Chapter 7.2

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Uptevetupias Chapter [F2] 5-5 | Social Change and Contemponnry tated sedefer| @ Focal changes During PSe- Glonial fered ‘> During Pee. Colonial gered pmbals have mettly Sxsted Th fSelation — yxem malnstteam Setietia 4 Precoed ing to sures}, Stngh three | fer tends weve visible gluing thab period: Q) Cdenisation and Estebltihment of settemed Qi) Bhils) ming 2 Rols amd Gonds were weeg_ dnised as don nant +ibal soueries by tugals. GY) Rise of State efeex Ob OF teibal malty as dike Spendsiex as awegutt o Inapostrion oF tribal System oy uthasity oF; Rajputs . for thts establishment , ned agsicutture techno - begy “emerged tn these aren. places oubiider Commuvittes wear Encouraged to in +¥bal qreq. 9 ed trate route emer tis abso SS Because in tibal axtq motéd urdoanism o% Al these Changes j tre fSolabed +ribd Boriches Undanrfone, changes Ty Sedo economic sphere _ 014) Utevetupias © | Seal Changes 3. Colonial } BSnh Wels. { b Fa. Barly | suyjit Singh and Nk. Bose alon i wih ethers fdewh Wed Jpras belatind changes amneng bal euekes. © tension oF state Ah otty jo slog @ Breakdown arenes ey tribe © Breakdown oy Communal le dio | @ Appeavane a miney and omejtr tribal sprees © Christan, fama H's satssionany autivines. © fewest laut (whredued oy Barth . @ Tntre duction Ap oubsider, Commexcialiiatin Ay Paps curure MV) FAloal amen, | L Recording teipsip. Sharma (i999) s- ave TSolasran Ay WihalS Come to ud, © Sottal Cont} mochantim encie of sodol change Lene Levited A asp culture Commerciali sation Wy weetkened amd dectroyed. OD Custovnery Jaws of tribal Secteties were Eplaad by new qeom oF Contenilised Battish ale @® Unamaes tn +Hbal Wwerkets _ entay oF Currenty. Utevetupias WD Entry of Deku ( Aliens) curijdeas) In tibal area | e4 monty lendind | Shop opens, ele . Qi) Change Yn Selrqious Praticns + BAHCh posal Chasttanity become Pre oy Soda) Change Through missimary AUWWHEL . Fn Cou Endia ChaasHani ty established missi G vatue Sysrem has Changes si cae Hened status, Change tn Beby chee ithe: witch oro | Shamantsm changes occured Th Youth Dormitories . 0) Ty bay upwising + in many Places . S55) Brith policien 4 land WS) tpwelt 9 policies ud te uprising. £4 Kol mewemennt (Glee Tavia Bhagad Reathion to Changes acct SD, Bi) Lpaising , Wieveweut | Santhal Sevnlh, ek - - Monel Sahin fy €conomy tibal fucire Changed | land come under exclu Consumerism Communrtialisabio; SPlead iM pibal aren, S Peasautisatay ai dupeasaurisalfoy occurs. © Powty :- Many cuttevnary lads Zelevamce hay beey decseased) amd peer Brihth rales Come in Prate, WMS Led fo alienattoy Utevetupias beating, Sowa ores Spal Sedehes. ® Soctal change +) Ethnic Inbecattin with outsider lod fo ethnic Gnytas [ demogaaplic change | occured fh taibat devunered ant] @ Ragin : elt ways oy belie ane Practiay Were changed due te chritranity Hindatsm many Rxidomced I-r Conwertio can ud. S) ° | © Fomily strigure 1 anGecte te voardt Wudeay fanvly Stvudure) © kinship + move. Twpéxrange “fe non- Kinsli p EelaHion due to Commercfalisatin, individuation amMeng Azibal |“ Seueiies. ® youth derma 2 undergone deastic Change eso SION iv many. basic pandions ecured. | on fad se ofa] Changes AE Anthro pelogttt Li'ke majumder Pube) Roy Burman and Lp. vidya- wa SHidied various thes and studied Social Changes ecccved | 