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Waste Management 127 (2021) 158–167

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Spatial autocorrelation, influencing factors and temporal distribution of

the construction and demolition waste disposal industry
Haizi Wang, Xinming Pan ⇑, Shibin Zhang
School of Management Engineering, Shandong Jianzhu University, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The construction and demolition waste disposal industry plays a vital role in improving the utilisation
Received 1 December 2020 rate of construction and demolition waste worldwide, however, too little work has been devoted to
Revised 3 April 2021 the industrial economic analysis. To explore the economic pattern and promote the development of
Accepted 9 April 2021
the construction and demolition waste disposal industry, the spatial autocorrelation and influencing fac-
Available online 1 May 2021
tors were analysed, and a temporal development process was evaluated. Spatial measurement results
show that the spatial autocorrelation of the construction and demolition waste disposal industry is sig-
nificant at a 1% level. Per capita GDP, annual yield of construction and demolition waste, research and
Construction and demolition management
Disposal industry
development level, transportation development level, human capital and education level positively affect
Spillover effects the construction and demolition waste disposal industry. Conversely marketisation level negatively influ-
Spatial Durbin model ences the development of the construction and demolition waste disposal industry. Temporal analysis
Time-series analysis results reveal that development of the construction and demolition waste disposal industry accelerated
significantly in 2016 and increasing by 35.79% because of a policy stimulus. Suggestions on regional man-
agement plans and targeted policies for special cities were proposed. A novel perspective for investigating
the C&D waste disposal industry was developed, which may be very helpful for researchers from other
countries to study the agglomeration effect in various waste disposal industries. The findings can con-
tribute to the development plan of the C&D waste disposal industry, and be of value to investors to make
investment and site planning.
Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction With globalization and interdependence of individual national

economies, it is pretty significant for enterprises to understand
Urban construction has greatly increased the overall urbanisa- earnings management and strategically plan success and prof-
tion rate, but it has generated a large number of industrial byprod- itability (Tomas et al., 2020), the C&D waste disposal industry is
ucts such as construction and demolition (C&D) waste. no exception. As shown in Table 1, the economic analysis on the
Approximately 3 billion tons C&D waste is generated around the C&D waste disposal industry is mostly theoretical, and current
world every year (Akhtar and Sarmah, 2018). The random disposal research mainly focuses on management and application technol-
of C&D waste encroaches land resources and causes problems, such ogy; however empirical analysis is lacking. In addition, manage-
as soil, air, groundwater pollution (Marzouk and Azab, 2014), and ment and economic studies have focused on a single city, but
even landslide (Yang et al., 2017). But the recycle rate is 40% in they have not explained the mutual influence of the C&D waste
America (Guerra et al., 2020), <15% in Greece, Portugal and Spain disposal industry amongst multiple cities in an area. Research gaps
(Menegaki and Damigos, 2018), and 5% in China (NDRC, 2014). on the spatial and temporal patterns of industrial development
The contradiction between the high output of C&D waste and the have yet to be addressed, as such, providing substantial help for
inefficiency of disposal is becoming increasingly prominent world- the development of the C&D waste disposal industry is difficult.
wide. However, C&D waste as a ‘misplaced resource’ has an extre- A spatial econometric model can be applied to various fields,
mely high utilisation value, and its main utilisation methods are such as spatio-temporal pattern and driving factors of municipal
shown in Table 1. solid waste generation (Wang et al., 2020), spatial agglomeration
of high-technology industry (Li et al., 2019), which can directly
reflect the development characteristics of this industry in different
⇑ Corresponding author.
cities and the mutual relationship. It has been demonstrated that
E-mail addresses: (H. Wang),
(X. Pan), (S. Zhang). municipal solid waste disposal industry has spatial correlation
0956-053X/Ó 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Wang, X. Pan and S. Zhang Waste Management 127 (2021) 158–167

