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Utevetupias Poper@, chagtes@ Demodsapwic Pople India Indian ation | :— Factor Ingluencing its Shudure and Goth . India 1s Second most Popwleus County in the world , sustaining \O-F op world’s pepwl- PALO OM Tet of world’s surtace area. & a i ve] Sixth Pexson th the world i$ an Indian, According to secant world Population Prosper Repevr 201g India wil Surpass ching by 2023. Finest allt oy the sing Population Comes fom BIMARY states C Bihar, MP, Tharthand ‘oe Chhastis gach and Rajasthan 7 Creating yw fea dy Weak Lesources . Though the numbers ave incteastng er ner Popuat Hon the poprlation Greer rote has decseased W wecent Rime [ Accowding to NEWS -4 | Tota PeMlity woke 212 and Z4 State ih Country alteady adrienred seplatment lenel »y bering Utever UpIAS Th long wun, india targated a Stable” population bY 2045 Ae a level Conststens with Zequive Ment of sustafnable economic Growth | Sota development and environmental Protection . PIRSI— 1921: Stagnant popalation ° 1921-195) ¢ Steady gyowth eo 3s1 - lag: Rapid nigh gaowth (fp Explosion] © 198) - 201 ¢ High growth with dexnire signs % Slowing dows . Se Pophiation Guse 5 population (Age quips) SRK Uure (Sex yao ) Region S@ variakoyy) Femini zation 4 elderly at oo epidemrics & diteate Condition on Popriation - 2 Wire —xpeltandy variation . TMpate 5 Miyrakon, o¥baniration on He sennog wopii c Chromyes - Uftevetupias Cause 7 Popwlation Groth — l. Wgh bisth vote & Broadly sei low death are se Tromiqvation . ®© high Bivth Rate ._ CS) sceanwric: aati ° Heedominance a5 Agricutiure henw requives higher labour . L slow urbanization and Piedominane o- Vilvages- b Poverty _ labour aS an economic asset Economic yakonale 95 large family. by nd Sehexms Universaly sation % Marriage in Tndia. Early mariage Cadd current ys & point family system and Patriarchy leads te want of male child 4 Level 4 education jf, vote - Decision Gpkives ( Ee. Survey 2018] : Viuked with gertility A emily Se | Aces to Contra— ave depends om educattoy Lewol . | pte UpIAS Co) Religious a a & Almost all -weligions Considexed chiidien are ay oy ths and Suggest to have as many aS possille | (AD Polrtical ie dors ; & lack a5 eye dive ey Plan amme, Lb lower bevel af awareness ~ wai ly Planning |s Inappropriate Coercive actions ( 1934 Policy) & Natona Pepwiation policy : Poor Tmplementation @ low 9 . TOS Peat Rote Nicauses + Lime 4 mma €s6 iM medical knowledge Cb of epidemics Itke Smell pox, Plague tt, + in Sanitaon and hygiene @ Food ce, Ho Iprove nent itera, Reva] & / a yee Wy Reathh and education @® Pea copa 2nvirenment Ww ; 2 Situation oF Volente i, L det alist @ tromigrarion Utevetupias ® Economic .- @ Lowey per Capita Tnome ® food Seca rity issue, * Onemsploy ment + ~ ® Lower Standard of wing ® Educational status lowes tian, developed Countries ® Sociad = ° Medicat tpdlities access inndaquade = Hous fssue— clums, @ a en Ce Wigh Crime vate poor law and oxdex Condition « High level of COMMP Ho), ® Environmental = © Pooy Sanitation | Polinkion ° ExPloitahion oF limited hatural Lelources — Soi), water MY at unsustainable level . © politica) — uywect Try) Varous sepgion due to Change ty damogvaphy » Pepwrtosiion preccure. © slow economic Groth . Ufteve UpIAS Popalation — Contre] ® Sovtod_muasuves +. | ' Tmpwove educaton level Spee the Leltyvous Aoguoas . n arnsiage Prevention amon4 femal . | | © E}yoxt to improve Sex mint amin ® Economic ne _ Cases Measures ¢ ° Trdustytod Seow pansion } * Poverty Seduckion and Improvement oF Pex Gpita Income Tough bywntly, Plawntng was Created. bb 3x4 Five year plan + Community Axtenston AP preacl a Pirmary Heath, Centres and subcentre — Educatton ComPaign to Weease Awarenecs about family Planning Programme . Nakono4 Population Features + wo Mateate age » Mowat on and Communtiy Welty aan). % Marriage fem \S" 4° 184 ear te Aizts amd ig te 24 Year yor boys. i > QO) Preering weptesentation on 193, Census : Peatianvent and Stabe assembly eledion. Qi) Bik OF Centrol assistance set aside by State {pr Pily Planning . OY Greater attenston fo divi education 1 child nudsttion |, @) Incease Monetary incentives fpr sterilization. ftv UpIAS [ Wowking Grup on population poricy 21939 } + 6 spelt owt low