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Group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in

the achievement of goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace
and order, protection of life and property, enforcement of the laws and the
prevention of crimes.
a. Police Officer b. Police Organization
c. Law Enforcement d. Bureau

2. This type of police organization is the simplest and oldest type of organization.
The channel of authority and responsibility extends in a direct line from top to
bottom within the structures, authority is definite and absolute. Quick decisions
can be made in this organization because of the direct line’s authority

a. Functional Organization b. Line Organization

c. Staff Organization d. Auxiliary Organization

3. It is the assignment of the particular workers to particular tasks. It is also the

grouping of activities and segregation of line, staff and auxiliary functions.

a. Specialization c. Specification
b. Precision d. Peculiar

4. It represents the formal relationship among superiors and subordinates in any

given organization. It can be visualized as a ladder, with each rung (rank)
representing a higher or lower level of authority.

a. Hierarchy c. Authority
b. Higher Rank d. Upper-Level Manager
5. It is the right to command control the behavior of employees in lower positions
within an organizational hierarchy.

a. Delegation of Authority c. Authority

b. Unity of Command d. Scalar Principle

6. It shows the vertical hierarchy of the organization which defines an unbroken

chain of units from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of authority
a. Functional Principle c. Scalar Principle
b. Principle of Balance d. Authority Level Principle
7. According to Hudzik and Cordner, it is the thinking about the future, thinking what
we want the future would be, and thinking about what we need to do now to
achieve it

a. Police Planning c. Plan

b. Operational d. Planning Planning

8. It is the use of rational design or pattern for all departmental undertakings rather
than relying on chance in an operational environment.

a. Strategic Planning c. Plan

b. Operational Planning d.Planning

9. These are developed as a result of crisis. A particular problem may occur for the
department has no plan and must quickly develop one, sometimes without
careful preparation.

a. Proactive Plan c. Reactive Plan

b. Visionary Plan d. Strategic Plan

10. These are developed in the anticipation of problems. Although not all police
problems are predictable, many are, and it is possible for a police department to
prepare a response in advance.

a. Proactive Plan c. Reactive Plan

b. Visionary Plan d. Strategic Plan

11. It includes guidelines for responding to different types of incidents; for example, a
civil disturbance, hostage situation, crime in progress, and felony car stops.

a. Standing Plan c. Time-specific Plan

b. Functional Plan d. Policy and Procedural Plan

12. These are the procedures for coping with specific situations at known locations.
Included in this category are plan for dealing with an attack against buildings with
alarm systems and an attack against PNP headquarters by lawless elements.
a. Operational Plan c. Tactical Plan
b. Standing Plan d. Policy and Procedural Plan

13. These are designed to meet the long-range, over-all goals of the organization.

a. Operational Plan c. Tactical Plan

b. Strategic Plan d. Policy and Procedural Plan

14. These are sequences of activities to reach a point or attain what is desired.

a. Procedures c. Guidelines
b. Policy d. Tactics

15. It is the largest organic functional unit within a large department. It comprises of
numbers of divisions.

a. Division c. Sector
b. Bureau d. Unit

16. These are rules of action for the rank and file to show them how they are
expected to obtain the desired effect.

a. Strategy c. Tactics
b. Guidelines d. Policy

17. It is a functional group within a section; or the smallest functional group within an

a. Division c. Section
b. Bureau d. Unit
18. It is a length of streets designated for patrol purposes. It is also called LINE

a. District c. Sector
b. Routed. d. Area

19. A section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of designated


a. District c. Sector
b. Route d. Area

20. It is a consequence of an act which temporarily deprives an officer from the

privilege of performing his duties as a result of violating directives or other
department regulations.

a. Suspension c. Department
b. Rules Order d. Leave of Absence

21. These are the basic principles in planning, organization and management of PNP
in support of the overall pursuits of the PNP vision, mission and strategic action
plan of the attainment of the national objectives.

a. Complimentary Doctrine c. Fundamental Doctrine

b. Ethical Doctrine d. Doctrine

22. This provides guidance for specialized activities of the PNP in the broad field of
interest such as personnel, intelligence, operations, logistic and planning.

a. Complimentary Doctrine c. Fundamental Doctrine

b. Ethical Doctrine d. Doctrine

23. It is formulated jointly by two or more bureaus in order to effect certain operation
with regard to public safety and peace and order.
a. Complimentary Doctrine c. Fundamental Doctrine
b. Ethical Doctrine d. Functional Doctrine

24. It pertains to the utilization of available resources in an organization.

a. Administration c. Management
b. Planning d. Human Resource

25. These define the fundamental principles governing the rules of conduct, attitude,
behavior, and ethical norm of the PNP.

a. Complimentary c. Doctrine Fundamental

b. Doctrine Ethical Doctrine d. Doctrine

26. It is imposed by command or self-restraint to insure supportive behavior.

a. Complimentary c. Doctrine Fundamental

b. Doctrine Ethical Doctrine d. Doctrine

27. These are broad statements of general and long-term organizational purposes
often use to define the role of the police.

