Pharma Important Exams Topics

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Pharmacology :-

(Important Exams topics )

1/Vancomycin mechanism of action:==glycopepyide in cell wall inhibition(bacteriocidal)
2/atracrunium mechanism of action==muscle relaxant competitive inhibitor with acetyle cholin in post
synaptic neuron
3/cyclopenataolate mechanism of action==block the action of acetylecholine &cause midrasis in circular
muscle(constrictor papillae
4/mechanism of action of adenosin:==AV node block
5/clindamycin in ssss==antitoxin
6/Gentamycin high what to do pre level high(trough)==
answer: increase interval
7/Benzodiazepines Mechanism of A=
answer==GABA mediated chloride chancel ( in sop neurology 569)

8/Antibiotic that prolong Qt interval option included

answer:-clarithromycin ( sop 361)=collected in==




9/Drug of choice for SVT==adenosine

10 /Mode of action of adrenaline in anaphylaxis==alpha receptor vasoconstrictor(case TAS 30)

11/ Drug antagonise aldosterone ==spirinolactone

12/ Mode of action of Acetazolamide==inhbit absorption of HCO3 in proximal convluted tubules

13/ Drug acting on loops of henle==frusemide

14/Reteniods mechanism of action in acne== inhibit cebum production(oral act in 4pathogenic

factor eg bacteria,)
14/ mecanism of action of alloprinol==xanthine oxidase inhibitor
15/EMQ, Toxicity of Chemo Drugs:
1. Osteosarcoma treated pt, breathless at night: Doxorubicin (PND)
2. Glycosuria anti- cancer drug: ifosfamide,,dexamethazone
3.what causes pripheral neuropathy??vincistin (REVERSABLE)
16/Monoclonal antibody against CD20 antigen drug? rituximab sop 540
17/ Case of PDA with thrombocytopenia +sign of heart failure
Ibuprofen versus indomethacin,,frusomide(if there is sign of heart failure)
18/mechanism of action of metformin=
1-decrease glucose uptake,2-decrease tissue resistance to insulin
answer ==decrease tissue resistance to insulin
19/antibiotic Not to use in pt with G6PD== SULPHA CONTANING =+ANTIMALARIA

EMQ - mechanism of Action of medications:

Ranitidine - H2 blocker
propranolol - B1 B2 blocker
chlorpheramine - H1 blocker
Inhibitors of inosine 5 monophosphate
Mofetil(same drug ??)
What drug avoid when renal function test deranged.
One toxicity drug with hypertension dilated pupils and tachycardia.
Mechanism of omeprazole?
Suppress gastric acid secretion by specific inhibition of the H+/K+ ATPase enzymesystem at
the secretory surface of the gastric parietal cell
. Mechanism of salbutamol induce hypokalemia
Na receptor
H receptor
Na and k receptor
Child was penicillin allergy. What antibiotic is suitable for him, he has symptoms of
exudative tonsillitis , foul mouth odour??
Treatment for chlamydia (STD)
single dose of azithromycin or a week’s course of doxycycline
Mechanism of action of Insulin
fat deposition ,. synthesis of glycogen,, and inhibit gluconeogenesis
. Mechanism of action of adrenaline in anaphylaxis
Vasoconstriction( act on alpha)( also adrenaline has effect in beta 1&beta2)


1/-Drugs with side effects:

a/ Visual field defect vegabatrin

b/ Acute dystonia metaclopramide

d/ Causing Steven Jonson syndrome= carbamezapine

2/Monoclonal antibodies:
A/ Anakinra IL1

B/infleximab==anti TNF

C/calcitonin inhibitor==Tarculumus (not used in less than 2yrs)

3/Mechanism of loop diuratics NA K 2CL CO TRANSPORT BLOCK

4/Mode of action of methotrexate== Antifolate metabolism (Dihydro folate reductase inhibitor &
block DNA

