the text to help you. Listen, read and check your answers. © 2» All insect bodies have got three parts: the head, the thorax and the abdome! The eyes, mouth and antennae are Some insects have got wings, and on the head. The legs and wings are some haven't got wings. Some have on the thorax. got four wings and some have got Allinsects have got six legs. Aspider "WO Wings. isn’t an insect, because it has got Allinsects lay eggs. They lay lots of eight legs. eggs. A queen bee can lay about two thousand eggs in one day! eu) mr 1 Invent an insect. Fn 1 Listen, findand repeat.@2 2 Listen and say the chant.@2= Clap, clap, clap! Jump, jump, jump! Stamp, stamp, stamp! Run, run, run! Jump, monkey, jump! Run, puppy, run! Stamp, rabbit, stamp! Clap, everyone! Clap, clap, clap! Jump, jump, jump! Stamp, stamp, stamp! Run, run, run! JR 1. Look, listen and repeat. © 2« 2. Listen and find. © 2 1flour 2eggs 3cheese 4butter Sbiscuits 6 broccoli Tspinach 8strawberries 9sugar 10cocoa 11asparagus 12 coconuts 3 Askand answer. a 1 Listen and read. © 2» It's Finn's birthday today! We're making a cake. Tre likes mice. Let's buy this mouse. It’s funny! 7] A mouse! Thanks, everyone, ‘| (Coco, be carefull Ne Off you go, mouse. ) ili - a a o Yum. This cake is delicious! } | Oh VW“ 2. Read again and write True or False.. “ 3 Listen again and act.©@ » Use your finger puppets. It's Luke's birthday today. The children haven't got any What are you doing? cream. = They go to the park. a. They choose a mouse for Finn. Coco wants the mouse. va Coco wants the cake. The cake is on the table. oerman 1. Which sentence is in the story? Make more sentences. He likes mice . [He does the | O computers 2 Listen and say which boy. © »:* 3 Play the game. He likes mice. in He likes broccoli. He doesntt like computers, Fe doesnt ike tice im om 1. This recipe has got five ingredients. 3. This recipe has got four ingredients. 2. This recipe uses meat. 4 This recipe uses cream. 1 Look. Which recipe is it?) “ Read and check. 5 5 Remember! You can use other ingredients. CCvToTa Toa Te\WUCe I try egg, tunaond spinach, We lke cheese, egg and asparagus. What's your favourite? Ser) Slices of bread ee roan i chicke Cet d oe cm ou meets mayonnaise Bais eerie Remember! You can use different fruits. Try strawberries or peaches. And you can, oa Cut the San ee een Erin) Menten } use alot of 2. Read the recipes again and write True or False. ~ 1 Youcan make a Giant Sandwich 5 Youcan make a Fruit Surprise with spinach. with asparagus. 2 Youneed two slices of bread. 6 Youcut the banana in half first. 3 You add the chicken first. 7 You add cream in step 3. 4 You add the cheese in step 4. 8 Youadd sugarin step 4. |Fruitfand\vegetables 1 Look, listen and repeat. @ 22 2 Listen and read. @ 22 Plants give us food. A tomato is a fruit. We eat tomatoes in salads, soups and sauces. These are cocoa beans in a cocoa pod. We use cocoa beans to make chocolate. These are vanilla pods. We use vanilla pods to make vanilla. Here isa bean plant. The beans are We use chocolate and vanilla in in pods. A pod is a fruit and the ice cream, drinks and yoghurt. beans are seeds. There is vanilla in some candles too! 3 Read and match. Use the text to help you. 7 1 Tomatoes are a cocoa beans. 2 Beans are b fruit. 3 Chocolate ismadefrom ¢_ pods. 4 Vanilla is made from d seeds. 4 Listen again and check your answers. ot Sy aa eee 1 Listen, find and say the plant parts. © 225 erie What are tomatoes? beans carrots strawberries Whats lettuce? asparagus spinach broccoli rice seeds fruit flowers leaves roots 1 Make a fruit and vegetable book. Fn 1 Listen, find and repeat.@2% 2 Listen and say the chant. © 22" Pasta for my sister, Tuna for my brother, Butter for my father, A Sugar for my mother! Paper for my sister, Scissors for my brother, Rulers for my father, Rubbers for my mother! Sim 1 Look, listen and repeat. © 2 Listen and find. © >» 4 ; kB — J R & ary - . d eZ 1 L @ See } alle SS 2 1 a $ ale A 2.38 Vcinema 2swimmingpool 3school 4park S restaurant 6 library 7supermarket 8shopping centre 9carpark 10 postoffice 11 bus station 3 Ask and answer. Wheres the bus station? Its next to the post office. 