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Utevetupias @® §-2- Li ‘ Totbe and Nakon State § A Comparative Study oF tba Goromunities in India and other 4 {countries - abe teem Trtbe genera consi- dered er eHanic geours Prmowsly Kving Tr isolation and owing Unique flowy , and wor % Rie However Beant tis tos ts not limited to pAmitve or ‘olared Grp 9 ebwnic © Communities. They awe more diverse How wlth Intera— CHon sith meinstieara Soueti-es . “@avtiest Period FR bol | people Frespi ‘table Oveas during Were Most and Awa EeeM the. iS Nen@ their Wreradion with Gwlired was limited . There. aie VOTTEMBS EPICS Usiich Modciéned odosut tothe) BalaKonda’p with Kingdoms and vayiows Stats ROY example Ty Ramayana and Mahabharata , During Evolution » Various he States and kingdoms emerged and their _ Edlakionship ity tribes andumqoue shaegh various Utevel UpIAS Phases. most wsecowtly Induatyal Sevoluton and Modiyn political system have given more : Tporrance to wegion inhobited by trlool Preple | because ay its Economic and politcal sigmi— Rcann. These Changes Sbsexved ner owy MW India but ty other nations tao. Let see a Courparahive analysis of Weibel’ People and their Yolakon votth natfon State. Beyore that Ptr we wil undertiand some ay Hot pesminoliaies, Whar fs Notion % Tr 15 a steble Community, OF people formed ern Hee basis ot Common languoge 2 Fevritony Aistory, a ernity os Poychele gical makeup manibested tm common Culhtre - to Fe wosds Tr 1S a Cutture - ethnic easily. 4S MKamaple | Tapan - Whar is State . Mecowding yo Max weber Stare TS a compulsory Peltti col Crpanizalion with Carreirdd goverment Hat maintains monopaly oy legitmore use Of force wilt Grain fentiesy . In Strmple loord Lt 1s 4 Geopelitca) entity dpe sxample India, usr Utevetupias NaHo tare Hu is a form oF Political Organization ‘Cstote) where Bel anvely homogenous people Thaleits Soveretan State Specially a State Cvtelning one Watonalites | Lb State where. gieat majority oF people . Shave Same Cubtwre and thay Ose Conctous Sy itr: L folitical Store in whith, grep ay Paple who Share Same hisrry , tsadition — Langege , ti Th a Particular area Under one government “In stare Where Cultivo! — poe ees matches usith Political oun dvies. Reeligton Texmliory Ly EYhnic Tdaakity tn Nakan-state Temitomal Tdunkty A SAE NOD Utever UpIAS & Great roagowty ob Popriation ase Consciour About G@mmon idautity and Shaved Cultura twolts, L the {deol nakon-state Consist Oy People with Stigle eHontc and cultural Ste, However Mott oF the. modem States awe polyettmtc (2rdia) ox muttina- tional stores . GWotion state Weld together by Physicot boundries Oko people believed that thay ase Gnnected to Pach other by Stete | $ Each nation state has unique national culture which Ts majority Coormmunity ) culture CHindy Culture Ty India) | ‘Notion-Stare ave move Centralised Lith untyorm Rabi administration - 6 Notion - state shive 40 Ceeat uniform nakonal Culture through Various sabe poliies . pe Spreading Natronal lawguege | oniforny educoken Cundiculum » nakenap Wistory » Programme Ai ke ER Bharat shtetha Bharat | There dge minosies exist th these they Swipes Cultural tos Aur te dominane oF mofaity wate - Nation - stare Sometime Uptevetupias this led 4o wipt and Insecurity fy minsaiies Wis sipr Can be reason gor Untest and distirbane. % national Integration or nalonal unity im hang Nokon = Stote- Osiath oF Nation - state ; Idea Of Naken- Store ts associated with He of Modem Gystern a5 State, often Known as! Wettphalis System ? iy wehewen@ to Treaty 9g wrestplesta bia) The lodana of power “Wy thts sytem dapends on WS eppetive Coutwl On Weooures and Cenhalisation % Pelikcol powers. later Industral goyolutvon and @lowizaton aives more, Tmpebas te Wis Concept : Waki on- State | oly one 2ennic Cownmnuviies Sote with one Tdentity Hovsevers Ty 2 nakon- state existene 45 di gy- Qrious falters Ifke Migeation inter: dependence qer Fesources transpottation fachlines and qlobalisakion Tn Sore Cases geogmplical boundaries a ethnic Population and political Stote davgely cotnude there is litle ivami gration ot Emigration » ed members of eManfc minorities | bed Maumbers of home ethnidty Utevel UpiAS living ih otts Couvtwes | @) Unethnic or _Monvethnic Nation- state + Sing\e os SHE ethnic georp Constitute mere than 20%, Pepulaton and minowtes Sy © Aomenta + 38% Ammentans @ Bangladesh + 4RBn Bengali i * emnegenous © Egypt 397+ Shnic Va Palioemnany \ tional or MWti ethnic natton-Stete + cuthuwad Pluradiin SS / O Indias Nabion- State with mut vetinity @ onitea Kingdon 3 England | Scotland ,woles Novthurn Ts. to administer the untethntc Nat on-stete, tensim fh Sodety as tess Aiveastty Wes . However th these Watton take mir be Umdernined . eG ek (b) Ex Pesena ay ational Minowities ts the deviation tem Tdeal one noHon one Stode syfhenn . These ave MOHevially vecognited Minowhes with dr eXonidty and duke | than maggovity Populakion ty Nation - State Sy Jews jy Eurwpe , Sains , Buddhist in Endian en. Utevetupias Indian Constion parvides pastectve measures to Preserve and Saleararral Mimowiy Customs amd Culuve . Axticle = 25 40 30 As Endian Constituion. Negative Responge to_minevites Thy Natton -Stotes CO Praaice ke Guitiral assfmilatron enqorced by State Polidies led to deshuchion OG livelihood culture and Cieat idoutity Csisis among minexties | S China's clemorer phic Changes in T het education System % 7 Mi) minorities ave Seppering BRM Varstous attrocities expulsion . Persecution amd even Xt emwnakon [ Human Right Violation J i Soe Ronin rye in Myanmar Jes Ww Germany , Revand ee. Ci) Nakion state Ctdaat) is _ SESpovisible Kor cond oy the Cod exqmaple Hy . Nidlen@ a fair mineity, holo Coust by Nari pawry in Geemany India) Blace Uynchstng and rag af in USA are fee Mere exanaple hu senha Pe ey : Maple af human Violation O minorikes a, muttetntc hatin-state, MutHowturalisey fs an ORIG Poliey of Many nation-state where nation state Accapt Specific Minoway as being Past %% Watton- state amd tem them national minovies with: Seugegacrd amd Prstechony fewards thely culture Omd Pracicis . Utevel UpiAS Lthis fs a ftdaa of Peacoprl Coexistence aroong, roultiple eHnic Cultural and Unguistte groups. & Tdia | UK , USA mulhcultrra! nation-state . When tn nation - ciate » MAHonaL Bordaxs not Coinciding -etmnic berdew [eg Balkan, Asia Wet ASian Countries 7} » Crhnic tension occur: Somerme. such tension [ed to © *stnte - geotion , genocide | massacre CRw , Rohingyd] Sometime idewhffabie past sf nakvonal groups dive acsog, border e9. India - Pokistan- Bangladah 2 In India minorities gives equal sights with Majority with extra Prvrecrive Selfarard to Pheserve ets fdankty . Sy SHtuHonal azticle ; fundamenta right 25-30 asights 5 Ss) and 6th Schedule FRA 206 wat Pregranne 2 Pm yan Vikas Karyatram ‘ Contemporary 1 Yes] StakUs oF NS ¢ L Globalisation “technolegy dadopment Hoan sportion Suggested thor pure nak State Concept man divappear, SH MedovraldizaKon a various Cultural Pradices, L Rise 4 afevod trade | global Chirenship, taternes Zeduus divrance between Individuals nm nation state. Utevetupias L Sometime teve Cultural Trtegsahon duc ts jae Changing. technology lad 40 identity caists. Hen Eevivalish approathes stave Yrurilding wlaich gees Move attention te nati Stare concept So. Tribol onseit amd otner iSsved Thasepore minority Communes and Heir Cudtuve Showd be sespe ded amd — pacherved. G some