5/Hyosine action ==non selective muscarnic receptors inhibitor

6/One child with absence sizure, mother is afraid of antiepilepsy what medicine not to

7/Mode of action of methylephenidate ==block dopamine transporters leading to increase

dopamine and norepinphrine

8/Side effect of anti TB that cause colour blindness==ethambutol

9/Steroid potency..dermovate(clobetazole) betnovate(betamethazone) ,imovoate(clobetazone)


10/Management of orbital cellulitis 3rd generation cephalosporin

11/Vancomycin?? inhibit cell wall synthesis

12/ Site of action of dobutamine? beta receptor 1

13/Mode of action of adrenaline ? vasoconstriction

14/DRUG that reduce salvia secretion _ _ glycopyrrolate?(glycopronium promide) anti mascarnic


1/.EMQ about Clarithromycin ,,amikacin,,,teicoplanin..,trimethoprim

1.Antimicrobial with Same class of gentamycin?==amikacin

2.antimicrobial that enhance action of Sulphanmide?=trimethoprin

3. antimicrobialthatworkontetrahydrofolat?=trimethoprine

2./EMQ about dobutamin,,,Phenylpherine ,,isoprenone,,,dopamine,,,clondine

1.selective B1 adrenergic receptors used in heart failure? dobutamin

2. Beta2 agonist long Acting ?==isobrinone

3. Alpha1 adrenergic receptor cause decrease mucous production ?==phenylepherine

3.Mechanism of action carbamazipine:

1/presynaptic calcium channel ,2/Na channel ,blockage, 3/GABBA, NMDA

4/.Mechanism of action zidovudine==

Reverse transcriptase inhibitor

Mechanism of action atomexite

increase release of epinephinrine and decreasere up take of dopamine??

IT act mainly in norephrine pathway and has long term effect sop p75

Scenario about pttaking multiple chemotherapy ciclosporin ,vincristin came with foot drop what you will say
to them?

……1/irreversible 2/ reversible side effects

.Mechanism of action of Tocilizumab= intiIL-6

1. Action Of Insulin ;
- Causes Lipolysis, Glucogenesis And Glyconeogenesis
-Fat Deposition In Cells , Glycogenesis, And Glucogenesis

2. Mechanism Of Action Of Methotrexate

- Dehydrofolate (Dhfr) Inhibition And Interfere In DNA RNA Synthesis Specially By Inhibit
Thymine Synthesis ,.

3. Mechanism Of Action Of Proton Pump Inhibitors

Binds Irreversibly To A Hydrogen/Potassium Atpase Enzyme ( Proton Pump ) On Gastric
Parietal Cells And Blocks The Secretion Of Hydrogen Ions, Which Combine With Chloride
Ions InThe Stomach Lumen To Form Gastric Acid.

4. Mechanism Of Action Of Ethanol In Alcohol Toxicity

Inhbit Al Cohol Dehyrogenese. ,Block Diethylen Glycole Metabilites.(Oxalic Acide . Glyoxylic
Acide )

5. Mechanism Of Action Of Dobutamine

A. B2 Agonist
B. B1 Agonist
C. Alpha And B Agonist
D. Alpha Agonist
Dobutamine : Is A Sympathomimetic Drug Used In The Treatment Of Heart
Failure And Cardiogenic Shock. Its Primary Mechanism Is Direct Stimulation Of alpha 1 and
beta 1&2 Receptors Of The Sympathetic Nervous System. Has entropic effect and relative
week chronotropic effect .
6. Mechanism Of Action Of Azithromicin
Inhibits Protein Synthesis ( Antiribosome 50 )

7 Mechanism Of Action Of Adenosine

A. Block Conduction Through Av Node
B. Block Conduction Through Sa Node

8. Vigabatrin Is Known To Cause

A. Visual Field Defects
B. Night Blindness

9. Which Antiepileptic Should Be Avoided In Absence Seizure

-Carbamazepine .