1 Listen and read. © 25 24 Where are the visitors? They're late. 4 Ne ohh 4 Mi ; aD 7h | AN They're over there — a Come and see on that bus. oar our town. It's great! — This is the park. Look. There's a slide. A 7 Gt i & \ p = e BE ‘ ows Le / er! 3 AIO) / ‘Oh. There aren't There's a VERY big toy AI cry swings! shop in QUR town. a ee = = : = 7 Clam re This is Coco the cat. [There are TWO cats in our club. And a horse! good friends. are late. swings. abig toy shop. abus. six (=| [s/ Oh, a computer! Let's play on the computer. computers. ll} Wl =e i fe 3. Listen again and act. @ »» Use your finger puppets. Where are the visitors? Theyre late. Theyte over there - on that bus. 1 Which sentence is in the story? Make more sentences. [hee | [estas }[] There are ey Theres a swimming pot ‘Theres a slide. There are lots of trees. ares 0 sce There are two cats, eed 1 Look at the maps. Write K (Kate), J (Ivan) or B (Both). | “ Read and check. “= Hi, I'm Kate, This is my map of our town, It shows my important places. You can see our house, my school, the park and the ‘swimming pool. Our house is near my school, It's great. I can walk to school. ‘The park is near my school too. I like the park because there are swings and slides. I play there after school. The swimming pool is important because I'm in the school team! We swim after school on Tuesday and Thursday. ie : Tim Kate's brother. This is a map of my important places. It shows our house, my school, the library and the cinema.1 goto secondary | Ee 1 go by bus because my school isn't very near our house. Its near the shopping ceatre. The library is on my map because I love books. There are hundreds of books in the library. It’s my favourite place. There's a cinema on my map because I love films. Twant-to be an actor. 2. Read the descriptions again. Answer the questions. 1 IsKate Ivan’s sister? What are Ivan’s important places? 2 Whatis near Kate's house? Can Ivan walk to school? 3 Can Kate walk to school? Is Ivan’s school near the library? 4 Whatis there in the park? Does Ivan like reading? onan GT corn 1 Look, listen and repeat. @ =» 2. Listen, read and answer. © 2» Here is a map of Adventure Island. The key has symbols for the places on the island. How many symbols are there? Here is the symbol for a picnic area. « Can you find the picnic area on the map? Find the symbol for a beach. How many beaches are there on the island? Find the symbol for a bridge. Can you find two bridges? Where can you cross the river? | Where can you cross the sea? You can't drive a car on the island, but you can walk and ride a bike. There are three paths. What colour are the paths that go to the beach? 3 Read and find the paths, Red, green or brown? © 1 Start at the shop. Walk to the wood. Walk to the bridge. Cross the river. Return to the shop. 2. Start at the shop. Walk to the picnic area. Walk to the bridge. Cross the river. Walk to the beach. Walk to the park. Walk to the wood. Return to the shop. Hit Places in the countryside 1 Look at the map. Listen and find. @ 2» aes : Welcome to Adventure Island! —— = =. paths . Sa beach wy wood VC_ bridge picnic area shop park 2 Askandanswer. (Where can you WY buy an ice cream? |g LEP | buy an ice cream / cross the river ies, have a picnic f . play on the swings Look. There’s a climb trees shop ind3._ JBL Theresa beach in A1 andB1. bridge shop wood } 7 hie park picnic area ny 1 Make a map and a leaflet. I like scooters! Tlike cars! T’ve got blue shoes! Tve got a scarf! Ilike balloons! like guitars! like the zoo! Ilike the park! 1 Read and answer.| “ 1 Where is Brendan from? 3) Where is Mark from? 2 Where is Central Park? 4 Where is Hyde Park? | my sia are lots of different routes : always finish at the Chess H, Al like playing chess. T don't always win, but it's fun, Then We go fishing in the lake. In the su cite immer we have 4 pienic on the grass. I's a great placel Hello, Ym Mark. I'm English. Hyde Park is a big park in the centre of London. I go there at the weekends with my mum - ‘and my brother. ‘There's a lake [inthe park called the Serpentine. We 92 swimming in the lake in the summer. The water is cold, but I like it. Near Hyde Park there's a fantastic playground. It's got t ‘an enormous pirate ship, Indian tents and swings and slides, of course! I love playing on the pirate ship! 2. Read again and write Brendan or Mark. © 1 Igo to the park with my sister. 