a. Objectives c. Strategic
b. Goals d. Guidelines

28. A person who is responsible for work that is accomplished through the
performance contributions of one or more persons.

a. Boss c. President
b. Manager d. Vice President

29. It is the quality and quantity of police work produced or the services provided by
the work team as a whole

a. Human and Material c. Resources

b. Task Performance d. Efficiency Effectiveness
30. These are specific or short-term statements consistent with an organizational

a. Strategic c. Goals
b. Objectives d. Guidelines

31. It means the summary of measures of the quantity and quality of police work
performance achieved with resource utilization considered.

a. Efficiency c. Effectiveness
b. Productivity d. Skillfulness

32. It refers to the quality of being able to bring about an effect. It measures how well
resources are being utilized.

a. Police Efficiency c. Police Effectiveness

b. Police Productivity d. Skillfulness

33. In police management process, it is the process of dividing the work to be done
and coordinating results to achieve a desired purpose.

a. Surveying c. Organizing
b. Leading d. Controlling

34. In police management process, it is the process of monitoring performance,

comparing results to objectives and taking corrective action as necessary

a. Surveying c. Organizing
b. Leading d. Controlling

35. Which of the following is not included in the police management process?

a. Surveying c. Organizing
b. Leading d. Controlling
36. There are three sets of activities that a police manager engages which of the
following is not included?

a. Interpersonal Roles c. Informational Roles

b. Decisional Roles d. Planning Roles

37. There are three managerial skills according to Robert Katz excluding:

a. High-technical Skills c. Technical Skills

b. Conceptual Skill d. Human Skill

38. It is the ability to translate knowledge into action that results in desired

a. Knowledge c. Action
b. Skill d. Managing

39. It is the ability to analyze and solve complex problems. This is analytical ability,
which draws heavily on one’s mental capacities to identify problems and

a. Knowledge c. Conceptual Skill

b. Technical Skill d. Human Skill

40. It means union, or unity is strength; harmony and teamwork.

a. Esprit de Corps b. Unity of Command

c. Scalar d. Chain Equity

41. It is the ability to conceive and execute a plan on your own without someone
giving instructions.

a. Order c. Equity
b. Initiative d. Selfless
42. It means you should receive orders from one superior only.

a. Unity of Direction c. Unity of Command

b. Scalar Chain d. Discipline

43. It means that there should be one manager and one plan for a group of activities
that have the same objectives

a. Unity of Direction c. Unity of Command

b. Scalar Chain d. Discipline

44. In this theory they assume that people have little ambition, dislike work, and must
be coerced in order to perform satisfactorily.

a. Theory X c. Theory Y
b. Theory A d. Theory B

45. Is the overall profile or combination of traits that characterize the unique nature of
a person as that person reacts and interacts with others

a. Personality c. Heredity
b. Values d. Environment

46. This type of police officers who prefer routine and order and emphasize well
defined details in gathering information.

a. The Sensation Type Officer c. Feeling Type Officer

b. The Intuitive Type Officer d. Thinking Type Officer

47. This type of police officer uses reasoning and intellect to deal with problems

a. The Sensation Type Officer c. Feeling Type Officer

b. The Intuitive Type Officer d. Thinking Type Officer
48. These are predisposition to respond in a positive or negative way to someone or
something in your environment.

a. Personality c. Attitude
b. Behavior d. Values

49. This is the maximum number of subordinates at a given position that superior
can supervise effectively.

a. Unity of Command c. Scalar Principle

b. Span of Control d. Authority

50. It is the rational comprehensive approach and the dominant tradition in planning.
Because it relies heavily on the problem identification and analysis of the
planning process.

a. Incremental Approach c. Synoptic Approach

b. Transactive Approach d. Radical Approach

51. It is carried out in face-to-face interaction with the people who are to be affected
by the plan and not to an anonymous target community of beneficiaries.

a. Incremental Approach c. Synoptic Approach

b. Transactive Approach d. Radical Approach

52. It is the right to exercise, to decide and to command by virtue of rank and

a. Doctrine c. Authority
b. Coordination d. Discipline

53. These are procedures for coping with specific situations at known locations.
Included with this category are plans for dealing with an attack against buildings
with alarm system.

a. Meeting unusual needs c. Regular Operating Plan

b. Operational Plan d. Tactical Plans
54. These are the plans for operations of special divisions like the patrol, detective,
traffic, fire, and juvenile control divisions.

a. Meeting unusual needs c. Regular Operating Plan

b. Operational Plan d. Tactical Plans

55. In this principle, work specialization can increase efficiency with the same
amount of effort.

a. Division of Work c. Authority and

b. Discipline d. Unity of Command

56. In this principle it is necessary for an organization to function effectively, however

the state of disciplinary process depends upon the quality of its leaders.

a. Division of Work c. Authority and

b. Discipline d. Unity of Command

57. In this principle there should be one manager and one plan for a group of
activities that have the same objectives.

a. Remuneration of Personnel c. Scalar Chain

b. Unity of Direction d. Unity of Command

58. In this principle, the compensation should be fair to both of the employee and

a. Remuneration of Personnel c. Scalar Chain

b. Unity of Direction d. Unity of Command
59. In this principle, the hierarchy is the order of ranks from the highest to the lowest
levels of the organization.