Table 1 analysis results, suggestions on promoting the development of

Literature Review. C&D waste disposal industry are provided. The study innovatively
Type Description Reference analyses the development pattern of the C&D waste disposal
Resource Recycled aggregates for subgrade (Sormunen industry. It may be very helpful for researchers from other coun-
utilisationanalysis and Karki, tries to explore the development of the local C&D waste disposal
2019) industry and make planning recommendations for the govern-
Landscape material (Cui et al., ment, as well as for the enterprise-related investors worldwide
Recycled brick (Seco et al.,
design site selection and business development plans.
Recycled concrete (Bravo et al.,
2017) 2. Materials and methods
Composite building materials (Cha et al.,
2020) This section describes the modelling process of this study,
Economic analysis Recycling on-site costs only 63.8% of (Jung et al., including 5 steps. (1) Determination of research area. (2) Selecting
a private recycling center. 2015)
the influencing factors. (3) Spatial autocorrelation analysis. (4)
The cost of C&D waste management (Maqsoom
through prefabrication technique et al., 2019)
Selecting the spatial econometric model. (5) Decomposition of spa-
reduces 79% compared to tial effects.
conventional methods.
The net benefit of reusing and (Begum
recycling of waste materials is et al., 2006) 2.1. Determination of research area
estimated at 2.5% of the total
project budget.
The YRD is one of the most developed and active regions in
When the illegal waste dumping (Hao et al.,
percentage is reduced by 50%, the 2019) China. To rationally use resources, city governments in the YRD
net income of waste management are seeking a new C&D waste disposal model. The region leads
increases by 127,000 yuan. the industrial development and policy implementation associated
The C&D waste recycling program (Doan and with C&D waste disposal in China.
must be continued until the end of Chinda,
Year 17 with the minimum 2016)
Related front-line companies, including C&D waste sorting,
acceptable IRR of 12% for most transportation enterprises, C&D waste recycling companies and
government projects. C&D waste recycled materials research and development compa-
Recycled concrete is about 40% (Nußholz nies are surveyed to analyse the development conditions of the
cheaper than the raw material. et al., 2020)
C&D waste disposal industry. The scale of the local C&D waste dis-
There is a high profit potential of a (Coelho and
C&D waste recycling plant on de Brito, posal industry is described in terms of the number of types of
around 2 years payback period, a 2013) enterprises in a particular year. The speed of development of the
plant capacity of 350 tone/h, the C&D waste disposal industry in different cities is slightly different.
collection of 21.8 million The trends in the size of the C&D waste disposal industry in differ-
€/year in gate fees and around 11.9
million €/year in running costs.
ent cities in the YRD region from 2012 to 2019 are shown in Fig. 1.
An environmentally suitable (Spišáková The C&D waste disposal industrial scales of Shanghai, Hangzhou,
solution was 49.5% more cost- et al., 2021) Ningbo, Suzhou and Hefei were higher than those of other cities
effective than landfilling. in 2012. Amongst these cities, Shanghai is the largest. The cities
The production of recycled powder (Liu et al.,
adjacent to the five cities have a faster development rate and show
can generate 57.35% of the revenue 2020a)
from recycled aggregate to the a trend of outward diffusion from the central cities. The scale of the
recycling plant. C&D waste disposal industry exhibits an obvious external effect.
Cities with a large scale and a well-developed industrial chain
can drive the industrial construction of the surrounding cities. This
phenomenon is in line with the hypothesis that the C&D waste dis-
(Wu et al., 2012). Does the C&D waste disposal industry also have
posal industry has a spatial and temporal autocorrelation.
spatial and temporal distribution pattern? The disposal and utilisa-
tion of C&D waste require an integrated response from a working
body to create a disposal line covering transport, remanufacturing 2.2. Socioeconomic factors selection
and management (Barbudo et al., 2020). In Industry 4.0, the C&D
waste disposal industry is moving towards systematisation, regio- One of the important basic theories of modern business man-
nal linkages, and the clustering of logistics companies, technology agement, is the economy of scale, which states that expanding
companies and remanufacturing companies in the field of C&D the scale of operations within a certain period can reduce average
waste disposal (Kliestik et al., 2020). Therefore, hypothesis is costs and increase profit levels (Linden, 2016). The C&D waste dis-
developed: The C&D waste disposal industry has spatial autocorre- posal industry in the YRD is in its infancy, and research on the fac-
lation and the spatio-temporal pattern is influence by economies of tors affecting industrial development based on the economies of
scale factors. scale can help comprehensively analyse the development regular-
In this study, economic analysis is innovatively conducted from ity. Economies of scale are further divided into internal and exter-
a spatiotemporal perspective to present the spatial distribution nal. The internal economies of scale consider technical and
regularity in multiple cities and temporal development laws. economic factors that affect industry scale as internal factors. The
Firstly, the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) is selected as the research external economies of scale state that enterprise aggregation affect
area. A spatial Durbin model (SDM) is used to describe the spatial factors influence industry scale as external factors. Several studies
distribution characteristics of the development of the C&D waste suggest that economies of scale factors are related to industrial
disposal industry and determine the influencing factors. Secondly, development. Based on previous studies, four internal factors and
a time–series analysis is performed to describe the time distribu- three external factors are selected to examine the impact of the
tion characteristics of the C&D waste disposal industrial develop- economies of scale on the C&D waste disposal industry. The basic
ment in the YRD between 2012 and 2019. Lastly, based on the status of influencing factors is shown in Table 2.
H. Wang, X. Pan and S. Zhang Waste Management 127 (2021) 158–167

Fig. 1. Development of C&D waste disposal industry in the YRD.

Table 2
Influencing factors of Economies of scale.