5. Igo fishing in the lake. 2. Ilike the playground. 6 Iplay on the pirate ship. 3 Ihave picnics in the park. 7 Igo swimming in the lake. 4 goto the park with my mum. 8 like playing chess. me ec | Ask and answer Say a word beginning with 1 Play in pairs. You need Ce Talk about it these letters 3 counters each. 2 Put your counter ona square and follow the instructions. 3 Take turns. ae 4 Make aline of 3 to win! Learning to learn You can organise your vocabulary in a word spider, like this. - 7 hee: be EF Draw acircleand write ee — Better So paw the spider's the category. > legs. Write a word ak pojfert foreach leg. g Which category is better: Food or Dairy Food? Now draw word spiders for the animal words in this book. “ Sem a 1baseball 2badminton 3 gymnastics hockey 5 basketball 6football 7tennis 8judo 9chess 10tabletennis 11 volleyball 3 Ask and answer. Is there a baseball class on Monday? Is there a basketball class on Friday? 1 Listen and read. © = the other side 1 m At a country park ... Look, We can play tenni “ And basketball! E ity Twenty pounds, please. No, thanks. | prefer tennis. Do you play chess? a pps a see) ses Yes, | do. | love chess. G 41 2 Read again and find the picture. “ 3 Listen again and act.© »* Use your finger puppets. @ Molly wants to play basketball. b Some old people are playing chess. ¢ Eve buys tickets for the country park. d_ Luke tells Molly to go through the hedge. Molly is playing chess. The ball is next to the table. f Jazmin finds a hole in the hedge. g._ Jazmin throws the ball over the hedge. y= 1 Which question is in the story? Make more questions. do gymnastics aes Look. Find three days, five prices and seven times. 1 2 3 We've got lots of great ideas for presents! There are toys like marbles, yo-yos, ‘animal figures, and lots morel Do you wont something for your Pencil case? Look at our pencil ens, rubbers ond sharpeners. Three for £2.00! Open 2g Learn about animals ‘and plants in the loke. Watch fish and frogs from the boat. See dragonflies fly over the water. You can take photos of the ducks too. Boat trips every day at 0.00am and 4.00pm Can you buy ice cream at the shop? What toys can you buy? How many routes are there on the climbing wall? Are the orange routes difficult? “ Read and check. There are ten routes. PONCHE NCCE tan og error Eu) tee eu Feed the lambs af The Children's Farm Come and feed our ten hungry lambs. They love milk! p14 falee Feeding times photos, please! are at 11.30am, and 3.30pm. Read the notices again. Answer the questions. 5 What can you learn about on the boat? 6 What animals can you see at the lake? 7 How many lambs are there? 8 Can you take photos? ' 1 Look, listen and repeat. © 2 There are ten footballs. Half of the footballs are yellow. Half of the footballs are white. How many white footballs are there? " How many yellow footballs are there? | There are eight children in the picture. A quarter of the children are boys. Three quarters of the There are six T-shirts. Half of the T-shirts children are girls. are blue. Half of the T-shirts are yellow. How many boys are there? How many blue T-shirts are there? How many girls are there? How many yellow T-shirts are there? We write’half’ like this: We write‘a quarter’ like this: We write’three quarters’ like th 3 Readandmatch. 7 Five. 1 Whatis a quarter of eight? a 2 Whatis half of eight? b Two. 3 > Whatis a quarter of twenty? Four. 4 Whatis half of twenty? d Ten. om =e Toth i 1 Answer the questions. Then listen and say True or False. @ 22 How many fans are there? Whatis a quarter of eight? What is half of eight? What is three quarters of eight? Half of the fans have got scarves. T-shirts hats: Three quarters of the fans are girls. boys A quarter of the fans have got wigs. flags drums 1 Make a picture of football fans. Ss 2 Complete the sentences. Ican see a green tree. Ican see a grey lake. Green tree, green cheese, Grey lake, grey cake! Tcan see a grey plane. Ican see a green sweet. Grey plane, grey trai Green sweet, green sheep! °a ad 1 Look, listen and repeat. © +: 2. Listen and find. © » i) le 3S o)\o a awe = x S : A : en r Me ; : "7 ms > G \ — = getup 2haveashower 3havebreakfast 4 go to work Shavelunch 6leave work 7have dinner 8 go to bed 3 Guess the times. Ask and answer. Do you get up at seven o'clock? Do you go to school at nine o'clock? No. I go to school at eight o'clock. | a Hi, everyone! Help me set up my machine. 