a. Initiative c. Stability of Personnel

b. Order Scalar d. Chain

60. In this principle, “Union” or Unity is Strength; harmony and team work are
essential to effective organization.

a. Centralization c. Unity
b. Esprit de Corps d. Order

61. It focuses on the predicted patterns of behavior, thus the occurrence of the
human relations movement, emphasizing the informal aspect of the organization.

a. The Science Approach c. The Relations Approach

b. Human Relations Approach d. The Behavioral Approach

62. In the functions of police management, it is the process of directing and

coordination the work efforts of other people to help them accomplish important
a. Planning c. Organizing
b. Leading d. Controlling

63. Whose study said that workers are motivated primarily by economic rewards and
if workers were thought the best procedure with pay tied to output, they would
produce maximum amount of work.

a. Frederick W. Taylor c. Frank and Lilian Gilbreth

b. Friedrick W. Taylor d. Frank and Lily Gilbreth

64. It is the responsibility of a police manager to be liable both from his higher level
superior and his subordinates.

a. Responsibility
b. Answerability
c. Dependency
d. Accountability

65. It is the ability to perform specialized tasks. This involves being highly proficient
at using selected methods, processes and procedures to accomplish task.

a. Technical Skill
b. Specialization
c. Knowledge
d. Skills

66. In this concept of Study by the couple Gilbreth, it is the breaking down of each
action into components, finding better ways to perform it and reorganize each
action to be more efficient. What concept is it?

a. Scientific Management
b. Time and Motion Studies
c. Work Breakdown Study
d. Administrative

67. Who coined the term BUREAUCRACY?

a. Luther Gulick
b. Henry Gantt
c. Henri Fayol
d. Max Weber

68. Bureaucracy was made because that person believed that such approach would
lessen the cruelty, nepotism and subjective managerial practices.
a. The statements is false.
b. All of the above.
c. The statement is true.
d. The statement is either true or false.

69. Division of work - work specialization can increase efficiency with the same
amount of effort.

a. The statements is false.

b. All of the above.
c. The statement is true.
d. The statement is either true or false.

70. Subordination of individual interest to general interest compensates both

employee and employer properly.

a. The statements is false.

b. All of the above.
c. The statement is true.
d. The statement is either true or false.

71. Initiative is the ability to conceive and execute a plan and should be encouraged
and developed, through-out all levels of the organization.

a. The statements is false.

b. All of the above.
c. The statement is true.
d. The statement is either true or false.
72. The science of administration by Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick , they have
described the major functions of administration using the acronym POSDCRB
which are, planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting and

a. The statements is false.

b. All of the above.
c. The statement is true.
d. The statement is either true or false.

73. Police efficiency = individual attributes x work effort x organizational support. This
equation shows the performance as the result of the personal attributes of
individuals, the work effort they make and the organizational support they

a. The statements is false.

b. All of the above.
c. The statement is true.
d. The statement is either true or false.

74. Individual attributes relate to a capacity to perform.

a. The statements is false.

b. All of the above.
c. The statement is true.
d. The statement is either true or false.

75. For the individual attributes one of the category is the demographic or biographic
characteristics these includes except:

a. Personality
b. Gender
c. Age
d. Disability

76. It is the overall profile or combination of traits that characterize the unique nature
of a person as that person reacts and interacts with others.

a. Personality
b. Behavior
c. Heredity
d. Attitude

77. It is defined as the standards that we use to evaluate behavior as right or wrong,
appropriate or inappropriate.

a. Influence
b. Policy
c. Values
d. Rules

78. They are responsible for job related activities of others. They are the work group
leaders charged with getting their subordinates to carry out specific tasks as set
down by middle level managers.

a. Top-level Manager
b. Middle-Level Manager
c. Upper-level Manager
d. Lower-level Manager

79. This type of promotion is given to any member of the PNP for the acts of
conspicuous courage and gallantry at the risk of his own life above beyond the
call of duty, or selected as such in a nationwide search conducted by the PNP or
any accredited civic organization.

a. Regular Promotion
b. Promotion by Virtue of Position
c. Special Promotion
d. Heroism Promotion

80. What type of promotion is given to any member of the PNP if he or she has
successfully passed the corresponding promotional examination given by the
NAPOLCOM, passed the Bar of the corresponding Board examination for
technical services and other professions and any other requirement for this

a. Regular Promotion
b. Promotion by Virtue of Position
c. Special Promotion
d. Heroism Promotion

81. A unit in PNP where they investigate the complaints and gather evidence in
support of an open investigation, conducts summary hearings on PNP members
facing administrative charges and file appropriate criminal cases against PNP
members before the court.

a. Internal Affairs Service (IAS)

b. Ombudsman
c. Civil Service Commission(CSC)
d. People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
82. Entry qualifications for IAS or Internal Affairs Services shall be voluntary and
subject for rigid screening, how many years of experience in law enforcement is
required for him to be able for appointment?

