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Packing and Transportation Instructions for Materials and Products

1. Purpose of the Instructions

2. Scope of Application
3. Requirements for Product Packaging
3.1.1. Steel Structures (beams, sheets, stiffeners, guardrails, mesh plates, and others)..........................
3.1.2. Decking Sheets, Roofing Sheets, and Others...................................................................................
3.1.3. Guardrails, Meshes, Mats...............................................................................................................
3.1.4. Small Components..........................................................................................................................
3.1.5. General Notes.................................................................................................................................
4. Product Markings
5. Inspection
6. Product Delivery Document
7. Examples of Proper Product Packaging
8. Requirements for Material Packaging
8.1.1. Steel Materials (profiles, I-beams, sheets, wires, angles, and others).............................................
8.1.2. Other Materials...............................................................................................................................
9. Material Markings
10. Material Delivery Documents
11. Attachment 1 - Abbreviated Packing Instructions for Products by ZIB Konstrukcje Stalowe Sp. z

1. Purpose of the Instructions

The transport and packaging instructions define the basic requirements that should be
met for the proper protection of products and materials during transportation. These
instructions are a result of standardizing the packaging form of materials and products
such as steel structures, sheets, meshes, and guardrails.

2. Scope of Application
Before starting the packaging process, all packaging materials should be prepared, and a
review of the technical condition of equipment and tools should be conducted. Only
functional tools should be used.

3. Requirements for Product Packaging

In the context of these instructions, products refer to partially processed materials (semi-finished products),
such as structures made for further processing and painting, as well as finished products packed for
shipment to the end customer. Products can be packed only after final quality acceptance. Before starting
the packaging process, the order of packing individual item lists according to the shipping plan should be
determined. Ready-made components and assemblies from the painting or galvanizing workshop and
assembly workshop should be prepared or obtained, and necessary connecting elements and other
materials for shipment should be retrieved from the warehouse.

3.1. Steel Structures (beams, sheets, stiffeners, guardrails, mesh plates, and others)
 Products such as structures, sheets, guardrails, and meshes should be assembled according to the item list.
The key is to pack materials into packages within a single item list, following the principle of minimum
volume (maximum density of elements), and forming rectangular or cubic shapes by selecting the lengths
and dimensions of the elements and ensuring stackability;

• For packaging finished products, wooden vertical battens should be used. The use of foil or only battens is
possible with the customer's approval. The thickness of battens should be adjusted to the weight of the
structure. No painted steel element should come into contact with another element, as it may damage the
paint coating and result in the risk of corrosion and visual defects. For unpainted products, battens without
foam can be used;

• The elements should be secured with a 32mm polyester tape. The securing must be suitable for the weight
of the elements;
• Forklift forks should be lined with tape or battens to avoid damaging the paint on painted elements

• When arranging structures, such as beams within a single item list, the width should be
limited to 1.1m, height to 1.1m, and length to the dimensions of the truck trailer, while
allowing for stackability;
• Each package should not exceed the lifting capacity of forklifts;
• Smaller items like tiles should be packed in boxes or crates, appropriately labeled.
• Packages should be stacked in a way that allows them to be stacked;.
• Always pay attention to the identifiability of the item.

3.1.2. Platform sheets, cover sheets, and others

• Sheets should be stacked on top of each other using spacers with foam padding between
individual sheets;
• The height of the sheet package should not exceed 1.1 m. Sheets should be arranged on pallets
or platforms that allow forklift transportation;

• Secured sheets should be strapped;

• Always pay attention to the identifiability of the item

3.1.3. Barriers, meshes, mats

• Barriers should be packed horizontally, laying them down on pallets or wooden platforms
and using spacers to prevent bending. Spacers should be placed near the posts. Exercise
caution when strapping to avoid bending or damaging the elements;
• Special attention should be given during loading and unloading with a forklift to avoid
bending the barriers;
• When securing barriers on a truck/trailer, take care not to bend or damage the barriers
while using transport straps;
• Always pay attention to the labeling and identifiability of the item.
3.1.4. Small components

• Remaining connecting elements after assembly should be packed in boxes, labeled, and
sent with the structure;
• Small elements such as clamps (washers), angles should be packed in separate wooden
crates, each type separately in a crate, with detailed labeling.

3.1.5. General notes

• Products should be packed in reverse order of unloading to ensure efficient access for

• If the packed items are painted, they must be dry and the paint must be sufficiently cured
to prevent packaging materials such as spacers and foam from sticking to and damaging
the coated elements;
• When using pallets or platforms, the elements should not protrude beyond their outline.
Always strive to form load units in cubes or rectangular solids without gaps, compacting
the elements as much as possible;
• Due to potential damage to the paint, packed elements, both in formed units/packages
and loaded onto transport vehicles, should not come into contact with each other or
other surfaces. In case of accidental damage, touch-ups should be done with paint
matching the RAL color of the packed elements;
• Examples of packaging are shown in the photos later in the instructions;

• Abbreviated guidelines are described in Annex 1 - in the abbreviated instructions for

packaging products.