Variable Reference Abbreviation Definition Unit Type Mean

GDPP The C&D waste management is influenced by GDP GDP/Permanent population Yuan/ EF 87606.86 35010.35
(Aslam et al., 2020).. person
CWAY The C&D waste disposal industrial development Construction waste (annual construction area0.06/m2) + ton IF 2263.82 2338.95
hasn’t yet reached the ideal state because of Demolition waste (annual construction area 20%1.3t/
unstable supply of raw materials (Chen and Chen, m2) + Decoration waste (annual housing completion area
2017). 0.1t/m2+Annual commercial completion area 0.15t/
m2)(Zheng and Hu, 2018)
RDL R&D promotes the recycling of C&D waste and R&D expenditure/GDP % EF 2.26 0.87
industrial development (Tan and Hou, 2010).
ML Market competition can influence industrial 1-the main business income of state-owned and state- % IF 80.24 14.47
sustainability (K. H. et al., 2015). holding comprehensive utilisation of waste resources
enterprises above the designated value/the main business
income of comprehensive utilisation of waste resources
enterprises above designated value
TDL Transportation infrastructure influences the city Mileage of a standard highway at the domestic level M IF 11293.89 4566.45
industrial development (X., 2017).
HC Human capital is a key factor in modern economic Average wage of employees in the manufacturing labour Yuan/ IF 59639.95 16090.83
development (Sun, L. L., 2016). force person
EL Higher education development has a positive Enrolment in tertiary college person EF 51567.5 70412.68
indirect effect on industrial structure upgrade
(N. and Z., 2021).

2.3. Spatial autocorrelation analysis tion can be defined as areas in similar locations with similar vari-
ables. Global Moran’s I is used to measure the overall spatial
Moran’s I is used to descript the spatial autocorrelation of C&D correlation, as shown in Eq. (1). Local Moran’s I is determine the
waste disposal industry between cities in YRD. Spatial autocorrela- local correlation and spatial aggregation around space i, as

H. Wang, X. Pan and S. Zhang Waste Management 127 (2021) 158–167

expressed in Eq. (2) (Chen, 2014). Moran’s I is generally between Where a is a constant term; k is the influence of spatial lag Wy on y,
1 and 1. The larger the absolute value of Moran’s I, the stronger that is, the spatial correlation coefficient; bis the impact of regional
the spatial correlation. independent variables on y, that is, the spatial regression coeffi-
Pn Pn  
 cient; d is the influence of adjacent independent variables on y, that
i¼1 j¼1 wijxi  x xj  x is, the spilling effect; W is the spatial weight matrix; and e is the
I¼ P P ð1Þ
S2 ni¼1 nj¼1 wij error term.
The spatial econometric model was selected in two steps.
 Firstly, SAR, SEM and SDM are subjected to fitting analysis. The fit-
ðxi  xÞ Xn 
Ii ¼ wij ðxj  xÞ ð2Þ ting results of the SDM on independent variables and correlation
S2 j¼1
coefficients are ideal. Then, the maximum likelihood test is per-
In Eqs. (1) and (2),Iis the global Moran’s index;Ii is the local Moran’s formed to further select the model. The results show that the P-
index, nis the spatial sample size; xi andxj are the C&D waste dis- value of the two maximum likelihood tests are both 0.0000, so
 rejecting the assumption that SDM can be simplified into SAR
posal industry scales of regions i andj respectively; x is the average
of all regions; S is the standard deviation; and wij is theði; jÞvalue of and SEM.
Variables are normalised, and the logarithm is determined to
the spatial weight matrix. The adjacency matrix is chosen here.
obtain the following model:
I is used to indicate the significance level of Moran’s I, as shown
in Eq. (3). The results of I can be divided into four types of spatial lny ¼ a þ kWðlnyÞ þ b1 WX1 þ b2 WX2 þ b3 WX3 þ b4 WX4
correlation. A positive Moran’s I and I > 0, indicate a ‘high–high’
þ b5 WX5 þ b6 WX6 þ b7 WX7 þ d1 WX1 þ d2 WX2
aggregation type, and large-scale C&D waste disposal industry in
a given city and adjacent cities A negative Moran’s I and I < 0, þ d3 WX3 þ d4 WX4 þ d5 WX5 þ d6 WX6 þ d7 WX7 þ e ð5Þ
denote a ‘low–low’ aggregation type, and small-scale C&D waste
The development of the C&D waste disposal industry in the YRD fits
disposal industry in a given city and adjacent cities. A negative
the SDM.
Moran’s I and I > 0, correspond to a ‘high–low’ aggregation type,
a large industrial-scale city and small adjacent cities. A negative 2.5. Spatial effect analysis
Moran index and I < 0, refer to a ‘low–high’ aggregation type, a
small industrial-scale and large adjacent cities. Once the SDM has been selected for spatial econometric analy-
 I  EðIÞ sis, the effects of the influencing factors need to be selected and
I ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð3Þ decomposed.
The effects of the SDM can be divided into fixed and random
In Eq. (3),I is the significance level of Moran’s I, EðIÞ is the mathe- effects. The former means that the individual effect u i in area i is
matical expectation of global Moran’s I, and VarðIÞ is the variance related to the independent variable xi in the area; otherwise, it is
of global Moran’s I. a random effect. The Hausman test is generally used to select
A Moran scatterplot based on Moran’s I results can be used to fixed- or random-effect models. Its result shows that the develop-
analyse the spatial correlation between cities. The similarity to ment of the C&D waste disposal industry in the YRD conforms to
neighbouring cities can be examined on the location of the city the SDM with fixed effects.
observed in the scatter plot. The Moran scatterplot is also utilised The effects of SDM are decomposed into direct effect, indirect
to express the correlation between the observed value and its spa- effect and total effect to analyse the effector mechanism of inde-
tial lag, the correlation coefficient is global Moran’s I, which is the pendent variables on dependent variables (Lesage, 2008). Direct
slope of the regression line of the scatterplot. effect refers to influence of independent variables in area ion
dependent variables. Indirect effect corresponds to the spatial spil-
2.4. Spatial econometric model lover effect, that is, the effect of explanatory variables on the
explained variables in the adjacent area. Total effect denotes to
In econometrical analysis, the influence of geographic factors on the influence of independent variables in all regions on the depen-
data should be considered. Therefore, a spatial weight matrix is dent variables in region i. The decomposition effect is shown in
introduced to represent spatial effects in spatial measurement. A Equations (6)-(8), and the total effect is shown in Equation (9).
general nesting spatial model can be simplified into three main
models based on three different interaction effects: endogenous y ¼ ðI  kWÞ1 ða þ kWy þ Xb þ WXd þ eÞ ð6Þ
interaction effect, exogenous interaction effect and interaction
effect between error terms. In the endogenous interaction effect, EðyjxÞ ¼ ðI  kWÞ1 ða þ kWy þ Xb þ WXdÞ ð7Þ
a spatial autoregressive model (SLM or SAR) considers that the
0 1 2 3
explained variable of a specific unit A depends on the explained @Eðy1 Þ @Eðy1 Þ bk w12 hk    w1n hk