a. 3 years
b. 4 years
c. 5 years
d. 6 years

83. What office is responsible for the maintenance and update of the records of IAS
within the jurisdiction of their office?

a. Records Management Division

b. Regional Office
c. Local Internal Affairs Office
d. Camp Crame

84. Where shall the complaints against IAS be brought?

a. IAS Inspector General’s office

b. Camp Crame
c. President of the Philippines
d. Director General
85. It is the omission or refusal, without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty,
which it was the peace officer’s legal obligation to perform; it implies a duty as
well as its breach and the fast can never be found in the absence of a duty.

a. Neglect of Duty
b. Misconduct
c. Incompetency
d. Oppression

86. It is the doing, either through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the
officer had no legal right to do at all, as where he acts without any authority
whatsoever, or exceeds, ignores or abuses his powers.

a. Malfeasance

b. Irregularities in the performance

c. Dishonesty

d. Disloyalty to the Government

87. It is the manifest lack of adequate ability and fitness for the satisfactory
performance of police duties. This has reference to any physical, moral or
intellectual quality the lack of which substantially incapacitates one to perform the
duties of a peace officer.

a. Neglect of Duty
b. Misconduct
c. Incompetency
d. Oppression
88. It consist of abandonment or renunciation of one’s loyalty to the Government of
the Philippines, or advocating the overthrow of the government

a. Malfeasance
b. Irregularities in the performance
c. Dishonesty
d. Disloyalty to the Government

89. It imports an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful exaction, domination, or excessive

use of authority.

a. Neglect of Duty
b. Misconduct
c. Dishonesty
d. Oppression

90. It is the central receiving entity for any citizen's complaint against PNP members.

a. IAS
d. CSC

91. Among the following is not authorized to conduct inspection in the PNP.

a. PNP Chief
b. PNP Regional Director
d. Chief Executive

92. In the nature of police inspection, it is the one who inspects administrative
training, operation, intelligence, investigation, morale and discipline as well as the
financial condition of the police organization.

a. Internal Affairs
b. External Affairs
c. Out-door Affairs
d. In-door Affairs

93. Their jurisdiction is to inspect the community relationship of the organization, the
crime and vice situation of the locality, and the prevailing public opinion
concerning the integrity and reputation of the personnel.

a. Internal Affairs
b. External Affairs
c. Out-door Affairs
d. In-door Affairs

94. Its purpose is to ascertain the standard policies and procedures, review and
analyze the performance, activities and facilities affecting operations and to look
into the morale, needs and general efficiency of the police organization in
maintaining law and order.

a. Police Inspection
b. Police Discipline
c. Police Creed
d. Police Discretion
95. A PNP member of his or her own request and with the approval of the
NAPOLCOM, retire from the service shall be paid separation benefits
corresponding to a position _________ higher than his present rank provided
that the officer or non-officer has accumulated at least 20 years of service.

a. One rank

b. Two rank

c. Three rank

d. Four rank

96. What law gives a general qualification for initial appointment to the police

a. RA 8551
b. RA 6975
c. RA 11120
d. RA 10175

97. How many squat thrusts is required by the agility test to pass it?

a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40

98. It is the process of encouraging police applicant from outside and organization to
seek employment in an organization. The process of recruit consist of developing
recruitment plan, recruitment strategy formulation of applicant search, screening
of qualified applicants, and maintaining a waiting list of qualified applicants.
a. Police Recruitment
b. Police Personnel Planning
c. Police Placement
d. Police Appraisal

99. It is a study of labor supply of jobs, which are composed with the demands for
employees in an organization to determine future personnel requirements, which
either increase or decrease. If there is unexpected shortage of personnel the
organization may decide to train or develop present employees and/or recruit
from outside sources.

a. Police Recruitment
b. Police Personnel Planning
c. Police Training and Development
d. Police Appraisal

100. It refers to any method used to improve the attitude, knowledge, and skill
or behavior pattern of an employee for adequate performance of a given job.

a. Police Recruitment
b. Police Personnel Planning
c. Police Training and Development
d. Police Appraisal
101. This was organized in 1712 for the purpose of carrying out the regulations of
the department of State. It was the earlier version mounted riflemen in the history
of the Philippine police system.

a. Guardia Civil
b. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
c. The Guardrilleros
d. Cuerpo De Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

102. Policemen are considered as servants of the community, who depend for
the effectiveness of their function upon the express wishes of the people. In this
theory, policemen are civil employees whose primary duty is the preservation of
the public peace and security. This is practiced in England and in the United
States of America, where the government structure is decentralized pattern.

a. Old Concept
b. Modern Concept
c. The Continental Theory
d. The Home Rule Theory

103. The old concept of police service looked upon the police as merely a
repressive machinery. This old philosophy means throwing more people in jail
rather than keeping them out of jail. Under this concept, punishment is the sole
instrument of crime control. The yardstick of efficiency of the police is more

a. Old Concept
b. The Continental Theory
c. The Home Rule Theory
d. Modern Concept