10. How Does Iv Salbutamol Cause Hypokalemia ?

Intracellular Shift Of K+

11 . Insulin Action On K :
It Moves Potassium Intracellular Cell

12. Patient Who Devepoled Sudden Renal Impairment And Was Admitted To
The Ward, Should Avoid Which Medication?

13.Choose A Drug For The Following Side Efects

A. Hyperglycemia And Something About Affecting IQ When Used In Neonate Less One Week
Of Life?
B. Causes Hypotension Bradycardia Apnoea And Urine Retention?
C. Renal And Liver Toxicity With Thrombophlebitis Of Vein.
It Was Vancomycin

14. Also Another Set Of Drugs With Side Effects

A. Nephrotoxic = Ibuprofen
B. Hepatotoxic =Methotrexate
C. Growth Retardation =Prednisolone

15.Interpretation Of Gentamicin Level

A. Pre Dose High Post Normal: Same Dose Increase Interval( MOST COMMONE ASKED
B. Pre Dose Normal Post High: Same Interval Reduce Dose??
C. Pre Dose Normal Post Normal: Continue Same
15. Asthma Medication
A. Long Acting Beta Agonist – Flumertol or Salmetrol
B. Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist- Montelukast
C. Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor- Theophylline (Increse cAMP and Cause Bronhcodilation ).

16. Tumour Necrotic Factor : TNF are (This cytokine is mainly secreted by
1. May be the Q is about the TNF inhibitor: e.g : infliximab

2. Cni Inhibitor (calcineurin inhibitor) :

Cyclosporine and tacrolimus comprise the calcineurin inhibitors.
Note : Calcineurin inhibitors suppress the immune system by preventing interleukin-2
(IL-2) production in T cells

1vancomycin Overdose After 24 Houre In 10 Days Infant :

Intersitisal Nephritis,Hearing Loss,Anaphalyxis, philebitis

2.-Vancomycin Mech Of Action

Cell wall synthesis inhibition

3- Omeprazole Mech Of Action

4- Child On Penicillin Prophylaxis From 4 Months Come With Sever Tooth

Decay The Dentist Said This Because Of Penicillin What Should U Do??
Stop Drug Or Change To Sugar Free Penicillin Or Ignore Dentist Opinion

5monoclonal Antibody For

Rsv( Res Sensitial Virus ): palivizumab
TNF: infliximab / adalimumab
IgE : (for asthma ) omalizumab

6- Lamotrigene Side Effects

Skin rash and diplopia , GIT symptoms .
7- Drugs ,,,
1. Ca Antagonist : amlodipine / nifedipine / verapamil
2. B1 Antagonist : atenolol (selective )/ metoprolol /bisoprolol
3. B1 & B2 Antagonist : propanalol / sotalol
4. Non Specific Adrenoceptor Agonist (ALFA and BETA):dobutamine
5. Non selective (ALFA and BETA) antagonist : labetalol

8- Drugs :
1. Anti- Proteinuria : ACI /ARBS
2. Potent Vasoconstrictor: Vasopressin
3. Nitric Oxide Actions On PHTN : increase cAMP and cause vasodilatation

9- SSSS Given Ceftriaxone Why Need To Add Clindamycin?

Naturalise the toxin/ (inhibit the bacterial toxins production)

1. Mechanism Of Action Of Metformin:

lower the amount of sugar in the blood by increase the sensitivity of the
cell to insulin and lower the amount of sugar produced by the liver .