variable of another unit B; In the exogenous interaction effect, B @x1 @xn
C 6 w21 h bk    w2n hk 7
B .. .. .. C 6 k 7
C ¼ ðI  kWÞ 6 7
the SDM shows that the explained variable of a particular unit B . . . 6 .. .. .. . 7
@ A 4 . . . .. 5
depends on the independent explanatory variable of other units. @Eðy1n Þ @Eðyn Þ

In the interaction effect between error terms, a spatial error model @x1 @xn wn1 hk wn2 hk    bk
(SEM) illustrates that the error term of unit A depends on the error ð8Þ
term of unit B (Elhorst, 2014).
In comparison with SAR and SEM, SDM can comprehensively
Totaleffect ¼ ðI  kWÞ1 ðbk I þ hk WÞg ð9Þ
reflect the influence of variables in their own area and in adjacent
areas, the interpretation force of SDM is also stronger than that of The direct effect is the average of the main diagonal elements of
SAR and SEM, so SDM is more widely used in spatial econometric 

research (Elhorst, 2010). The SDM formula is as Eq. (4). the matrix. If Ad is used to represent the average of the main
diagonal elements of the matrix, the average direct effect can
y ¼ a þ kWy þ Xb þ WXd þ e ð4Þ be expressed as

H. Wang, X. Pan and S. Zhang Waste Management 127 (2021) 158–167


of the disposal industry and help investors choose the right cities
Directeffect ¼ ðI  kWÞ1 ðbk I þ hk WÞd ð10Þ
and plants to invest in.
The indirect effect is the row average of the off-diagonal element of The analysis results of the influencing factors of the develop-
 ment of the C&D waste disposal industry in the YRD are shown
the matrix. If Arsum is used to represent the row average of the off-
in Table 4. The results support the hypothesis that the C&D waste
diagonal element of the matrix, the average indirect effect can be
disposal industry is influenced by the factors of economies of scale.
expressed as
Amongst all significant factors, per capita GDP, annual yield of C&D
n  o
waste, research and development level, transportation develop-
Indirecteffect ¼ ðI  kWÞ1 ðbk I þ hk WÞrsum ð11Þ
ment level, human capital and education level have a positive
effect. Conversely, marketisation level elicits a negative effect.
3. Results and discussion Tan et al. also explored the factors affecting C&D waste recycling
in terms of policy, management, economics, technology and psy-
The major results of this study are explicitly examined and dis- chology (Tan and Hou, 2010). At early development stages of the
cussed in this section. Firstly, the spatial analysis results followed C&D waste disposal industry, continually improving policies and
by the reasons and explanation are analyzed. Then, temporal anal- technical specifications, rationally planning industrial layouts,
ysis with special policies is shown. Lastly, suggestions regarding enhancing the degree of specialisation and strengthening research
the development of the C&D waste disposal industry are made and development likely promote C&D waste recycling and indus-
on the basis of the results of the empirical analysis, and research trial development (Tan and Hou, 2010). The novel findings of influ-
gaps and future research directions are discussed. encing factors can provide reference for governments and investors
in various countries formulate the development plan of C&D waste
3.1. Spatial analysis results disposal industry according to the characteristics of the city and
avoid the interference of negative factors.
Global Moran’s I (Table 3) demonstrates the hypothesis of spa-
tial autocorrelation in the C&D waste disposal industry. Moran’s I is 1) Per capita GDP represents the local economic development
is significantly greater than 0. Therefore, the YRD has a positive level. And it has been demonstrated that lower economic
spatial correlation during the development of the C&D waste dis- performance influences increasing number of personal
posal industry. The significant level of spatial correlation increases bankruptcies (KubÁLek et al., 2017). Areas with high eco-
yearly. Moran’s I is significantly lower than that of other related nomic development levels have a comparative advantage
spatial econometric analysis, because of two main possible rea- in financial support and industrial chain construction. Urg-
sons. Firstly, the C&D waste disposal industry in the YRD is in its ing C&D waste disposal from the perspective of a rational
infancy, and a large gap exists between different cities in the pro- person and emphasising the importance of bottom-up from
cess of industrial development of C&D waste disposal process. Sec- self-interest can help improve the operating environment.
ondly, the volume of C&D waste and recycled building materials is Therefor the Per capita GDP plays a significant role in pro-
high but they have a low value. The transportation cost is relatively moting the industry scale of C&D waste disposal. And it also
high, resulting in the low turnover rate between different cities. has been noted that GDP significantly influences C&D waste
The novel finding of the spatial autocorrelation of the C&D waste generation and management (Aslam et al., 2020).
disposal industry can help countries around the world plan the lay- 2) The annual yield of C&D waste in a region can reflect the
out of C&D waste disposal industry. external pressure and the supply of recycled materials. On
The Moran scatterplot (Fig. 2) shows the type of the spatial the one hand, the annual yield of C&D waste has increased,
autocorrelation of the C&D waste disposal industry in different and environmental pressure has forced the region to seek
cities. Most of the scatter points can be considered to be located solutions to the dilemma of ‘garbage siege’. On the other
in the first and third quadrants. Chizhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua, Shang- hand, C&D waste is used as material for recycled building
hai, Taizhou, Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Ningbo are ‘high–high’ materials, and the sufficient supply of materials provides
cluster types. Chuzhou, Tongling, Yangzhou, Taizhou, Xuancheng, convenience for manufacturers of recycled building
Zhenjiang, Anqing, Changzhou, Nanjing and Yancheng are the materials.
‘low–low’ cluster type. Zhoushan, Huzhou Municipality, Ma’an- 3) Research and development level positively affects the scale
shan, Nantong, Wuxi, Wuhu and Hefei are the ‘high–low’ cluster of the C&D waste disposal industry, that is, areas with higher
type. The results reveal that the development of the C&D waste dis- technical research levels have faster industrial development
posal industry tends to be ‘‘high-high” and ‘‘low-low” aggregation rates. Sorting and remanufacturing technologies derived
types. It is in accordance with the setting that the development of from technological developments can improve the theoreti-
the C&D waste disposal industry in the YRD has a positive spatial cal possibility of the resource utilisation of C&D waste and
correlation. provide technical support for related enterprises. The devel-
A spatial autocorrelation is observed in the distribution of opment of biochar technology (Marouek et al., 2019),
municipal solid waste. Urban planners require an understanding biotechnologically (Marouek et al., 2020) and ultrafine-
of the spatial patterns of municipal solid waste generation to grained interstitial free steel (Hadzima et al., 2007) may help
design policies for various locales within a city (Zhang et al., enhance the energy consumption reform of the building
2015). Similarly, the concentration of the C&D waste disposal material industry. Vandecasteele also emphasised that the
industry in different cities can help managers plan the distribution development of R&D has led to technological advances that

Table 3
Global Moran’s I of the C&D waste disposal industry in the YRD.

Year 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Global Moran’s I 0.259** 0.263** 0.256** 0.286*** 0.286*** 0.348*** 0.369*** 0.376***
p-value 0.015 0.015 0.017 0.010 0.010 0.003 0.002 0.001

Standard errors in parentheses= ‘* p < 0.1 ** p < 0.05 *** p < 0.01’.

H. Wang, X. Pan and S. Zhang Waste Management 127 (2021) 158–167

Fig. 2. Local Moran’s I of the YRD.

Table 4 4) Human capital represents the local labour market situation.