104. The modern concept of police service considers the police as an organ of
crime prevention. Police service today has broadened its activities to include
certain aspect of social services, and has for its objectives the welfare of the
individual as well as that of society. Under this philosophy, the yardstick of
efficiency of the police is the absence of crime.
a. Old Concept
b. The Home Rule Theory
c. The Continental Theory
d. Modern Concept

105. Otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government
Act of 1990 and hereinafter referred to as the Act Establishing the Philippine
National Police under a reorganized Department of the Interior and Local
Government, and to ensure the smooth, orderly, speedy and effective
implementation of the law.

a. P. D 765
b. A. R.A. 6975
c. R. A 9165
d. R. A 8551

106. When was the act Establishing the Philippine National Police under a
Reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government, took effect?

a. July 23, 1990

b. July 23, 1991
c. July 21, 1990

107. That’s the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and
maintaining favorable condition of work.

a. Logistics Unit
b. Crime Laboratory
c. Staffing
d. Organizing

108. Unit shall be responsible for the procurement, distribution and management
of all logistical requirements of the PNP including firearms and ammunition.

a. Organizing
b. Staffing
c. Crime Laboratory
d. Logistics

109. Shall be established which shall provide scientific and technical investigative
aid and support to the PNP and other government investigative agencies.

a. Staffing
b. Organizing
c. Crime Laboratory
d. Logistics

110. Unit shall provide administrative services and general supervision over the
organization, business operation and activities of all organized private detective,
watchman, security guards and company guard forces.

a. Special Action Force

b. Crime Laboratory
c. Logistics Unit
d. Civil Security

111. Shall serve as a mobile striking force or reaction unit to augment regional,
provincial, municipal and city police forces for civil disturbance control, counter
insurgency, hostage taking rescue, operations and other special operations.

a. Logistics Unit
b. Civil Security Unit
c. Crime Laboratory
d. Special Action Force

112. Shall refer to other services rendered as an officer and non-officer, cadet,
trainee or draftee in the PNP, fire or jail force or in the municipal police prior to
the integration of the PC/INP or in the AFP and services rendered as a civilian
officials or employee in the government prior to the date of separation or

a. applicant
b. active
c. non-organic
d. reservist

113. It is the Greek of word where the term police originated, which means
government. Citizenship, or the entire activity of the polis – a city.

a. Polizi
b. Politia
c. Pulis
d. Politeia

114. This semi-military police institution was armed as the Spanish Infantry to
partially relieve the Peninsula Troops of their work in policing towns on February
12, 1852.

a. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

b. Cuerpo De Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
c. The Guardrilleros
d. Guardia Civil

115. This was a body of Rural Police organized in each town and established by
Royal Decree of January 8, 1836. This Decree provided that 5% of the able-
bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be enlisted in this police
organization for three (3) year’s tour of duty.

a. Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

b. Cuerpo De Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
c. The Guardrilleros
d. Guardia Civil

116. The organizational theory which the unit of an organization should be

assigned one particular type of work or set of closely related tasks, to be
performed more or less continuously.

a. Job Description
b. Management by Objectives
c. Leadership
d. Max Weber Theory
117. Assailed that each job should be analyzed first, and then divide it into
smallest possible steps.

a. Scientific Management Theory

b. Unity of Command
c. Functional Organization
d. Span of Control

118. It is the process whereby the superior and the subordinate managers of an
organization jointly identify its common goals.

a. Leadership
b. Management by Objectives
c. Job Description
d. Max Weber Theory

119. The fundamental purpose of any organization is to divide the tasks that
make up the total enterprise among the people who are available to perform
them, so that each person is assigned to the job for which he or she is best

a. Management by Objectives
b. Leadership
c. Max Weber Theory
d. Job Description

120. It is the standard in an organization that each must be accountable to one

and only one higher official.

a. Scientific Management Theory

b. Unity of Command
c. Functional Organization
d. Span of Control
121. The art of influencing, directing, guiding and controlling others in such a way
as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in
the accomplishment of an objective.

a. Leadership
b. Max Weber Theory
c. Span of Control
d. Functional Organization

122. The type of leader wherein, he makes decisions without allowing

subordinates to participate.

a. Free-in leader
b. Democratic leader
c. Principle of Responsibility
d. Autocratic Leader

123. This principle limit is small, from three to five at the top level of the
organization and broadens at the lower level depending upon such factors as the
capacity of the supervisor and those supervised, the types of work being
performed, the complexity of the work, the area covered by it.

a. Unity of Command
b. Scientific Management Theory
c. Functional Organization
d. Span of Control

124. No person should supervise more than five (5), or the most, six (6) direct
subordinates whose works interlock.

a. Max Weber Theory

b. Span of Control
c. Functional Organization
d. Leadership

125. Divides the responsibility and authority between several specialists, such as
the person responsible for training, the employee directing the community
126. relations activities of all units within the department handling a case
involving a juvenile.

a. Line organization
b. Functional organization
c. Staff organization
d. Functional and Staff organization

