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76 [J. Inst. Brew.



By I. C. MacWilliam
{Brewing Industry Research Foundation, Nutfield, Redhill, Surrey)

Received 21th August, 1071

Examination of starches separated from green malt and from kilned malts of
colour ranging between 3 and 23 shows that only small amounts of "new" carbohydrate
linkages are formed in the starches during kilning, though the colour changes from
white to buff and the amount of contaminating protein increases. Nevertheless,
standard enzymic treatments show that the higher the colour value of the malt,
the less susceptible it is to attack by amylases, and the larger is the content of non-
fermentable, non-dialysable dextrin. Although the amount of non-dialysable dextrin
rises as the colour value of the malt increases, dextrin content of the derived wort is
not directly related to the enzymic activity of the malt Thus, the non-fermentable
dextrin of wort from malt of colour 3 is little higher than that of wort from green
malt, despite the considerably higher diastatic power of the latter. Head retention
values of draught and bottled beers from the green malt and kilned malts of colours
3,6 and 13 show no correlation with dextrin content.

Introduction and Discussion have also reported recently that kilning

Comparatively little information exists in produces no pronounced chemical or physical
the literature on physical or chemical changes alteration in malt starch.
undergone by malt starch during kilning. The malts used were obtained from a single
Prolonged heating of starch in the preparation batch of barley which was malted in the
of commercial "gums" and dextrins (e.g., normal way (see Experimental). Before
for 24 h at 100° C followed by 3-5 h at 225° C) kilning, portions of green malt were with
liquifies the granular material to yield a drawn for analyses, isolation of starch and trial
viscous, clear solution.3 The chemical struc brewing. The remainder was kilned and por
ture of the starch becomes altered, probably tions were withdrawn for similar examination
owing to breaking of some of the normal when the colours were 3, 6, 13, 20 and 23.
ee-1,4 and a-l,6-Unkages in the molecule Decrease in diastatic power of the malts
and the formation of 8-1,2-, /3-1.6-, and (Table I) occurred progressively throughout
possibly other bonds.4'8-".18 Such linkages kilning, as would be expected, and some loss
are not hydrolysed by the amylases, so that of nitrogenous materials also occurred. The
the treated starch is degraded to a smaller difference in nitrogen content between the
extent than the starting material. Although green malt and the kilned malt of colour 13
temperatures used during the kilning of was 0-12%. It could be considered that this
malt, such as 24 h at 45-55° C and 5-15 h value falls within the limits of experimental
between 75° and 90° C are considerably error (± 0-07%) for the Kjeldahl method"
lower than those employed in the production but further examination of the nitrogen
of commercial gums, they might still be content of malt as it varies during kilning
sufficient to alter the properties of the starch, is clearly desirable. No changes were found10
possibly through the formation of "new" in nitrogen content of a series of German
linkages. In this investigation the presence malts during kilning although the values for
of "new" linkages in malt starch has been the green malt were not quoted.
sought, and their possible effect on beer Examination of starches.—Separation of
properties investigated. Results show that starch was carried out by a physical pro
only a very few such linkages are formed, and cedure (see Experimental) which removed
these do not appear to affect the properties most of the protein. Analysis of the separa
of worts and beers. Other investigators8 ted starch (Table II) revealed changes
Vol. 78, 1972] macwilliam : effect of kilning on malt starch 77

Analyses op Malts

Malt used

Malt properties malt 3 0 13

Moisture (%) . . 41-3 3-7 20 2-3

Hot water extract (lb/qr) 1040* 102-0 102-2 1010
Cold water extract (%) 10-4* 10-5 10-1 17-1
Diastatic power (°L) 131* 98 68 48
Nitrogen content (%) 1-60* 1-66 1-60 1-47
Index of nitrogen modification (%) . 43-7* 430 41-0 38-7

* Analysed on a freeze dried sample.

produced by kilning. The nitrogen content not be broken by these enzymes but would
showed a rapid rise when the malt was dried yield di- or higher saccharides, whilst the
to colour 3, but subsequently only small rest of the molecule would yield glucose.
further increases during kilning to colour 23. The amounts of undegraded material found
It seems likely that a small proportion of after treatment of the starches (Table II)
protein is denatured during kilning, becoming were very small but showed a rise in the
insolubilized in a form difficult to remove malts with colour values above 6 EBC units.
from the starch. Hydrolysis of the starches Some of the undegraded material remaining
with dilute acid, followed by examination of after attack of the highly coloured malts was
the hydrolysates for material giving a blue probably a disaccharide since it occupied
colour with ferric chloride-potassium ferri- a position on chromatograms between those
cyanide solution, showed that phenolic of maltose and isomaJtose. There was,
material was also present, except in the case however, too little of this material to allow
of green malt. its identity to be established.
Previous investigations on "new" linkages The remainder of the unhydrolysed
formed in starch during the commerical material was immobile on chromatograms
preparation of gums had employed periodate and was, therefore, of larger molecular
oxidation18'18 and methylation techniques*-6 weight. Little or none of the disaccharide
to examine the changes in structure of the was released from green malt and the greatest
starch. In the present investigation purified amount was found in the malts having
amyloglucosidase was employed; this, used colours of 20 and 23. These results suggest
together with a-amylase11, degrades the that small amounts of "new" linkages are
normal a-1,4, and oc-1,6 linkages present in formed in malt starch during kilning and
starch but does not hydrolyse other bonds. these links are resistant to attack by amylo
"New" linkages formed by kilning would glucosidase.