2. Mechanism Of Action Of Omeprazole ;( repeated 3 times in previous exam)

H-K Pump Blocker

3. Mechanism Of Action Of Theophylline In Asthma

Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor. Bronchodilatation

B. Anticholinergic (procyclidine)
C. Increase Camp
D. Increase No
Acetyl choline receptor antagonist (block)

4. How Antenatal Steroids Decrease (Respiratory distress )

A. Increase In Number Of Type 2 Pneumatocytes
B. Release Of Already Stored Surfactant
Answer : it cause accelerate maturation Of Type 2 Pneumatocytes
Note : It is made up of 70% to 80% phospholipids, approximately 10% protein and 10% neutral
lipids, mainly cholesterol [3]. The primary surface-active material found in surfactant is the
phospholipid, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC), while the surfactant proteins are SP-A, SP-B,
SP-C and SP-D.

4. Which Are The Drugs Of Choice In The Following Situations, (Scenario)

(Adenosine, Prostaglandin E1, Alprostenol, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen)

A. Stable SVT : Adenosine

B. Critical Aortic Stenosis: Prostaglandin E1(Alprostenol)/E2 (dinoprostone)
C. PDA In A Baby With Low Plt: Ibuprofen

6. For Which Organism These Drugs Are Most Effective

● Tazo/Piperacillin, psudomonus/
● Azithromycin : mycoplasma, grampositive
● Amphotericin : anti fungal Aspergillusfumigatus

7. What Is The Mechanism Of Action Of Allopurinol;

A. Xanthine Oxidase Inhibitor *
B. Urate Oxidase Inhibitor

8. Mechanism Of Action Of Retinoids In Acne

A. Inhibit Propionibacterium Acne
B. Decrease Sebum Production

9. Which Drug Is Derived From Cd 20 Molecule In B Cells

A. Rituximab
B. Anakinra
C. Infliximab
D. Mofetil
E. Methotrexate

1 mechanism Of Adenosine ?
2 Monoclonala Antibody ?
3 Side Effect Of Antiemtics ( extarpyramidl manifestation )/occulogyric
4 Mode Of Action Of
Dombridone : block dopamine receptors peripheral
Ondrstan : selective5 -hydroxy trebtamine (5HT3) antagonist
5 S\E Of ADHD Drug : growth retardation, tic , hypertension, arrhythmia.
1what Is The Way That neonate Metabolise Paracetamol –
2. Characteristic Of Bilirubin.. Phototherapy Mechanism:
Phototherpy Will Convert The Unconjugated To Water Soluble
3. Mode Of Action Of Monoclonal Antibody
IL6 = Tocilizumab,
Cd20 = Rutixumab ,
Inositol Monophosphatase Inhibitor = involved in cell proliferation, apoptosis
and cell movemen

3.. Action on Cardiac cell :

Act On Beta 1 Receptor: Increase Cardiac Contractility And Heart Rate
Act On Alpha 1 Receptor And Decrease Mucous Production,
Has Long Effect Of Beta 2 Receptor And Cause Bronchodilater
Notes :
A1( Vessels ) = Vasoconstriction
A2 Sympatholytic
B1 ( Heart ) = Increase Hr And Contractility
B2 ( Lungs ) = Bronchodilator , " Vasodilator " , Increase Insulin So Affecting K

Q : Drugs With Following Mecahnism :

● Alpha Agonist Cause Inhibition Of Mucous Secretion = Phenylphrine
● Long Acting B Agonist = Salmetrol
● Short Acting B Agonist = Salbutamol

Q. Pharma Side Effect

● Metabolic Acidosis + Nephrocalcinosis + Hyponatremia, * Spironolactonerespiratory
● Central Depression + Hyperthermia, * ?Nephritis * ? Furesmide
MetabolicAcidosis =Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor (Acitazolamide) , K Sparing
(Spironolactone )
MetabolicAlkalosis =Furesimide(hyper Ca urea ),
Thiazide(cause hyper Ca aemia) it is also weak diuretic.,hypo CL, hyperglycaemia.
(Furesimide +Thiazide) together cause hyperuricemia
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor = Glaucoma. ?