Results of influencing factors analysis. In the manufacturing industry, high wages can often attract
SDM Time fixed SDM spatial SDM Time and spatial more workers to enter the C&D waste disposal industry.
effect fixed effect fixed effect Therefore, an increase in human capital drives the influx of
labour, thereby promoting the expansion of the industrial
lnGDPP 0.95677*** 0.37677*** 0.35240***(0.125) scale of C&D waste disposal.
(0.184) (0.134) 5) Transportation development level represents the carrying
lnCWAY 0.24178*** 0.10229(0.107) 0.09038(0.103) capacity of C&D waste and recycled building materials in a
region. The domestic requirements for the driving of muck
lnRDL 0.22384*** 0.08805*(0.049) 0.05994(0.048)
(0.062) trucks are strict, and clear regulations on the operating time
lnML 1.40936*** 1.82611*** 1.77408***(0.445) and transportation routes are implemented. Therefore, in
(0.184) (0.475) areas with higher transportation levels, the transportation
lnTDL 1.08399*** 0.09269(0.129) 0.11458(0.122) of C&D waste and recycled building materials is more conve-
lnHC 1.10351*** 0.02275(0.214) 0.03940(0.208)
nient, and disposal planning can be carried out efficiently. In
(0.325) terms of transporting C&D waste, the planning of transport
lnEL 0.25134*** 0.10120**(0.041) 0.12938***(0.040) fleets and routes can have a direct effect on the efficiency
(0.069) and economic cost of C&D waste resource disposal
(Elshaboury and Marzouk, 2020).
lnGDPP 1.29809*** 0.35384*(0.207) 0.08447(0.217)
(0.265) 6) Education level can measure the quality of citizens in a
lnCWAY 0.48228*** 0.40793*(0.210) 0.48983**(0.231) region. Considering that the main investment of C&D waste
(0.107) disposal industry is from the current government subsidy
lnRDL 0.24960(0.164) 0.23930**(0.111) 0.15725(0.111) and that the profit rate is low, the quality level of citizen
lnML 1.09566*** 2.69905*** 0.96139(0.906)
(0.370) (0.851)
directly affects the efficiency of C&D waste disposal and
lnTDL 0.74974*** 0.62749*** 0.50758**(0.235) the market acceptance rate of recycled building materials,
(0.180) (0.221) consequently the expansion of scale of the C&D waste dis-
lnHC 2.15101*** 0.52989**(0.260) 0.48463(0.358) posal industry is promoted.
7) Marketisation level negatively affects the C&D waste dis-
lnEL 0.31213** 0.30840*** 0.15410(0.100)
(0.146) (0.095) posal industry. The development rate of the C&D disposal
Spatial industry in cities with a high marketisation level is slow.
rho 0.25731*** 0.36914*** 0.09389(0.110) Amongst the factors influencing C&D waste recycling deci-
(0.084) (0.070) sions, market competition is considered the most signifi-
sigma2_e 0.16243*** 0.02015*** 0.01728***(0.002)
cant(Chinda, 2016). Regions with high marketisation levels
(0.016) (0.002) are more inclined to develop their technology and
knowledge-accumulating industries. A city’s resources tend
Standard errors in parentheses= ‘* p < 0.1 ** p < 0.05 *** p < 0.01’.
to flow to high-tech and financial industries. The C&D waste
disposal industry is essentially not technically demanding,
have contributed to the expansion of the C&D waste disposal However, as a labour-intensive industry, it requires consid-
industry in studies on C&D waste recycling (Vandecasteele erable labour and material resources. Furthermore, the
et al., 2013). C&D waste disposal industry often covers a large footprint,
H. Wang, X. Pan and S. Zhang Waste Management 127 (2021) 158–167

and its profitability and attractiveness of professionals can- Table A1

not compete with those of high-tech enterprises. Therefore, Abbreviation list.