tex ALS Oo} eductng net f 4 gr 7 ¢ Reprodudive Rate to 4 bY 19.96 fem OE b The Average family Sire vooutd be Seduced em 4-3 40 2.3 childien Gs” 44 Population stebili sation vill ati \z00 Vy milly on by year roto. G Birth vate Pex Lovo poputation would be Feduad 42 21 kem 23 th \9zx. > As Ppey 199) census data above goals were Wor attainable under those Sprctegice - ftepared the frst tue deabr Hey leased on fotlevoing aspects :- get Qwoep thawugh media PPlY or Contea captives - QD Provides Bvandal & cher tneenivec. GY) Protect Couples thavugh SteWiraton and other Measures like IvD, Pins and Ci) Motivate Ci) Uberal Condoms . W) provides Adequate Heath Sewices te mother and child - Utevetupias © depects in Pelides at Conceptual leve} ] s_ Policies age governed by Setavding pepulaken Srvth | tis expeded so eVentually being abodt Poveny alleviation , undernumton and Witerracy , Ly Neves look temily Planning as emily welfare Proasamme- & Two twpowtant Cause » Population Yow Hy IMR and Povey did not weteived adequate atension in Policies . © Viewed population PeliCy th Tsotabton oy deve opmental Programme and never Integrated Hn ; Sg aa SS Healy | education Preeyramme. OF {Ps on ural and male Wheveug bs D Tmmunization etc. Polides were target Comte and Adit staative Contric LMANE Sometime Coenive Measures Used te adchiee targets. G polities weme top down orsented CCembralited) here foiled to addtess toca Socio cattured Ss. S Lak % adequate thst fem overnment te Poltdes and progsamme . Utever UpIAS Defers oF Implementation leva | ;— OX) tyyode quate iy Couple Protection . US) Deploroole Gonditen ar Health Contes amd Family uselpare Camps . GN) Poorly pratned Poorly paid health s CRatk hearted Approach) resuie + a women jn many Cases C Chhaws Case), OD) Female bias mm stexilizatron (mere than Bop Cases , Q) Numeycal taxqer OpProach. ——____________£° * Pros dive Strate al es i O aalty and owtseach F heabth Sewies igh seria) Population aye Chigh vate - BLlMrRy Stade) Preach +o Choose method ee family Contraception ® Cagereria Planning @ Focus on addsecsing wot Cause + ~ Fmprve women -educakton, Sedat status , — Poverty teduction Programme ~ Healthy and education fecused approach . pptever UpIAS © Tmprove Community PAvWulpalten at Lach Stye, © we % media, Wao Plodterms - @ Ber Package of Compensation te twpave Pawtulpation qn stevili zaton Preyrammes. ®© Tmyoxmation yaclities | Counselitng Centres fer pmily Planning, ® inrer- several Co-ordination Mechanism Child Carre amd Motherhood Prejrammes. WD Autonomous PepHtatior Commission Rte Gy — Ment Toteqwated opproadh with other development Pre vavmme e ‘ 4 Development is > Mfssion Parivar Vikas . the best contya- = ceptive . + Immediate £UWVES t= To addeess the unmet Needs OF Contwaceptives healthcare Tnpvastrucare, and Integrated sewie delivery tor basic Lepr ductive and childcare To bring total £eyHI} Sate fo wePlacument level by rolo fan replacement Level] Utevel UpiAS Lonatesm objedives ; Not onal Soo -demogaaphic oer Geats for rwlo . WM ro achieve tobe Population by robs, GYD Reduce. Infant Mortality wote to below 30 fer loo live loivth. NY Promotion % Small family, Nor WY Reduce maternal MSW a1 vs | SG fey dL loth” OD universal TImmumirakon ap chitdten, WD Make school tducak on pte age 14 year bee and Compulsory Wii) Universal ACESS fo in #¥ pemility vequlation. bermation and Counselling VWvery and loot delivery WM F birth | death 2 Mariage and Pregn andy , GD Prevention and Control of Communicable diseases, Qty Enteqrate: tndran system: meditine th Provisten Ci Leproductive heott Semvyiies . Uftevetupias © decentralised Plamning and Implementation Convergence % Service delivery or village bevel . Ernpomening Womens tor Twprved health Status. @66e Fecus on Un der Served Pep wat'on Oroups , Collaboration usith NGo and Civil sod: as Wisations - “ a Achievements and evaluations = 15 tmprovement In teduction + Ima, MMR | uy Rigur te educatron As Adaievemats 4 Depoved status > Tmmuniraton and thstity— Honalised — Neliveries « IP) Maternity loenugh Sdume Started. LG Reatty Tyeurance sdreme- Hye accens Twproved . need new Population Poricy and what ‘Shoutd be it's target Content Consiclentira PSeseut Poputaton Situation | © PU OF NHS dara, Various Suavey | UN Seperts Ave d with SD] Goals, Bemegmmplic divided. Changes in PRovites | Sotoeconowic conditions Political donmronde eq delivdtation OF Constitunctes, ftv UpIAS at Feminization Elderly pepwlaim s_ 7? Reasons 1 volmerabili Hagar jeens eae + Measures é Wore 2. C Lancer Stdy Sepon 2014) P Reasons TP Vorattion | dittabidkt on Ay Mvrabity wade, PP Terpace on Various seers ~ How to minimise Wrpar (Adverse Lap att) Variation .