5. Drug Used In Neonatal Emergency:

● 34 Wk + Low Plt Duct Closed PDA :Indomethacin/*Ibuprofin,
● Severe Aortic Stenosis : prostaglandin E1
● 35 Wks Features Of Renal Impairement (Close Pda) ?? May Be Heart Failure So Will
Use Furesmide??
6. Acyclovir:
A. Water Soluble
B. *Excreated By Kidney
C. Metabolised And Execreated By Liver
D.( Low Or High ) Bound To Plasma Protein
NoteFrom 1st Aid

7.Mode Of Action of Guanosine Analogs : inhibit viral DNA proliferate . e,g:


8. Drug Used For MRSA:


9. Botox Mechanism Of Action:

Destruction Of Acetylcholine esterase, *Bind To Presynaptic Receptor

10. obese Lazy Diatery Management Not Improved They Give Him Drug
Note: Drugs May Be Used With Obesity
Orlistat = LipaseInhibitor = All Fat Soluble Vitamins ( Adek )
Metformin = Biguinade Increase InsulinSensitivity

11.Drug The Block The Na Channel :


12.Prophylasis Of Meningitis:
*Ciprofloxacin, as new guideline
Ceftriaxone Inj Once

Q=Infliximab Mechanism ? Anti TNF-Alpha

A Monoclonal Antibody For Ttt Of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Q=Mechanism OF Tocilizumab?Inhibits IL-6
Q=Which Drug Potentiate Sulfonamide? Trimethoprim
Q=Dystonia Side Effect Of Drug ?Metoclopramide
Q=Visual Field Defects ? Vigabatrin
Q=Sjs Can Occur With Which Drug Of These ? Carbamazepine
Q=Ranitidine Acts On ? H2 Antagonist
Q=Chlorpheniramine? H1 Antagonist
Q=Propranolol? B1&2 Antagonist
Q=Adrenaline Why Used In Anaphylaxis .. ?vasoconstriction
Q=Mechanism Of Furosemide (Or Some Other Question Related To
Furosemide) ? Na/K/Cl Cotransport At Ascending Loop
Q=A Drug Inhibits Bacterial Thymidine? Trimethoprim sulphate / methotrexate
Q=A Drug Of The Same Family Of Gentamicin ? Amikacin
Q=Drug Used In Palliative Ttt For Excess Secretions? Glycopyrrolate
Q=A Case Of Absence Seizure .. Drug Of Choice ?No Option For Ethosuximide .
Choosed Valproate

1.Mechanism Of Ppi ? same before

2.Best Antibiotic For:
Newborn With Listeria Monocytogenes → Ampicillin
Salmonella Infection : Ceftraxone
A Cystic Fibrosis Patient With Acute Pseudomaonas Infection: Topramycin + ceftazidem (for
symptomatic pt.)/ ciproflocxacilline (asymptomatic psudomonus)/ newly diagnosed
flucloxacillin up to 2 years.

3. Most Important Side Effects For

Phenytoin → gingival hypertrophy/dit D deff./ hydantoin baby
Methotrexate → Hepatotoxicity
Ibuprofen →Nephrotoxicity
Oral Prednisolone → Delayed Growth
Lorazepam → Respiratory Depression
Thiopentane → Cns Depression

4. Site Of Action Of Furosemide . repeated

5. What Is Treatment Of Lyme Disease At 8 Years Old Male Pati

● Ampicillin
● ▪Cefuroxime
● ▪Benzylpenicillin
● ▪Doxycycline = 12 years
● ▪Ceftriaxone

Q= Drugs That Can Be Given Via The UAC? All except :

Hyper/hypo tonic solution, adrenalin,nor adrenalin , dopamine , hyperosmolar.

