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ACCT5011: Accounting Systems in the Digital Age

Final Assignment Guide, Semester 2, 2023

Due Date for Submission: Monday, 23rd October 2023 at 5pm

Please note that the Final Assignment for ACCT5011 Accounting Systems in the Digital Age is
an individual assessment task worth 35% of your total marks in the unit. Please refer to the online
marking rubric for an explanation of how individual marks will be allocated for this assessment
task. The assignment is to be submitted online through the Blackboard “Assessment” folder.

High standards of academic integrity are expected. You are referred to the URL link provided in
the ACCT5011 Unit Outline (see: Academic Integrity Website) for further information on
Academic Integrity and originality.

No Turnitin submission is required for the Final Assignment file because it is not a written
submission, but an original Tableau Desktop and Microsoft Power BI software Assignment.

To detect any academic misconduct, we will conduct vivas (ie short interviews with some
students on the assignment. Students will be randomly selected.
Interviews will be held face to face or using Blackboard Collaborate.


Question 1: Tableau Case Study: 120 Years of Olympics History (15 marks)

Using Tableau Desktop, create a STORY from the 120 years of Olympics History provided
on the spreadsheet titled “athlete_events.xlsx” (See Assessment folder - source:

Please note, your data visualisation story must contain at a minimum three-story points (i.e.
dashboards or worksheets) that are logically linked together from point to point.

The visualisations should contain, at a minimum: 1) Three story points (i.e. dashboards or
worksheets); 2) different chart types, maps and tables; 3) calculated fields and quick table
calculations; 4) filters for data in your visualisations to engage user interaction with your story; and
5) Title and text boxes to explain the charts and diagrams in your visualisations.

Publication Date: 19/9/2023
CRICOS Provider Code: WA 00301J
Question 2: Microsoft Power BI Visualisations – Flash Cycles Dataset (20 marks)

Using Microsoft Power BI, prepare multiple interactive reports from the Flash Cycles dataset
provided on the spreadsheet titled “Flash Cycles Sales.xlsx” (See Assessment folder - source:
https://www.power BI/dataset).

This assignment is based on Flash Cycles Ltd, a fictitious company. Flash Cycles is a large,
multinational manufacturing company that produces and distributes bicycles, parts, and accessories
for commercial markets in North America, Europe, and Asia. The company employs 500 workers.
Additionally, Flash Cycles employs several regional sales teams throughout its market base. Your
project is to create a tabular model for sales and marketing users to analyse Internet sales data in the
Flash Cycles database.

Using MS Power BI software and the Flash Cycles dataset (see Assessment folder), investigate the
overall sales and profitability for the company and to identify key areas for improvement and
present your findings to the board. Your analysis should include all areas: customers, products and
regions (i.e., locations). Prepare a four (4) page interactive report (i.e. dashboards or reports) of
your finding and recommendations.

The visualisations should contain, at a minimum: 1) Four interactive reports, 2) different chart
types, maps, and tables; 3) calculated fields, 4) filters for data in your visualisations to engage user
interaction; and 5) Title and text boxes to explain the charts and diagrams in your visualisations.

Submission Requirements:
The Final assignment task files that must be submitted online via the Blackboard assessment folder
portal include:
1. Cover sheet
2. Question 1: Tableau “twbx” file
3. Question 2: Microsoft Power BI “pbix” file

Submission format requirements:

Please note, the following submission format requirements for each of the files detailed above:

1. Cover-page is to be submitted with full student name, student ID and student signature.
Please note that this cover sheet is to be submitted separately to your Tableau and Power
BI files. When naming your Cover Page in MS Word, please use the following file name
protocol: Student ID_Surname_Final Assignment_Cover Sheet.docx.

Publication Date: 19/9/2023
CRICOS Provider Code: WA 00301J
2. Question 1: Tableau Case Study: Please save your Tableau Data Visualisation Story to the
Tableau Server in your Tableau Public Profile. Label them as follows: Student

3. Question 2: Power BI Case Study: Please save your Power BI Data Visualisations to
Microsoft Power BI home page workspace and label them as follows: Student
ID_Surname_Final Assignment_Question2.pbix.

Please Note: It is your responsibility to make sure that the above uploaded files can be
successfully opened by the marker. The marker will only mark the visualisations that you provide
and normal late penalties as per the Unit Outline will apply if the Unit Coordinator has to request
them again. This can result in a zero mark for the assignment depending on how much time has

Total marks = 35%

End of final assignment guide

Publication Date: 19/9/2023
CRICOS Provider Code: WA 00301J

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