1 ten and read. © »« Tiheice’cream) machine IPL Vil «tc Prccrapoucs v Ki I - : still at work. pase ll | gai Where's your Uncle Bill? bel We need the ice cream machine! | are | works in Middleton, seh to Gi a Os Ns You put the fruit in here ... ©) i «and the cream and milk in here. featamnbey iE (irene alt E y a a Now that really is an incredible ice cream machine. 1 BUA Nae or fi 6 (al Let's go and look. aaa 2. Read again and write True or False. ~ 3. Listen again and act. ©) Use your finger puppets. The children are at the féte. : eee Uncle Bill works in Middleton. a b ¢ There are no cars on the road. d e Uncle Bill arrives in a van. He puts ice cream in the machine. f The machine makes lots of milkshake. g Everyone is happy with their ice creams. 1 Which question is in the story? Make more questions. get up leave work 2. Listen and say which man. @ »5 go to bed 3. Play the game. What time does he have breakfast? He has breakfast at eight o'clock. What time does he go to wot} He goes to work at half past eight. Number 2? 1 Look. Answer the questions about a, b,candd.| “ Read and check. DY What's its name? ccm on you make ice cream? is fantostic ice cream machine. Wiisting Solar Power Racing Ca ‘sl Do you like cors? ‘Moke these cors and learn about solar energy, “There are three different cors. ‘They go really fast, Have races with your friends! Only £15! ‘A great present for boys and girls from Cee wings and legs in the kit B to 12 years old, 2. Read the adverts again and write True or False.| ~ 1 You can make tomato ice cream. 5 There are four racing cars in a box. 2. Theice cream machine is only 6 The cars use solar energy. for children. 7 Youneed an egg box to make the 3 The robot can sing. insects. 4 You can paint the robot. 8 It’s difficult to make the insects. Elecirical{circuits} 1 Look, listen and repeat. © »» 2 Listen, read and answer. © You can make circuits at home or at school. Read and match. 1 Mains electricity a anelectrical circuit. 2 Batteries b_ isdangerous. 3 Atorch has got 4 ¢ tomake a circuit. You need batteries and wires d_ make electricity, 2. Listen and say which circui 3 Talk about the circ This circuit has got a Switch and two batteries. amotor a switch \ two bulbs It hasn't got a motor. | Has it got a bulb? == 1 Write about things that use electricity. Noisy toys, noisy toys, Girls and boys like noisy toys! Buzz goes the robot... Ring goes the phone... Splash goes the motor boat... Squeak goes the gnome... )S Noisy toys, noisy toys, DF Gils and boys like noisy toys 1 Look, listen and repeat. ©» 2. Listen and find. © »»5 e Ps Tknight 2juggler 3pirate 4dancer Sacrobat 6 clown 7king 8magician 9queen 10lady 11 princess 12 prince 3 Ask and answer. dancing — taking a photo What's the queen doing? faingablke — talking a singing watching LLTEES>es| ein 1. Listen and read. © 3 Hello, Mr Patel, Were you at the carnival yesterday? / ty) —— on my laptop. f a ZS No, | wasn't. | was Yes, at the hospital. | I can't juggle. rl can't juggle No. He was aknight! | Oh. Great costume! 2 Read again and find the picture. a b c d_ The children and Coco want to ~o © fe) J OK... I've | !"m putting them got three eggs. |\_ in my hat .. b a ei Vk kG ? q ‘Molly, you're a star! i) ay: aS CW 3. Listen again and act.© +" Use your finger puppets. ” They are looking at a photo of an acrobat. Finn is doing a trick. Molly is juggling the eggs. see the photos. The eggs are in the hat. Jazmin's dad wants to look at the photos. Finn drops the eggs. y= 1 Which question is in the story? Make more questions. | Was he || on the bus | 2. Listen and guess who. © »* 3 Play the game. Was he on the lorry? No, Was he a king? No, Was he a pirate? Yes. Ted! ves. £ 1 Look. Write J (Jake's blog) or B (Bella's blog). “ Read and check. EF topes ] EE football match ] EY tennis] EY cowns] EW shoes] 000, 000. | Saturday 19% June ' It was Sports Day at school yesterday The tennis star James Clarke was the special ‘quest. He played tennis with the Year 6 children. I love tennis and 1 talked to him! He was really nice, Wednesday 10" June 1 was ot Floro’s Circus yesterday. It