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14/11/2023, 14:46 List: Predictive Modeling w/ Python | Curated by Ben Putney | Medium

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Aug 16 · 20 stories · 590 saves

Predictive Modeling w/ Python

150 1

Luís Fernando Torres in LatinXinAI · Jul 19

How I Deployed a Machine Learning Model for the First

Going beyond Jupyter Notebooks 🚀
— Introduction For as long as I’ve
started with machine learning, Jupyter Notebooks have been my mos…

Machine Learning 13 min read

Bex T. in Towards AI · Jun 16 Member-only

19 Most Elegant Sklearn Tricks I Found After 3 Years of

Advanced techniques and hidden gems for effective machine learning
— Learn about 19 Sklearn features you have never seen that are direct…

Artificial Intelligence 12 min read 1/7
14/11/2023, 14:46 List: Predictive Modeling w/ Python | Curated by Ben Putney | Medium

Alparslan Mesri in · Feb 5, 2022

Data Science Project: Sales Forecasting with Arima

This article was written by Alparslan Mesri and Cem ÖZÇELİK. In this
study, we will create an ARIMA model to predict the future sales values
of a market using python. Required libraries; At this stage, we have…

Data Science 4 min read

Sandeep Singh Sandha · Jan 1

Tuning ARIMA for Forecasting: An Easy Approach in

This post will present a straightforward approach that estimates
parameters that closely approximate the state-of-the-art manual…

Time Series Analysis 4 min read

Aishwarya Singh in Analytics Vidhya · Dec 9, 2019 Member-only

6 Powerful Feature Engineering Techniques For Time

Series Data (using Python)
‘Time’ is the most essential concept in any business. We map our sales
numbers, revenue, bottom line, growth, and even prepare forecasts …

Machine Learning 12 min read

Benjamin Etienne in Towards Data Science · Feb 15, 2019 2/7
14/11/2023, 14:46 List: Predictive Modeling w/ Python | Curated by Ben Putney | Medium

Time Series in Python — Part 2: Dealing with seasonal

In the first part, you learned about trends and seasonality, smoothing
models and ARIMA processes. In this part, you’ll learn how to deal…

Benjamin Etienne in Towards Data Science · Feb 9, 2019

Machine Learning 5 min read
Time Series in Python — Exponential Smoothing and
ARIMA processes
TL;DR: In this article you’ll learn the basics steps to performing time-
series analysis and concepts like trend, stationarity, moving averages…

Data Science 12 min read

Maria Gusarova · Sep 22, 2022 Member-only

Explain Any Machine Learning Model in Python, SHAP

A Comprehensive Guide to SHAP and Shapley Value; Explainable
machine learning with a single function call — This article is part of a
series where we walk step by step through solving fintech problems…

Shap 9 min read

Bex T. in Towards Data Science · Apr 10, 2021 Member-only

11 Times Faster Hyperparameter Tuning with

Successive halving completely crushes GridSearch and RandomSearch
— Introduction For a while now, GridSearchCV and…

Artificial Intelligence 9 min read 3/7
14/11/2023, 14:46 List: Predictive Modeling w/ Python | Curated by Ben Putney | Medium

Bex T. in Towards Data Science · Mar 5, 2021 Member-only

Automatic Hyperparameter Tuning with Sklearn Using

Grid and Random Search
Deep dive into GridSearch and RandomSearch classes of Scikit-learn —
What is a hyperparameter? Today, algorithms that hide a world of ma…

Technology 6 min read

Moez Ali in Towards Data Science · Nov 2, 2020

5 things you are doing wrong in PyCaret

From the Creator of PyCaret — PyCaret PyCaret is an open-source, low-
code machine learning library in Python that automates machine
learning workflows. It is an end-to-end machine learning and model…

Data Science 6 min read

Rukshan Pramoditha in Towards Data Science · Oct 26, 2020 Member-only

Train a regression model using a decision tree

For complex nonlinear data — Decision Trees are a non-parametric
supervised learning method, capable of finding complex nonlinear
relationships in the data. They can perform both classification and…

Machine Learning 6 min read

Will Koehrsen in Towards Data Science · Jan 10, 2018 4/7
14/11/2023, 14:46 List: Predictive Modeling w/ Python | Curated by Ben Putney | Medium

Hyperparameter Tuning the Random Forest in Python

Improving the Random Forest Part Two So we’ve built a random forest
model to solve our machine learning problem (perhaps by following
this end-to-end guide) but we’re not too impressed by the results. Wh…

David Martins in Towards Data Science · May 14, 2021 Member-only

Machine Learning 12 min read
XGBoost: A Complete Guide to Fine-Tune and Optimize
your Model
How to tune XGBoost hyperparameters and supercharge the
performance of your model? — Why is XGBoost so popular? Initially…

Xgboost 11 min read

Satyam Kumar in Towards Data Science · May 31, 2021 Member-only

3 Techniques to Avoid Overfitting of Decision Trees

Hands-on implementation of pre-pruning, post-pruning, and ensemble
of Decision Trees — Decision Trees are a non-parametric supervised
machine learning approach for classification and regression tasks.…

Artificial Intelligence 5 min read

Angelica Lo Duca in Towards Data Science · Mar 6, 2021 Member-only

How to balance a dataset in Python

A quick tutorial on the imbalanced learn Python package — This
tutorial belongs to the series How to improve the performance of a
Machine Learning Algorithm. In this tutorial, I deal with balancing. …

Python 9 min read 5/7
14/11/2023, 14:46 List: Predictive Modeling w/ Python | Curated by Ben Putney | Medium

Susan Li in Towards Data Science · Sep 29, 2017

Building A Logistic Regression in Python, Step by Step

Logistic Regression is a Machine Learning classification algorithm that
is used to predict the probability of a categorical dependent variable. …

Machine Learning 9 min read

Dario Radečić in Towards Data Science · Jan 14, 2021 Member-only

3 Essential Ways to Calculate Feature Importance in

A must-know for any aspiring data scientist — How can you find the
most important features in your dataset? There’s a ton of techniques,…

Towards Data Science 6 min read

Adi Bronshtein in Towards Data Science · May 9, 2017 Member-only

Simple and Multiple Linear Regression in Python

Quick introduction to linear regression in Python Hi everyone! After
briefly introducing the “Pandas” library as well as the NumPy library, I
wanted to provide a quick introduction to building models in Python,…

Machine Learning 11 min read

Samarth Agrawal in Towards Data Science · May 17, 2021 Member-only

How to split data into three sets (train, validation, and

test) And why?
Sklearn train test split is not enough. We need something better, and
faster — INTRODUCTION Why do you need to split data? You don’t wa… 6/7
14/11/2023, 14:46 List: Predictive Modeling w/ Python | Curated by Ben Putney | Medium

Machine Learning 5 min read 7/7

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