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Types of traditional media

1. Television: Tốt
Television is a form of mass media that uses moving images and sound to
communicate information. Some examples of this type of traditional
media include static content like news programs and movies.

Televisual media has a significant impact on both individuals and society.

On an individual level, television media can influence the way people
think, feel, and behave. It can also shape people’s attitudes and beliefs.

On a societal level, traditional media channels can be used to promote

positive messages, such as environmental awareness or social
responsibility. It can also be used to sell products or to deliver political
propaganda. Whether used for good or ill, television media is a powerful
tool that can have a significant impact on both individuals and society.

2. Radio Tốt
Radio is one of the oldest and most widely used examples of traditional
media. It’s a form of broadcasting that dates back to the early 20th
century and remains popular due to its portability and versatility. Radio
waves can carry audio signals over long distances, making it possible to
listen to radio stations from all around the world.

Radio is also relatively inexpensive to produce, which has made it an

essential tool for news and entertainment. Additionally, it has the unique
ability to reach listeners in cars and other places where other media
cannot be easily accessed. As a result, radio continues to be an essential
part of the mainstream media landscape.

3. Print
- Also known as press, this type of media refers to materials that are
written and are physically distributed

- Print media can either be in the form of a book, a newspaper, or a


. Newspapers are publications containing news, articles, and

commentary on current events, printed on inexpensive paper and
published daily or weekly.
. Magazines are periodicals that cover a specific topic or interest,
featuring articles, essays, and visuals, published on higher-quality
paper and issued weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
. Newspapers focus on timely news and events, while magazines
delve into specialized subjects, often with more in-depth content
and a higher production value.
4. Direct mail
- Direct mail is an advertising strategy of sending mail, such as pre-
approved credit card applications or nonprofit fundraising letters, directly
to potential consumers based on demographic information.
- Many industries implement direct mail strategies to advertise their
goods or services, ranging from consumer catalogs and coupon circulars
to nonprofit solicitations and pre-approved credit card applications.
- Although direct mail can have a negative reputation for being perceived
as junk mail, it remains a large income stream for postal services and is
effective in marketing to older generations
5. Trade shows
- Trade shows help bring all the different aspects of our industry together
in one place. They are an excellent opportunity to connect face-to-face
with a community of peers to exchange information on the latest
developments, explore emerging issues, and hear from experts who
understand our industry best.
- Trade shows have been a crucial sales and marketing tool for centuries.
They allow businesses to showcase their goods, disperse knowledge, and
talk about industry trends in a tailored environment.
- Billboards: This refers to large outdoor adverts set in strategic areas
alongside roads, which remain in place to this day. Billboards can garner
more money from advertisers if placed in locations where there’s
significant foot traffic and can capture wide audience attention.

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