1M prbal Societies , © Majumday classitied tribal setieser based OM deasee oy Setfal change? ©) Primitive tribes outtide Hindy Influence : £3 pdaman & wicobar Tyand tikes Utevetupias G) Psimitive tribes uslvidy adopted Kindy Cuiloms < Santhel, omaen , wmunda ; Ge: © Pimihve tebe, Uwe axe Hinduised bub mainpain Swuol drstance $m Clan, Catte. SS} Gonds , Bhamijas | Bis, Ge. neh @ Vidyavtt Classitjed paibes tute 5 @) Thbal Communities €9, Anda ©) Cend- tebal Communities AY. Baiga jee. © Aecultyed pibes : Migrated to Urban qatq £S- Sambal, oFa0n Munda. ® Rut trrbes oho living tn waral areq amd dopemds on Ags culture % Mimda jie) Gonds , eh - orally agsfimilated tvibes : Bhunj{ Faia , RajGrends, ete - work |“ Hindu Mede a tribal Mour$ Seal Change and Sclationy th = Hinduism - 3\Socay Change in these Come WW Conta with linda] GQ) Give up widew wemarrage Prackion a Give up beer coking Qi) shane adopting Caste AiKe Shuudure iy Souiety OQ Decrease in eqaiitadanian @) wWibe- caste Contnum . Utevetupias forus o chang dniespes: Prelependance © Coucktutomal provisions 7- sth Gth Schedule Nar-14-39, @ pe Constitaienal amend ment @® Modern deme caattc @ Developmental Wigatio . © bselberre Prog Sectal Changes |.— Peeds | tadustetatts ao Te » PES 1996, TnSHtums , Sans batt sadion a= UPG Si Pest taser @ Family s- 9 ®© Mariage © EBcovnemny x nlrease tLends toward nudeay Bamaily Sruetire * Decueireliosvle oF Kinship.elders. © WOMEH |e have creased. ‘e@ Now Considered as Coubrate phan Saured Gthaty High divorce -yate than hepere - + a and Healthy Status Imeyoved . oF SANShai Haken werternization Advancement in Agri cure, nad vnaveer yp pibal producy © Trbal Etenemy Bacrer —> monetited ® fenjetres ey oy Ctrrenty te wemore areas amd Ynherlink ustty olatident @ Estes ay Povewy , Unauapleymenh, Thdabeeda | Lait” alienation SH Persish: Utevetupias © (Covsumersin , Commerdodisation valve g TM tebet ameq 4uete exteme! injloena- © Devebspmeut Fuduced clispracemenr + ®politicatr ¢ t- Ancleaye Lepvesevitation oy pabals ih stare and Central govern monk + S Coppi betoseen pradittonal formal political ei ol any Places . r by Ewargene of neo Ladi b Fmfrovemamh jn women Leadenguap. © fpllave of qevemmmouds qe utilise tradtitimnd loaderdhip ee uel fare Programme SUC@ESS . ® Religion <- © Secular Value have Incualed © PAV ipakin oy Ambal thy, Practices lige Treg ic witch hantiag decteases, * depmana of tradition belie} Omd God fs sit Persie Sy Niyogi HEU = hy amnoag ® other c yes CG) Decsease Co-operation omd ticreate te Competition attitude , Rattonal value iaprve] OD tecue os emaston of patio knowledge, Culture , tomgquage . GA) Chrawges tH fped Mabits, lterstng , rouste, an BttHe Mout pattern Commu disation spine Uftevetupias | © Gadgi\ and ull i Hunting gathering Conamurty % chunchy and Jem bubs is esting poet Niwelihood amd lance doing otter vsonc [ex the Viveljtieed Sy ar Weoourer, CRvrinal auities ee aien usith thar | Tenu Kurba bolpiw Ir ™ Gsngexvatton Gp elephants, @ san Study by Gaddail and ay S yon smith technique ketally Ekved ou and Fryaws and Asus tmbe had Ho tebe poor =e As wiculiuve ox wage 2 zntng S Dhokda Comets among, Dhurva oy MP, Th, thts Sets Aying (dUE 46 Lace, Ay Government Schone, +e train and supply joel Rts ing cultiinal ran wt Ban oF Shaping Calkivedien ymewh 75 providing ALher Naive liueliheed Soy, Miro; Buried