was fantasti! It started ot eight otlock My dad played in the football match. The teachers played against mums and dads.I watched with my mum, It was great. liked Kris best. His face was blue ond his hair Daz scored two goals. was green, The clowns were first. They were really funny. Then it was the acrobats. First they climbed the ropes to the trapeze. Then they jumped to the trampoline. I was scared! Then it was the juggler. He juggled with shoes nd hots. He was brilliant. My favourite was Jim the Magician, The Great Race started at half past three. We His umbrella was magic. It was full of sweets. ‘were in costumes. Iwas a pirate and my friend Stan was o knight. Stan was third! 2. Read the blogs again and write True or False. 1 Jake was at the hospital yesterday. 6 Bella's dad was in the football 2. Jake was scared at the circus. match 3. The juggler was very good. 7 The rollerblade race was at half 4 The magician’s hat was magic. past three. 5 Bella was at her school Sports Day 8 Bella was third in the race. yesterday. a oor nee 1 Look, listen and repeat. @ =2 2 Listen, read and answer. How to draw a person with ovals a Then draw the Draw three ovals for shoulders and the the head, the neck hips. and the body. How many ovals are there now? =) Now draw the legs gy ‘and the arms. A leg is Draw the hands two ovals. The ovals and the feet. overlap at the knee. How many ovals Anarm is two ovals are there now? too. The ovals overlap at the elbow. J g Q 0 ->] Now finish the picture. Add a face, hair and a clothes. Check your Is the head drawing. Are the too big? legs too long? | 4 d i 1 Look at the figures. Read and write True or False. 1. The hips are two small ovals, 3 Alegis two ovals. 2. The shoulders are one long oval. 4 The arm ovals overlap at the knees. 2. Listen and say which picture. © »+ What do you think of this picture? Talk about it! What do you think of this picture? | Ithink it’s fine. great good OK | PAS Ithink the arms are too long. short | Tihink:the amns (aon I think the head is too small. big are too lon =A SS ee = Ea 1 Draw a carnival figure. There's a mouse in a house, There's a tiger on a bike, There's a clown ona cow, There's a spider climbing high! There's an owl in a house, There's a spider on a bike, There's a flower on a cow, There's a fly flying by! 1 Look. Guess which text these words are in.| “ Read and check. in the winter and ther town every year: Tf the races. etast year my mum was a penguin! 1 2 3 What is a popular sport in Kenya? What are the names of two famous runners? What does Moses do at six o'clock? Does Moses run in the evening? Hello, I'm Elina. I'm from Norway. It's re is lots of snow. We do lots of winter sports like skiing and skating ‘There is a children’s winter sports day in my 'g lots of fun. There are skiing racing and sKi jump competitions. We alvays have hot chocolate and biscuits after oo aa Read again and answer the questions. 5 7 Long distance running is a popular sport here, but it isn't easy. The famous runners, Moses and Linet Masai, were at my schooll They run in races all over the world, and they ; have got lots of medals, Moses gets up at six o'clock and runs in the park. Then he makes breakfast for his sister: He runs in the afternoon and again in the evening! - Hi, my name's Joseph. I'm trom Kenya ‘and I want to be a long distance runner. cold here fa ce hot chocolate What's the weather like in Norway in winter? What kind of sports do people do? What do they have after the races? What can you wear? Say a word beginning with 1 Playin pairs. You need Ce Talk about it these letters 3 counters each. 2 Put your counter ona square and follow the instructions. 3 Take turns. — Ke 4 Make a line of 3 to win! Teeretiys peo cri) You can make words easy to remember with word pictures like this. Make a picture a we word => BADMINT(_)R badmint@« g Which picture is better? Now draw word pictures for the some other sports. 