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Anpow ss ad . METAL, CANS & CLOSURES KENYA LIMITED 621 Invoice P.0 BOX 78808 VIWANDANI 00507, Date | Invoice No CROWN PAINTS BUILDING, LIKONI ROAD. i . eosnon | 4si74 NAIROBI, KENYA. To alslasny CROWN PAINISKENYA PLC Reacting rea’ = ; a LP. Terms Due Date Mode | Nate 27037202 KAN 2151 0249 Description tem aly Price ‘Amount [Grown Wood Fish aLir+Tins CRW 1355 Tosa] 169 059.60 row super gloss 4 irs cRsGt 22 nio70| 237,119.40 [Crown general purpose 4 ltr cRGPE 310 10527 321633.70 Seal No: 0138687 LPO No: 3516744, 3516892 Cry jy prices Com 10 VAT NO: 0170446V PIN NO:Pos12003336 An intrest of 5% per month willbe charged on all overdue accounts, Any discrepaney for price or quantity should be notified to the Company’ within 7 days from delivery datotherise no claim wil be entertained. Kes 70,210.03 KES 509,022.7 iE00F7761620C5A248D39F2047SF EACEOIECEAT48 3196 00027062 2103021252 ADTOOOS4S rs Ht SCAaEEE MOGADISHU Ri i 4 wR om .TEPASS Serial No. 178245 ae EMER 11 Semt -olSseé6e7 {GROWN EAANTS KENYA PLC pin — GEINF ‘ORS PASS Date of visit. 0&\ OB) 2-07) Motor Vehicle Reg. No.. Visitor’s Name... DAML... ATTY.) Visitor’s ID /Passport No.2. Whom to seelvisit.... 2 Ul,.AALIZEENAMEP., « Visitor's Signature... IRAE on Name of Company/Organisation/Institution/Individual Visitor’s pass NO... Reason for visit..2s oP LAs FS ES yet Signature. we Time out. Visitor seen by (Name)... Noghes.: Time in... >. . DELIVERY NOTE theta Cams § Chsures Kenya Laritad LUKONI ROAD, P.O. BOX 78808 Vvandani 057 Nall Kenya SUNG Tel 25420 260286, 4254 72 625 778, Ena: ifo@meckenyacom ws Sern Gunes &) Phe 2% [ao9).. a fe ae ageurinn cee INVOICE NO. HS lf SB one eon 0249 ary i PARTICULARS. ) ISss x 2 21H a» | uy norm, — Sufer Quoss tas -euels 3lo% Hin Crom, Gp ns -e iy Seo|_We. of S687 No' Ssiéyu4 Ssi¢sqa. Aliens nts acl eral vo REFUNDS ail eresnod eva “ons sy 2 ay am cect ee ea 5% pron te chagedon a Bs Receipt PO Supplier No. 18020 a METAL CANS & CLOSURES KENYA LT 02/03/2021 P.0 BOX 78808 00507 NAIROB! - 25821 Konya {60 Days From Statement 08022021 153996 1 = 60249_8616744 Contact Person: Acca Supplier Invoice No. unis [i temo. c [rotat h ooprzao kes 32,633.70 2 loweras0 0.00 kes 169,059.60 eee Deveunt 0.00 % Total Excluding Tax {KES 201,608.30 Remarks: ~ For Internel Use Above goods received In good order and condi Receive by Prepares By: Crau Roses Goods Rec Supplier No. 18020 METAL CANS & CLOSUR KENYA LT P.0 BOX 78806 00507 NAIR 0 Receipt Kenya NN Contact Person’ Account a Acoounis lig DY Note No. Suppiier Invoice No. 1 0210812021 28522 60 Days From Statement 03022021 153036 2 60249_5516802 [Fotat Discount % Jo.00 IKEs 297,119.40 count 0.90 Totel Excluding Tax INVOICES Remarks: ~~ SEAL NO 0158087 For Internal | kes 297,119.40 Prepared By: CROWN PAINTS KENYA PLC P.O. Box 78848 - 00507 NAIROBI Tel: (254-20) 234 9563/65 Weighing Ticket Transaction ID PKAga1 Account ID MCL Account Name : METAL CANS & CLOSURE K.LTD. Source ID NRB Source Name = NAIROBI Commodity 0:2 Commodity Name : RAW MATERIAL Destination ID: NRB Destination Name : NAIROBI Veh | Trailer/Cont. Max Gross Weight Tare Weight Tare Type Date Time Weigher 1D D Consec Number KANZ18L First Weight : 6320kg 02-Mar-2021 11:05:20AM weighbridge 10024 First Welght User Kagia S.cond Weight: 5060kg 02-Mar-2021 02:08:56PM weighbridge 10044 Second Weight User: Julius Net Weight 12609 DELIVERY NOTE NO. 0249 commoniTy TINS OFFLOADEDILOADED mops Ticket Notes Signature : — Wey _nemnbue + AEA Limited ..." WEIGH ahead of the REST"... 1

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