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Event preparation guide

No Activity By Lesson
1 Idea Brainstorming 2-3
• Finalize the project/event idea with your group members
(training, competition or both)
• Get the lecturer approval on your idea and target setting (hours,
number of participants, income)
• Physical event. Per group should achieve a minimum of
- 2 hours event
- 30 participants
- profit of RM150 to be donated to a charity organization of the
student's choice
• Student can consider merging group for the project. However,
written assignments and presentation are still done within own
2 Proposal for training
• Prepare DRAFT proposal and get lecturer approval (introduction, 4
objective, date, time, venue, schedule, description)
• Approach trainer/other parties with the proposal (items in the
proposal is subjected to change)
• Get the trainer/other parties to agree verbally to the event
• Prepare formal invitation letter to be sent to the trainer/other
parties (get the template and signature from lecturer)
• For training in UTAR for UTAR students and would like to claim 5
USSDC points, obtain trainer’s profile (profile photo and
• Prepare full proposal to be handed in to the lecturer

Proposal for competition

• Prepare DRAFT proposal and get lecturer approval (introduction,
objective, date, time, venue, schedule, description)
• Design competition format and rules & regulations
• Source for venue
3 Event preparation for training
• Apply for USSDC points for your event if relevant. Documents 8-9
needed are 1) simple proposal (finalized details) and 2) trainer’s
profile which include trainer’s profile photo and list of his/her

Event preparation for training/ competition

• Prepare registration form (Google Form) using personal email or
UTAR email but make sure its accessible by public. Use DSSC
template. Money to be banked into the committee account then
only transfer to UTAR Hospital acc or other charity organization
acc after event ended. KEEP ALL RECEIPTS.
• Look for sponsorship (optional - get the template and signature
from lecturer)
• Prepare poster.
a) Add in DSSC logo
b) Add ‘Organized by: Students of MPU34132 Management of
Sports Activity’
c) Add beneficiary party logo as ‘Partner’
d) Add date, time, venue, fees for students and for public
e) Add the sentence (All profit from the event will be fully
donated to ‘Charity Name’ for ‘What purpose’)
f) Indicate what is the event ‘Training/ Competition’. No need
to indicate competition format (only announce on the event
g) Trainer’s information & topic
h) USSDC points awarded (if talk, indicate *Maximum USSDC
points claimed under talk is 15 points regardless of the core
i) Add (For further inquiry, kindly contact ‘student
representative name and phone number’)
j) Add QR code to registration form
k) Any additional info such as dress code and etc.
• Prepare caption for the post. Send the caption in word file and
poster in image file to lecturer to be posted in DSSC FB page.
• Book a venue through DSSC for the event (for physical event in
• Prepare opening & closing speech by EMCEE and welcoming
speech by Organizing Chairperson
• Rehearsal
• Invite beneficiary party representative/sponsor/co-organizer to
the event to give speech either at the beginning or closing. (Not
compulsory but better to have)
• Prepare appreciation certificate for speaker. Signed by lecturer
4 Event – Physical 8-10
• Clean up and venue setting (registration booth, signage)
• Registration
• Opening speech (Emcee)
• Welcoming speech (Organizing Chairman)
• Competition
• Closing ceremony (Closing speech > Award presentation > Group
• Clean up
5 Compilation of documents 11-12
• Registration list (G.Form)
• Bank in receipt from participants (G.Form)
• Participants attendance (M.Team/Zoom). Check for 80%
attendance. Eg. 2 hours event then must be there for at least 96
minutes. (for training)
• Prepare another list of participants who are eligible for USSDC
point (get template from lecturer) (for training)
• Photos taken during event (at least 4 photos + group photo)
6 Submission of documents 11-12
• Submit participants attendance to claim for USSDC points for
participants (for training)
• Bank in collected income to UTAR Hospital bank acc or charity
organization (save receipt and send to lecturer)
• Send appreciation letter to speaker (for training)
7 Submission of assignments 13-14
• Prepare post-mortem report and presentation
• Submit all videos, documents and assignments (in Word file)
through M.Team Group channel (Unzip).

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