7 People celebrate New Year in different ways and on different days. 1. Listen and say Molly, Luke or Archie. © 12° 2 eyei4) ae) 2 Read and write J (Japan), T (Thailand) or S (Scotland). y q New Year is in April They play with Fels are very important ‘water at New Year. at New Year. EV New vearis fiom the 3ist of December to the 2nd of January. EF New vearis fom the 29th of December to the 3rd of January. g Aman with dark hair is good luck on the 3lst of December. UO CTT Tis nytt 1 Read and listen. Write the names and numbers. © »2 ee aaa] On Valentine's Day, in some countries, people give coupons to their friends and family. The coupon is a promise to do something for someone. This coupon is for This coupon is for ie za — cleaning, the bdccom FS} At 1 Read the sentences and find the pictures. ee Ceta seer Put plastic in the plastic bin! Save old wrapping paper! * 2. Listen and write the numbers. © =» Say recycle, reuse or reduce for each picture. SEnES Let’s practise! 1 Colour the books. Then read and match. There is one example. 3 = green 4 = purple 5 = blue 6 = orange 7 = pink 8 = yellow The red book is le the shoes. The pink book i the chair. is on The purple book is rere the cupboard. The yellow book is in the bed. The brown book is on the chair. The green book is under the ball. The orange book is in front of the cupboard. The blue book is between the bed. 2 Listen and write the names. © teen [84 | Revising pre Listening Listen and colour. There is one example. @ +3 Read the question. Listen and write a name or a number. There are two examples. © Examples What's the boy's name? How old is he? ¥ Questions 1 a nwn What's the name of Bill's dog? How old is the dog? What's Bills sister's name? How old is she? How many brothers has Bill got? SEniEDS Let’s practise! 1 Read and write t (table) or d (dog). There is one example. P'm an animal. d 1 can’t walk. People put food on me. | like meat. 1 2 3 4 5 Pm not an animal. 6 There are chairs under me. o 7 can walk, run and jump. 8 I’ve got four legs and a tail, 9 haven't got a head. 10 My favourite food is a biscuit. 2 Read the sentences and circle the correct words. There is one example. 1 You can find me in a 4 I haven't got any ‘computer sock . legs eyes wings. water a horse 2 Fcan climb 5 You can find me on a flowers ‘trees cheese . book) ‘pencil ‘bed. a monkey a blanket 3 You wear me on your 6 Pve got big A Goon ana) (ead. an a shoe elephant wings ‘ears tails. PA heen Starters} Reading & Writing Read this. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1-5. There is one example. A parrot I'm a small animal. I've got two wings and two (1) . Pm green and red and I've got a big green (2). Lean fly and I can climb (3) I can’t swim. | play witha (4) . leat bread and fruit. My favourite food is a (5) What am 1? | am a parrot. wings cat tail oo ee LYyjSA\VARS Let's practise! 1 Complete the answers. are do hasn’t isn’t dont am can is 1 Do you play basketball? ‘Are your shoes black? Can your brother swim? Is there a library at your school? Do your grandparents live in a flat? Is your dad a doctor? Are you wearing a hat? aN ann wn Has your teacher got a dog? ( No, | don’t, Yes, they Yes, he No, there Yes, they Yes, he Yes, | No, she 2 Match the questions and answers. Listen and check. @2* 1 How are you? Would you like a burger? Do you want a drink? 2 3 4 Have you got any sausages? 5 Can! have a cheese sandwich, please? 6 Thank you. How much is that? J 88 || Practising questions and answers No, thank you, I’m not thirsty, cA No, sorry Two pounds fifty, please noo I'm fine, thanks. Yes, here you are. f Yes, please Reading & Writing Read the text and choose the best answer. There is one example. Example Anna: Paul: Questions 1 Anna: Paul: 2 Anna: Paul: What are you doing? @) Pm looking for a present for Sarah. B | buy a present for Sarah. C Pm doing a present for Sarah. Who's Sarah? A She’s nine. B She's my friend. C They're my friends |s it a birthday present? A Yes, it is. B It’s my birthday. C She likes presents. Anna: Paul: Anna: Paul: Anna: Paul: Can | help you? A Yes, I can. B No, they can’t. C Yes, you can. Does she like horses? A No, she hasn't. B No, it’s a horse C No, she doesn’t How much is that game? A They're five pounds. B It's five pounds. C — P'm playing a game. Have you got five pounds? A Yes, | have. B No, you haven't. C Yes, please. eading &Witingtestport3 | 89 LIYVAVA’ Let's practise! 1 Look at the pictures. Write the missing words. There is one example. 1 Vicky is climbinga tree. Her dad is fishing in the «Her mum is reading a . Vicky's dog is playing with a 2 Now it’s . Vicky and her mum are standing the tree. Vicky's dad has got an . The is swimming in the river. 