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1.The molar conductivity of a 1.5 M solution of an electrolyte is

found to be 138.9 S cm2 mol-1. Calculate the conductivity of this
solution. (All India 2012)
C = 1.5 M, Λm = 138.9 S cm2 mol-1
Λm = K×1000c
∴K = Λm×C1000=138.9×1.51000 = 0.20835 S cm-1

2.The conductivity of 0.20 M solution of KCl at 298 K is 0.025 S

cm-1. Calculate its molar conductivity. (Delhi 2013)
Molar conductivity Λm = 1000×κM
Given : K = 0.025 S cm-1, M = 0.20 M
Hence, Λm = 0.025×10000.20 ∴ Λm = 125 S cm2 mol-1

3. The standard electrode potential (E°) for Daniel cell is +1.1 V.

Calculate the ΔG° for the reaction
Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq) → Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s)
(1 F = 96500 C mol-1). (All India 2013)
We know, ΔG° = -nF E°cell
Given : E°cell = 1.1 volt
∴ ΔG° = -2 × 96500 C mol-1 × 1.1 volt
= -212300 CV mol-1
= -212300 J mol-1 = -212.3 KJ mol-1
4 Calculate the degree of dissociation (a) of acetic acid if its molar
conductivity (Λm) is 39.05 S cm2 mol-1.
Given: λ°(H+) = 349.6 S cm2 mol-1 and λ°(CH3COO–) = 40.9 S
cm2 mol-1 (Delhi 2017)
Λ°m(HAC) = λ°H+ + λ°AC–

= λ°CH3COOH = λ°H+ + λ°CH3COO–

= 349.6 S cm2 mol-1 + 40.9 S cm2 mol-1
= 390.5 S cm2 mol-1
5.The conductivity of 0.001 M acetic acid is 4 × 10-5 S/cm.
Calculate the dissociation constant of acetic acid, if molar
conductivity at infinite dilution for acetic acid is 390 S cm2/mol.
(Comptt. Delhi 2013)
Given : K = 4 × 10-5 S/cm, M = 0.001 M
Λ°m = 390 S cm2/mol, k = ?
Using the formula

6. Calculate the degree of dissociation (a) of acetic acid if its

molar conductivity (Λm) is 39.05 S cm2 mol-1.
Given: λ°(H+) = 349.6 S cm2 mol-1 and λ°(CH3COO–) = 40.9 S
cm2 mol-1 (Delhi 2017)

Λ°m(HAC) = λ°H+ + λ°AC–
= λ°CH3COOH = λ°H+ + λ°CH3COO–
= 349.6 S cm2 mol-1 + 40.9 S cm2 mol-1
= 390.5 S cm2 mol-1

7. A voltaic cell is set up at 25°C with the following half cells :

Al/Al3+ (0.001 M) and Ni/Ni2+ (0.50 M)
Write an equation for the reaction that occurs when the cell
generates an electric current and determine the cell potential.
E0Ni2+/Ni=−0.25V and E0Al3+/Al=−1.66V
(Log 8 × 10-6 = -0.54) (All India 2012)
Half cell reactions and overall cell reaction are

8. Calculate the emf of the following cell at 298 K: Fe(s) |

Fe2+ (0.001 M) || H+ (1M) | H2(g) (1 bar), Pt(s) (Given E°cell =

+0.44V) (Delhi 2013)

As Fe + 2H+ → Fe2+ + H2 (n = 2)
According to Nernst equation

9. Calculate the emf of the following cell at 25°C : Ag(s) | Ag+ (10-
M) || Cu2+ (10-1 M) | Cu(s) Given E0cell = +0.46 V and log 10n = n.
(All India 2013)
Given: Cell notation is incorrect. Correct cell formula is
Cu2+ (10-1 m) | Cu(5) || Ag+ (10-3 M) | Ag(s)
According to Nernst equation

∴Ecell = 0.46 V – 0.14775 = 031 V

10. a) Calculate ΔrG0 for the reaction
Mg (s) + Cu2+ (aq) → Mg2+ (aq) + Cu (s)
Given : E0cell = + 2.71 V, 1 F = 96500 C mol-1
(b) Name the type of cell which was used in Apollo space
programme for providing electrical power. (All India 2014)
(a) ΔrG0 = – nFE0

= -2 × 96500 × 2.71 (∵ n = 2)
= -523,030 J mol-1 = -523.03 KJ mol-1
(b) Fuel cell was used in Apollo space programme for providing
electrical power
11. Calculate emf of the following cell at 25°C :
Fe | Fe2+ (0.001 M) || H+ (0.01 M) | H2(g) (1 bar) | Pt(s)
E0(Fe2+ | Fe) = -0.44 V E0(H+ | H2) = 0.00V (Delhi 2015)
Fe | Fe2+ (0.001 M) || H+ (0.01 M) | H2(g) (1 bar) | Pt(s)

= 0.4105 Volts
12.Conductivity of 2.5 × 10-4 M methanoic acid is 5.25 × 10-5 S cm-
. Calculate its molar conductivity and degree of dissociation.
Given : λ0(H+) = 349.5 Scm2 mol-1
and λ0(HCOO–) = 50.5 Scm2 mol-1. (All India 2015)
Concentration is 2.5 x 10-4 M
K = 5.25 × 10-5 Scm-1.
Λcm=K×1000 Concentration

13.Calculate e.m.f. of the following cell at 298 K: 2Cr(s) +
3Fe2+ (0.1 M) → 2Cr3+ (0.01 M) + 3 Fe(s)
Given: E0(Cr3+| Cr) = -0.74 V E0(Fe2+ | Fe) = -0.44 V (Delhi 2016)
Cell reaction: 2Cr(s) + 3Fe2+ (0.1 M) → 2Cr3+ (0.01 M) + 3Fe(s)
Given: E0(Cr3+/Cr) = -0.74
E0(Fe2+/Fe) = -0.44 V

14 .i) Calculate the mass of Ag deposited at cathode when a

current of 2 amperes was passed through a solution of AgNO3 for
15 minutes.
[Given: Molar mass of Ag = 108 g mol-1 1F = 96,500 C mol-1)
(ii) Define fuel cell. (Delhi 2017)
(i) Q = I × t …(Charge = Current ∝ Time)
. = 2 × 15 × 60 = 1800 C
∵ 96500 C deposit Ag = 108 g
∴ 1800 C deposit Ag = 10896500 × 1800
= 2.0145 g
(ii) Cells that convert the energy of combustion of fuels like
hydrogen, methanol, methane, etc directly into electrical energy
are called fuel cells.
15. The cell in which the following reaction occurs:
2Fe3+ (aq) + 2I–(aq) → 2Fe2+ (aq) + I2(s)
has Eo Cell = 0.236 V at 298 K. Calculate the standard Gibbs
energy of the cell reaction. (Given: 1F = 96,500 C mol-1)
2Fe3+ (aq) + 2I– (aq) → 2Fe2+ (aq) + I2 (s)
For the given reaction, n = 2, E° = 0.236 V
Using formula
ΔG° = -nF E°cell
= -2 × 96,500 C mol-1 × 0.236 V
∴ ΔG° =-45.55 kj mol-1

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