Properties of Starches Isolated from Malts

Carbohydrate not
degraded to glucose by
Colour of Nitrogen content amyloglucosidase (% of
Malt starch isolated (% dry matter) total carbohydrate)

Green White 003 001

Kilned malt colour 3 Off-white 0-28 001
.. 8 Off-white 0-30 0-02
„ 13 Very light buff 0-30 0-07
.. 20 Light buff 0-34 010
,. 23 Buff 0-30 0-10
78 macwiixiam: effect of kilning on malt starch [J. Inst. Brew.
Yields of Non-fermentable Sugars from Malt Starches Attacked by Enzymes from Green

Percentage of non-
dialysablc dextrin in
Non-fermentable* Non-dial ysable non-fermentable
Source of starch carbohydrate dextrin* carbohydrate fraction

Green malt 18-4 6-4 29-4

Colour 3 22-1 7-3 230
6 23-4 7-9 33-8
13 26-2 91 34-7
20 30-7 10-4 33-9
23 35-1 11-2 31-7

• Results are percentages of the total carbohydrate employed, using degradation for 2 h at 65" C by enzymes
from green malt.

Conditions used in the enzyraic degrada intermediate in structure between dialysable

tion with amyloglucosidase (prolonged di sugars and the naturally-occurring amylopec-
gestion at 37° C) are considerably more tin and amylose. These intermediate mater
favourable for complete hydrolysis of starch ials are also present in wort and beer (see
than those which occur during normal below).
mashing of malt for 2h at 65° C. When Brewing trials.—Analyses of the hopped
equal portions of enzymes extracted from worts (Table IV) showed that the contents
the green malt were added to the starches of non-fermentable sugar rose as the colour
and the digests were maintained for 2 h at of the malt increased. With the exception
65° C, the extent of degradation, as reflected of that for the green malt the content of
by the yields of non-fermentable sugars and non-dialysable dextrin also increased as the
of non-dialysable dextrins (Table III) was colour rose. The percentage of non-dialysable
lowest from the green malt starch and snowed dextrin in the non-fermentable carbohydrate
progressive increase in starches from malts (Table IV) showed considerable variation
kilned for increased periods of time. The and no distinct trend emerged. This con
amount of non-dialysable dextrin represented trasts with that of the laboratory examina
about one-third of the non-fermentable tion (Table III) in which the percentage of
sugar in each case. This non-dialysable non-dialysable dextrin remained close to
dextrin gave no colour when iodine solution one-third of the total carbohydrate. Clearly
was added to it and must represent material other factors must influence the amounts

Analyses of Hopped Worts (S.G. 1040) Derived from Different Malts


malt 3 6 13

Total carbohydrate (goitre) 1000 101-6 100-5 98-0

Fermentable carbohydrate (g/litre) 86-6 80S 78-9 74-6
Non-fermentable carbohydrate (g/litre) 13-3 150 21-7 23-6
Non-dialysable dextrin (g/litre) 100 7-6 8-8 10-5
Percentage of non-dialysable dextrin in non-
fermentable carbohydrate 75-2 60-7 41-1 44-8
Colour (EBC units) 6 11 16 29
Nitrogen content (mg/litre) 928 948 968 950
cc-Amino N content (mg/litre) 233 286 262 234
Bitterness (EBC units) 41-4 45-3 48-2 44-8
Vol. 78, 1972] macwilliam: effect of kilning on malt starch 79