2 Look at the pictures. Read and correct one word. There is one example. Tom is making a sandwich. cake He's in the bedroom. Tom's cat is sleeping. There are three cakes on the table. Tom is washing his face. The dog is looking at the cupboards. Now there’s one cake on the chair. Tom is saying, “Where's the blue cake?” The dog is on the table. Tom is looking at the table. The dog is drinking the pink cake. Tom is happy. a eee Speaking Read the first part of the story. Then tell the rest of the story in pairs. Take turns to say a sentence. Story 1: The bag Sally is in the park. She is playing football with her dad. ‘A woman is reading a book. Her bag is next to her. John is in his bedroom. He's sitting on his bed. He's reading a book about pirates. Coe) En SETI) Personal information questions ©) When's your birthday? 15 on the (twenty-third of October |What's your phone number? \wnats your sumame? ‘Whats your name? How old ore you? Im. Prepositions behind infront of next ton on under islare The (lasses) are next tothe (bag) Where aremy...? They‘ They arent. ‘Arethey..? Is... ‘The (cat) inthe (bag). Te got (sweets and a magazine) Possessive adjectives his/her What colours his jacket? \Wmot colour are her shoes? this/ these, possessive's This is Luke’ CD) ‘These ore (Molly shoes) Present continuous with wearing \What'she she /Finn weoring? Hes /She's weering have got Have you got o (torch? Have you gat any (bothers)? Thaverit got a/any is | are, prepositions Isthe (comb) on the (bea)? "Novis onthe (chain, ‘Are the (pyjamos) under the (table? ‘No, they're onthe (bed). hhas got Hoshe go a (guinea pia)? Hosshe got (lizard)? He/She hasn't got. He/She got Ihe ‘Do you tke (quinea pigs? lke / don'tike (sna). ores erry Learning through English’ | Writing Pier Ordinal numbers fist second third. ‘Months of the year Jonuory,Februcry, March, ‘Apri Mou June, July. August, ‘September, October, Novernber, December Personal possessions Maths: Tein the time Writing task ‘bag, cot, cards football glosses, Time phrases Alcott magazine rllerblades sweets, What's the time? Writing tip ‘umbrella, watch Its seven oddock Starting and ending Days ofthe week Its quorter past seven, sentences Monday. Tuesday Wednesday, _Itshalf past seven, Thursday, Friday.Soturdoy, It quarter to eight. Sunday ‘morning night oftemoon, ‘evening Clothes Are Portraits ‘Writing task belt,cop coat dress,gloves, ‘Adjectives to describe people An interview scarf shoes, shit tights tracksuit. rich poor serious angry, -—-Writingtip trainers, trousers happy. sad Joining ideas with ‘and, butand 100 ‘Camping things Music: Describing music ‘Writing task blanket, book, comb, mat, Adjectivesto describe music Aposteord pillow, pyjamas, sleeping bag, high, low,fast slow loud, quiet Writing tip sunglasses teddy toothbrush, Starting and ending torch towel sentences Animals Science: Insects ‘Writing task ‘nt buttery canary, fish, Insects Afoct file guineapig lizard, parrot rabbit, fy bee, ladubird, grasshopper, Writing tip snail snake, stckinsect, tortoise dragonfly, Placement of codjectives lke He tikes / doce ike. Does he/ shelike? How much is/are How much four? How much ore stewberes?? Theyte Prepositions ‘posite There isiare Theresa (hd. ‘There are eight swings) Istherea..? ‘re there ony Where's the shopping centre)? It fextto) the (park. Present simple Bo youplay (chess? Do you do (judo)? ploy tennis). dont do (judo). Isthere (tennis) class on Mondoy? ‘There's football on Mondo. Present simple \wnat time does he have breakfast? \What time dees he (leave work)? He has /leaves / gets goes. He works in (Midleton. He doesn’ workin (Middleton) ‘Do you getup at eight oclock? ‘No, getup at seven odloc Past simple (wasvere) Twasmosician. Were you at the cmival? Wasit good? Iwas brine! wasnt at the park. Present continuous \Wnatis the queen doing? Shes singing. = eee butter, cheese, cocoa, coconuts, 995, flour spinach, strawberries, suger Places in atown, bus station, car park cinema, library park, post office, restaurant, school shopping centre, supermarket, swimming poo! Sports ‘badminton besebell bosketbal, chess football, gymnestics, hhockeu, judo, table tennis