Etonouic C Employment /Eadustry ) aur portico C €leaion) Mekres SHU Keeping these issues ative ancl y tng to fewive nation Stare Concepr & kext USA Travel Sesiniction UK visa polities ee. Tribes and Nakon Stete are Considered as minowtes ea oe Hade Culhire Chane Stode ane — difyement fesm majority group. thy Ermer gener % moduen nation Gabe qvey tribal ac minenty Gran ad In im & Raton nny wsecopnisedt in Various SPhore CS amd 6th Saddle) wen then sights iw Contitation (USR, India] imilotion (Russia) 4» expulsion, Peasecubion , oqwoplic Change iy vwegien Celina). tT mmwtelnic naimdohe ture To Wed to accept ehanic. Airensity and neod to give autonomy te Minority with — Congyitebonat Sayequerd Hone. they Can Co exist with mayOrty qworp usiHroat Cavepromising national Integrity and — cuntural Fdoubity oy all Hre dijpertab ethnic BRYTS Retort! pairctes of various nations teoard beta! Will be Covered tn detefl Mm Hac Chapter . Utevetupias cWina a Jarge united muthetnte State Composed oF $6 ethnic FeHes . Renong Ham Han Wiese accouwts fer Warty gry Population . Han Pesple Can be found tn almost yer. Par % Clima. ober RB % Hy Chinese Popubaton Ps Compo Sed Oo SS etntc Fou Freraly wepreceinted as “MonHans or minowies. These minvvtes Ase Slasegyed In dtpyerent area x Country with Var oHon in Population number ye Reauple Zhuang , Lhoba , U2bek Razak Lisu ete - Since: Iga gaatrnMber- % . deeas have been oe M mM of Kye aubnomous na “here minesity ebntc qeeeps are aid Gwdt , Hre wights to expless and dardlop \. becol culties amd vepresentatian fn pelfRcal ha, the Five Anbeno wus weston s Thoer ) Inner Mongalia b Guangxi Zhua mg, Ningxia hu | ¥infiang uly. each named otter He Pedowtnanr miIneshy gmup th ~eegion These minwsity JOuPS ave Tepterented af VOReUS Pyovindl and nakonol Peoples Congress - Utever UpIAS CUvina as Commuwst ctare with Teoleay % Grnplere Political and Seva equality o all Chinese pesple abuses Considuved these minente [ Autonomous wegion aubonemy] as cbtinudion te Noakemo Security and Nationa} Inne ges Chinds polities towards there mine and avtdonomous wegion Shows Ore Moy given Pooper odLFaneiny in be gos aspects irq economy or Cultyral Pio nomy . Lofhain — autonongous Wegion State Ser Seme policies AimPiing minewity waste - fore Rxcanple: G Stare Coubwotled Peprtation Pearshere | provement: Minoiky Ppecple Camhet opt to fesetle W the 4 region oy Wey ethnic Chote auth - iScoumexe travel Aes boundaries. 1 Purpose ede Mino wtres People nese name tex Heir Children odel oly Paterna SUarname. These axe come Changes move gudenad Wer the (949 ushere Atfperenmes between the local curtuve or Nakonalities have weakened . These Changes are result of following faders 5 Q) S$piead % mandavin as te tay waege Os Schoals And medi. Uftevetupias WW) Semegsoplic pranttion . Th ~utonermus areas, Gi) vnijerm politic and godal Fdaolesy Promsted VIA Communist Pawty | Peasant Mistalion Ary 3 OY) Notion wide PANG pation Fy peliticod Compapmns @) State Conmatied Nave aud eubertaimmonb media oy Soppression a Sore local veka tous Prats and development as Cecularired , Stoke Bevited keshvals | State guidlines {er wedding unerel s have All Conbibuted fo Minimise diferentes betoeen Hang and oer Winoxyhes. by Gaace Gmmunication led gy decteage th isvlation Li seqion and hen this gives ‘Impetus to cultural ASST yj laHon 5 the Yegional disparities in development. Due | Unibying thends there ave also Signs oy etmnic au es and sentiment among minorities this Can be sesved as there TS tncreate ™m & demand Wr Scho text and other PAicatton ty Minority languages Tncsee th nuwber Serena C tegittrationD + teased Parduction oy low) Crapr fpr wider marker tevi tel Bitivals there hos