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Technical opinion: Information system security management in the new millennium

Article in Communications of the ACM · July 2000

DOI: 10.1145/341852.341877 · Source: OAI


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2 authors:

Gurpreet Dhillon James Backhouse

University of North Texas The London School of Economics and Political Science


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Gurpreet Dhillon and James Backhouse

Information System
Security Management in
the New Millennium
Future users of information systems must address
organizational problems at a time when the organizational
form is being revolutionized.

apid advances in electronic in managing information security ronment. This pushes them to
networks and computer- in the future. make collaborations within and
based information systems beyond the confines of their firm
have given us enormous capabili- A Vision of the Future [3, 9]. These collaborations are
ties to process, store, and trans- Against the backdrop of the elec- supported by both electronic and
mit digital data in most business tronic age, new organizational human networks. Increasingly
sectors. This has transformed the structures are emerging. Increas- individuals and companies are set-
way we conduct trade, deliver ingly we are seeing the advent of ting up such “transnational net-
government services, and provide strong external coalitions that are works that pay absolutely no heed
health care. Changes in commu- transforming traditional mono- to national boundaries and
nication and information tech- lithic, centralized, and hierarchical barriers” [1].
nologies and particularly their organizations into loosely coupled In order to be more efficient,
confluence has raised a number organic networks. These organiza- effective, and responsive organi-
of concerns connected with the tional forms are characterized by zations give prominence to the
protection of organizational cooperation instead of autonomy use of networks and computer-
information assets. Achieving and control. Consequently, the based information systems. Yet
consensus regarding safeguards structures facilitate intense sharing the use of information and com-
for an information system, of information and a high level of munication technologies have
among different stakeholders in interpersonal and inter-organiza- increased the incidents of com-
an organization, has become tional connectivity. Organizations puter abuse. A recent Computer
more difficult than solving many are no longer characterized by Security Institute survey sug-
technical problems that might physical assets but by a network gested losses of $124 million in
arise. This “Technical Opinion” of individuals who create, process, the sampled companies. In Eng-
focuses on understanding the hold, and distribute information. land the Audit Commission esti-
nature of information security in Such organizations are “location mated losses to the order if
the next millennium. Based on and structure-independent” [6, 8] nearly $2 billion. Indeed losses of
this understanding it suggests a and are constantly influenced by such magnitude demand serious
set of principles that would help the changing nature of their envi- consideration of the premises on

COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM July 2000/Vol. 43, No. 7 125

which information security is Yakuza made a profit of nearly used by people. Computer sci-
designed. $7 billion, far more than the ence has little to offer us in this
Facing pressures of organiza- earnings of a major commercial regard. We need to look to orga-
tional cost containment and city. Indeed the fear of tomorrow nizational theory, management
external competition, many is the highly sophisticated and science, and the developing field
companies are rushing headlong educated criminal who can wield of information systems instead,
into adopting IT without care- the state-of-the-art technology to for aid and succor in combating
fully planning and understand- his or her best advantage [7]. the threats to security.
ing the security concerns. In light of the turbulent future
Organizations are still trying to and the existing competitive Information Security
cope with the intricacy and trends faced by the organizations, Principles for the Next
mystique that surrounds com- security managers hold the key Decade
puter systems. It appears less to success or failure of a compa- Information systems security will
security is applied to data held ny’s well being. The very role of have to address not just the data
in computer systems than is the a security manager is evolving. but the changing organizational
case for data held in manual sys- Organizations can no longer be context in which it is interpreted
tems. Office workers are familiar interpreted in terms of technical and used. The traditional infor-
with the security requirements installations and their functional- mation security principles of
of a filing cabinet but not neces- ity. The focus is shifting so as to confidentiality, integrity and
sarily those of an information consider the wholeness and availability are fine as far as they
system [5]. In the corporate soundness of information sys- go, but they are very restricted.
world, information security is tems and the organization [2, 4]. They apply most obviously to
generally seen as being of inter- Consequently a security manager information seen as “data” held
est to the IT department, and so will have to take on the role of on computer systems where con-
many professionals do not give maintaining integrity of the fidentiality is the prevention of
adequate importance to the organizational infrastructure (not unauthorized disclosure, integrity
security concerns of an organiza- just the technical information the prevention of the unautho-
tion. Even if they do, they come systems). Such a move would rized modification, and availabil-
up with over-complicated solu- minimize the prospect of plagia- ity the prevention of
tions. Indeed the widespread use rism, fraud, corruption or loss of unauthorized withholding of
of IT by businesses today has data, and the improper use of data or resources.
given rise to “security blindness” information systems that could Issues of concern. Confiden-
on part of the users. affect the privacy and well-being tiality refers mostly to restricting
A vision of the future suggests of all concerned. data access to those who are
a borderless global economy, In such an environment we authorized. The technology is
enabled by technology and run do not need excessive rules pulling very hard in the opposite
by the so-called knowledge work- telling us how to behave in par- direction with developments
ers. Such knowledge workers do ticular circumstances. What we aimed at making data accessible
not have allegiance to companies need are principles that require to the many, not the few. Trends
or even countries. They move to observance at all times, and in organizational structure equally
wherever the best opportunities especially when there may not be tug against this idea—less author-
exist. A more realistic view of the any relevant rules to follow. itarian structures, more informal-
future is that of chaos created by Principles are quintessentially ity, fewer rules, empowerment.
economic reorganizations and human and social attributes and Integrity refers to maintaining
breakdown of political and social the reason we are introducing the values of the data stored and
structures. In fact the new win- them here is because the ques- manipulated, such as maintaining
ners could be the organized tion of computer security is not, the correct signs and symbols.
crime organizations, such as the per se, a technical problem. It is But what about how these figures
Mafia, the Columbian drug car- a social and organizational prob- are interpreted for use. Businesses
tels, and the Japanese Yakuza. It lem because the technical sys- need employees who can inter-
is alleged that in 1990 the tems have to be operated and pret the symbols processed and