5. Emq Side Effect

● Steven Jonson Syndrome-->Carbamazepine
● AcuteDystonia-->Metochopramide
● Hirsutism --- >phynitoin

6. T Or F Quest. Teratogenic Drugs:

A. Aspirin == teratogenic in high dose F
B. Na Valproate T
C. Nicotine Replacement Therapy F
D. Thyroxine F
E. Insulin F

7. Mechanism Of Action Of The Following Drugs:

Option : (,Dopamine Antagonist,H1recptor Antagonist,
Canabinoid Recteptor Antagonist,Ht5 Recptor Antagonist.)
● Domperidome.Dopamine Antagonist
● Hyoscine butaylbrumide. Muscarinic in GIT Muscrininc Antagonist
● Ondesartan Rececptor. Ht5 Recptor Antagonist.

8. Drugs: (Pseudomonas /Aspregillus/ Mycoplasama)

1- Tazocin/Pipracillin Pseudomonas
2- Azithromycine Aspregillus
3- Amphotricin Mycoplasama

9. Emq
1-14 Years Old Girls Take Overdose Of Unknown Drug Hot Flushed
Hypertensive Tacchycardia Convlsion Occure In Ambulance
I Answer It Methyphenadit Cz This Picture Of Amphetamine Toxicity
2- Girl With Vomiting Buy Tablets From Nearby Super Market All Vital Signs
Are Normal ( with blood gas)???
I Was Confused Between Paracetamol And Aspirin But I Found Respiratory Rate Normal So
I Choose Paracetamol
3- Girl With Vomiting Stained With Blood And Hypotensive
This Ferrous Sulfate

10. Emq
One Emq About Pain Management:
1-4 Year Old Boy With Burn
I Answer It Iv Morphine
2-Child With Accident And U Request Ct Scan But Orthopedic Want To Take
Him First To DoThomsonSplit
I Answer It Femoral Nerve Block
3-Girl With Headache Now Receive 1gm Paracetamol Every Six Hour And
Brufen 400 Mg Every 8 Hour Wt Will U Give Her
I Answer No Treatment Bcz This Is Rebound Headache
11/Emq One Emq About Hair Falling And Treatment
1-One Was Alopecia Areata And I Choose Treatment With :Topical Steroid
2- One Was Tinea Capitis And Choose :Oral Grasiofluven
3-One Was Telgon Effluvium This Girl Which Has Pneumonia 3 Monthes Ago ?
12.Side Effects Of Frequent Usage Of Furosemide?
1. Hypomageseamia.?
2. Hypocalcaemia.?
3. Nephrocalcinosis

13. Action Of Spironolctone? Competitive binding to Aldosteron receptor

14. About Absence Epilepsy Which Drug If Used Will Increase The Frequency Of Attack?

16. Mechanism Of Action Of Adrenaline In Anaphy;Axis

Rise Peripheral Vasculare Resistannce

17. Order Of Corticosteriod According To Potency

18. Side Effects Of Adenosine. Bronchospasm

19. Side Effects Of Prostaglandin. Apnoea

20. Mechanism Of Action Of:

Adenosine ,( Adalimumab , Etanercept = TNF), Dopamine

21. Suxamethonium Contraindcation In :

A. Mutiple Sclorosis,
B. Ducheane Muscular Destrophy,
C. Spinal Bifida Occulta,
D. Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 3

22. Aspirin Chronic Doses Cause Increase Apttt Not One Dose??

Ace Inhibitor
Alpha Blocker
Beta Blocker
Alpha+Beta Blocker
Ca Channel Blocker
Loop Diuretics
Potassium Sparing Diuretics
● Nifidipine Ca
● Labetalol A&B
● Captopril ACI
2.Hiv +Ive Mom On HeartTreatment What To Give During Delivery I/V That
She Shud Not Transfer Virus To Baby
A. Zidovudine?????????????
B. Interferon Gemma

3. Effect Of Drugs Used In PregnancyT/F

A. Carbamezipine----- Cardiac Abnormailities \ neural tube defect
B. Diethylstilbestrol ----- Clear Cell adenoCarcenoma Of The vagina
C. Progesterone----- Feminization Of Male
D. Thyroxin---- Hyperthyroidis