entrepreneurs are often reluctant to invest in C&D waste dis- Abbreviation Explanation
posal plants. C&D waste Construction and Demolition Waste
YRD the Yangtze River Delta
The analysis results of the decomposition effect of influencing SDM Spatial Durbin Model
factors on the development of the C&D waste disposal industry GDPP Per capita GDP
CWAY C&D Waste Annual Yield
in the YRD are shown in Table 5. The results of the decomposition RDL Research and Development Level
effect show how the factors of the economies of scale influence the ML Marketisation Level
development of the C&D waste disposal industry from direct effect, TDL Transportation Development Level
indirect effect and total effect. The influencing factors of industrial HC Human Capital
EL Education Level
development of C&D waste disposal have a spatial spillover effect,
SLM Spatial lag model
and the direction of the factors is slightly different. SAR Spatial Autoregression
Per capita GDP, transportation development level and education SEM Spatial Error model
level positively affect the C&D waste disposal industry in cities.
However, they have a significant negative spillover effect on adja-
cent cities. Cities with developed economies, convenient trans- Table A2
portation, and better education have a higher ‘siphon effect’ than Results of the robustness test.
those with less values. As such, the former attract an influx of Default distance Double distance Inverse
funds, enterprises, and talents from surrounding cities. Therefor thresholds thresholds distance
industrial development in cities is promoted, and the rate of indus-
lnGDPP 1.03662***(0.167) 1.14618***(0.154) 0.57440***
trial development in adjacent cities slows down. (0.169)
The annual yield of C&D waste, research and development level, lnCWAY 0.17952***(0.032) 0.14845***(0.031) 0.22127***
human capital positively affect the regions and adjacent cities. The (0.037)
lnRDL 0.38474***(0.064) 0.32870***(0.052) 0.29192***
increased production of C&D waste consequently increases the
pressure on the environment. Nevertheless, it can be used as a lnML 1.07065***(0.154) 1.15203***(0.160) 0.97625***
raw material and product for industrial flow. Thus, this phe- (0.173)
nomenon promotes the development of the C&D waste disposal lnTDL 1.11356***(0.080) 0.91020***(0.086) 0.81979***
industry for local and adjacent businesses through internal recy- (0.086)
lnHC 2.90569***(0.518) 0.22968(0.267) 1.09304**
cling. The improvement of the research and development level
can provide the technology suitable for this industry. As the tech- lnEL 0.11618***(0.040) 0.13477***(0.038) 0.10987***
nology spreads, the scale of the disposal industry in adjacent cities (0.039)
expands. As the level of human capital in the C&D waste disposal
industry increases, more labour likely flows in, hence, the expan-
sion of scale is promoted.
Marketisation level negatively affect regions and adjacent cities. sistent with the empirical results. Therefor the spatial autocorrela-
The C&D waste disposal industry covers a large footprint and has a tion and the influencing factors of C&D waste disposal industry are
long investment return period. Market competition in cities with a robust.
high marketisation level is more intense. The C&D waste disposal
industry is obviously less attractive to investors than other finan-
cial industries or Internet industries. Therefore, marketisation level 3.3. Temporal analysis results
negatively affect the development of the C&D waste disposal
industry in this region and adjacent regions. The development of the C&D waste disposal industry in the YRD
from 2012 to 2019 is shown in Fig. 3. Before 2016, the industrial
scale of C&D waste disposal in the YRD steadily increased. In
3.2. Robustness check 2016, the growth rate of the scale accelerated. The scale of C&D
waste disposal enterprises grew by 35.79% in 2016 compared with
Other weight matrices selected, such as distance and inverse the same period and increased by 49.10% and 51.15% in 2017 and
distance weight matrices, are selected to test the robustness of 2018, respectively.
the empirical results. The results of the robustness test are shown The government’s policy directly promotes the rapid expansion
in Table A2.. Column 1 is the default distance thresholds matrix, of the C&D waste disposal industry. In 2016, the General Office of
column 2 is the double default distance thresholds matrix, and col- the State Council issued a policy on the use of C&D waste for
umn 3 is the inverse distance matrix. In the robustness test results, replacing natural resources, developing recycled building materials
the direction and significance of the independent variables are con- (GOSC, 2016). Furthermore, the policy proposes financial subsidies
for C&D waste recycling companies, and directly stimulates the
Table 5 C&D waste disposal industry to invest in C&D waste disposal and
Decomposition effect of influencing factors. utilisation. Thus, the importance of C&D waste disposal is empha-
sised from the national level.
Direct Indirect Total
Industrial specifications and industrial construction require-
lnGDPP 0.87662***(0.181) 1.37285***(0.302) 0.49623(0.327)
ments for the sorting and processing of C&D waste have also been