and hence the proportions of non-dialysable producing minor variations which alter
dextrins which are found in brewery mashes the close relationship (see Table II) which
compared with those in the laboratory. exists when strach is degraded with enzymes
The effects of these factors are also evident in dilute solution without other substances
when the percentages of fermentable and being present. The present results conform,
non-fermentable carbohydrates (Table IV) however, to the general trend that fermenta-
are considered in relation to the diastatic bility falls with fall in diastatic power.
powers of the malts (Table I). Increases in Fermentation of the hopped worts (S.G.
the production of non-fermentable carbo 1-040) and conditioning of the beers was
hydrate are clearly not in proportion to the carried out in the same manner for each brew,
reductions in diastatic powers as kilning half of which was bottled and the other
progresses. For example, when the dia half maintained in cask. Analyses of both
static power falls by 32° L as green malt is sets of beers (Table V) show that those from
dried to malt of colour 3, the content of green malt and kilned malts of colours 3 and
non-fermentable carbohydrate increases by 6 have very low final gravities and contain
1*7 g/litre, whereas when the diastatic power only a small amount of residual fermentable
falls by a further 30° L as the colour is sugar. The amounts of non-fermentable
increased from 3 to 6, the content of non- and non-dialysable carbohydrate are in all
fermentable carbohydrate rises by 6-7 g/litre. cases slightly less than those in the corre
In view of these results it seems unlikely sponding worts. This may be due firstly
that the very small differences found (Table to a loss of fructose-containing sugars estima
II) in the amounts of "new" linkages formed ted as non-dialysable by the chromotagraphic
in the starch as kilning proceeds have any method used and secondly to the loss of
significant effect on the formation of non- glucosan and pentosan in material sedimen-
fermentable dextrins. ting during fermentation and conditioning.
It seems likely from these results that Losses are similar in all cases (see Tables IV
thickness of the mash, mode of sparging and and V) and are not likely to have any
duration of hop boiling all may play a part in marked effect on beer properties.

Analyses op Bbbrs Derived from Diffbrbnt Malts

Malt used

(B)or Colour
Beer properties (D) Malt 3 6 13

Total carbohydrate (g/litre) D 13-3 16-7 21-6 27-4

Residual fermentable sugars
(g/litre) D M 2-8 1-3 4-8
Non-fermentable carbohydrate
(g/litrc) D 12-2 13-9 203 22-6
Non-dialysable dextrin (g/litre) . ■ D 7-4 6-0 6-7 91
Specific gravity B 3-02 4-38 5-95 9-58
D 301 404 6-40 8-96
Total nitrogen (mg/litre) B 537 616 598 668
D 526 646 693 680
Bitterness (EBC units) B 21-8 25-4 25-1 23-3
D 22-3 26-8 22-6 23-6
Head retention (half life, sec) B(l)* 89 98 91 108
B(2)» 92 81 86 86
D 91 106 93 101
Shelf life (weeks) B 14 > 11 12 12
Colour (EBC units) B 11 9 12 23
D 12 15 17 27
Flavour B "Green "Lager- "Pale "Mild
malt" like" alo" ale"

* (1) at bottling, (2) 6 weeks later.