( Lower sex Bahio ) 20d) — 933 Get free tead BH DO) =: Stare sm — 319 G Reasons ter (oD Sex qutio i- Seal, Cconomt Politteay Fonpaths 4 Sotiel, ecemomte ek: i tr i gonwike Variakons L statevise » Com unity Zali giomsi G measures } Solutions te Fpave |= | Nasiera family Health Suey ~ TP Toted femility sate iao.19 Cwond feverege’) Re Change in Aqe Composition a LP Below 14 year Uftevetupias (2013-15 dasa) is 23 P under AS year 9 354 Cuens3) it 7 4L A (Cony 2S (2041) DP Above bo GX > 0% Get?) I¢y, (sur) ? Peak demonraphic dividend 4 204] Abter thar Tndiq wilh Start essing advantoge 4 hawtng Young. Popwtation. T? (TEmpau * Change in Age Composition P Burden om sie } Tnerease dependent | Poprtat or aprey 204) > Double burden on oversnment 1 Chaves bo Jobs , Industny | a elution s] P Tavestment Wn human resources ip Snample nga, education 4 SEI. 7 Social security Wet weed 40 ieprove > Etonic adsptarion Covsidering Charge in qe Composition « ufteve UpIAS Al vowld Poputation Prosper Repos 20l4 Ls trdia wilt he yest Peprtous County by 2007, S Tn 2050 Endid's Popwlaton will be 1.64 billion 4 Peak demogrphic dividard by rol fer Seu ASian Couwuries ) . 4 InGeased tend of; post worein oPladtan henw increate pressure due Asncy. b ee, Ageing popwratton a Tpacts labour market — Elo. Performance ap cat > Medi cay amd Hoalt, Sctior Changes - > pension amd Sodak Prorecion pred ust) nave oppevumities « j CHR ey in Wnprastudure to Towpaue : Tndids de qood paovistons [Read chapter hy ar 2040 ¢ Planning public fer SE Contury | im dates} about Chaves iy Pepwahen Studure , its yeasons & enges) uftever UpIAS | Rote of Anthropology WM population tanagement] Conference on Peputotion Studies tw 1993, OShkesh Cus A) Becoanise Twperrance oF anitro. in Peprtation Mavnogement » Helier and Customs Concerning human ‘Yep - dutkion have bean Subjected to Antiropoloa teat Tesearch . Any fopaiaton Programme Mor does Not Contidere curtuve. Could pet be Success pul this is a Warning por the administraters and Planners +p Consider human Cullural, angle In any Pepatasion policy , Ante pole gy Gm be usetu) In Studying Socal faders which are elated +p peatiliy epaiass GF ewitny |: a phasis on male line deccent tor Politiel 00) Prestige . Hence when pallurre to Number a male child s number a SM Wwcleace (son meta Peeherenal] ay High Ima in Sipe SeueHes hem Produce more childier, GN) mere CWildten + VE fer lobour- ww) Religious dogmas > CWildnen air a Ged Son for Adlighous ites, Trsuvance during iWness and ldage. WW) Lower me oy Marriage : High yerlty rote. (%) lowes the status oy women + Higher Tey vote. GND Polygamy — pracices . Utevel UpIAS (Wil) Taboo : Contrateptive ute Considered jaboo fy ovine Communities hen Wigh ig mtlity - tx» Tendency to weproduce move ty Agsazian Sodery: 7 Sup povr Agsicuttune ~ Send OMe Member jo hes for jobs a Taman System + lavger fomilies qer Moye « OD New Jand Sekorm help laxge families to malian Of land within fants t Advantages Oy Ay ole (4) Fi'eld wows Study (8) Use 4 Cows history... etc. () Comparative Study belwern wegions Communities. Owners p 3 develop FOP port at Loca} level ined tedinique % Ttervies, liye @ Fett need “PPxoach Used ty antwrepelegy | () Helisiic study og. CUbure and its tmpach on pop in| ee ay md 0 mar Pop!) Oh with Stevey + valrdates {indi [a ° Suggestions FPF Pepatation potiutes CG) Decentre! and = Jocalvsed apprvach . WD amapeve ace to health Semifces — women Physitian . Gi) AM udin al Change, cultural & Gender Sensitive Ap proach Wv) Consideve cutral angie 1M policy, Contraception use- Ww Commun cakien and awareness . Moris oplex_: population conten) Plan heed to Consider these cultural elation sips with BORMItY . vot Hyout AHeSE — Comsider4ion plan would not be Sucescgul . a

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