child Clive) along. valth dead Ms Hoe discontinue aygen wnt sSTenaay staat accepting cluidnon CAnimesh Rey Study], © disiocn MH villages H Khasi wilage Clitian Gnvets and WM Conve - @ okey Cates studies pom chapter @D tmpath op Reign é Utevetupias Hence, Ul Mere Social Changes accused (1h tailood ociekies, Some qre positives and some Shows hagatve Wapacr + (Referenee + Nadeem Hashain] . Tribal Panchsheo| \ yy Botton, UP Appaoach, Colonia Mindseb “Top clever b saree TnsensiHve towards tribals , Gwmittee wecommendaims Commissim fer ST. wecomm- Uftevetupias Sectal change. mopate OF Modern Demovayic ns thwtions | medera domoupatic insttubions hes frpacted tribes Wige Tm alt spheres Sotial Ecsvendc as vet as Ppalitfad Stdu fNcHons has Shean fapack ic Anett wtons | | These changes led bo ewepmed % Mibals Th met oy Mae Cotes | Howemer Hite instttatios has Challeng treudfiiene vole. System , Authesty andy tradtivnal Warp of adm- Wl Strabion °y ‘tba eolelyes- Modern sngtaber EnsHiokions ¢ RC TnsHtutons ive” TustHture — parliamenk Stare Assembly eben} Inch tute insHtabes C Banks Co-o pevatives >) Toma} Olonsttaies | ConsHtatiim provides Sougeguards to ST under Yomi ous provisions i Aw t- IS, lb, 1946, 19. Pay, i 244,242 240 sh & eth sdhediato. Utevetupias Dmpacs o- ( Help te tmprve WTheracy and shave in puuic Seyufles Caevt- Jjees) © Resewation ar Cantrel and stare level leice— Hee bodies CmP & mtA) has Led be Tmprove- mont ty Sepresentaiion in peliHad CD Ppeth and Sixth sdhedwe provist omy and hen avenue to promote tribal Interest ) tribal area protecion dus to Bastricher| cidny te oUHiders (Awr- 197 (SD Deease in disen§minabion Aelotes| to Unto— Wchabtlty Cave TD Qiquditdgary and laws | +. verslisalvon OF law |gudictany ; Rule ds lo rom civil amd Criminal laws - ed Judtatary 4 nrahonal Legal Sysiem ede traditonal system (with some exemption), b Abotish el Pwactces of Punishment like ai "] head hu ing , ordeal usftchoratr , H4mah SAei fee. Soorad beycoth ere - S Sometime this Lud to Conbifer between tradt— Henad laws pradtud by tibal and modem aga system. Utevetupias | @| Legislative Tastiotions ( ._ Ly Pastiament and State leyislabion has lage! authe- shy tp make leas Lelated to tba adminiser- ation and lows ‘elated to sth g Gth schedule, S Example t- U) Bonded Lolgaue Cabelition | Au ra Gi) sc and ST PeeveinHen oy Prtwocities Gi) Forest ight hee rR eo Gs) PES, 1996 fen O(Frnandal taskrwtions L Raniel Insitebons like Nattmalised Banks RRes | Ha POPS , G@-operative Societies . i &} NsTFDe | Lamps) MP2, pric, eke. a ted fo better Ctedit avodlelsitity and wile oF Moveylenders in lean distybuttan, 4 Hous Us oy auxreness and poor deciment— on OF banks mekes di iptcuties th Sealing bin thece panded th sHtudtenc S These tvs: ions has democrotsed kre nantial Uer pr yAball sith Progessfoal Pauies in prantal Servis iy pribel aac. © (Nakenal Commission {Pr st] meat has 4 Grenanws oF THbals com be addtelied HO porter ds ciw\ Court. Helever, Lack efgpechive funettoring- Utevetupias © [Educational inationten|:~ G These ave the Instrument dy empowerment fy true Sense - L, This will led te ‘inCreate Skill and Eiuple ~ Yyobility a5 tabals. G Neo value syitem , gecular che nin HC temper in tribal communi & Evsion ar Lang vege cbensed ue ned Selucatioal Instituben wlth lacks Scheoling amd eclucakion fy tribal b wegen, S