127. It is type of organization often called the individual, military, or department


a. Functional
b. Line
c. Staff
d. Line and Staff

128. The activities of every member of any organized group should be confined,
as far as possible, to the performance of the single function.

a. Principle of Coordination
b. Principle of Balance
c. Principle of Specialization
d. Principle of Authority

129. The purpose of organizing per se as distinguish from the purpose of

undertaking is to facilitate coordination, unity of effort.

a. Principle of Balance
b. Principle of Authority
c. Principle of Specialization
d. Principle of Coordination

130. The content of each position, both the duties involved, the authority and
responsibility contemplated, are the relationship with other position should be
clearly defined in writing and publish to all concern.

a. Principle of Span of Control

b. Principle of Definition
c. Principle of Authority
d. Principle of Correspondence

131. That’s working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the
methods for doing them to accomplish the purpose set the enterprise.

a. Planning
b. Coordinating
c. Reporting
d. Organizing

132. That is keeping those to whom the executive is responsible informed as to

what is going on, which thus includes keeping himself and his subordinates
informed through records, research and inspection.

a. Coordinating
b. Budgeting
c. Reporting
d. Organizing

133. Who is the person has the authority to designate vice-chairman of the

a. Governor
b. Congress
c. Vice-President
d. President

134. At least how many days should the NAPOLCOM render the President and
to Congress an annual report of its activities and accomplishments after the end
of the calendar year, which shall include an appraisal of the conditions obtaining
in the organization and administration of police agencies in the municipalities,
cities and provinces throughout the country, and recommendations for
appropriate remedial legislation.

a. 15 days
b. 20 days
c. 30 days
d. 10 days

What is the position of the Chief PNP in the NAPOLCOM?

a. chairman
b. member
c. co-chairman
d. director

135. What provision of law the National Police Commission was created to
administer and control the Philippine National Police (PNP)?

a. Section 8, Art XVI of the 1987

b. Section 1, Art X of the 1987
c. Section 7, Art XVI of the 1987
d. Section 2, Art X of the 1987

136. How many regular commissioners in the NAPOLCOM that will serve as a
collegial body within the Department?

a. 3 commissioners
b. 2 commissioners
c. 5 commissioners
d. 4 commissioners

137. What is the minimum age requirement of a chairman of the NAPOLCOM?

a. 30 years old
b. 35 years old
c. 40 years old
d. 45 years old

138. What is the minimum educational requirement for a chairman of the


a. at least masteral
b. at least Ph. D
c. at least baccalaureate degree
d. at least law enforcer

139. How many years should the first two regular commissioners will serve in the

a. 3 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 year
d. 5 years

140. Which shall be the premier educational institution for training, human
resource development and continuing education of all personnel of the PNP, Fire
and Jail Bureaus?


141. How many percent of basic salary of a PNP uniform personnel for the
entitlement to longevity for every five (5) years of service, to be reckoned from
the date of the personnel’s original appointment in the AFP, or appointment in the
Police, fire, Jail or other allied services prior to the integration of the PC and INP?

a. 20 percent
b. 5 percent
c. 10 percent
d. 50 percent

142. It is the promotion by through selection of an outstanding member in a

nationwide search conducted by the PNP, Civil Service Commission or by any
accredited Civic Organization.

a. promotion by virtue of position

b. lateral entry
c. regular promotion
d. Special promotion

143. The promotion that based on the acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry
at the risk of his/her life above or beyond the call of duty.

a. lateral entry
b. promotion by virtue of position
c. Special promotion
d. regular promotion

144. The type of promotion due to attainment of the minimum length of service in
present rank or grade (time-in-grade) prescribed by the Commission.

a. lateral entry
b. promotion by virtue of position
c. regular promotion
d. Special promotion

145. Possessed clearance from the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)
where complaints have been preferred against him, if any.

a. regular promotion
b. spot promotion
c. Special promotion
d. promotion by virtue of position

146. Has been satisfactory completion of an appropriate and accredited course in

the PNPA or equivalent training institution.

a. promotion by virtue of position

b. spot promotion
c. regular promotion
d. Special promotion

147. In the municipal station wherein there is no other commissioned officer, who
will be last rank that will take in charge of its operation?

a. Police Chief Master Sergeant

b. Police Master Sergeant
c. Police Executive Master Sergeant
d. Police Senior Master Sergeant

148. What is the rank of the PNP personnel having two chevron insignia on
his/her uniform?

a. Police Master Sergeant

b. Police Staff Sergeant
c. Police Corporal
d. Patrolman/Patrolwoman

149. In the Philippine National Police organization, who is considered as the

second in command?

a. Deputy Chief for Administrations

b. Chief of the Directorial Staff
c. Deputy Chief for Operations
d. PNP Chief
150. The PNP unit that regulates business operations and activities of all
organized private detectives, watchmen, security guards/agencies and company
guards and licensing of firearms and explosives.

a. Police-Community Relations Group

b. Aviation Security Group
c. Civil Security Group
d. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group

151. The directorial staff of the PNP manages the gathering/collating of

information, objectives through effective management of all vital information and
counter it.

a. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management

b. Directorate for Intelligence
c. Directorate for Logistics
d. Directorate for Operations

152. The operational support units of the PNP, serves as the information
gathering and counter-information operation.

a. Maritime Group
b. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group
c. Intelligence Group
d. Special Action Force

153. This group of the PNP is a mobile strike personnel or reaction unit to
augment regional, provincial, municipal and city police force for civil disturbance

a. Maritime Group
b. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group
c. Intelligence Group
d. Special Action Force

154. This group of the PNP monitors, investigates, prosecutes all crime involving
economic sabotage, and other crimes of such magnitude and extend as to
155. indicate their commission by highly placed or professional criminal
syndicates and organization.

a. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group

b. Highway Patrol Group
c. Aviation Security Group
d. Police-Community Relations Group

156. This PNP group enforces the traffic laws and regulations, promote, safety
along the highways, enhances traffic safety consciousness through inter-agency
cooperation concerning Police Traffic Safety, Engineering, Education and

a. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group

b. Highway Patrol Group
c. Aviation Security Group
d. Police-Community Relations Group

157. This PNP group provides security to all airports throughout the country.

a. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group

b. Civil Security Group
c. Aviation Security Group
d. Police-Community Relations Group

158. The PNP unit that regulates business operations and activities of all
organized private detectives, watchmen, security guards/agencies and company
guards and licensing of firearms and explosives.

a. Criminal Investigation and Detection Group

b. Civil Security Group
c. Aviation Security Group
d. Police-Community Relations Group

159. This PNP group undertakes and orchestrates in partnership with concerned
government agencies, the society, and volunteer organizations in order to
prevent crime and attain a safe and peaceful environment.

a. Crime Laboratory
b. PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group
c. Anti-Kidnapping Group
d. Police-Community Relations Group

160. This PNP group is responsible for the implementation of pertinent laws to all
computer related offenses.

a. Crime Laboratory
b. PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group
c. Anti-Kidnapping Group
d. Police-Community Relations Group

161. This PNP group serves as the primary unit of the PNP in addressing any
form of abduction menace in the country and in handling hostage situations

a. Police Security and Protection Group

b. PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group
c. Anti-Kidnapping Group
d. Police-Community Relations Group

162. This PNP group provides scientific and technical, investigative aide and
support to the PNP and other investigative agencies,

a. Crime Laboratory
b. PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group
c. Anti-Kidnapping Group
d. Police-Community Relations Group

163. This PNP group provides security to government vital installations,

government officials, visiting dignitaries and private individuals authorized to be
given protection.

a. Police Security and Protection Group

b. PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group
c. Anti-Kidnapping Group
d. Police-Community Relations Group

164. That is the establishment of the formal structure of authority through which
work subdivision are arranged, defined and coordinated for the defined objective.

a. Logistics Unit
b. Crime Laboratory
c. Staffing
d. Organizing
165. That’s the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and
maintaining favorable condition of work.

a. Logistics Unit
b. Crime Laboratory
c. Staffing
d. Organizing

166. Unit shall be responsible for the procurement, distribution and management
of all logistical requirements of the PNP including firearms and ammunition.

a. Logistics Unit
b. Crime Laboratory
c. Staffing
d. Organizing

167. Shall be established which shall provide scientific and technical investigative
aid and support to the PNP and other government investigative agencies.

a. Logistics Unit
b. Crime Laboratory
c. Staffing
d. Organizing

168. Unit shall provide administrative services and general supervision over the
organization, business operation and activities of all organized private detective,
watchman, security guards and company guard forces.

a. Special Action Force

b. Crime Laboratory
c. Civil Security Unit
d. Logistics Unit

169. Shall serve as a mobile striking force or reaction unit to augment regional,
provincial, municipal and city police forces for civil disturbance control, counter
insurgency, hostage taking rescue, operations and other special operations.

a. Special Action Force

b. Crime Laboratory
c. Civil Security Unit
d. Logistics Unit
170. It is considered as the mandatory retirement age of a member of the PNP

a. 20 years
b. 56 years
c. 35 years
d. 60 years

171. What is the required rank for being a Provincial Director of the Philippine
National Police?

a. Police Major
b. Police Brigadier General
c. Police Lieutenant Colonel
d. Police Colonel

172. What is the minimum rank required to become a Chief of Police in the
Municipality of the province?

a. Police Major
b. Police Lieutenant
c. Police Lieutenant Colonel
d. Police Colonel

173. The required rank for the position title director of the National Capital Region
Police Office.

a. Police Brigadier General

b. Police Lieutenant General
c. Police General
d. Police Major General

174. What is the rank of the two Deputies of the Chief of the Philippine National

a. Police Lieutenant General

b. Police Major General
c. Police General
d. Police Brigadier General
175. What is the minimum required rank to hold the position title Chief of Police
in the city of the National Capital Region?

a. Police Major
b. Police Lieutenant
c. Police Lieutenant Colonel
d. Police Colonel

176. In the Philippine National Police organization, who is considered as the

second in command?

a. PNP Chief
b. Deputy Chief for Operations
c. Deputy Chief for Administrations
d. Chief of the Directorial Staff