lnCWAY 0.27825***(0.040) 0.69299***(0.122) 0.97124***(0.152)
lnRDL 0.25376***(0.072) 0.40454*(0.210) 0.65830***(0.255)
introduced. In 2016, the state promulgated the policy, which pro-
lnML 1.49934***(0.193) 1.81563***(0.406) 3.31497***(0.451) moted the harmless disposal of C&D waste (NDRC, 2016). In
lnTDL 1.03098***(0.093) 0.63245**(0.260) 0.39852(0.309) 2018, the Ministry of Housing and Urban–Rural Development
lnHC 1.26081***(0.304) 3.06761***(0.852) 4.32842***(1.034) issued the pilot policy, which initially promoted the construction
lnEL 0.07163*(0.044) 0.37832***(0.138) 0.30669*(0.163)
of an industrial chain of C&D waste recycling in all 35 pilot cities
Standard errors in parentheses= ‘* p < 0.1 ** p < 0.05 *** p < 0.01’. (MOHURD, 2018).
H. Wang, X. Pan and S. Zhang Waste Management 127 (2021) 158–167

Fig. 3. Scale of C&D waste disposal industry in the YRD.

Different cities have various political sensitivity, and the C&D may contribute to the development of C&D waste disposal industry
waste policies and disposal modes of central cities affect adjacent in various countries.
cities. For example, the People’s Government of Shanghai promul-
gated management regulations to develop the resource disposal of 1) A C&D waste industry development circle should be
C&D waste, and set up a C&D waste comprehensive service super- planned, and a selection plan for disposal plants should be
vision platform; this platform integrates construction site informa- developed.
tion, C&D waste supply and demand, transportation and disposal
company management, disclosure of government affairs, penalties When formulating policies or promoting work, the government
for violations and real-time monitoring of urban C&D waste in should consider regional interaction because of the spatial autocor-
‘‘Shanghai Model” (Shanghai, 2010). Afterwards, Suzhou promul- relation and significant spatial spillover effects of the C&D waste
gated similar policies and established the Suzhou City C&D Waste disposal industry. Establish development circles centred on cities
Intelligent Supervision Platform (Suzhou, 2018). The surrounding with large C&D waste disposal industries. For example, in Shanghai
cities gradually promoted and used ‘Shanghai model’. development circle, the C&D waste comprehensive service supervi-
The role of external policies in promoting the development of sion platform and disposal methods should be promoted in the
the C&D waste disposal industry is unquestionable. C&D waste surrounding cities of Nantong, Suzhou and Jiaxing; the planning
management policies at all government levels have been gradually of the C&D waste disposal points should be equipped in the devel-
implemented. The simulation results of C&D waste disposal poli- opment circle; and C&D waste disposal factories should be estab-
cies show that source management policies can reduce C&D waste lished at the junctions of Suzhou, Nantong, Shanghai and Jiaxing
by more than 50%. Furthermore, governments can drive purchasing to realise a unified intercity management. In the development cir-
power in the market of building materials and change the rigid cle, state-owned holding enterprises lead the establishment of
perception of recycled building materials amongst contractors research and development demonstration factories by applying
and owners; thus, the development of manufacturing recycled university research to production lines as reference cases for the
building materials is promoted (Liu et al., 2020b). The novel finding surrounding cities and private enterprises. The establishment of
of policies’ stimulation to C&D waste disposal industry demon- development circles to manage C&D waste in multiple cities is
strates the importance of management policy to governments, simultaneously applicable to various countries with different util-
investors and researchers worldwide. However, the C&D waste dis- isation rates of C&D waste recycling.
posal industry gradually entered a stage of rapid development
around 2016. Sporadic policies or programs cannot fundamentally 2) A special management policy should be formulated for cities
solve the problem of improper disposal of C&D waste disposal. The with high marketisation levels.
development of the C&D waste disposal industry requires the guid-
ance of unified national compulsory policies, and the bottom-up Special management policies are formulated for cities with high
participation of citizens and enterprises. The development of the levels of marketisation but slow development of the C&D waste
C&D waste disposal industry should be an interactive and timely disposal industry, such as Zhenjiang and Nantong. In view of the
feedback process. characteristics of market competition in such cities, compulsory
regulations should be formulated for relevant enterprises on the
3.4. Suggestions and discussion disposal of C&D waste. For instance, construction and manufactur-
ing companies above the designated size are required to partici-
Based on our results, the following suggestions on C&D waste pate in C&D waste disposal and give corresponding subsidies.
disposal and utilisation policies are proposed. The suggestions Targeted and mandatory regulatory systems are more effective in
H. Wang, X. Pan and S. Zhang Waste Management 127 (2021) 158–167