tennis, volleybolt Daily routines ‘getup, ave a shower, hhave breakfast, go to work, {0 to school, have lnc, leave work leove school hhave dinner, gota bed Carnival characters lovin juggler king queen, prince, princess, knight lacy, ‘magician, ocrobat pirate, dancer pores ore Learning through English’ | Writing Poaeeterrs Science: Fruitand vegetables Parts of e plant ower leat stem, root, seed Geography: Mops Places inthe countryside beach, bridge, poth, picnic area, iver, shop, wood Maths: Frections Football things drum, flog, hat, shirt wig half quarter, three quarters Science: Eletical crits Electrical components bulb, battery, wire, motor, switch ‘Art: Drawing figures Parts ofthe body elbow foot hond, head, knee, neck, shoulder Writing task, Arecipe ‘Writing tip Using imperatives ‘townie instructions ‘Writing task ‘Adesciption of. ‘oplace Writing tip Using because to ‘give reasons or ‘expionations| Writing task. Anotice Writing tip Using the repostions on at ‘and from. 1 Writing task. An odvert Writing tip Word orderin questions ‘Writing task biog Writing tip Using the post form ‘ofregulr verbs ‘Starter Unit Januory ua! February /'ichrusi/ Moreh ino Ao era May “ne” Sune fas Sly 453a ‘August 3 September scien ctober fois November /220'vemtry December fem Unit ‘afternoon fs ‘school / shel! bag ff bed os! big hond (lock) "bm hen bu ow Con you 2 en ju! cords fo! camry keri! at Nt) lock Tok! ub Kl clubhouse /'ksbhaus! doll das! nk in) fink evening /nin/ everyone fein foc (oct esd football Hite fog fica! lasses slau Goowoy! fg 3'wef have fun fuss fan! hour Foose Tike Ja ak ove sin? join fpnt ‘magazine ns! ‘member Pent! sess fc! int inn! inate mints smoxning ight Fas outing / v0! lace les? poor cat fp ke folleblades /'asbee/ Seat a second /'sekna Sweets fst tip fe! tumbretia bly woteh fw? wear fuse welcome /_elkony Whata mess for 9 mes! unit2 ‘obs hank fomazing /'neziy fongry Jer! ‘autograph soar? belt el bottom al im ha! Blan 7 bios cap he coat fo ‘oles "otis Congratulations! ‘ongretu lea! eawing isin! ess fos felahty pence fat ‘peo! energy, ena? fantastic ie ts loves flav happy hen Here youre, "his ju: ao Tike fa lak eh. a0 manager /* menus mena Tend ‘one pound ity Toa pond if painting /pernan/ oor fsoie porte "passe? Fealstic /r stk Fen Sod (se! scarf si? fetus Juss shir ij: shoes /juzl! teo fi! team fin aghts fas tophalf top os! racket treks! troiners cin! ousers tes Wielldone! vs ‘Sand Units beor Poe bionket sesh book fi cerate yk! feomb (ose Dont forget... /dsont ust? everything /esidny fast /a's/ high sa? hook fk Teartfind... fares und mhappy iobe me at ei! hint suns tke 7A sad aks Lets check. sek wf Look heres. Tok, ha! loud fsa tow fou! mat /ras/ fall plow ‘pas Posteo pauskosy uylameas /p esos! fulet sais! Feody "eas Scoredy cat shew ke” Scored of) shed a Sleeping beg /'si:pn bes slow fs! spotty Psi Sunglasses songs! teddy ii the dark 739 'dak tidy tai? toothbrush boll torch fo: towel faa! What eee? foot i ‘Me and my world 1 band sent competion /kompo'ufn! costume Pain! trum ard Festival Teno Instrument Pisesont! Japon ii;'pen! Morocco /ns0hae/ fd es Strings syd twaonal fads! tone Pina Unit fbdomen fsb fades re font fs! ‘antennae ferent beaut / ui” bee fi boating hn butterfly / sista canary aie Cont? en wv chameleon f'n sanh changecolour jen "ule ol ri? frogonfy / raga! field ii? fishy) fy Ma fun al 0 foros! grasshopper /'ycssbopse guinea pig ni po! Read fhe! Teartfind.. fa kat fn ean... kane ean. it kat? Ws fil Wsgot. 1s. gout jungle 7's! fedybird cui? loyeggs ere legs few nord esi? mountain /micntn! fowner "sun parrot pou puthon J pads! ‘een bee isn bi rabbit / sbi reptile /Yepai! feo fl Shore! ffem! sell snc! snake /ro| Spider / spas stamp (vse! Mickinsect sic ht) sting nh stripy fsa teeth fol thera erst) Too bod! fi bas! tontoie /"00! wings one! ‘word fs 8h Whar the matter? vols 09m Whos? as! Units osparagus /'pesogp/ ith / he biscuit bs bo sol breakfast bic? broccoli hrs? butter hss coke Mk cheese /ji2! chop foi chocolate 7a 2¢00 / Isulou! cocoa beans / oaks bins! oeanut suki? elcious ria eggs fess! flour vst? Mower /7s0t¥ fork sk frat td leaf fs Letsboy es ba Lookout ik suid smalze ne! ‘mayonnase /nso'neus reton / melo ute mice ss, an

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