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GCAS IR – Community Development


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RIGHT or WRONG. On the space provided before the number, write R if the statement is True and W if

1. One important way to analyze a community is to break it into different parts then apply the six
elements or dimensions.
2. In any community, there are various forms of wealth distribution.
3. As a worker soon, your first task is to understand how it works, how power and influence are
distributed and what changes are occurring in the workplace.
4. Community relationship is very important because it can bring a sense of sharing a certain
5. Organizing a community for social change is an effective way of gaining an understanding of the
6. Ecovillages are generally communities with strong ecological focus.
7. Generally incorporate both private home and shared common facilities and support neighbors
connections are so called co-housing communities.
8. Religious Communities that are identified as spiritual or religious in nature, such as muslim
communities, Christian societies, etc.
9. Recreation communities or tourist forums are usually the historic sites or scenic views where
travelers and tourist spend money on food, hotels, etc.
10. Academic communities include schools, colleges, universities, research laboratories, corporate
training facilities, tutorial centers, in which people have the common interests.

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle a letter of your choice that best describes the sentence.

11. The (a) technological elements of community (b) important way to analyze community (c)
individual human beings, are its capital, its tools and skills, and ways of dealing with the physical
12. The (a) economic (b) development (c) wealth, element of community in its various ways and
means of production and allocation of scarce and useful goods and services, whether that is
through gift giving, obligations, barter, market trade, or government allocations.
13. Is its various ways and means of allocating power, influence and decision making (a) the political
power of community (b) the political element of community (c) political responsibilities of
14. Composed of the ways people act, interact between each other, react, and expect each other to
act and interact. (a) the level of organization (b) a small rural community (c) the social or
institutional element of community.
15. Is the structure of ideas, sometimes inconsistent, that people have about good and bad, about
beautiful and ugly, about right and wrong which are the justifications that people cite to explain
their actions (a) the aesthetic value element of community (b) the standards of community (c)
conscious manipulation of community.
16. Another structure of ideas, also sometimes contradictory, that people have about the nature of
the universe, the world around them, their role in it, cause and effect, and the nature of time,
matter and behavior. (a) humankind experience (b) the belief conceptual element of community
(c) community development worker.
17. (a) Social development (b) social interaction (c) social movement, is an important aspect in
community relationships.
18. All animals interact but the interaction of (a)individual (b) community (c) human beings, is
higher and complicated in nature.
19. Our response to man`s (a) skills (b) values (c) behavior, is based on the meaning attached to the
others actions.
20. (a) community (b) people (c) relationship, may interact by direct contact on by e-mail, internet
and phone conversation, texting and other forms of social media.
21. Is the process by which people come together to identify common problems or goals, mobilize
resources, and in other ways develop and implement strategies for reaching the objectives they
want to accomplish (a) community organizing (b) community development (c) community social
22. The members in these communities engage in joint activities and discussion, help each other,
and share information from each other, they care about their standing with each other (a)
formal communities (b) retirement communities (c) recreation communities.
23. These communities consist of a set of personal relations, social networks, common interest and
emotional sources of motivation (a) formal communities (b) informal communities (c) co-
housing communities.
24. It is usually large, in terms of land area and population, advance in science and technology, with
favorable physical environment and varied diverse cultures, and the people are engaged in
varied occupations (a) rural communities (b) informal communities (c) urban communities.
25. In this types of communities, the people usually produce their own food for subsistence (a) rural
communities (b) formal communities (c) informal communities.
26. It is the international aggregate of nation states, it may also be called World Community (a)
global communities (b) informal communities (c) urban communities.
27. Social activities are undertaken by organizations that are non for profit and non governmental
(a) sectoral type of communities (b) global communities (c) urban communities.
28. People engage in formal and informal information sharing and information flow occurs in many
directions (a) social space type of communities (b) social responsibility type of communities (c)
social interaction type of communities.
29. (a) community action (b) community worker (c) community officials, is a campaign undertaken
by the people living in a particular place.
30. (a) community worker (b) community action (c) community organizing, encompasses community
engagement, community of solidarity, and citizenship building.
31. The process by which community benefit organization and individuals build ongoing, permanent
relationships for the purpose of applying a collective vision for the benefit of a community (a)
community participation (b) community development (c) community engagement.
32. (a) Communities that trust (b) community that Feed (c) community that care, which helps
communities asses their needs and implement tested and effective programs to address their
identified issues.
33. (a) civic welfare (b) civic action (c) civic engagement, refers to political activity and volunteering
in civil society organizations.
34. (a) social action (b) social engagement (c) social development, refers to participation in
collective activities.
35. Is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a member of a country (a)
citizenship (b) foreigner (c) filipino citizen.
36. (a) nationality (b) citizenship (c) born citizen of the country, is often used as a synonym for
citizenship in English – notably in international law.
37. Every human being is created in the image and likewise of God and therefore has inherent
dignity. (a) dignity of the human act (b) dignity of the human person (c) dignity of the human
38. Every person should have sufficient access to the goods and resources of society so that they
can completely and easily live fulfilling lives (a) the common good (b) solidarity (c) openness and
39. All people have the right to participate in decisions that affect their lives. (a) subsidiary and
participation (b) law and participation (c) economic justice.
40. The authentic development of the human person is fostered by the pursuit of the social values
of truth, freedom, justice and (a) respect (b) sacrifice (c) love.

Prepared by:

Rosminea A. Agcaoili
Faculty, GCAS IR

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