been incteate Eevivalisny in Tiber and Urq req O Molnevties iathian oF Lecay Te Zeligious im + Utevel UpIAS These Changes ane atlowed by Chinese Stare ot long AS Th does wot roe fousards Separtiom . Thay Celebrates diverstes and tebe Prde ay deserting Trey as mutt nattoncd Coumtay Most a He Aime chinere stare ou! Aip sesice to equality op att CHant ; i Reality Tem te mines NS ) are. Sobordinared ab all henel amd Hefty rejourcs en ker majority dow tna Psprtaton elon. oft Cuttural — ascimtl ation _ oman oy there Fat does net Cowes our aS. media freedom TS Rimsited ty China cotimal amd Aiteracy Policies . iy Commu CaKM lod to beter Economic Prosparity $m adtenn mus wegions. 5 Eonprowed tniprastwu dure and Tw pur oy Indy Ly Prohibited Slawery , Unitd mamege and landlordisnn Pmuioes - Uptevetupias Negative polities and Swpath : They arse not meqarive aS pew State but are ier Chinese UPiPGben oy Cuhiral and identity any ore Gimilay +e otey Courtries | poo mMinostes treated ty Noton-—stede : 4s Input of induttwec ty AUronemons weet y Has Led to outttder Cans) cettlemank ty Autonomous region Wich Change: lemogpoapinre Pryiie ayy region and hone Cuthural Felentity . Lb Logs Cy Wi cation L toss forced Rustan TEndigpencus Population ase masHy Th heth and ECatrern Parts (fe. ber Gast) . there Minerity etmntc weibarn We teadthan op liyes Dard ous Climate RIM PHM Dare Aisad togeous Tops Ty Russia, => Indigenous People +) Russta are So Varted end diverse Hat fr Loould be citptcwr te provide Cultural Quervied Th one Sfanple Berm _ Housever- Yaeg Possess Some imilar featuse, Whe: Many F trem are nomadic ar Seminemadic Practice Troup Oe tg Mo s+ Utevetupias Animisea Watural weligion » amd Aipeshyte Ls based ov Peaditionad Pradices like hunting sores | ‘ herding ete» i Example Oy WinowHe 1 Endtgenous Pepalatios 4 che chens 4 ESkimo~ Aleub > Yakuts Go vralic : 4 Tatars Ly mongelic , Russian Policies towards Indigenous People : Since the expansion yp Commarctal Ockvives in Morty and fax cat large expanter have Fee duclly Converrre'd fur areas fer alien eanlaventi | PraMspom mete indusiates sreihy ana ON Prodtuuton | Gm Chavges led te environmental ditaiter and alow Hot — SoGo CULL clecay Tn vegion , Since these MH eS Solved CONCH UP sotten op Septem oui “* . WFa@d Belocaton 2 Spittal OPPLescton and despudion % tradition fottem and values. AN) there syndrom with logs Stan ic dlohelism , disease » Pellukon, of. of Loic] Utevel UpIAS ® C2ax polities ] Pe USSR policies 5 Ceowist fntension wat te wwe entire Novthagn Part 5 Atia beGuse oF HIS wich wesources. people living fm there neq were yendured tRbure Payer. They were forced Fe Poy taxes in Rxchavge op pated | TS Ud pe Change ty CCOPAH on a6 many Jocok People, because y+ igh toxation . Cray order Soys that “ Nave Pesple Showd be Heated Sespecttully amd Accomodatingly wltle Mi hary adion taken owly ogatnch armed Seyoir. However local FveMS and taxmen useg Hasire O~N laws amd exploited the Local Indigenous MOINCRK SS. Oppsetton War Cankvuned Att He Commmuntise Leqine @) Lenin prlrdes t Taflbal and Sndiganous People were enjoying more fucdom Compare te Past Coax Fegime . However CouH neous Colonisaty_ On A Russian try Novth and Far Cath was ver_ Wired Two dectucion oy livelihood and sodo- Curural Pradices a locals LRussian had taken ilp oly Fadigenad Communities W Wed War T » This angect tocol domostte OCcupahms oS These who went to gt Ot kee > Utevetupias were Yeung Mon, Thay Setienrd with dipjeset Seal otitude amd hen accedewate Cultural ASstimilaH oy - ( Shin Polides ; Stalin governnedt poliues Were More” focusing ON asSimilaHon of all Sovier Stare. TWs ted do climinatin of CHanic diyyerences . Nakonal unity wos main