80 macwilliam: effect of kilning on malt starch [J. Inst. Brew.
The concentration of non-dialysable dex- material and gelatinous protein. The upper
trins in the beers parallels that in the worts layer was removed by scraping with a
but does not appear to show any corre spatula. The separation process was repeated
sponding relationship to other beer properties until the starch was free of other materials.
(Table V). Head retention values are vari After refluxing the starch in methanol
able and showed no distinct trend. The containing 15% v/v/ water, the liquid was
first values for the bottled beers (Table V) removed by filtration and the solid dried in
were taken soon after bottling and the others air. Nitrogen contents of the starches were
after 6 weeks. Those for the draught beers determined by the Kjeldahl procedure.
were taken when the casks were opened 3 Hydrolysis was- carried out by heating
weeks after filling. It has been noted0 starch (0-5 g) in 2-n sulphuric acid for 2 h at
earlier that the head retention value of 100° C. After cooling, a mixture of 0-5%
beer rises to a peak soon after bottling and w/v ferric chloride and 1% w/v potassium
falls gradually afterwards. Some of the ferricyanide (5 ml, 1:1) was added to a
present results for bottled beer (Table V) portion to test for the presence of phenolic
support this trend but further investigation compounds.
of the variation of head retention after Enzymic degradation of starches.—(a) with
bottling is clearly desirable. malt enzymes. These were extracted from
The head retention values do not show any a fully-modified green malt (100 g) by
definite correlation with bitterness or nitrogen disruption in a bottom drive macerator (see
content; thus the highest bitterness is found above) with 1% aqueous sodium chloride
in the beer from malt of colour 3 which also solution (200 ml) for 2 min, followed by
contains the highest content of nitrogenous stirring for a further 2 h. The mixture was
substances. Shelf lives were greater than centrifuged, saturated with ammonium sul
11 weeks and flavours were clean but differed phate and kept overnight. The precipitate
considerably from one another (Table V). was separated by centrifugation, washed with
Non-dialysable dextrins were isolated from saturated ammonium sulphate solution and
each beer, and added back at concentrations redissolved in water. The solution was
of 0-2% to see whether such dextrins affected dialysed for 48 h against running tap water
head retention. Variations in head retention and finally made up to 200 ml with water.
values did not exceed ± 2 sec, suggesting The starches (0-1 g) were mixedwith enzyme
that the effect of non-dialysable dextrins on solution (10 ml) and maintained in a mashing
head retention is negligible. bath at 65° C for 2 h and were then boiled
to destroy enzymic activity. Non-ferment
Experimental able sugars were determined after chromato-
Malts.—These were prepared on the J-cwt graphic separation,12 by means of the
scale in the Foundation's pilot malting anthrone reagent.6 Non-dialysable dextrins
using a Proctor barley, with 0-25 ppm were separated using cellophane tubing
gibberellic acid sprayed on at casting. (Visking Ltd.) and were also estimated using
Analyses of malts were carried out by the the anthrone reagent.
Recommended Methods of the Institute of (b) With amyloglucosidase.—Purified amylo-
Brewing.14 A sample of the green malt glucosidase (0-1 g) which was free of /?-
was freeze-dried to provide suitable material glucosidase activity, was mixed with water
for analysis. (10 ml) and filtered. Portions (2 ml) of the
Separation of starches.—The malts (500 g) filtrate were mixed with salivary oc-amylase
were boiled for 30 min in 80% ethanol, the (1 ml),13 water (7 ml) and starch (0-1 g).
ethanol was removed by nitration, the grain The mixtures were covered with toluene and
was ground in a bottom-drive laboratory maintained at 37° C for 72 h after which they
macerator (M.S.E. Ltd., Crawley, Sussex) and were boiled to destroy enzymic activity.
the suspension was passed through a 100- Sugars not degraded to glucose were separated
mesh sieve to remove fibrous material. and estimated by the methods described
The specific gravity was adjusted to 1-030 above.
with water and the suspension was centri- Worts and beers.—The green malt was
fuged at 1500 rpm Two well-defined layers ground in a disc mill and mashed in the
were formed, a lower layer of almost pure development brewery8 whilst the kilned
starch, and an upper layer of fine fibrous malts were ground in the normal Seek mill

and mashed in the conventional brewery7 4. Christensen, G. M.. & Smith, F., Journal of the
American Chemical Society, 1967, 79, 4492.
for 2 h at 65-6° C. Subsequent boiling, 6. Geerdes. J. D., Lewis, B. A., & Smith, F.,
fermentation, conditioning and bottling were Journal of the American Chemical Society,
carried out by methods already described. 1967, 79, 4209.
The worts had pH values between 6-1 and 5-4 6. Hall, R. D., Journal of the Institute of Brewing,
1960. 62, 222.
and the beers between 3-9 and 4-1. 7. Hall, R. D.. Harris, G., & MacWiUiam, I. C.
Non-fermentable and non-dialysable dex- Journal of the Institute of Bewing, 1964, 60,
trins were estimated by the chromatographic 404.
method described above. Bound fructose 8. Hudson, J. R., & Button, A. H., Proceedings of
the European Brewery Convention, Stockholm,
preserit in the dextrins was measured using 1906. 121.
acidified resorcinol.1 0. Krauss, G., Monatsschrift fiir Brauerei, 1970,
23, 20.
Acknowledgement.—The author thanks Dr. 10. Lucre, H., & Nishimura, S.. Zeitschrift fiir
I. D. Fleming, Glaxo Research Ltd., Green- das Gesamte Brauwesen, 1924, 41, 21.
ford, for the sample of purified amyloglucosi- 11. Marshall, J. J., & Wholan, W. J., FEBS Letters,
1970, 9, 85.
dase used in these investigations. 12. McFarlane, W. D.. & Held, H. R., Proceedings
of the European Brewery Convention, 1953,110.
13. Meyer. K. H., Fischer. E. H., Staub, A., &
Bcrnfeld, P., Helvetica Chimica Ada, 1948,
References 31,2168.
1. Ami, P. C. & Percival, E. G. V., Journal of 14. Recommended methods of Analysis of the
the Chemical Society, 1061. 1822. Institute of Brewing, Journal of the Institute
2. Bathgate, G. N., & Brennan. H., Proceedings of of Brewing. 1971, 77, 181.
the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 15. Thompson, A., & Wolfrom. M. L., Journal of the
1971, in the press. American Chemical Society, 1968, 80, 0018.
3. Caesar, G. V., In Starch and its Derivatives, Ed. 10. Wolfrom. M. L.,Thompson, A.. & Ward, R. B.,
Radley, J. A., London: Chapman & Hall. Journal of the American Chemical Society,
3rd Edition 1968, p. 282. 1960, 81, 4623.

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