Soal Tenses

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Answer the following questions by choosing the best options :

1. A : Where ___ they have dinner everyday ?
B : They have dinner at home.
a. Do d. Done
b. Does e. Doing
c. Did
2. A : What time does your sister go to school ?
B : She ____ to school at 6.30 A.M
a. Go d. Went
b. Gos e. Going
c. Goes
3. A : What books ____ Paul want to borrow from you ?
B : English and a novel
a. Do d. Done
b. Does e. Doing
c. Did
4. A : Does your father usually_____ himself in the meeting ?
B : Yes. He does.
a. Understand d. Introduce
b. See e. Know
c. Make
5. A : How many brothers and sisters does your friend have ?
B : He only ____ two brothers and no sister.
a. Have d. Having
b. Had e. Has
c. To have
6. A : Do we have to come to his office today ?
B : No. we ______.
a. Don’t d. Isn’t
b. Didn’t e. Aren’t
c. Doesn’t
7. A : Excuse me. Do I know anyone in that class ?
B : I think you _____ know anyone. They are new.
a. Won’t d. Haven’t
b. Don’t e. Didn’t
c. Doesn’t
8. A : How often do you go school ?
B : I go to school _______.
a. Every day d. Every Monday to Saturday
b. Every time e. Every Monday to Friday
c. Every seven day
9. A : Do you eat only once a day ?
B : No. I eat ________. Breakfast, lunch and dinner
a. Once a week d. Twice a day
b. Twice a month e. Three times a week
c. Three times
10. A : With whom do you have breakfast in the morning?
B : Of course. I have breakfast with _______ at home
a. My family d. My best friend
b. A glass of milk e. Fried chicken
c. Some cakes and tea
11. A : How _____ your father come here yesterday ?
B : He took a taxi.
a. Do d. Done
b. Did e. Doing
c. Does
12. Three weeks ago, the third grade of SMK Bina Karya _______ some interesting
and famous places.
a. Visit d. Visiting
b. Visits e. To visit
c. Visited
13. A : Why didn’t you _______ me your problem, brother ?
B : I was afraid you would get angry.
A : No. Not at all. We could discuss it.
a. Tell d. Told
b. Tells e. To tell
c. Telling
14. A : Kevin, _________ eat your breakfast this morning ?
B : Yes, Mom. I did.
a. Do you d. Did you
b. You do e. You did
c. Have you
15. A : Where _____ you ______ your friend, Rohan, for the first time ?
B : In Mataram, Lombok, ten years ago.
a. Do – met d. Did - met
b. Does – meet e. Do - meet
c. Did - meet
16. A : When did you start to work at that office ?
B : I started _________.
a. Tomorrow d. Last month
b. Next time e. Two months after
c. Today
17. The past form of “He eats many kinds of food” is ………….
a. He eat many kinds of food d. He eaten many kinds of food
b. He ate many kinds of food e. He eating many kinds of food
c. He to eat many kind of food
18. The negative form of “We drank tea and coffee after breakfast this morning”
is ………
a. We don’t drink tea and coffee after breakfast this morning
b. We don’t drank tea and coffee after breakfast this morning
c. We didn’t drank tea and coffee after breakfast this morning
d. We didn’t drink tea and coffee after breakfast this morning
e. We haven’t drunk tea and coffee after breakfast this morning
19. My friends and I ________ in Bandung for three days last May.
a. Were d. Is
b. Was e. Am
c. Are
20. I would like to say, I am sorry for not come. I _____ sick yesterday.
a. Am d. Were
b. Are e. Was
c. Is
21. Paul and Rohan ________ met again for the first time since 2002
a. Had d. Having
b. Has e. To have
c. Have
22. Kelly hasn’t _________ studying when her friend asked her to watch Sinetron.
a. Finished d. Finish
b. Finishing e. Finis
c. Finishes
23. His uncle ________ already got two children for his four marriage.
a. Had d. Have to
b. Has e. Has to
c. Have
24. A : Has Mr. Paul come to his office today ?
B : No. He _______.
a. Doesn’t d. Haven’t
b. Don’t e. Hadn’t
c. Hasn’t
25. A : _______ you taken a bath ?
B : Yes. I have.
a. Do d. Have
b. Does e. Has
c. Did
26. A : With whom have you had breakfast this morning ?
B : Of course. ____________________________.
a. I have breakfast with my family
b. I had breakfast with my family
c. I had had breakfast with my family
d. I has breakfast with my family
e. I have had breakfast with my family
27. A : _______________________________?
B : Yes. They have.
a. Have Tom and Jerry become good friend
b. Have they good friend
c. Has Tom become Jerry’s good friend
d. Has Jerry become Tom’s good friend
e. Have they become Tom and Jerry
28. A : How long have you _______ in Indonesia ?
B : For about four years
a. Be c. Being
b. Been e. Were
c. To be
29. The sentence which has similar form with “What have you done?” is ……
a. What do you have for meal?
b. Where have they gone?
c. What did she have for breakfast ?
d. Where you went, I didn’t know
e. What had he done before that ?
30. The appropriate sentence “Para siswa belum selesai ujian” in English is ……
a. The students never finish the test
b. The students have never finished the test
c. The students didn’t finish the test
d. The students haven’t finished the test
e. The student hasn’t finished the test.
II. Translate into English in the basic form of “What will you do?”:
21. Apa yang akan saudara laki-lakimu pelajari hari ini ?
22. Berapa lama kita akan habiskan waktu di sini?
23. Kamu harus berhenti merokok untuk kesehatanmu
24. Dia (lk) tidak boleh datang ke pestaku.
25. Apakah kamu akan membuka pintu untuk saya ?

III. Complete the sentences below using the basic form of “What are you doing” :
26. Where _____ your uncle and aunt ______ (have) lunch together now ?
27. One of my friends _________ (listen) seriously to an interesting conversation outside the
28. I _______ (not, read), but writing a letter.
29. The secretary _______ (type) many letters this week.
30. A : _____ the workers protesting the new regulation ?
B : Yes.

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