Syenda of Stolinist polices . ; L massive industrolisatten -™ Sibevan fegisn lod to vd occupak ony pr indteenous Pesple and hen Aoss of Pimitve. CConomy. Thase whe could fot adjusted with new economic Sthuurure faces Line ploy non cones . SES. TradtHenal economy war ° A Into Collective bavem Kolkheze ’ b Local Uprising were pub down and Punithed Wael by Russian aublowtes. © Post vssR = & Posr SCR Period [$ Considered 26 Reformasive period pr Beveses Communes - Utever UpIAS > Mang Communities ger Minowly group status and hen mere Protech on for Cuttusal Sate guard. ” S RATPON C Ado. HF Indigenous minowites oy Noth Bbewia amd far Eat] wos formed In 1990 to Provide Poll col we presentation to bee overall Impact 5 Rustan policies s Ww Change NW economic acivities fn Wegion led te in humting ; gathering J herding wlaich “ployment amd poverty . col System ¢ Originally meaut fo dow OPPOMuWity oy educahton ive on mthoxtty Cutture . Cluldaon euing ausay yom POreuh tor ity Hines Customs lamauate ame — Aos< % todttioad seus. Gi) Fored &lomborn ots nomads to Usban and sent_ Usban avsea facd to destruction Oy traditt mal ecoomowse adkivikes and lack of SHI at ned Place lek to Unopaploy mont amd posrtaty . Utevetupias Civ) Miner revolts were put down by Using perce eq. Nehers and Taymyxs in 930-32 | ) Indusixes and travepoxtabion developed tin Siberian rea led te mere exploftation of natural FeCources bem areq — ustthoul Ging due share te Local Poputation specially mining ro tpretty and otk Producion.. G) Tndusyes and doxorvestrahn Leds te envisenmental Wazards and trapacht ng, on hestth ob €CoMsteny and livelihood o§ locoh = minowtes Qi) Cuttorral Axploitation ; ford assfmflaton Stating Bom Cae te modem Stalin wegime Led to Qdinninak on % teadin onal PraAKas , dois of tana Omd Skills. eau people “Sugjer's EM lade oy Clean drinking Inadequote fred and medical problem tke AHS Jalesholism , respléatory Toewes .Matemal movtality wote TS Severe tfme higher than us hence, 1ower lite <¥pecancy . CW only Loy si People live Nomadte / Send nomadic like Compare Fey. about So Year age. OD Thege ave noid 14g endangered fanguages in Russia Nov are Undue “gest duo to Russian Rangroxe assfynilakion- Xi) there ave GusvenHy Fo places of Conyicr bebwen \ocod Taine sity and wWwdustytol Project eg: Nickel Mining. Utever UpIAS GAD roll, Committee OF fedemal Cound! on Tndigencos People was dissolved Which Were Wepwesenting Minority SrOps + OY doin NGO wore ’ wy er Tndigqanovs grep and Accepting foreign qunding were dedared eget Ci) doin 2 Russia Suspended activites o PoN Enormous davel opment has Tn fask decade luk much move iS stil done. Now these minostes ave WMG easingly accapted as equal Paves tn PROGSS Oy Suttafinable development Govt. nead +o moke Progress Ty Providing loetrey Wnfgasrcture | Medical Care and fivelihood Security io there wemotel placesl Minorities % Russia , ’ vsidely Accepted as Place af om gin of Women spaces, Rigsca hosts a Jawge diversi 4p Ayntdbes | Cubburel varities and langarege cliversity . In Joke \Q™ Gaatuny , Colonial power Wad Controlled almoit OU the Conkinenti most present Stare in Afica originated fem procans op ditcolontsatio - Utevetupias Psecolontal pexted + Tn Pie Glontal period Aya Possessed Pechaps as mang 45 Loodo dierent States amd Polikes accwo- vaing ko Various During G@lonizakon EUmpean pe Ye &xPlotted toca Peoples Customs Cuttune by t 1 Hon op Now system | Jehtyin thee ad ay GTi Sodio he Ay an People. Thee were la Number oy teoceyat convertion TT Pibal to Christianity . & Ahese Clnigation leds to SHosHauHal Hone tel 8 % Ayrican an over Coutnent - eT Aycan Coubries Srodondly Independence . Ubga yer Tndepe - | fem Lal tottevred boy Tanita, Mero cco amd Later Ghana , The Was Nakenalist politcal morentent fer ove United ny Ung Can Matenes Congress. Utevetupias Post Colonial pesiod : a CSlevainimmernicnet qave SG nw Sevrereta countries Mest %% hich have borders tar were daavon uring 2A OF Colonial Period vsithout Considering the etantc Ferre Sepawmtion and Adjustment this Wa + IuBability ethnic Copter , Comuption and Outhodtarianitcm . 