cities with competitive markets, especially in countries with better the agglomeration of the C&D waste disposal industry is another
economies. way to solve the problem of C&D waste resource disposal.

3) Demonstration and guidance policies should be developed, 4. Conclusion

and the promotion of environmental protection knowledge
should be strengthened. Through spatial measurement and time–series analysis, this
study finds that the C&D waste disposal industry has spatial and
Demonstration and guidance policies play an important role in temporal autocorrelation and is influenced by the economies of
the popularisation of knowledge and technology in C&D waste dis- scale. This study also proposes suggestions on promoting industrial
posal. Therefore, in cities where the C&D waste disposal industry development based on the empirical results. It provides new ideas
has just started, policy makers should start with demonstration and perspectives for investigating the C&D waste disposal industry.
policies. On the one hand, the harmful effects of arbitrary C&D Spatiotemporal autocorrelation can help the government under-
waste disposal and the benefits of the rational use of C&D waste stand the development of the C&D waste disposal industry in this
should be described and disseminated to reduce the proportion region to formulate regional management plans and targeted poli-
of unreasonable disposal of C&D waste fundamentally. On the cies for special cities. It exhibits the momentum of the develop-
other hand, regulations should be made on the use of recycled con- ment of the C&D waste disposal industry for investors and
struction materials, such as the utilisation rate of recycled con- entrepreneurs from an economic perspective; consequently, they
struction materials in a new project. The market demand for may choose the scale of investment, timing and plant site selection
recycled construction materials should be expanded. Pilot projects and other planning. The Industrial agglomeration of C&D waste
should be set up in central cities, such as Shanghai and Suzhou. would be a vital area needed further work. Therefore, it would be
Such projects can take advantage of a city’s geographic superiority interesting to assess the interaction effects of internal and external
to expand the scope of the demonstration policy. The demonstra- factors during the agglomeration of the C&D waste disposal indus-
tion policies can help industry stakeholders around the world to try in further research.
understand the basics and facilitate the rapid expansion of the
The results of the case study can provide support for the formu- Funding
lation of C&D waste disposal industrial policies in various coun-
tries. The methodical approach used can help researchers in This work was supported by the National Social Science Fund of
various countries to collect basic data on the development of the China [Grant number No. 15ZDC030]
local C&D waste disposal industry, analyse local industrial devel-
opment patterns and provide references for policy formulation Declaration of Competing Interest
and regional industrial planning. It can help investors in various
countries for investment in the C&D waste disposal industry, using The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
spatial and temporal analysis to select the scale and location of cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
C&D waste disposal plants. Bankruptcy is in strong correlations to influence the work reported in this paper.
with financial indicators and statements (Maria et al., 2019). It is
vitally important for inventors to understand the basic develop- Acknowledgments
ment pattern of the C&D waste disposal industry and predict
potential financial risks (Kliestik et al., 2018). Lack of understand- We thank Pengfei Zhang for helping us improve the structure of
ing about the industry can increase entrepreneurs’ fear of failure, the manuscript.
even if the fear of failure does not increase the risk of starting a
business (Nabiha, 2018). This study can also help entrepreneurs Appendix A. Supplementary material
in various countries to understand the direction of the C&D waste
disposal industry and increase their motivation to start their own Supplementary data to this article can be found online at
business. Although our results can support the development of
C&D waste disposal industry and propose some suggestions, insuf-
ficiencies remain. Firstly, given the years of initial industrial devel-
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