126 July 2000/Vol. 43, No. 7 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM

Facing pressures of organizational cost dealing with new developments
that call for ad hoc responsibilities
containment and external competition, not catered for in the company
hierarchy or organizational chart.
many companies are rushing headlong If some new circumstance has
arisen and someone has to take
into adopting IT without carefully planning charge of it, who should it be?
The modern organization needs
and understanding the security concerns. the right person to take up the
burden unsolicited.
Integrity (as requirement of
stored. We refer not only to the This issue, although not trivial, is membership). Integrity of a person
numerical and language skills, but perhaps less controversial for as a member of an organization is
also to the ability to use the data organizations than the previous very important. Information has
in a way that accords with the two principles. become the most important
prevailing norms of the organiza- asset/resource of organizations. It
tion. A typical example is check- Some Additional has properties that are peculiar—
ing the creditworthiness of a Principles: RITE you can divulge information to a
prospective loan applicant. We What we suggest for considera- third party without removing it
need both data on the applicant tion are some further principles from where it came, and without
and correct interpretation accord- without which future organiza- necessarily revealing you have
ing to company rules and for that tions are doomed. Inculcating a done so. Business-sensitive infor-
matter statutory requirements. A subculture where responsibility, mation has great value, and orga-
secure organization not only integrity, trust and ethicality nizations need to consider whom
needs to secure the data but also (RITE) are considered important they allow to enter the fraternity.
its interpretation. and are the first steps in securing But cases still abound where new
In June 1994, London police the information assets of the employees are given access to sen-
arrested a gang of fraudsters who organization in the future. sitive information without their
managed to defraud the Depart- Responsibility (and knowl- references being properly
ment of Social Security of more edge of roles). In a physically dif- checked.
than $3 million by assuming fuse organization it is ever more Once members are inside, the
2,000 different identities, sup- important for members to under- organization needs to consider
ported by a welter of stolen and stand what their respective roles how to maintain and uphold
forged documents, including and responsibilities should be. integrity. A person of integrity
passports, driving licenses, and Today vertical management does not always remain so. The
birth certificates. There was structures are disappearing as vast majority of breaches of sys-
nothing wrong with the integrity empowerment gains in stature as tems security come from existing
of the data. But the benefit rules a more effective concept for run- employees. Pressures can change
were misapplied so that rightful ning organizations well. Further- individuals; marital, financial,
claimants did not receive their more, members are expected to medical problems can all play
due payments, or they went to develop their own work practices their part, sometimes in combi-
the wrong ones. It was entirely a on a basis of a clear understand- nation. Office romances are com-
problem of interpretation. In ing of their responsibilities. mon backdrops for internal
such situations what’s needed is So being responsible means not computer frauds; money is useful
the maintenance of “interpreta- just carrying the can for when to impress or to keep two house-
tion integrity.” something has gone wrong in the holds going.
Availability refers to the fact past (accountability—for attribut- There has been a lowering of
that the systems used by an orga- ing blame) but refers also to han- ethical standards generally in
nization remain available when dling the development of events in recent years eliminated perhaps
they are needed. System failure is the future in a particular sphere. in part by the loss of middle
an organizational security issue. This is especially important for management job tenure, resulting

COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM July 2000/Vol. 43, No. 7 127

in an increase in fraud. Unswerv- trust established among them manner in which these principles
ing loyalty to the employer can will evaporate and a further face- are implemented. While techni-
no longer be assumed or taken to-face encounter is required. cal controls are vital, especially
for granted, and yet remains a This is typical of a virtual organi- with regard to who accesses com-
prize for those fortunate organi- zation of the future—only up to puter systems and to what they
zations who can claim it. Elabo- a point. are allowed to do once admitted,
rate systems of control are much Ethicality (as opposed to sophisticated future users of
more expensive; informally rules). We presuppose (or want information systems will have to
secure arrangements come free. to be able to) that fellow mem- address the organizational prob-
Trust (as distinct from con- bers will act in accordance with lems at a time when the form the
trol). In modern organizations some ethical practices. These are organization takes is being revo-
where the emphasis is less on not the company rules that can lutionized. Ironically, the princi-
external control and supervision be applied to all formalized pro- ples that seem to be emerging
and more on self control and cedures. What we’re referring to harken back to earlier times
responsibility, there have to be is the ethical content of informal when the technology for close
mutual systems of trust. Division norms and behavior. Rules apply supervision and control of dis-
of labor demands that your col- in foreseen and predictable cir- persed activities was nonexistent,
leagues should be trusted to act cumstances and cannot be an era when people had high
in accordance with company invoked in new and dynamic sit- morality, integrity, and ethics. c
norms and accepted and agreed uations. In many contexts there
patterns of behavior. Appropriate simply are no rules. An interest- Gurpreet Dhillon (dhillon@ is an assistant professor in the
levels of confidentiality as well as ing example of this is the Inter- College of Business at University of Nevada
ethical practice must be expected net itself. There are no rules Las Vegas, NV.
of the bona-fide member. governing how the Internet is James Backhouse (j.p.backhouse@ is a senior lecturer in the
Close supervision is less viable used. There is no governing Information Systems Department at the
so trust must act as the cohesive body. The U.S. as chief subsi- London School of Economics.
element in a geographically dif- dizer pulled out in 1991 and left
fuse organization. Although the an organization ungoverned. And References
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128 July 2000/Vol. 43, No. 7 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM

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