Specific Objectives

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To enhance the customer experience.

 By the help of visually appealing website that is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and provides a
user-friendly interface, people would not having a hard time to decide in their orders. Also, by
the help of the appeal of the website, Cafe Negra's brand identity and menu offerings will be
boost effectively.

Implement a pre-ordering system for added convenience.

 Some people don’t want to spend so much time on ordering, by the help of the website, it can
allow customers to browse the menu quickly before they go to café and pick up their order. It
can also reduce wait times for all of the customers

To ensure a smoother ordering experience.

 The customer support that can quickly response and resolve inquiries and issues ensuring a
smoother ordering experience.

To make employees proficient.

 Providing comprehensive documentation & training programs for employees to make sure they
are proficient in using the website and pre-ordering system.

To establish a system to monitor.

 By the help of implementing key performance indicators (KPIs) and data analytics tools the
website traffic, order trends, customer feedback will monitor

To attract potential investor.

 By providing transparent financial data, growth projections, and a compelling business story in
the website, investors can easily attract.

To improve online marketing strategies.

 The website will regularly publish blog posts, articles, or videos that is related to coffee, food,
and cafe culture.
 By providing high quality images and detailed descriptions for the customers to attract.

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