Mundavin —s thnde OF Banaal edu School, S These institultas have free and Covmpuloay education STON available il Hre age of tear G Scholarship amd’ £ecervatin ty Inqitukon led wPpmvements in literacy and awareness . ay To See jee eukeners (Em Pesr tage]. amd Village auihoxities Sulperes| th Syresrgenca oy Panchayatrey “system 5 By Some parr there fs Compromise betven traditimol and statute Panchayat have bey Obsesved- G qradtional Authorities Chevedtiary based) has Yew only Symbolic moauihg- WW Lect Administra — ten Th many cases: Uftevetupias & fanchagabrs) prvider damecratic decoreltsation au fre adult get treir voi fn decal dacision making tg aduLr yranchise and Gramsable G wonen Seservation ed fe Te proveneur op Wwowtn weptetentation IM political sphere . G Ratioat, merit bared authenity tals water than teaditenal loved autriovity CTrbal council) . \¥ G SHU in many Places people's” Pol? behav — ou Jes in kim peeling. , Village B cpap beating Pandnaystive] Provided legal protection te tibs por Hay autshemny and manerewede H hocad Sesources £99 PESA— Niyamgins Gue 1 Election at Aecall tevel = aul reer of uillage ger Voting wight - vr GE AvShi buted among O. | of Western ecducared Loaders ged Soule econowic Condition Ty bal area. o Wewan got ie Sepresenratin, ae Case Studies @'teople of Inata Study ' pistussed about Gonds amd jeund that — jure {5 no clath betwen teaditimal & Stakwtary authorities, Also how 9 day Mest tyaditional panchayat yesteidr thele activites due fo Stakurany Panchayjar « Utevetupias @ Prasad's study etn Aural Bihar $ & Mewly emorged Loadersiip 16 not much di fyer eut bom teaditonal - 4 Quality of Sepresentative Leadership TS weak L New leaders focus more on Selb a4: Aizemect, Issue ap vsaining- 1s Miteracy am ae. amend New -wepreseubative - lb Prasad’s Study also higtlignte: Mattes bekureen, emerging tribal Leadership and main- Steam Leaders [| Neha culture] | 4 Low Gmm unity PAM PAkN » lod Wemensrele: b outidey highjackulecah Ledies jas cubtides Ore mere educated) aware abeut poles 29% yepom olf Commission oh SC.ST i- ional Selly government Thstitubon have they desnet get benebit from te ay Instituttons qiven te tribals Ip the Name of Selby government Could hot become tir own. There inchiutes tarqely inepyetive and ryeutinised th +e Lunictioning. . TFrpad They have become Cause ao, social discoyd due 40 politics op votes and emergena, % Unhealthy leadesship. Utevetupias & Presema oy betin Tniti tions - medesn and spuditioal led te Conpusten amen cmmen Tribals, uhere fo ge when Hue Ts a matior % Secfal Concenn @ B-d+ shaxma C29 repar) 2- Sea aA SA ERS hs 4 this wepew highlighted medel or % Gends In Adilabad liste C : Ruisabha fs a Contiuence oF ae eo where village Commmuntey Gmeste er asa Group te deal with outsiders Thcludtng qover- ment depayrment - [Repertnee + Weibel tudiq Nadeem Hasnain | © ‘National comm _ 2ST and Bhuvia cornmitter Seporwr have adie Caled a model of* blend? beroeen traditteMal) and StaHabary Panchayah Imilay fo Prag OF Raisabha . He observed that new Mnttikutes nyerm thetr Customs and Customary Hen ir Ts dooked pen as Alien katy a tribals. @ Teoman Study + Refasthan Village: Rajpreéa and Raghu para vitloges » Study observed Hat seme Claw has hijack the panchayah wiHrour Pavticl— Paton of others: ( Deminamt clans Contri tuo Authorities 7]. Utevetupias \ overall Chaviges dug to democrale tnstition sp G) Democwakic Institusens divide the Winage because of voting and election -( villages fie— vieuly were 2qaiijanian) . OD contusion in tribal where te gowith grievances Avaditional or Statubawy autherity . many time Hibols piepene* traditeval over (Hi) Lolth modern democratic insti af become more aware ober Ls, Couhol over local Enbrapraucare, chan es Souat Twapade — Reatth , education Economics Hoyrtur felatedl Twapaue WHat Weapetre , awareness , Rrgiets - ious acuvity (wrpale oN won M Standayd oF Marre Poverty . wnmes | 3 — Educatfor Level of tribals Gm uni cok Tigra strudurt D Rusameness aleat SUroma [vights | Prgramee AdministmBve Smickure — fer implementation Finandal mdusion Level op pibal aren AHitide of dmbals - Utevetupias 6 Educatenal Progvammes | 2 8 Slam schools | Ekolavya mode! school. o Reservation in educational inthtation. Vocetion at troining th tribal areas Scholarstip + Matyi e, Post matric i Ratongl overseas Scholarship : Rig ie f© education 2 Sava aS Kastuaba Gandhi Balika saath * Thbeal oniversity | mpd Tmpautrs e hiyan Ls Tw proved diteracy rate 2 Tool Consus — 4% fo ee Gugus— say, & Fu poved eurployanility due te better edy- fe) sand sri develop ment a fF Sotial Capital, Se Realth indicators | habit % sulle , eusship adiities ty daibals. wepkesentaion iy, govt: Services Paw oy Suny. 4 Education erapowdert He brbals to enter in Propessions tke dour, engineers | te. G Seentar education decteaces pracias Ake Seperstitim , Witch cragt -. Tr ablio help to inctease acceptance of modern madicine. Uftevetupias Ly Hewerey Some ia SMews [ors level o Witeracy omd eclucatin * Rajasthan, odisha --. specratly tPF voomonis | Reasons are i- % Content o% education , Lang tage o | ' Teachey Problem. . Attitude tovoards forma} eduation Cb tribals) @(Eonemtc wap] ® National Scheduled Twibe Fin. Deve; ation. © Tnteqrared abel Develepmewt C1709) ® Co-operaHve sotieties Deere, Lames] * Miewkinance insttures {ee Aibals TRIFED ° Tribal subplan ® Vanband hy kalyan yejang , Vandhan Scheme. ° Olsita miwera foundation » fo} oer asst Sstana and opravts Foli sation v forest Prodan Hyxeugh 2 Isandha tbe clone te Tirupati Balaji isaktem = Abel Aut 9, arti paisa 4 dee panlleiee: on money tendir jor loom [Beit supply dus fe C-opermtives eg. Pre Ly mre Man — enterprises daweleped 117 tatbal Orta dueto better access to 4 vandham s oma ft ginance | 37 SHG Saving habit employmesT ve usemem Enantial condiim - 4 problem i moareness TwplemantaHo | Aes. ..-che. Utevetupias OlEveployment Relapedl Prwysamme ® Reservation Th public Sexices Crebs) Sef development Pregramme Standup gudta, sc/st Hub- Vandhan sine o a 9 TREFED , TAYSEM , SHG pPemotion. * Wage euapleymant sdremes €9. ° Adivasi Mahila sashakti ka Spay s 4 tnctease AvoFlalel lity op plopmand G sk cowelo pn ent —employabtitiy Tnctease $4 Gujarat ove doetning to tibal omm— Unity fpr caving sar = Enttepseneurthip demelspmeud . NRE na, Pregvammes | en aL Emmuniaalon , Telemediaue al nuns mision (Pottan Hebignn) G AYusH Promotion, mobile dinics,.. mete. OLPorevay alevtanan pReqwammer ) + G Houstw & Manat eaneone eels ehaaplog meu sthove. ry PDS / fpod security Van bandiy Katya Yojana: Uftevetupias | Guiding Institute feo tebe wehere Pegerome| ) Nakmal cornmissien dr Scheduled Tribes | Gund\ in Sth schedubed Area . GY) Tribal advisory (ili) Ministry Oy tbat apes Ge) Tatbol Research TnsiitiHon Tmpace of these welfare Prgrrnme| J La tmpact verics according te weg! beise TH Is mainly depends on trkat educational level , Communication | ausavendss and admini- Strofive Strucute f{hostehe oe dithich. 