177. What is the rank of the PNP personnel having two chevron insignia on
his/her uniform?

a. Patrolman/Patrolwoman
b. Police Corporal
c. Police Staff Sergeant
d. Police Master Sergeant

178. Reyes just promoted to rank of a Police Master Sergeant, what should be
his insignia?

a. Three Chevron with three upper curve line

b. Three Chevron with one upper curve line
c. Three Chevron with two upper curve line
d. Three Chevron with four upper curve line and one star in the center

179. In the municipal station wherein there is no other commissioned officer, who
will be last rank that will take in charge of its operation?

a. Police Senior Master Sergeant

b. Police Executive Master Sergeant
c. Police Master Sergeant
d. Police Chief Master Sergeant

180. Shall refer to all PNP members authorized to wear paraphernalia, insignias,
and uniformed, from the rank of Police General to Patrolman/Patrolwoman.
a. trainee
b. applicant
c. uniformed personnel
d. NUP

181. Shall be established which shall provide scientific and technical investigative
aid and support to the PNP and other government investigative agencies.

a. Logistics Unit
b. Crime Laboratory
c. Staffing
d. Organizing

182. Unit shall provide administrative services and general supervision over the
organization, business operation and activities of all organized private detective,
watchman, security guards and company guard forces.

a. Special Action Force

b. Crime Laboratory
c. Civil Security Unit
d. Logistics Unit

183. Shall serve as a mobile striking force or reaction unit to augment regional,
provincial, municipal and city police forces for civil disturbance control, counter
insurgency, hostage taking rescue, operations and other special operations.

a. Special Action Force

b. Crime Laboratory
c. Civil Security Unit
d. Logistics Unit

184. What is the mandatory retirement age of a member of the PNP?

a. 20 years
b. 56 years
c. 35 years
d. 60 years

185. The activities of every member of any organized group should be confined,
as far as possible, to the performance of the single function.
a. Line Quality
b. Principle of Coordination
c. Planning
d. Principle of Specialization

186. That’s the whole personnel function of bringing in and training the staff and
maintaining favorable condition of work.

a. Logistics Unit
b. Crime Laboratory
c. Staffing
d. Organizing

187. The organizational theory which the unit of an organization should be

assigned one particular type of work or set of closely related tasks, to be
performed more or less continuously.

a. Job Description
b. Management by Objectives
c. Leadership
d. Max Weber Theory

188. Assailed that each job should be analyzed first, and then divide it into
smallest possible steps.

a. Span of Control
b. Functional Organization
c. Unity of Command
d. Scientific Management Theory

189. It is the process whereby the superior and the subordinate managers of an
organization jointly identify its common goals.

a. Job Description
b. Management by Objectives
c. Leadership
d. Max Weber Theory

190. The fundamental purpose of any organization is to divide the tasks that
make up the total enterprise among the people who are available to perform
them, so that each person is assigned to the job for which he or she is best
a. Job Description
b. Management by Objectives
c. Leadership
d. Max Weber Theory

191. It is the standard in an organization that each must be accountable to one

and only one higher official.

a. Span of Control
b. Functional Organization
c. Unity of Command
d. Scientific Management Theory

192. The art of influencing, directing, guiding and controlling others in such a way
as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation in
the accomplishment of an objective.

a. Leadership
b. Max Weber Theory
c. Span of Control
d. Functional Organization

193. The type of leader wherein, he makes decisions without allowing

subordinates to participate.

a. Principle of Responsibility
b. Autocratic Leader
c. Job Description
d. Management by Objectives

194. This principle limit is small, from three to five at the top level of the
organization and broadens at the lower level depending upon such factors as the
capacity of the supervisor and those supervised, the types of work being
performed, the complexity of the work, the area covered by it,

a. Span of Control
b. Functional Organization
c. Unity of Command
d. Scientific Management Theory
195. No person should supervise more than five (5), or the most, six (6) direct
subordinates whose works interlock.

a. Leadership
b. Max Weber Theory
c. Span of Control
d. Functional Organization

196. Divides the responsibility and authority between several specialists, such as
the person responsible for training, the employee directing the community
relations activities of all units within the department handling a case involving a

a. Leadership
b. Max Weber Theory
c. Span of Control
d. Functional Organization

197. It is type of organization often called the individual, military, or department


a. Line
b. Staff
c. Functional
d. Line and Staff

198. The activities of every member of any organized group should be confined,
as far as possible, to the performance of the single function.

a. Principle of Balance
b. Principle of Coordination
c. Principle of Authority
d. Principle of Specialization

199. The purpose of organizing per se as distinguish from the purpose of

undertaking is to facilitate coordination, unity of effort.

a. Principle of Balance
b. Principle of Coordination
c. Principle of Authority
d. Principle of Specialization
200. The content of each position, both the duties involved, the authority and
responsibility contemplated, are the relationship with other position should be
clearly defined in writing and publish to all concern.

a. Principle of Span of Control

b. Principle of Definition
c. Principle of Authority
d. Principle of Correspondence

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