2 yo OF Hae Succasiqeal Estoblithed as democratic nations. 4b Etnnte Seups mawqinalisakin | cleniat a tribal oats Abe\ttscal gun) vielen wd te Inshability, in mary Gudtres th Pagatcg €4- Rwanda Gamers AYT@M State man have ‘Net beam given demias co 'Y Mtantc Props StS | Fadi genous people. WAOUS “eas nye Peltad, ahs Sores Those, bON designated as’ Indigenous people ConENously agit ing few Traprovement tn avea % land gts, We Ay Noduval WELOUT CLS Protection aE euvivonwent | Cilture customs Curtich mp ete) Political Eeegnition and fteedem bem discwtminasion. > These Peeple. usith wery low level accars to wewwuray Inyra stoucurve |) woher ond food ave Setpering pon Uftever UpIAS Poventy » health Condttims and wolene prem Stake amd nensiate = acors , ‘ > Sete and ethnfe _growps © Govtsnmsant polveres Mp Varmouy Countries in Aytcq ase docidod by. politecod gin amd whi op Cemic) ts tm Power. Hence prose © tn PepomHes fates Tncitutinattved fon in un ARTGN Countrie . £3 Rwanda Cremoude | Sudan, Wigewia Civil Warr ee, LDdewsnank Pep athempt to fmpesre economic Pelftcal and cuttural reste dien to minoyhes. Todigencus grenps th fetes dasr State wot every Lscal 7s Considered ORR AEP by Stabe Th, Ayetca. » Indige eples a Ayptca Co- ordinading Committee bmw Was ound: (997 te vepierent vartous etn ¢ dd mwights for Indigenaus peoples. &} san and Pyamy people afe physteally dithince hence paces Speayye frm % disatmtnadten EXamnples H_stote policies QD wh uganda, Koogere oral teaditian of Batooro Community 1s under thasar . Utevetupias Gi) Benga, Pestarod Community Endowots percibly eutcred EM Yoiy land \px nokia) pavic(is%es) QW) Cameroon i Baguellt, Babola Zamoved prem pret to make Js aging Industry Pegje. Tn Recent time many teibat Commumities are wefcing Coheaive voia@ fer Hai Byets and hone Gr Some succes th wecant twme. America and ashes |. Undigenous Peoples oF United Stare ave Known boy Varies “names dike Nobive Americans: » Tdtans y tndions CRed) , he. These native Peoples axe diertbubed Mesty Th Canhrof and ; Weshean Me USK. Various Communes aye paves S100 Apache, Treqweit, Pueblo Zuni ee. ede, a is moe stly Segregated ab Places by various ladys and t8eattos. Lb Nakive Peoples userre Getty angected by Suropean Glovizaton of Amorica Sasred Tm 1492. Euacpean ColonizaHon lad 2 futedudion Ty naw dfgeases ON contneut and henw many Comynunibies foie Utevel UpIAS Much a tts popwation. Colonirakion mostly occurs On astern Past of ConHnent uslach Pusher Hae lod Tdigenous Poprakion tewards He western Side and Grob thle $EKHI land ber Hee agai Guture by Ure peans . > Aites Gatton of USA > as Parr oF WF Settle Colonialism _ waged war and ve ed Massacse ogatnte mang native We peoples Temowed Hrem yom thely Ancestral mds amd Subleed them fo one cided treaties and te ASR Maroy Severnmeuk Potiaes Fate zath Geudury, = diving lath Contury eastern Setters geit derive te explore West Ward 4 Nokes weve Coma ink Tn the things, AS GAHlews moves towards esr side land belonging +o nakve Coptaned te gpve Ih fo Settlers with various ith Wndigenous pesple. transpened to os indi gevnous People tout toese lomd ) > During these usesrward Siping Oy Settlement | : Bovemmid Chew policies eg ‘Civili zodion of Natives Theorsh vasious edu cation Missionaries while divin Se, many Native faced