4b Various studies assess impact oy Progen mmer! ® Pesple oy Ttndiag Panj@er s taay bs shidied 635 pALAL Communities and aves fyhding? Cody 3- aise In leadership among taibel of Wage Isvel | wegional level and pattonal level, @® Weatt, 2 53 y+ Shows pavourable attitude and acceptance of modern meddfcal Heattcate G Decteace in IMR, MMR Indicators G aeproved abitenal cmditian: Utevetupias @ Economic 3- Tpavement An awarenecs about Variods Seis Enapleyment scheme and ene incsease jin pastdpatio. © other Frnding fr Elechowtc media Coveraye has Merwased over He Pesiod . New Prvyessioms % Detter , teacher \eund among trbals. — Oy Sig iy, ce An "An Inteduchen to taibal trans jesmetion in Tmdia" werk jhe gave opinien Har there 15 traneyormation Chr Pabals yo marspinalised te acube awareness) og thatr rights. b Devdlopmenr of qaibals has not observec| opr tae mare as pew Rxpecration due tedeigd lade ap" felt need Approach’ while ih tmplementing Programmes, Heyer, 23, polices Shows Gheenii tute ‘bal Curture . 4 THbals ane Pushed inte Mayket economy witlioud Proper sosourcy +e Survive fn Connpelitins & Elite class emorged ameng tribals which Comnered developmental bene tits [e4. Reservation Benrepits 7]. Uftevetupias © Gadgil_ and Pa omdy 5. G They studied tounkeng - gathering chenchy and Jevukuyubas oy | nda piadesh . G Femukureba vatth vach traditional Knowkdee oy au bprest, hatptng feresh cepashrant tn pressing Elephants and Colleuten GE terete Pred Thay earnin 6 Aremy hess Our oy Hee! Preluce utile mt epartrent Sevenve - Gahis Lee to idea there fol yoward His Liveliood amd tay oat Binding otter \evelteed oppnumitiss b Stunlary Chimchus ame Wunter-qatverers , bul Ave fo low tne fein eres precinct Sever Wave teken ext ivelinood optrn at cLevetop mental earns are Wot wracking = QD Polfcies ave aegis as ‘one sie it ul’ hone Lack % custevated approach accr ke Cnditim , CH) uot use of + need approach ! in Planning amd imple rakion ey we) fare Programme » Gy lack a political will , alse buveauorale apathy io mple mewratton procs - Utevetupias W) Gram sebha % United power under esi tors fn dowclopmental @tHuities . WI) Seto- Cattural eoden — acceptance of dovel— loprreatt Prawarmmes among taibals - OW) nisplacement clue te developmental prefeus QW) lade 9g education amd awareness MM) bw level op Imolvement oy OY) En swppideut jprding , high \ soruptin, Gi) Pegqrammes amd Pemofpitivaae Cornemed by [ee elite clars AQ bw . —_______ @ & Solution % What és Needed | ® Bevelop mantat Pargeamawre destaning and Implemeutah'on need Po contidered teibal cuture | ACcepran a op POAFAMME and changes Hee Ar op pavtdpahon x locals, woven Soenes, & G-ordineom among various develop @ Aysaxeness and mass media © vre H jeaditimal method Jor Sucass op Pj €- « Gotra Bandhu Ckevala) fp: education & Peksebha 5 Gond jer local administrate, © Gpacty building of Locd bedies junticnarfes , Gr Oy TCT & Researth gindfn © Flowing Vo xexa Cennmnébee Zeperr Recommentetins a ogenues ter succor oF Programme . Utevetupias

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