4. Product labeling

• Labels must be clear, legible, permanent, identifying the specific material or product, and
allowing for smooth acceptance, issuance, and installation on the construction site.
• Each pallet element must be labeled: contract number, lists of elements, and positions.
• The identification of the element on the pallet is a metal tag, and if required, the position
number should be stamped or engraved on the element.
• Each pallet must have a foil tag with the following data: contract number, list of elements,
pallets, positions, quantity.
• Connecting elements packed in boxes should be labeled and sent with the structure.
5. Inspection
• Inspection is conducted by a KJ employee.
• Check the quantities of completed details according to the drawings and lists of elements.
• Check the quality and aesthetics of paint coatings, whether they have been damaged during
reloading and transportation, and make necessary corrections. 100% inspection.
• Check the identification of elements with technical and shipping documentation.
• Before loading, check and complete quality checklists according to quality guidelines if required.
• The measuring tools used must be calibrated (current quality control).
• Adhere to occupational health and safety regulations.
• Complete and check shipping documents and technical or post-execution documentation if

6. Delivery Documents for Products

The shipping documents should include as follows: as-built documentation (if requested by the client),
inspection certificates, and a list of welders.
The standard set of documents includes:
1. Delivery Note WZ
2. CMR Waybill for international transport
3. List of items and other relevant records as per guidelines, if required
4. Technical documentation, if specified by the guidelineswytyczne

7. Examples of proper product packaging

Correct packaging and securing on the trailer, forming a rectangular prism

Proper packaging of items into cargo units - packages with inserts and foam
Correct formation of packages for structures - without any breaks, elements are not in direct contact,
they are secured and labeled

Correct use of wooden inserts for structures and barriers, as well as labeled hangers

8. Requirements for Material Packaging

Materials are components used for the production and assembly of semi-finished and finished products.
In most cases, cardboard packaging, euro pallets, inserts, pads, wooden beams, and wooden crates will be
the main types of packaging for materials. If this is not possible, the use of other types of packaging is
permissible, provided that they are approved by the Client on a case-by-case basis.

8.1.1. Steel materials (profiles, I-beams, sheets, wires, angles, others)

• Steel materials should be placed on wooden inserts, platforms, or pallets to enable

unloading with cranes (assuming the use of lifting straps) or forklift trucks. Larger
quantities of I-beams should be delivered in bundles secured with steel straps. Loose
materials should be properly secured and protected against shifting during transport and

• The material should be loaded in the correct order (reverse loading sequence compared
to unloading - the materials to be unloaded first should be loaded last)

8.1.2. Joining materials, others

• Each individual material should be packed and labeled separately.

• The materials must not protrude beyond the boundaries of the packaging.
• The packaging should make the best use of the available space.
• All materials must be easily accessible for unpacking.
• The packaging must provide basic protection against damage, moisture, or contamination
of the material, and if possible, also against ultraviolet light.
• The packaging must allow transportation, handling, and storage using conventional
means of transport and storage, such as forklift trucks and cranes.
• The packaging must be designed to be lifted by a typical forklift truck from any of the four
9. Material markings

9.1. The markings must be clear, legible, durable, identifying the specific material or product, and
allowing for efficient acceptance, issuance, and assembly on-site;
9.2. Individual elements should be marked with the drawing number according to which they
were made, along with a description of the material,
9.3. In the case of small elements, they should be packed in collective packaging and
appropriately labeled.
10. Material delivery documents
Every delivery must include delivery documents containing information in Polish and/or English,
depending on individual agreements with the Client. The delivery document should include:

10.1. Project number/name;

10.2. Order number;

10.3. Delivery note;

10.4. Description of the material, including the drawing number, quantity, and unit of
measurement according to the order;

10.5. Item number of the material according to the order and/or agreement.

11. Attachment 1: Abbreviated Packing Instruction for Products

Lp. Description of activities example Important Notes
1 Before packing, prepare and Conduct training for employ-
check tools and packaging ma-
ees, clarify any uncertainties.
terials such as tapes, wooden
separators, foam, and position Preparation will shorten the
the forklift forks. packing time

2 Plan the arrangement of ele- Avoid step-like stacking and

ments according to the list of protruding elements to pre-
items, forming cuboids, ensur- vent damage
ing minimal volume, with pack-
age dimensions of width and
height up to 1.1 m

3 Check the curing of the paint Uncured paint is a cause of

coating damage and complaints

4 Check the labeling of products Pay attention to tags, en-

according to the instructions. gravings (essential labeling
Fill in quality checklists accord- elements), item lists, labels,
ing to quality guidelines, if re- descriptions

5 Perform a quality review of the Prohibit shipping of un-

packed elements claimed products
6 Pack the products according to Secure against damage,
the instructions, using foam-lined bending, elements should
horizontal and vertical wooden not touch each other.
separators, and tapes with appro- Pay special attention to se-
priate strength. Ensure stackabil- curing barriers to prevent
ity of packages. Pack according bending.
to the materials list, following the
principle of volume minimization.
For products made without paint-
ing, foam lining of separators is
not required

7 Pack connectors and pack- Transport small items to-

ages in boxes and crates, la- gether with structures and
bel them according to the in- other elements within the
structions. shipping lists.

8 Prepare and include delivery doc- Check what was required

uments and documentation ac- for the specific project
cording to the guidelines
9 Check completeness, visual qual- 100% inspection of elements,
ity, markings of elements, and fill in missing paint areas
compliance with documentation
10 Load and dispatch packed After loading, check that
products while following occu- nothing has been left be-
pational health and safety hind

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