F&xUal, mantal abuses and these Polides gored Mem to cbanden Heir identities. Utevetupias ® > Euspean sellers Haared natives as Conqure| People and iprens thom fo S2ike ty Reieave Sancuries >? Ty vsestern Paar oF Country > Settlers Captured nakives Land oy Casting Sour 9% Viveliheed % Mistives por example Pesident Jackson ordered Ming of Bison mM Plains as Hoty orese Sourte % test and Nwelilinod +r many noahves . These Conti bereeen native Lad Be Violane amd many native Killed) tr these violanws Dcotled tndron War — War bebreen motives amd grabe [, During Ayeerican Revoluom Pensod GMashingen belien ete Notes Weise eqns but Heer seu Inyenioe . uieshingten formulated Policy to. Ncourage via ing Preass . Th lees President Jackson Signed He" Indian Removal Aet oF (8307, to relocete Naive pom Waly homeland ts led to awmed Confit ber wean apremrmrent and natives eae Wounded kueo massacre 1890. To IRI , Cherokee become Pre Native Ament con Utever UpIAS recognised GS UsSp CiHren. Hovewey Hany Wee ner given mest %F the Guil vights. > After world was I" Indian Gtrenskip ath Ion Was passed to gave nakve Pesple A Citroen Srorus « S There are 561 federally -wecegntsed Arvernments Tr ysp ave jprmed and } Sly -debermt nation . They alo Pax Th vil wight mevemant dustin +8bal Aoverwomenk¢ Helix eon d '980S . These Sé1 Possess tne sigh to foam Aoveemans aX Rnyerce lars , to tax, te establish membership GE. Hower there Ore many \twitoken Be ane Impact of state policies on Nokves . qd) Relocation te Hen Area kd to loss a; Scartity %F feed | lisease outbicak, GD. cwavel Tin lah en Pstides tm ath Century omd ivf; Ton palides tn lath Comtury Leel Joss of Custams Culture ef drill and WeHVES bey axample languege , traditional medi Cue, SKIN ete. Indian Boarding Schools were established inven to educate nakve Amwyi cans according te UR Standards . Utevet UpIAS Uid’ Notive Amestcans helped Union Amy wn cull war bub Hiv Guiibabton was not property recognised and “paid - QD Mary of the Move Amancan communities Yas Rava} and Sodetl § discxintnation all Over phe USP. e} gpeval coda CY Indian syenes (ees. () Tndusrial pressure | mining , Trifra shu dure demomd , led te displacamanty of natives ty Becemr dacades Shows ae owe ku Suagening rym stabe led Aisak mInatory porictes, Curcent Tscwes @ IH guy rovo washington Sake Repwlican pany ade pred Lesoiukon To Teeminako a trbal per wae | nment: . bom alabtlifm, rmalnuinition, te- @ Tribal /prakives Ski demands fos equal Heatmed Tn all sphere oy Soma | prliH@t, economic Strudure | @ Now a day Casino and gamblings are qlourishing TH tAibel weglon- Uptever UpIAS © Paicy of Alpaizmoatve adion 2b Resewralttay like Policy to Thduck nakves tm ernployment and edu - Cakmat tmstitube | This auion ts to paevent dis- Ofwinekh on basis G Colour _wligion, SX OF nakeonal omgin . Tn Huis poltcy there ts Say Idewk | codfon aS nakive Anew cans mang nor Indigenous / Native too beng e Omginalty Meant Fr Natives. > Marg Peowessive Steps have bee bay, USA gpremment to 1 we Wakve arrericans Condition , bub SHI Pune ve Lot y Lssues OIOh Weed more athension . Austsalta and howiginals ian Aboriginal people Could be Considered peretion “~ human species \tving- outside These Aboriginal Austral tans Lived’ © Cont ne! Over 50000 to 60000 Years. There Split Ture teso Groups one group fS Moinland Ausalian and otner Ate Towres shalt Lslander pesple. Tedoy Aboriginal pesple CQnSttode. About Bly De Awrealian Pepuiation. There ave More thar 290 language Pugs core spusd ames Austria x0 Communes) « Utevetupias => BSsh Stated Calentuing the Continent in VERos Far thot Hme there was no oubider Contact with Aberigimal pesplts. Seiler brought Various mnyethon and diseates gud