4. Emq
Option : (IV Epinephrine/Inhaled Epinephrine/IV Hydrocortisone/IVantihistamin/Oral
Prednisolone/Oral Antihistamin/S.C Epinephrine/Inhaled Hydrocortisone)
Q1=A. Baby With Asthma….Eith Swelling Of Face And Eye,But Normal Breathing And
Otherwise Well,Mom Thinks After Eating Icecream .
Oral Antihistamin
Q2=A 14yrs Old On Asthma Medication On Fluticasone N Inhaled Laba Came With Redness
Of Tounge Face N Hands .
Oral Antihistamin?????

= Sideffect Of Methyphenidate:
A. Addiction
B. Growth Retardation

1.7 Year Old With Faltering Growth Bloated Abdomen ,Anorexic .Small Bowel
Biopsy Confimrs Crohns Disease What Is First Treatment Of Choice
A Polymeric Diet
D. none Of The Above

1. Severe Metabolic Acidosis, Labored Breathing--?Aspirin Overdose

2. Child With Cf Distressed By Extensor Spasms Rx--- Baclofen/ Clonazepam (No Option Of
Vigabatrin Or Acth)?????

3. Insulin Regimen Table Given-High Rbs At Bedtime Rx----

-Increase Long Acting Insulin At Bedtime
-Increase Short Acting Insulin At Lunch And Supper ?
The Drugs Which Can Be Given Intrathecally(T/F) –
Baclofen T, Hydrocortisone T,Methotrexate T, Vincristine F, Vinblastine F

1. Drug Taken- Amitryptilline,Ecstasy,Cocaine,Temazepam

2.Anti Epileptic Drug (Emq)

1. Insulin Action?
2. Six Year Boy Suffers From Severe Asthma And Is On Regular 4hrly
Salbutamol Inhalers And Becotide Inhalers At Home. He Comes To
A&E. What Is The Best First Mamagement U Will Give?
-Iv Salbutamol
-Salbutamol Inhalers
-Iv Hydrocortisone
-Iv Theophylline
-Oral Pednisolone

3. Emq:
(Oral Antibiotics/I.V.Antibiotics/Oral Acyclovir/I.V.Acyclovir/Teach Use Of
Emmolients/Topical Antifungals/Tacrolimus/Cyclosporine/Wet Bandages)
● 7 Yr Old Diagnosed With Eczema Earlier Comes With Flaring Acute
With Widespread Temp 38. Miserable
I.V Acyclovir
● Same Boy. No Fever, C/O Of Dryness Itchy and Discomfort.
Teach Use Of Emollients
● Same Boy With Fever With Few Pustules Covered With Yellow Crust. Oral

4. T/F Drugs to Be Avoided During Breast Feeding

A. Amiodarone T
B. Valproate F
C. Cyclosporine F

5. Side Effects Of:

● DesferrioxamineHearing Loss
● Diabetes Mellitus,Retinopathy,
● YerseniaInfection,?
6. Side Effects Of Long Term Steroids For Cld -Rupture Of Stomach,
Rupture Of Duodenum, Nec,Hypotension, Pt-Adrenal Axis Dysfunction????

7. Drugs Ci In Pregnancy
Sod Valproate, B Blockers, Ibuprofen, Digoxin,? ....
8. Withdrawing And Witholding Treatment ?
Following Cause Vasoconstriction
A Adenosine (BOTH constrict in renal and mostly dilate in the vessels)
B Captopril
C Nitric Oxide
D Prostaglandin

2. Mechanis Of Action Inflixmab: TNF

3. Side Effect Of:

Theophyline = arrhythmia ,GIT symptoms
Phenytoin =gum hypertrophy
Lorazepam =respiratory depression
Dopamine = GIT symptoms , headache , SOB, irregular HR

Collected By Dr.Jowayria Eltayeb .

-2019 TAS GROUP RE review.
Good Luck .

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