eprdonaic Killed Meroe number x Moora? not popatatio. = Soon Brth’th setters Selred Rbow' ginal s Lane exploited the Lesoures rom theix homeland Besh treated thom as Betivsh subjects and mang Aboriginals didnt Svbmitted fo tris porey TWis \ed to Violent COMPIG nearly 20000 died In massacre , Axmed ONPG and Levers. = PoiHals Abow ginels Were 4rwaled uslth Prote- Gfontsm and providtd them with feed and blankets . THIS Prake oni om Policy excluded tratively hose Who Aived Claye be Biro- theot them dicadvanraged people pean Gmm uti i HUI between Beihih Sattent and ewiinutd because of Contrl oer arsea exploited fer Tania Aqvoues > Groups like Awunta and Awunda 4 Gontral Autti olwas contained fh 4exelt Gres and nat enoy— wage to jen tho naka mainstream Moomiginals Wsourcee wid Utever UpIAS > These Pooriginol FPOups weve viewed ay Pesple otth End oF Woot fy and Specal legad PeoretHon laws were mode making Hoe (Aborigine!) cupevdent upon State, Lostng true Taub > Econowic troputs from reoyaltics gave Rooriginels Hae pnandal backup to yar fer Hie ORL LIF oortginad parple did mer had GHren— Ship QMS. Land vigar Wee 1 » bam wos Conti scoted mostly yer or\giigs * (Fz with Fetikon and stugge some land was transtered te Mosriginal ovonextip «Government Opproved Hee peltoy | deanirlisahen ty rang triteal ore ty later Period. OVeTA Trpaur on Aboriginal pepwiahin yedion , dtsease and epidemics - land fo Getlers, hence [trelihood Fssue AS Ost TF He Aboriginals 2S and ages cubtuarst - GW) less oF quede SMD MANY Speak owly Englith GY) Ferad asstwdlation op Cultusal Prauices led to Umea trauma and joys og Many tradittond Customs | S11, etc. O) The pepalation faces Rado discaimination and unequal Peotment fry doyteday Whe tn Australia Utevel UpiAS (uy stolen gqenewalion ¢ Iglo-lato childien bery fosably wemored YM Haty Nomar and pub Yn adoptive yamities amd tnstitutions and yer- hidden jrrom speating Nahve language > Tssue obout term ‘ Ab ertainals oad this Ferm wos obtained aS SouUoeconowit Connota— Hon yather than purely wactal. Example % bovis ginal pesple : * Baada ay Wert Adiseraig ° Punta Oy Coubral Ausrrali an witradjuni of quero South usales ° Bindwou ay nosth pemnitey Reawtly pustralta wejuser te Sigh un Delaration oY fndigenous wage Gkng Hrak Accord Wat uUnyax and wnuerledhte - Tedey obout Si Ay Austoalians have Phoviginal Rerst and HY qare SKIL Struggle Te asetath nal Culture and Hq yer recognition Aedety . ° Indfa and T's Tribal pepulakoy, @® Pte tndopondonce + 4 Tribal Communities useae motthy Uving tn peeit aren and Vod limited Comba ult mainstream Rouiehes | Various Bingdom have Coutwl over Heir ARH! oursida +e forest , Utever UpIAS & Bstsh Uses {solaktsnich Pdlfcies amd Classi Fed tba area as excludid area and Schaduled area amg tieated prom Separately L5 missimaries had twpaded an Hrety Souio-dut- ued Ate and aso ecmowiC ativiticn. GB Pye He Gnpta berween BMS and tbat Pesple over lamd and tax Tight Heene ome AUNOMBUS greg and avs syran Status to tribal €a chotanagpu e) Ack - © Post Independance 5 & exept Gmain tribal Unter moth o% tHe tribal Population administered Peacargilly & Poire Panchshee] and tnreqyakon was used a ‘i to approach ttbal adwmntersaton amd development Metttediovy has given qual stays fo aul Hae Fh Sparta) Sayeguard te Protec Heetr nel customs LAH IS to BO Of Consttakon ey aiven jo Administer tibal ohh and Gta Schedule PESA, FRA 2m, Polder like TSP, TRIFED have bean Tmplemented to Trprve inibal condition. Rousevey Hrene ave SHU waar PrAblums aae Severe Tw pibal azeas [tke health educalion, Povesty Land alienation, anploymaur a palthicol Lepse— Seubaton which naod Mowe attention: |

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